County of Los Angeles
Department of Public Health
Children’s Medical Services
Phone: (800) 288-4584
Fax: (855) 481-6821
Printed by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Children’s
Medical Services (CMS), California Children’s Services.
Para copias en español, llame al (800) 288-4584.
Copyright 2018
Table of Contents
Welcome to CCS
Partnering with CCS ....................................................... 5
What is CCS? .................................................................. 6
How is a child eligible for CCS Services? ........................ 7
Fees and applicaon ..................................................... 8
CCS Services
Care coordinaon (by a Nurse Case Manager) ........9-11
Diagnosc services ...................................................... 12
Treatment services ...................................................... 12
Special Care Centers (SCCs) ......................................... 13
Medical Therapy Program (MTP) services..............14-15
Other services ............................................................. 16
Using CCS Services
What is a Service Authorizaon Request (SAR)? ....17-18
Will my child need to change doctors? ....................... 19
What if I do not agree with a CCS decision? ............... 20
The appeal process ...................................................... 20
The annual review ....................................................... 21
Case closure ................................................................ 21
Transion ..................................................................... 22
Welcome to CCS
(California Children’s Services)
We care about your child’s health!
We hope this booklet will help you understand:
the CCS program
how you can partner with CCS
the services CCS oers
How Does CCS Partner with You?
We pledge to:
treat you with respect.
give you the informaon and support needed for your
child’s health and well-being.
work with you to provide high-quality healthcare for
your child.
This is what we call Patient-Family Centered Care.
We believe the best way to care for a child is to help
the family.
What Is CCS?
Across the state, CCS pays for medical
care and therapy services for children
under 21 years of age who have certain
healthcare needs. Care is provided by
doctors, hospitals, and related
healthcare professionals. In Los Ange-
les County, CCS is run by the LA County
Department of Public Health (DPH),
Children’s Medical Services (CMS),
which is a part of the California De-
partment of Health Care Services
CCS is the “payor of last resort.” That means: if you have private
insurance coverage, the insurer is responsible for paying for the
services before CCS can pay.
There are two types of services which may be oered to your
child. Your child may be eligible for one or both.
1. The General Program coordinates care that is related to
the CCS-eligible condion.
2. The Medical Therapy Program (MTP) oers therapy
services for your child’s CCS-eligible condion.
CCS is not the Department of Children and Family Services
(DCFS). CCS is a program that supports the care of children
with special healthcare needs.
How Does a Child Become
Eligible for LA County
CCS Services?
Your child gets CCS services because s/he meets all four CCS
eligibility rules:
1. Age-eligible: The child or young adult is under 21 years of age.
2. Residenally eligible: The child
lives in Los Angeles County. Each
county in California has a CCS
program, and if you move to
another county, we will help you
transfer to that county’s CCS
3. Medically eligible: The child has a medical condition that is
covered by CCS. This is called having a “CCS-eligible condition.”
Your child’s doctor should be able to identify if your child’s
condition might be eligible for CCS.
CCS covers many serious health and physical conditions. CCS
only pays for services for the eligible conditions. If your child
has other medical needs, we will do our best to help you find
resources in your community to address these needs.
More informaon about CCS and the medically eligible
conditions can be found online at:
or you can call (800) 288-4584 if you have questions.
Continued on page 8
4. Financially eligible:
One of the following condions must be met:
The child has full scope Medi-Cal coverage or is eligible for
full scope Medi-Cal.
The family’s Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is less than
$40,000 per year.
The family’s AGI is $40,000 or higher, but they would spend
20% or more on medical services for the child’s CCS-eligible
condion without CCS.
Families who meet the income qualicaon
must also apply for Medi-Cal.
Fees and Application
Please note that some families may be required to pay:
an annual assessment fee of $20 and
an annual enrollment fee, using a sliding scale based on
family income and size.
A family in need can ask us to lower or “waive” these fees if there
is nancial hardship.
CCS will require a signed applicaon before services can be pro-
A parent can get an applicaon form from:
your child’s doctor, or his/her sta
hospital sta
calling CCS
If you have quesons about your nancial or residenal
eligibility, you can ask your Nurse Case Manager (see page 9)
or speak with a nancial worker. Call (800) 288-4584 to be
transferred to them directly.
Care Coordination
Your Nurse Case Manager (NCM)
Your partner in the CCS system is your Nurse Case Manager (NCM).
You will be notified by mail on who your child’s assigned NCM is and
how to contact him/her. Please call your NCM when you have ques-
tions about your child’s care. If your NCM cannot talk with you right
away, leave a detailed message and include your child’s name, your
phone number, and your child’s CCS number. If you don’t hear back
from your NCM after 3 business days, please call the (800) 288-4584
for assistance.
If your call is urgent, and your NCM is not available, you can also
ask for his/her supervisor. Our goal is that you have an ongoing
partnership with your NCM to meet your child’s healthcare needs.
If you don’t know who your NCM is, call (800) 288-4584 to nd out.
Your NCM’s role is to work with you to coordinate your child’s CCS
services. Your NCM relies on your child’s doctor’s reports to make
decisions. With the information in the reports, the NCM will author-
ize doctors that have been approved by the CCS program (known as
“paneled doctors”) to provide treatment and other services. See
pages 17-18 for more information on authorizations.
The NCM is available to talk with you about any concerns you may
have about your child. It is important to feel comfortable talking
with your child’s NCM.
If you nd it hard to talk with your NCM, ask to speak with a Nurse
You are welcome to call your NCM during oce
hours. We are here to help you with ANY quesons
about the program.
Please help by asking your child’s doctor to send your child’s
reports to the NCM as soon as possible. Remember to keep a
copy for your own record. If you have this informaon, you can
send a copy to CCS if the doctor’s report is delayed or missing.
Contact your NCM if your child’s healthcare needs change. Re-
member, it is also important to call your NCM with any changes of
personal informaon, such as phone number, address or insurance.
We have interpretaon services available. Call (800) 288-4584 and
nofy the representave of which language you are able to speak.
Your NCM can also help you nd resources outside of CCS, such as
Regional Center, family resource centers, or available through your
child’s school.
Diagnostic Services
CCS may be able to pay for doctor visits and tesng to see if your
child has a CCS-eligible condion. Your NCM can help you if you
have quesons about this.
Treatment Services
CCS pays for medical treatment for your child’s CCS-eligible
condion, including:
Doctor visits
Emergency room care
Hospital stays
Special equipment
Other medically
necessary services
Special Care Centers
Your child may receive services at a Special Care Center (SCC), ap-
proved by CCS. A SCC is a clinic where a team of doctors and other
professionals (like nurses, therapists, and social workers) work to-
gether with your family to help provide treatment for your child.
The following types of centers of SCC’s may provide services based
on your child’s healthcare needs:
Bone Marrow Transplant Center
Burn Center
Cardiology (Heart) Center
Cle Palate Center
Craniofacial Center
Cysc Fibrosis & Lung Disease Center
Communicaon Disorders Center
Endocrine Center
Epilepsy Center
Gastrointesnal Center
Heart Surgery Center
Heart and Lung Transplant Center
Hematology/Oncology Center
Rehabilitaon Center
Immunology/Infecous Disease (including AIDS) Center
Metabolic and Endocrine Center
Musculoskeletal/Neuro-Musculoskeletal Center
Hemophilia Center
Renal (Kidney) Dialysis and Transplant Center
Rheumatology Center
Liver Transplant
Sickle Cell Center
Neurological Diseases Center
Speech and Hearing Center
Spina Bida Center
Medical Therapy Program (MTP)
Children with physical disabilies may get help through the CCS
Medical Therapy Program (MTP). The MTP provides direct care,
working one-on-one with your child.
Medical eligibility for MTP services is dierent from the general
CCS program. Not all children who have CCS coverage are eligible
for MTP services.
Services are provided at sites known as Medical Therapy Units
(MTUs), which are located in public schools. Physical and occupa-
onal therapy, along with other services may be oered, depend-
ing on your child’s healthcare needs.
If your child needs a referral to a MTP, your doctor or NCM can help.
If your child is eligible for MTP services, you may be assigned a
different NCM who will continue to coordinate all your child's care.
If your child is eligible for MTP services, it may take several weeks
for child’s referral to be processed before he/she can begin
services at their assigned MTU. Once your referral is processed,
you will receive more informaon about the MTP at your rst
meeng with the therapy sta.
The physical and occupaonal therapy CCS provides through
the MTU is free, regardless of the family’s income. There is no
nancial eligibility requirement for MTP services.
The therapy that CCS provides is usually dierent from what the
school provides. That is because CCS provides therapy which
focuses on your child's medical needs, while the school provides
therapy for your child’s educaonal needs and goals.
Other Services
Families caring for a child with a CCS-eligible condion may need
other kinds of help. For example,
Counseling Support Services:
Your child or someone in your family might need to talk with
someone about how your child’s condion is aecng their life.
Ask your child’s NCM about counseling support services through
the CCS Social Work Unit at (626) 569-6231.
Ask your child’s NCM if you need any of these services!
Food and lodging (long distance travel and hospital stays):
Somemes families have to travel a very long distance to receive
outpaent and/or hospital care. In some cases, we may help
families with food and lodging.
If it is hard for you to get your
child to medical care provided by
CCS, talk to your NCM. In some
cases, we may be able to arrange
transportaon for you and your
Using CCS Services
What is a Service Authorizaon Request (SAR)?
You will hear the term “SAR” used by the medical sta and/or CSS
sta. SARs allow CCS to authorize payment for services for your
child’s CCS-eligible condion. This may include doctors, hospitals,
Special Care Center (SCC) services, medicaon, or medical
equipment and supplies.
When possible, CCS will try to authorize payment of services from
your doctor or SCC of your choice. It may take 1-2 weeks to
receive the SAR leer in the mail, aer your NCM approves it.
If urgent or emergency care is needed, your
provider or the hospital can contact your NCM.
It is important for you to keep the authorizaon
leer! You may need to show it to your doctor or
The authorizaon has an expiraon date, so always be sure to
check the date before making a doctor’s appointment.
Be sure all your child’s providers know that
he or she has CCS coverage!
When Approved for CCS Services,
Will My Child Need
to Change Doctors?
Maybe, because CCS is only allowed to pay for doctors who are
approved by the State CCS Program (“CCS-paneled”).
CCS paneled means that these doctors have passed through a
special application process and show that they have the knowledge
and experience to care for children with CCS-eligible condions.
Many doctors who treat children with special healthcare needs
are already CCS-paneled. (You may ask your child’s doctor if he or
she is “CCS-paneled,” or you can call us to nd out , and/or if you
need to change to another doctor.)
If you do not have a doctor or you need to change doctors, we will
help you nd one.
What Can I Do If I Don’t Agree
with a CCS Decision?
Most of the me you and CCS will agree on the services your child
needs, but somemes CCS may deny a request from you or your
doctor. If a service request is denied, you will receive a leer
called a Noce of Acon (NOA). If you disagree with this decision,
you have the right to appeal.
Appeal Process
The NOA will come with detailed instrucons on how to appeal.
Remember to:
• Send your appeal to us in wring with the following informaon:
what decision you are appealing
what you would like CCS to do
any other informaon that you think is important
• Be sure to sign your leer.
• Send your appeal within 30 days of the date on the NOA leer
Program Director
California Children’s Services
9320 Telstar Avenue, Suite 226
El Monte, CA 91731
You can get further informaon about how to appeal from your
NCM. There are also community resources that can help you write
and submit an appeal leer. CCS will respond to your appeal
within 21 days.
The Annual Review
Case Closure
CCS services end when:
Your child no longer has a CCS-eligible condion because
the condition has changed or treatment has been completed
Your child is no longer nancially eligible because the fami-
ly’s AGI has changed
Your child turns 21 years old
You move outside the state of California
CCS services may also end if your child’s Medi-Cal coverage
changes—talk to your NCM if this happens.
Rest assured that we can always re-open your child’s case if
your family meets the age, medical, nancial and residenal
eligibility requirements (see page 7-8).
Ninety (90) days before your
child’s anniversary of his/her
start date with CCS, we review
your child’s medical reports to
be sure he/she is geng all the
needed services.
We will also check to see if your
child sll meets medical and
nancial eligibility. Somemes,
aer review, the NCM may
determine that your child is no
longer eligible for the CCS
program. If this happens, you
will receive a leer from CCS.
There will be changes in your child’s health care when s/he
turns 21. Your child will transion out of the CCS program at
that me. CCS sta wants to help you and your child get
ready for this important milestone. Your NCM will start plan-
ning with your family when your child reaches 18, or at 16 if
they are in the Medical Therapy Program. Your clinical sta
will want to help you begin planning for the following:
Health coverage - Will your child’s insurance/coverage
change? What will those changes be?
Primary care doctor - Do you know who your child will
Specialty care - Do you have an adult care specialist for
your young adult’s health condion(s)?
Medicaons, medical equipment and other supplies - Do
you know where to get them?
Living arrangements - Where will s/he live?
Legal decisions - Do you know what legal decisions need
to be made and who will make them?
Recreaonal, social, educaonal and other acvies -
How will your child be able to nd and join in them? And,
Other services- What other services will s/he need?
Call 911 or
Take your child to ANY emergency room or
Contact your doctor
Our main oce is open Monday-Friday, 8am-5 pm
and is closed on weekends and holidays.
Los Angeles County CCS, Children’s Medical Services
9320 Telstar Avenue, Suite 226, El Monte, CA 91731
Telephone: (800) 288-4584 Fax: (855) 481-6821
This book belongs to:__________________________________
CCS number:_________________________________________
Start/Annual Review Date:______________________________
CCS Nurse Case Manager (NCM): ________________________
NCM Phone:_________________________________________
If you do not know who your NCM is, call (800) 288-4584 to nd out.
Parent/Legal Guardian
Developed in collaboraon with the Family Resource Center Network of
Los Angeles County (FRCNLAC)/Family Voices and
Paent and Family Centered Care Partners (PFCC Partners).