Volume 8, Number 1
Touch-N-Prep Alodine Pen Implementation At
Boeing St. Louis: Lessons Learned
Boeing-St. Louis has implemented a new method to apply chemical conversion coatings on aluminum
and aluminum alloys. This new method involves the use of an applicator pen called Touch-N-Prep
Alodine 1132, manufactured by Henkel Surface Technologies, Madison Heights, Michigan. The pen is a
special felt tip marker that contains the Alodine 1132 conversion coating solution and works like a
highlighter pen, making it very user friendly (See Figure 1). The pen has several noteworthy advantages
over the other application methods such as spray, brush, and immersion.
Conversion coatings are important and serve
several purposes. When the conversion coating
solution is applied to aluminum, it converts the
oxide on the aluminum to a chromium/aluminum
oxide. This newly formed chromium/aluminum
oxide layer provides increased corrosion
resistance and improves paint adhesion. This
oxide layer also provides a conductive corrosion
resistant film for electrical bonding and
grounding applications where low electrical
contact resistance is required.
Figure 1 - Touch-N-Prep Alodine 1132 Pen
There are two important military specifications
that are used for specifying conversion coatings.
MIL-DTL-81706 covers the requirements for the
chemical materials used in the formation of
conversion coatings by the reaction of the
material and the surfaces of aluminum and
aluminum alloys. This specification does list the
applicator pen as an option under methods of
application. MIL-C-5541 covers the requirements
for chemical conversion coatings formed by the
reaction of chemical conversion materials (MIL-
DTL-81706) and the surfaces of aluminum and
aluminum alloys. Boeing Process Specification
(PS) 13204, Conversion Coating, Brush and
Spray, is also important. This specification
establishes the requirements and procedures for
conversion coating metal substrates with
chemical conversion materials in accordance with
MIL-C-5541. PS 13204 has recently been
revised, and is approved, to add the Touch-N-
Prep Alodine 1132 pens as an option to apply
conversion coating solution.
The Touch-N-Prep pens have the distinct
advantage of a 24-month shelf life over all other
methods of applying conversion coating per PS
13204. Conversion coating application methods
such as spray, brush, and immersion typically
have a 12-month shelf life. However, when a
thickening agent, Cab-O-Sil, is added to the
conversion coating solution to create a
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thixotropic solution, (the Cab-O-Sil material
increases the viscosity of the solution and
minimizes dripping and flow when applying the
conversion coating solution to surfaces oriented
in a vertical position), the shelf life is only 21
Other advantages for using the Touch-N-Prep
pens include: reduced operator exposure to the
conversion coating solution, logistics advantages
such as in field repair to aircraft, reduced labor
time, and the elimination of hazardous waste
being generated. This elimination of hazardous
waste and reduced labor are significant
advantages. Even though the Touch-N-Prep pens
cost more than the old brush-on method, a cost
savings analysis estimate showed an approximate
savings of $250,000 for the first year of pen
usage at Boeing St. Louis.
The other methods of applying conversion
coating solution require excess solution to be
rinsed off with water and blotted up with a cloth
because it contains hazardous chromic acid. The
brushes and the cloths must then be disposed of
as a hazardous waste because they contain a
chromium compound. The rinse water is also
considered a hazardous waste and must be treated
as such. Applying conversion coatings using the
Touch-N-Prep pens does NOT require any
rinsing or wiping. The solution simply dries in
place. Therefore, there are no brushes, rinse
water, or cloths, which need to be disposed (See
Figure 2).
Alodine 1132 is similar to the other conversion
coating materials because it contains chromates,
which are hazardous materials. Therefore, proper
precautions, such as the use of appropriate
personal protective equipment, need to be taken
in order to ensure operator exposure to such
hazardous materials is minimized. Applying
conversion coating solution with the Touch-N-
Prep pens helps reduce and eliminate some of the
concerns in regard to operator exposure to
hazardous materials. The operator does not have
to worry about dripping solution, even when
applying conversion coating overhead (See
Figure 3). There are no contaminated cloths,
brushes, or rinse water which can expose the
operator to the chromic acid. The pens are very
efficient at applying the proper amount of
conversion coating solution, which results in
reduced amounts of conversion coating being
used and a minimal amount being wasted.
To aid in the implementation of the Touch-N-
Prep pens and educate the production floor
operators on proper pen usage, Boeing-St. Louis
Environmental Assurance conducted training
classes. As part of the training, an actual
demonstration of how the pen works was given to
the floor operators, as an aluminum test panel
was conversion coated using the Touch-N-Prep
pen. This class provided an excellent opportunity
for the operators to ask questions and express
their concerns about the process and pen. A tip
sheet was also handed out to each operator. This
tip sheet is a training aid that shows the step-by-
step process in which an aluminum surface is to
be cleaned, deoxidized, and conversion coated
with the Alodine 1132 pens. Approximately 1000
production floor operators received this training.
Figure 2 - Applying Alodine 1132 with Touch-N-Prep
Pen to Restore Coating on Repair Area
The feedback and comments of the operators in
regard to the training class are as follows:
“The tip sheets are good and increase operator
“Shelf life of 24 months is great…”
“Elimination of rinsing and wiping is a big
“The Touch-N-Prep pen provides me with more
accuracy because the coating does not run or
drip onto adjacent surfaces…”
The following are some typical questions from
the operators with answers given during the
training classes:
“The color of the coating is not as deep as the
other processes, is this acceptable?”
Color is no indication of how a conversion coat
will perform, a light brown color is acceptable
per PS 13204.
“There are streak/overlap marks on the test
panel, is this cause for rejection?”
Color shades, lines or coating overlap marks are
acceptable per PS 13204.
Figure 3 - Operator Applying Conversion Coating
Overhead with Touch-N-Prep Pen
“Are the Touch-N-Prep pens a replacement for
the other methods, or can we still brush or spray
the alodine material?”
The Touch-N-Prep pens are not a replacement,
but offer an option to apply conversion coat per
PS 13204.
“What is the dry time, how soon can we apply
paint (primer/topcoat) to the Alodine?”
Dry time is usually 5 minutes or less, and paint
coatings can be applied after this time.
“Can we use the Touch-N-Prep pens for
electrical bond applications?”
The Touch-N-Prep pens are approved per MIL-
DTL-81706, Class 3, for protection against
corrosion where low electrical resistance is
“Do we have to apply two coats of conversion
No, two coats are not a requirement, but two
coats are recommended as to provide maximum
corrosion protection.
“What about confined and restrictive areas, how
do we get the felt tip marker in such areas?”
The felt tip on the Touch-N-Prep pen can be
trimmed to fit small areas.
Feedback was also obtained from the floor
operators after one month of using the Touch-N-
Prep pens. Some of the feedback comments are as
“The Touch-N-Prep pens are great, no rinsing
and wiping and thus no waste to get rid of…”
“The conversion coating does not migrate and
get on surrounding areas; the Touch-N-Prep
pens are easy to use...”
“Using the Touch-N-Prep pen saves me time
and makes my job a lot easier...”
“It’s nice to be able to use the Touch-N-Prep
pens when working overhead, and not worry
about alodine dripping on me…”
“I wish I could use the Touch-N-Prep pen on
titanium, and also on stainless steel…” NOTE:
Alodine 1132 is only allowed to conversion coat
aluminum at this time.
The implementation of the Touch-N-Prep pens
here in St. Louis is proving to be beneficial.
These pens are a good alternative to reduce
chromium exposure and waste. There are some
issues to be addressed, but with the continued
effort and support of Environmental Assurance
and the vendor, Henkel Surface Technologies,
these issues will be resolved.
For additional information or questions concerning
the use of Touch-N-Prep Alodine 1132 pens, contact
George S Giulvezan Jr. at 314-234-6213, or E-mail
or Steve Gaydos at
314-233-3451, or E-mail
States Are Determining New Ozone Non-attainment Areas Now
In December 2002, state governors received
letters from the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency asking each state to determine those
areas that fail to meet a new, more stringent,
ambient air quality standard for ozone. The new
“8-hour ozone standard” is based on an 8-hour
averaging time. The new 85-part per billion limit
is more difficult to meet than the earlier one hour
standard of 125 ppb. Some areas that achieved
the old standard are not meeting the new
standard. Newly designated non-attainment areas
are likely to face future emission controls on
volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides
that were not previously required.
Recent data indicate that 291 U.S. counties have
air quality monitors that exceed the 8-hour ozone
standard. States will not simply declare non-
attainment area boundaries based on monitoring
data, however. EPA guidance directs the states to
consider boundaries based on Metropolitan
Statistical Areas or Consolidated Metropolitan
Statistical Areas (C/SMAs). The C/SMAs are
Census Bureau boundaries that often include
multiple counties in and near urban areas. From
the EPA’s perspective, C/SMA boundaries are
the presumptive non-attainment area boundaries
for the 8-hour ozone standard. States may,
however, propose non-attainment areas larger or
smaller than the C/SMA. If a state believes that
areas outside the C/SMA contribute significantly
to urban ozone levels, or will do so in the future,
the state may create a non-attainment area larger
than the C/SMA. On the other hand, if some
areas of the C/SMA are topographically isolated,
rural, and have low stationary and mobile source
emissions, the state may propose to exclude them
from the non-attainment area.
Future emission control requirements will be
more stringent within the non-attainment area
than outside it. As a result, non-attainment
boundary decisions generate great concern and
interest and by state and local officials,
environmental advocates, industrial and military
facilities, and exurban commuters who may face
new vehicle inspection requirements, clean fuel
costs, etc. Many states are now engaged in
stakeholder meetings or public hearings to
determine what the boundaries will be. State and
local non-attainment designations are due to the
EPA in April 2003. EPA will review the
proposed designations, seek public comment, and
approve or disapprove them by April 2004. In
the meantime, EPA will complete rulemaking to
determine what emission control strategies will
be required for 8-hour non-attainment areas. SIPs
(State Implementation Plans) for achieving the 8-
hour ozone standard will be due to EPA around
2007, though many states are already engaging
the industrial community and citizens in efforts to
achieve earlier emission reductions.
For additional information, contact Dave Shanks at
314-234- 4351, or E-mail [email protected]
Your comments are Important to us! Contact Paul Rempes at (314) 233-1541 or e-mail: [email protected]
Archived issues are located on the Boeing Intranet at: http://engmil.stl.mo.boeing.com/engmil/ea/
For questions regarding access, call Craig Scott at (314) 234-1736, e-mail: craig.w.scot[email protected]