ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire
for Private Equity Investors and
their Portfolio Companies
Invest Europe ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire for Private Equity Investors and their Portfolio Companies
Invest Europe would like to thank the members of the working
group for their valuable input and contributions during the
development of this Due Diligence Questionnaire.
Members of the Working Group:
James Holley – KPMG
Sue Woodman – Equistone Partners (now retired)
Marta Jankovic – APG Asset Management
Graeme Ardus – Triton Partners
Isabelle Combarel – SWEN Capital Partners
Blaise Duault – PAI Partners
Lola Fornari – SWEN Capital Partners
Jarlyth Gibson – Advent International
Hanna Grahn and Julia Wikmark – EQT
Maurice Klaver – PGGM
Therése Lennehag – EQT
Caterina Romanelli – PAI Partners
Alex Scott – Pantheon
Thomas Slater – APG Asset Management
The information contained in this Due Diligence
Questionnaire (DDQ) has been produced by Invest
Europe, based on contributions by the Invest Europe
Responsible Investment Roundtable and the Invest
Europe Professional Standards Committee.
This DDQ is of a general nature and is not intended to
constitute legal or other professional advice and should
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Standards Committee or the Invest Europe Responsible
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Invest Europe ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire for Private Equity Investors and their Portfolio Companies
Invest Europe is committed to responsible investing and wishes to provide support to its members by providing guidance on good
practice in ESG, to allow informed business decisions to be made in relation to ESG issues associated with potential investments
and post-completion.
The purpose of this questionnaire is to support the ESG and transaction teams of GPs conduct ESG due diligence on potential
investments. This questionnaire provides a non-exhaustative list of ESG questions that can be used to assess how far progressed
a company is in relation to management of ESG matters. The questionnaire is not supposed to be a tick box exercise. It is there
to assist GPs to identify risks, improvement opportunities and good practices and should be regarded as a tool to facilitate
investment and to identify and monitor ongoing ESG concerns.
The questions focus on ESG policies and reporting, and should be used to identify whether there may be any signi cant issues,
and opportunities, that require either more detailed technical assessment or need to be managed post-investment. The
questionnaire can also help identify relevant ESG factors that may be used to support ESG reporting during the ownership period.
The questions do not cover all ESG factors which will vary depending on the companys geographic location and sector, and
therefore should complement a member’s existing due diligence processes. It can be used in conjunction with Invest Europe’s
Professional Standards Handbook and Responsible Investment Bibliography, which provide sources of additional ESG guidance
(available here). The questionnaire is split into two sections: Section 1 provides a set of generic questions, and Section 2 is aimed
at addressing more specifi c ESG issues.
Some companies may be more advanced in their ESG thinking than others and the questionnaire is designed to elicit detailed
information where possible. Companies are encouraged to answer all questions and not leave any blank, providing relevant details
where possible. This questionnaire is one tool that can help companies to develop more formal and comprehensive systems to
manage risk and leverage potential opportunities.
Invest Europe will welcome feedback from members. The aim is to update the questionnaire on a regular basis to keep it
relevant and to ensure best practice standards are maintained. Any comments should be directed to
This questionnaire is designed to support General Partners (GPs) in their consideration
of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors during the investment process,
particularly at the due diligence stage. It is also envisaged that this guide can be used
post transaction to help the transaction and management teams focus on developing
and enhancing existing ESG processes. ESG stands for the environmental, social and
governance factors that can impact the performance of a portfolio company and/or an
investment, including the GP itself. It is a phrase commonly used alongside responsible
investment and relates to an investment approach that integrates ESG factors into
corporate conduct, investment decisions and ownership activities. Other terms to consider
in conjunction with ESG are sustainability, corporate social responsibility (CSR), ethical
responsibility, and environmental, health and safety (EHS).
Invest Europe ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire for Private Equity Investors and their Portfolio Companies
Invest Europe ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire for Private Equity Investors and their Portfolio Companies
Describe the geographical location/key countries you operate in. Please provide details of operations
in emerging markets.
Describe the type of operations associated with the business e.g. office, manufacturing/production,
warehousing, logistics etc.
List the countries your key suppliers/distributors operate in.
Please provide details of the total number of employees (split by permanent/full-time equivalent
(FTEs) and part-time). If your operations use a significant number of contractors, please also
provide a breakdown.
What does the company consider to be the material risks and opportunities in relation to ESG for
the business?
Maturity of
ESG systems
and processes
What is management’s view of the overall maturity status of its existing ESG policies, processes and
systems, where 1 = mature (policy, procedures, systems are coordinated centrally, are well established
and embedded, reviewed and continuously improved; management system certification e.g. ISO);
2 = partly developed and implemented at a departmental level (developed and implemented within
departments but not centrally coordinated, and are not subject to regular review and improvement,
and not consistently applied; 3 = immature (no formal policies and systems in place).
Resources (roles
& responsibilities)
Have you assigned a designated point person for day-to-day ESG matters? Please provide details.
and training
What relevant experience/qualifications do they have? Is this person specifically trained in ESG?
Do you provide ESG training to staff? If so please provide details of the type of training, how often,
whether it includes senior management.
ESG committee/
steering group
Have you established an ESG committee/steering committee to monitor performance and if so who
is it chaired by and how often does it meet?
risk register
Please summarise the key ESG issues which are included within the corporate risk register.
& reporting
Please describe arrangements in place for monitoring and reporting ESG issues and performance to
senior management/the Board. In your response please confirm what KPIs are monitored (if any)
and how frequently reporting is undertaken and how information is collated and stored (e.g. use of
IT systems etc.?)
Do you publish an external ESG/CSR/Sustainability report or a designated section in your annual
accounts? If yes, please provide a copy.
Memberships Is the company a member of the PRI, UN Global Compact or the Institutional Investors Group on
Climate Change, or any other relevant organisation?
Invest Europe ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire for Private Equity Investors and their Portfolio Companies
Does the company have an environmental policy which sets out clear commitments and targets to
improve the company’s environmental footprint? Does this also cover climate change issues that could
be relevant to the company? Please provide details and indicate who in the organisation signs off the
policy e.g. CEO or equivalent.
How often is the policy reviewed and updated?
Please provide details of who is responsible for environmental management on a day-to-day basis
including key roles and responsibilities, if different to the above (e.g. Board member responsibility,
ESG/Sustainability manager).
Training Please provide detail of any environmental induction/training provided to staff and
senior management.
Has the company implemented an environmental management system to manage environmental
matters and has this been externally certified e.g. to ISO 14001 or equivalent standard?
Provide details of any significant projects/initiatives that have been implemented to improve
environmental performance/standards/compliance at the company; for example: waste/energy
projects that have resulted in carbon/consumption reductions as well as cost savings; enhanced
communications to improve environmental awareness.
Please confirm that the company is fully compliant with all relevant environmental permits/licences/
consents and that there have been no regulatory issues/cases of non-compliance/enforcement action
in the last three years.
Incidents/breaches Provide details of any serious incidents/regulatory breaches in the last 3 years. In your answer,
provide details of the nature of the incident, what improvements were made/lessons learnt and
whether there was any regulatory action (enforcement/prosecution/quantity of fine).
Carbon emissions/
climate change
Does the company monitor and report its carbon and/or other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions such
as methane, nitrous oxide etc.? Are you legally required to do so and how is this done? Investors
are also encouraged to consider the IIGCC/PRI “A Guide on Climate Change for PE Investors” when
assessing climate change issues.
Has the company conducted a climate change risk assessment to ascertain whether its operations
could be at risk from current/evolving climate change regulation and/or physical changes brought
about by climate change (including increased flooding, drought or other severe weather events),
for example: business disruption or damage to assets and production? If yes, please provide key
outcomes/actions from the assessments.
Resource efficiency/
What are the company’s primary energy (e.g. gas, coal, diesel, heating oil, electricity) and water
sources (river/lake or groundwater extraction, public mains) and what initiatives/plans (if any) have
been put in place to monitor, reduce consumption and improve efficiencies?
Waste management Provide details of key waste streams generated and how these are managed/disposed of, including
any particular waste management initiatives that have been implemented to minimise or reuse/
recycle wastes. In your response, please provide tonnages (if available) and confirm the method of
data collection.
Invest Europe ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire for Private Equity Investors and their Portfolio Companies
substances handling
& supply chain
Describe any chemicals/hazardous substances used or present on site, including storage and handling
arrangements (drums, tanks, aboveground/underground storage etc.). Is management aware of any
potential disruption to the supply of these e.g. through regulatory phase-out? Have there been any
spills/leaks in excess of 200 litres?
Is the company considering the use of more environmentally friendly and safer raw materials/
chemicals in the production process? How is this being addressed? Please provide details. In your
answer please provide details of any work you have done in relation to engaging with your suppliers
on this topic.
Soil and groundwater
Is the company aware of any former or current soil/groundwater contamination issues at the site(s)
and is there a need to conduct remediation and inform the local regulator? In your response please
provide details of the type of contamination and the associated costs for clean up, including status on
any remedial plans.
Please explain how the company assesses contaminated land risks in the acquisition of new assets.
Health and Safety
(H&S) Policy
Does the company have a H&S policy which is signed off by the CEO or equivalent?
Does the company have a H&S risk register and is this reviewed on a regular basis? If yes state how
often it is reviewed and by whom.
Has the company implemented a formalised H&S management system, which sets out clear
organisational responsibilities and management arrangements for implementing the H&S policy?
Has the management system been certified by a third party? Please provide a high-level overview
of the key elements of the management system.
Does the company have formal processes for undertaking workplace risk assessments, providing
communication and training to employees, and conducting audits? How often are these risk
assessments reviewed/updated?
Accidents/incidents Does the company monitor incidents/accidents? If so please provide a breakdown of statistics for
the last three years, including near misses, number of lost days, frequency rates etc.
Enforcement Has the company been subject to enforcement action by the regulators for breaches of relevant
H&S legislation in the last three years? If so please provide details of the nature of the incident,
enforcement action, fines, remedial actions and lessons learnt.
Social related claims Have you had any serious social related complaints/claims/enforcement actions over the last three
years, associated with employees or key stakeholders such as customers or suppliers? If so, please
provide details.
Invest Europe ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire for Private Equity Investors and their Portfolio Companies
Human Resources Do all employees have a formal contract of employment?
What is the minimum age of workers and contractors?
Provide details of the company’s grievance mechanism for its employees and contractors.
Please provide evidence that the company adheres to local minimum wage standards.
Does the company have any involvement in employment practices of sub-contractors? What is done
to ensure their fair and ethical treatment; are any minimum standards applied?
Does the company employ migrant workers and if so, please describe details of the processes used
to ensure minimum standards of human rights are adhered to. In your response, please detail any
associations/NGOs you are associated with in relation to migrant workers e.g. Migrants’ Rights
Network (UK).
Do you have a policy that supports anti-discrimination? If so, please provide details of your key
commitments/control measures.
Diversity Policy Does the company have a policy that supports diversity and equal opportunity? If so, please provide
details of your key commitments/control measures.
Data privacy and
Please provide details of the company’s data security policy. Have there been any breaches in cyber
security within the last three years?
Has the company implemented an IT security management system? Is it certified to the international
standard ISO 27001 for information security?
Purchasing Policy
Does the company have a responsible purchasing policy/Code of Conduct for suppliers? If so, please
provide details of this and evidence of how this is being applied/monitored.
Supply Chain Risk
Does the company conduct supply chain risk assessments involving its procurement, supply chain and
logistics departments? Please provide further details and examples of the risk assessments/strategy
implemented. Please provide examples of key issues identified and dealt with.
Invest Europe ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire for Private Equity Investors and their Portfolio Companies
Corporate governance How is corporate governance managed across the company and its operations? Please provide details
of any associated key policies.
Board structure and
How is the composition of the Board determined? Please provide details.
How is diversity taken into consideration when appointing members?
Are shareholders consulted in relation to Board composition? If so, how?
Is a member of the Board assigned responsibility for ESG/sustainability/CSR matters within the
company? If yes, please state the individual responsible and details of any relevant training.
How many of the Board are Executive Directors and Non-Executive? Please provide names/positions
of each individual.
Is there an independent Chairman of the Board?
How are issues raised by the Board communicated with management?
How many women are on the Board?
Is ESG discussed at the Board level? If so, how often does this take place and does this follow
a set agenda/terms of reference? Provide details of the key issues regularly discussed.
Is there a remuneration committee in place? Does this committee engage with the Board?
What other committees are in place e.g. Risk, Audit, ESG/sustainability/CSR? Are these championed
by a dedicated person? Please provide details.
fraud detection
What does the organisation currently do to safeguard against illegal practices? Has the organisation
had any issues in relation to illegal practices (i.e. corruption/fraud) in the past? How has this been
detected and resolved?
Please provide details of any corporate governance and/or ethical related employee claims/breaches/
enforcement/litigation action relating to issues such as anti-bribery and corruption, cases of unfair
labour practices, human rights abuses, and other malpractices. Please provide details of any
prosecution (fines, imprisonment) and corrective/improvement action post the event(s).
Invest Europe ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire for Private Equity Investors and their Portfolio Companies
Invest Europe ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire for Private Equity Investors and their Portfolio Companies
ESG Policy Does the company have a separate standalone ESG policy (i.e. in addition to an environmental or
safety policy) which provides details of your approach and commitments to management of key
ESG risks and opportunities? Please provide details.
Please describe the key commitments included within the policy e.g. compliance with regulations,
continuous improvement, training, monitoring etc.
Has the company developed an ESG improvement programme? How is this implemented?
Please detail the process you have been through to determine what key ESG topics are relevant to
your business and have therefore formed the basis of your policies. What stakeholders were engaged
in this process?
ESG Risk register Does the company have a separate ESG risk register? If yes, please provide details of key risks and
control measures.
Are specific KPIs used to monitor performance and if so please provide details of these e.g. carbon
emission, safety statistics, cases of ABC?
and member
Please provide details of any additional ESG relevant standards applied and certifications and/or
memberships held such as the application of the IFC Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines;
International Labour Standards; G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines; members of the Carbon
Disclosure Project.
ESG audit and review Are ESG processes and systems reviewed/audited either internally or externally on a regular basis
and are the results reported back to the Board? If yes, please provide details of the types/frequency
of these audits, who they are conducted by and key issues identified in the last audit.
Reputation risk
Has the company conducted an ESG risk assessment of media, stakeholders and other public sources
external to the company?
Risk & opportunity
Has an environmental risk and opportunity assessment of the company’s activities been completed?
If yes, please provide details of the key risk(s)/opportunities, control measure(s) and improvements.
Please provide a list of the key environmental permits/licences/consents which you are required to
comply with and provide an overview of what data is collected to evidence compliance.
Carbon and other
GHG emissions
Has the company conducted a baseline assessment of its carbon/GHG footprint and has it
implemented any measures to make any reductions? If yes please provide details of the emissions and
any targets/initiatives implemented.
Do you regularly engage third-party specialists to support you manage your environmental
(broader sustainability) requirements and performance? How are these contractors selected?
Invest Europe ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire for Private Equity Investors and their Portfolio Companies
Resource efficiency/
Has management considered the opportunities to generate its own sources of energy/power at its
sites? If so, please provide details of the source of energy (e.g. solar, wind) and associated energy,
carbon and cost savings.
Provide details of key findings/recommendations from any resource efficiency (e.g. energy, waste,
waster) audits completed within the last three years. Please summarise any improvement measures
and response
Please provide details of what arrangements are in place to respond to/manage any environmental
and safety incidents such as oil/chemical spills, gas leak/explosive atmospheres and other
environmental nuisances. Please indicate whether scenario testing is undertaken as part of these
and if environmental insurance cover is in place.
Product Stewardship Do you take responsibility for the environmental impacts of your products throughout their lifecycle?
For example, do you take into consideration at the end of life, the disposal options available for the
product? Are these considerations considered at product design stages? If so please provide details.
Supply Chain Is the organisation’s choice of suppliers influenced by their sustainability performance? What factors
are considered?
Financial provisions Has the company recognised any financial provisions in the accounts to address any environmental
liabilities such as contaminated land/environmental restoration and aftercare requirements/removal
of asbestos etc.? Please provide further details.
Safety Culture Has management conducted a safety culture review across the organisation? Provide details of
key findings and associated improvement actions identified from the assessment.
Modern Slavery/
Human Rights/
Child Labour
What policies and processes do you have in place to identify, assess and address risks across the
company and its supply chain with respect to human rights, labour standards and modern slavery?
Are you compliant with any local regulations relating to modern slavery, for example the Modern
Slavery Act 2015 in the UK?
Please confirm the insurance policies in place and the extent of cover with regards to employee
industrial injury claims. Please confirm the total number of open and potentially pending claims
including details of claim reserves and potential financial/legal implications.
and stakeholder
Are you involved in any community investment/stakeholder engagement activities (including
engagement with the NGO sector, if any)? If so please provide detail of the NGOs involved,
type of activities, amount of time/resources invested, level of engagement etc.
Freedom of
and Collective
What form of worker representation is there at the company? Are all staff able to share their
views and concerns?
Are workers free to join a union and engage in collective bargaining? Please provide details of the
associated unions.
Invest Europe ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire for Private Equity Investors and their Portfolio Companies
Does the organisation comply with ILO standards? Is this stated in associated HR policies etc.?
For suppliers in countries/regions that have experienced labour issues, is a policy in place to identify
such issues? Please provide details.
What steps are taken to ensure the health and safety of consumers?
Please describe any formal programmes in place to promote company involvement with the
community (volunteering, philanthropic activity, etc.). How much is invested in these projects?
Does the company have a code of ethics? Please provide details and confirmation of how this is
delivered to staff within the company.
How is compensation between individuals within the company aligned to take into consideration
performance and pay ratio?
Please provide details of the company’s corporate code of conduct. How is this delivered to staff
within the company?
Please provide details of the company’s gifts/corporate entertaining policy. How is this regulated?
Have there been any recorded breaches? Please provide details.
Does the company have an audit committee? Please provide details of its composition,
Terms of Reference and policies.
Does the company have a whistle-blowing policy? Is this service independently managed, and is it
anonymous? Is it available at all times of the year?
Who is responsible for resolving the grievances resulting from the whistle-blowing service? Are these
incidents reported to the Board?
Human resources
and International
Labour Organisation
ILO) standards
Supply Chain
Consumer Health
and Safety
Ethics in Business
Code of Conduct
Gifts policy
Audit Committee
Anti-bribery or
(ABC) Policy
Please provide details of the company’s ABC policy? How many employees have received ABC training
to date?
Does the company have a process in place to conduct ABC due diligence on new suppliers, contractors
etc.? Please provide details of the process and how it is implemented.