Release Management Policy
Aspen Marketing Services
Version 1.1
John Toso
Aspen Marketing Services
Release Management Policy V1.1
Release Management Policy Overview: ........................................................................................................ 3
Critical Success Factors ................................................................................................................................. 3
Service Level Management (SLM) ................................................................................................................. 4
Key Performance Indicators: ..................................................................................................................... 4
Service Level Agreements (SLA/OLA) ........................................................................................................ 6
Roles & Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................ 6
Service Manager: ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Service Architect: ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Release Manager: ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Release Engineer: ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Development Team:.................................................................................................................................. 8
Deployment Team:.................................................................................................................................... 8
Responsibility Accountability Matrix ........................................................................................................ 8
Aspen Release Management Policy RACI Chart: ................................................................................... 9
Release Tasks ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Quality Gates ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Release Readiness Checklist/System Verification Review (TEMPLATE) ................................................. 10
Approvals ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Release Management – Post Implementation Review (TEMPLATE) ...................................................... 11
Approvals ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Current and Future State Release Management Process Comparison ......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Aspen Marketing Services
Release Management Policy V1.1
Release Management Policy Overview:
This document outlines the Aspen Marketing Services SDLC Release Management Policy. The goal of
Release Management is to ensure that all aspects of a release, both technical and nontechnical, are
considered together. Release Management as represented in this document is a subset of an overall IT
Service Transition
solution which is comprised of Change Management, Release Management,
Deployment, and Knowledge Management. Each of these sub processes inter-relates and a Release
Management end-to-end solution must include key components of each process. The policies defined in
this document focus on Release and Deployment Management. Change Management, Asset
Management, and other service transition processes will be considered in future versions of this
The Release Management Policy governance was developed around the following areas:
Ensure there is a distinction made between change management, development,
implementation, and testing roles & responsibilities to optimize the integrity of the release
Positioning additional quality gates in the Release Management life cycle to ensure consistency
through the build and release process.
Reducing the risk in failed releases by centralizing control, increasing visibility and automating
manual tasks that can introduce error into the deployment process.
Measure performance of Release Management to drive to continuous improvement of the
Critical Success Factors
The recognition and communication of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for the Release Management
process is crucial for enterprise-wide adoption of the policy.
Planning for releases and delivery packages so these are delivered to production ready and
tested to minimize the volume of changes into the environment.
Release Manager will be empowered to veto a new release into the production environment
based on acceptance criteria as defined in the Release Management process.
Release Manager will ensure that adequate testing has been performed prior to submitting an
approval for the release to go to production and the inclusion of a back-out strategy for all
production changes.
Measure performance of Release Management to drive to continuous improvement of the
As identified in the ITIL Service Management (ITSM) Lifecycle.
Aspen Marketing Services
Release Management Policy V1.1
Release Manager will have an active role and provide Change Management oversight through a
formal Change Advisory Board (CAB) for all production changes (future).
Because it is recognized that portions of the Release process may be impacted by factors outside the
organization, Release Management will report and highlight external issues where possible.
Service Level Management (SLM)
The objectives of Service Level Management are to negotiate, agree, document, and monitor service
level agreements between business, IT, and service providers. Ensuring that high quality, repeatable,
and predictable release deployments are achieved is the ultimate goal of the Release Management
Policy. SLM metrics associated in this Release Policy will be organized into Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) mapped to existing Service Level Agreements (SLAs) or new SLAs will be established if necessary
as the Release Policy Matures.
Key Performance Indicators:
Fundamentally, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) measure progress towards a goal. Defining suitable
KPIs is above all about deciding what exactly is considered a “successful process execution”. The table
below provides recommended KPIs for Aspen Release Management Process with identified goals
derived from information gathered from existing Aspen release deployment performance. These KPI
goals align with expected deployment process improvements as this policy is implemented across the
KPI Metric
Pre-Release Performance
Number of incomplete
assembled build package
(deployment lead time SLA will
influence measurement)
(primary) Release
(secondary) Release
Manager, Deployment
Less than 10% of
deployment packages.
Deployment Request
Document (TFS)
[Scheduling checklist]
Number of releases without
completed testing results
Release Manager
Less than 5% of
deployment packages.
Deployment Request
Document (TFS)
[Scheduling checklist]
Number of releases that get
rejected during Release
Release Manager
Less than 15% of
deployment packages.
Deployment Request
Document (TFS)
See current and future state release management process for details.
Aspen Marketing Services
Release Management Policy V1.1
KPI Metric
Readiness/ System Verification
[Scheduling checklist]
Release Performance
Number of releases deployed
to staging with issues.
(primary) Release
(secondary) Release
Less than 25% of
deployment packages.
Deployment Request
Document (TFS)
[Post Implementation
Results ]
Number of releases deployed
to production with issues.
Release Engineer
Release Manager
Less than 5% of
deployment packages.
Deployment Request
Document (TFS)
[Post Implementation
Results ]
Deployments performed on-
(primary) Release
Deployment Team
95% of all deployment
Deployment Request
Document (TFS)
[Post Implementation
Results ]
Number of Emergency
(planned verse
unplanned measure)
Release Manager
Less than 25% of
deployment packages.
Deployment Request
Document (TFS)
[Scheduling tab]
Release deployments longer
than scheduled.
Deployment Team
Less than 25% of
deployment requests.
Deployment Request
Document (TFS)
[Post Implementation
Results ]
Post-Release Performance
Number of releases deployed
to production with software
defects. Severity SLA to be
(primary) Development
(secondary) Release
Less than 5% of
Deployment Request
Document (TFS)
[Post Implementation
Results ]
Issues examples - deployment procedures, faulty scripts, SW defects, documentation errors, environment issues
Emergency defined as less that 4-hours notice. Criteria subject to change .
Aspen Marketing Services
Release Management Policy V1.1
KPI Metric
Number of release backouts
(primary) Release
Less than 5% of
Deployment Request
Document (TFS)
[Post Implementation
Results ]
Service Level Agreements (SLA/OLA)
Future policy will structure KPI goals against Operational and Service Level Agreements intended to
measure how effective inter-department and function areas serve each other’s needs. Effective SLAs are
extremely important to assure improvements in the process and increase the success rate of
Roles & Responsibilities
Aspen Marketing Services has designated a team responsible for ensuring the new release process is
adhered to and ensure improvements are being made. The following list the roles and responsibilities
for Aspen’s Release Management:
Service Manager:
The primary role of the Service Manager is to ensure executive support of the Release Management
Policy and drive the long-term strategic directions of the release process. Key activities for this role
Ensure alignment of the Release Management Policy to the Aspen overall IT delivery strategy.
Provide policy ownership through design, implementation and continuous improvement
Communicate the Release Management policy’s strategic goals to the business units and
development organizations.
Work with each of the development teams to ensure the Release Management policy is
executed as designed.
Service Architect:
The primary role of the Service Architect is defining the technical solution for how the Release
Management Policy will be delivered. Key activities for this role include:
Implementing a technical strategy for the Release Management process.
Aspen Marketing Services
Release Management Policy V1.1
Provides technical ownership for design, implementation and continuous improvement of the
Release Management tool.
Establishes security permissions for the Definitive Media Library (TFS).
Automates components of the Release Management process wherever possible.
Release Manager:
The role of the Release Manager is to manage the Release Management process end-to-end and
coordinate the various functions and work activities for each build. The Release Manager is focused on
each specific release rather than the entire release process. The Release Manager represents business
unit, Product Management, or area interests regarding the release being requested. Normally this role
is the leader of the project team responsible for the release. Key activities for this role include:
Communicate with and manage the expectations of customers of Release Management.
Primary contact to Product Management concerning all release/deployment issues.
Coordinates and communicates all go/no-go decisions.
Update and manage content within the Deployment Work Item.
Request/schedule deployments (master release calendar).
Ensure that proper testing occurs for all releases into the production and staging environments
Schedule and lead release readiness/system verification reviews.
Lead post-implementation reviews (with deployment team)
Review releases and assign appropriate release testing tasks.
Receive, log, qualify, and assign all release requests.
Conduct periodic process audits.
Participate in Change Advisory Board (Future).
Release Engineer:
The Release Engineer oversees the technical content in the deployment request documentation and
verifies the technical quality of each build. Key activities for this role include:
Primary Release Manager contact for deployment packages, deployment issues, etc.
Provides details on build package, scripts, and other deployment assets in the Deployment
Request Work Item.
Verifies the assembled build package for the release.
Secures software and other deployment assets in the Definitive Software Library (source code
control). These include software versioning and branching policies.
Compile, Review, and deploy all Testing Deliverables.
Assemble build package and conduct installation procedure tests.
Participate in Release Quality Gates (as needed).
Primary contacts for QA on build/deploy, or defect issues.
Aspen Marketing Services
Release Management Policy V1.1
Development Team:
The Development Teams will responsible for development of software features and defect fixes. Key
activities include:
Working with Release Management to publish build, testing, deployment plans and schedules.
Develop business solution, test, and create configuration and installation scripts.
Work with Release Engineers to validate configuration, and installation scripts.
Develop roll-back procedures.
Conduct functional, integration, user acceptance, operational readiness, and back-out testing.
Participate in Release Quality Gates (as needed).
Resolve deployment issues (works with Release Engineer).
Participate in post-release validation.
Deployment Team:
The Deployment Team is comprised of individuals from the Operations team and is responsible for
actual deployments to Staging (AUTO & DIGITAL teams) and Production (ALL teams). Key activities
Maintain consistency between staging and production environments.
Maintain environment permission schema.
Maintain primary release calendar.
Deploy releases to staging and production and provide primary contact to Release Managers.
Communicate deployment status though updates to the deployment request Work Item.
Reports exceptions to the Release process.
Participate in Post-Implementation reviews (as needed).
Update deployment log/metrics for KPI reporting.
Responsibility Accountability Matrix
The following RACI matrix describes the participation by various roles in completing Release
Management (ITIL Service Transition) tasks or deliverables. The RACI chart is useful in clarifying roles
and responsibilities in cross-functional/departmental projects. For each task or deliverable, roles are
identified as Responsible (those who do the work to achieve the task), Accountable (those who are
ultimately accountable for the correct and completion of the deliverable or task), Consulted (those
whose opinions are sought), or Informed (those who are kept up-to-date on progress). In most cases,
the role that is Accountable for a task or deliverable may also be Responsible for completing the task.
Aspen Marketing Services
Release Management Policy V1.1
Aspen Release Management Policy RACI Chart:
Release Tasks
Service Manager
Service Architect
Release Manager
Release Engineer
Development Team
Deployment Team
Create Release Package
Write up Impact & Risk Mitigation Plan A I R
Write up Test Results A I R
Update Deployment Work Item A C R I
Write up Back out Plan/Procedures A I R I
Propose Implementation Schedule I I R I
Submit to Release Manager I I C R I
Review and Approve Release
Verify the assembled build package is complete I R C
Conduct installation procedure tests I R I
Release Readiness/System Verification Review R A C
Report exceptions to the Release process R I I I
Approve or Defer Release C I R I I I
Update Deployment Work Item and Release Calendar R I C C
Implement Release
Deploy Release I I I I R
Report exceptions to the Release I C I R
Provide support (if needed) R C R I
Update Deployment metrics for KPI reporting C R
Report status of Release and update Work Item I I I R
Post Implementation Review
Write up PIR R C C
Review PIR I I R C A
Assign action items R C C
Close Release R I I C
Quality Gates
Release Management Policy will include quality gates designed to provide effective controls and
discipline to support a smooth Release Management process implementation. Increased productivity
will be realized by reducing the amount of deployment issues and associated troubleshooting which
occurs during failed deployments. The following quality gates will be implemented.
Release readiness checklist/System verification review - This will aid in reducing issues
attributed to sloppy work when the instructions in the deployment documentation are not 100%
Aspen Marketing Services
Release Management Policy V1.1
Post-implementation review - This will identify lessons learned from post release reviews to
support continuous improvement.
Release Readiness Checklist/System Verification Review (TEMPLATE)
The purpose of the Release Readiness Checklist/System Verification Review is to ensure that the
pending release has followed the approved Software Development and Release Management processes,
and that the project team has identified any system interdependencies and risks that may have an
adverse impact on the software application/system deployment. It is expected that this checklist will
be included as part of the deployment request document.
Release Manager, Quality Assurance, Release Engineers
Quality Gate: Release Readiness Checklist
Project/Application Name Project Number Date Created
<List the name of the project/application. > <List the Project
Number). >
< List the
date. >
Project Manager Release Manager
<List the project manager. >
<List the release manager. >
<Provide a brief description of the project. Identify both what will be released and the schedule for the release.
Include the release procedures. >
Type of Release
Staging Initial Release Production Initial Release Staging Re-Release Production Re-Release
Other <Provide explanation if “Other” is selected.>
Software/System Interdependencies Yes No N/A Comments
1. Have all systems, software applications, data sources, files, etc. that may
be affected by the installation of the release been identified?
2. Has the potential impact to the affected system been communicated to
all business and operations teams?
Risk Mitigation and Contingency Yes No N/A Comments
3. Have any deployment risks to the organization, systems, or other related
entities that may develop as part of the release been identified?
Aspen Marketing Services
Release Management Policy V1.1
Quality Gate: Release Readiness Checklist (continued)
4. Is a mitigation risk strategy or contingency plan
for reducing or eliminating the risk in place? This
includes a roll-back strategy.
Software Configuration Management Yes No N/A Comments
5. Have all required components been placed under
control during development? (All files, including
Executables, libraries and stored procedure files
been placed under control.)
6. Verify correct version of software has been tested
in QA environment and all code changes frozen?
7. Notifications: Have all impacted parties been
notified (in addition to the deployment team)
about the Release Plan and Deployment window?
<Write in the names of those who
have been notified>
8. Have all database and IS changes been identified?
Any additional tasks or deployment steps been
Yes No
N/A Comments
9. Has all formal testing been completed including
unit, integration, and system tests? Have QA tests
been completed?
Deployment Documentation
Yes No
N/A Comments
10. Has all development and release engineers
properly filled in their sections in the deployment
11. Have all the deployment steps been validated in
the QA environment for accuracy?
12. Have back out procedures been listed including
the latest possible date/time for a go/no-go
Release Management – Post Implementation Review (TEMPLATE)
The purpose of the Post Implementation Review is to ensure that any issues encountered during release
process have been identified, and the project team has agreed to a course of action for remediation of
same-type issues in any future releases.
Aspen Marketing Services
Release Management Policy V1.1
Quality Gate: Post Implementation Review
Project/Application Name Project Number Date Released
<List the name of the project/application. > <List the Project
Number). >
< List the date. >
Project Manager Release Manager
<List the project manager. >
<List the release manager. >
<Provide a brief description of the project. Identify both what will be released and the schedule for the
release. Include the release procedures. >
Type of Release
Staging Initial Release Production Initial Release Staging Re-Release Production Re-Release
Other <Provide explanation if “Other” is selected.>
Release Manager, Deployment Team
Aspen Marketing Services
Release Management Policy V1.1
Quality Gate: Post-Implementation Review
Release Management Process Review Yes No N/A Comments
A. Where all systems, software applications, data
sources, files, etc. affected by the installation of
the release identified?
B. Were there any deployment risks to the
organization, systems, or other related entities
that were not identified?
C. Did any issues arise that could have led back to
the release not tested properly (unit, integration,
user test)?
D. If the release was rolled back, was the backup
plan identified properly and did the plan work?
E. Were the deployment instructions /steps
validated for accuracy?
Action Items
Due Date Comments
1. <Action Item #1> MM/DD/YY <Comments>
2. <Action Item #2>
3. <Action Item #3>
4. <Action Item #4>