Intraoperative Neuromonitoring:
Evaluating the Role of Continuous
IONM and IONM Techniques
for Emerging Surgical and
Percutaneous Procedures
Catherine McManus
and Jennifer Hong Kuo
Department of Surgery, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY, United States
Intraoperative nerve monitoring (IONM) is a tool used during thyroid surgery to assist in the
identication of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN). Multiple IONM systems that exist for
thyroide ctom y require intubation with an end otracheal tube. Given that one of the
advantages of thermal ablation procedures, such as radiofrequency ablation, is that
they can be done safely without the use of general anesthesia, nerve monitoring systems
that utilize cutaneous surface electrodes have been developed, though are not widely
available in the United States. This article will review the use of IONM for RFA including the
cutaneous surface electrode system.
Keywords: radiofrequency ablation, thyroid, intraoperative nerve monitoring (IONM), recurrent laryngeal nerve,
recurrent laryngeal nerve injury
Thyroidectomy is a technically delicate surgery involving highly detailed anatomy. The recurrent
laryngeal nerve (RLN) is the most important structure at risk during these operations (Figure 1).
Traditionally, the gold standard for protecting the nerve is identifying it through careful dissection
before proceeding with the removal of the thyroid gland. The importance of denitively identifying
the nerve in order to preserve it was highlighted in the 1950s by Riddell and colleagues (1). Since
that report, nerve visualization, anatomical knowledge, and surgeons experience have been the
most important tools for protecting the RLN and still serve as the standard of care. However, despite
cautious RLN visual identication, RLN nerve injury can still occur because of anatomical variation,
surgeon inexperience, and difcult situations including a large goiter, revision surgery and invasive
malignancy. Although the rate of injury to the nerve has been reported to be relatively low (<1%
5%), especially when performed by high-volume surgeons (2, 3) postoperative compromise of voice
quality may diminish the patients quality of life and trigger litigation for malpractice (4). To help
reduce the incidence of dysfunction, intraoperative neural monitoring (IONM) was introduced in
the 1970s and has become an increasingly popular adjunct in thyroidectomy (2).
Frontiers in Endocrinology | March 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 8081071
Edited by:
Loredana Pagano,
University of Turin, Italy
Reviewed by:
Erivelto Martinho Volpi,
Centro de referencia no ensino do
stico por imagem (CETRUS),
Catherine McManus
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Thyroid Endocrinology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Endocrinology
Received: 03 November 2021
Accepted: 10 February 2022
Published: 30 March 2022
McManus C and Kuo JH
(2022) Intraoperative
Neuromonitoring: Evaluating
the Role of Continuous IONM
and IONM Techniques for
Emerging Surgical and
Percutaneous Procedures.
Front. Endocrinol. 13:808107.
doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.808107
published: 30 March 2022
doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.808107
The most widely used IONM systems facilitate RLN
identication and mapping of the anatomic course of the nerve
and uses passive monitoring, in which the presence and quality
of the interrogation signal conrms neural integrity, and loss of
signal at any point caudal to an injury indicates a nonfunctioning
nerve or technical issues. In its rst iteration, IONM used needle
electrodes inserted through the cricothyroid membrane into the
vocal muscle and an intermittent nerve stimulation is conducted
with a hand-held monopolar probe that stimulated the RLN,
enabling recording the electrophysiological response signal.
Currently, most IONM systems involve monopolar hand-held
probes that intermittently stimulate the nerve through surface or
incorporated electrodes on the endotracheal tube and records the
electrophysiological response signal (Figure 2). Most systems
also allow for continuous nerve stimulation, with a clip electrode
mounted on the vagus nerve and surface electrodes afxed to the
endotracheal tube recording the electrophysiological response
signal (5).
An alternative form of c ontinuous IONM relies on an
electromyogra phic endo tracheal tu be (EMG-ETT) alone to
elicit a laryngeal adductor reex (LAR), which allows for
continuous monitoring of the RLN and VN function (68).
Irritation to the RLN or VN (i.e. due to traction, compression,
heat) results in transient or permanent LAR amplitude declines
with permanent LAR loss correlating with postoperative vocal
fold paralysis (6, 7). Similar to intraoperative neuromonitoring
techniques that use direct nerve stimulation (6, 7), an amplitude
decline >50% is considered signicant and warrants corrective
actions by the surgeon such as cessation of dissection, relaxation
of tissues, and warm irrigation (9). The biggest advantage of this
technique is the lack of neural electrodes required.
Both intermittent and continuous IONM allow for
differentiation between segmental loss of signal (LOS; type 1)
and diffuse LOS (type 2), whereas conti nuous IONM offers
provides real-time intraoperative feedback of nerve signals.
This facilitates instant detection and release of a distressed
nerve can minimize RLN injury. For documentation purposes,
the electromyographic recordings can be printed out from the
system and led with the patients clinical chart. Both IONM
modalities inform the surgical treatment plan and provide
strategic direction regarding the need for staged thyroidectomy
in the event of denitive LOS on the rst side of the
operation (9).
The efcacy of IONM has been studied extensively, including
several large-scale multi-institutional trials, both prospective and
retrospective, with conicting results. There is some evidence to
suggest that IONM decreases both transient and permanent RLN
injury (10, 11), only transient RLN injury (11, 12 ), or only
permanent RLN injury (13). In contrast, other researchers
found no substantial reduction of permanent RLN injury (14),
or both transient and permanent RLN injuries (1517). A 2017
review of 8 meta-analyses conrmed no observable reduction in
transient or permanent RLN injury. 740 Routine use of IONM
during total thyroidectomy was not found to be cost-effective
compared with visual identication alone, though a 2017 study
showed that IONM was potentially cost effective in preventing
bilateral RLN dysfunction (18).
Although selective use of IONM by many specialties is
common in the United States, IONM has become the standard
of care in many countries and is endorsed by the German
FIGURE 1 | Anatomy of the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerves.
McManus and Kuo IONM for RFA
Frontiers in Endocrinology | March 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 8081072
Association of Endocrine Surgeons (19) and the Australian
College of Surgeons (20) as a valuable adjunct to
RLN visualization.
Introduced in the early 2000s, thermal ablation (TA) procedures,
such as radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and laser ablation (LA),
are increasingly used to treat benign thyroid nodules (21, 22).
Short-term studies (<1 to 2 years) showed that TA is effective and
safe for the treatment of cosmetic or symptomatic benign
nodules, resulting in a reduction in nodule volume of 50% to
80% (2325). These procedures can be performed under local or
general anesthesia. Although RFA appears to be a relatively safe
procedure, the potential for injury to the vagus (VN) and
recurrent laryngeal nerves (RLN) exists. Similar to RLN injuries
incurred during open thyroidectomy, the incidence of thermal
injury to either of these nerves during RFA is low, ~1%, but can
result in temporary or permanent vocal fold immobility, vocal
hoarseness, aspiration and/or dysphagia (26, 27). However, there
is limited objective data on the risk of nerve injury during RFA,
such as pre and post RFA laryngeal examinations or feedback
from a nerve monitor, which has limited the direct comparison of
rates of nerve injury with RFA and thyroidectomy.
The vast majority of these thermal ablation procedures are
performed under local anesthesia, which precludes the use of
current, FDA approved IONM systems in the United States.
IONM for thermal ablation procedures is not only logistically
difcult, it is also not essential if providers use appropriate
techniques to reduce the risk of thermal injury. Excellent
understanding of the sonographic anatomy of the neck,
including potential aberrant anatomy s uch as a medially
positioned vagus nerve, is required and the concept of a
danger triangle adjacent to the posteromedial thyroid capsule
has been proposed (Figure 3). It is generally recommended to
leave a cuff of unablated thyroid tissue immediately adjacent to
this region (21, 22, 28, 29). Widely adopted technical concepts
such as the trans-isthmic approach and moving-shot technique
are advocated in order to decrease the risk of thermal injury
(Figure 4). Another strategy utilized to decrease the risk of nerve
injury is hydrodissection, specically if the nodule abuts the
lateral capsule and the vagus nerve takes an aberrant medial
position. Hydrodissection involves a pre-ablation injection of 5%
dextrose to create space between the lateral thyroid and the
medial vagus to allow for ablation of the lateral most part of
the nodule (30). In addition, having the patient speak during the
course of the procedure may alert the interventionalist of a
possible injury if a change in the quality of the voice is
detected. However, despite these precautions, injury to the
laryngeal nerves by virtue of their proximity to the target tissue
remains a real risk.
In 2021, Sinclair et al. conducted a prospective single institution
study to evaluate whether the recurrent laryngeal nerve was
affected during RFA of thyroid nodules using continuous
intraoperative nerve monitoring (30). Inclusion criteria
FIGURE 2 | An example of a IONM system. Adhesive electrodes are applied to an endotracheal tube and the blue and red wires are connected to a nerve
monitoring system. One needle wire (white) is inserted into the deltoid muscle, a green lead wire sticker is applied to the forehead, and the single red wire connects
to a handheld monopolar probe that is used to stimulate the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
McManus and Kuo IONM for RFA
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consisted of symptomatic thyroid nodules with elevated cosmetic
and symptom scores and two ne needle aspiration biopsies that
demonstrated Bethesda II cytology. All patients underwent a pre
procedure laryngoscopy. This was followed by induction of general
anesthesia with placement of a monitored electromy ography
endotracheal tube (NI M EMG-ETT). An electrical stimuli
consisting of 1-3 rectangular pulses at a 3-20 mA intensity with a
1-2 ms interstimulus interval and duration of 0.5-1ms was applied
to the laryngeal muco sa t hrough electrodes on the ETT
contralateral to the RLN at risk to elicit a laryngeal adductor
reex (LAR). The LAR was then recorded by the electrodes on
the ipsilateral side of the RLN at risk. All posterior nodules were
treated with a max of 40 W and the amplitude was continuously
monitored throughout the ablation procedure. The surgeon was
FIGURE 3 | Danger Triangle housing the recurrent laryngeal nerve (permission to reprint from Taewoong Medical USA).
FIGURE 4 | Trans-isthmic approach and moving shot technique used in thermal ablation. (Permission to reprint from Taewoong Medical USA).
McManus and Kuo IONM for RFA
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careful to not breach the posterior capsule of the thyroid and was
notied if there was a decrease >50% from baseline, at which point
the procedure was stopped to allow amplitude to recover. Patients
then underwent a post procedure laryngoscopy.
A total of 10 patients participated in the study consisting of 20
nodules total. There was no signicant change in the LAR during
the ablation (no patient experienced a >50% decline in LAR
amplitude), no ablation needed to be halted to allow for nerve
recovery, and pre and post procedure laryngoscopies were
similar. The largest decrease in amplitude was 25% in one
patient, which recovered rapidly upon repositioning the
electrode using the moving shot technique. Based on this
study, it is difcult to determine whether the advantages of
continuous nerve monitoring with open surgery (providing
feedback of possible impending injury) would also be
advantageous in RFA or whether the moving shot technique is
protective on its own. The authors concluded that RFA was safe
as long as the posterior capsule was not breached by the ablation
zone and the power was less than 40 W.
Given that most RFA procedures are performed using local
anesthesia, alternative forms of nerve monitoring that do not
require the placement of an endotracheal tube have also been
investigated. Lin et al. conducted a retrospective cohort study of
patients who underwent ultrasound- guided RFA of thyroid
nodules between 2/2019 to 8/2019 using neuromonitoring with
cutaneous electrodes (31). Inclusion criteria consisted of having a
symptomatic nodule (discomfort, compressive symptoms,
foreign body sensation), beni gn cytology on ne-needle
aspiration, no BRAF mutation, normal thyroid function tests,
and normal movement of the vocal cords on laryngoscopy. The
primary endpoint of the study was to determine the feasibility
of using neuromonitoring with cutaneous surface electrodes
during ultrasound guided RFA of thyroid nodules, which was
dened as the ability to obtain nerve stimulation. The secondary
end point was achievement of technical success, dened as
correlation between the nal EMG signal and post procedure
laryngoscopy results.
For nerve monitoring, Ambu Neuroline 715 single-patient
surface electrodes were placed on the skin anterior to the left and
right laminas of the thyroid cartilage (recording electrodes) and
on the upper arm (grounding electrodes). A 22-gauge nerve
stimulation needle (Stimuplex D; B. Braun, Melsungen,
Germany) was attached to a saline syringe and set at 100ms
and 4Hz to be used as both a stimulation probe and for
hydrodissection. The NIM Nerve monitoring System version
3.0 (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, ISA) was used to record
electromyograms (EMGs) with an event threshold of 100 mV.
The nerve stimulation needle was inserted under ultrasound
guidance between the common carotid artery and the internal
jugular vein at the level of the lower pole of the thyroid to
stimulate the vagus nerve using a 3.0 mA current (V1). A
robust initial EMG goal was dened as obtaining an amplitude
>500 mV. Once the vagus nerve was identied, hydrodissection
with normal saline was performed between the carotid sheath
and thyroid gland. The stimulation probe was used to detect the
course of the laryngeal nerve along the posterior aspect of the
thyroid. If no signal was detected, normal saline was injected to
create a plane between the posterior thyroid and the RLN. RFA
was performed with a power ranging between 30-50 W. After
ablation, the nerve stimulation needle was again inserted into the
carotid sheath to obtain a nal vagus EMG (V2) with a 3.0 mA
current. The nal EMG (V2) was categorize d as normativ e
baseline (absolute amplitude of the signal is not <50% and the
growth of its latency is <10% of the initial baseline), impending
adverse EMG (amplitude decrease >50% and a latency increase
10% of the initial baseline), or loss of signal (normal vocal cord
movement on pre procedure laryngoscopy with a subsequent low
(<100 mV) or absent EMG response). For either the impending
adverse EMG or loss of signal events, cold liquid was injected
posterior to the thyroid gland and into the tracheoesophageal
groove and stimulations were performed every 5 minutes to
monitor for recovery, which was dened as reaching an absolute
amplitude of >50% of the baseline. Patients underwent post
procedure laryngoscopy one day after the procedure and RLN
injury was conrmed if there was abnormal vocal cord activity.
Patients had 6 month follow up with a 10 cm visual analog scale,
cosmetic score, and calculation of the volume reduction
ratio (VRR).
A total of 16 patients satised inclusion and exclusion criteria
consisting of 20 nodules. Nerve stimulation was achieved before
and after the procedure for all 20 vagus nerves among the 16
patients and 16 of the 20 nerves had a robust initial EMG (>500
mV). There was a signicant difference in the mean response
amplitude between V1 (612.7 +/- 130 m V) and V2 (592.7 +/-
127.3 mV), p<0.05. However, there was no signicant difference
between the response latencies of V1 and V2. No patients were
categorized as impending adverse EMG or loss of signal. All 20
nerves had a post EMG that correlated with the post
laryngoscopy results and there were no instances of injury to
the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
At the 6 month follow up, the maximum nodule lesion size
decreased from 2.49 +/- 0.73 cm to 1.47 +/- 0.44 cm (p<0.05) and
the VRR was 68.5 +/- 21.5%. Furthermore, the mean symptom
score decreased from 3.6 +/- 0.7 to 1.2 +/- 0.4 (p<0.05) and the
mean cosmetic score decreased from 3.4 +/- 0.5 to 1.6 +/- 0.6
(p<0.05). There were no complications related to nerve
monitoring or RFA including hematoma, tracheal or
esophageal injury, skin burn, or lidocaine toxicity.
The authors concluded that using cutaneous electrodes for
RLN monitoring during RFA was feasible and safe. However, the
authors also recognize the limitations of this study including the
retrospective nature, small sample size, lack of a control group
and the ability of this technique to only provide intermittent
nerve monitoring (before and after the procedure). Furthermore,
similar to the study by Sinclair, et al, the use of the nerve monitor
among these 16 patients did not alter the procedure to prevent a
potential nerve injury. Due to the low rate of nerve injury,
detecting whether nerve monitoring signicantly impacts the
rate of nerve injury for RFA will require a much larger sample
size than prior studies.
McManus and Kuo IONM for RFA
Frontiers in Endocrinology | March 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 8081075
Intraoperative nerve monitoring has been widely accepted as a
useful adjunct to visual identication of the nerve during
thyroidectomy. However, most IONM systems require the use
of an endotracheal tube to allow for continuous or intermittent
nerve monitoring. Such nerve monitoring systems can be used to
perform thermal ablation procedures such as RFA, however the
procedure must be done under general anesthesia. Consequently,
there is a role for nerve monitoring systems that employ
cutaneous surface electrodes, allowing for the RFA procedure
to be done under local anesthesia. Similar to surgery, protection
of the recurrent laryngeal and vagus nerves during RFA requires
a thorough understanding of neck anatomy and the ability to
infer the course of the RLN and vagus nerves using sonography.
All authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual
contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.
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Frontiers in Endocrinology | March 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 8081077