Replication and Extension of the Early Childhood
Friendship Project: Effects on Physical and
Relational Bullying
Jamie M. Ostrov, Stephanie A. Godleski, Kimberly E. Kamper-DeMarco,
Sarah J. Blakely-McClure, and Lauren Celenza
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Abstract. A replication of a preventive early childhood intervention study for
reducing relational and physical aggression and peer victimization was conducted
(Ostrov et al., 2009). The present study expanded on the original 6-week program,
and the revised Early Childhood Friendship Project (ECFP) 8-week program
consisted of developmentally appropriate puppet shows, active participatory
activities, passive activities, and in vivo reinforcement periods. Both teacher and
observer reports were obtained at pretest and posttest for relational and physical
bullying, as well as relational and physical peer victimization, for each partici-
pating child. The initial sample (N 141; age M 45.53 months; age SD 7.29)
included 80 children randomly assigned to the intervention group (six classrooms)
and 61 children randomly assigned to the control group (six classrooms). The
present study found that the ECFP reduced relational bullying in the intervention
group relative to the control group and reduced relational and physical victim-
ization for girls in the intervention group relative to the control group. The
importance of early intervention and implications for educators and clinicians are
A developmental psychopathology per-
spective emphasizes the importance of early
childhood peer relationships and the skills ac-
quired during this key developmental period
for setting the stage for later peer interactions
and relationships (Sroufe, Egeland, & Carlson,
1999). Therefore, intervening with preschool-
aged children to help them begin on a positive
trajectory of interpersonal relationships is of
critical importance. However, little research to
date has investigated intervention programs
for reducing aggressive behavior in typically
developing preschoolers. Other intervention
work with younger children, such as the In-
credible Years Dina Dinosaur Classroom
(Reid & Webster-Stratton, 2001; Webster-
We acknowledge the many research assistants in the University at Buffalo Social Development Laboratory
who have contributed to the collection and management of the data reported in this article. Thanks to Emily
J. Hart for her assistance with intervention components of this project. We acknowledge Drs. Greta
Massetti and Kirstin Gros for intellectual contributions in the development of the initial ECFP program.
Special thanks to the families, teachers, and school directors for their participation and support of our
Correspondence regarding this article should be directed to Jamie M. Ostrov, Department of Psychology,
University at Buffalo, 227 Park Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260; e-mail: [email protected]
Copyright 2015 by the National Association of School Psychologists, ISSN 0279-6015, eISSN 2372-966x
School Psychology Review,
2015, Volume 44, No. 4, pp. 445– 463
Stratton, Reid, & Stoolmiller, 2008), has pri-
marily addressed physically aggression (i.e.,
using physical force to harm others, including
hitting and kicking; Dodge, Coie, & Lynam,
2006). When relational aggression (i.e., using
removal or the threat of removal of the rela-
tionship to harm, including performing social
exclusion, making friendship withdrawal
threats, ignoring, and spreading malicious ru-
mors, gossip, secrets, and lies; Crick & Grot-
peter, 1995) is addressed (for review, see Leff,
Waasdorp, & Crick, 2010), the work has pri-
marily been conducted with older children
(e.g., Leadbeater, Hoglund, & Woods, 2003;
Leff, Goldstein, Angelucci, Cardaciotto, &
Grossman, 2007; Leff et al., 2009). Finally,
when negative peer behaviors in young chil-
dren are targeted, mixed results have been
demonstrated (Harrist & Bradley, 2003). Spe-
cifically, Harrist and Bradley (2003) found
some success in their intervention “You can’t
say you can’t play” but also reported difficulty
in changing the targeted behavior. Peer accep-
tance rates improved in the intervention class-
rooms relative to the control classrooms, but
the children did not like the new rule, social
dissatisfaction was higher among the interven-
tion classrooms, and rates of social exclusion
did not significantly change (Harrist & Brad-
ley, 2003). These mixed findings indicate the
need for early childhood programs to highlight
how to interact with peers rather than prohibit
The primary impetus for the develop-
ment of the Early Childhood Friendship Proj-
ect (ECFP) was to design a classroom-based
intervention program for early childhood to
reduce physical and relational forms of both
aggression and victimization. Early childhood
was targeted given the notion that the earlier
we intervene for aggression, the greater the
probability there is for adaptive outcomes
(Sroufe, 2013). This initial work was also
conducted given the growing literature doc-
umenting that physical aggression and rela-
tional aggression are uniquely associated
with significant social–psychological adjust-
ment problems across development (e.g.,
peer rejection) and are associated with
symptoms of psychopathology (for review,
see Murray-Close, Nelson, Ostrov, Casas, &
Crick, in press).
The ECFP was developed based on the
available evidence-based literature and prior
programs (see Ostrov et al., 2009) designed to
reduce aggression and conduct problems
among young children (e.g., Reid & Webster-
Stratton, 2001; Webster-Stratton et al., 2008),
as well as several core principles (see Ostrov
& Kamper, 2015). These principles include
the following: (a) Social modeling of problem-
solving and conflict-resolution strategies in a
developmentally appropriate manner (e.g.,
puppets and stories) should decrease bullying
and peer victimization subtypes; (b) reduc-
tions in classroom-level bullying and victim-
ization behavior would result from modifying
reinforcement contingencies within the peer
context; and (c) social and emotional skills
training would reduce bullying and peer vic-
timization. Moreover, a key belief was that the
program should explicitly address both phys-
ical and relational forms of aggression to ef-
fect change in both behaviors. A focus on
reducing both aggression and victimization
subtypes was adopted rather than assuming
that a reduction in aggression would in turn
produce a reduction in peer victimization. In
addition, we balanced our program between
positive (e.g., inclusion) and negative (e.g.,
friendship withdrawal) themes (see Table 1) to
Table 1. Weekly Program Themes
Week Content
1 Introduction and physical aggression
2 Relational aggression: Social exclusion
3 Prosocial behavior: Social inclusion
Relational aggression: Friendship
5 Friendship formation
6 Reporting versus tattling (mean names)
7 Prosocial behavior: Sharing and helping
8 Conclusions, review, and graduation
School Psychology Review, 2015, Volume 44, No. 4
reduce the aggressive behavior and avoid
iatrogenic effects (i.e., modeling novel aggres-
sive interactions could unintentionally in-
crease aggressive behavior; see Ostrov, Gen-
tile, & Mullins, 2013). A number of these
principles are reflected in other school-based
bullying and peer victimization intervention
programs, and these programs have been
found to be efficacious for older samples (e.g.,
Espelage, Low, Polanin, & Brown, 2013;
Leadbeater & Hoglund, 2006; Lochman &
Wells, 2004; van Schoiack-Edstrom, Frey, &
Beland, 2002).
In addition to distinguishing between
the general forms of aggression (i.e., physical
or relational), we may also make distinctions
between general aggression and bullying. Bul-
lying is a subtype of aggression so that all
bullying is aggression but not all aggression is
bullying (see Leff et al., 2010; Ostrov & Kam-
per, 2015). The current Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) uniform defi-
nition of bullying highlights components of
power imbalance and repetition or the likeli-
hood of repetition as the primary distinguish-
ing factors (Gladden, Vivolo-Kantor, Ham-
burger, & Lumpkin, 2014). This definition is
important to obtain valid prevalence rates and
has numerous clinical and legal implications
given the zeitgeist. Thus, aggressive behavior
among equal-status friends would not be con-
sidered bullying, and even though, as aggres-
sion, it should be taken seriously, it would not
currently trigger mandated reporting to legal
authorities within the United States. We also
acknowledge that bullying is an interpersonal
relationship process (Pepler, 2006) that in-
volves a focus greater than the sole bully and
thus our school-based intervention addresses
the peer relations of the entire classroom to
address concerns specific to both bullies and
victims, which is a common approach in the
recent literature (Ttofi & Farrington, 2011). It
is important to note that bullying may present
in multiple forms (Bradshaw, Waasdorp, &
Lindstrom Johnson, 2015; Gladden et al.,
2014; Low & Espelage, 2013), and in the
present study, both physical and relational
forms of bullying were examined. Investigat-
ing bullying during early childhood may be
particularly important given that it is under-
studied (for review, see Vlachou, Andreou,
Botsoglou, & Didaskalou, 2011). The research
that has been conducted has shown not only
that bullying is prevalent during this period
(Vlachou et al., 2011) but also that experienc-
ing bullying during early childhood is associ-
ated with negative social outcomes, such as
unhappiness at school (Arseneault et al.,
The current randomized controlled trial
(RCT) serves as an opportunity for replication
and extension of the initial trial of the ECFP
program. The initial 6-week trial showed that
intervention classrooms had large reductions
in relational aggression and physical victim-
ization relative to control classrooms. Inter-
vention rooms also showed moderate reduc-
tions in physical aggression and increases in
prosocial behavior relative to randomly as-
signed control classrooms. Only small de-
creases were documented for relational vic-
timization (Ostrov et al., 2009). Although an
important first step in creating an intervention
that addresses relational and physical aggres-
sion and victimization, the initial findings
were only reported at the level of the class-
room (Ostrov et al., 2009). The current study
addresses the efficacy of an expanded program
at the individual child level in a new sample,
as suggested by Leff, Waasdorp, and Crick
(2010) in their evaluation of the ECFP for
reducing relational aggression and peer vic-
timization. The core principles and features of
the program are similar to the initial trial (Os-
trov et al., 2009), but several additional sub-
stantive changes were adopted for the present
study. First, on the basis of prior feedback
from our key stakeholders, we expanded the
program from 6 to 8 weeks to add two new
social skills lessons (i.e., 1 week focusing on
tattling versus reporting and 1 week empha-
sizing sharing and helping). Second, to ad-
Early Childhood Friendship Project on Bullying
dress the aforementioned key limitation (see
Leff, Waasdorp, & Crick, 2010), we collected
our data in a manner that permitted the indi-
vidual child to serve as the unit of analysis.
Third, we examined whether the intervention
was effective at reducing bullying behavior.
To this end, we developed a new measure of
bullying subtypes for this developmental pe-
riod, and the present study is one of the first to
examine both physical and relational subtypes
of bullying among 3 to 5 year olds. That is, a
few prior studies have purported to examine
the presence of bullying behaviors among
young children (e.g., Monks et al., 2009), but
prior studies have rarely adopted the present
definition of bullying and, thus, the current
study is one of the first known studies to
examine the presence of bullying among very
young children using a specific definition of
bullying rather than a general aggression–vic-
timization construct (Gladden et al., 2014).
The psychometric properties of this measure
will be introduced and present an additional
contribution of our study independent of the
intervention goals. Fourth, in the present
study, we examined the moderating influence
of gender, which has rarely been examined in
this developmental period and with similar
intervention programs. Therefore, the present
study provided an opportunity to extend the
literature by examining the impact of an ex-
panded ECFP on physical and relational bul-
lying (as well as peer victimization) for boys
and girls in preschool.
Given the success of the initial RCT, we
anticipated confirmation of our two specific
hypotheses representing the extension of the
program to the study of bullying behaviors.
First, we hypothesized that children in the
intervention classrooms would show a signif-
icant reduction in physical bullying relative to
children in the control classrooms. Second, we
hypothesized that children in the intervention
classrooms would show a significant reduction
in relational bullying compared with children
in the control group. Finally, we examined the
moderating role of gender. Given significant
within-gender differences for aggression sub-
types during early childhood (i.e., the modal
form of aggression is relational for girls; Os-
trov, Kamper, Hart, Godleski, & Blakely-Mc-
Clure, 2014), we anticipated the possibility of
gender moderation. However, given the lack
of prior work and theory regarding bullying
behaviors during early childhood, these ques-
tions were exploratory.
Children were recruited from six
schools that were recently accredited or are
currently accredited by the National Associa-
tion for the Education of Young Children (12
classrooms) throughout the western New York
area. These schools serve children from pri-
marily middle-class families and comprise
four schools associated with universities and
two institutions with religious affiliations.
These schools are located in urban areas (two
schools) and suburban areas (four schools).
Schools were selected to represent the larger
diverse community, but to reduce confounding
variables, only centers deemed above average
in quality (i.e., as indexed by their current or
recent national accreditation status and infor-
mal observations made by the first author)
were invited to participate. In addition, all
schools had previously participated in prior
basic or applied research by the research team,
but no active intervention work had occurred
within the schools for roughly five years and
three schools (eight classrooms) had not
participated in prior intervention research.
Schools were contacted directly by the princi-
pal investigator and invited to participate in
the study. All of the schools and classrooms
that were contacted participated in the study.
Participants and Measures
Recruitment yielded an initial sample of
141 participants (67 girls) (age M 45.53
months; age SD 7.29). The participating
families represented diverse ethnic back-
grounds (3% African American, 11% Asian,
69% White, 2% Hispanic, 14% biracial, 1%
other). Randomization occurred at the level of
the classroom, with each classroom being as-
signed a number and those numbers being
randomized (with a random number generator)
to either intervention or control. Six class-
School Psychology Review, 2015, Volume 44, No. 4
rooms were randomized to the intervention
group (n 80; 57%), and six classrooms were
randomized to the control group (n 61;
43%). There were a few schools that contained
both an intervention classroom and a control
classroom, but concerns about contamination
were low given that the children and staff did
not interact during the day and had different
playground times. There were two cases in
which classrooms were next to each other with
a partitioning divider between the rooms.
These rooms were known to have joint free-
play periods and shared staff during the day;
therefore, these rooms were combined prior to
randomization. One classroom was a multiage
room (i.e., 3 to 5 years), whereas the others
were designated for 3 or 4 year olds. There
were equal numbers of girls (n 40) and boys
(n 40) assigned to the intervention but
slightly (although not statistically significant)
more boys (n 34) than girls (n 27) in the
control group. Classroom size was not signif-
icantly different between the intervention
(M 13.33, SD 4.68) and control
(M 10.17, SD 2.23) groups, but the effect
size was large, t(10) 1.50, p .17,
d 0.86. There were no group differences in
demographic information such as ethnicity,
highest parent occupation level (used as a
proxy for socioeconomic status and based on
the index of Hollingshead, 1975), and gender.
Even though there was randomization at the
level of the classroom, there was a significant
difference between the intervention and con-
trol groups regarding age such that children in
the intervention group (M 43.47 months,
SD 6.96) were significantly younger than
children in the control group (M 47.99
months, SD 6.97), t(116) –2.30, p
.023, d 0.65. Over the course of the school
year, attrition within the study was low (eight
children [four girls] within intervention group
and two children [one girl] within control
group), with 92.7% of the sample continuing
their participation at Time 2. However, there
were some missing data resulting from teacher
packets that were not returned at the posttest
and were excluded from the study, which re-
sulted in a reduction in the intervention sample
by 16 children (10 girls). Ultimately, this re-
sulted in a final study sample of 56 children
(26 girls) in the intervention group and 59
children (26 girls) in the control group. Those
children who dropped out of the study did not
significantly differ on any key study variables.
General Aggression Subtypes
Relational and physical aggression was
measured using the Preschool Proactive and
Reactive Aggression (PPRA) scale (Ostrov &
Crick, 2007). The Preschool Proactive and
Reactive Aggression–Teacher Report (PPRA-
TR), originally based on the Forms and Func-
tions of Aggression Measure (Little, Jones,
Henrich, & Hawley, 2003), includes 14 items
used to assess aggressive behavior. Subscales
include three items to assess both forms and
functions (i.e., proactive physical aggression,
reactive physical aggression, proactive rela-
tional aggression, reactive relational aggres-
sion) of aggressive behavior in early child-
hood and two positively toned items. This
measure was completed by teachers as well as
by observers (i.e., PPRA–Observer Report;
see Ostrov, Murray-Close, Godleski, & Hart,
2013). Previous research has supported the use
and validity of observer reports of aggressive
behavior (e.g., Murray-Close & Ostrov, 2009;
Ostrov et al., 2013). A composite of both
teacher and observer reports was used to as-
sess general aggressive behavior for validity
purposes. Observers were given the same in-
structions as teachers when completing all of
the observer report forms. Because it was im-
possible to conceal the group status (i.e., in-
tervention versus control) from the teachers
whereas observers were blind to intervention
status throughout the entire study, observer
report was used to better account for any bias
that teachers might have. Teachers were un-
aware of the study hypotheses, which pro-
vided more reassurance that a composite was
the best solution to incorporate teachers—the
typical informants when reporting on aggres-
sion in early childhood—and observers. Ob-
servers included nine female undergraduate
and three graduate students.
To inform observer reports, trained ob-
servers conducted a series of eight 10-min
observations using focal child sampling with
Early Childhood Friendship Project on Bullying
continuous recording procedures over a
2-month period to record physical and rela-
tional aggression, as well as physical and re-
lational victimization (see Ostrov & Keating,
2004). Observations were similar in length of
time and setting across the schools, with minor
variations in length based on the number of
participants in a given classroom. These struc-
tured observations were not used in the present
study and were only designed to familiarize
observers with the children and their behavior
prior to completion of the observer reports that
were adopted in the present article. On com-
pletion of all of the observations, one observer
from each classroom was randomly selected to
complete the reports for each participant.
Within the current study, each of the four
subscales was internally consistent at both
time points (Cronbach’s s 0.87) and the
correlation between teacher and observer re-
ports was moderate and significant at Time 1
(i.e., for relational aggression, r 0.35, p
.001; for physical aggression, r 0.52, p
.001). For ease of communication, only
Time 1 findings are presented for all validity
analyses; Time 2 findings are available on
request by contacting the first author.
Bullying Subtypes
Both teachers and observers also com-
pleted a newly revised rating of bullying that
expands on the PPRA scale (see above) orig-
inally developed by Ostrov and Crick (2007).
This adapted measure, the Preschool Bullying
Subscales Measure (PBSM; Ostrov & Kam-
per, 2012), uses the aforementioned CDC
definition to distinguish it from items measur-
ing aggressive behavior. Wording from the
PPRA-TR was modified to include repetition
and power imbalance [e.g., “to get what this
child wants, s/he repeatedly will take things
(e.g., toys) away from others with less power
(e.g., smaller, younger, or has fewer
friends)”]. The measure has 18 items evaluat-
ing the forms and functions of bullying on a
5-point Likert scale from 1 (never or almost
never)to5(always or almost always). Specif-
ically, the measure includes four subscales:
proactive physical bullying (four items; e.g.,
“this child repeatedly hits, kicks, or punches
others with less power to get what s/he
wants”); reactive physical bullying (four
items; e.g., “if other children make this child
mad, s/he will often physically hurt those with
less power”); proactive relational bullying
(four items; e.g., “this child repeatedly keeps
other with less power from being in her/his
group of friends to get what s/he wants”); and
reactive relational bullying (four items, e.g.,
“if other children hurt this child, s/he often
keeps those with less power from being in
his/her group of friends”). Two positively
toned filler items were also included. For the
current study, function (e.g., proactive and
reactive) was not analyzed separately and
physical and relational bullying composites
were made by summing those items from both
teacher and observer reports. Teacher (PBSM-
TR) and observer (PBSM-OR) reports were
significantly correlated at Time 1 for relational
bullying (r 0.27, p .002) and physical
bullying (r 0.46, p .001). These compos-
ites showed high reliability for physical bul-
lying at Time 1 (Cronbach’s ␣⫽0.94) and
Time 2 (Cronbach’s ␣⫽0.91) and for rela-
tional bullying at both time points (Cronbach’s
s 0.93 and 0.91, respectively).
As part of the measurement revision for
assessing bullying subtypes, the PBSM was
evaluated by several aggression and bullying
experts at a national research conference. Ini-
tially, the content experts evaluated the mea-
sure for content validity and provided ample
feedback and ideas to improve the measure.
Feedback was integrated to address all aspects
of the definition of bullying. Pilot work re-
garding the measure has shown good reliabil-
ity (Cronbach’s s 0.80) and validity (e.g.,
significant associations between teacher and
observer ratings). In addition, the physical and
relational subscales of the PBSM were signif-
icantly correlated with the physical and rela-
tional subscales of the PPRA (rs ranged
from 0.54 to 0.67). These correlation coeffi-
cients show significant ( ps .01) association
between aggression and bullying behavior but
highlight that the PBSM captures a subset of
aggressive behavior different than general
physical and relational aggression.
School Psychology Review, 2015, Volume 44, No. 4
Peer Victimization
For each time point, both teachers and
observers completed a revised version (see
Godleski, Kamper, Ostrov, Hart, & Blakely-
McClure, 2015) of the Preschool Peer Victim-
ization Measure (PPVM)–Teacher Report
(Crick et al., 1999). The revised measure used
in the present study contained twelve items,
which included four items assessing relational
victimization (e.g., “This child gets left out of
the group when someone is mad at them or
wants to get back at them”) and four items
assessing physical victimization (e.g., “This
child gets pushed or shoved by peers”). There
were also four positively toned filler items. On
a 5-point scale from 1 (never to almost never
true)to5(always or almost always true), both
teachers and observers rated how frequently
the focal children experienced physical or re-
lational victimization. Past research has shown
acceptable reliability for this measure (God-
leski et al., 2015; Ostrov, 2010). Teacher and
observer report measures on the PPVM were
significantly and moderately correlated at
Time 1 for both subscales (e.g., physical vic-
timization at Time 1, r 0.30, p .001).
Each subscale was summed across both infor-
mants, and a composite of teacher and ob-
server reports was created. For the current
study, Cronbach’s s were 0.83 for relational
victimization and 0.80 for physical victimiza-
tion at Time 1 and 0.82 for relational victim-
ization and 0.81 for physical victimization at
Time 2.
Program Implementation
To assess the fidelity and integrity of
program implementation, the interventionists
maintained weekly logs, which were reviewed
by the first and second authors and discussed
during weekly supervision meetings. Further-
more, during implementation, each of the in-
terventionists met together for small-group
weekly supervision with the first and second
authors to address any ethical or clinical con-
cerns, including any potential issues brought
up in the weekly interventionist logs, as well
as to practice upcoming lessons and activities
in the program manual. The first and second
authors each conducted observations of the
interventionists implementing the weekly les-
son using a randomly generated schedule.
These observations formally assessed the fi-
delity of the implementation by each interven-
tionist at least twice. A checklist was used to
verify completion of required program com-
ponents (e.g., the interventionist introduced
the puppet and conducted the puppet show, the
interventionist asked at least two comprehen-
sion questions). This checklist comprised the
content component of the fidelity assessment.
In addition, the first and second authors com-
pleted a series of ratings of the implementation
style used by the interventionist on the following
domains: interventionist warmth, communica-
tion style (pacing and modulation), developmen-
tal appropriateness, and child engagement and
interest. A 7-point rating scale from 1 (superior)
to7(inappropriate) comprised the process com-
ponent of this assessment.
Teacher Evaluations
At the conclusion of the intervention,
teachers were given evaluation forms. For
each question (e.g., “The children in my class-
room benefited from the program”), a 5-point
Likert rating scale from 1 (strongly disagree)
to5(strongly agree) was used. All head teach-
ers completed the evaluation form.
Interventionist Evaluations
At the conclusion of the intervention,
the interventionists completed an evaluation
of the intervention. The interventionists re-
sponded to several questions (e.g., “Teachers
were actively engaged in the program”) on a
5-point rating scale from 1 (strongly disagree)
to5(strongly agree).
The study was approved by the univer-
sity’s social and behavioral sciences institu-
tional review board (IRB), and parents pro-
vided written consent prior to participation.
For children to participate in the study and to
receive the intervention, consent forms were
sent home for each student within all 12 class-
rooms and parents were required to complete
and return the written consent forms. Given
the nature of the classroom intervention, ef-
Early Childhood Friendship Project on Bullying
forts were made to recruit all children within
each classroom; however, a small number of
children (10%) did not receive parental con-
sent. During the implementation of the inter-
vention, in accordance with local IRB stipula-
tions, these children would often engage in
another activity with a teacher rather than par-
ticipate in the intervention (described below).
Children’s head teachers also provided written
informed consent prior to completing reports.
Teacher reports were always distributed when
approximately half of the observations were
completed. Teachers were provided an hono-
rarium ($10 to $25 gift certificate depending
on class size) after completing packets at each
time point. Participants and school personnel
received newsletters summarizing the major
results of the project.
Observer Training
Observers were trained to recognize
physical and relational aggression and victim-
ization in early childhood (Ostrov & Keating,
2004). They went through training consisting
of in-depth readings, coding of videotaped ag-
gressive and nonaggressive interactions, dis-
cussion with the principal investigator, and
practice observations within the classroom
(see Crick et al., 2006). After completing six
standard observation sessions using video-
tapes (without pausing or rewinding) from
prior studies, as well as passing a multiple-
choice and matching examination testing un-
derstanding of the definitions of the constructs
and appropriate use of the observation codes
(with discussion regarding any errors or omis-
sions), observers spent a minimum of 2 days
within the classroom to decrease reactivity and
allow the participants to acclimate to the ob-
servers’ presence.
Intervention Details
The intervention comprised 8 weeks of
lessons and activities designed to address
physical and relational aggression, physical
and relational victimization, and prosocial be-
havior among 3 to 5 year olds. Each week
involved 4 intervention blocks: an interven-
tionist-led lesson facilitated by puppets, in
vivo practice through reinforcement during
free play, a passive participatory activity (e.g.,
craft), and an active participatory activity
(e.g., game). For the group lessons, develop-
mentally appropriate animal puppets were
used to aid discussion and learning about the
week’s topic (e.g., physical aggression, exclu-
sion, inclusion, friendship withdrawal, and
friendship loss; see Table 1), through either
puppet shows or positive role-playing, to help
children practice appropriate skills with the
puppets. The interventionist and puppets then
actively positively reinforced the targeted
skills during free play. Active and passive
activities were meant to solidify the week’s
lesson with the preschoolers while also facil-
itating teacher collaboration. The activities
were tailored to the teacher’s needs and class-
room structure and function, which allowed
for flexibility in implementation within differ-
ent classroom settings. That is, the core of the
program (i.e., puppet shows, reinforcement
periods) was identical across classrooms.
Slight variations were occasionally offered
(e.g., passive activities could be modified such
that students in one classroom could make
their own puppets and practice the weekly
lesson and participants in another room could
read a book created for the project that rein-
forced the lesson of the week). As mentioned
earlier, the intervention manual was updated
and revised from the pilot study (Ostrov et al.,
2009) to include additional lessons: a lesson
focusing on helping and sharing behavior as
well as a lesson on verbal aggression with an
emphasis on understanding the difference be-
tween tattling and reporting.
Interventionists were all PhD students in
child clinical psychology or early childhood
education with extensive knowledge of child
development. They were trained prior to im-
plementation through readings, in vivo train-
ing, demonstrations, and guided practice and
role-playing of skills. Training generally fo-
cused on knowledge of the lessons and man-
ual, use of the puppets as part of the lessons
and reinforcement periods, and use of devel-
opmentally appropriate labeled praise. Weekly
training sessions with the puppets were video-
taped for review and later discussion. Prein-
tervention and postintervention reports of
School Psychology Review, 2015, Volume 44, No. 4
child behavior were assessed to document
change over the course of the intervention;
baseline (Time 1) data were collected 2 to 3
weeks before the intervention, and follow-up
(Time 2) was conducted 2 to 3 weeks after
implementation of the intervention concluded.
Teachers and interventionists completed eval-
uations of the program once all program and
formal assessments were finished. Control
classrooms operated as they typically would.
For ethical reasons, classrooms that were ini-
tially assigned to the control condition were
given the intervention a few months later, but
no outcome data were collected.
First, preliminary analyses (i.e., descrip-
tive statistics, stability, correlations between
study variables) were conducted. Less than
1% of subscale items were missing, and mean
imputation was used when 75% of the partici-
pant’s responses were available for a given scale.
Second, analyses of fidelity and acceptability, as
well as teacher engagement, were run. Third, the
key study models were run with a series of
analyses of covariance (ANCOVAs).
Preliminary Analyses
First, descriptive statistics were calcu-
lated; these are found in Table 2. Outliers (3
SDs above the mean) were reduced to the
value of 3 SDs above the mean (Kline, 2011).
Skew was less than 3 (range 0.31 to 2.30)
and kurtosis was less than 8 (range –1.18
to 6.2), suggesting that nonnormality of the
data was not a concern (Kline, 2011) for all
Second, attrition analyses (a series of
independent-group t tests) did not indicate any
significant differences between children who
stayed in the study and those who left the
study (n 10) on any of the key study vari-
ables, ts 1.40, ps 0.16. Third, correlations
between study variables were conducted; these
are presented in Table 2. They are separated
by intervention status to examine differential
associations at pretest (see Table 2), and
Fisher r-to-z tests were conducted comparing
the groups for all intercorrelations at pretest.
Only one of the six associations was signifi-
cantly different. That is, the intercorrelation
between physical and relational victimization
at pretest was significantly higher for the con-
trol group relative to the intervention group,
z –2.46, p .05. In general, the groups
displayed similar patterns of association for all
behaviors of interest at pretest.
Fourth, a series of independent-group t
tests was run to compare initial levels of the
four main dependent variables (i.e., physical
and relational bullying as well as physical and
relational victimization). Only one difference
emerged between the intervention and control
groups at pretest, and this was found for phys-
ical victimization, t(137) –2.51, p .013,
d 0.43, suggesting that despite our ran-
domization procedures, the intervention group
(M 11.83, SD 3.67) started off lower on
the level of physical victimization than the
control group (M 13.52, SD 4.22). This
finding underscored the importance of control-
ling for initial levels of the outcome in all
subsequent models.
Fidelity and Acceptability
The content checklists indicated that the
interventionists covered all key program re-
quirements as dictated in the program manual
for each weekly lesson (i.e., 100% of material
covered in each session). The process ratings
indicated that the average rating was 1.44
(SD 0.63), suggesting superior perfor-
mance. The interventionists were rated as be-
ing warm, being developmentally appropriate,
having good pacing and communication style,
providing praise to the children, and being
engaged in the task.
The evaluations from teachers were pos-
itive as the mean response was above 4.5 (on
a 5-point scale) on all items. The findings
suggest that the teachers believed the interven-
tionists were effective and the program was
beneficial, supporting the acceptability of the
program (see Table 3). Although there was
variability with the interventionist evaluations
suggesting some differences in teacher en-
gagement across the classrooms, the interven-
tionists indicated that, on average, the teachers
Early Childhood Friendship Project on Bullying
Table 2. Descriptive Statistics and Correlations Between Key Study Variables
at T1
at T2
at T1
at T2
at T1
at T2
at T1
at T2 MSD Range
Physical bullying at T1 .51*** .44*** .14 .54*** .36** .57*** .34** 23.21 10.69 16.00–66.00
Physical bullying at T2 .75*** .42** .68*** .12 .43*** .28* .53*** 21.80 7.80 16.00–52.00
Relational bullying at T1 .70*** .57*** .59*** .24* .13 .68*** .48*** 26.41 10.06 16.00–48.00
Relational bullying at T2 .46*** .65*** .62*** .09 .32* .35** .61*** 24.17 9.58 16.00–49.00
PVICT at T1 .48** .47** .35** .18 .44*** .41*** .12 11.83 3.67 8.00–22.00
PVICT at T2 .18 .48*** .09 .29* .52*** .25 .65*** 12.29 3.22 8.00–18.00
RVICT at T1 .46*** .45*** .64*** .35** .71*** .22 .56*** 15.22 5.42 8.00–29.00
RVICT at T2 .23 .48*** .26* .56*** .09 .64*** .16 15.58 5.74 8.00–30.00
M 22.86 23.74 25.44 28.58 13.52 13.84 14.84 17.25
SD 10.16 8.53 9.72 9.62 4.22 4.34 4.31 5.14
Range 16.00–59.00 16.00–55.00 16.00–63.00 16.00–55.00 8.00–24.00 8.00–26.00 8.00–26.00 8.00–31.00
Note. All variables represent composites of observer and teacher reports. Above the diagonal is the intervention group, and below the diagonal is the control group. PVICT physical
victimization; RVICT relational victimization; T1 Time 1 (pretest); T2 Time 2 (posttest).
*p .05, **p .01, ***p .001.
School Psychology Review, 2015, Volume 44, No. 4
were engaged and supportive of the program
and that the children seemed engaged with the
content and, in the interventionists’ view, ben-
efited from the program (see Table 3).
Key Study Models
A series of 2 (Intervention status) 2
(Gender) ANCOVA models with baseline lev-
els of the outcome variable serving as the
covariate was conducted. In addition, each
model controlled for baseline levels of the
alternative subtype of bullying or victimiza-
tion. The dependent variable was the posttest
assessment. Four main models were exam-
ined, and three follow-up models were run for
comparison purposes with the prior trial. For
ease of interpretation and comparison with
prior studies, Time 2 estimated marginal
means are provided and Cohen’s d statistics
are reported as a measure of the magnitude of
the effect (see Table 4). Cohen’s (1988) effect
size recommendations define d 0.2 as small,
d 0.5 as medium, and d 0.8 as large
effects. Given the variability in class size
(M 11.75, SD 3.86, range 7 to 18) and
the aforementioned significant difference be-
tween the intervention and control groups with
respect to age of the participants, we ran all
models controlling for age and class size and
the overall pattern of effects was similar; thus,
for ease of communication and parsimony, the
models without these covariates are shown.
In the first model, physical bullying at
posttest was the dependent variable. A nonsig-
nificant main effect for intervention status was
revealed, F(1, 101) 1.78, p .185,
0.017. The effect size suggests a small
effect. The intervention group did not show
lower levels of posttest physical bullying com-
pared with the control group, controlling for
initial levels of bullying behavior.
In the second model, relational bullying at
posttest was the dependent variable. A signifi-
cant main effect for intervention status emerged,
F(1, 100) 7.03, p .009,
0.07 (see
Table 4). The effect size suggests a medium
effect. The children in the intervention group
had significantly lower levels of relational bul-
lying at posttest compared with the control
group, controlling for initial levels of bullying
behavior. An inspection of the means (see
Table 2) indicates that those in the interven-
tion group decreased in their rates of relational
bullying compared with the control group,
which increased in their rates of relational
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics for Teacher and Interventionist Evaluations
Teacher evaluations
The program was entertaining for the children. 5.00 0.00
The interventionist was knowledgeable and skilled in handling program topics
and content. 4.83 0.41
The program was developmentally appropriate for my classroom. 5.00 0.00
The children in my classroom benefited from the program. 4.67 0.52
I would recommend this program to other teachers in my school. 4.83 0.41
Interventionist evaluations
Teachers were supportive of the program and provided classroom management
when needed. 3.83 0.75
Teachers were actively engaged in the program. 3.50 0.84
Children in the classroom benefited from the program. 4.17 0.75
Children actively attended and participated in weekly intervention tasks. 4.33 0.82
Children in the classroom were engaged with the program components. 4.33 0.52
Note. Responses were recorded on a 5-point scale from 1 (strongly disagree)to5(strongly agree).
Early Childhood Friendship Project on Bullying
The third model tested for intervention
effects with physical victimization at posttest
as the dependent variable, and a significant
two-way interaction between intervention sta-
tus and gender emerged, F(1, 105) 4.37,
p .039,
0.04. Follow-up tests showed
a significant simple effect of intervention status
for girls, F(1, 47) 6.96, p .011,
but no effect for boys, F(1, 57) 0.18, p .67,
0.003. The effect size indicates a medium
effect. An examination of the means (see Table
4) shows that girls in the intervention group
showed a significantly lower level of physical
victimization relative to girls in the control
group, controlling for initial levels. Moreover, an
inspection of the pretest and posttest means for
girls (see Table 4 for posttest) indicates that
those in the intervention group (M
3.48) decreased in their rates of phys
ical victimization whereas those in the control
group (M
12.35, SD
3.79) in
creased in their rates of physical victimization.
The fourth model tested for intervention
effects with relational victimization at posttest
as the dependent variable. A significant main
effect for intervention status emerged, F(1,
107) 3.94, p .050,
0.035, but this
effect was qualified by a significant two-way
interaction between intervention status and gen-
der, F(1, 107) 4.55, p .035,
Follow-up tests indicated a significant simple
effect of intervention status for girls, F(1,
48) 6.25, p .016,
0.12, but no effect
for boys, F(1, 57) 0.02, p .880,
0.001. The effect size indicates a me
dium effect for girls. An inspection of the
means (see Table 4) shows that girls in the
intervention group had significantly lower lev-
els of relational victimization at posttest than
girls in the control group, controlling for initial
levels of victimization. Moreover, an inspection
of the pretest and posttest means for girls (see
Table 4 for posttest) indicates that those in
the intervention group (M
5.10) decreased in their rates of re
lational victimization whereas those in the con-
trol group (M
14.26, SD
increased in their rates of relational
The goal of the current study was to
replicate and extend the initial ECFP program.
As previous research had identified, there was
a need to examine the efficacy of the program
at an individual level (Leff, Waasdorp, &
Crick, 2010) because the initial results were
reported with only the classroom as the unit of
analysis (Ostrov et al., 2009). The present
Table 4. Summary of Intervention Effects and Effect Sizes
Model (Dependent Variable) Key Finding M
Effect Size
(Cohen’s d)
Physical bullying at T2 Main effect for intervention status 21.83 (6.26) 23.48 (6.39) 0.26
Relational bullying at T2 Main effect for intervention status 24.41 (7.86) 28.45 (7.86) 0.51
Physical victimization
at T2
Gender Intervention status
Simple effect for girls 11.21 (2.91) 13.35 (2.89) 0.74
No effect for boys 14.01 (3.76) 13.60 (3.73) 0.11
Relational victimization
at T2
Gender Intervention status
Simple effect for girls 14.33 (5.72) 18.29 (5.70) 0.69
No effect for boys 16.74 (4.50) 16.56 (4.48) 0.04
Note. All dependent variables represent composites of observer and teacher reports. All models controlled for pretest
(baseline) levels of the outcome variable, and estimated marginal means at Time 2 are presented. Standard deviations
and Cohen’s d values were calculated for ease of communication and for comparison purposes with the initial Early
Childhood Friendship Project trial. The full analysis of covariance findings are reported within the text. CON control
group; INT intervention group; T2 posttest.
School Psychology Review, 2015, Volume 44, No. 4
study examined the efficacy of an expanded
version of the ECFP, an 8-week randomized
trial (expanded from the original 6-week trial)
to address physical and relational bullying, as
well as physical and relational victimization,
among 3 to 5 year olds.
First, the present RCT showed appropri-
ate levels of fidelity and acceptability. Second,
in support of our hypotheses, the program was
found to be effective at significantly lowering
relational bullying in the children receiving
the intervention relative to the control group.
These findings were robust to age differences
between the intervention and control groups at
Time 1 because controlling for age did not
change the pattern of effects. Moreover, these
reductions were considered medium effects.
Nonsignificant reductions were documented
for physical bullying among the intervention
group participants relative to the control group
participants, who appeared to increase in their
rates of physical bullying. This pattern of ef-
fects was in the predicted direction, but the
effect size suggested only a small effect.
Third, for both physical and relational victim-
ization, there was a significant interaction of
gender and intervention status. Significant dif-
ferences were found in relation to physical and
relational victimization levels in the interven-
tion and control classrooms only for girls, but
not for boys. That is, for girls in the interven-
tion classrooms, there were significantly lower
levels of receiving physical aggression and
receiving relational aggression compared with
girls in the control classrooms. It is important
to note that the intervention group also had
significantly lower levels of physical victim-
ization at baseline, or Time 1; however, the
findings were based on changes in physical
victimization given initial levels. Thus, despite
this initial difference, the level of change was
significantly different between the groups over
the course of the intervention. Specifically,
girls in the intervention group had signifi-
cantly lower levels of physical victimization
and showed decreases in their physical victim-
ization levels over time compared with girls in
the control group, whose physical victimiza-
tion levels increased. It is not entirely clear
why the program decreased peer victimization
only for girls and not for boys. Past programs
with older children have shown similar find-
ings regarding boys. A study of the Preventing
Relational Aggression in Schools Everyday
(PRAISE; Leff et al., 2010) program, a 20-
session classroom-based universal prevention
program for use within urban school contexts,
also found that the program was not as effec-
tive for boys relative to girls. Leff et al. (2010)
reported that boys found the materials and
concepts to be engaging, but the authors ar-
gued that additional generalization strategies
and supports, especially for high-risk boys,
may be needed for the boys to benefit from the
school-based program. In addition, they pos-
ited that for programs such as PRAISE to be
more effective for boys, it may need to be
focused on problem-solving strategies within
the context of competitive sport activities
(Leff et al., 2010). It is conceivable that sim-
ilar approaches would be helpful and should
be considered when implementing future pro-
grams for young boys.
In contrast to the original investigation
of the ECFP, the effect sizes were generally
lower in our study. That is, the initial trial
showed that intervention classrooms had large
reductions in relational aggression relative to
control classrooms, whereas the present trial
showed significant but medium effects for re-
lational bullying. Intervention rooms also
showed moderate reductions in physical ag-
gression relative to randomly assigned control
classrooms in the initial study, whereas the
present trial yielded small and nonsignificant
effects for physical bullying. It is notable that
we saw reductions in bullying behavior in the
current trial, which may be more difficult to
change given the lower base rate of bullying
experiences relative to general aggressive be-
havior. The initial trial showed large reduc-
tions in physical victimization for intervention
classrooms relative to control classrooms,
whereas the current study showed moderate
effects only for girls. Only small decreases
were documented for relational victimization
in the initial trial (Ostrov et al., 2009), and
moderate effects were found in the present
RCT but only for girls. In general, it is hard to
compare the two RCTs because measuring at
Early Childhood Friendship Project on Bullying
the individual child level instead of the class-
room level, as well as accounting for more
fine-grained analyses of peer behavior (i.e.,
including bullying as well as victimization),
may account for the slightly different effect
sizes in the current RCT. The focus of our
intervention was more so on relational aggres-
sion (i.e., 2 weeks are dedicated to the topic)
relative to physical aggression (i.e., only 1
week explicitly addresses physical aggression;
see Table 1). Future trials should expand the
coverage of physical aggression, and perhaps
with a greater dosage, the magnitude of the
effects will improve. However, despite the
small to medium effects in the current trial, we
assert that the findings have clinical signifi-
cance. It is notable that we saw significant
reductions in relational bullying, which is per-
haps a more insidious form of aggression
relative to general relationally aggressive be-
havior. Moreover, for relational bullying, the
documented average drop for children in the
intervention classrooms coupled with an aver-
age increase for children in the control class-
rooms suggests that the program leads to
meaningful changes. Bullying behavior has
serious legal and clinical implications for chil-
dren and families (see Lovegrove, Bellmore,
Green, Jens, & Ostrov, 2013), and this sup-
pression or reduction in the behavior has the
potential to help children avoid most bullying
The present study makes several impor-
tant contributions to the developmental,
school psychology, and clinical science liter-
ature. First, this study is a replication and
extension of the first preliminary ECFP study.
The current trial of the ECFP showed efficacy
in reducing negative peer behaviors at the
level of the child. This extends on the past
research that found positive effects at the
classroom level (Ostrov et al., 2009). It is
important to note that the present study is also
the first known study to investigate both rela-
tional and physical forms of bullying with an
early childhood sample. Furthermore, the
study measure developed for the assessment of
multiple forms of bullying during the early
childhood period conforms to the current CDC
definition of bullying (Gladden et al., 2014)
instead of assessing general aggression or vic-
timization. The introduction of the PBSM was
another contribution of the present study. The
PBSM was determined to be valid (i.e., based
on significant moderate associations across in-
formants) and internally consistent but also
showed sensitivity to change over the course
of the intervention. The PBSM is based on
existing early childhood aggression methods
with strong psychometric properties (e.g., Os-
trov & Crick, 2007), and with parallel teacher
and observer report options, it should be use-
ful to school-based scholars and practitioners.
In particular, the ECFP program facilitated a
reduction in relational bullying in intervention
classrooms whereas control classrooms exhib-
ited an increase in relational bullying. Given
the differing implications for and definitions
of general aggression versus bullying,itis
important to consider forms of both types of
peer behavior. This is especially the case be-
cause children who are bullied may be at par-
ticularly greater risk of negative outcomes
than children who experience aggression with-
out chronicity or the power imbalance and, as
such, these children may warrant an increased
urgency to intervene (Hunter, Boyle, & War-
den, 2007; Solberg & Olweus, 2003).
Although the current study addressed a
number of weaknesses articulated in prelimi-
nary work conducted using the ECFP (Ostrov
et al., 2009), including conducting analyses at
the level of the child, there are still several
limitations that should be focused on in future
work. First, although naturalistic observations
would be the best measure of our outcome
variables, because our observers were un-
aware of classroom condition and were well
trained in observing aggression and victimiza-
tion, our secondary analysis designed to ex-
plicitly code for bullying behaviors resulted in
a relatively small number of behaviors and
could not be used in the present study because
of restricted range concerns, as well as reli-
ability problems. In the future, if a new system
is developed that explicitly trains observers to
recognize power differentials and repetition,
School Psychology Review, 2015, Volume 44, No. 4
some of the concerns might be avoided. A
number of significant obstacles (and threats to
validity and reliability) are present in this
work, including a decision regarding how to
properly operationalize and document repeti-
tion (i.e., Should repetition occur only within
the 10-min observational sampling session, or
might it be based on prior knowledge or ob-
servation of repetition?).
It is important to note that the current
intervention is only a short, 8-week interven-
tion conducted by study staff in the classroom.
As previously mentioned, the staff conducting
the intervention were trained in the procedures
and reinforcement strategies thought to be
most effective in the intervention. Teachers
did not receive any additional training regard-
ing the lessons or reinforcement strategies im-
plemented by the staff throughout the week.
This decreased the likelihood that teachers
were engaging in reinforcement and interven-
tion strategies aimed at reducing bullying and
victimization within these classrooms. Future
work should consider including seminars to
help teachers engage in similar reinforcement
strategies when program staff are not in the
classroom. This would likely help increase
teacher engagement in the program as well as
help yield general reductions in levels of bul-
lying, aggression, and victimization over the
course of the intervention. In turn, teachers
might feel more connected to the program as
well as change the overall classroom climate
to encourage friendship formation and be
more vigilant concerning problem behaviors.
For the ECFP to be disseminated on a larger
scale, teachers need to be involved throughout
the intervention.
Similarly, there was no emphasis on be-
havior change outside of the classroom. Given
that many empirically supported behavioral
treatments in early childhood often focus on
parent training or training within the home,
incorporation of these treatment packages may
increase behavior change. In line with these
articulations, interventions with a focus on
changing social behaviors are often examined
among peers. Interventions incorporating peer
relations outside of the classroom environment
might help children generalize these outcomes
and help influence behavior more globally.
In terms of methodology, there are a few
considerations that need to be raised. First, we
did lose 10% (eight individuals) of the sample
within the intervention group because of attri-
tion and an additional 16 children because of
missing teacher packets from one intervention
classroom. We also had fewer than 60 partic-
ipating children in the control group. This
reduced sample size does increase concern
that our study was underpowered for the anal-
yses conducted. This could help to explain the
limited findings concerning physical bullying
and victimization for boys. Increased sample
sizes in the future would likely help account
for this limitation. Second, the overall effect
sizes were small to medium and were smaller
than those in the initial ECFP trial. We attri-
bute these small effect sizes to our use of the
child as our unit of analysis, something not
done in the prior trial with the ECFP. It is
important to acknowledge that this community
sample from high-quality early childhood pro-
grams is not likely to be engaging in high
levels of aggressive or bullying behavior,
making large effect sizes harder to establish.
This study might have shown different out-
comes if examined in a more at-risk popula-
tion in which aggression and bullying are
more prevalent. Classroom size may also be
an important factor to consider when imple-
menting intervention strategies. On average,
the sizes of the classrooms were not signifi-
cantly different from one another, but the
magnitude of the effect size suggested a mean-
ingful difference. Intervention rooms tended
to have a larger number of children in them.
The larger class size may have facilitated
greater peer interactions and the potential for
more friendship dyads emerging over the
course of the trial, which might have facili-
tated the intervention effects, but these spec-
ulations cannot be formally tested in the
current study. Lastly, it is important to ac-
knowledge that the participants in the current
study were nested within classrooms. Because
the data are hierarchically structured, it may
be beneficial to examine these results using
multilevel modeling in future work with a
Early Childhood Friendship Project on Bullying
larger sample to more fully understand what
components of the classroom are most influ-
ential for behavior change within the
Future Directions
The present study introduces a number
of questions and aims to be addressed in future
studies. Even though the observers spent
months engaged in formal and informal obser-
vation and the use of observer reports has been
successful in prior studies (e.g., Murray-Close
& Ostrov, 2009), future attempts should be
made to design a new naturalistic observa-
tional system that reliably captures bullying
behavior. That is, the use of systematic obser-
vations would provide a relatively unbiased
assessment of bullying behaviors. Second,
greater attention is needed on identifying other
individual differences that may moderate the
intervention effects. For example, are the chil-
dren who are the most aggressive benefiting
from the program in the same way that the
children who are victimized may benefit? It is
also conceivable that older children (4 and 5
year olds) may have benefited more from the
program than younger preschoolers (3 year
olds), who might have had a more difficult
time remembering the weekly social skill
steps. Our study was not powered for testing
these developmental differences, and future
work should examine these questions. In ad-
dition, given that the focus of the program is to
change the reinforcement contingencies in the
peer group and classroom, the program may
benefit children who primarily engage in pro-
active or goal-oriented aggression or bullying,
but without an explicit program emphasis on
emotion regulation, we may not be targeting
reactive functions of aggression (see Ostrov et
al., 2013) in the same way that other programs
might (e.g., Coping Power, Lochman & Wells,
2004; Friend2Friend, Leff et al., 2009). Third,
although the initial version of the program was
replicated by an independent research group at
the University of Nebraska at Omaha (Moody,
Casas, & Kelly-Vance, 2012), further replica-
tion of the intervention effects by an indepen-
dent research laboratory is needed to support
the program as an evidence-based interven-
tion. Fourth, future work is needed to add a
teacher training component that might en-
hance the amount of behavioral reinforcement
that occurs beyond that conducted by program
staff. These efforts might also help to enhance
teacher engagement, which is a possible mod-
erator not explicitly tested in the present study
but should be the focus of future research.
Fifth, a parent training and home component
might also enhance the efficacy of the program
and should be examined in the future. Finally,
the program only lasted 8 weeks, and teachers
indicated that a greater dosage and an ex-
panded program that further emphasized prac-
tice and repetition of the core social skills
would have helped those children most in need
of the program.
Implications for Educators and
Young children benefit from consis-
tency, and the messages being conveyed re-
garding bullying behaviors are not always
consistent across contexts. The present pro-
gram offers teachers a possibility—a curricu-
lum that they could be trained to use and
implement in their own classrooms to help
their students understand the social world
around them, as well as how each of them
plays a role in the classroom community as
they build it together. The program could be
easily taught to teachers through training and
teaching of the dynamics of the program, as
well as the potential benefits, as illustrated by
this study. Having teachers implement the pro-
gram consistently and efficiently in their own
classrooms could potentially be more effective
than having outside staff do so because these
teachers are with their students on a daily
basis. Teachers spend significantly more time
with their students than the interventionists
were able to, allowing these teachers the op-
portunity to teach, observe, reinforce, and as-
sess the content of the program on a more
comprehensive level. The potential benefit of
sending a consistent, uniform message to chil-
dren through their teachers regarding friend-
ship and social behaviors related to changes in
School Psychology Review, 2015, Volume 44, No. 4
bullying and victimization is an empirical
question that has yet to be explored within this
project. However, as we look to the future,
the impact of incorporating school-wide
teacher training programs will be important
to explore.
The present study also has implications
for clinicians, especially school-based practi-
tioners. School psychologists and school-em-
ployed mental health professionals may be
able to help to shape educators’ and parents’
beliefs and attitudes about the importance of
addressing multiple forms of aggression and
bullying (Espelage & Swearer, 2003). Further-
more, clinicians can implement or support the
implementation of the ECFP in preschool
classrooms to help reduce negative social
behaviors, such as bullying and aggression,
and potentially prevent future social– em-
otional maladjustment for both aggressors
and victims.
In sum, the current study showed signif-
icant decreases in bullying behavior and vic-
timization for children participating in the
ECFP. This project extends previous work
(Ostrov et al., 2009) examining a similar in-
tervention by examining changes at the indi-
vidual level rather than using general class-
room-wide analyses. The findings also support
the psychometric properties of the PBSM in-
strument. Overall, these results support the use
of early intervention in community classrooms
to reduce aggression and bullying behavior
and help children learn to cultivate friendships
at an early stage in development. The ECFP
gives young children the opportunity to ask
questions in a safe environment, in motivating,
developmentally appropriate ways, through
the use of puppets, stories, and play. Future
randomized studies are needed to provide ad-
ditional empirically supported evidence of the
efficacy of the ECFP and the proliferation of
the intervention as a tool for teachers to help
foster social development in early childhood.
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Date Submitted: April 20, 2015
Date Accepted: September 8, 2015
Guest Editor: Melissa Stormont
Jamie M. Ostrov, PhD, is an associate professor of psychology in the Clinical Psychology
Program at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. He is the director
of the Social Development Laboratory, as well as a faculty affiliate and advisory board
member of the school’s Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention. He is currently an
associate editor of Early Childhood Research Quarterly and is on the editorial boards or
is a consulting editor of eight other journals. He is the coeditor of a book, The Develop-
ment of Relational Aggression, to be published by Oxford University Press. His research
is currently funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Institute on Drug
Abuse (NIDA) and focuses on the development of forms (i.e., relational and physical) and
functions (i.e., proactive and reactive) of aggression.
Stephanie A. Godleski, PhD, is an assistant professor of psychology at the Rochester
Institute of Technology. She is also a research associate at the Research Institute on
Addictions (RIA) of the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. She
previously completed a 3-year National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism–
sponsored postdoctoral fellowship at the RIA. Her research is currently funded by NIDA.
Her program of research emphasizes the role of parents and family systems, as well as
exposure to substances, in the prediction of aggressive behavior among children and
Kimberly E. Kamper-DeMarco, MA, is an advanced doctoral student in the Clinical
Psychology Program at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. She
is also currently a predoctoral psychology intern at the University of Rochester Medical
Center. Her research interests and dissertation focus on how aggression subtypes impact
and are impacted by friendships among children.
Sarah J. Blakely-McClure is a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology Program at the
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. Her research interests include
developmental associations between relational aggression, relational victimization, and
self-concept domains in children and adolescents.
Lauren Celenza, EdM, is a doctoral student in the Curriculum, Instruction, and Science of
Learning Program (early childhood education concentration) at the University at Buffalo,
The State University of New York. She is also a child researcher in the Play Lab at
Fisher-Price. Her interests include the application of psychology and best practices for
early childhood settings.
Early Childhood Friendship Project on Bullying