G.Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science (Autonomous)
Shaikpet, Accredited by NBA & NAAC by AICTE & Affiliated to JNTUH,
PATTERN) UG and PG PROGRAMS Academic Year 2019-22
Exam branch Structure and Responsibilities:
The office of The Controller of Examinations” has been established from the month of June
2018 since the conferment of Autonomous to the institution. The Examination cell has been
formed to supervise the examination & evaluation process which is headed by the CE. The
conduct of examinations in the autonomous system is an important academic activity to check
the ability of the student's performance. In this context, Examination Cell plays an important role
in the evaluation process. At each and every stage in the evaluation process, including
Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and Semester End Examinations (SEE), CE along with his
office staff meticulously monitor the performance of students by giving suitable guidelines to
various departments in the institution from time to time.
Controller of Examination (CE):
CE is authorized person to implement all rules and regulation laid by Institute
Examination Cell, an authorized person to declare results, grades and printing grade
He is in charge of all examination process for smooth functioning.
The CE shall prepare the examination schedule and plan for dates of declaration of the
results at the beginning of the semester and notify the same. ESE, Makeup Examination
shall be conducted centrally through CE office along with its assessment.
Overall examination process which includes, scheduling the examination dates, to take
necessary action to set the question papers from the examiners, printing the question
papers, conduction, valuation, Disclosure of answer books and announcement of results.
To provide proper notification to the departments related to the examination process and
conducting the examination time to time.
Getting CIE marks from the departments from time to time.
The declaration of time schedule, name list, summary list and ledger printing for various
Stationary purchasing, coding, its supply and record keeping. Appointment of paper
setter, Examiners, Evaluators, Sr. Supervisor, Related staff.
Collection of answer booklets, collection of Question paper set and its security.
Examination Cell budget preparation and authorized signatory for grade cards and results.
Issuing the Transcripts and PDC.
Conduction of Malpractice committee meeting and issuing all Notification related
Strictly adhere to the university instructions regarding Autonomous Examinations.
Announcement of the examination fee and other fees related to examination.
Facilitating Paper Seeing and Revaluation Processes.
Providing and Publication of rank lists and Medal lists before the conduct of Annual
Recommendations to the University for the award of degrees.
Additional Controller of Examination (ACE):
Examination form and its processing, name list, summary list. Question Paper Setting, Valuation,
Scrutiny, Tabulation, Results Processing and Moderation of Question Papers. Question papers
printing and Coding and Decoding process.
There shall be examinations at the end of each semester, for odd semesters in the month of
October/November; for even semesters in April/ May. A candidate who does not pass the
examination in any course(s) may be permitted to appear in such failed course(s) in the
subsequent examinations to be held in October / November or April / May. However candidates
who have arrears in Practical’s shall be permitted to take their arrear Practical examination only
along with Regular Practical examination in the respective semester.
Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and Semester End Examinations
The performance of a student in each semester shall be evaluated Subject-wise
(irrespective of the Credits assigned) with a maximum of 100 marks for Theory, or
Labs/Practical’s, or Drawing/Design, or Elective Course, or Seminar, or Mini-Project, or
Project I, or Project II etc. These evaluations shall be based on 30% CIE
(Continuous Internal Evaluation) and 70% SEE (Semester End Examination), and a Letter
Grade corresponding to the % of marks obtained shall be given.
For the Theory Subjects during the semester, there shall be 2 mid-term examinations for 25
marks each. Each mid-term examination consists of one Objective section for 10 marks, plus
one Subjective section for 15 marks, with a total duration of 120 minutes. Further, there shall
be an allocation of 5 marks for the Assignment, and there shall be 2 Assignments. The
Objective section may be set with multiple choice questions, True/False selections, fill - in the
blanks, matching type questions, etc. The Subjective section shall contain 5 questions, out of
which the student has to answer any 3 questions, each question carrying 5 marks.
For the Lab/Practical Subjects, the Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) during the semester
shall be for 30 Marks, and the End Semester Examination (SEE) shall be for 70 Marks.
Out of the 30 Marks for internals (CIE), day-to-day assessment of the lab work shall be assessed
for 20 Marks; and one internal lab exam shall be conducted by the laboratory teacher concerned
for 10 Marks. The Semester End Examination (SEE) for Lab/Practicals shall be conducted at the
end of the semester by Two Examiners nominated by the Head of the Department and approved
by the Principal
There shall be an Industrial Oriented Mini Project/Summer Internship, in collaboration with an
industry of their specialization. Students will register for this immediately after III year II
semester examinations and pursue it during summer vacation. Industrial Oriented Mini
Project/Summer Internship shall be submitted in a report form and presented before the
committee in IV year I semester. It shall be evaluated for 100 external marks. The committee
consists of an external examiner; Head of the Department, supervisor of the Industrial Oriented
mini project/Summer Internship and a senior faculty member of the department. There shall be
no internal marks for Industrial Oriented Mini Project/Summer Internship.
There shall be a seminar presentation in IV year I semester. For the seminar, the student shall
collect the information on a specialized topic, prepare a technical report, and submit it to the
department. It shall be evaluated by the departmental committee consisting of Head of the
Department, seminar supervisor and a senior faculty member. The seminar report shall be
evaluated for 100 internal marks. There shall be no semester end examination for the seminar.
UG project work shall be carried out in two stages: Project Stage I during IV Year I Semester,
Project Stage II during IV Year II Semester. Each stage will be evaluated for 100 marks.
Student has to submit project work report at the end of each semester. First report includes
project work carried out in IV Year I semester and second report includes project work carried
out in IV Year I & II Semesters. SEE for both project stages shall be completed before the
commencement of SEE Theory examinations.
For Project Stage I, the departmental committee consisting of Head of the Department, project
supervisor and a senior faculty member shall evaluate the project work for 70 marks and project
supervisor shall evaluate for 30 marks. The student is deemed to have failed, if he (i) does not
submit a report on Project Stage - I or does not make a presentation of the same before the
evaluation committee as per schedule, or (ii) secures less than 40% marks in the sum total of the
CIE and SEE taken together. A student who has failed may reappear once for the above
evaluation, when it is scheduled again; if he fails in such ‘one reappearance’ evaluation also, he
has to reappear for the same in the next subsequent semester, as and when it is scheduled.
For Project Stage II, the external examiner shall evaluate the project work for 70 marks and the
project supervisor shall evaluate it for 30 marks. The topics for industrial oriented mini project,
seminar and Project Stage I shall be different from one another. The student is deemed to have
failed, if he (i) does not submit a report on Project Stage - II, or does not make a presentation of
the same before the external examiner as per schedule, or (ii) secures less than 40% marks in the
sum total of the CIE and SEE taken together. For conducting viva-voce of project stage II,
GNITS selects an external examiner from the list of experts in the relevant branch.
A student who has failed may reappear once for the above evaluation, when it is scheduled
again; if student fails in such ‘one reappearance’ evaluation also, he has to reappear for the same
in the next subsequent semester, as and when it is scheduled.
The paper setting of SEE shall be done by the external faculty who is teaching the course at a
level of Professors are preferably from IIT’s or NIT’s or University faculty/Autonomous colleges
only in consultation with the Department BOS members for conducting B.Tech & M.Tech
External Examinations. The Paper Setters shall have at least five years of teaching experience in
the respective program for which appointment is to be made. A panel of subject experts from
outside the college shall be prepared for this purpose. This step is necessary for gaining the
confidence of the University and also of the society at large, on the fairness and transparency in
the system.
Each examiner has to prepare “TWO sets of Question papers. Examiners have to prepare the
Question papers strictly as per the format specified. GNITS exam branch has to send the
Syllabus, Model Question paper, Template for question paper typing, Undertaking form,
Remuneration Bill form to the Examiner. Examiner has to send the Question papers to GNITS
ACE though e-mail only. No hard copies of question papers are accepted. Question Papers can
be send with Pass-word protected. For Regular exams GNITS exam branch will request two
examiners for question paper setting. Out of 4 sets available only one will be chosen just 90
minutes before the commencement of the exam. In case of unavailability of the appointed paper
setter, the concerned BOS Chairman (HOD) shall do alternative arrangement and inform to CE.
The paper setter should be full time faculty or from any other recognized institute with minimum
three years of teaching experience in concerned course. The concerned teacher who is teaching
the course shall follow all paper setting related guidelines from CE.
You are required to set two (2) question papers as per the guidelines, question paper template and
the syllabus enclosed. It is suggested that the following weightage may be given while
formulating the questions in part A & B, of the question paper.
1. The question paper consists of Part-A (for 10 Marks) and Part-B (for 60 Marks).
2. Part-A should contain five 2 mark questions. Total 10 marks.
3. Part-B should contain 5 questions (each question 12 Marks) with “either “or”
pattern to be prepared which means that there will be two questions from each
unit and the student should answer either of the two questions. Total 60 Marks.
4. For each question there will be an “either” “or” choice, which means that there
will be two questions from each unit and the student should answer either of the
two questions.
5. The paper setter shall draw the Figures/Drawings/Circuit diagrams wherever necessary
and label the diagrams indicating dimensions etc. clearly and properly.
6. The paper setter shall ensure confidentiality regarding question papers.
7. The Paper Setter shall map the questions corresponding to course outcomes given in the
syllabus copy.
8. The paper setter shall map the blooms taxonomy level as per the table given below.
Recall (Remembering)
-- Fundamental Knowledge
-- Knowledge on
Application & Analysis
-- Critical Thinking
9. Attention of the paper setters is specifically drawn to the following instructions.
The question papers are to be planned in such a way that a candidate of certain ability
with good preparation can reasonably be expected to answer the required number of
questions within the time frame of 3 hours allotted.
Every question set shall be clear and definite in language and meaning.
The questions shall be fairly distributed over the whole course of study prescribed for
the examination and not concentrated on any one unit or a few units only. All
questions must uniformly be covered all the five units of the syllabus.
Special care must be taken while writing mathematical signs and indexing figures.
Question papers (soft copy) can be sent by email with password protection in word format
and the password along with remuneration bill must be sent to the e-mail id:
The Moderator shall have at least five years of teaching experience in the respective program for
which appointment is to be made.
1. Moderators along with the senior faculty member deputed by HOD are requested to go
thoroughly the question paper selected by DIRECTOR/PRINCIPAL.
2. Moderator can request for change of questions if they are set from beyond the syllabus.
3. Moderator should check the question paper for any data missing, spelling, Marks
distribution to questions etc.
4. For Supplementary examinations MODERATOR will be the valuator.
5. HOD’s are requested to appoint MODERATOR as chief examiner during the valuation
process for Regular exams.
6. Further we also confirm that in the moderation of the question papers, moderators are not
changing the questions.
Valuation of the Answer Scripts to be carried in-house mainly through the Internal/External
faculty only. External faculty may be invited for the Valuation Work based on the need and
1. Chief examiner should prepare the “DETAILED” scheme of Evaluation. For this Rs 1000
will be paid towards the remuneration.
2. Chief Examiner should brief all the valuators about the scheme of valuation.
3. Chief Examiner should ensure “UNIFORMITY” among all the valuators in valuation
4. Chief Examiner should Re-Evaluate at-least 15 % of the Answer Scripts. This Re-
Evaluation should be carried simultaneously along with valuation process.
1. Evaluator should collect “DETAILED” scheme of valuation from Chief
Examiner/Examination Branch.
2. Each evaluator should take consent from Chief Examiner before starting the valuation
3. After Valuation of Few scripts (Say 5 or 10), the scripts should be shown to chief-
examiner for verification. Evaluator should frequently show the valued scripts and must
obtain approval from the chief-examiner.
4. Evaluator is expected to value around “30” scripts per day. Valuator should not correct
more than “60” scripts in a day.
5. We here by confirm that from the July 2021 examinations, all the autonomous scripts are
valued by external staff members only, with single valuation. We also give chance for re-
valuation (With JNTUH norms - 15 % threshold value) and for the students who has
doubts can verify the answer script.
GNITS Procedure for Recounting, Revaluation and Personal Verification:
RECOUNTING If a student wants to submit an Application for Recounting of any
Answer Script, then, in this case, the Answer Script will be counted again by Respected
Faculty of GNITS and the marks will be provided after checking all the answers again & the
new Marks will be provided as per the Performance.
Take a printout xerox copy of the result for which subject you want to apply for
recounting (RC).
Go to the examination branch or cell of GNITS and fill the application form for
Finally, submit the taken printout of the Results & Filled in Application Form and
along with the recounting Fee (amount) Of Rs. 200/- (In Cash) at the Examination
The request for recounting candidate has to pay with the required fees (Payable in the
form of Cash for Rs.200/- Per Subject.
Important Note: Students only need to register for re-evaluation in your respective college.
There is no Recounting for Lab Mark.
If a Student wants to submit an application for Revaluation of Answer Script, then, in this
case, the Answer Script will be corrected again by respected an external faculty of
Engineering Colleges affiliated to JNTUH and the Marks will be provided after checking all
the Answers again & the New Marks will be provided as per the performance.
Take a printout xerox copy of the result for which subject you want to apply for re-
evaluation (RV).
Go to the examination branch or cell of GNITS and fill the application form for
Finally, Submit the taken Printout of the Results & Filled Application Form and along
with the Revaluation Fee (amount) of Rs. 1000/- (In cash) at the Examination Branch.
If there is any change in Marks (Equal or above 15% of the Maximum Marks) the
new marks will be Awarded to the Student. Otherwise, there will be no Change in old
The request for Revaluation candidate has to pay with the required fees (Payable in
the form of DD or Cash for Rs.1000/- Per Subject.
Important Note:
Students only need to register for re-evaluation in your respective college.
There is no re-evaluation for Lab Mark.
Personal Verification:
If student is not satisfied with results of End Examination of the previous semester, a facility
for personal verification of the answer booklet is made available. A candidate desirous of
Personal Verification of End Examination Answer Script is required to apply in a prescribed
form along with requisite fee. The Personal Verification is a facility given to the student
where the revaluation is done in the presence of the student. Personal verification of failed
or passed subjects shall be performed as per the following norms. a) Applications for Personal
verification for semester end examinations can be submitted to the examination cell within
one week from the date of notification of the results/issue of marks card. b) The request for
Personal Verification must be made in the prescribed format along with the prescribed fees.
c) After the completion of Personal Verification, if the grade is improved or when there is a
change in the status i.e., fails to pass or vice versa the grade obtained in the challenge
valuation shall be notified as final. d) If there is any change in Marks (Equal or above 15% of
the Maximum Marks) The New Marks will be Awarded to the Student. Otherwise, there will
be no Change in old Marks.
9. The request for Personal Verification candidate has to pay with the required fees (Payable
in the form of DD or Cash for Rs.15, 00/- Per Subject.
Grace Marks Provision:
Some of the students are falling short of a few marks to pass in one or two subjects. For those
students Grace Marks will be added in one or two subject’s up to a maximum of 00.15 % of
the total aggregate marks of all subjects of all semesters.
Total of Max
Grace Marks-0.15 %
Upper bound marks
B.Tech-Regular(4 Years)
B.Tech-Lateral Entry(3
a) Subject Moderation: Moderation can be given, if the percentage of pass in the
external exam of a subject is less than 50 %. Marks may be added to all the
candidates who appeared for that subject and secured at least one mark, as per the
norms, given in the following Table-1.
Maximum Marks in
external Examination
Marks to be added if the pass % in the external examination
of a particular subject is
30 % and less
Above 30 % & below 50 %
70 Marks
b) Adjustment of Marks: Even after applying subject moderation, if a student fails in
only one subject, moderation will be considered to an extent of 1 % of the marks
secured in all passed subjects of that examination.
While processing the examinations results, we have not applied subject wise moderation,
institute moderation and special moderation. We applied only adjustment moderation with
maximum of 1 % of the marks secured by the student in the end examinations only.
JNTU Procedure for Challenge Valuation:
1. The request for Challenge Valuation has to be given by the Candidate through the College
Principal along with the required fees (Payable in the form of DD for Rs.10, 000/- Per
Subject, in the form of Demand Draft, drawn in Favor of The Registrar, JNTUH).
2. The Student has to produce a Xerox copy of Recounting/Revaluation Result for which he
is applying. If it is based on the result in a net, the same is to be downloaded and handed over
to the Examination Cell or Principal while applying.
3. College Exam Cell Staff (Or) Principal will verify & will forward the Application to
4. The Date will be notified to the Student for CV. The Student needs to go to JNTUH
University & should attend the CV, where paper will be evaluated in the presence of the
5. No Challenge Valuation for Lab Marks.
6. On Receipt of the DD, the photocopy of the Answer Booklet shall be given to the student.
7. The Paper will be evaluated in the presence of the Students by the Senior Faculty
appointed by the Examination Branch of the University.
8. If there is any change in Marks (Equal or above 15% of the Maximum Marks) The New
Marks will be Awarded to the Student. Otherwise, there will be No Change in old Marks.
9. If the Change In Marks (Equal or Above 15% of the Maximum Marks) occurs, An
Amount of Rs.9, 000/- will be Refunded to the Student. Otherwise, the Student will forfeit
the Total Amount which he/she paid.
Important Note:
Students can apply for CV only within 15 days from the date of declaration of
Recounting/revaluation results. Example: For B.Tech Student:: 15% of the maximum of
marks (70 Marks for External Exam) means, there should be an increase of 10.5 = 11 marks
after CV, then only JNTUH will add marks & will refund the amount of Rs.9,000/- If a
B.Tech student secures 22 marks in external exam & if he applies for CV after RC/RV
results are released then after CRV he/she should secure 33 Marks (22+11) so that student
can get back the amount of Rs.9,000/- & new marks will be updated.
Faculty uploads the internal marks through the e-cap software.
Each department gets the data and sends this to examination branch after verified by
the faculty.
External marks data given after spot valuation to Controller of Examinations (COE).
COE prepares the internal and external marks data in the formats needed to process
the data by examination processing software
Examination Result Processing Software is used to process the data given in the
desired formats final Results will be generated
Question Paper Pattern:
The semester end examinations (SEE) is conducted for 70 marks of 3 hours duration. The
syllabus for the theory courses is divided into FIVE units and each unit carries equal weightage
in terms of marks distribution. The question paper pattern is as follows. The emphasis on the
questions is broadly based on the following criteria:
The semester end examinations (SEE) will be conducted for 70 marks consisting of two
parts viz. i) Part- A for 10 marks, ii) Part - B for 60 marks.
Part-A is a compulsory question consisting of five sub-questions. The five questions are
from each unit and carry 2 marks each.
Part-B consists of five questions carrying 12 marks each. Each of these questions is from
one unit and may contain sub-questions. For each question there will be an “either” or”
choice, which means that there will be two questions from each unit and the student
should answer either of the two questions.
For subjects like Engineering Graphics/Engineering Drawing, the SEE shall consist of
five questions. For each question there will be an “either” “or” choice, which means that
there will be two questions from each unit and the student should answer either of the
two questions. There shall be no Part A, and Part B system.
For practical subjects there shall be a continuous internal evaluation during the semester
for 30 marks and 70 marks for semester end examination. Out of the 30 marks for
internal evaluation, day-to-day work in the laboratory shall be evaluated for 20 marks
and internal practical examination shall be evaluated for 10 marks conducted by the
laboratory teacher concerned. The semester end examination shall be conducted with an
external examiner and the laboratory teacher. The external examiner shall be appointed
from the clusters of colleges which are decided by the examination branch of the
1. No faculty should be appointed as Controller of Examinations/Additional Controller of
Examinations if their wards are studying in GNITS in any of the UG/PG courses.
2. No faculty should be appointed as Question paper setters/ Moderators/ Chief
Examiners/Valuators/ observers/ special invigilators/ Invigilators if their wards are
studying in GNITS in any of the UG/PG courses.
3. Results should be declared within “4 weeks “after the last examination.
4. Valuation should be completed within “2 weeks” after the last examination.
5. HOD’s should submit the Internal Marks to the examination branch before the last
Theory examination.
6. Faculty should submit the internal marks to the respective HOD’s within 5 days after the
7. Students should be given “TWO” weeks’ time to submit the applications related to
Recounting/Revaluation/ Personal Verification and any discrepancy to the examination
branch. After the last date notified, no cases will be entertained regarding the discrepancy
in the results.
8. Revised results of Recounting/Revaluation/ Personal Verification should be announced
within two weeks after the notified last date of RC/RV/PV.
1. Only Teaching Staff are to be drafted as invigilators.
2. Invigilators should report in the examination branch at least “30” minutes before the
commencement of the exam
3. The candidates allotted shall be permitted into the examination halls only after verifying
their hall tickets and Identity Cards.
4. Invigilators shall ensure that time schedules of the examinations are to be strictly adhered
(a) No candidate is allowed to the examination hall after the commencement of
(b) No candidate shall be permitted for toilets during examination period.
(c) Under emergency circumstances the candidate can be allowed to go out of the
hall by handing over the answer booklet and question paper to the invigilator and
shall not be permitted back to the hall.
(d) The candidate can be allowed to go out only after one and half hour from the
commencement of the examination by collecting the answer booklet and
question paper. However, if the candidate wants to leave the hall in the last half
an hour, can be allowed to take the question paper with him by submitting the
answer booklet to the invigilator.
5. The physical identity of the candidates shall be thoroughly checked by comparing their
faces with that photo printed on hall tickets.
6. Invigilators should check the details filled by the candidate on the main page of the
answer book. Invigilator should sign in the answer book only after verifying all the
7. Candidates are prohibited from writing their Hall Ticket Number anywhere in the
“Answer Booklet” except in the space prescribed.
8. Invigilators should make a general announcement in the hall before commencement of
the examination if any candidate possessing any written or printed material in any form
will liable to be booked under malpractice case and punishment will be given as per the
College/University guidelines.
9. The Invigilator should make announcement that all the candidates have to strike of the
unused blank pages before submitting the answer books to the Invigilator.
10. The Invigilator should verify each answer booklet at the end to verify the details of
additional sheets attached.
1. Candidate is prohibited from writing their H.T No’s in any part of the answer book,
except in the space provided.
2. Candidate should not write her name in any part of the answer book.
3. Candidate should not bring Mobile Phones/Laptops, valuable things to the examination
4. Candidate should take their seats in the examination hall 15 minutes before the
commencement of the exam. Candidates will not be allowed into the examination hall
after the commencement of the exam.
5. Candidates should stay in the Examination Hall at least for one and half- an-hour from
the commencement of the exam.
6. Do not write in the margin
7. Enter the question no on the left side margin as well as in the center of the page.
8. Before beginning to answer any question, the candidate should write the correct number
of that question. They should complete the answer for any question and commence
writing answer for the other question. Answers written at different places for the same
question will not be valued.
9. For PART A answers should be written at one place.
Academic requirements: Eligibility for award of B. Tech. Degree:
The following academic requirements have to be satisfied, in addition to the attendance
A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the
credits allotted to each subject/ course, if student secures not less than 35% (25 marks
out of 70 marks) in the semester end examination, and a minimum of 40% (40 marks out
of 100 marks) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation) and SEE
(Semester End Examination) taken together; in terms of letter grades, this implies
securing ‘C’ grade or above in that subject/ course.
A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the
credits allotted to Industrial Oriented Mini Project/Summer Internship and seminar, if
the student secures not less than 40% marks (i.e. 40 out of 100 allotted marks) in each of
them. The student is deemed to have failed, if he (i) does not submit a report on
Industrial Oriented Mini Project/Summer Internship, or does not make a presentation of
the same before the evaluation committee as per schedule, or (ii) does not present the
seminar as required in the IV year I Semester, or (iii) secures less than 40% marks in
Industrial Oriented Mini Project/Summer Internship and seminar evaluations.
A student may reappear once for each of the above evaluations, when they are scheduled
again; if the student fails in such ‘one reappearance’ evaluation also, the student has to
reappear for the same in the next subsequent semester, as and when it is scheduled.
Promotion Rules:
S. No.
Conditions to be fulfilled
First year first semester to
first year second semester
Regular course of study of first year first
First year second semester to
second year first semester
(i) Regular course of study of first year
second semester.
(ii) Must have secured at least 18 credits out
of 37 credits i.e., 50% credits up to first year
second semester from all the relevant regular
and supplementary examinations, whether the
student takes those examinations or not.
Second year first semester to
second year second semester
Regular course of study of second year first
Second year second semester
to third year first semester
(i) Regular course of study of second year
second semester.
(ii) Must have secured at least 47 credits out
of 79 credits i.e., 60% credits up to second
year second semester from all the relevant
regular and supplementary examinations,
whether the student takes those examinations
or not.
Third year first semester to
third year second semester
Regular course of study of third year first
Third year second semester to
fourth year first semester
(i) Regular course of study of third year
second semester.
(ii) Must have secured at least 73 credits out
of 123 credits i.e., 60% credits up to third
year second semester from all the relevant
regular and supplementary examinations,
whether the student takes those examinations
or not.
Fourth year first semester to
fourth year second semester
Regular course of study of fourth year first
A student (i) shall register for all courses/subjects covering 160 credits as specified and
listed in the course structure, (ii) fulfills all the attendance and academic requirements
for 160 credits, (iii) earn all 160 credits by securing SGPA 5.0 (in each semester), and
CGPA (at the end of each successive semester) 5.0, (iv) passes all the mandatory
courses, to successfully complete the under graduate programme. The performance of
the student in these 160 credits shall be taken into account for the calculation of ‘the
final CGPA (at the end of under graduate programme), and shall be indicated in the
grade card of IV year II semester.
A student eligible to appear in the semester end examination for any subject/ course, but
absent from it or failed (thereby failing to secure ‘C’ grade or above) may reappear for
that subject/ course in the supplementary examination as and when conducted. In such
cases, internal marks (CIE) assessed earlier for that subject/ course will be carried over,
and added to the marks to be obtained in the SEE supplementary examination for
evaluating performance in that subject.
A student detained in a semester due to shortage of attendance may be re- admitted
in the same semester in the next academic year for fulfillment of academic
requirements. The academic regulations under which a student has been readmitted
shall be applicable. However, no grade allotments or SGPA/ CGPA calculations will be
done for the entire semester in which the student has been detained.
A student detained due to lack of credits, shall be promoted to the next academic
year only after acquiring the required academic credits. The academic regulations
under which the student has been readmitted shall be applicable to him.
Eligibility for award of B. Tech. Degree (LES):
The LES students after securing admission shall pursue a course of study for not less
than three academic years and not more than six academic years.
The student shall register for 123 credits and secure 123 credits with CGPA 5 from II
year to IV year B.Tech. programme (LES) for the award of B.Tech. degree.
The students, who fail to fulfil the requirement for the award of the degree in six
academic years from the year of admission, shall forfeit their seat in B.Tech.
The attendance requirements of B. Tech. (Regular) shall be applicable to B.Tech. (LES).
Promotion rule:
S. No
Conditions to be fulfilled
Second year first semester to
second year second semester
Regular course of study of second year
first semester.
Second year second semester to
third year first semester
(i) Regular course of study of second
year second semester.
(ii) Must have secured at least 25
credits out of 42 credits i.e., 60%
credits up to second year second
semester from all the relevant regular
and supplementary examinations,
whether the student takes those
examinations or not.
Third year first semester to third
year second semester
Regular course of study of third year
first semester.
Third year second semester
to fourth year first
(i) Regular course of study of third year
second semester.
(ii) Must have secured at least 51
credits out of 86 credits i.e., 60%
credits up to third year second
semester from all the relevant regular
and supplementary examinations,
whether the student takes those
examinations or not.
Fourth year first semester to
fourth year second semester
Regular course of study of fourth year
first semester.
Attendance Requirements and Detention Policy:
It is desirable for a candidate to put on 100% attendance in each course. In every course
(theory/laboratory), student has to maintain a minimum of 75% attendance including the days of
attendance in sports, games, NCC and NSS activities to be eligible for appearing in Semester
End Examination of the course.
For cases of medical issues, deficiency of attendance in each course to the extent of 10% may be
condoned by the College Academic Committee (CAC) on the recommendation of Head of the
department if their attendance is between 75% to 65% in every course, subjected to submission
of medical certificates, medical case file and other needful documents to the concerned
The basis for the calculation of the attendance shall be the period prescribed by the institute by
its calendar of events. For late admission, attendance is reckoned from the date of admission to
the program.
However, in case of a student having less than 65% attendance in any course, she shall be
detained in the course and in no case such process will be relaxed. A candidate shall put in a
minimum required attendance at least three (3) theory courses for getting promoted to next
higher class / semester. Otherwise, she shall be declared detained and has to repeat semester.
Students whose shortage of attendance is not condoned in any subject are not eligible to write
their semester end examination of that courses and their registration shall stand cancelled.
A student not be promoted to the next semester may seek readmission into that semester when
offered next. If any candidate fulfills the attendance requirement in the present semester, he shall
not be eligible for readmission into the same class. Any student against whom any disciplinary
action by the institute is pending shall not be permitted to attend any SEE in that semester.
Award of degree:
A student who registers for all the specified subjects/ courses as listed in the course structure and
secures the required number of 160 credits (with CGPA ≥ 5.0), within 8 academic years from the
date of commencement of the first academic year, shall be declared to have qualified’ for the
award of B.Tech. degree in the chosen branch of Engineering selected at the time of admission.
A student with final CGPA (at the end of the under graduate programme) 7.50, and fulfilling
the following conditions - shall be placed in first class with distinction’.
However, she should have passed all the subjects/courses in first appearance’ within the first 4
academic years (or 8 sequential semesters) from the date of commencement of first year first
Should have secured a CGPA 7.50, at the end of each of the 8 sequential semesters, starting
from I year I semester onwards.
Should not have been detained or prevented from writing the semester end examinations in any
semester due to shortage of attendance or any other reason. Students with final CGPA (at the end
of the under graduate programme) below 7.50 but not less than 6.50 shall be placed in ‘first
Students with final CGPA (at the end of the under graduate programme) below 6.50 but not less
than 5.50, shall be placed in second class’.
All other students who qualify for the award of the degree, with final CGPA (at the end of the
under graduate programme) below 5.50 but not less than 5.00, shall be placed in pass class’.
A student with final CGPA (at the end of the under graduate programme) < 5.00 will not be
eligible for the award of the degree.
Grading procedure:
Grades will be awarded to indicate the performance of students in each theory subject, laboratory
/ practicals, seminar, Industry Oriented Mini Project, and project Stage - I & II. Based on the
percentage of marks obtained (Continuous Internal Evaluation plus Semester End Examination,
both taken together) as specified in above, a corresponding letter grade shall be given. As a
measure of the performance of a student, a 10-point absolute grading system using the following
letter grades (as per UGC/AICTE guidelines) and corresponding percentage of marks shall be
% of Marks Secured in a
(Class Intervals)
Letter Grade
(UGC Guidelines)
Grade Points
Greater than or equal to 90%
80 and less than 90%
70 and less than 80%
(Very Good)
60 and less than 70%
50 and less than 60%
40 and less than 50%
Below 40%
A student who has obtained an F’ grade in any subject shall be deemed to have failed’ and is
required to reappear as a supplementary student’ in the semester end examination, as and when
offered. In such cases, internal marks in those subjects will remain the same as those obtained
To a student who has not appeared for an examination in any subject, ABgrade will be
allocated in that subject, and he is deemed to have ‘failed’. A student will be required to
reappear as a ‘supplementary student’ in the semester end examination, as and when offered
next. In this case also, the internal marks in those subjects will remain the same as those obtained
Nature of Malpractices/Improper
If the candidate:
1. (a)
Possesses or keeps accessible in
examination hall, any paper, note book,
programmable calculators, Cell phones,
pager, palm computers or any other form of
material concerned with or related to the
subject of the examination (theory or
practical) in which he is appearing but has
not made use of (material shall include any
marks on the body of the candidate which
can be used as an aid in the subject of the
Expulsion from the examination hall and
cancellation of the performance in that subject
Gives assistance or guidance or receives it
from any other candidate orally or by any
other body language methods or
communicates through cell phones with any
candidate or persons in or outside the exam
hall in respect of any matter.
Expulsion from the examination hall and
cancellation of the performance in that subject
only of all the candidates involved. In case of an
outsider, he will be handed over to the police and
a case is registered against him.
Has copied in the examination hall from
any paper, book, programmable calculators,
palm computers or any other form of
material relevant to the subject of the
examination (theory or practical) in which
the candidate is appearing.
Expulsion from the examination hall and
cancellation of the performance in that subject
and all other subjects the candidate has already
appeared including practical examinations and
project work and shall not be permitted to appear
for the remaining examinations of the subjects of
that Semester/year.
The Hall Ticket of the candidate is to be
cancelled and sent to the College.
Impersonates any other candidate in
connection with the examination.
The candidate who has impersonated shall be
expelled from examination hall. The candidate is
also debarred and forfeits the seat. The
performance of the original candidate who has
been impersonated, shall be cancelled in all the
subjects of the examination (including practicals
and project work) already appeared and shall not
be allowed to appear for examinations of the
remaining subjects of that semester/year. The
candidate is also debarred for two consecutive
semesters from class work and all College
examinations. The continuation of the course by
the candidate is subject to the academic
regulations in connection with forfeiture of seat.
If the imposter is an outsider, he will be handed
over to the police and a case is registered against
Smuggles the Answer book or additional
sheet or takes out or arranges to send out
the question paper during the examination
or answer book or additional sheet, during
or after the examination.
Expulsion from the examination hall and
cancellation of performance in that subject and all
the other subjects the candidate has already
appeared including practical examinations and
project work and shall not be permitted for the
remaining examinations of the subjects of that
semester/year. The candidate is also debarred for
two consecutive semesters from class work and
all College examinations. The continuation of the
course by the candidate is subject to the academic
regulations in connection with forfeiture of seat.
Uses objectionable, abusive or offensive
language in the answer paper or in letters to
the examiners or writes to the examiner
requesting him to award pass marks.
Cancellation of the performance in that subject.
Refuses to obey the orders of the Chief
Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent /
any officer on duty or misbehaves or
creates disturbance of any kind in and
around the examination hall or organizes a
walk out or instigates others to walk out, or
threatens the officer-in charge or any person
on duty in or outside the examination hall
of any injury to his person or to any of his
relations whether by words, either spoken
or written or by signs or by visible
representation, assaults the officer-in-
charge, or any person on duty in or outside
the examination hall or any of his relations,
or indulges in any other act of misconduct
or mischief which result in damage to or
destruction of property in the examination
hall or any part of the College campus or
engages in any other act which in the
opinion of the officer on duty amounts to
use of unfair means or misconduct or has
the tendency to disrupt the orderly conduct
of the examination.
In case of students of the college, they shall be
expelled from examination halls and cancellation
of their performance in that subject and all other
subjects the candidate(s) has (have) already
appeared and shall not be permitted to appear for
the remaining examinations of the subjects of that
semester/year. The candidates are also debarred
and forfeit their seats. In case of outsiders, they
will be handed over to the police and a police case
is registered against them.
Leaves the exam hall taking away answer
script or intentionally tears of the script or
Expulsion from the examination hall and
cancellation of performance in that subject and all
any part thereof inside or outside the
examination hall.
the other subjects the candidate has already
appeared including practical examinations and
project work and shall not be permitted for the
remaining examinations of the subjects of that
semester/year. The candidate is also debarred for
two consecutive semesters from class work and
all College examinations. The continuation of the
course by the candidate is subject to the academic
regulations in connection with forfeiture of seat.
Possess any lethal weapon or firearm in the
examination hall.
Expulsion from the examination hall and
cancellation of the performance in that subject
and all other subjects the candidate has already
appeared including practical examinations and
project work and shall not be permitted for the
remaining examinations of the subjects of that
semester/year. The candidate is also debarred and
forfeits the seat.
If student of the college, who is not a
candidate for the particular examination or
any person not connected with the college
indulges in any malpractice or improper
conduct mentioned in clause 6 to 8.
If the student belongs to the college, expulsion
from the examination hall and cancellation of the
performance in that subject and all other subjects
the candidate has already appeared including
practical examinations and project work and shall
not be permitted for the remaining examinations
of the subjects of that semester/year. The
candidate is also debarred and forfeits the seat.
Person(s) who do not belong to the College will
be handed over to police and, a police case will be
registered against them.
Comes in a drunken condition to the
examination hall.
Expulsion from the examination hall and
cancellation of the performance in that subject
and all other subjects the candidate has already
appeared including practical examinations and
project work and shall not be permitted for the
remaining examinations of the subjects of that
Copying detected on the basis of internal
evidence, such as, during valuation or
during special scrutiny.
Cancellation of the performance in that subject
and all other subjects the candidate has appeared
including practical examinations and project work
of that semester/year.
If any malpractice is detected which is not
covered in the above clauses 1 to 11 shall
be reported to the College for further action
to award suitable punishment.
Malpractice Prevention Committee Members :
1. Chief Superintendent Chairman
2. Invigilator Member
3. HOD Member
4. Subject Expert Member
5. Observer/Special Invigilator Member
6. Controller of Examinations Member
Controller of Examinations Principal