ELM 650
Non-Bargaining Disciplinary, Grievance
and Appeal Procedures
Rights & Appeals
ELM 650
Non-Bargaining Disciplinary, Grievance
and Appeal Procedures
Who does NAPS Represent?
Unlike postal unions, NAPS does not represent non-
Sign up newly promoted EAS as soon as possible
NAPS Form 1187.
Disciplinary Defense Fund (DDF) is available 90-days
after an EAS employees joins NAPS, unless joins
within 60-days from being promoted from craft.
ELM 650
Non-Bargaining Disciplinary, Grievance
and Appeal Procedures
Establishes procedures for:
(a) Disciplinary Action against
employees not subject collective
bargaining (i.e. EAS).
(b) Emergency action for conduct that
normally warrants disciplinary action.
ELM 665.3 Cooperation in Investigations
Employees must cooperate in any postal investigation,
Investigated Interview (I & I)
Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigations.
Be cautious: Pre-Disciplinary Interview (PDI) is a
“Fact Finding” action by USPS, not an Investigative
Interview (I & I)
ELM 650
Non-Bargaining Disciplinary, Grievance
and Appeal Procedures
ELM 651.2 Representation
Subject to prohibitions regarding Executive and Administrative
Schedule (EAS)/Craft representation, employees have free choice of
representation. Representatives designated by employees, if postal
employees and if otherwise in a duty status, are granted a
reasonable amount of official time to respond to notices of proposed
disciplinary action, to prepare for and represent the employee at a
hearing held in accordance with 652.24, and/or to represent an
employee who has appealed a letter of warning or emergency
placement in a non-duty status in accordance with 652.4.
Employees covered under these provisions may request
representation during investigative questioning if the employee
has a reasonable belief disciplinary action may ensue.
Pre-Disciplinary Interview (PDI) or
Investigative Interview (I&I)
Who do you call?
Your NAPS Representative
Member directed to a attend a PDI or I&I.
Now what?
Do Not go in alone Bring NAPS Rep
Be professional
Ask the reason for the PDI
Ask what are the charges
Keep answers short & factual
DO NOT speculate or elaborate
If you don’t recall – state you don’t recall
Ask for information that might help you remember
Tell the truth DO NOT LIE!
PDI is “fact finding-- not an investigation!
After PDI or I&I
Member receives discipline!
Now what?
Members Action -- 1st Steps
Call your NAPS Representative immediately!
Have copy of discipline ready
for NAPS Representative.
Date of receipt: 10-days to appeal that
includes weekends.
ELM 650
Non-Bargaining Disciplinary, Grievance
and Appeal Procedures
EAS Representation
Free choice of representation
Representative designated by employee
Reasonable amount of official time to
Action by NAPS Representative
1st Steps
Verify NAPS Membership - DCO/NAPS HQ
Gather Member Information
Name, address, non-postal email, personal phone #,
USPS Title/Level, Office of domicile
Member signs “Request for Representation”
Employee has free choice of representation
Representative designated by employee
Action by NAPS Representative
Designation of Representation (See NAPS.org)
Member signs Request for Representation
I have requested the following US Postal Service employee to represent me in my
appeal of an adverse action or grievance.
I understand that my representative is not a lawyer and will act as my
representative without pay and as a layman without legal training. If I decide that
my case needs the service of a lawyer, I am free to engage a lawyer to assist me
at my own expense.
I understand that I may change representative at any time. If I decide to change
representative, I agree that I must inform the above representative in writing.
I understand that I am required to provide my representative with all information
and documents that concern my case and to keep the representative informed of
all deadlines and other procedural dates concerning my case and to keep the
representative informed of all deadlines and other procedural dates.
Action by NAPS Representative
Prepare Evidence/Defense Package within 10-Days
Reviewing material is not enough.
Request copies of all information relied upon by the
USPS to issue the discipline. Make copies.
Request other information that my be relevant in defense
of member’s case (i.e. clock ring report, SOPs, Form 50,
checklists, scanning reports, dispatch logs, collection
schedules, etc.). Don’t request more than necessary.
Label USPS documents received.
ELM 650
Non-Bargaining Disciplinary, Grievance
and Appeal Procedures
Evidence Package continued . . .
Copy of Discipline Issued
Copies of any live Discipline
(LOW, LOW 7/14, Adverse Action)
Get signed witness statements
Get signed written statement from member.
This is the member’s discipline -- they need to tell their story.
ELM 650
Non-Bargaining Disciplinary, Grievance
and Appeal Procedures
Within 10 Days - Prepare Written Appeal
State the understanding of charges
State the understanding of specifications
(dates, names, locations, times, etc.)
Verify ELM references/violations
Address each charge (Explain/justify action)
Discuss “Douglas Factors” (Service history, work performance,
awards, disparage treatment, etc.)
Factors in Penalty Selection
“The Douglas Factors”
1. The nature and seriousness of the offense, and its relation to the
employee’s duties, position, and responsibilities, including whether the
offense was intentional or technical or inadvertent, or was committed
maliciously or for gain, or was frequently repeated.
2. The employee’s job level and type of employment, including
supervisory or fiduciary role, contacts with the public, and prominence
of the position.
3. The employee’s past disciplinary record.
4. The employee’s past work record, including length of service,
performance on the job, ability to get along with fellow workers, and
5. The effect of the offense upon the employee’s ability to perform at a
satisfactory level and its effect upon the supervisor's confidence in the
employee’s ability to perform assigned duties.
6. The consistency of the penalty with those imposed upon other
employees for the same offense in like or similar circumstances.
Factors in Penalty Selection
“The Douglas Factors”
7. The consistency of the penalty with agency guidance on disciplinary
actions. (This FACTOR does NOT apply to USPS only other Federal Agencies)
8. The notoriety of the offense or its impact upon the reputation of the
9. The clarity with which the employee was on notice of any rules that
were violated in committing the offense, or had been warned about
the conduct in question.
10. The potential for the employee’s rehabilitation.
11. The mitigating circumstances surrounding the offense such as
unusual job tensions, personality problems, mental impairment,
harassment or bad faith, malice or provocation on the part of others
involved in the matter.
12. The adequacy and effectiveness of alternative sanctions to deter
such conduct in the future by the employee or others.
Douglas v. Veterans Administration, 5 MSPR 280 (1981). , etc.)
ELM 650
Non-Bargaining Disciplinary, Grievance
and Appeal Procedures
Prepare Written Appeal Continued . . .
Address Medical, Physical or Emotional Issues
Refute charges with evidence,
documents, statements
Do not raise specific settlement
in appeal letter (Don't ask for Removal to be reduced to 14-day, there is
no room to negotiate).
Request to "Rescind“ or “Expunge” the discipline
ELM 650
Non-Bargaining Disciplinary, Grievance
and Appeal Procedures
Defense Measure
ELM 651.3 Nondisciplinary Corrective Measures
Accountable managers/supervisors are responsible for the direct
day-to-day performance management of subordinates. The
accountable manager/supervisor monitors subordinates’
performance and provides appropriate resources, coaching, and
feedback to the subordinates. The manager/supervisor is
responsible for leading the employee to a higher level of
achievement. Performance improvement should be a shared
concern and effort between manager and employee. Early
dialogue and guidance are critical to achieving positive results
and continuance of an effective manager/employee relationship.
ELM 650
Non-Bargaining Disciplinary, Grievance
and Appeal Procedures
Additional Defense Measure from ELM 721
ELM 721.4 Supervisors and Managers
Supervisors and managers are responsible and accountable for:
a. Ensuring that employees under their supervision are trained in a timely manner
to perform their assigned job tasks.
b. Identifying employees’ needs for improvement in their present jobs.
c. Planning for their employees’ training, in coordination with training systems
available for their facilities.
d. Following up after employees complete formal job training to ensure that they
use newly acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities optimally and appropriately.
e. Identifying and providing other training to meet the organization’s and
individual employees’ needs.
f. Evaluating and supporting as appropriate employee requests to participate in
self-development training opportunities.
g. Providing employees with information and guidance on career growth.
h. Documenting the outcomes and expectations of providing training, including
the return on investment.
ELM 650
Non-Bargaining Disciplinary, Grievance
and Appeal Procedures
Additional Defense Measure from ELM 721
ELM 721.5 Employees
Employees are responsible for:
a. Making effective use of training opportunities that
management provides.
b. Consulting with their supervisors and pursuing personal
career goals to guide their own growth and development.
c. Continuing throughout their careers to learn and improve
their knowledge, skills, and abilities while sharing what they
have learned with other employees.
ELM 650 STEP A Appeal
ELM 652.42 OTM Section 8
Letters of Warning & Emergency Placement in a
non-duty status (652.4) other matters are covered by 652.2
Appeal in writing AND verbally to issuing supervisor
or manager within 10 calendar days of receipt.
May discuss case during appeal period.
Written USPS STEP A decision to be received
within 5 calendar days after receipt of appeal.
Extenuating circumstances may delay response,
request an extension and in your letter must explain
reason for delay in appeal letter.
After STEP A decision received, submit written appeal to next
higher level manager within 7 calendar days. This is known as
STEP B Appeal.
Include a copy of all the documents you relied on to prepare the
Schedule meeting to verbally discuss STEP B appeal.
Include employee information and basis for appeal.
STEP B Deciding Official may discuss appeal with parties.
Deciding Official renders a written decision within 10-calendar
days after receipt of STEP B appeal.
Usually this decision is final Except!
ELM 650 STEP B Appeal
ELM 652.43 OTM Section 8
May request Review within 15-days of STEP B decision.
Written Appeal for Review directed to Area HR Manager.
Give specific reasons for STEP B decision review.
Area Reviewing Official replies in writing within 60 days.
States the disposition of the employee’s request.
The reply is final.
Discipline can remain in OPF up to 2-years. Contact
Shared Services to have disciplined removed after
timeframe. Submit PS Form 8043 to request removal of
ELM 650 Review Process
ELM 652.44 OTM Section 8
ELM 650
LOW in Lieu of Time-Off Appeal
7 Day or 14 Day or Adverse Action
ELM 652.5
First Option Request 650 Mediation
Highly Recommended.
What gets 650 Mediation?
Letters of Warning in Lieu of Time-Off Suspensions and/or
Time-off Suspensions
Adverse Action: Suspension over 14-days, downgrades and
Not always offered by USPS, subject to circumstances
What happens at 650 Mediation?
ELM 650
LOW in Lieu of Time-Off Suspensions 7 Day or 14 Day
What if you don’t settle in 650 Mediation?
Appeal in 10 days of receipt to deciding official regarding the
“no decision” received at the end of the mediation.
Appeal in writing to Deciding Official. There is no in person
discussion with Deciding Official if mediated - ELM 652.54)
Deciding Official issues “Letter of Decision” no later than 30
Appeal Decision Letter within 15 days Area HR Manager.
Area appeal is based solely on record. No opportunity to meet
with reviewing official. The Review decision is final.
Discipline can remain in OPF up to 2-years. Contact Shared
Services to have disciplined removed after timeframe. Submit
PS Form 8043 to request removal of discipline.
ELM 650
LOW in Lieu of Time-Off Appeal
7 Day or 14 Day
ELM 651.64 -651.66
What if the Member decides not to mediate the LOW in Lieu of Time Off?
Appeal the Proposed Letter in writing and/or in person to
the deciding official (next higher level manager) within 10-
days of receipt of the letter.
Follow the same documentation format as Step A.
Deciding official issues letter of decision no later than 30-
days after 10-day appeal deadline.
Decision Letter 15 days to file for a written Appeal for
Review directed to Area HR Manager. Area appeal is
based solely on record. No opportunity to meet with
reviewing official. The Area review decision is final.
651.6 Letters of Warning in Lieu of TimeOff Suspensions
651.61 Policy
Letters of warning in lieu of time-off suspensions replace time-off suspensions for nonbargaining
employees, except when required otherwise by statute. This policy does not preclude management from
placing a nonbargaining employee in an indefinite nonpay, nonduty status when there is reasonable cause
to believe the employee has committed a crime for which a sentence of imprisonment may be imposed.
651.62 Implementation
Letters of warning in lieu of timeoff suspensions may be issued in lieu of either 7day or 14day timeoff
suspension only. Unless required by statute, suspensions of more than 14 days are prohibited except for
indefinite suspensions referenced in 651.7. Letters of warning in lieu of timeoff suspensions are equivalent
to timeoff suspensions as an element of past discipline and may be cited as such in future disciplinary
651.63 Notice
Normally, the employee’s immediate supervisor issues a proposed letter of warning in lieu of time-off
suspension, which must
651.64 Response
The employee and/or his or her representative may respond to the proposed letter of warning in lieu of
time-off suspension in writing and/or in person to the deciding official (management at a higher level of
authority than the individual who issued the proposed letter of warning in lieu of time-off suspension) within
10 calendar days of receipt. You must include the name and title of the deciding official in your response.
651.65 Decision
The deciding official, after consideration of the facts of the case and the employee’s response, issues a
letter of decision after the expiration of the 10calendar day period for reply, but no later than 30 calendar
days following the receipt of the employee’s response. The decision letter will advise the employee that he
or she may appeal in writing within 15 calendar days of receipt of the letter of decision.
651.66 Retention
Letters of warning in lieu of time–off suspensions remain in the employee’s OPF and/or eOPF for two years
unless otherwise resolved or cited in subsequent disciplinary action.
Adverse Action Appeal
Removals, Suspensions >14 Days, Furloughs or Reduction in
Grade (ELM 652.2)
Ask for Mediation (subject to USPS offering) No Decision at
mediation -
Appeal in 10-days of receipt in writing/person or both to Deciding
Official (Note: There is no in person discussion with Deciding Official if mediated - ELM
Deciding official gives written decision no later than 60 days
Employee rights stated in Letter of Decision
Appeal to MSPB, ELM 650 Hearing, Area HR Manager
Adverse Action: Recommend MSPB – Member’s decision
NAPS Disciplinary Defense Fund (DDF) may be available
651.7 Adverse Actions
651.71 Definition
Adverse actions are defined as discharges, suspensions of more than 14 days, furloughs for 30 days or less,
and/or reductions in grade or pay.
651.72 Policy
Adverse action may be taken against an employee:
1.Because lesser measures have not resulted in the correction of deficiencies in behavior or performance;
2.Because of the gravity of the offense; or
3.For nondisciplinary reasons, such as the correction of a position misranking.
651.73 Notice
Normally, the employee’s immediate supervisor issues a written notice of proposed adverse action. The Postal
Service may substitute as the proposing official another supervisor or manager at the same or higher level as
specified herein. Such a substitution may be made by any of the following: the vice president of Labor Relations;
area vice president; and area manager, Human Resources. The proposal also advises the employee that a
reasonable amount of official time is allowed for the preparation and presentation of a reply, if the employee is
otherwise in a duty status, and that the proposed action will be effected no sooner than 30 calendar days after the
employee receives the notice.
651.74 Response
The employee or representative may respond to the notice of proposed adverse action in writing, in person, or
both, to the deciding official or designee identified in the notice. The employee or representative may respond and
present evidence, including affidavits, within 10 calendar days from receipt of the notice. The time limits for
responding to a proposed adverse action may be extended by the deciding official or designee for reasonable
651.75 Decision
The deciding official, who must be higher in authority than the proposing official, considers the employee’s
response and gives a written decision, including reasons for the decision, as soon as possible after the employee’s
time to respond has expired, but no later than 60 calendar days following the receipt of the employee’s response.
In field installations, the installation head or designee usually makes the decision. In other offices, the decision is
made by a branch manager or above. Normally, the deciding official is the supervisor or manager of the employee’s
immediate supervisor. The Postal Service may substitute as the deciding official another supervisor or manager.
Such a substitution may be made by any of the following: the vice president of Labor Relations; area vice
president; and area manager, Human Resources. If the decision is to effect the adverse action or to modify it to a
lesser penalty, the employee’s appeal rights, including Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) appeal rights, if
applicable, are stated.
Adverse Action Decision is Removal
or Downgrade
Elm 652.2-652.253 OTM Section 11
Contact Branch President immediately.
Branch President sends completed DDF form and
copy of DCO page with member name highlighted to
NAPS Headquarters Executive Vice President and
DDF Provider.
Send appeal documents, including all appeal letters
via Priority Mail Express to DDF Provider Al Lum at:
Labor Relations Admin Group (LRAG)
P.O. Box 25822
Brooklyn, NY 11202
ELM 650 EAS Workplace/USPS Policy Matters
652.4 Other Appealable Actions
652.41 Coverage
Employees in EAS-17 and below, regardless of length of service, may appeal letters of warning, emergency
placement in a nonduty status, and other matters not covered by 652.2 by using the procedures
in 652.42 through 652.44.
PCES Level I, and EAS-18 and above employees have access to these procedures only to appeal discipline in the
nature of a letter of warning and emergency placement in a nonduty status.
652.42 Step A
An employee or representative states the appeal in writing to the immediate supervisor within 10 calendar days of
learning the appeal’s cause. The employee or representative has the opportunity to discuss the appeal with the
supervisor during this period. The supervisor gives a written decision within 10 calendar days after receipt of
appeal. If this timeframe is impossible because of extenuating circumstances, the decision must explain the
reason(s) for the delay.
652.43 Step B
A field employee or representative may submit a written appeal to the installation head within seven calendar days
after receipt of the Step A decision. (If the installation head is the immediate supervisor, appeals are made to the
next higher level of management.) A Headquarters, Headquarters field unit, or Inspection Service employee or
representative may appeal within the same time limits to the next higher level of management (superior to the
supervisor), at minimum, a manager or above. The appeal must include the employee’s name, title, grade, location,
nature of appeal, and basis for appeal. Upon receipt of the appeal, the Step B official discusses the appeal with the
employee or representative and renders a decision in writing within 10 calendar days after receipt of the appeal.
Usually this decision is final.
652.44 Review
The employee or representative may request a review of the Step B decision. The request of an employee
administratively responsible to the area vice president is directed to the area Human Resources manager. The
request of a Headquarters, Headquarters field unit, or Inspection Service employee is sent to the vice president of
Labor Relations, or designee, with a copy to the Step B official, who forwards the file to the reviewing official. The
request is in writing and gives specific reasons why the employee believes the Step B decision should be reviewed.
The request is made within 15 calendar days from receipt of the Step B decision. The reviewing official replies in
writing and states the disposition of the employee’s request. This reply is final.
ELM 650
Non-Bargaining Disciplinary, Grievance
and Appeal Procedures
Do you have expired discipline in your eOPF?
Use PS Form 8043 Request to Amend Electronic Official
Personnel Folder complete this form to request that it be
removed from your eOPF.
It must be provided to your District HR and possibly Area HR
for fulfillment. It has to go to someone who has the access to
your eOPF. Typically that is not your manager.
Keep a copy and follow-up by looking in your eOPF. If it
hasn’t been removed contact your NAPS Representative for
Thank You!