Total Amount Debited: If there was another bill for this activity with a
credit (i.e. a negative balance), and the DEP transferred that amount
to this bill, the amount would display here during this billing period.
Program Interest ID #: This
is a unique identification
number used by the Site
Remediation Program.
NJEMs Bill ID: This is a unique identification
number created by the billing software to identify
this particular invoice with the responsible party.
Installment Amount: The amount of the installment for this bill.
Total Amount Credited: Any monies paid to
date on the bill total during this billing period.
NOTE: The values shown on this sample invoice are only examples. Your invoice may have different values.
Type of Notice: 6 types
• Original (Non-initial): DEP terminology for a regular invoice for oversight charges.
• Corrected (Non-initial): An invoice that has been re-sent with corrected Amount Due.
• 2nd notice: Delinquent Invoice. For those on payments plans, thi s type indicates you have missed a payment.
• 3rd notice: Delinquent Invoice. For those on payments plans, this type indicates you have missed two payments.
• Corrected 2nd notice: A delinquent invoice that has been re-sent with corrected ‘Amount Due’.
• Corrected 3rd notice: A delinquent invoice that has been re-sent with corrected ‘Amount Due. Invoice No.: This is a unique
Department of Treasury
identification number that should
be written on your payment check.
Due Date: Indicates the date that the amount
due should be received by Department of
Treasury to avoid interest charges.
Program Interest ID #: This is a
unique identification number used
by the Site Remediation Program.
Amount Received Before Creating Installment Plan: A
payment amount used to reduce the Amount Due with the
remainder of the balance transferred to an installment plan.
NJEMs Bill ID: This is a unique identification
number created by the billing software to identify
this particular invoice with the responsible party.
Amount Transferred to Installment Plan: The total amount
of the bill that was transferred to an installment plan.
Type of Notice: 6 types
Original (Non-initial): DEP terminology for a regular invoice for oversight charges.
Corrected (Non-initial): An invoice that has been re-sent with corrected ‘Amount Due.
2nd notice: Delinquent Invoice. For those on payments plans, this type indicates you have missed a payment.
3rd notice: Delinquent Invoice. For those on payments plans, this type indicates you have missed two payments.
Corrected 2nd notice: A delinquent invoice that has been re-sent with corrected ‘Amount Due.
Corrected 3rd notice: A delinquent invoice that has been re-sent with corrected Amount Due’.
Address and Phone information
for the Direct Billing and Cost
Recovery Unit.
NOTE: The values shown on this sample invoice are only examples. Your invoice may have different values.
Assessment Type
FEE (Oversight – Balance Transfer). This field is
used for DEP accounting. This assessment is created
when the outstanding balance from DEP's old Direct
Billing System is transferred into the new NJEMS
based billing system.
Activity: A DEP
identification number
used for the type of
activity that generated
the invoice.
Regulatory Basis: N.J.A.C.
Chapter 26C, Department
Oversight of the
Remediation of
Contaminated Sites
NOTE: The values shown on this sample invoice are only examples. Your invoice may have different values.
Assessment Types
FEE (Oversight Spill Fund)
or FEE (Oversight HDSRF).
This field is used for DEP
accounting and represents
where a DEP employees salary
is derived from, i.e., the Spill
Fund’ or the Hazardous
Discharge Site Remediation
Program Interest ID #: This
is a unique identification
number used by the Site
Remediation Program.
Interest Rate: Current
interest rate in effect
and that was applied to
an overdue balance if
Assessment Types
FEE (Oversight Spill
Fund) or FEE (Oversight
HDSRF). This field is used
for DEP accounting and
represents where a DEP
employee’s salary is
derived from, i.e., the ‘Spill
Fund’ or the Hazardous
Discharge Site Remediation
Lead Program: Indicates the current or last active
lead program (bureau) for the Site Remediation
Program. Refer to Lead Program Contact information
on the back of the first page of your invoice.
Activity: A DEP
identification number used
for the type of activity that
generated the invoice.
DEP Case Manager:
Indicates the current or last
active Site Remediation
Program Case Manager.
NOTE: The values shown on this sample invoice are only examples. Your invoice may have different values.
Balance and Interest Summary Page:
This page shows a summary of the total
outstanding amount of the invoice broken
down by the type of assessment as well
as the interest rate currently in effect and
any accrued interest charges based on
overdue charges.
Assessment Type:
FEE (Oversight – Balance
Transfer). This field is used
for DEP accounting. This
assessment is created
when the outstanding
balance from DEP's old
Direct Billing System is
transferred into the new
NJEMS based billing
NOTE: The values shown on this sample invoice are only examples. Your invoice may have different values.
Base Salaries: This is the
sum of the salary ‘amounts’
on the “Cost Analysis
(Salary)” page of the invoice.
Fringe Rate %: Represents the Department’s
percentage charges for the following benefits: pension,
health benefits including prescription drug and dental
care program, workers compensation temporary
disability insurance, unused sick leave and FICA.
Division of Law Administrative Charges:
Charges would list here if a delinquent
account had been referred to the Division of
Law for cost recovery services.
Base Salaries: This is the
sum of the salary ‘amounts’
on the “Cost Analysis
(Salary)” page of the invoice.
Additive Rate %: The salary additive rate represents
the prorated percentage of charges attributable to
NJDEP employees' reimbursable "down time."
Reimbursable "down time" includes vacation time,
administrative leave, compensatory time, sick leave,
holiday time, emergency or early closing, jury duty,
absent with pay, convention, injury in the line of duty
(SLI), military allowance with pay, union negotiating
sessions, lost time on first day of injury, counseling
employee advisory service, union business activities,
grievances/hearings/Department conferences, civil
service examinations, absent with pay in lieu of
working holiday, and workers' compensation/SLI.
Salary Additive & Fringe Benefit Rate Calculation:
This section of the page shows, by fiscal year, the
calculation of the Additive Sub-total’ (Base Salary x
Additive Rate). It also shows the calculation of the
Fringe Benefit (Additive Sub- total x Fringe Rate). These
two calculations are combined into ‘SUBTOTAL A.
Non-Salary Costs: See “Cost Analysis (Non-
Salary)” page for the detailed breakdown of the
direct costs. Examples of Direct Costs are
equipment or supply costs as well as Emergency
Response overtime hours. These costs are not
subject to additive, fringe, or indirect multipliers.
Indirect Rate %: The rate which has been developed for the
recovery of indirect program costs in the Site Remediation
Program. This indirect rate is developed by the Department on
an annual basis in accordance with the New Jersey
Department of Treasury. The components of the indirect
program cost rate include the Department’s operating and
overhead expenses that cannot be coded as direct salary
charges for a particular case. In addition, the indirect cost rate
includes the Site Remediation Program's proportionate share of
the costs associated with the Offices of the Commissioner, the
Division of Financial Management and General Services, and
the Division of Personnel.
Indirect Salary Costs Calculation: This
section of the page shows, by fiscal year, the
calculation of the indirect salary costs (Base
Salary x Indirect Rate). This calculation is
shown as ‘SUBTOTAL B.
Expenditure Summary: The calculations on this page represent the
oversight cost formula used by the Department for oversight activities
that are directly billed to the person conducting the remediation of a
site. This formula is found in the Oversight Rules, 7:26C at:
Cost Analysis (Salary): Contains information on the
Department’s salary charges incurred on the case
during the period indicated. This breakdown includes,
in part, the DEP staff member who charged time to the
case, the two-week pay period during which the time
was charged, a description of the activity performed
and the direct salary cost incurred by the Department.
This section may be multiple pages.
NOTE: The values shown on this sample invoice are only examples. Your invoice may have different values.
Period Ending: Represents
the last calendar day of the
prior two week period in which
the ‘hours’ were billed (e.g.
06/22/2007 actually
represents the two week
period from 06/09/2007
Name: The name of
the DEP staff member
who performed that
activity during that
billing period.
Hours: Represents the total
hours worked by DEP staff
during the two week period
preceding the date indicated
in the Period Ending
Job Number: This is a
unique identification
number used by the
DEP to track staff time
associated with a case.
Activity Description: A
general description of the type
of activity or document review
performed by DEP staff (or
vendor in the case of the non-
salary cost page).
Cost Analysis (Non-Salary): Contains
information on the Department’s non-salary
charges incurred on the case for the period
indicated, such as Department sampling or
analytical costs, and contractor expenses. This
page may include the vendor who worked on the
case, the date the invoice was paid, a
description of the activity performed and the
non-salary cost incurred by the Department. This
section may be multiple pages.
NOTE: The values shown on this sample invoice are only examples. Your invoice may have different values.
Vendor: If noted, it
represents the name of the
vendor to whom payment
was made for services.
Activity Description: A
general description of the type
of activity or document review
performed by DEP staff (or
vendor in the case of the non-
salary cost page).