Professor Pavel NĂSTASE, PhD
Professor Floarea NĂSTASE, PhD
Corina IONESCU, PhD Candidate
The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
Abstract. The main purpose of this paper is to emphasize the importance of the
implementation of IT best practices in enterprises and to identify the key challenges
managers are facing when creating a standardized IT control framework in order to
achieve alignment of best practices to business requirements. First, the authors
present the increasing necessity of implementing IT standards in organizations acting
in IT environments with focus on the standards COBIT, ITIL and ISO/IEC 27002.
Second, the paper develops the analysis of the three standards which is a guidance for
organizations wishing to adopt IT best practices on how to integrate the leading global
frameworks and other practices and standards in inter-organizational relationships.
The last part concentrates on the best methods of implementing in an efficient way the
IT standards, which include identifying the use of standards and IT best practices,
prioritizing processes according to an action plan and planning the steps of the
implementation approach.
Key words: IT standards, IT best practices, COBIT, ITIL, ISO/IEC 27002.
JEL Classification: L84, M15, M42
In the nowadays society every competitive enterprise acting in an IT environment
needs to establish the best usage of IT standards and practices in order to suit its
individual requirements. The growing adoption of IT best practices has been driven by
a requirement for the IT industry to better manage the quality and reliability of IT in
business and respond to a growing number of regulatory and contractual requirements.
Considering the current IT environment and the multitude of standards that can be
applied to information systems, it is a challenge for each organization to choose the
most appropriate set of standards which satisfy their needs. It is not simple for IT to
define its goals, position services and the need for constant evolution, therefore, in the
Pavel Nastase, Floarea Nastase, Corina Ionescu
current economy, enterprises worldwide are struggling to achieve growth and
governance at an affordable cost without compromising the business, its customers,
and the integrity and security of their information systems.
The aim of this paper is to explain to business users and senior management the value
of IT best practices and how harmonization, implementation and integration of best
practices may be made easier. For this, the authors draw the attention on the challenges
enterprises are facing when establishing IT best practices by making a comparison
between three IT standards and highlighting their features COBIT 4.1, ITIL V3 and
ISO/IEC 27002. All three standards/practices covered in this paper can play a very
useful role: COBIT and ISO/IEC 27002 in helping to define what should be done and
ITIL in providing the how for service management aspects. There is a danger,
however, that implementation of these potentially helpful best practices can be costly
and unfocused if they are treated as purely technical guidance.
To be most effective, best practices should be applied within the business context,
focusing on where their use would provide the most benefits to the organization. Top
management, business management, auditors, compliance officers and IT managers
should work together to make sure IT best practices lead to cost-effective and well-
controlled IT delivery. IT best practices are very important within organizations
because they support not only a better management of IT, which is critical to the
success of the enterprise strategy, but also the effective governance of IT activities,
ITGI (2008). IT best practices enable also an effective management framework of
policies, internal controls and defined practices, as well as many other business
benefits, including efficiency gains, less reliance on experts, fewer errors, trust from
business partners and respect from regulators.
1. Premises for Implementing IT Best Practices
All IT best practices offer support for managers who strive for business improvement
through better usage of IT activities, but this paper focuses only on three specific
practices and standards that are becoming widely adopted around the world and which
have been updated in order to reflect the latest versions:
ITIL V3 published by the UK Government to provide a best practice
framework for IT service management;
COBIT 4.1 – published by ITGI and positioned as a high-level governance and
control framework;
ISO/IEC 27002:2005 published by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) and International Electro-technical Commission (IEC)
and derived from the UK Government’s BS 7799, renamed ISO/IEC
17799:2005, to provide a framework of a standard for information security
Challenges Generated by the Implementation of the IT standards COBIT 4.1, ITIL V3
The implementation of best practices should be consistent with the enterprise’s risk
management and control framework, appropriate for the enterprise, and integrated with
other methods and practices that are being used, therefore management and staff must
understand what to do, how to do it and why it is important.
At worldwide level, specialized institutes show constant preoccupations in order to
assure the convergence of IT standards. An example is the collaboration between the
UK’s Office of Government Commerce and the IT Governance Institute which
organized researches in order to reflect changes in COBIT 4.1 and ITIL V3
( To achieve alignment of best practice to business requirements,
formal processes in support of good IT governance should be used, ITGI (2008).
COBIT can be used at the highest level of IT governance, providing an overall control
framework based on an IT process model that is intended by ITGI to generically suit
every enterprise. There is also a need for detailed, standardized processes. Specific
practices and standards, such as ITIL and ISO/IEC 27002, cover specific areas and can
be mapped to the COBIT framework, thus providing a hierarchy of guidance materials.
Figure 1 shows the position of the three standards depending on two factors: degree of
abstraction and relevance of the IT.
Figure 1. Model of IT Standards
(Source: Popa & Ionescu, 2005)
As mentioned before, COBIT provides a general control framework for IT processes
and has an almost medium abstraction degree according to this model. But, since it
Pavel Nastase, Floarea Nastase, Corina Ionescu
focuses only on IT processes and controls it locates itself between the general and the
specific area closer, though to the general part. On the other hand ITIL and ISO 27002
have a very specific content, ITIL being characterized by a low degree of abstraction
and ISO 27002 by a medium one.
2. The Need of IT Best Practices in Today’s Society
IT best practices have become significant to managers because of the increasingly
competitive environment. First, one of the key concerns of business managers and
boards is to demand better returns from IT investments, which implies the assurance
that IT delivers what the business needs in order to enhance stakeholder value.
Therefore, the management shows constant preoccupation over the generally
increasing level of IT expenditure and over the increasingly complex IT-related risks,
such as network security, Selig (2008). Second, in all sectors of the economy there is
the need to meet regulatory requirements for IT controls which implies that managers
should drive IT governance initiatives that include adoption of control frameworks and
best practices to help monitor and improve critical IT activities in order to increase
business value and reduce business risk. Third, managers always seek to optimize
costs, in this case by driving standardized approaches. And the last reason for
implementing IT best practices is the fact that organizations need to assess how they
are performing against generally accepted standards.
All the above factors contribute to the continuous growth in the use of standards and
best practices but at the same time they create new challenges and demands for
implementation guidance. For senior managers it is important to find answers to
following questions: Are IT and the business strategy in alignment? Is the enterprise
achieving optimum use of its internal and external resources? Does everyone in the
enterprise understand the IT objectives? Is the impact of IT on enterprise risk
understood and is the responsibility for IT risk management established?
Due to their technical nature, IT standards and best practices are known mostly to the
experts (IT professionals, managers and advisors) who may adopt and use them with
good intent but potentially without a business focus or the customer’s involvement and
support. Even in organizations where practices such as COBIT and ITIL have been
implemented, some business managers understand little about their real purpose and
are unable to influence their use. To realize the full business value of best practices,
the customers of IT services need to be involved, as the effective use of IT should be a
collaborative experience between the customer and service providers (internal and
external), with the customer setting the requirements. Other interested stakeholders,
such as the board, senior executives and auditors, also have a great interest in either
Challenges Generated by the Implementation of the IT standards COBIT 4.1, ITIL V3
receiving or in providing assurance that the IT investment is protected properly and
delivering value. Increasingly, the use of standards and best practices, such as ITIL,
COBIT and ISO/IEC 27002, is being driven by business requirements for improved
performance, value transparency and increased control over IT activities (IIA Research
The UK Government recognized very early on the significance of IT best practices to
Government and, for many years, has developed best practices to guide the use of IT in
Government departments. These practices have now become common standards
around the world in private and public sectors. ITIL was developed more than 15 years
ago to document best practice for IT service management, with that best practice being
determined through the involvement of industry experts, consultants and practitioners.
ISACA recognized in the early 1990s that auditors, who had their own checklists for
assessing IT controls and effectiveness, were speaking a different language to business
managers and IT practitioners. In response to this communication gap, COBIT was
created as an IT control framework for business managers, IT managers and auditors
based on a generic set of IT processes meaningful to IT people and, increasingly to
business managers. The best practices in COBIT are a common approach to good IT
controls, implemented by business and IT managers, and assessed on the same basis by
auditors. Over the years, COBIT has been developed as an open standard and is now
increasingly being adopted globally as the control model for implementing and
demonstrating effective IT governance. In 1998, ISACA created an affiliated body, the
IT Governance Institute, to oversee further development of COBIT and to better
communicate IT governance-related messages to business managers and, in particular,
the boardroom.
Today, as every organization tries to deliver value from IT while managing an
increasingly complex range of IT-related risks, the effective use of best practices can
help to avoid reinventing their own policies and procedures, optimize the use of the IT
resources and reduce the occurrence of major IT risks, such as: project failures, wasted
investments, security breaches, system crashes and failures by service providers to
understand and meet customer requirements, Nastase & Ionescu (2008).
3. Adoption of IT Best Practices
Organizations wishing to adopt IT best practices need an effective management
framework that provides an overall consistent approach and is likely to ensure
successful business outcomes when using IT to support the enterprise’s strategy.
Pavel Nastase, Floarea Nastase, Corina Ionescu
Strong framework tools are essential for ensuring that IT resources are aligned with an
enterprise’s business objectives, and that services and information meet quality and
security needs. COBIT and ITIL are not mutually exclusive and can be combined to
provide a powerful IT governance, control and best-practice framework in IT service
management, ITGI (2008).
However, users need more guidance on how to integrate the leading global
frameworks and other practices and standards. In response to this need, ongoing
research has been undertaken into the mapping of COBIT to a wide range of other
practices. COBIT is based on established frameworks, however, COBIT does not
include process steps and tasks because, although it is oriented towards IT processes, it
is a control and management framework rather than a process framework. COBIT
focuses on what an enterprise needs to do, not how it needs to do it, and the target
audience is senior business management, senior IT management and auditors. Due to
its high level and broad coverage and because it is based on many existing practices,
COBIT is often referred to as the ‘integrator’, bringing disparate practices under one
umbrella and, just as important, helping to link these various IT practices to business
ITIL is based on defining best practice processes for IT service management and
support, rather than on defining a broad-based control framework. It focuses on the
method and defines a more comprehensive set of processes. Additionally, ITIL
provides a business and strategic context for IT decision making and for the first time
describes continual service improvement as the key activity which drives maintenance
of value delivery to customers.
Now that these standards and best practices are increasingly being used in real-world
situations, experiences are maturing and organizations are moving from ad hoc and
chaotic approaches to IT, to defined and managed processes. As IT governance gains
acceptance, IT best practices will increasingly be aligned to business and governance
requirements, rather than technical requirements. COBIT 4.0 introduced key activities
for all IT processes to help guide roles and responsibilities for effective IT governance.
In a climate of increasing regulation and concern about IT-related risks, best practices
will help not only enterprises to realize value from IT investments and IT services but
also to minimize compliance issues and the concerns of auditors by: making
compliance and the application of internal controls ‘normal business practice’,
demonstrating adherence to accepted and proven industry good practices, improving
trust and confidence from management and partners and creating respect from
regulators and other external reviewers.
Challenges Generated by the Implementation of the IT standards COBIT 4.1, ITIL V3
4. COBIT, ITIL and ISO/IEC 27002 – Overview of the Standards
As the subject of this paper consists of the analysis of the three standards: COBIT,
ITIL and ISO27002, the next part of the article focuses not only on the comparison of
these standards but also on offering a best practice guide on how to use these standards
most efficiently in organizations acting in IT environments.
The first approach of the standards’ overview is presented in the following figure
which enables the understanding of the key similarities and differences between the
three standards:
Table 1
Overview of COBIT, ITIL and ISO/IEC 27002
Mapping IT Process
Mapping IT
Service Level
34 Processes and 4
Domains 9 Processes 10 Domains
Information System Audit
Manage Service
Compliance with
security standards
Accounting Company, IT
Consulting Company
IT Consulting
IT Consulting
Company, Security
Company, Network
(Source: Priandoyo, 2008)
A first difference of the three standards is the fact that they are issued by different
organizations with different areas of activities and objectives. The general function of
the standards is also slighlty different. COBIT provides best practices and tools for
monitoring and mapping IT processes while ITIL aims to map IT service level
management and ISO 27002 provides guidelines for implementing a standardized
information security framework. COBIT consists of 4 domains and 34 processes which
are required for the implementation of the information system audit. ITIL’s best
practice framework covers a total of 9 processes and enables the implementation of IT
service level management with focus on achieving business effectiveness and
efficiency in IT service management.
Pavel Nastase, Floarea Nastase, Corina Ionescu
When choosing the right standard, managers should also consider the type of vendor
that can offer them the desired solution of implementing the IT standards. All three
standards can be provided in general by an IT consulting company, but COBIT is
exclusively provided by an accounting company and ISO 27002 by a security or
network consultant company.
4.1. COBIT
Executives need confidence that they can rely on information systems and the
information produced by those systems and get a positive return from IT investments.
COBIT enables business executives to better understand how to direct and manage the
enterprise’s use of IT and the standard of good practice to be expected from IT
providers. COBIT provides the tools to direct and oversee all IT-related activities.
COBIT is a globally accepted framework for IT governance based on industry
standards and best practices. Once implemented, executives can ensure IT is aligned
effectively with business goals and better direct the use of IT for business advantage.
COBIT provides a common language for business executives to communicate goals,
objectives and results with audit, IT and other professionals, ITGI (2007).
COBIT provides best practices and tools for monitoring and managing IT activities.
The use of IT is a significant investment that needs to be managed. COBIT helps
executives understand and manage IT investments throughout their life cycle and
provides a method to assess whether IT services and new initiatives are meeting
business requirements and are likely to deliver the benefits expected. The COBIT
framework, in versions 4.0 and higher, focuses its activity on 5 areas which enable the
IT governance: framework, process descriptions, control objectives, management
guidelines and maturity models.
The difference between enterprises that manage IT well and those that do not, or
cannot, is tremendous. COBIT enables clear policy development and good practice for
IT management. The framework helps increase the value attained from IT. It also helps
organizations manage IT-related risks and ensure compliance, continuity, security and
privacy. Because COBIT is a set of proven and internationally accepted tools and
techniques, implementation of COBIT is a sign of a well-run organization. It helps IT
professionals and enterprise users demonstrate professional competence to senior
management. As with many generic business processes, there are specific IT industry
standards and good practices that enterprises should follow when using IT. COBIT
captures these and provides a framework for implementing and managing them. Once
the key COBIT principles relevant to an enterprise are identified and implemented,
executives gain confidence that the use of IT can be managed effectively.
Challenges Generated by the Implementation of the IT standards COBIT 4.1, ITIL V3
4.2 ITIL
Nowadays, organizations are dependent on IT to satisfy their corporate aims, meet
their business needs and deliver value to customers. For this to happen in a
manageable, accountable and repeatable way, the business must ensure that high-
quality IT services are provided. These should be matched to business needs and user
requirements, be compliant with legislation, be effectively and efficiently sourced and
delivered and be continually reviewed and improved.
IT service management is concerned with planning, sourcing, designing,
implementing, operating, supporting and improving IT services that are appropriate to
business needs. ITIL provides a comprehensive, consistent and coherent best practice
framework for IT service management and related processes, promoting a high-quality
approach for achieving business effectiveness and efficiency in IT service
management, ITGI (2008). ITIL is intended to underpin but not dictate the business
processes of an organization. The role of the ITIL framework is to describe
approaches, functions, roles and processes, upon which organizations may base their
own practices and to give guidance at the lowest level that is applicable generally.
Below that level, and to implement ITIL in an organization, specific knowledge of its
business processes is required to drive ITIL for optimum effectiveness.
In ITIL V3, the most significant development has been the move from a process-based
framework to a more comprehensive structure reflecting the life cycle of IT services.
In this new context, the key processes have been updated, but more significantly, ITIL
now describes IT service management functions, activities and organizational
structure; strategic and sourcing concerns; and integration with the business, ITIL V3
4.3. ISO/IEC 27002
The international standard of IT security controls, ISO/IEC 27002:2005 was published
by ISO and the IEC, which established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1,
ISO 27000 Directory (2005). Its goal is to provide information to parties responsible
for implementing information security within an organization. It can be seen as a best
practice for developing and maintaining security standards and management practices
within an organization to improve reliability on information security in inter-
organizational relationships. It defines 133 security controls strategies under 11 major
headings. The standard emphasizes the importance of risk management and makes it
clear that it is not necessary to implement every stated guideline, only those that are
Pavel Nastase, Floarea Nastase, Corina Ionescu
The guiding principles in ISO/IEC 27002:2005 are the starting points for
implementing information security. They rely on either legal requirements or generally
accepted best practices. Measures based on legal requirements include: protection and
non-disclosure of personal data, protection of internal information and protection of
intellectual property rights. Best practices mentioned in the standard include:
information security policy, assignment of responsibility for information security,
problem escalation and business continuity management, Calder (2006).
4.4. Interconnecting the standards COBIT, ITIL and ISO/IEC 27002
It may be useful to think of the three standards as an interconnected system network
which aims to support the service management structure by offering a set of
compliance rules of these standards inside every organization. Attempting to mix the
three management specifications (COBIT, ITIL, and ISO 27002) is a very complex
process which has been already the subject of many researches at worldwide level with
the goal of obtaining a harmony between them in order to simplify the mapping of IT
standards in organizations, Greenfield (2007). The interconnection of the three
standards can be reflected in the following model:
Figure 2. Interconnecting the standards
The international standard ISO/IEC 27002 represents a formal specification and
organizations may seek accreditation to demonstrate compliance with the standard. It
represents a framework for information security management which lays out a process
for securing IT services and addressing legal requirements. The standard specifies best
practices for security in 12 areas and offers guidance on such topics as protecting
personal data, internal information and intellectual property. ISO/IEC 27002 is much
Framework for IT governance
Policies, procedures and processes
Best practice framework for IT service management and support
ISO/IEC 27002
Framework for information security management
Challenges Generated by the Implementation of the IT standards COBIT 4.1, ITIL V3
more different from COBIT and ITIL, because ISO27002 is a security standard, which
has a smaller but at the same time deeper domain compared to COBIT and ITIL.
Next to ISO/IEC 27002 is the ITIL best practice guidance, which helps to ensure and
demonstrate that the provisions of the standard are being met. ITIL was developed by
the U.K. government and it describes how to go about implementing the processes in
order to deliver IT services. It provides best practice guidance for IT service
management and support which helps to ensure and demonstrate that the provisions of
the standard are being met. As part of the presented network, ITIL processes may be
used to achieve and demonstrate compliance with COBIT control objectives.
Although ITIL is quite similar with COBIT in many ways, there is a basic difference
between the two of them. On one hand, COBIT sets the standards by focusing on the
process based system and on the risks generated by the utilization of IT, and on the
other hand ITIL sets the standards from the basic IT service.
COBIT is positioned as a high-level governance and control framework for IT
processes which provide to management assurance and advice for improvement of IT
processes. In other words, COBIT tells what to monitor and to control. COBIT's goal
is to help IT understand the needs of the business and to put practices in place to meet
them as efficiently as possible. The COBIT main function is to help the company,
mapping their IT process to ISACA best practices standard. COBIT is usually chosen
by a company which is performing information system audit, whether related to
financial audit or to the general IT audit.
5. Guidance for Implementing COBIT, ITIL and ISO/IEC 27002
Specialists have concluded that the effective management policies and procedures help
ensure that IT is managed as a routine part of everyday activities which strives for
standardization. Adoption of standards and best practices enables quick
implementation of good procedures and avoids lengthy delays in creating and agreeing
on new approaches of processes. However, the best practices adopted have to be
consistent within a risk management and a control framework, appropriate for the
organization, and integrated with other methods and practices that are being used.
Standards and best practices don’t guarantee 100% success to a company which seeks
to implement IT standards and controls. Their effectiveness depends on how well they
have been implemented and kept up to date, Van Grembergen & De Haes (2008). It is
the role of the management to include the standards and IT best practices into the
continuous improvement project of their company, because the IT environment is
Pavel Nastase, Floarea Nastase, Corina Ionescu
changeable and managers must be aware of all the changes and how they affect the IT
5.1. Choosing the Best Standard
Before starting to implement the standards and objectives, one should be able to ensure
that policies and procedures will be effectively utilized, which requires that
management and staff personnel must understand what to do, how to do it and why it
is important. Therefore, for best practices to be effective, the use of a common
language and a standardized approach oriented towards real business requirements is a
key factor, as it ensures that everyone follows the same set of objectives, issues and
Managers should focus first on where it is easier to make changes and deliver
improvements, and build from there one step at a time. They also have to manage
expectations because in most enterprises, achieving successful oversight of IT takes
time and is a continuous improvement process, Nastase (2007).
Managers involved in the process of implementing IT standards and controls have
always asked the question: which standard should be implemented first?
Unfortunately, no one can give an exact solution to this problem, because it depends
on the company’s IT processes and procedures and on their requirements. It is true that
most companies start to implement COBIT first because these standards cover in
general all information systems. And after that, if needed, they usually choose between
ITIL and ISO27002. The budget of the company should also be taken into
consideration because COBIT’s implementation usually runs from an internal audit
budget while ITIL and ISO27002 are usually performed using an IT department
budget, Priandoyo (2008). Taking into account that the budget is one of the most
important elements in every project or in every activity of every organization, the last
consideration is often used in order to decide what kind of standard should be
implemented first, depending on the management policy. From the implementation
point of view, ITIL is the easiest standard to be implemented, because ITIL can be
implemented partially without any impact on the company’s performance. For
example, if the IT department lacks of budget its management can choose to
implement only the IT Service Delivery layer, and the next year they he will try to
implement IT Release Management or IT Problem Management. On the other hand
both COBIT and ISO27002 are quite difficult to be implemented partially because they
need to have an overview of all the processes first and only then can be implemented.
Challenges Generated by the Implementation of the IT standards COBIT 4.1, ITIL V3
Not only budget is important to the management but also choosing the right provider
of the required IT standard, because as specialists state, there is no single solution
applying to all standards. On one hand, the COBIT provider usually comes from an
Accounting Company which has an IT Audit department and on the other hand, the
standards ITIL and ISO27002 usually come from a General IT Consulting Company,
(IBM, HP, Accenture) or an IT networking company.
5.2. Identifying the Uses of Standards and IT Best Practices
Irrespective of the standard each company chooses for its IT processes and controls,
the management needs to identify and establish the usage area and the roles of
standards and practices to suit its individual requirements. All three IT standards can
play a very useful part, COBIT and ISO/IEC 27002 helping to define what should be
done and ITIL providing the how for service management aspects. Typical uses for
these standards and practices aim to enable IT support governance such as providing a
management policy and control framework, to align IT objectives with business
objectives and to ensure an efficient IT resource allocation in order to realize the
execution of the companys IT strategy.
Identifying the uses of standards and IT best practices contribute also to define
requirements in service and project definitions to create a framework for
audit/assessment or to facilitate continuous improvement by: maturity assessments,
gap analysis, benchmarking, improvement planning and avoidance of re-inventing
already proven good approaches.
5.3. Prioritizing
Because in every management decision process the budget represents a key factor,
managers should avoid costly and unfocused implementations of standards and best
practices by prioritizing where and how to use standards and practices. The enterprise
needs to have an effective action plan that suits its particular circumstances and needs.
First, it is important for the board to take ownership of IT governance and set the
direction that management should follow. The management should be guided by
helping align IT initiatives with real business needs and ensure that management
appreciates the potential impact on the business of IT-related risks. The board should
also insist that IT performance be measured and reported to the board and should
establish an IT governing council with responsibility for communicating IT issues
between the board and management. And last but not least the board should insist on
the usage of a management framework for IT governance based on a common
Pavel Nastase, Floarea Nastase, Corina Ionescu
approach such as COBIT and of a best practice framework for IT service management
and security based on a global standard such as ITIL and ISO/IEC 27002.
5.4. Planning the Implementation of the Standards
After fulfilling the above steps, management can initiate and put into action an
implementation approach of IT standards and best practices according to the
suggestions and rules of the company which is responsible for the IT services support
and framework. To help management decide where to begin and to ensure that the
implementation process delivers positive results where they are needed most, the
following steps are suggested, based on ITGI’s IT Governance Implementation Guide
1. Set up an organizational framework (ideally as part of an overall IT governance
initiative) with clear responsibilities and objectives and participation from all
interested parties who will take implementation forward and own it.
2. Align IT strategy with business goals. This involves analyzing the current
business objectives in which IT has a significant contribution and obtaining a
good understanding of the business environment, risks and business strategy
related to IT. COBIT’s management guidelines (specifically the goals and
metrics) help define IT objectives.
3. Understand and define the IT related risks which result from the enterprise’s
business objectives. COBIT contains a process for risk management which
enables risks to be identified and owned. As an addition to COBIT, ITIL
clarifies operational risks and ISO/IEC 27002 clarifies security risks.
4. Define target areas and identify the process areas in IT that are critical to
delivering value and managing these risk areas. The COBIT process framework
can be used in this situation as the basis, being completed by ITIL’s definition of
key service delivery processes and by ISO/IEC 27002’s security objectives,
Tarantino (2008).
5. Perform a maturity capability assessment and a gap identification to find out
where improvements are needed most. The COBIT maturity models provide a
general support to managers who may also decide to go more in detail using
ITIL and ISO/IEC 27002 best practices.
6. Develop improvement strategies (such as continuous improvement initiatives)
and set the highest priority projects that will help improve the management and
IT governance. As in the step above, the COBIT control objectives offer the
basis while ITIL and ISO/IEC 27002 support this process by more detailed
Challenges Generated by the Implementation of the IT standards COBIT 4.1, ITIL V3
7. Establish a balanced scorecard mechanism using COBIT’s goals and metrics
and ITIL’s seven-stage continual improvement approach for measuring current
performance and monitoring the results of new improvements.
6. Recommendations - Aligning Best Practices
Aligning COBIT 4.1, ITIL V3 and ISO/IEC 27002 is of particular value for enterprises
that are undergoing change or restructure. As Robert Stroud, international VP of ITGI
confirmed in a written statement, “the mappings of COBIT to other frameworks and
standards, including ITIL and ISO/IEC 27002, are especially helpful in merger and
acquisition situations”. If the other organization involved uses a different standard or
guidance, the mapping clarifies how processes from both organizations fit together.
The effective use of IT is critical to the success of an enterprise strategy, because it has
the potential of being the major driver of economic wealth in the 21st century.
Therefore, IT best practices need to be aligned to business requirements and integrated
with one another and with internal procedures. COBIT can be used at the highest level,
providing an overall control framework based on an IT process model that should suit
every organization in general. Specific practices and standards such as ITIL and
ISO/IEC 27002 cover discrete areas and can be mapped to the COBIT framework, thus
providing a hierarchy of guidance materials.
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Pavel Nastase, Floarea Nastase, Corina Ionescu
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