Paralegal Exam Structure
Includes 125 multiple choice questions.
Two 90-minute sessions with a 15-minute break in between.
Testing will begin at 8:45am and finish at 12:30pm.
Remote exam administration.
No books - This is a closed-book exam. All examinees are prohibited from using, consulting, engaging,
or otherwise interacting with any outside resource during the exam. This includes, but is not limited
to, mobile devices (including cell phones), tablets and computers (other than the one used to take the
exam), books of any kind, notes, and/or other people.
* Additional details pertaining to the examination application, administration, and purpose may be
found on the website. (
Below is a complete list of all references which were used in the creation of the examination. This list
refers to the current edition of each reference.
1. Black's Law Dictionary, 6
Pocket Edition
2. Introduction to Paralegal Studies, 6
ed., Wolters Kluwer - by Katherine A. Currier and Thomas
E. Eimermann (2017)
3. Law Office Technology: A Theory-Based Approach, 9
ed., by Douglas Lusk, Cynthia Traina
Donnes, J.D., M.A. (2023)
4. Paralegal Today: The Legal Team at Work, 8
ed., by Miller and Meinzinger (2021)
Online Resources:
5. North Carolina Administrative Code (
6. North Carolina General Statutes (
7. North Carolina Judicial Branch (
8. North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings (
9. North Carolina Register (
10. North Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct (
11. North Carolina Secretary of State (
12. North Carolina State Bar Guidelines for Use of Paralegals in Rendering Legal Services
Subject Matter
The examination tests the applicant's knowledge across various topics and paralegal skill sets, as outlined
Topic Areas
Law Coming in
June 2025
Civil Litigation
Commercial Law
Criminal Law
Estate Planning
and Admin.
Family Law
Legal Research
Legal System
1. Collaborate with attorneys to prepare for legal proceedings or
assigned tasks.
2. Interview clients or others to obtain information required for the
3. Communicate with clients, witnesses, or other professionals to
obtain information.
4. Provide information and timely periodic updates to the attorney
or client.
5. Adhere to ethical standards of the legal profession by complying
with all guidelines to protect the public’s interest.
1. Organize and maintain calendaring and practice or case
management systems to provide efficiency and ensure deadlines
are met.
2. Organize and maintain document management system to ensure
accuracy and efficiency in the delivery of legal services.
3. Prioritizing assignments to ensure efficiency in the delivery of
legal services.
1. Draft and prepare documents and other written correspondence
for attorney review, as required by the assignment.
2. Coordinate the proper execution of documents to ensure their
3. Draft and prepare form documents for use by attorneys and co-
workers to enhance efficiency and maintain consistency.
1. Evaluate and analyze information to determine what is relevant
to the client’s matter.
2. Apply proper legal analysis to the facts to suggest possible
courses of action for the attorney’s consideration.
3. Analyze the proposed courses of action with the attorney to
determine whether any will lead to an acceptable outcome for
the client.
1. Determine the applicable sources of information required to
complete the assignment.
Real Estate
2. Research primary and secondary authorities to find the law
applicable to the assignment.
3. Gather other information for the assignment by searching the
Internet; computer-based engines; and local, county, state,
federal, and international records as applicable.
Below is a list of each topic area and a sampling of material that may be covered on the
examination. This list is provided only for informational purposes and is not a
comprehensive list. There may be questions under each topic area on the exam which are
not included in the list below.
Administrative Law Coming in June 2025
Administrative law matter versus a trial court matter
Agencies versus municipalities
Purpose and powers of the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH)
Role of Administrative Law Judges (ALJ)
Adopting and amending agency rules and regulations
Differences between agency hearings and OAH hearings
OAH hearing process
Administrative Code
North Carolina Register
Civil Litigation
Types of civil actions and elements required (personal injury, breach of contract,
Rules of Civil Procedure
Rules of Evidence
Statutes of limitation and other court deadlines
Procedures for filing pleadings and motions with the court
Service of process
Answers and other responsive pleadings, including affirmative defenses
Counterclaims, crossclaims, third-party, and intervenor actions
Pre-trial, discovery, dispositive, trial, and post-trial motions
Methods of discovery (interrogatories, requests for production of documents,
requests for admission, inspections, depositions, expert disclosures, etc.)
Trial preparation and procedures
General understanding of the appellate process
Commercial Law
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) contents and application
Secretary of State purpose and functions
Differences between domestic and foreign corporations
Different types of entities and ownership
Formation of business entities
Elements of a contract
Contract negotiations
Criminal Law
Rules of Criminal Procedure
Rules of Evidence
Classification, Types, and Elements of Crimes (felonies versus misdemeanors)
Concept of criminal intent
Pre-trial procedures and motions
Statutes of limitation and other court deadlines
Trial preparation and procedures
General understanding of the appellate process
Estate Planning and Administration
Procedures of estate planning and administration
Elements and clauses in a valid will and trust
Appointment of personal representatives/guardians
Probate Process (intestate/testate)
Clerk of Superior Court’s role
Property ownership/transfer in estates
Unauthorized practice of law (UPL)
Rules of Professional Conduct
Formal Ethics Opinions
Attorney-client relationship
Protecting confidential and personally identifiable information (PII)
Requirements regarding paralegal communications
Trust account activities and obligations
Conflicts of interest
Attorney/paralegal misconduct
Family Law
Prenuptial Agreements
Marriage requirements
Absolute divorce
Divorce from bed and board
NC Child Support Guidelines
Child custody orders
Parental rights
Domestic violence and protective orders
Equitable distribution
Alimony and post-separation support
Legal Research
Primary versus secondary sources
Mandatory versus persuasive authority
Process of enacting legislation
Case law
Common law versus statutory law
Memorandums of law and case briefs
Online legal research applications
Legal Systems
State court structure
Branches of state government and their powers
Process of enacting bills
Administrative Office of the Courts
Office of Administrative Hearings
Real Estate
Real versus personal property
Types and limitations of property ownership
Leases and landlord/tenant laws
Residential real estate
Easements/restrictive covenants/assessments
Statute of frauds
Condemnation/adverse possession
Transfer of ownership
Legal descriptions
Liens affecting title
Title search
Title insurance
Recording process
Law office systems servers, networks, individual processors/laptops
Case management versus document management systems
Basic law office software word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, PDFs
Redaction methods
Mail mergers and document assembly processes
eCourts portals
Internet security and compliance
Wire fraud
Sample Questions
(Please note that sample questions were taken from previous exams and are included only as
a reference for types of questions and suggested answers. They are not intended for use as
1. Which would be considered a secondary source?
a. A North Carolina case
b. A North Carolina general statute
c. The North Carolina Constitution
d. A North Carolina law review article
How would you approach this question? Eliminate the choices that are primary
sources: statutes, cases, and constitutions. A law review or law journal article is a
secondary source. Thus, (d) is the correct answer.
2. A gift of personal property by will is called:
a. A bequest.
b. A devise.
c. An advancement.
d. A codicil.
A review of the definitions of these terms would reveal that (a) is the correct answer.
Disclaimer - All information on the examination provided above is subject to change without
notice at the discretion of the North Carolina State Bar or the Board of Paralegal