Math 1010 Syllabus
Course Description
Math 1010 is a developmental mathematics course (4 credit hours) designed to help students acquire
intermediate algebra skills in preparation to take a Quantitative Literacy (QL) course.
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in Math 0990 or an appropriate placement score.
Any student requiring accommodations or services due to a disability must contact Services for Students with
Disabilities (SSD) in room 181 of the Student Services Center, 801-626-6413. SSD can arrange to provide course
materials, including this syllabus, in alternate formats if necessary.
Assessment and Placement policy
As a developmental math student, you will need to make continuous progress (defined as earning a minimum
grade of “C” or better) until you have completed your required developmental courses. If you do not pass this
class, a registration hold will be placed that will prevent you from registering for any classes. Please see the policy
for details:
Course Materials and Textbook
As part of the online program MyLabsPlus (MLP), you will have access to the course text e-book. You may also
buy a hard copy of the textbook if you wish: Beginning and Intermediate Algebra, 4
Edition (ISBN 978-0-321-
44233-8) by Lial, Hornsby & McGinnis. You will learn the course material by completing all homework, quizzes,
tests, and final exam through MLP. You will also need a three-ring binder and the note taking packet available in
the bookstore.
Course Requirements and Grades
Plan to spend a minimum of 9-12 hours per week working on this course.
1. Attendance: class (50 min), Hub (100 min); tracked from Monday morning to Saturday night.
2. Complete study guide notes for each section while reading the text and/or watching video lectures.
Place notes in your notebook.
3. Complete the module homework problems earning at least a 70%. Place your worked homework
problems in your notebook.
4. Take a module quiz or comprehensive test. You must be logged in to Tracker while you are taking a
quiz or test. Retake if you don’t earn a 70%. Place your quiz or test scratch paper in your notebook.
5. You must meet or exceed the calendar deadlines in order to finish the course this semester.
Attend class 50 min per week and spend 100 min per week in a Hub (Ogden Hub, Lampros Hall; Davis Hub,
WSU Davis Center; Weber West Hub, WSU West Center). Contact your instructor if you must miss a class
period. NOTE: If you miss scheduled classes and Hub sessions you may be in jeopardy of failing the course.
Each week that you are working ahead of the schedule provided on the course calendar, you may request
that your instructor waive the Hub attendance requirement for that week. Talk to your teacher during class
to request a waiver of Hub attendance.
You will create a notebook for the course that your instructor will check each time you take a
comprehensive test. Your instructor will tell you when and how your notebook will be checked. Notebooks
should contain a section for each module that will include the following, in order:
1. Completed notes pages for each HW section
2. All work from doing your homework problems
3. The scratch paper you used as you took a module quiz or a test
MODULE HOMEWORK: 25% of grade
You must complete each homework section with a 70% or better before you can move on to the next item.
You may rework individual problems as necessary only your best score is recorded.
MODULE QUIZZES: 30% of grade
All quizzes must be taken in a Hub and you must have your picture ID. To pass a quiz your score must be at
least 70%. You can retake the entire quiz to improve your score and only the best score is used for your
grade. Prior to a second attempt, you will need to work an additional homework assignment that is created
from the concepts you missed. You can take the quiz again when you have scored at least 95% on the retake
homework assignment. You are allowed three attempts on each quiz, so make sure you study before each
attempt. If you do not pass the quiz in three tries, you will need to meet with your instructor for guidance
and targeted help.
You must score at least a 70% on tests and the final exam. You must retake the entire test or exam to
improve your score and only the best score is used for your grade. Bring your picture ID to the Hub to take
tests and the final exam. You are allowed three attempts on each comprehensive test, so make sure you
study before each attempt. If you do not pass the test in three tries, you will need to meet with your
instructor; however, attempts are not limited for the final exam.
Only Final Exams may be taken in the Hubs during Finals Week (no quizzes or tests)
GRADING SCALE (For students who finish the final exam with a 70% or higher)
[93-100] A [90-93) A- [87-90) B+ [83-87) B [80-83) B- [75-80) C+ [70-75) C
If you do not pass the Final Exam with a score of 70% or higher by the end of the semester, your grade is
assigned as follows:
If you stop progressing prior to the last week of the semester, your grade will be a UW
If you continue working through the last week of the semester and complete at least two
Comprehensive Tests during the current semester, your grade will be a D
If you continue working through the last week of the semester and complete fewer than two
Comprehensive Tests during the current semester, your grade will be an E
If your behavior violates University rules, you will be subject to appropriate sanctions, including reduced grades
for course assignments. A first-time violation of testing protocols will result in a 10% reduction in your overall
grade. A second violation will result in course failure.
You are not allowed to bring an outside calculator to take a test or quiz. The calculator provided for this
course is the Windows standard calculator and will be enabled for you during your quizzes and tests in the
Hub. You can practice using this calculator in the Hub when you do your homework. In addition the
calculator is usually installed on most Windows computers (click “Start”, then “All Programs”, then
“Accessories”, then “Calculator”) When the calculator program starts, it may be showing only a four-
function calculator. To use the scientific calculator, click on “View”, then Scientific. The calculator may look
different if you have a different version of Windows.
Headphones are available for checkout in the classrooms and the Hubs. You may bring your own headphones to
watch the video lectures. Any standard headphone plug will work. Earplugs may be purchased for $0.25 at either
Your Wildcat e-mail account is the official form of contact between you and your math instructor. Please check
your Wildcat account daily.
If you have trouble with your personal computer, run the browser check in MLP and install any suggested
updates. If you still have problems call:
Weber State Help Desk (801-626-7777) or (800-848-7770, option 5, option 1)
Login at home: (Alternate login:
Use WSU username and password
Click on Student tab
In “My Courses” access your Math 0950, 0990, or 1010 course
All quizzes and tests must be started at least one hour before closing.
Hours for Ogden Campus, Lampros Hall
Davis Campus, Room D2 233
Hours for West Center
West Hub
Monday - Thursday
7:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday - Thursday
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Note: You must sign in and sign out of the Tracker any time you are in the Hub.
Class and Hub Rules
Students are in class and the Hub to work on math. Faculty and tutors are here to help students.
Keep the atmosphere in class and the Hub positive, friendly and respectful. If you fail to do so,
you may be asked to leave.
Food and capped drinks are allowed but must not be consumed near computer equipment. You
will be responsible for any computer damage caused by your food or drinks.
Please bring your Wildcard ID to every class and Hub session.
Do not use a cell phone during class or Hub time. If you need to take an emergency call, please
take it outside.
For help, raise your “electronic” hand on Tracker.
You may use your iPod or other listening devices when studying; please keep the volume low.
Testing Rules
When testing you may only have a pen/pencil, and the testing scratch paper Hub personnel
Items not allowed while testing: hats, sunglasses, water bottles, food, drink, calculators, iPods,
cell phones, or other electronic devices.
Usage of outside calculators will not be allowed on quizzes or tests. The Windows scientific
calculator may be enabled upon request for Math 1010 students only.
All quizzes and tests must be started at least one hour before the Hub closes.
A quiz or test will be immediately terminated if a student does any of the following: uses notes,
books, calculators, iPods, cell phones, or other electronic devices, or leaves the computer.
You must show your Wildcard ID or State ID to Hub personnel before taking a quiz or test.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I finish early?
If you finish this course early, you do not need to attend any more class or Hub sessions. Let your
instructor know when you have passed the final exam with a 70% or higher.
I failed a quiz. What can I do?
The Study Plan zeroes in on areas you have not mastered, so use it to practice before you take the
quiz again. Go to any Hub or ask your instructor for help in using the Study Plan. You may retake a
quiz or test. Only your best score is used to calculate your final grade.