February 5, 2024
ABOUT INVENTORY STORES ..................................................................................................................... 3
GENERAL OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 3
INVENTORY STORES FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................................ 3
INVENTORY .................................................................................................................................................. 4
STOCKED INVENTORY ....................................................................................................................... 4
INVENTORY MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................. 4
ORDERING PROCEDURES ......................................................................................................................... 5
PLACING AND ORDER ............................................................................................................................ 5
INVENTORY WORKFLOW ....................................................................................................................... 5
ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................................................... 7
INVENTORY STORES STAFF ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................... 7
LOCATION AND CONTACT DETAILS .......................................................................................................... 8
DEPARTMENT CONTACTS AND HOURS OF OPERATION ................................................................... 8
CAMPUS LOCATION ................................................................................................................................ 9
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................................... 9
FORMS ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
General Overview
The Inventory Stores Policy and Procedures Manual was developed to provide the
campus with resources and guidance when requesting supplies and materials through
the campus Inventory Stores Department. In addition, the manual provides Inventory
Stores with:
1. Ordering Guidelines
2. Setting Roles and Responsibilities
3. Inventory Management
4. Internal Controls
5. Policy Compliance
6. Consistent Practices
Inventory Stores Functions
Inventory Stores is responsible for the following:
1. Developing policy and procedures
2. Oversees the acquisition and order reconciliation of supplies and materials
for campus inventory.
3. Inventory Forecast
4. Completing inventory counts
5. Order fulfillment
6. Campus deliveries
7. Determine damaged and obsolete inventory.
8. Ensure accurate data entry and usage of the Inventory Management
Stocked Inventory
Inventory Stores stocks the below supplies and materials primarily for custodial
services use, however certain supplies are stocked and available to the entire
campus community.
Campus Inventory (available to all campus departments)
1. Water
2. Copier Paper, 8.5” x11”
3. Batteries, AA and AAA, C, and D
Custodial Services (available only to custodial services department)
NOTE: This list is subject to change based on supplies and materials availability.
1. Paper towels
2. Toilet Tissue
3. Soap
4. Cleaning products
5. Cleaning chemicals
6. Gloves
Supplies and materials used by custodial services and campus departments are
stored centrally in the Inventory Stores Warehouse, located in Physical Plant, refer
to map for campus location.
Inventory Management
Inventory Stores purchases are managed using TAMIS, an Inventory Management
System. Inventory Stores is able to enter new inventory data, perform debit and
credit functions, and determine a re-ordering point. TAMIS does not integrate with
the campus financial system, PeopleSoft, therefore a chargeback process has
been implemented to recover costs.
Physical inventory counts are completed every three (3) months. The Logistics
Clerks (two separate staff), complete the first and second inventory count. The
Logistics Manager complete the third and final inventory count. Based on the
inventory count, the Logistics Manager verifies if the count is accurate based on
counts in the Inventory Management System.
The Logistics Manager is responsible for reviewing available inventory,determining
re-order points, and purchasing new inventory using a procurement card or blanket
purchase order. When inventory runs low, the Logistics Manager will inform the
custodial manager to ensure inventory re-stock is necessary or if they will be
switching to a new product.
Placing and Order
Custodial services staff Leads shall complete the Inventory Supply Request Form to
request inventory items. Only Leads are authorized to submit the form. Once the form is
completed, the Custodial Lead will place the form in the Inventory Stores mailbox.
Logistics will retrieve the new order forms to begin the fulfillment process. Once the
order is pulled from inventory, it will be placed in the designated pick-up area. Only the
Custodial Leads are authorized to pick-up the order. The Custodial Lead will them
prepare the order for distribution to custodial staff.
The campus community only has access to the items listed in the stocked inventory
section of this manual. To request an order, campus departments shall email the
Logistics Manager to request a new order. The email must include the following:
1. Item Description
2. Quantity
3. Date Needed
4. Delivery Location
5. Chargeback account information
Please refer to the below process workflows for both ordering procedures.
Inventory Workflow
Custodial Services
The following workflow represent a standard inventory item fulfilment process for
custodial services:
Inventory Supply
Request Form
Inventory Stores reviews
form and fills order
Order placed in
designated pick-up area
Custodial Leads pick-up
order and prepare for
distribution to custodial
Logistics Clerk debits
order in Inventory
Tracking System
Facilities Services
Administrative Support
runs usage report to
prepare chargeback
Campus Departments
The following workflow represent a standard inventory item fulfilment process for
campus departments:
Campus sends email to
Manager of Logistics
Services for inventory
(includes item, quantity, location,
and chargeback account)
Manager of Logistics
Services tasks Logistics
Clerks to fill order
Logistics Clerk delivers
to campus department
Logistics Clerk debits
order in Inventory
Tracking System
Facilities Services
Administrative Support
runs usage report to
prepare chargeback
Inventory Stores Staff Roles and Responsibilities
The following roles and responsibilities have been established for proper inventory
Manager, Logistic Services
Order Acquisitions (TAMIS credits)
Inventory Forecast
Final Inventory Count
P-card Reconciliation
Order Fulfillment (pull orders)
Remove obsolete inventory
Identification of damaged property
Logistic Clerks (all)
Order Fulfillment (pull orders)
Campus deliveries
First and Second inventory counts
Identification of damaged property
Logistic Clerk, Helen Soeur
Order Debits in TAMIS
Custodial Manager and Other Facilities
Identification of obsolete inventory
Department Contacts and Hours of Operation
Dino Hernandez
Manager, Logistical Services
(310) 243-3793
Scott Bourgeois
Director, Facilities Operations
(310) 243-2734
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Open During Lunch)
Campus Location
1. What is the turnaround time for fulfilling a custodial services Inventory
Request? Orders are pulled first thing in the morning Monday through Friday.
2. What is the turnaround time for fulfilling a campus department Inventory
Request? 24 hours or less.
3. How often does Inventory Stores complete chargebacks? Once a month.
4. Who do I contact if a chargeback amount is incorrect? Patrisha King @
Inventory Request Form [LINK PENDING]