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Network Configuration Management
Best Practices for Configuration Management
What is Configuration Management?
Configuration Management Operational Issues
IT Infrastructure Library
Why Is Configuration Management Important?
Foundational and Fundamental
Documentation and Diagrams
Managing Risk
Time to Resolve
Developing Configuration Management Capabilities
High-Level Requirements
Federated Database
Architecture and Standards
Configuration Templates
Service Provisioning
Testing, Change, Configuration, and Release Management
Consequences of Not Acting
Limited Capabilities and the Increasing Gap
Effective Decision Making
Resourcing and Automation
Many operational problems facing network managers today result from a lack of configuration
management capabilities. Configuration management is an essential operational capability. It is
foundational for other network management functions and crucial for service management.
This document describes what configuration management is and why it is important for operations
and network management and provides next steps for improving this vital function in your
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Best Practices for Configuration Management
The document will go into more details about configuration management, but it is important to
understand the key factors that have caused configuration management problems in the past.
These include failure to:
Maintain a master device list
Maintain correct credentials and manageability at 100 percent
Create relevance for users and management
Achieve differentiated management; "not all devices are equal"
Address people, processes, and technology, not just technology
Develop processes to work for your company
Commit resources; this is not a project, it is a system
What Is Configuration Management?
Configuration management is a large function inside network management. It covers many areas.
Many people think of configuration management as its just managing the configurations of the
network devices, but configuration management covers a lot more than this.
Configuration management is not just about a technology to collect device information but also
about the processes needed for network support and operations.
Configuration management can be summarized as:
Device hardware and software inventory collection
Device software management
Device configuration collection, backup, viewing, archiving, comparison
Detection of changes to configuration, hardware, or software
Configuration change implementation to support change management
Configuration management is the C from the FCAPS (fault, configuration, accounting,
performance, and security) model [1]. Configuration management is a key function of this model,
and while many people think of each function of FCAPS as being equal, the situation might look
more like that illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Interactions of the FCAPS Functions
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Each of the functions interacts with each of the others. Security has to touch all the functions to be
effective, while configuration is the function that holds so much of the important data for all the
Configuration Management Operational Issues
The following are a couple of scenarios that may seem familiar to people working in a production
network. Here are some common operational problems that could result from a lack of
configuration management capabilities:
The engineer who makes a configuration change is not available when the impact is
realized. For example, change impact from a change on a Sunday, may not be noticed by
another engineer until Tuesday when end of month processing causes high load.
An approved change is implemented but not in the way agreed to by the change approvers,
a business impact is experienced, and the approvers are left accountable with no audit trail
and no recourse.
Security alerts indicate impacted devices and workarounds, but the manual effort takes
considerable time to determine the exposure, and the possible risk, and then huge amounts
of time are required to implement the workaround and software upgrades.
Configuration changes are being made on the production network with no visibility by
IT Infrastructure Library
The IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) [2] is a framework for service management to help ensure that
the IT department and the business group in an organization are aligned. It is a comprehensive
framework covering many topics related to operations and network management. ITIL defines a
set of processes, of which one is configuration management.
ITIL defines configuration management to assist with the following :
To account for all IT assets
To provide accurate information to support other service management processes
To provide a sound basis for incident, problem, change, and release management
To verify records against infrastructure and to correct exceptions
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These goals are suitable for a discussion on configuration management and specifically network
configuration management, especially if the business and IT department have a goal for service
The discussion in this document is network focused, and some of the ITIL concepts don’t cover
network specifics, as ITIL is a framework this is acceptable. The ITIL definitions for configuration
management should be used and relevant elements reused and modeled for use within the
Network Documentation and Diagrams
Network documentation is critical in a production environment; it provides a static record of the
state of the network at a point in time. Because it is static, its useful life is limited to the first change
made on any of the elements contained in the documentation. In a static network environment, this
may be many years.
Like network documentation, network diagrams are critical, but they are again a static record of the
desired state of the network and have no reflection of the current configured or operational state.
Documentation and diagrams form part of the network configuration, and a provision should be
made in the configuration management system to support this type of content.
Why Is Configuration Management Important?
Some of the benefits of an effective configuration management system are:
Reduced downtime through rapid change impact identification
Productivity improvement for making configuration changes
Helps ensure compliance for device configuration, software versions, and hardware
Quick impact determination of security alerts
Improved visibility and accountability at all levels
Improved process and approval implementation
Foundational and Fundamental
Configuration management is the cornerstone of the network management system and of the
network lifecycle [3]. It knows what is in the network, and it provides control over network elements
and linkage between the phases of the lifecycle. Phases in the network lifecycle are:
The network lifecycle applies to the entire life of the network as well as any smaller projects that
extend the network over time. A general definition for a project is anything that requires design,
and all designs should fit into the architecture or the architecture should be updated as new
requirements are identified. Any change to the network not requiring design, including optimization
to the production environment, should be considered operational.
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Some of the roles in network delivery and support are:
Table 1 shows how the lifecycle is combined with the roles required to deliver and support network
Table 1. Lifecyles and Roles for Delivering and Supporting Network Services
Prepare Plan Design Implement Operate Optimize
Management X X
Architecture X X
Delivery X X
Support X X
Table 1 shows the flow of work through a network team and the demarcation in responsibilities
between roles. Configuration management provides the implementation point for demarcation;
from this processes can be developed that supports the network lifecycle and the necessary roles.
Documentation and Diagrams
As discussed earlier, network documentation and diagrams are critical in a production
environment. They can provide information when troubleshooting network outages; they are,
however, static. When the network is supporting a dynamic business environment, providing agility
to meet business demands, static documentation is not suitable.
An effective configuration management capability will provide up-to-date information on the
configured state of the network and will be updated dynamically as the network changes. When
combined with static documentation and diagrams, it provides more relevant information to support
network operations.
Compliance is about meeting regulations imposed by government or industry. These regulations
have been created to prevent problems like Enron happening again; it is about governance. In total
there are many compliances, but only some (if any) will be specific to a business. Sarbanes-Oxley
(SOX) [5] is one of the best-known compliances, applicable if a company is listed on the U.S. stock
With effective configuration management in place along with the appropriate processes, like
change management and others, compliance becomes a less daunting challenge. It is not
however a matter of buying a product and being compliant; it is about building capabilities to
support compliance over time.
Managing Risk
A key issue with network management is the rapid increase in the number of network elements. As
the current economic growth increases business opportunities, infrastructure changes to support
business growth in the booming world economy are required.
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With this multiplication in elements, the ability to understand risk exposure has also become more
difficult. There are so many devices, software versions, and configuration combinations. The ability
to understand exposure is no longer possible without new capabilities in auditing and reporting.
This also requires appropriate supporting processes and modifications in operational
methodologies so that the risk can be understood and expediently mitigated as required.
Time to Resolve
A key measure in many service levels is incident time to resolution. An incident will result from a
network outage, and in simple terms, an outage to a production network that is considered stable
is caused by one of the following:
Layer 1 network failure (leased line, fibre cut, and so on)
Physical infrastructure failure, power, air conditioning
Hardware failure, power supply, chassis, or module
Software failure, due to memory leak or bug
Security exploit, causing DOS or software failure
A change in configuration, either logical (being a new feature) or physical (being new
hardware or connections)
In simple terms, a network outage is caused by a change, a change in state or configuration.
Configuration management assists with time to resolution by providing the necessary information
to support troubleshooting and decision making. This is especially true of a configuration change.
If a network outage is caused by a configuration change, this needs to be eliminated as the root
cause in the first instance.
In this manner configuration management is a system that contributes to the overall availability of
your network and is a key foundation for a highly available network.
Developing Configuration Management Capabilities
Developing capabilities in configuration management requires a combination of:
Configuration management as with most network management functions is not a shrink-wrap or an
off-the-shelf solution. Technology is available as packaged products, providing many of the
required features. Unless the technology is combined with people and processes, the capability is
not developed.
For example, the technology will produce the required reports, but until the people read the
reports, determine any actions needed, then kick off the necessary processes to carry out the
actions, the reports are quite useless. This is why network management systems so often fail to
deliver a suitable return on investment.
This section details how to develop configuration management capabilities by identifying the high-
level requirements of configuration management, some of the policies that need to be developed,
and some of the necessary processes of which the configuration management function will be part.
High-Level Requirements
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The following is a list of requirements that define the essence of configuration management. These
requirements are not purely technical. They are both technical and functional requirements to
support a full configuration management solution.
The requirements for configuration management are:
Collect network inventory, including chassis and modules as well as serial numbers
Report on collected network inventory
Collect device configurations
Keep multiple versions of device configurations
Allow comparison between the multiple versions of device configurations
Detect changes in device configurations (event or polling based)
Determine which user made changes to device configurations
Report on configuration changes
Allow configuration changes to be batched and scheduled
Report on existing software versions deployed on devices
Keep a repository of device software versions
Support upgrading of device software
Audit configuration to help ensure compliance
Search device configurations, software, and hardware
Store or link to static documentation and diagrams
Support the approval processes and workflows
Asset Management
If the configuration management system needs to support asset management, then the additional
requirements needed to support business accounting processes, such as depreciation, are:
Purchase date
Purchase price
Asset number
Purchasing details, company-specific information (purchase order number, vendor, and so on)
Carrier Service Management
If the configuration management system needs to support carrier service management, then
additional requirements that support carrier service management and contract renewal are
needed. Some of these requirements are:
Service number
Carrier (telco)
Contract start date
Contract period
Cost per month
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Federated Database
From the requirements, it is clear that a database is needed to store and manage the configuration
data. It may be difficult to find a single system that supports all of these requirements, so a
federated database model may need to be considered. This means that not all the data has to be
in one database, but if there is more than one database, the databases should be linked in some
There are a number of policies needed to be implemented within a configuration management
system. A policy in this context is a documented management decision on what and more possibly
how the system should work. The policy will determine how the configuration management system
itself is configured or set up.
This list is by no means comprehensive but serves as a guide for what needs to be documented as
part of a company’s configuration management policy. The minimum management policies needed
to build a configuration management platform are:
Length of time device configurations should be kept
How many versions of device configurations should be kept
Frequency of full configuration collection
Frequency of configuration change polling
Frequency of full inventory collection
Frequency of inventory change polling
Length of time inventory changes are kept
Frequency of device configuration compliance checking
Which configuration changes can be made automatically
Processes are important for a successful configuration management system. ITIL provides a good
framework for processes relevant to configuration management. There are more generic or
general processes that are needed for configuration management in a network.
Related ITIL Processes
The following are the directly related ITIL processes that network configuration management
Configuration Management including the CMDB
Change Management
Incident Management
Problem Management
Capacity Management
Configuration Management
Network configuration management is synonymous with ITIL Configuration Management, which
defines the important elements of configuration management a network needs. Because ITIL does
not define implementation, some of the aspects do not address network specifics but this is
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More specifically, the Configuration Management Database (CMDB) talks about relationships
between Configurable Items (CI), but the definition of a CI gets very vague when talking about
switches with hundreds of interfaces.
Service management does not really address the concept of shared infrastructure very well, and
as a network is shared by almost all services, this needs to be adapted.
Change Management
Without effective configuration management, change management is somewhat pointless.
Currently many organizations implement change management on a trust basis with no real means
to audit approved changes against actual configuration changes.
Change management is probably the ITIL process that affects businesses the most; it provides a
distinct link between IT operations and the business. It requires IT to coordinate its efforts with the
business group to help ensure that the business impact is minimized or avoided.
Incident Management
As discussed in the section “Time to Resolve,” configuration management is important for incident
management. It provides up-to-date information about the network.
Problem Management
Configuration management is crucial for problem management. Without this information the
problem management process is difficult.
Capacity Management
This is specifically related to the physical capacity of the network. Inventory data provides
information about the spare capacity for interfaces, ports, modules, slots, and so on. This is
especially true for campus and data center management.
Generic Processes
The following are some generic processes that are made possible with configuration management.
Standard Product Verification
New products, both software and hardware, should be verified before being deployed into the
production environment. This process is linked to other process like vulnerability and change
Verification should include testing of the required configuration and software to be deployed and
should reflect the impact the device has on the network.
Production Handover
When a new device is deployed in the network, make sure that it is added into the management
systems, that the configuration templates have been deployed, and that the device is manageable.
This process is the demarcation from implementation to operation in the network lifecycle; this is
when the device or project is handed into production.
Configuration Change Auditing
There are several aspects to this process. Ultimately this process is to make sure that
accountability is enforced with network changes. The two main elements of this process are:
Support the change management and help ensure that the changes that have been
approved are implemented as described
Audit configuration changes and make sure they are related to an approved change
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Vulnerability Management
Look for and review published security advisories from Cisco® (PSIRT) [4] and CERT (Computer
Emergency Response Team) [6] and determine which ones affect the production environment and
what the risk of an impact to the business is.
For devices that are vulnerable, determine if a software upgrade is necessary or if a configuration
workaround is sufficient to mitigate the risk.
End of Life Management
Audit the collected inventory for devices that may be out of depreciation or at the end of support by
the vendor or maintenance provider. Determine what the potential risk is and, when necessary,
instigate projects to upgrade equipment.
Use the collected inventory information to audit against vendor or partner maintenance and
determine that maintenance agreements are correct and that maintenance is not being paid on
devices that are no longer in production.
Architecture and Standards
Many network teams will design every deployment or project; this is an engineering way of
approaching things. What is required is a paradigm shift in network engineering to allow the
network teams to spend more time on network architecture and standard designs.
First, the network architecture has to be documented. Cisco defines many reference architectures,
and the network is probably already based on architectural elements. To achieve this, the
architecture should be communicated with the ITS department and with business groups. Part of
network architecture is about normalizing and generalizing; this creates patterns and building
blocks in the network that can be more easily scaled.
The architecture should be hierarchical and structured; this creates points where new
infrastructure connects, whether it is a new building, a new floor, or a new remote office. From the
building blocks, standard can be developed. These standards include products, configurations and
The standard designs improve the ability to quickly meet business requirements and reduce the
total cost of ownership through consistent deployments, in much the same way as desktop teams
have an SOE (standard operating environment).
Standardizing products is part of this, and defining a set of network solutions the network team
offers to the business. This could be considered the "Service Catalogue" from ITIL.
Initially, work is required to document and build out this architecture and these standards. In time,
this reduces load on the network team by providing prebuilt “wheels” that can be used.
Configuration Templates
From the work in standards, configuration templates that represent the functions of devices can be
developed. The same basic template can be used for all floor switches where only the hostname,
IP addresses, or VLANs, and so on are unique. Further, all Cisco IOS® Software devices can
share the same base management template.
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Once these templates are developed, they can be set up within configuration management tools
and allow rapid deployment and configuration baseline/auditing to verify networkwide compliance
of the devices to the template.
This seems like an obvious solution. It is a simple high-value function that will ultimately save a lot
of rework by the network engineering team and increase productivity.
Service Provisioning
Extending the idea of architectures and standards as well as configuration templates is called
service provisioning. Based on the architecture work and resulting design standards, service
provisioning is about using the commonality in the network and creating generalizations.
With this paradigm, projects become very similar and are about providing network access, whether
it is for remote office staff or for a server; a network is about providing and controlling access.
To support this, interface configuration templates, which can be easily deployed to network
elements, can be developed to provision access for a PC, a phone, a server, or an access switch.
These templates can be set up as configuration tasks in tools so that engineers can deploy them
more easily. Over time as confidence is established, this work can be delegated to the server or
data center teams for server ports or to the desktop team for PC ports.
This capability will extend the productivity of the team and release resources to continue working
on architectures and be more proactive with the capacity management of the network.
Automation provides a solution for scaling operations specifically in the area of resourcing. Going
forward, there is little choice to use tools for automation. To handle the size of the network, hiring
some additional resources may be required, but network engineering resources are difficult to find
and hire, and without these additional resources, it is simply not possible to manage a large
network, and important operational functions won’t be completed. This is where automation
provides a solution to this problem.
Automation has one other problem: people need to gain confidence in the tools and the required
processes; otherwise moving towards automation cannot happen. To assist a simple process of
testing, gaining confidence is a key factor.
Integrated Confidence Building and Impact Mitigation
For an example, consider a software upgrade to all remote routers in the network. A software
upgrade of approximately 2500 devices is required to be completed ASAP; the risk business
impact needs to be mitigated as much possible.
The idea here is simple; mitigate risk, and control the rollout of the software, reducing the
probability of software causing problems or the tools causing problems.
The metaprocess for the above example would be as follows:
1. A Cisco PSIRT is published.
2. The configuration management system assists in identifying affected devices, 2500 routers,
and the proposed resolution.
3. The vulnerability management process is instigated, the impact is verified, and a resolution to
upgrade the routers is proposed.
4. The software is certified by the New Product Certification process.
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5. The configuration management platform is used to upgrade a lab device of the same type to
verify the tools.
6. Changes are raised to upgrade 20 production devices, which cover the hardware and software
7. Configuration management platform is used to perform the upgrade of 20 devices; engineers
manually verify each device to help ensure success and resolve any issues.
8. Twenty-four business hours are left to make sure that devices are stable under production
9. Go or no go to continue.
10. Changes are raised to upgrade 180 production devices.
11. Configuration management platform is used to perform the upgrade of 180 devices, tools are
used to verify all devices, engineers select 20 devices at random and perform a manual
12. Go or no go to continue.
13. The remaining devices are divided into batches of 200 to 600 devices and changes raised for
each night over as many required nights.
14. Configuration management platform is used to perform the upgrades, tools are used to verify
all devices, engineers select 20 devices at random and perform a manual verification.
15. Twenty-five hundred devices should have been upgraded in less than 2 weeks with the risk
Testing, Change, Configuration, and Release Management
To effectively manage a large Cisco network, testing is crucial. Without testing and verification of
changes, especially for large changes, business impact should be expected. In reference to ITIL,
this ties into release management, that is, how to verify changes to the production environment
without affecting the production environment.
The principles are simple and are considered as best practices by the industry. The test lab should
include a representative collapsed topology of the production network derived from the production
network, and changes to the configuration or software should be tested in this test lab.
As part of the project to deploy the new network, a test plan will be developed. This test plan
should be made of unit tests, regression tests, and acceptance tests. After deployment, these tests
will be repeated as part of the release management process.
To determine whether a change needs to be tested, the following tables can be used. The change
impact is shown in Table 4, and the change control impact is given in Table 3. The results of these
are plugged into the Release Management Policy, and this determines whether testing is required
or not.
Test Types
There are different types of testing required to verify production operation. Table 2 is an example
of what a release management policy might look like.
Table 2. Test Types
Test Type Description
Verification Testing not required if other testing has already been carried out on the same device type, modules,
software, feature combination
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Testing of the components affected by the change in software or hardware; for example:
Software upgrade a maintenance release, for example, 12.4(1) to 12.4(2).
Hardware upgrade between hardware versions
Feature configuration change of a feature already in use
All unit tests for that part of the production network should be run.
Software upgrade a major release, for example, 12.4(1) to 12.4(2)T or 12.3(4) to 12.4(5)
New hardware (module) not previously used with this hardware/software combination
New feature on a single element of the production network
Acceptance Multiple software and hardware upgrades on multiple devices and elements in the production network.
Complete testing should be carried out.
New feature deployment on multiple elements of the test topology.
This describes the relationship between testing and operations, specifically release management.
When the test plans are developed, they should be developed so that they can be reused for
ongoing operational testing.
Change Control Impact
This property defines the impact of the element on the production environment. The possible
values are:
Table 3 shows the change control impact for network elements.
Table 3. Change Control Matrix
Elements Change Control Impact
Core High
Edge High
WAN access Medium
LAN access Low
Service modules High
Change Impact
The change impact is the possible impact the change can have on the production environment.
Possible values are:
Table 4 shows the change type and the possible change impact. The list is order dependent,
starting at the top, matching the change type.
Table 4. Change Impact Policy
Change Type Change Impact
Software upgrade major, for example, 12.3(4) to 12.4(5). High
Configuration change to packet forwarding capabilities High
Software upgrade maintenance release, for example, 12.4(1) to 12.4(2) Medium
New feature deployment Medium
New hardware deployment Medium
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Configuration change to nonpacket forwarding capabilities Low
Release Management Policy
Table 5 is an example of what a release management policy might look like.
Table 5. Release Management Testing Policy
Change Control Impact Change Impact Test Type Required
High High Acceptance
High Medium Regression
High Low Unit
Medium High Regression
Medium Medium Unit
Medium Low No testing required
Low High Regression
Low Medium Unit
Low Low No testing required
Consequences of Not Acting
There are three major consequences of not acting:
Limited capabilities and the increasing gap cause risk.
Effective decision making is slowed down.
Resourcing and automation are stretched.
Many companies have a gap with capabilities in network operations and maintenance, specifically
configuration management, and as time goes on this gap is increasing.
Limited Capabilities and the Increasing Gap
With limited capabilities in configuration management, there is a risk that an incident could occur
that requires configuration management capabilities to respond in a timely manner. For example,
specifically this is true of critical configuration changes, like password updates, and responding to
security incidents. In this sense, configuration management can be likened to virus updates and
software patches for PCs.
This is also true of proactive activities, specifically maintenance tasks. There are maintenance
tasks needed in an IP network, and these tasks may not be being carried out with the required
This means there is a gap building between the desired operational state of the network and the
current operational state of the network.
This is compounded if your company is expanding its operations and the number of network
elements, as the network grows and the volume of work increases, the maintenance tasks
increase, and without corrective action, this gap will continue to grow.
Effective Decision Making
Effective decision making is also slowed down and more laborious when the decision requires
information on the current state of the network. Depending on the regularity of decisions relating to
the network, the time and cost burden of this slowdown could be material.
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Resourcing and Automation
Currently there is a global IT skill shortage. This is especially true for network engineers. It is
difficult to recruit and retain experienced networking professionals, and equally challenging to use
their experience in business impacting efforts.
The lack of automation capabilities in network operations means that experienced resources are
being stretched to deliver on repetitive tasks, reducing productivity and potentially reducing job
satisfaction. Maturity in configuration management tools and processes will improve automation
capabilities and productivity and reduce the likelihood of staff turnover.
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CERT: Computer Emergency Response Team
CI: Configurable Item
CMDB: Configuration Management Database
FCAPS: Fault, configration, accounting, performance, and security (a TMN term)
IOS: Internet Operating System
ITIL: IT Infrastrure Library
PSIRT: Product Security Incident Response Team
VLAN: Virtual local area network
SOE: Standard operating environment
SOX: Sarbanes-Oxley
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