Rachel Barkow — Spring 2014
1. No punishment without law
2. No retroactive lawmaking (Keeler; Rogers)
3. Statutes should be understandable to reasonable law-abiding people so people have notice that conduct is prohibited (Mochan, Morales
[vagueness does not provide notice])
4. Statutes should be crafted so that they do not delegate basic policy matters to police officers, judges, and juries on an ad hoc basis.
Legislature should make these policy calls (Mochan, Morales)
5. Rule of lenity: If statutes are ambiguous, should be read in favor of the defendant. Generally invoked when there are two equally plausible
interpretations (McBoyle, Smith)
6. Vagueness is a constitutional limit on substantive criminal law. Test for vagueness:
Failure to provide the kind of notice that will enable ordinary people to understand what conduct it prohibits (plurality in Morales)
Authorizes or encourages arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement (majority finding in Morales)
1. Break the statute down into elements (conduct, attendant circumstances, result).
2. What is the conduct required (actus reus)?
a. Actus reus must be voluntary (Martin v. State; MPC 2.01(1))
Under the MPC, (a) reflex/convulsion, (b) bodily movement during unconsciousness or sleep, (c) conduct during hypnosis or
resulting from hypnotic suggestion, or (d) bodily movement otherwise not a product of effort/determination of the actor is not a
voluntary act (MPC 2.01(2)).
One core act is usually enough for actus reus under the MPC, but need to look at the statute to see if the part that is voluntary is
sufficient for culpability
Court cannot criminalize being/status (Jones v. City of LA)
b. Omissions:
i. Is there a duty? Must be a legal duty.
Sources of legal duty:
Imposed by statute
Status relationships (common-law pocket; judges create these statutes relationships and have expanded them/limited
Contractual duty to care for another
Voluntary assumption of care that thus secluded helpless person/prevented others from rendering aid
Created the peril
ii. If no, then no liability unless an argument can be made for expansion through one of the duty categories (e.g. status relationship)
Carroll case expanded liability to step-parents
Beardsley case limited liability for man-mistress (though today likely don’t need formal marriage; de facto is acceptable)
Could potentially expand to roommates, same-sex partner situations, etc.
c. Possession
Most courts interpret possession offense to require that the accused be aware that she has the thing charged of possessing
MPC 2.01(4): says accused has to be aware of control of the thing possessed for a sufficient period to have been able to terminate
Some courts invoke strict liability standard for possession
3. What was the defendant’s state of mind (mens rea)?
a. Must establish mens rea with respect to each element
b. Common law mens rea
i. Prevailing approach at common law: Malice means foresight of prohibited consequences (recklessness). Defendant had to be
subjectively aware his actions posed a substantial risk of causing the prohibited harm but proceeded anyway (Cunningham)
ii. Minority view at common law: Malice means “intentional and willful,” though intention can be proved by knowledge that the
injury was the probable result of the unlawful act (Faulkner)
iii. Knowledge: courts interpret knowledge sometimes as only requiring an awareness of the facts, not necessarily knowledge as to the
meaning of the law (International Minerals, Ansaldi, Overholt)
iv.Willful blindness can satisfy knowledge if:
1. Majority approach: if lack of knowledge is solely because of a conscious purpose to avoid the truth, this is sufficient for
knowledge regardless of probability (Jewell)
2. Minority approach: actual (subjective belief) is required for knowledge, regardless of probability (dissent Jewell)
c. MPC mens rea
i. Is there a mens rea term in the statute?
1. If yes, 2.02(4): if culpability requirement with respect to one element, assume application to everything unless contrary purpose
2. If no, 2.02(3): default standard of recklessness
ii. MPC mens rea terms
1. 2.02(2)(a): Purposely: (i) if the element involves the nature of his conduct or a result thereof, it is his conscious object to
engage in conduct of that nature or to cause such a result; AND (ii) if the element involves the attendant circumstances, he is
aware of the existence of such circumstances or believes/hopes that they exist.
In certain circumstances, can infer purpose from knowledge
2. 2.02(2)(b): Knowingly: (i) if the element involves the nature of the conduct or the attendant circumstances, he is aware that
his conduct is of that nature or that such circumstances exist; AND (ii) if the element involves a result of his conduct, he is
aware that it is practically certain that his conduct will cause such a result.
Willful blindness: 2.02(7): Knowledge can be established by high probability of belief in a fact as long as there is not a
lack of actual belief
Must deliberately avoid the unpleasant knowledge for willful blindness to be sufficient for knowledge (Giovanetti)
3. 2.02(2)(c): Recklessly: consciously disregards a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the material element exists or will result
from his conduct. The risk must be of such a nature and degree that... its disregard involves a gross deviation from the standard
of conduct that a law-abiding person would observe in the actors situation.
Defendant should have awareness that risk is substantial, but some courts say enough if reasonable person would have
Justifiability depends on reasonable person standard
Difference between recklessness and knowledge is probability of result occurring (practically certain v. substantial risk)
4. 2.02(2)(d): Negligently: he should be aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the material element exists or will result
from his conduct. The risk must be of such a nature and degree that... it involves a gross deviation from the standard of care
that a reasonable person would observe in the actors situation.
Negligence is not a culpable standard unless the legislature makes it explicit.
Criminal negligence versus civil negligence
Criminal negligence is not a definitive standard, but generally a gross deviation from reasonable standard of care,
to the point of creating a substantial risk (Santialles)
Civil negligence is used as standard when results are very harmful (Hazelwood)
d. Strict liability offenses: liable if defendant didn’t know of a risk and even a reasonable person would not have known of a risk
MPC drafters did not like SL. Comes in only for violations/statutory rape for very young children (under 10); left some room for
drafters to add these offenses.
Common law: strict liability gets at the concept of notice:
Generally invoked in the context of public welfare offenses (offenses where social utility outweighs what potentially innocent
individual suffers). SL outside of context of public welfare is generally not okay.
Involves a utilitarian balancing test. Factors that make it more likely that SL will be imposed:
Generally carry a low penalty that does not have stigma attached to it
Harms are greater
E.g. dealing with an inherently dangerous produce (like grenades) (Freed)
No root in common law crime
Part of an existing regulatory scheme
Defendant is in a good position to prevent the harm/know they are dealing in a regulated field -- sophisticated actor
Cannot apply public welfare rationale to felony offense UNLESS clear statement from Congress
Reasonable person standard
Physical disabilities and other external circumstances generally always come in
Idiosyncratic moral values never come in
Middle ground: cultural values, battered woman’s syndrome, mental disorder, age, gender
Prosecutorial discretion
Factors to consider:
Strength of evidence
Harm caused
Possible disproportion between authorized punishment and gravity of crime
Defendant’s willingness to cooperate with prosecution of others
Resource constraints
Many federal crimes can be charged as state crimes, where penalty is usually lower
Purposes of punishment
Backward-looking; idea of just deserts; harm-focused + concern with moral culpability
If magnitude of punishment outweighs the magnitude or value of pleasure criminal excepts to be the consequence of criminal act, he
will be deterred from performing it
1. If killing is intentional:
a. Common law:
i. Murder: Malice aforethought
Malice: generally meant intent/knowing. Expanded to felony murder and depraved heart killings.
Forethought: premeditation (time to deliberate)
ii. Murder (see if statute specifies first v. second degree) UNLESS adequate provocation:
1. Traditional adequate provocation (Girouard): provocation which would cause a reasonable man to be in a heightened state
of passion and lose his self-control. Only a few circumstances can serve as legally adequate provocation:
Common-law categories: Sexual infidelity (today only if discovered in the act of intercourse (Simonovich)]), Mutual
combat, Assault and battery, Injury to one of defendant’s relatives, Resistance to an illegal arrest
Majority view: Words can constitute adequate provocation only if they are accompanied by conduct indicating a present
intention/ability to cause defendant bodily harm (Girouard).
2. Expanded adequate provocation (Maher)
Minority view: Reasonable provocation is anything the natural tendency of which would be to produce such a state of mind
in ordinary men, and which the jury are satisfied did produce it in the case before them.
Courts that take this approach may still rule some things out, and words still may not be enough
3. If adequate provocation, manslaughter.
iii. If statute has a distinction between first and second degree:
Carroll (premeditation must be something other than intentionality. “No time is too short for a wicked man to frame in
his mind the scheme of murder”)
Guthrie (there must be some evidence that defendant considered and weighed his decision to kill in order for State to
establish premeditation under first-degree murder statute).
Key facts to consider: planning activity, motive, preconceived design (Anderson)
For both tests, ask whether defendant was in a state of passion or whether reasonable person should have cooled off.
b. MPC:
Murder (210.2(a)) if purposely or knowingly or recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of
human life (recklessness presumed under FM equivalent 210.2(b)) UNLESS extreme mental or emotional disturbance
(210.3(1)(b)): mitigated to manslaughter if under the influence of extreme mental or emotional disturbance for which there
is reasonable explanation or excuse. Reasonableness determined from viewpoint of person in actors situation (have to
evaluate which characteristics constitute “situation”) under the circumstances as he believes them to be (both a subjective and
an objective rule) (Cassassa).
Doesn’t have to be a single provocative event; MPC says second-degree murder can be reduced to manslaughter for people
who had significant mental trauma over a period of time (White, Elliot)
2. If killing is unintentional:
a. Common law:
i. Murder
1. Felony murder: elevates what would usually be negligent homicide or manslaughter to first-degree murder
Use common law cases + MPC as persuasive authority to argue that certain felonies are covered (limited to just dangerous,
everything, etc.)
Majority rule: need but-for + proximate cause (King v. Commonwealth)
Minority rule (only need but-for cause): Felony must be causally connected to the killing. Felony-murder rule is
not limited to deaths which are foreseeable; felon is strictly liable for all killings committed by him and
accomplices in the course of the felony, as long as homicide is the direct causal result (but-for cause) of the
felony (Stamp)
Types of felonies:
Any act known to be dangerous to life and likely in itself to cause death, done for the purpose committing a
felony, should be murder (Serne)
In furtherance of the felony?
Applies in situations where:
The lethal act occurs after commission of the felony: if the act is necessary to complete the crime (Gillis)
Lethal act is arguably unrelated to the felony: if the murder helps ensure the success of the ongoing
felony (Cabaltero) -- can include the acts of co-felons
The lethal act is committed by someone resisting the felony
Agency theory: Focuses on the identity of the killer; co-felons cannot be held liable for the acts
committed by someone outside of the conspiracy
Proximate cause theory: focuses on foreseeability (was murder a foreseeable risk in committing felony)
2. Depraved heart: Generally where someone engages in a truly pointless activity which poses a great risk to human life, and
defendant is aware of the risk to human life but disregards the risk. (Malone [Russian Roulette case])
ii. Manslaughter
1. Involuntary manslaughter: Grave danger to others must have been apparent and defendant must have chosen to run the risk
rather than alter his conduct so as to avoid the act or omission which caused the harm. Depends on if ordinary man under
the same circumstances would have realized the gravity of the danger (Welansky)
If negligence is sufficient, must be more than mere ordinary or simple negligence
b. MPC:
i. Murder
1. Felony murder equivalent 210.2(b): Joins depraved heart with felony murder. Recklessness (extreme indifference to human
life) presumed if actor is engaged/is an accomplice in the commission of/attempt to commit robbery, rape or deviate sexual
intercourse by force or threat of force, arson, burglary, kidnapping, felonious escape
2. Depraved heart 210.2(b): Unintended killing is murder when it is committed recklessly and under circumstances
manifesting an extreme indifference to the value of human life (Malone, Fleming -- drunk driving case)
ii. Manslaughter/Negligent homicide
1. Manslaughter (requires recklessness) 210.3(1)(a): Criminal homicide constitutes manslaughter when it is committed
2. Negligent homicide (negligence is okay) 210.4(1): Depends on whether defendant was aware of the unwarranted risk he was
creating. Manslaughter if actor was “reckless.” (Hall: consciously disregarded substantial and unjustifiable risk) Negligent
homicide if actor should have been aware of such a risk, but was not (Hall; Williams -- omission amounted to gross
3. Causation
Causation comes in for any crime that has a result element. Each element must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Mere possibility of survival is not proof beyond a reasonable doubt in many jurisdictions (Murrow)
But-for cause: but for actors conduct no harm would have occurred.
Proximate cause (categorical question): Conduct must be a sufficiently direct cause of death, and ultimate harm is something which
should have been foreseen as being reasonably related to his actions (Kibbe, Stewart)
Does an intervening actor break the chain of causation?
Medical malpractice
Generally death results from the injury inflicted by defendant. Unless it can be said that original wound is merely a setting in
which other cause operations can it be said that the death does not result from this wound.
Even if medical malpractice contributed to the death, defendant will not escape liability unless the malpractice was the sole
cause of the death (Shabazz)
Subsequent intentional human actions:
Intended to produce the result:
Law does not treat human action that follows from defendant’s initial conduct as caused by that actor, even when
subsequent human action is entirely foreseeable.
Even if result is exactly what the defendant wanted to happen, defendant did not cause the death if victim was intervening
actor who chose to kill himself (Campbell)
Involvement in events leading up to the commission of the final overt act do not negate the intervening human actor
committing suicide (Kervorkian) UNLESS actor could not have committed suicide but for defendant’s help (Roberts)
Subsequent acts constrained by duty, duress, exigency, etc can break the causal chain (Stephenson)
Intervening actor must make a knowing, intelligent, intentional, voluntary decision to break causation chain.
Length of time is really relevant here
Subsequent victim behavior: defendant takes the victim as found
Subsequent actions that recklessly risk the result:
Subsequent actors risky choices do not negate the liability of the first actor, when those choices are the result of a predicament
created by the first actors (Kern)
Jurisdictions differ when subsequent actor’s behavior was merely reckless or negligent (Root, McFadden, Atencio)
Root: Drag racing case; defendant’s reckless conduct was not a sufficiently direct cause to competing drivers death
McFadden: Drag racing case; foreseeably is enough to determine proximate cause
Atencio: Russian Roulette; participation in the game (active engagement) was enough to sutisfy causal link
1. Actus reus
Majority of states require physical force. Varying requirements of resistance (see statute).
Psychological force does not substitute for physical force (DiPetrillo, Thompson, Mlinarich)
Consent must be freely given (must be voluntary)
Some states draw a bright line specific age of consent
Lack of consent is often established through proof of resistance/failure to resist because of fear (Rusk)
All states impose liability for rape when defendant has intercourse with person who was completely unconscious; nearly all impose
liability when defendant has intercourse with a person who was incapacitation by drugs he gave her without her knowledge.
Many states do not impose liability if someone other than the defendant drugged the victim.
Fraud in the factum (lying about the very nature of the act, impersonating someone’s husband): considered rape
Fraud in the inducement: generally not rape (Boro)
2. Mens rea
Resistance can come in to show defendant’s mens rea, but is not required in many states
Most jurisdictions are at a negligence standard for consent, but most jurisdictions also have a force requirement
Some jurisdictions have knowledge standard (where actual knowledge of non-consent is unnecessary; if evidence points to actual
knowledge, this is enough to satisfy mens rea (Sherry)) and some have reckless standard (where defendant recklessly disregards
victim’s lack of consent)
1. Common law: Look at blackmail statute.
a. What does the threat have to be? Threat must be sufficiently specific
Threats of personal and property injury or threats to accuse crime are always enough.
Threats to make disclosure that would defame the victim are often included.
Threats to expose matters that are not defamatory depends on the statute.
b. What does the state say the person has to get in return for the threat?
2. MPC 223.4: Theft by extortion
a. A person is guilty of theft if he obtains property of another by threatening to:
1. Inflict bodily injury on anyone or commit any other criminal offense; or
2. Accuse anyone of a criminal offense; or
3. Expose any secret tending to subject any person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule or impair his credit/business repute; or
4. Take or withhold action as an official, or cause an official to take or withhold action; or
5. Bring about or continue a strike, boycott, or other collective unofficial action if property is not demanded/received for the
benefit of the group in whose interest the actor purports to act; or
6. Testify or provide information or withhold testimony or information with respect to another’s legal claim or defense; or
7. Inflict any other harm which would not benefit the actor
Note: own property doesn’t come under this because one always benefits from controlling own property (Tobi the bunny)
b. It is an affirmative defense to prosecution that the property obtained by threat of accusation, exposure, lawsuit, or other invocation of
official action was honestly claimed as restitution or indemnification for harm done in the circumstances to which such
accusation, exposure, lawsuit, or other official action regulates, or as a compensation for property and lawful services.
1. Mens rea:
Attempt is a special intent crime: actor must have the specific intent to produce the proscribed result
For attempted murder:
Sufficient that actor knew conduct had a high probability of leading to the result (Raines)
Intent to kill can be inferred by using deadly weapon directed at vital part of human body (Raines)
Common law is pretty much the same as MPC for attempt
MPC 5.01: Criminal attempt:
Result element: Purpose/belief
Conduct element: Purpose
Attendant circumstance: Same as underlying offense
MPC 5.05(2): If the particular conduct charged to constitute an attempt is so inherently unlikely to result or culminate in a
commission of a crime... court should impose a sentence for a crime of lower degree
Can you attempt an unintentional act?
2. Actus reus:
Distinction between preparation and intent
4 tests:
i. Last step test: have to wait until last possible act before commission of the crime (Eagleton)
ii. Dangerous proximity test: must be so near accomplishment that the crime would be committed if not for interference (Rizzo)
iii. Res ipsa test (unquivocal): generally at last step or right before; must be no alternate explanation for the act so act speaks for
itself (McQuirter)
iv. Substantial step test (MPC 5.01(c)(3)): must be strongly corroborative of actors purpose (Jackson); Ex. (MPC 5.01(2)):
a. Lying in wait, searching for, or following the contemplated victim of the crime;
b. Enticing/seeking to entice the victim to the place contemplated for the crime’s commission;
c. Reconnoitering the place contemplated for the commission of the crime;
d. Unlawful entry of a structure, vehicle, or enclosure in which it is contemplated that the crime will be committed;
e. Possession of materials to be employed in commission of the crime which are specifically designed for usch use or
which can serve no lawful purpose of the actor under the circumstances
f. Possession, collection, or fabrication of materials to be employed in the commission of crime, at or near the place
contemplated for its commission, where such possession serves no lawful purpose of the actor under the circumstances
g. Soliciting an innocent agent to engage in conduct constituting an element of the crime
Court traditionally denied any defense of abandonment, and many adhere to this view
Some states recognize renunciation as a complete defense
1. Mens rea
a. Specific intent is generally required to hold a person liable as an accomplice; must actually intend his action to further criminal
action of the principal
b. MPC/majority view in common law:
Conduct: Purpose to facilitate “commission of the offense” (2.06(3), Hicks) -- not enough to know/expect it will happen
Result: Same mens rea as underlying offense; CAN be an accomplice to an unintentional crime (McVay, Roebuck, MPC 2.06(4)).
Intentionally facilitating conduct that is inherently dangerous creates a “community” of purpose, and it doesn’t matter
whether the defendants were at odds with each other
Attendant Circumstances: Ambiguous; depends on the facts
c. Common law minority view:
Conduct: Knowledge is sufficient, particularly when the crime is serious (Fountain)
Result: Same mens rea as underlying offense; minority view; can NEVER aid an intentional crime
Attendant Circumstances: Ambiguous; depends on the facts
Look at statute to decide about mens rea in the first instance.
Could treat accomplice exactly the same as principal in relation to that attendant circumstance (emphasize utilitarian
Could treat accomplice with different standard: point out the facts that make the accomplice different from the principal
(emphasize retributive justice arguments); accomplice may need more for culpability
2. Actus reus
a. MPC 5.01(c)(3): Attempt to aid is enough to establish intent to facilitate the offense
Even if the encouragement never reached the principal
Omission: Person can be an accomplice if he has a legal duty to prevent the offense and fails to do so with the purpose of
promoting/facilitating the crime (even in the absence of preconcert (Stanciel))
5.01(c)(3): If principal is acquitted can still charge accomplice
b. Common law: Defendant must actually aid. Otherwise, no crime was committed.
Must be more than mere presence (Wilcox)
All of the elements of the act must exist and be imputable to the defendant (Hayes)
If principal is acquitted, whether accomplice can be charged depends on the jurisdiction:
If principal was acquitted for justification defense, no crime was committed in eyes of common law -- no accomplice liability
If principal was acquitted for excuse, crime is still committed -- accomplice can be held liable (Vaden)
Accomplice by omission?
3. Is defendant on the hook for other crimes committed by accomplice, other than one facilitated?
Luperello: defendant is on the hook for offense he intended to facilitate/encourage, but also of any reasonably foreseeable offense
committed by the person he aids and abets (?)
Jurisdictions that have this: limited to “natural and probable” foreseeable offenses (Roy)
Majority of jurisdictions refuse to use this test.
MPC rejects the natural and probable consequences doctrine.
4. Can technically have someone who is an accomplice to a conspiracy
1. Separately punishable offense and a way to be guilty of other crimes
2. Actus reus
The agreement itself usually satisfies actus reus
Agreement can be inferred from circumstantial evidence (Interstate Circuit)
Can have an impulsive agreement; prior consideration is not required (Urban Riot case)
Some jurisdictions require an overt act in addition to agreement to conspire
MPC 5.03(5): for more serious crimes, just need agreement itself. For other crimes, need overt act
Common law: differs by jurisdiction
Federal system usually requires an overt act
3. Mens rea
Common law: Specific intent: intent to agree; most states require purpose, even when object crime is a serious felony
Okay to infer from knowledge under certain circumstances (Lauria)
Knows of the crime and
Intends to participate (i.e., has the purpose that the crime occur) or
The crime is very serious or
He has a stake in the venture
Charges criminals above market price
Derives the bulk of his profits from supplying criminals
No legitimate use for the volume of goods supplied
No legitimate purpose for the volume of goods supplied
Cannot conspire to commit an unintentional crime
MPC 5.03(1): Purpose: must have the purpose of promoting or facilitating its commission (either through agreement that one or more of
them will engage in criminal conduct which constitutes such crime or attempt/solicitation of the crime OR through agreement to aid
persons in planning/commission of crime or attempt/solicitation)
Ambiguous as to attendant circumstances mens rea
4. Can defendant be held liable for additional offense other than the offense they intended to facilitate?
MPC: no
Common law: Yes, for Pinkerton jurisdictions (on the hook for anything in furtherance of the conspiracy/reasonably foreseeable as the
necessary or natural consequences of the conspiracy)
In some jurisdictions, can be negated by defendant’s minor role in a conspiracy/lack of knowledge about the unintended
substantive offense.
5. Scope of conspiracy
When conspiracy ends (either when crime intended to achieve is achieved, or if it’s ongoing but none of the conspirators are
engaging in any action to further the conspiratorial objectives)
To withdraw, defendant needs to communicate intent to withdraw with other members of the conspiracy (this the point at which
Pinkerton liability stops)
Some jurisdictions require defendant to tell the authorities as well
At common law, no renunciation. Some jurisdictions have softened this if the actor thwarts the conspiracy’s success.
MPC: will allows defendant’s renunciation to serve as affirmative defense
1. Holding corporation liable:
a. Common law: Federal government holds corporation liable when:
Agent commits a crime (individual has mens rea + actus reus)
The crime is considered a crime of the company when:
Agent acted within the scope of his or her employment (even if contrary to “authorized” scope of employment; employee just
has to be on the clock (Hilton Hotels))
With the intent to benefit the company
This can be satisfied by acts which, in fact, do not benefit the company (Sun Diamond)
No established non-federal common law jurisdictional rule: use different standards (federal, MPC, something else)
b. MPC 2.07: A corporation can be committed of the commission of an offense if;
a. Offense is a violation or offense is defined by a statute in which legislative purpose plainly appears and conduct is
performed by agent of corporation acting in behalf of the corporation within the scope of his employment except
if the law designates agents for whose conduct corporation is accountable, or the circumstances under which it is
accountable; or
b. Offense consists of an omission to discharge a specific duty of affirmative performance imposed on the corporations
by law; or
c. The commission of the offense was authorized, requested, commanded, performed, or recklessly tolerated by the
board of directors or by a high managerial agent
MPC commentary says mere title is not enough to make corporation liable; must be placed in a position where he had
enough power, duty, responsibility, and authority to in behalf of the corporation to handle business engaged in at the
time of act
2. Ways to punish a corporation:
Probation (Guidant)
Fines: problem with spillover effects/not sufficient deterrence
Compliance programs
DPAs and NPAs: preferred course for federal prosecutors
3. Holding officers liable
Prevailing/MPC view: 2.07(6): (a) legally accountable for conduct he performs/causes to be performed in the name of the
corporation or on its behalf to the same extent as if it were performed in his own name; (b) when duty to act is imposed by
corporation, agent having primary responsibility for the discharge of the duty is legally responsible for reckless omission to
perform the required act as to the same extent as if the duty were imposed by law directly upon himself
Knowledge of defendant’s employees can be chargeable to employer in determining defendant's willfulness (Gordon)
Corporate officer must have responsible relation to the situation (Dotterweich, Park)
However, in some jurisdictions employer must have actual knowledge of the criminal activity to be held responsible (MacDonald)
1. Mistake of fact
a. Ignorance/mistake is a defense when it negates the existence of the state of mind required by the offense
b. Common law:
i. Moral wrong theory: No defense for mistakes where, if the facts had been as defendant believed them to be, conduct would still
be immoral
Generally only used for sex crimes (e.g. Mistake, even when reasonable, should not be a defense when the offense is a
moral wrong (dominant view in US today w/ statutory rape) (Prince))
ii. Legal wrong theory: A mistake of facts on reasonable grounds to the extent that if the facts were as believed defendant would
have committed no offense is an excuse.
However, if under the facts as defendant believed them to be, he would be committing a lesser crime, this does not mean one
should receive a lesser sentence. (Prince dissent, Lopez selling drugs to a minor)
c. MPC approach:
Claims about mistakes must be resolved by determining whether mistake negates mens rea required for statute in question
Under MPC, defense is allowed for honest mistakes (for statutory rape, unless child is under 10 -- then SL imposed)
If defendant’s act would have made him guilty of an offense even if the situation is as he was supposed to be, still liable, but
grade of liability will be mitigated (2.04(2))
2. Mistake of law
a. General rule: mistake of law is no defense (Marrero)
i. Exceptions:
1. Material element (statutory language): if defendant doesn’t meet mens rea with respect to material elements because of
mistake, they are not guilty (Weiss)
a. Crime requires awareness defendant is breaking the law (if statute has requirement of knowingly/willfully, and the
court says this requires knowledge of the meaning of the regulation and not just knowledge of the conduct allegedly
violating that regulation (Liparato))
2. Official source interpretations
MPC 2.04: limited defense in situations where conduct believes that his conduct does not constitute an offense. In
regulatory offenses:
1. Criminal sanctions available only for deliberate evasions or defiance
2. Defense is only available when defendant acts in reasonable reliance on official statement, afterward determined
to be invalid/erroneous
Advice of counsel, even though followed in good faith, is no excuse to violation of the law (Hopkins)
3. Lambert category
Actual knowledge of law (here, duty to register) or proof of probability of such knowledge and subsequent failure to
comply are necessary.
Very small category of cases (in Bryant, did not apply to sex offenders and in Wilson did not apply to DV and possession of
When the harm is greater, more likely to convict despite mistake of law (Wilson)
b. Cultural defense:
i. Could be invoked through judicial/prosecutorial discretion
ii. Can be used to rebut the existence of mens rea
3. Justifications: criminal action was good/sensible in the circumstances
a. Self-defense
i. Common-law approach:
1. Non-deadly force: someone is justified in using non-deadly force upon another if he/she reasonably believes such force is
necessary to protect him/herself from imminent use of unlawful force by another person
2. Deadly force
a. Deadly force must be necessary
If defendant could respond with non-deadly force, defendant must do so
Retreat (only comes in with deadly force)
Majority rule: no duty to retreat if defendant has right to be somewhere
Minority rule: duty to retreat
For jurisdictions that require retreat, castle exception + only have to retreat if possible with complete safety
Initial aggressor
Common law: initial aggressor gets no defense (Allen, Peterson)
MPC: if one is an initial aggressor, they are responsible for whatever they do as to initial aggression. If it
escalates, defendant can still use deadly force (MPC 3.04(2)(b)(i) -- force is not justifiable if the actor with
the purpose of causing death or serious bodily injury provoked the use of force against him in the same
One is not an initial aggressor forever
b. Defendant must reasonably believe that deadly force is required
Must be honest belief AND
Reasonable person in defendant’s situation would also think that (objective reasonableness)
Make arguments for which features of offenders situation should come in for objective reasonableness
Some jurisdictions recognize imperfect self-defense if defendant honestly believed deadly force was required by
a reasonable person would not, reduction from murder to manslaughter
c. Force must be deadly (likely or reasonably expected to cause death or serious bodily injury)
d. Must be imminent (inevitability is not imminence)
Two components: necessity + kind of force aggressor is exercising
Battered Woman’s Syndrome: generally courts say that imminence is required and inevitability does not satisfy
imminence (Norman).
ii. MPC: 3.04(2)(b): Use of deadly force is not justifiable under this section unless one is arresting someone, the actor believes such
force is imminently necessary to protect himself against death, serious bodily harm, kidnapping, or sexual intercourse by
compulsion, or if: (i) Actor provided the use of force against him in same encounter or (ii) the actor knows he can avoid the
necessity of using such force with complete safety by retreating/surrendering possession of property except that (1) not required
to retreat from home/place of work unless initial aggression, (2) not required to retreat if a police officer
1. Can use deadly force for the protection of other persons when (1)(a) actor would be justified under 3.04 in using such force to
protect himself, (2) the person he is trying to protect would be justified in using such force, (3) actor believes intervention is
necessary (MPC 3.05)
2. MPC 3.09(2): When the actor believes that the use of force toward another is necessary and the actor is reckless or
negligence having such belief... justification is unavailable in a prosecution for an offense for which recklessness/
negligence suffices
b. Defense of property with deadly force
i. Common law: Majority view: cannot use deadly force to protect property (can use non-deadly force)
1. Exception for home: okay to use deadly force if one reasonably believes this is necessary to prevent imminent/unlawful
entry of the home
a. Most states allow deadly force when defendant couldn’t tell if force was against person or property
2. Some jurisdictions differ
ii. MPC:
1. MPC 3.06(3)(d): The use of deadly force is not justifiable to protect property UNLESS the actor believes that:
i. The person against whom the force is used is attempting to dispossess him of his dwelling
ii. The person against whom the force is used is attempting to consummate arson, burglary, robbery, or other
felonious theft or property destruction AND either:
(1) Has employed or threatened deadly force against or in the presence of the actor; or
(2) The use of force other than deadly force... would expose the actor to substantial danger of serious
bodily harm
c. Necessity
i. Common law:
1. Choice of evils defense; defense of the last resort. In states without a statute, common factors to consider:
a. Choice of evils; must pick lesser (must look at facts as they reasonably appear to the defendant [objective inquiry])
i. Do the two evils have to both be unlawful acts?
b. Has to be preventing an imminent harm
c. Defendant must anticipate a reasonable causal relationship
d. Whether defendant had legal alternatives
e. Legislature could not have anticipated the exact scenario at issue
f. Defendant could not have set up the emergency in the first place (clean hands)
g. Defendant cannot use this defense for homicide (sometimes exception for felony murder)
h. Defendant cannot use the defense to cover economic necessity
i. Whatever the emergency defendant is facing must be created by natural forces and not human forces
ii. MPC: 3.02:
1. Conduct which the actor believes to be necessary to avoid a harm or evil to himself or to another is justifiable, provided that:
a. The harm or evil sought to be avoided by such conduct is greater than sought to be prevented by the law defining
the offense charged; and
b. Neither the Code nor other law defining the offense provides exceptions or defense dealing with the specific
situation involved; and
c. A legislative purpose to exclude the justification claimed does not otherwise plainly appear
2. When the actor was reckless or negligent in bringing about the situation requiring a choice of evils, justification is
unavailable for any offense for which reckless or negligence suffices to establish culpability
Notes on the MPC:
Doesn’t have to be preventing an imminent harm
MPC allows this defense for homicide
iii. Civil disobedience
1. Necessity can never be proved in a case of indirect civil disobedience.
2. Schoon factors for direct civil disobedience (potentially permissible):
a. Must have been faced with choice of evils and choose lesser evil
b. Must have acted to prevent imminent harm
c. Must have reasonably anticipated a direct causal relationship between their conduct and harm to be averted
d. Must have had no legal alternatives to violating the laws
iv. Escape scenarios
1. Lovercamp conditions significant, but absence of one of these preconditions does not disprove claim of necessity (Unger)
a. Prisoner is faced with specific threat of death, forcible sexual assault, or substantial bodily injury in the immediate future
b. There is no time to complain to the authorities or there exists a history of futile complaints
c. There is no time or opportunity to resort to the courts
d. There is no evidence of force or violence used toward prison personnel or other innocent persons in the escape
e. The prisoner immediately reports to the proper authorities when he has attained a position of safety from immediate
4. Excuses: criminal act was wrong, but something about the defendant negates culpability for the individual
a. Insanity
i. Insanity tests:
1. M’Naughten test (dominant formulation in the US today; cognitive test)
At the time of the act
Disease of the mind
Did not know the nature and quality of the act OR if he did know it, did not know that it was wrong
2. MPC 4.01 (cognitive + volitional test)
At the time of the act
As a result of mental disease or defect
Defendant lacked substantial capacity to appreciate the criminality of his conduct (cognitive component) OR lacked
substantial capacity to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law (volitional component)
Limits to volitional prong: narcotic addiction (Lyons)
3. Post-Hinckley federal test (cognitive test; M’Naughten)
At the time of the act
As a result of severe mental disease or defect
Defendant was unable to appreciate the nature and quality of the wrongfulness of his act
ii. Incompetence: MPC 4.04: “No person who as a result of mental disease or defect lacks capacity to understand the proceedings
against him or to assist in his own defense shall be tried, convicted, or sentenced for the commission of an offense so long as
incapacity endures.”
b. Expansion of excuses (Constitutional cases)
i. Illegal to punish someone for a status, not conduct (Robinson, Jones)
ii. Limits on Robison:
1. Chronic alcoholism is not an excuse; do not suffer from irresistible compulsion to drink/get drunk in public (Powell)
2. Drug addiction is not an excuse for possession (Moore)
c. Duress
i. Common law:
1. Requires imminent threat
2. Requires threat of serious bodily harm or death to self or family member
3. Source must be from a person
4. Person of ordinary fortitude might justly yield
Reasonable person standard today (objective) + honest belief that threat was real
Must have been no reasonable escape
5. Cannot excuse killing of an innocent person
6. Defendant cannot be at fault in creating the situation (clean hands doctrine)
ii. MPC:
1. MPC 2.09: Duress
1. It is an affirmative defense that the actor engaged in the conduct charged to constitute an offense because he
was coerced to do so by the use of, or a threat to use, unlawful force against the person or person of
another, which a person of reasonable firmness in the situation would have been unable to resist
2. The defense provided by this section is unavailable if the actor recklessly placed himself in a situation in
which it was probable that he would be subjected to duress. The defense is also unavailable if he was
negligent in placing himself in such a situation, whenever negligence applies to establish culpability for the
offense charged.
3. It is not a defense that a woman acted on the command of her husband, unless she acted under such
coercion as would establish a defense under this section.
4. When the conduct of the actor would otherwise be justified under 3.02 (necessity), this section does not provide
such defense.
Note: Does not require imminence; can be threat of any physical force (does not have to be serious bodily harm or death).
Threat doesn’t have to be to threat or relative; can be other people one cares about.
Note: Duress/necessity distinction only matters for third-party accomplices/conspirators (if justification everyone is off. If
excuse just defendant gets off)
1. Factors to consider at sentencing:
Always relevant:
Retributive justice
Sometimes relevant:
Victim impact (generally comes in when it’s intentionally conduct)
Age (important when purpose punishment is incapacitation)
Letters from family and friends about defendant’s character (even absence of letters can indicate inference for judge -- Madoff)
2. Types of punishment:
Sandwich boards and other creative types of punishment (Gamentera) -- can be acceptable depending on purpose of punishment (bare
shaming/humiliation purpose unacceptable and violates cruel and unusual punishment)
Current alternatives to incarceration: specialized courts for certain types of offense (e.g. MHC, drug courts, DV courts, veteran courts)
3. Sentencing schemes
a. Discretionary sentencing schemes
Lots of states still have this model.
Justifications: efficiency, rehabilitation, retributive justice
Criticisms: preponderance of the evidence standard, exasperate judicial bias, indeterminate sentences bad for deterrence (maybe)
b. Mandatory minimum regime
Justifications: useful tool for law enforcement (utilitarian), limits judicial bias
Criticisms: can’t have one-size-fits-all rules in advance, discretion transferred from judges to prosecutors, less retributive justice
c. Guidelines regime
Advisory guidelines are followed 75% of time in federal system
When there are guidelines:
1. Step 1: What is the guideline sentence?
2. Step 2: Reason to depart from guidelines? (fall outside heartland of typical cases)
3. Step 3: Does the guideline serve the purposes of U.S.C. 3553?
a. Factors to be considered in imposing the sentence: sufficient but not greater than necessary to comply with these
purposes in (2 [ii]). The court shall consider:
i. The nature and circumstances of the offense and history and characteristics of the defendant
ii. Need for sentences imposed --
a. To reflect the seriousness of the offense, to promote respect for the law, and to provide just punishment for
the offense (retribution)
b. To afford adequate deterrence to criminal conduct
c. To protect the public from future crimes of the defendant (incapacitation)
d. To provide the defendant with needed educational or vocational training, medical care, or other correctional
treatment in the most effective manner (rehabilitation)
b. The court shall impose a sentence of the kind, and within the range, referred to in subsection a(4) unless the court finds
that there exists an aggravating or mitigating circumstances of a kind, or to a degree, not adequately taken into
consideration by the Sentencing Commission in formulating the guidelines that should result in a sentence different than
the one describe
1. 8th Amendment
a. Term-of-years-sentence (e.g. Ewing three strikes laws):
Step 1: Threshold question: compare gravity of offense with harshness of penalty
Step 2: If this leads to inference of gross disproportionality, inter- and intra- jurisdictional comparison
Generally, sentence is okay as long as state has reasonable basis for believing that it will serve deterrent, retributive,
rehabilitative, or incapacitative goals (usually these sentences upheld unless proportionality based on retributive justice)
2. If making a categorical challenge:
a. Step 1: Consider objective indicita of society’s standards (intra and inter jurisdictional comparison)
b. Step 2: Court’s independent judgment:
Culpability of offenders in light of crime and severity punishment
Juveniles are different
Offense: how does this offense stand up with other things
Non-homicides are different (court could never have mandatory death sentence; certain crimes not subject to capital
Punishment itself
Life without parole is different (no life without parole for non-homicide cases for juveniles -- Graham; no mandatory life
without parole for juveniles even in homicide cases -- Miller v. Alabama)
Whether sentences are going to serve penological goals (test from Ewing)
Penological goals:
Incapacitation (Court says this cannot override everything else)
Comparisons with the rest of the world
Reasons court has been reluctant to do more: (1) Too much potential to second-guess massive number of sentences; (2) Hard to
determine what retributively just sentence is