Synergies between ITIL
and Knowledge-Centered
Support (KCS
Together, ITIL and KCS can improve IT
service management
Roy Atkinson, John Custy, and
Rick Joslin
White Paper
June 2014
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
1 Executive summary 3
2 Histories of ITIL and KCS 5
3 KCS complements the ITIL lifecycle 6
4 Summary 12
Appendix 13
About the authors 14
About AXELOS and HDI 15
Acknowledgements 16
Trade marks and statements 16
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
Executive Summary
ITIL provides guidance to service providers on the provision of quality IT services and on the
processes, functions, and other capabilities needed to support them. ITIL provides a framework
for what needs to be addressed. Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS) provides detailed guidance
for capturing, structuring, reusing, and improving the knowledge articles that enable processes,
functions, and other capabilities that improve a service provider’s efciency and effectiveness.
This contributes to the achievement of the business’s goals and objectives. Thus, KCS
complements the ITIL framework by providing a specic knowledge management methodology.
ITIL is the most recognized framework for the set of practices known as IT service management (ITSM),
which focus on ensuring the alignment of IT services with business needs. KCS is the set of best
practices that focuses on the use of knowledge—especially within support—as a key asset in facilitating
the achievement of business goals. KCS extends the knowledge management description as laid out in
ITIL’s Service Transition, and they share the same core objective: improving the quality of services and
service provisioning to support business processes.
ITIL is intended to foster increased value of the services provided to customers, improved services that
meet business needs, improved customer experience, satisfaction, and loyalty, improved employee
satisfaction and loyalty, improved productivity, and the continued ability to meet the needs of the
business. The practices described in KCS can facilitate and enhance the ways in which knowledge can
be used to accomplish these goals. Both ITIL and KCS continue to evolve to meet the changes faced by
Communications and meaningful processes are critical to service providers’ success. With regard to
knowledge management, KCS utilizes a dual-loop process to describe its practices (Figure 1): a solve
loop, including the Capture, Structure, Reuse, and Improve practices, and an evolve loop, including the
Content Health, Process and Integration, Performance Assessment, and Leadership and Communication
practices. ITIL organizes its processes into ve lifecycle phases (Figure 2): Service Strategy, Service
Design, Service Transition, Service Operations, and overarching Continual Service Improvement.
Adopting KCS can augment ITIL processes, adding specic methods for knowledge management
that can assist in the processes themselves, as well as in overall efforts toward Continual Service
Improvement. In order to derive the full benets of KCS, “the organization must shift to a perspective
that sees knowledge as an asset owned and maintained by the team, not by an individual or a small
group of dedicated content creators. The focus of the team is to capture and improve the collective
knowledge—not only to solve individual customer issues, but also to improve organizational learning.”
While both ITIL and KCS are recognized as best practices that can help an organization achieve its goals
and objectives, as well as the business’s, neither ITIL nor KCS are the goals unto themselves.
Whether adopting ITIL or KCS (or both), there are two similar challenges: rst, putting them into
practice; second, integrating these practices with other frameworks and standards. The KCS practices
not only complement ITIL, they’re also synergistic, providing guidance on how to capture, structure,
reuse, and improve knowledge in order to improve the quality of the IT services delivered. KCS is not
something extra that is done in addition to incident, request, event, or problem management; KCS
provides guidance on how the organization should integrate knowledge management with incident,
request, event, problem, change, release and deployment, testing, and validation management.
Consortium for Service Innovation, “KCS Practices Guide v5.3: KCS Benets, Measures, and Phases of Adoption”
(November 8, 2012),
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
Figure 1 The KCS double-loop cycle
Figure 2 The ITIL lifecycle
Leadership and
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
Histories of ITIL and KCS
The histories of ITIL and KCS share many similarities. ITIL was initially developed in the 1980s to
ensure that the UK government’s IT services were providing value and IT resources were being allocated
in a scally responsible manner. The ITIL framework addressed the management of these resources
without addressing any particular technologies. ITIL was subsequently updated in early 2000s,
decreasing the number of books from forty-two to seven.
As organizations began to understand the value of the framework, it was rapidly adopted by other
governments and commercial organizations. However, they soon realized that training and certication
were required for those individuals who would train and consult on ITSM using the ITIL framework
as well as those who would work within organizations adopting ITIL. The Foundation certication,
Practitioner certications, and Manager certicate in ITSM were developed to meet this need.
In 2007, ITIL evolved into the current lifecycle approach and a consistent qualication scheme:
Foundation, Intermediate lifecycle and capabilities, and Expert and Master Certications. The ITIL
framework was again updated in 2011 to clarify the lifecycle approach and evolve the framework based
on the lessons learned by practicing organizations.
KCS was developed by the Consortium for Service Innovation, a nonprot alliance of support
organizations, as a methodology for improving both its members’ business operations and the customer
experience overall. The basic premise of KCS is the capture, structure, and reuse of knowledge.
As a methodology and a set of practices, KCS focuses on knowledge as a key asset of the support
organization. It has four basic concepts:
Integrate the creation and maintenance of knowledge into the customer exception process.
Evolve the knowledge based on demand and usage.
Develop a knowledge base of the collective experience of the organization.
Recognize learning, collaboration, sharing, and improvement.
Until 2003, the KCS methodology was primarily available to members of the Consortium, and most
implementations were highly customized. That year, HDI and the Consortium partnered to bring the
KCS methodology to HDI members. KCS has been updated several times since—2003 (v3), 2005 (v4),
2006 (v4.1), 2011(v5, v5.1), and 2013 (v5.3)—each update incorporating the experiences of KCS
practitioners. HDI and the Consortium then shared those experiences with the community.
As with ITIL, as more organizations adopted the KCS methodology, the need for training and certication
became more apparent. The rst KCS certication was introduced by HDI (in conjunction with the
Consortium) in 2007. Similar to the ITIL certication schema, KCS has three levels of certication: a
foundation level, which provides a basic awareness of the methodology and practices; an intermediate
level for those who are developing the KCS practices; and an expert level.
2.3 ITIL + KCS
While ITIL seeks to ensure that IT services are aligned with business goals, KCS focuses specically on
using knowledge to support and realize these organizational goals and objectives. While ITIL’s primary
focus is on IT service providers, the service lifecycle concept applies to all service providers (e.g.,
hospitality, healthcare, human resources, facilities, etc.). The KCS methodology can also apply to and be
used by IT support, customer support, and business unit support in any of these lines of business
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
Best practices continue to evolve and change based on the
experiences of the organizations using KCS and ITIL—or,
more specically, the experiences of people, the innovation of
processes, and the adaptation of technology to support changes
in business needs. These adaptations are documented and shared
within the respective (ITIL and KCS) communities. The continued
development of KCS and ITIL practices reects the changing
Neither ITIL nor KCS is based on technology, yet both recognize
that technology enables processes and practices. To effectively
practice ITIL, a service management toolset is required. To
effectively leverage knowledge, it must be easily captured,
structured, searched for, and reused. The same service
management toolset used to record incidents and service
requests, and manage events, changes, and releases, needs to
be integrated with knowledge across the organization. The degree
to which the technology supports ITIL or KCS can impact the effectiveness or maturity of the practices,
but the organization’s success is not dependent on the technology; it is dependent on people and how
they use the technology. Technology can be an enabler or an inhibitor; it cannot ultimately determine
success, but it can enhance or limit an organization’s ability to improve the support it provides for its
ITIL and KCS also share some fundamental challenges: in particular, changing the beliefs, attitudes, and
behaviours of people who have been in the same job and performing the same tasks for many years. In
order for an organization to realize the benets of either of these best practices, the people doing the
work must change how they work. Best practices—including ITIL and KCS—can be transformational,
resulting in real cultural and organizational changes.
When we change how people do their jobs, we challenge the status quo, changing how organizations
have traditionally worked, how people have performed their tasks and activities, and even how the
organization structures and selects success indicators. People do not necessarily like change, and
changing how people do their jobs, using different indicators of success, and implementing different
success metrics can be very stressful. Successful change requires leaders to have organizational
change management competencies, and the same skills that help organizations adapt to, develop, and
consistently practice the ITIL lifecycle approach are also needed to implement and practice KCS.
KCS complements the ITIL lifecycle
Whether adopting ITIL or KCS—or both—Service Operations is probably where most organizations
start, initially focusing on incidents and requests at the service desk. This is the easiest place to begin,
as the operational improvements are easy to identify and can have a quick return on investment (ROI).
Although it is the easiest place to begin, it may not be the appropriate place for any given organization.
Each organization should consider where and how improvements produced by adopting ITIL and KCS
can make the most difference.
KCS can improve the service desk’s rst contact resolution, handle time, and restoration time by
providing easily searchable, useable knowledge articles that contain advice, information, and guidance
that reduce downtime for users and improve service restoration time for requests. Knowledge reuse
is even more valuable when it is implemented at levels 2 and 3, where the ROI can be even greater
As ITIL and KCS were developed
independently of each other, some
terms have different denitions.
Customers in KCS are users in ITIL.
In KCS, a customer exception
represents any issue a user has where
assisted service or self-service could
be used to provide a resolution (i.e.,
enable the user to return to their
original task). In ITIL, a customer
exception could be an incident,
request, or an event.
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
than that which can be realized at level 1. Fewer interruptions for the level 2 and 3 staff should result
in higher quality strategic projects, completed on time and on budget. KCS also provides guidance on
moving articles closer to the point of demand—from level 3 to level 2, level 2 to level 1, and level 1 to
level 0 (self-service)—resulting in higher productivity for support and reduced downtime for users. KCS
also facilitates the creation of self-service articles in the context of the customer, which improving those
articles’ ndability and usability, and increases the ROI for the KCS investment.
KCS isn’t something extra; it is how an organization does incident management, request management,
and event management. It is how questions are answered, articles are reused, and experiences are
shared. Organizations that practice KCS effectively integrate KCS into their ITSM processes.
But KCS recognizes that not all knowledge articles are equal, and in a typical knowledge engineering
approach (for support), only 20% of articles are reused. If an organization puts equal resources into
reviewing, editing, and publishing each article, then there is signicant waste, as 80% of these articles
will not be reused. KCS is a demand-driven system; resources should only be allocated to improve
knowledge when it is reused, not in case it is reused. Information from the knowledge system can then
support problem, change, release and deployment, testing and validation, as well as business continuity,
and can be a signicant contributor to Continual Service Improvement.
KCS and incident management
One of the key incident management activities is incident matching, or the ability to reuse information in
the service management system to resolve similar issues faster. Incident matching isn’t feasible in most
organizations, as the structure of the incident and request records does not lend itself to matching, and
it would take too long if analysts tried. With KCS, knowledge is captured and made available for reuse
during the resolution process, simplifying the incident documentation process and creating records that
are more searchable, more readable, and more usable. The result is that searches will nd the correct
knowledge articles faster, reducing handle time and thus reducing downtime and improving productivity
for the organization. It will also provide a better foundation for the self-service article; consequently,
more users will be able to nd the article, which will, in turn, increase self-service utilization.
Additionally, KCS recommends a structured problem-solving approach, which, when followed, increases
the probability of nding a match. This results in improved documentation, decreased escalations, and
increased condence in the support organization.
In most organizations, incidents, requests, and events tend to recur. To provide the best service, the
following three steps are integral to improving performance, and they ow directly from KCS practices:
Staff must rst seek to nd and use an existing knowledge article before they seek to solve the issue
and create a new knowledge article. Seeking and nding existing, known articles will increase the
consistency of resolutions and workarounds, decrease downtime for the organization, and decrease
overall support costs.
If the knowledge article is incorrect or could be improved, staff must take ownership for the
improvement. If they have the rights to modify the article, they are responsible to x it (update the
knowledge article). If they do not have the rights to modify the knowledge article, they must ag it.
As part of ag it, they are also responsible for commenting on the article (including the reason why it
was agged). Someone who has the authority to x it completes the knowledge article modication.
If they do not nd an existing knowledge article, then they should continue to follow the steps in the
incident (request, event) process: investigate, diagnose, resolve, and recover. Once the resolution (or
workaround) has been identied, they add the new knowledge article so it is available for others to
The key to this improved performance is the adoption of the Use It, Flag It, Fix It, Add It (UFFA) mindset
and the integration of these practices into the incident, request, and event management processes
(Figure 3).
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
Figure 3 The UFFA workow
KCS and request management
The highest volume of contacts for most service desks is requests—providing advice or guidance—and
KCS enhances the processes used by the service desk to document, track, and understand the type of
work generated by requests. These requests can be for common, repetitive questions, business process
advice, or questions on standard operating procedures (SOPs). KCS supports request management
processes by making relevant knowledge articles available through self-service, which enables users
to better manage their time and achieve their goals by removing assisted support as a step in the path
toward accomplishing their tasks.
KCS and event management
KCS also provides consistent responses for Event Management. Typically, operations management
receives a large volume of alerts for review, and often each has to be reviewed manually, with
appropriate action then taken based on the specic error message. Consequently, analysts often develop
their own procedures for troubleshooting and verifying various events. KCS can provide a single-source
repository for operations management, with information on handling each type of alert consistently,
following SOPs dened by technical management and operations management. Once this information
has been documented, it can then be analysed by problem management, technical management, and
applications management to identify improvements, resulting in better service quality and increased
Research or
Solve it
Close incident
Article found?
Article correct?
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
KCS and problem management
Many organizations struggle with Problem Management, dealing only with major incidents because they
lack data and information about incident/request recurrence and are unable to link recurring incidents/
requests to problems. With KCS practices in place, knowledge articles can be linked to problem records,
or the articles themselves can contain the information Problem Management needs to understand the
scope and impact of problems. Everyone in the support chain, through their use and/or reuse of articles,
can improve the quality of information on problems, increasing the impact of Problem Management and
the quality of the services provided.
In addition to faster resolution (through matching), KCS practices can provide information on articles
reuse, the cost of support, user downtime for each interruption, and the impact of each type of
interruption on the business. This information can then be used to determine which problems should
have change requests (RFCs) and which problems should remain known errors (KEs)—no changes
recommended—due to cost or business priorities. The improved documentation in the incident, request,
and event records, plus the information from the reuse of knowledge articles, can enable better Problem
Management analysis and understanding of the organizational impact, risk, and cost of the recurring
Problem Management trending and analysis is often constrained by the quality of the incident records.
With KCS, trend analysis shifts from incident classication to the reuse of knowledge articles, as each
article is linked to the incidents that were closed using that article. In a typical enterprise organization
(without KCS), trend analysis involves analysing the classication structure within the incident record,
which often isn’t appropriate for either incident or problem reporting. The result is that analysing
incident records can be a complex task, and too often the classication data is inaccurate or incomplete
for the needs of problem management. Knowledge article reuse can increase the efciency and
effectiveness of trend analysis, allowing Problem Management to spend more time identifying root
causes, developing xes, and preparing changes.
With each release, there should be a KE record for every bug, issue, or anomaly. These records need
to be ndable and usable, so that when someone contacts support with a question related to a KE,
analysts can restore the service, provide the workaround, or add the issue to the list of symptoms
for that problem. Using KCS practices, organizations can stop rediscovering problems and recreating
solutions each time a KE is reported.
KCS and access management
In an era of heightened cyber-security concerns, Access Management and its underlying processes and
procedures should be key areas of focus for organizations. Too often, however, knowledge management
is overlooked when it comes to Access Management. There are numerous policies, compliance
procedures, and work instructions involved in Access Management, and the ability to easily nd the
correct procedure or work instruction—and to know how often these are accessed—can provide security,
access, and compliance management teams with the information they need to better understand these
concerns as well as the costs of access management policies.
One of the processes identied in the Service Transition phase is the Service Knowledge Management
System (SKMS). The SKMS is a comprehensive approach to all of the knowledge needed for any ITIL
process, across all the lifecycle phases. KCS can be an essential component of any SKMS solution,
providing data, information, and knowledge to inform core ITIL processes in Service Operation. As KCS
matures, information that can improve products and services can also be made available to Service
Design and Continual Service Improvement.
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
KCS and change management
Change Management is the control point, where the modications that will be made to services,
infrastructure, documentation, etc. are determined. There are often many questions when a change is
being reviewed, specically when the change or x is in response to customer improvement requests.
A change request that is tied to an existing knowledge article can leverage the knowledge article reuse
counter (and links to the incident records) to better understand the organizational cost of not making
the change, or the return on investment if the change is made. The creation and reuse of knowledge
articles related to a change can indicate the quality of the change, and this data should be included in
the post-implementation review. Thus, requirements for knowledge articles, as well as the update and
modication of existing knowledge articles impacted by a change, should be included in the change
approval process.
KCS and release and deployment
As organizations plan releases and test deployments, they typically collect a signicant amount of
information that is never captured for reuse, meaning that each successive iteration requires the
recreation of solutions. Similarly, during the pilot phase of a deployment, release teams make a number
of discoveries about changes and releases; again, most often this information is not captured, resulting
in continuing rediscovery vs. knowledge reuse. KCS practices enable the organization to quickly identify
and resolve recurring issues (as many issues are recurrences of KEs) and assist with the diagnosis and
isolation of new issues by identifying similar issues and resolutions already captured in the knowledge
When KCS is integrated into release and deployment processes, the issues identied during testing
and pilot phases can be documented with knowledge articles. Knowledge articles created during these
phases can then be made available for the release teams and the service desk at the time of general
release. (Training staff are responsible for creating knowledge articles when asked for guidance, advice,
and information on the release.
) This knowledge can also be analysed and used to make appropriate
reporting available on the quality of changes, as well as identify opportunities for improvement within
specic technical and application areas.
KCS and testing and validation
While testing and validation are often modied to meet schedules, there is the potential for signicant
productivity improvement with the use and/or reuse of knowledge articles, particularly with regard to
common testing questions, repetitive set-up issues, etc. Testing and validation can be a signicant
source of articles for reuse; the pilot teams and level 1 and 2 support can capture knowledge for issues
not resolved prior to deployment.
As with the Release and Deployment processes, KCS places the responsibility for capturing knowledge
articles identied in Testing and Validation with that process, minimizing the impact of any KEs and
making this knowledge available for reuse.
Continual improvement is fundamental to the KCS methodology: knowledge articles are continually
improved through reuse and improve, two of the KCS solve loop practices. Additionally, each person
who reuses an article is responsible for the quality of that article, in addition to quality monitoring
conducted by coaches. KCS embodies the principles of continual improvement as it contributes to the
best utilization of resources, ensuring a positive return on the investment in KCS.
While KCS does not promote the creation of articles in anticipation of a need, organizations sometimes proactively
develop knowledge articles based on their experience with similar releases, to minimize the impact of any issues on
the business.
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
Knowledge articles are improved incrementally, as they are used. Doing this enhances the ndability
and usability of the articles, and ensures that resources are allocated only to those articles being used—
which then have an increased likelihood of being reused. Knowledge is never modied in case it might
be used; it is modied based on the actual reuse of knowledge articles.
Continual Service Improvement deals primarily with service improvement plans (SIPs), which are
generated whenever a service does not meet the agreed-upon levels, and ongoing service improvements,
which are evaluated from the improvement register. Knowledge articles can facilitate data analysis
in both areas. For recurring incidents and requests, the analysis of knowledge article reuse can help
Continual Service Improvement understand where there are reoccurring issues that might impact service
availability and user productivity. This analysis should also be an input for product management and
product engineering, as part of a justication for an SIP or as part of an overall continual improvement
Many knowledge articles will provide advice, guidance, and answers to how-to questions. The reuse of
these knowledge articles, as well as the reuse of knowledge articles linked to problems, should be key
factors in product/service roadmaps, improving products and services based on the issues customers
have experienced and reducing the cost of the downtime to the business. With training staff also
contributing to the articles, better interfaces and online help can be integrated, improving the overall
customer experiences.
The goal of IT Service Continuity Management is to ensure that the required technical and service
facilities (including computer systems, network, applications, data repositories, telecommunications,
environment, technical facilities, and the service desk) can be resumed within required and agreed-upon
business timescales.
Every change has a potential impact on the procedures, work instructions, and
processes that would be used in the event of a failure; this is why continuity plans are required. No one
individual could remember each change and its impact on recovery procedures, so updating knowledge
articles as part of the change, release, and deployment processes and testing continuity plans are
critical for an organization’s ability to respond.
The detailed procedures in a continuity plan will be continually impacted by changes. Consistent with
the KCS methodology, knowledge articles can identify the activities necessary to restore services, which
could—in the case of a failure that invokes continuity management—be different from day-to-day SOPs.
Because continuity testing is typically infrequent, if an event requires the activation of the continuity
plan, quick access to these procedures is necessary. Based on experience, organizations can forecast
potential issues and determine which issues should be mitigated and which should be addressed when
the continuity plan is invoked. Knowledge articles can minimize the business impact and increase the
probability of following the correct procedure to restore the service.
Self-service is dened as the ability of a user to complete tasks without the assistance of another
person. ITIL recognizes the need for and value of self-help, and how it can improve the performance of
incident, access, and request management. IT self-service sites are typically used for password resets,
software and hardware requests, and responses to simple, repetitive requests for information, advice,
and guidance. Unfortunately, these self-service sites are often frustrating to use, as articles are difcult
to nd or out of date. In such cases, users will opt for assisted support.
One reason that knowledge articles are difcult for users to nd and understand is that they are written
from the perspective of the customer representative or technical analyst, not from the perspective of the
“4.6: IT Service Continuity Management,” ITIL Service Design (TSO, 2011).
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
user. One advantage of KCS is that knowledge articles are written in the context of the user, since the
articles are created as part of the support process. Having the correct context in the article will make the
search easier (matching), thus make the article more “ndable” as it can be located quickly using the
user’s search terms, and the user will be able to understand how to apply the knowledge article.
ITIL and KCS are both recognized as best practices for ITSM, but they are not mutually exclusive. Both
are enabled by technology, not driven by or dened by it.
As revealed in a November 2013 white paper, the leading factors inuencing support spending are
supporting business growth, improving customer service, improving effectiveness, improving efciency,
reducing costs, and expanding services. Typically, these benets are goals and objectives when
organizations implement their ITSM strategies. ITIL adoption can achieve these outcomes by addressing
the processes, practices, people, and cultural aspects needed to be successful; KCS provides specic
additional guidance for the use of knowledge management to expedite these achievements.
If the question is raised, “Do we do ITIL or do we do KCS? Which will help us better achieve our goals?”
the answer can be both: ITIL for the full range of ITSM, KCS for knowledge management within ITSM.
When incident, problem, request, and event managers understand KCS, they quickly become advocates,
as KCS enables a higher level of maturity for each of these of processes, making them more efcient
and effective, reducing costs and increasing the value of each service, and increasing the value to the
Incident, request, and self-service are the initial focus areas for KCS, as the improvements from these
processes are easy to recognize and easy to measure, and they typically have the quickest return
on investment: a reduction in user downtime, a decrease in restoration times, and a reduction in
escalations to level 2 and 3 (and therefore an increase in productivity for those staffs). Unfortunately,
too many organizations stop here. They don’t spread the use of knowledge to other areas where product
improvements can be realized.
The real value to the organization is in the analysis of knowledge article reuse, and using the result
of those analyses to improve the quality of the business services that support business processes.
Organizations need to maintain focus on the organization’s goals and not inadvertently create goals for
knowledge tools or processes that aren’t aligned with those organizational goals. The goal isn’t to have
the best knowledge system, the most processes documented, or the highest level of process maturity;
the goal is to make improvements based on best practices. ITIL, with the additional guidance provided
by KCS, can help the organization achieve success in this endeavour, providing services that meet the
needs of the organization, its customers, and its employees. All three need to be in balance for success.
ITIL and KCS were both developed by organizations seeking to identify best practices that would
improve service management effectiveness and efciencies and enable them to meet their needs, their
customers’ needs, and their employees’ needs. KCS and ITIL are synergistic, and organizations that
adopt both practices position themselves for increased success.
Roy Atkinson, “Show Me the Value: Support’s Mandate,” white paper (HDI, 2013),
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
Research has shown that incident management has historically received the greatest attention from
support organizations. With the adoption of ITSM frameworks, incident management has become a
common process, well understood by most organizations. As more organizations have implemented and
matured their incident management process, they have come to recognize that knowledge management
is needed to improve productivity and increase the value of support.
The 2013 HDI Support Center Practices & Salary Report shows that incident and knowledge
management toolsets are two of the top three must-haves for support centres, regardless of type of
organization or industry (outsourced services providers are the only exception). Although the table below
references technologies, we can extrapolate and draw conclusions about the processes enabled by those
Industry #1 #2 #3
Computers – Software Knowledge management Incident management CSAT surveying
Higher Education Incident management Knowledge management CSAT surveying
Financial Services – Banking Knowledge management Incident management Remote control
Government Incident management Remote control Knowledge management
Healthcare Knowledge management Incident management Remote control
Insurance Incident management Knowledge management CSAT surveying
Manufacturing (noncomputer) Incident management Knowledge management Remote control
Outsourced Services Providers Remote control Incident management Reporting/analytics
(includes Food and Beverage)
Incident management Knowledge management Remote control
Type of support #1 #2 #3
Internal only Incident management Remote control Knowledge management
External only Incident management Knowledge management
Automated call distribution
Blended Incident management Knowledge management Remote control
Number of customers #1 #2 #3
Small (fewer than 2,000) Incident management Remote control Knowledge management
Medium (2,000–10,000) Incident management Knowledge management Remote control
Large (more than 10,000) Incident management Knowledge management Remote control
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
About the authors
Roy Atkinson is HDI’s senior writer/analyst, acting as in-house subject matter
expert and chief writer for SupportWorld articles and white papers. In addition
to being a member of the HDI International Certication Standards Committee
and the HDI Desktop Support Advisory Board, Roy is a popular speaker at HDI
conferences and is well known to HDI local chapter audiences. His background
is in both service desk and desktop support as well as small-business consulting.
Roy’s blogs regularly appear on HDIConnect, and he is highly rated on social
media, especially on the topics of IT service management and customer service.
He holds a master’s certicate in advanced management strategy from Tulane
University’s A.B. Freeman School of Business, and he is a certied HDI Support Center Manager (HDI-
John Custy is the founder and principal of JPC Group, a professional services
company focused on the three key factors of ITSM: people, process, and
technology. John has more than twenty-ve years of experience working in IT
services and service management, as a practitioner, educator, and consultant,
and he is a well-known speaker and educator at ITSM conferences globally.
He is an HDI Certied Auditor and a member of the HDI Faculty and the HDI
International Certication Standards Committee, and he was a key contributor to
the development of the Support Center Practices (SCP) certication, the Software
Support Certied Consultant (S2C2) program, and the HDI Support Center
Certication program. John received his MA in innovation and technology from Boston University and
his BS from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. In addition, he has earned his ITIL Foundation,
ITIL Manager, ITIL Expert, ISO/IEC 20000 Consultant, ISO 9000 Internal Auditor, KCS Consultant,
Kepner-Tregoe (KT), HDI Support Center Manager (HDI-SCM), HDI Support Center Team Lead (HDI-
SCTL), HDI Support Center Analyst (HDI-SCA), and Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS) certications.
Rick Joslin is HDI’s executive director of certication and training. Rick is
responsible for the development, sales, and delivery of HDI’s certication and
training offerings. He is also an HDI Certied Instructor, the author of many HDI
publications, a founding member of the HDI Member Advisory Board and HDI
Strategic Advisory Board, and a certied Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS)
instructor, guiding organizations through KCS implementation. In addition, Rick
is an active member of the Consortium for Service Innovation’s KCS Program
Committee, and he serves on the advisory council for Indiana University of
Pennsylvania’s Business College. Prior to joining HDI, Rick was a principal
consultant with IHS Support Solutions and held VP positions at ServiceWare and He
holds numerous certications, including HDI Support Center Director (HDI-SCD), HDI Support Center
Manager (HDI-SCM), HDI Support Center Team Lead (HDI-SCTL), HDI Support Center Analyst (HDI-
SCA), and Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS).
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
About AXELOS and HDI
AXELOS are a joint venture company, created by the Cabinet Ofce on behalf of Her Majesty’s
Government in the United Kingdom and Capita plc to run the global best practice portfolio, including the
professional standards.
The goals of AXELOS are many and varied, each one aimed at helping businesses and individuals reach
success, empowering them to truly stand out in a competitive market:
We continually promote and advocate quality training.
We strive to encourage growth, development and progress.
We always look for innovative new solutions to improve best practice standards and processes across
the board.
The result is improved skills that are relevant to the industry as a whole, and enhanced employability
for all, beneting the global economy. The benet to you and your business in particular: better trained
employees, streamlined operations, and the peace of mind of knowing that you are working with an
industry-leading organization, which provides products and services with a long-standing reputation for
setting the industry benchmark.
HDI is the professional association and certication body for the technical service and support industry.
Facilitating collaboration and networking, HDI hosts acclaimed conferences and events, produces
renowned publications and research, and certies and trains thousands of professionals each year. HDI
also connects solution providers with practitioners through industry partnerships and marketing services.
Guided by an international panel of industry experts and practitioners, HDI is the premier resource for
best practices and emerging trends.
Synergies between ITIL and Knowledge-Centered Support
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or inaccuracies. Content, diagrams, logos, and jackets are correct at time of going to press but may be
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AXELOS would like to thank UBM for helping produce this white paper.
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The AXELOS logo is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
The AXELOS swirl logo is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
is a service mark of the Consortium for Service Innovation.