THIS DEED POLL is made on the…………………………………………………..
A. The Student is enrolled in a course of study at the University of Melbourne (University).
B. The University has or will be receiving funding under The Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s
(ARENA) Advancing Renewables Program for the “Affordable Heating and Cooling Innovation
Hub” or (i-Hub Project) pursuant to an agreement entered with the Australian Institute of
Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (Incorporated) (AIRAH) (Third Party Agreement).
C. The Student is to participate in the Project as part of their course of study.
D. During the course of the Project the Student may create or contribute to the creation of Intellectual
Property (including copyright in their Assessment Materials) in their work with other key project
participants, including Industry Partners.
E. The Student will own the copyright in their Assessment Materials. The University will own all
other Intellectual Property created by the Student during the course of the Project.
F. This Deed sets out the terms on which the Student confirms the assignment of all Intellectual
Property created by the Student during the course of the Project (other than the copyright in the
Student’s Assessment Materials) to the University.
In consideration of, among other things, the promises contained in this Deed, You agree:
In this Deed:
Assessment Materials means all written material created by the Student in respect of the
Project for the purposes of the Student’s assessment or reporting obligations to the University.
Assignment means assignment of the Project Intellectual Property confirmed in this Deed.
Confidential Information means:
all unpatented inventions, ideas, know-how, concepts, trade secrets, processes,
techniques, software, products and all other unregistered or unpatented intellectual
property, financial and business information and all other commercially valuable
information of the project participants, including Industry Partner/s, or the University
which the Industry Partner/s or the University regards as confidential to it or which is
evident by its nature or the manner of its disclosure to be confidential; and
all copies, notes and records and all related information generated by the Student to
the extent incorporated or derived from anything referred to in (a) above.
Confidential Information excludes, or as the case requires, ceases to include information,
which is, or becomes:
Student Confirmatory Assignment and Confidential Information Deed Poll
available to the public at the date of its disclosure to the Student; other than through
the Student’s fault;
at the date of its disclosure to the Student, already properly in the Student’s
possession in written form otherwise than by prior confidential disclosure from the
Host Organisation or the University;
after the date of its disclosure to the Student, available to the public from sources
other than the Student;
after the date of its disclosure to the Student, properly available to the Student from a
third party having no obligation of confidentiality to the Industry Partner/s or the
University; or
required to be disclosed under law.
Deed means this Student Confirmatory Assignment and Confidential Information Deed Poll.
Effective Date means the date affixed at the top of the first page of this Deed.
Industry Partner means the [insert details].
Intellectual Property means all rights resulting from intellectual activity whether capable of
protection by statute, common law or in equity and including copyright, data, data sets,
information, rights in discoveries, inventions, patent rights, registered and unregistered trade
marks, design rights, circuit layouts and plant varieties and all rights and interests of a like
nature including but not limited to methods and techniques, together with any documentation
relating to such rights and interests.
Project Intellectual Property means Intellectual Property which is created, developed or
discovered as a result of conducting the Project. Project Intellectual Property does not include
copyright in the Student’s Assessment Materials.
2.1 The University acknowledges that ownership of the copyright in the Student’s Assessment
Materials vests in the Student at the date of creation.
2.2 The Student acknowledges and agrees that on and from the date on which the Project
Intellectual Property was or is created, the right, title and interest in the Project Intellectual
Property vests in the University pursuant to the section 13 of the University of Melbourne
Statute in force at the relevant time.
3.1 The Student acknowledges and agrees to:
keep all Confidential Information confidential;
not use Confidential Information in any way which would be harmful to the best
interests of the Industry Partner/s or the University; and
not use any Confidential Information in any way other than for the purposes of the
Project or preparation of your Assessment Materials without the prior written
permission of the University.
The Student agrees upon the written request of the University to return to the University any
documents originating from the University which embody Confidential Information and
acknowledges that they must not keep any copies in any form.
Student Confirmatory Assignment and Confidential Information Deed Poll
4.1 The Student must, at the University’s cost, do all things and execute all documents necessary
to give effect to this Deed and render all assistance reasonably required by the University for
the purpose of confirming, recording or perfecting the Assignment.
Executed as a Deed Poll
(insert name of the student) )
................................................................ ......................................................................
Signature of (student) Signature of Witness
Print Name of Witness