English Language
Proficiency Guide
March 2024 Version
1 English Language Proficiency Compliance .............................................................................................................. 6
1.1 English Language Proficiency Compliance Office .......................................................................................... 6
1.2 Directory Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 General Contacts.................................................................................................................................................. 7
2 International Graduate Students ................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 Classification ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Admissions ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
Graduate Admissions Processing .............................................................................................................. 8
Items Required by the Admissions Office for English Language Proficiency ..................................... 9
Admission Evaluation Tools ...................................................................................................................... 12
Special Circumstances .............................................................................................................................. 13
2.3 Registration ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.4 On-Campus Employment of International Graduate Students .................................................................... 14
2.5 International Student and Scholar Services ................................................................................................... 15
3 Admission and Registration Requirements ............................................................................................................ 16
3.1 English Language Proficiency Requirement for Admissions ....................................................................... 16
Degrees Completed at Accredited Academic Institutions in the United States ................................ 16
Standardized English Language Examinations ..................................................................................... 16
English Language Proficiency Requirement Waivers for Admissions ............................................... 18
3.2 English Language Proficiency Verification for Registration ......................................................................... 18
Verification during Admissions ................................................................................................................. 18
Alternative Verification ............................................................................................................................... 19
3.3 Non-Degree Status International Students..................................................................................................... 20
3.4 English Language Proficiency Status Codes ................................................................................................. 20
4 Employment Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1 Graduate Assistantships ................................................................................................................................... 22
Graduate Assistantship Requirements ................................................................................................... 22
Types of Graduate Assistantships ........................................................................................................... 22
Registration Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 24
4.2 English Language Proficiency Certification for Teaching ............................................................................. 25
English Language Proficiency Certification Levels ............................................................................... 25
Certification during Admissions ................................................................................................................ 26
Test Scores Accepted for Demonstration of English Language Proficiency Certification ............... 26
Alternative Certification .............................................................................................................................. 27
4.3 Emergency Deferral of English Language Proficiency Certification ........................................................... 28
Acceptable Justifications for Emergency Deferral of the Certification Requirement ....................... 28
Assigned Faculty Supervision .................................................................................................................. 29
Center for Teaching Excellence-English Language Proficiency Program Requirement ................. 29
Emergency Deferral Request Form ......................................................................................................... 29
Expiration of Emergency Deferral ............................................................................................................ 29
4.4 English Language Proficiency Status Codes ................................................................................................. 30
4.5 English Language Proficiency Certification Compliance Procedures ........................................................ 31
Pre-Semester English Language Proficiency Requirement Notification ............................................ 31
English Language Profiency Compliance Audit ..................................................................................... 31
5 Graduate Assistant Training and Support .............................................................................................................. 32
5.1 English Language Proficiency Examination ................................................................................................... 32
Testing Services ......................................................................................................................................... 32
English Language Proficiency Examination Administration and Rules .............................................. 32
ELPE for International Graduate Students Serving in Teaching Positions ....................................... 34
Testing During the Semester .................................................................................................................... 34
ELPE Retesting .......................................................................................................................................... 34
5.2 Center for Teaching Excellence-English Language Proficiency Program ................................................. 34
Teaching Assistant English Language Proficiency Questionnaire ..................................................... 35
CTE-ELP Registration and Programming ............................................................................................... 35
Progress Assessment and Re-Testing for Certification........................................................................ 40
5.3 New Teaching Assistant Training Requirements .......................................................................................... 40
ELP Practice Group for Instructors .......................................................................................................... 40
5.4 Teaching Assistant Evaluation ......................................................................................................................... 40
6 Administrative Services ............................................................................................................................................. 41
6.1 Authorized Signers Form .................................................................................................................................. 41
6.2 GradAdvisors LISTSERV .................................................................................................................................. 41
Subscribing to the Listserv ........................................................................................................................ 41
Unsubscribing to the Listserv ................................................................................................................... 41
6.3 Department Access to Graduate and Professional School Documents in TAMUDocs........................... 42
6.4 Compass .............................................................................................................................................................. 43
Compass Access ........................................................................................................................................ 43
Compass Screens ...................................................................................................................................... 44
English Language Proficiency Compass Reports ................................................................................. 50
7 Graduate and Professional School Forms ............................................................................................................. 52
7.1 Authorized Signers Form .................................................................................................................................. 52
7.2 Alternative Verification Request Form ............................................................................................................ 53
7.3 Alternative Certification Request Form ........................................................................................................... 54
7.4 Emergency Deferral Request Form ................................................................................................................. 55
English Language Proficiency Compliance English Language Proficiency Compliance Office
The Graduate and Professional School advocates for continual improvement in graduate education at Texas A&M
University. We aim to provide customer-friendly, accurate, and timely support services to graduate and professional
students, faculty, and staff.
The English Language Proficiency Compliance Office in the Graduate and Professional School maintains and coordinates
English Language Proficiency Requirements at Texas A&M University; provides support and guidance to students,
faculty, and staff; and monitors instructional compliance with university policy and state law.
Dr. Fuhui Tong FuhuiTon[email protected]
Interim Associate Provost and Dean, Graduate and Professional School
Erika Brigham Erika.Bri[email protected]
Assistant to the Associate Provost and Dean, Graduate and Professional School
Dr. Charles Criscione CCriscione@tamu.edu
Associate Dean, Graduate and Professional School
Mark C. Gleason Mar[email protected]
Coordinator, English Language Proficiency Compliance Office
Kim Widdison K-Wid[email protected]
Senior Graduate Records Coordinator, Graduate and Professional School
Catherine Roueche-Herdman CatherineRH@tamu.edu
Director, Graduate Admissions Processing
Ginessa Payne GLa[email protected]
Senior Instructional Consultant, Center for Teaching Excellence
Michele Vick MicheleVi[email protected]
Instructional Consultant, Center for Teaching Excellence
English Language Proficiency Compliance General Contacts
Theresa McCallister [email protected]
Administrative Coordinator, Testing Services
English Language Proficiency Compliance Office [email protected]
Graduate and Professional School [email protected]
Graduate Records Processing Team GradProc[email protected]
Data Team Grad[email protected]
Graduate Ombuds Officer [email protected]
Graduate Student Employment and Benefits Grad-[email protected]
Center for Teaching Excellence [email protected]
Center for Teaching Excellence-English Language Proficiency [email protected]u
Testing Services Tes[email protected]
International Graduate Students Classification
Texas A&M University defines an international graduate student as any applicant who
is not a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States (or applicant for permanent residency), and
has not graduated from a Texas high school after three years in residency within the state (please review Texas
SB 1528), and
holds a Bachelor’s or professional degree (or equivalent).
While most international students have F-1 or J-1 immigration status, there are international students enrolled at Texas
A&M in many other immigration statuses as well.
For admission, international graduate students must meet the university and admitting academic unit’s minimum
requirement for demonstration of English Language Proficiency (ELP). Proof of English language proficiency is
demonstrated by citizenship with an English-speaking country, achieving a minimum required score on an acceptable
standardized examination, or alternative means.
Graduate Admissions Processing
Mailing Addresses
Office of Graduate Admissions
Texas A&M University
P.O. Box 40001
College Station, TX 77842-4001
Physical Address for Express Mail
Office of Admissions Texas A&M University
General Services Complex
750 Agronomy Road, Suite 1601
0200 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-0200
Physical Location
The General Services Complex is on the corner of Agronomy Rd and F & B, just down from the Physical Plant.
General Phone
International Graduate Students Admissions
Graduate program staff are encouraged to contact their Admissions liaison for more efficient assistance.
General Website
Items Required by the Admissions Office for English Language Proficiency
In addition to the general application materials, international graduate students must demonstrate English Language
Proficiency during the application and admission process. Official Transcripts
All students must submit official transcripts from every senior-level college/university attended (not required from
community colleges unless requested by the specific program). Transcripts issued in a language other than English must
be accompanied by an official English translation. Academic credentials from China must be verified by the Center for
Student Services and Development (CSSD) and the China Academic Degree and Graduate Information Center (CDGDC).
A Bachelor’s degree for which all coursework was completed at an accredited institution in the United States will meet
the university’s ELP Requirement for admission, is eligible for Alternative Verification to meet the ELP Requirement for
registration, and eligible for Alternative Certification to meet the ELP Requirement for teaching assignments.
A Bachelor’s degree received from, but not all coursework completed at, an accredited institution in the United States
will meet the university’s ELP Requirement for admission, is eligible for Alternative Verification to meet the ELP
Requirement for registration, but is not eligible for Alternative Certification to meet the ELP Requirement for teaching
A Master’s degree received from an accredited institution in the United States will meet the university’s ELP
Requirement for admission, is eligible for Alternative Verification to meet the ELP Requirement for registrations, but is
not eligible for Alternative Certification to meet the ELP Requirement for teaching assignments.
Official transcripts must be received by the Office of Admissions and entered into Compass before Alternative
Verification or Certification can be processed by the Graduate and Professional School following completion of the
admission process (see Section or below). Official Test Scores
Official test scores must be reported directly to Texas A&M by the testing agency to be considered official.
The University accepts the following standardized examinations for the purposes of admission and ELP Verification:
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Essentials and iBT
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) [Academic]
Graduate Record Examinations (GRE)
Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
The university accepts the following standardized examinations for the purposes of ELP Certification:
International Graduate Students Admissions
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Essentials and iBT
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
English Language Proficiency Examination (ELPE)
To report TOEFL scores, use code
B887 for reporting scores to Engineering programs (EngineeringCAS)
B888 for reporting scores to Business programs (BusinessCAS)
6003 for reporting scores to Texas A&M University (GraduateCAS)
To report IELTS scores, Texas A&M University only accepts scores submitted electronically by the IELTS testing center (no
paper forms will be accepted). The student must contact the testing center and request that scores be sent
electronically to “Texas A&M University (College Station and Galveston).”
To report GRE scores, use code
4119 for reporting scores to Engineering programs (EngineeringCAS)
6003 for reporting scores to Texas A&M University (GraduateCAS)
Official test scores must be received by the Office of Admissions and entered into Compass.
Scores which meet the university minimum requirements for ELP Verification or Certification will automatically update
the student’s ELP status and remove an ELP hold. (See Sections and 4.2.3 below for required scores.)
For more information about acceptable English language examinations or how to submit scores, see the International
Graduate webpage on the Office of Admissions website. International Graduate Students from English Speaking Countries
International students holding citizenship with one of the following countries are exempt from the ELP Requirement for
American Samoa
Antigua and Barbuda
British Virgin Islands
Canada (except Quebec)
Cayman Islands
Federated States of Micronesia
New Zealand
Saint Kitts and Nevis
International Graduate Students Admissions
Saint Lucia
Trinidad and Tobago
Turks and Caicos Islands
United Kingdom
International Graduate Students Admissions
The above list is available on the International Graduate webpage on the Office of Admissions website.
Admission Evaluation Tools WebAdMIT
WebAdMIT is the application review portal provided within the respective CAS and includes functions such as
customizable review assignments, scoring models, and email templates. Admission decisions are provided in WebAdMIT
and downloaded to Compass by EIS. WebAdMIT is integrated with Texas A&M’s Central Authentication Service, and
users may access production (current) WebAdMIT via the Employee tab in Howdy using their NetID. Access to prelaunch
WebAdMIT requires a separate log in and password. Email your Graduate Admissions Liaison to gain access to
Current WebAdMIT: https://current.webadmit.org
Prelaunch WebAdMIT: https://prelaunch.webadmit.org
Admissions hosts a monthly meeting for the TAMU GradCAS Department Admins on the first Thursday of the month.
Minutes from prior meetings and recordings of previous WebAdMIT trainings can be found in the TAMU Google Shared
Drive. Email your Graduate Admissions Liaison for access. Graduate Tracking Report and Decision Codes
The Graduate Tracking Report is a useful tool for the admission process. This report will provide a comprehensive list by
program of all applicants who have received an admission decision within WebAdMIT. Please refer to these decision
codes to learn which applicants have accepted the offer of admission:
RF = applicant has not accepted the offer OR Admissions has not yet processed the acceptance (CONF)
AF = offer has been accepted and applicant is admitted
CF = offer/admission is cancelled
DG = applicant was denied admission
SD = applicant should contact the Office of Admissions to resolve an issue preventing admission
An updated report is available in both PDF and CSV format every day through Compass Reports on the Employee Tab of
the Howdy Portal. This report will display the admission decision, test scores, and international and/or sponsored status.
Please contact your liaison in the Admissions Office if you have any questions about this report or do not see it in
Compass Reports. TAMUDocs
TAMUDocs (also known as Perceptive or ImageNow) is the admission document database. Application documents
(excluding letters of recommendation) for admitted students will be imported to TAMUDocs from WebAdMIT. The
Training Manual for TAMUDocs can be found at https://tamudocs.tamu.edu under the Training tab.
To request access to TAMUDocs, send an email to TAMUDocs-Admissions@tamu.edu with the following information:
Last Name:
International Graduate Students Admissions
First Name:
Email address:
Phone number:
UIN: Uploaded Transcripts
Graduate applicants may upload transcripts in the CAS utilized for admission, or via the Applicant Information System
(AIS) after an admission decision has been provided.
Admitted applicants must submit official transcripts to replace uploaded transcripts prior to initial registration. Applicant Information System
The Applicant Information System (AIS) is the primary method of communication between the Office of Admissions and
applicants. Application data is populated in AIS the day after Admissions Application (SAAADMS) is created and a UIN is
assigned. AIS generates the Application Acknowledgment letter with UIN and instructions on creating a NetID to access
Howdy and view the admission decisions. AIS will send the Application Acknowledgement letter (by email) every three
days for two weeks if the applicant does not log in to AIS. After two weeks, emails will cease and a paper version is
Special Circumstances English Language Proficiency Requirement Waiver Requests for Admissions
Under special circumstances, an international graduate student may not be able to meet the ELP Requirement necessary
to complete the admission process. In this instance, the academic unit may request an ELP Requirement Waiver for
Admission. Approval of the request will allow for completion of the admission process, but does not provide ELP
Verification as required for registration (see Section 2.3 below).
Requests may be submitted in the form of a memorandum
from and signed by the College/School Dean, Department Head, or interdisciplinary degree program Chair;
routed through the appropriate College/School Graduate Operations Committee Dean; and
addressed to the Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate and Professional School.
The memo must include an explanation as to why the student does not currently meet the ELP Requirement (expired
standardized test scores, pending conferral of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, etc.) and how the student will attain ELP
Verification following admission to the university (retake of a standardized English language exam, receipt of a
Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, etc.).
International Graduate Students Registration
These memoranda must be submitted to ELPCompli[email protected] for timely review. Upon approval, the Graduate
and Professional School will forward the signed request to the Office of Admissions.
Approval of the ELP Waiver will allow for completion of admission to the university only. The student will still be
required to attain ELP Verification in order to register for courses following completion of the admission process (see
Section 5.2 below). Admission without Final Transcript or Diploma
Applicants admitted with a final transcript or diploma (degree statement) pending will be required to submit the missing
credential during their first semester of enrollment. Failure to submit the required credentials to the Admissions Office
during the first semester of enrollment will result in a registration hold for subsequent semesters.
Registration holds for initial registration will not be removed until official (not uploaded) transcripts are provided to the
Office of Admissions. These do not need to be final transcripts, but should replace the uploaded transcripts used to
review for admission.
Contact: Office of Admissions Admissions@tamu.edu or 979-845-1060
To register for courses at Texas A&M University, international graduate students are required to attain ELP Verification
(see Section 3.2 below).
Please reference Student Rules 1.18 to 1.20 for more information about Registration and Change in Schedule
It is strongly encouraged to subscribe to the Office of the Registrar listserv in order to receive general information,
updates, and reminders from our office. See Office of the Registrar Listserv (http://registrar.tamu.edu/About-Us/Office-
of-the-Registrar-Listserv) for more information about how to join.
Contact: Office of the Registrar https://registrar.tamu.edu/
For eligibility to hold a graduate assistantship with instructional or curricular support responsibilities, Texas State law
(Education Code, Section 51-917) and Texas A&M University (https://grad.tamu.edu/academics/academic-success-
resources/elp) requires international graduate students to achieve ELP Certification. The Division of Human Resources
and Organizational Effectiveness (HROE) at Texas A&M requires prospective or current international students hired for
assistantships that carry teaching responsibilities to meet English Language Proficiency (see Section 4.2 below):
Eligibility (Level 1 Certification);
Conditional Eligibility (Level 2) for one semester only; or
Verification (Level 3) with an approved Emergency Deferral for one semester only before the date of hire.
International Graduate Students International Student and Scholar Services
Proof of English language proficiency for Certification is demonstrated by achieving a minimum required score on an
acceptable standardized examination or alternative means (see Section 4.2.3 below).
Students on F-1 or J-1 status are limited to 20 hours per week of on-campus employment during the Fall and Spring
semesters. Students may work more than 20 hours per week in the Summer or University Break periods.
Eligibility for on-campus employment automatically ends if a student graduates, if their I-20/DS-2019 expires, or if they
violate their status. If a student exceeds 20 hours per week of on-campus employment during a Fall or Spring semester,
or if a student continues to work on-campus after their eligibility to do so expires, they may lose legal status.
Students who receive funding assistance from Texas A&M University are urged to work with their academic units to
better understand their aid package.
Contact: Division of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness Grad-Employme[email protected]
International Student and Scholar Services ISSS@tamu.edu or 979-845-1824
International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) supports international students and their families as they navigate the
United States immigration system. ISSS educates on policies and regulations and provides programs to enhance the
student experience. ISSS provides resources to students on adjusting to life in the United States and the local
community, coordinates and presents workshops on various subjects such as work authorization and taxes, and
manages compliance with the Texas A&M System mandatory health insurance requirement for F-1 and J-1 students.
All international students, regardless of immigration status, are required to complete an online check-in with ISSS prior
to their first academic term of enrollment at Texas A&M. Additional information about the ISSS check-in requirement
can be found at https://global.tamu.edu/isss/ under “New Students.”
All international students are strongly encouraged to review the ISSS online New International Student Orientation to
learn about the various Texas A&M campuses, F-1 and J-1 immigration status requirements and benefits, health and
safety tips, numerous campus and community resources, and even the Aggie Network.
Contact: International Student and Scholar Services ISSS@tamu.edu or 979-845-1824
Admission and Registration Requirements English Language Proficiency Requirement for Admissions
All international graduate students whose native language is not English must meet Texas A&M University’s minimum
English language proficiency standards.
To achieve admission and register for courses at Texas A&M University, international graduate students must attain
English Language Proficiency (ELP) Verification.
For eligibility to hold a graduate assistantships with instructional or curricular support responsibilities (such as Graduate
Assistant-Teaching, Assistant-Lecturing, etc.), international graduate students must achieve ELP Certification (see
Section 4.2 below).
The ELP status for all international graduate students is available in Compass (see Section 6.4 below).
All international students are required to submit proof of English language proficiency for admission to Texas A&M
University (see Section above).
Proof of English language proficiency is demonstrated by completion of a tertiary degree at an accredited academic
institution within the United States, citizenship with an English-speaking country, or achieving a minimum required score
on an acceptable standardized examination.
Degrees Completed at Accredited Academic Institutions in the United States
A completed Bachelor’s or Master’s degree received from an accredited institution in the United States will meet the
university’s ELP Requirement for admissions. Transcripts must be provided during the application process for evaluation
(see Section above).
Degrees in progress will not satisfy the ELP Requirement for admissions and so the academic unit may be required to
submit an ELP Requirement Waiver for Admissions (see Section 3.1.3 below).
Standardized English Language Examinations
The university accepts the following standardized examinations for the purposes of admission:
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Essentials and iBT
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) [Academic]
Graduate Record Examinations (GRE)
Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) Test Scores Accepted for Demonstration of English Language Proficiency
The following global standardized examination scores are acceptable to demonstrate English language proficiency during
the application and admission process:
a TOEFL iBT score of at least 80;
Admission and Registration Requirements English Language Proficiency Requirement for Admissions
a minimum TOEFL Essentials score of 8.5;
an IELTS score of at least 6.0;
a GRE Verbal Reasoning score of at least 146; or
a GMAT Verbal score of at least 22.
Academic units may establish testing standards that exceed the university’s minimum score for admission to their
Scores from TOEFL iBT, TOEFL Essentials, or IELTS examinations administered more than two years before submission of
the admissions application are not eligible for use. Tests should be taken at least eight weeks prior to the appropriate
application deadline to ensure timely receipt and processing of results. Submission of Scores for English Language Proficiency
Test scores must be sent directly from the testing service to be considered official.
To report TOEFL scores, use code
B887 for reporting scores to Engineering programs (EngineeringCAS)
B888 for reporting scores to Business programs (BusinessCAS)
6003 for reporting scores to Texas A&M University (GraduateCAS)
To report IELTS scores, Texas A&M University only accepts scores submitted electronically by the IELTS testing center (no
paper forms will be accepted). The student must contact the testing center and request that scores be sent
electronically to “Texas A&M University (College Station and Galveston).”
To report GRE scores, use code
4119 for reporting scores to Engineering programs (EngineeringCAS)
6003 for reporting scores to Texas A&M University (GraduateCAS)
For more information about acceptable English language examinations or how to submit scores, see the International
Graduate webpage on the Office of Admissions website. IELTS One-Skill Retake
The IELTS One Skill Retake provides test-takers with the option to retake any one section of the IELTS exam instead of
being required to retake all four sections. The One Skill Retake is available if
the individual has completed a full test at a center that offers IELTS One Skill Retake;
the full test was an IELTS computer test; and
the individual sits for the IELTS One Skill Retake within sixty (60) days of the full IELTS exam.
As of Spring 2024, Texas A&M University will accept results of the IELTS One-Skill Retake; however, the Office of
Admissions does not yet have the ability to receive and enter a score attain through this exam. As a temporary process:
Admission and Registration Requirements English Language Proficiency Verification for Registration
The academic unit must submit an Alternative Verification or Certification Request Form (see Sections or below) and include a copy of the IELTS One Skill Retake score report
The Graduate and Professional School will request the Office of Admissions to confirm the validity of the score
Upon receipt of confirmation from the Office of Admissions, the Graduate and Professional School will approve
and process the Alternative Verification or Certification Request and update the student’s ELP status.
English Language Proficiency Requirement Waivers for Admissions
Under special circumstances, an international graduate student may not be able to meet the ELP Requirement necessary
to complete the admissions process. In this instance, the academic unit may request an ELP Requirement Waiver for
Admission. Approval of the request will allow for completion of the admission process, but does not provide ELP
Verification as required for registration (see Section 3.2 below).
Requests may be submitted in the form of a memorandum
from and signed by the College/School Dean, Department Head, or interdisciplinary degree program Chair;
routed through the appropriate College/School Graduate Operations Committee Dean; and
addressed to the Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate and Professional School.
The memo must include
an explanation as to why the student does not currently meet the ELP Requirement (expired standardized test
scores, pending conferral of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, etc.) and
how the student will attain ELP Verification following admission to the university (retake of a standardized
English language exam, receipt of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, etc.).
These memoranda must be submitted to ELPCompli[email protected] for timely review. Upon approval, the Graduate
and Professional School will forward the signed request to the Office of Admissions.
Approval of the ELP waiver will allow for completion of admission to the university only. The student will still be required
to attain ELP Verification in order to register for courses following completion of the admission process.
All international students are required to obtain English Language Proficiency Verification to register for courses at Texas
A&M University.
Proof of English language proficiency is demonstrated by citizenship with an English-speaking country, achieving a
minimum required score on an acceptable standardized examination, or alternative means.
Verification during Admissions
ELP Verification may have been obtained during the admissions process through citizenship with an English-speaking
country or achieving a minimum required score on an acceptable standardized examination (see Section 3.1 above).
Admission and Registration Requirements English Language Proficiency Verification for Registration
19 International Graduate Students from English Speaking Countries
International graduate students holding citizenship with an approved English-speaking country (see Section
above) will automatically receive ELP Verification during the admission process. Standardized English Language Examinations
If the student submitted scores from a standardized English language examination which met the minimum required for
admission to the university (see Section above), the student will automatically receive ELP Verification during the
admission process.
Alternative Verification
Alternative Verification may be acquired, following completion of the admissions process, from the Graduate and
Professional School via request submitted by colleges/schools, departments, or interdisciplinary degree programs.
Alternative Verification indicates that an international student meets the ELP Verification Requirement through means
other than citizenship or the acceptable test scores. Acceptable Justifications for Alternative Verification
The Graduate and Professional School accepts the following justifications for an international student’s Alternative
receipt of a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited academic institution located within the United States; or
receipt of a Master’s degree from an accredited academic institution located within the United States; or
the international student qualifies for Alternative Verification by other means.
For Alternative Verification Requests based upon a Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees, the Office of Admissions must have
received and entered official transcript(s) into the student’s record on Compass as noted on the Prior College Summary
(SOAPCOQ) screen in the “Degree Date” column (see Section 6.4.3 below). Alternative Verification Request Form
Requests for Alternative Verification should be submitted by use of the Alternative Verification Request Form (see
Section 7.2 below). Please include the student’s name and UIN. The form must be signed by a faculty approver
designated on the academic unit’s Authorized Signers Form (see Section 6.1 below).
The student should provide the academic unit with documentation to support the Alternative Verification.
Please indicate the justification on which the Alternative Verification Request is based, and provide any relevant
documentation to support the request with the form. The Alternative Verification Request must be submitted by the
academic unit to EL[email protected].
The Graduate and Professional School will determine whether to grant Alternative Verification Requests on a case-by-
case basis.
Admission and Registration Requirements Non-Degree Status International Students
Post baccalaureate non-degree status students (G6 classification) must meet the ELP Requirement unless the student
falls within one of the following categories:
A post-baccalaureate non-degree status international student admitted to Texas A&M under an approved
agreement or contract (e.g., MOU, LOU, MOA) which outlines specific terms for postponement of the English
Language Proficiency Requirements for the duration of the non-degree program. For this category, the student’s
department must request, in writing, the postponement through the Graduate and Professional School. The
Graduate and Professional School will also need a copy of the agreement/contract.
A reciprocal educational exchange program student admitted to Texas A&M through the Education Abroad
Office. For this category, postponement of the English Language Proficiency requirement for the duration of the
reciprocal educational exchange program will be handled by the Office of Admissions. Please contact Education
Abroad for additional information about this type of student.
International graduate students are assigned an ELP status code in Compass that can be used to determine their
eligibility to register for courses. Graduate advisers can access these codes via the Howdy portal or in Compass on the
Academic Non-Course (SHANCRS) screen.
All students with the following ELP status codes are eligible to register for courses:
ZV: Level 3 Verified
ZW: Alternatively Verified
ZD: Conditionally Certified through Emergency Deferral
ZT: Conditional Eligibility Expired
ZE: Native English Speaker
Z2: Level 2 Conditionally Certified
Z1: Level 1 Certified
ZA: Alternatively Certified
ZZ: English Language Proficiency Not Required
Students with an ELP status code of ZN (not verified) are prevented from registering for courses.
Graduate advisers can check the ELP status codes of their students by downloading a report through the Howdy portal.
After logging in to Howdy, simply select “Reports” from the main header at the top of the page. To view the ELP status
codes of your students, select the report that contains your college’s code in the report title (see Section 6.4.4 below).
Admission and Registration Requirements English Language Proficiency Status Codes
Employment Requirements Graduate Assistantships
Graduate and professional students have a variety of options for employment at Texas A&M University. A graduate
assistantship (GA) is a part-time, paid position generally working in research, teaching, or administrative support role
related to the student’s field of study. Graduate assistantships may cover tuition and fees, offer benefits and eligibility
for non-resident tuition waivers. They are generally offered by academic departments along with an offer of admission
on the basis of scholastic accomplishment, academic promise, and competence.
Graduate Assistantship Requirements
Graduate assistantships are for doctoral- or master’s-degree-seeking students who are open to gaining experience
through research, teaching, or administrative work. Students who are employed on an assistantship will be required to
work twenty (20) hours per week on average while completing their degree. The university does not mandate
assistantships be terminated upon failure to maintain enrollment requirements after the census date; however,
assistantships may be terminated by the employer upon failure to maintain the minimum enrollment requirement.
The Graduate Assistant Position Requirements/Benefits table can be found at
International Students employed at any percentage of graduate student title code GAL (see below) or GAT (see below) must meet the ELP Certification Requirement (see Section 4.2 below). GAR and GANT positions are not
required to meet the ELP Certification Requirement for their roles.
The university mandates that assistantships be terminated upon failure to meet the ELP Requirement.
Types of Graduate Assistantships
There are four types of GA positions available through the academic departments, colleges/schools, Texas A&M
University System (TAMUS) agencies, and administrative offices: Graduate Assistant-Lecturing (GAL), -Teaching (GAT), -
Research (GAR), and Non-Teaching (GANT).
The Graduate and Professional School encourages academic units to specify what kind of position the student will take
in an offer letter. Graduate Assistant-Lecturing
Some doctoral students in the final years of their program are qualified to serve as instructors of undergraduate courses
under the department head or supervisor of instructors. As a Graduate Assistant-Lecturer (GAL), student-lecturers will
deliver classroom instruction; create, administer, and evaluate assignments and examinations; and hold office hours for
undergraduate students. GAL responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:
full classroom instruction of course;
generating, proctoring, and evaluating assignments and examinations;
Employment Requirements Graduate Assistantships
student performance evaluation and assignment of grades;
office hours and student consultation; and
all other duties associated with instruction as assigned by the supervisor.
For eligibility to teach, the State of Texas requires institutions of higher education to ensure that all faculty members are
proficienct in use of the English language. A “faculty member” is any person who teaches a course offered for academic
credit by an institution of higher learning including teaching assistants, instructors, lab assistants, research assistants,
lecturers, and professors.
International graduate students must demonstrate proficiency in the English language before teaching as a GAT. This
requirement applies to an international student employed at any percent effort in a GAT title. Assistantships with
curricular duties require Level 1 Certification, Level 2 Conditional Eligibility (for one semester only), or Level 3
Verification with an approved Emergency Deferral (one semester only). Graduate Assistant-Teaching
With a Graduate Assistant-Teaching (GAT) position, students have the opportunity to administer or assist with
instructional assignments and interact directly with students. Depending on the needs of an advisor, GATs might offer
classroom and laboratory instruction, assist a faculty instructor in teaching sessions, tutor, or hold office hours. Student-
assistants may also be responsible for grading undergraduate student work. GAT responsibilities may include, but are
not limited to:
teaching a classroom or laboratory section of a course;
working in a teaching or computing lab for the purpose of educating students;
assisting a faculty instructor in teaching students in recitation or discussion sessions;
tutoring individuals or small groups of students;
holding office hours and meeting with students;
assisting with grading or student assessment (with or without student interaction); and
preparation of materials for instructors or academic units.
For eligibility to teach, the State of Texas requires institutions of higher education to ensure that all faculty members are
proficienct in use of the English language. A “faculty member” is any person who teaches a course offered for academic
credit by an institution of higher learning including teaching assistants, instructors, lab assistants, research assistants,
lecturers, and professors.
International graduate students must demonstrate proficiency in the English language before teaching as a GAT. This
requirement applies to an international student employed at any percent effort in a GAT title. Assistantships with
curricular duties require Level 1 Certification, Level 2 Conditional Eligibility (for one semester only), or Level 3
Verification with an approved Emergency Deferral (one semester only).
The Graduate and Professional School recommends preparing newly arrived international students to meet the ELP
Requirement for GATs before the start of their employment. The Center for Teaching Excellence advises the following
options to prepare international graduate students for a GAT position:
Employment Requirements Graduate Assistantships
assignment to a unit’s help desk;
a non-teaching position with instructional observation; or
guest lecturing for an academic unit’s symposium. Graduate Assistant-Research
Graduate Assistant-Researchers (GAR) are hired by a research supervisor or Principal Investigator (PI) usually a faculty
member to assist on a research project. The research students perform will likely be related to their research focus,
dissertation, or thesis. Research may or may not be externally-funded. GAR responsibilities may include, but are not
limited to:
conducting literature, library, laboratory, or other forms of reviews or research;
collecting, coding, cleaning, or analyzing data;
preparing materials for IRB, IACUC, or IBC review; and
designing, generating, or writing reports, presentations, and publications.
GAR positions are not required to meet the ELP Certification Requirement for their roles. Graduate Assistant Non-Teaching
Graduate Assistant Non-Teaching (GANT) responsibilities do not involve instructional assignments or support of teaching
or academic programs, and are not primarily assisting with research. GANT responsibilities vary greatly and may include,
but are not limited to the following:
non-teaching/non-curricular duties;
performance of varied programmatic duties in non-academic units;
assisting with administrative duties in a variety of settings; and
conducting activities that do not generally fit within GAT or GAR job responsibilities.
GANT positions are not required to meet the ELP Certification Requirement for their roles.
Registration Requirements Graduate Full-Time Status
For assistantship, fellowship, and scholarship eligibility, the following are required: nine (9) hours Fall/Spring terms and
six (6) hours summer term in any combination for full Summer benefits, or three (3) hours in any combination for an
individual summer session benefit. Registration Requirements for Graduate Assistants
Graduate students employed in a GAT or GANT role must be registered full-time, equivalent to a minimum of nine (9)
semester credit hours in the Fall and Spring terms.
Those employed in a GAL role must be registered a minimum of one (1) semester credit hour in the Fall and Spring
Summer Registration fullfillment may be achieved by any of the following:
Employment Requirements English Language Proficiency Certification for Teaching
Summer I
Summer II
Summer 10-Week only
Summer I and II
Summer I and 10-Week
Summer II and 10-Week
Summer I, II, and 10-Week
The table below defines the minimum number of registered hours required, as determined by the Summer enrollment
session and the associated GA position title:
Graduate Assistant Title
Summer Employment Session
Minimum Registered Hours
Graduate Assistant-Lecturer (GAL)
Any portion of the Summer semester
Graduate Assistant-Teacher (GAT)
Only Summer I or II
Graduate Assistant-Teacher (GAT)
Summer I and II or 10-Week
Graduate Assistant-Researcher (GAR)
Any portion of the Summer semester
Graduate Assistant Non-Teaching (GANT)
Any portion of the Summer semester
Eligibility to hold a graduate assistantship with instructional or curricular support responsibilities such as Graduate
Assistant-Teaching (GAT), Graduate Assistant-Lecturing (GAL), etc. Texas State law (Education Code, Section 51-917)
and Texas A&M University (https://grad.tamu.edu/academics/academic-success-resources/elp) requires international
graduate students to achieve English Language Proficiency Certification.
The Division of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness (HROE) at Texas A&M requires prospective or current
international students hired for assistantships that carry teaching responsibilities (see Section 4.1 above) to meet English
Language Proficiency Requirements:
Eligibility (Level 1 Certification);
Conditional Eligibility (Level 2) for one semester only; or
Verification (Level 3) with an Emergency Deferral (see Section 4.3 below), for one semester only, approved
before the date of hire.
Proof of English language proficiency for Certification is demonstrated by achieving a minimum required score on an
acceptable standardized examination or alternative means.
English Language Proficiency Certification Levels
Satisfaction of the ELP Certification Requirement in relation to teaching positions is rated on a scale of 1-3.
Employment Requirements English Language Proficiency Certification for Teaching
An international graduate student who receives a Level 1 (Z1) certifying score, Alternatively Certified (ZA), or ELP is no
longer required (ZZ) is Eligible for teaching assignments.
Those with a Level 2 (Z2) rating or an approved Emergency Deferral Request (ZD) are Conditionally Eligible for teaching
assignments. They may teach for one semester only and must simultaneously enroll in Texas A&M University’s Center for
Teaching Excellence-English Language Proficiency (CTE-ELP) Program. Conditionally eligible students must achieve a
Level 1 certifying score on the ELPE or a global standardized test before the hiring date for the next semester.
Students at Level 3 (ZV, ZW, ZE, ZT) are Ineligible for teaching assignment. They should participate in spoken language
training (such as those offered by CTE-ELP and other independent English language instruction providers) to assist them
in meeting ELP Certification. They will remain ineligible until they achieve a certifying score on the oral skills assessment
on the ELPE or a global standardized test.
Certification during Admissions
ELP Certification may have been obtained during the admissions process through achieving a minimum required score
on an acceptable standardized examination (see Section 3.1 above). If the student submitted scores from a standardized
English language examination to the university which met the minimum required for Level 1 Certification, the student
will automatically receive ELP Certification during the admission process.
Test Scores Accepted for Demonstration of English Language Proficiency Certification
The following standardized tests are acceptable to obtain ELP Certification:
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Essentials and iBT
International English Language Testing System (IELTS), including the One-Skill Retake (see Section above)
English Language Proficiency Examination (ELPE)
Please note: Scores from TOEFL Essentials, TOEFL-iBT, or IELTS examinations administered more than two years before
submission of the admissions application are not eligible for use in attaining English Language Proficiency Certification.
Once official test scores have been reported to the university, they remain effective throughout the duration of the
student’s time at Texas A&M.
International graduate students who wish to serve in teaching positions and have not met the ELP Certification
Requirement prior to enrollment can certify by taking another global standardized test or passing the oral skills
assessment of the English Language Proficiency Exam (ELPE) offered by Texas A&M’s Testing Services (see Section 5.1
Employment Requirements English Language Proficiency Certification for Teaching
Eligibility Levels for
International Students to
Serve in Teaching Positions
Global Standardized Tests
Administered Exam
(on Texas A&M
TOEFL Essentials
Speaking Section
TOEFL Speaking
IELTS Speaking
1. Eligible
2. Conditionally Eligible
3. Ineligible
< 23
< 7.0
< 75
Alternative Certification
Alternative Certification may be acquired, following completion of the admissions process, from the Graduate and
Professional School via request submitted by colleges/schools, departments, or interdisciplinary degree programs.
Alternative Certification indicates that an international student meets the ELP Certification Requirement through means
other than the acceptable test scores. Acceptable Justifications for Alternative Certification
The Graduate and Professional School accepts the following justifications for an international student’s Alternative
receipt of a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited academic institution located within the United States
following four years of study; or
holding citizenship with an approved English-speaking country (see Section above); or
the international student qualifies for Alternative Certification by other means.
For Alternative Certification Requests based upon a Bachelor’s degree, the Office of Admissions must have received and
entered official transcript(s) into the student’s record on Compass as noted on the Prior College Summary (SOAPCOQ)
screen in the “Degree Date” column (see Section 6.4.3 below). Alternative Certification Request Form
Requests for Alternative Certification should be submitted by use of the Alternative Certification Request Form (see
Section 7.3. below). Please include the student’s name and UIN. The form must be signed by a faculty approver
designated on the academic unit’s Authorized Signers Form (see Section 6.1 below).
The student should provide the academic unit with documentation to support Alternative Certification.
Please indicate the justification on which the Alternative Certification Request is based, and provide any relevant
documentation to support the request with the form. The Alternative Certification Request must be submitted by the
academic unit to EL[email protected].
Employment Requirements Emergency Deferral of English Language Proficiency Certification
The Graduate and Professional School will determine whether to grant Alternative Certification Requests on a case-by-
case basis.
International graduate students with an ELP status of Level 3 (Verified only) are Ineligible for hire in a GAT or GAL
Under extenuating circumstances, however, academic units may need to hire an international graduate student who has
not attained Level 1 Certification or Level 2 Conditional Eligibility based on standardized test scores, the English
Language Proficiency Exam (ELPE), or Alternative Certification.
In such cases, a college/school, department, or interdisciplinary degree program may request a one-time, one-semester
Emergency Deferral of the ELP Certification Requirement for employment. Emergency Deferrals may be acquired from
the Graduate and Professional School via a request submitted by the academic unit.
Emergency Deferral indicates that an international graduate student does not currently meet the ELP Certification
Requirement to hold a teaching position, but extenuating circumstances necessitated the hire. Academic units seeking
to hire an Ineligible international student based upon an Emergency Deferral must obtain approval of the request before
the date of hire. Level 3 Ineligible (Verified only) students hired without an approved Emergency Deferral on file with the
Graduate and Professional School will be subject to automatic termination and will remain Ineligible a Level 1 certifying
score is achieved.
If an Emergency Deferral is approved, the student will be granted Conditional Eligibility for one semester only. To receive
approval, 1) the academic unit must provide justification as to the necessity for hire of a Level 3 Ineligible student (see
Section 4.3.1 below), 2) the academic unit must assign a faculty member to supervise the student during the semester of
Emergency Deferral (see Section 4.3.2 below), and 3) the student must participate in the Center for Teaching
Excellence’s English Language Proficiency Program during the period of Emergency Deferral (see Section 4.3.3 below).
Acceptable Justifications for Emergency Deferral of the Certification Requirement
The Graduate and Professional School accepts the following justifications for an international student’s Emergency
Deferral of the ELP Certification Requirement:
a previously assigned GAT or GAL is no longer able to teach the assigned course; or
an unanticipated student enrollment increase requires the creation of additional course sections and no other
eligible students are available; or
other unexpected circumstances that require the hire of a Level 3 Ineligible international graduate student.
A statement explaining the selected justification is required and the request should include relevant documentation.
Please note: failure to schedule a TOEFL, IELTS, or ELPE is no longer considered an acceptable justification.
Employment Requirements Emergency Deferral of English Language Proficiency Certification
Assigned Faculty Supervision
During a semester of Emergency Deferral, the academic unit must assign a faculty member to conduct periodic reviews
including in-class observations of the student’s teaching performance. The first review must be conducted during the
first month of the semester.
Emergency Deferral Request Forms must be signed by the supervising faculty member. The supervisor and academic
unit should take appropriate actions if the student’s performance is deemed unacceptable.
Center for Teaching Excellence-English Language Proficiency Program Requirement
During the semester of Emergency Deferral, the student must participate in the English Language Proficiency Program
with the Center for Teaching Excellence (see Section 5.2 below).
In order to receive approval of the Emergency Deferral, the student must schedule an intake assessment with CTE
before submission of the request form. Prior to completion of the form, students must first contact CTE at CTE-
[email protected] or 979-459-3699 to request online registration for the intake assessment. Students should indicate that
their department is seeking an Emergency Deferral. The request form must indicate the scheduled assessment date, and
a copy of the confirmation must be included.
Emergency Deferral Request Form
Requests for Emergency Deferral of ELP Certification should be submitted by use of the Emergency Deferral Request
Form. Please include the student’s name, UIN, and the semester for which the Emergency Deferral will apply.
Please indicate the justification on which the Emergency Deferral is based and provide any relevant documentation to
support the request with the form.
Please indicate the date the student has scheduled the CTE-ELP intake assessment and provide a copy of the
confirmation with the request.
The form must be signed by
the student’s assigned faculty supervisor; and
a faculty approver designated on the academic unit’s Authorized Signers Form; and
the appropriate college/school’s Graduate Operations Committee Dean.
The Emergency Deferral Request Forms must be submitted by the academic unit to ELPCompliance@tamu.edu.
The Graduate and Professional School will determine whether to grant Emergency Deferral Requests on a case-by-case
Expiration of Emergency Deferral
The international graduate student must achieve Level 1 Certification by the end of the semester of employment. If the
student does not attain Level 1 Certification before the hiring date for the next semester, the student’s ELP code will
change to ZT (Conditional Eligibility Expired). The student will then be Ineligible for rehire until the ELP Certification
Requirement has been met by way of a Level 1 certifying score.
Employment Requirements English Language Proficiency Status Codes
If the Emergency Deferral expires and the student has not reached Level 1 Certification, the employing unit will have the
opportunity to move the employee to a Graduate Assistant Non-Teaching (GANT), Graduate Assistant-Research (GAR),
or other non-teaching role.
For students who do not achieve Level 1 Certification and are not transferred to a non-teaching position, the Graduate
and Professional School will require the Division of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness (HROE) to
process the student’s termination.
Contact: English Language Proficiency Compliance ELPC[email protected] or 979-845-3631
International graduate students are assigned an ELP status code in Compass that can be used to determine their
eligibility to hold a graduate teaching position. Graduate advisers can access these codes via the Howdy portal or in
Compass on the Academic Non-Course (SHANCRS) screen.
All relevant certification codes are shown in Table 1 below. Those listed in the left-hand column are permitted to hold
graduate teaching positions.
Table 1. Certification Codes and Teaching Eligibility
Eligible to Teach (Unrestricted)
Ineligible to Teach
Level 1 Certified
Level 3 Verified
Alternatively Certified
Alternatively Verified
English Language Proficiency Not Required
Native English Speaker*
Eligible to Teach (One Semester Only)
Conditional Eligibity Expired
Level 2 Conditionally Certified
Ineligible to Teach or Register for Courses
Conditionally Certified through Emergency Deferral
Not Verified
* An international graduate student who is a Native English Speaker (ZE) is eligible for Alternative Certification (ZA)
which will make the student Eligible to teach.
Advisers can check the language status codes of their students by downloading a report through the Howdy portal. After
logging in to Howdy, simply select “Reports” from the main header at the top of the page (shown in Figure 1 below). To
view the certification codes of your students, select the report that contains your college’s code in the report title
(examples are shown in Figure 2 below).
Employment Requirements English Language Proficiency Certification Compliance Procedures
Pre-Semester English Language Proficiency Requirement Notification
One month prior to the start of each Fall and Spring semester, the Graduate and Professional School will notify by email
all Department Heads and Department Graduate Advisors with reminders of the English Language Proficiency
Certification requirements for any graduate assistant position with instruction responsibilities.
English Language Profiency Compliance Audit
The Graduate and Professional School conducts a Compliance Review after the first payroll date of the Fall and Spring
semesters. The audit report will consist of all international graduate students who meet all of the following criteria:
1. Holding a teaching position, including those paid (even partially) by teaching funds.
2. Not ELP Certified by
standardized test score (TOEFL iBT, TOEFL Essentials, IELTS); nor
an ELPE test score; nor
Alternative Certification; nor
an approved one-time, one-semester Emergency Deferral.
The Graduate and Professional School’s English Language Proficiency Compliance Office will notify students, graduate
advisors, and graduate program directors of the compliance requirements.
Level 2 Conditionally Eligible students (Z2) must be enrolled in the CTE-ELP Program. If the student does not
achieve Level 1 Certification by the next semester’s hire date, that student must either be transferred to a non-
teaching position or terminated from employment. Departments should send their compliance action plan to
the English Language Proficiency Compliance Coordinator in the Graduate and Professional School within 10
business days.
Level 3 Ineligible (but with an approved Emergency Deferral Request) students (ZD) must be enrolled in the CTE-
ELP Program, and must be under the assigned supervision of a faculty observer. If the student does not achieve
Level 1 Certification by the next semester’s hire date, that student must either be transferred to a non-teaching
position or terminated from employment. Departments should send their compliance action plan to the English
Language Proficiency Compliance Coordinator in the Graduate and Professional School within 10 business days.
Level 3 Ineligible students (ZN, ZV, ZW, ZT) without an approved Emergency Deferral Request will be terminated
from employment.
Graduate Assistant Training and Support English Language Proficiency Examination
The English Language Proficiency Exam (ELPE) evaluates English skill in the area of oral communication. The ELPE is
conducted via Zoom through Testing Services at Texas A&M University. The assessment is conducted by a panel of two
to three trained individuals. Interviewers will have pre-session training to ensure common standards.
The ELPE is evaluated based on the degree to which an individual can be understood through spoken communications.
Each section is designed to elicit samples of the student’s speaking ability.
Testing Services
Texas A&M University’s Testing Services Office is an approved national testing site with a licenced Prometric Center and
partnerships with Pearson Vue and Meazure Learning (formerly Castle Worldwide). Professional certification, licensure,
and entry level exams are available to TAMU students and the community.
Visit the Testing Services website for more information on upcoming exam dates and how to register for the English
Language Proficiency Exam.
English Language Proficiency Examination Administration and Rules Sections of the English Language Proficiency Examination
There are three segments to the oral skills assessment:
1. A short reading passage from a text based on the student’s major, supplied by Testing Services.
2. A brief presentation on a subject derived from the student’s major that the student will need to prepare for
prior to the appointment. (PowerPoint is not allowed for the presentation. The student may use the whiteboard
feature via Zoom.)
3. A short question and answer interview with the panel. Registration for the English Language Proficiency Examination
Registration is required for the ELPE. To register, students should go to the Testing Services website. A registration form
link will be posted for each available test date. Registration will close approximately one week before the test date
unless seats are no longer available prior to the closing date. The registration fee is non-refundable.
Students registering for the ELPE must be prepared to provide:
First and Last Name
Date of Birth
Native Country of Birth
Contact Phone Number and Email Address
Department under which the student’s program is administered
Graduate Assistant Training and Support English Language Proficiency Examination
Available Time(s)
For completion of the registration for, students will be asked to confirm:
Eligibility for the ELPE
Foreign nationality
Access to Zoom
The cost of registration
Forefeiture of the fee if registering twice within a three month period (unless otherwise permitted see Section
5.1.6 below)
Students will receive an email confirmation of their registration that includes the testing schedule. Once registered,
students will be billed for the exam even if they do not make the appointment.
If a test date is marked as “Full,” it means that Testing Services does not have any additional appointments available on
that day. If a test date is marked as “Closed,” it means that the registration period for that date has passed and
registrations are no longer accepted. Once full or closed, students must register for the next available test date.
Students should not call or email requesting a testing appointment on a date which is full or closed.
Following the examination, Testing Services will enter the student’s score into Compass, available on the Test Score
Information (SOATEST) screen. The Graduate and Professional School will perform an audit after the 12th class day of
Fall and Spring semesters to ensure that international graduate students hired to teach have successfully met English
Language Proficiency requirements. Departments will receive notification of non-compliant students. Testing Center Rules
ELPE candidates are required to be professional, civil, and respectful at all times during the administration of the exam.
All exams are continuously monitored by video and audio recording during the entire exam. The Test Center
Administrator is authorized to dismiss a student from the test session for violation of any Test Center Regulations
including exhibition of avusive behavior towards the administrator or other candidates. Students in violation of Test
Center Regulations will be referred to Student Academic Affairs.
Students sitting for the ELPE should dress as if taking the test in person or in a classroom setting. TAMU Student Rule 37
grants faculty and staff the authority to maintain responsible standards of student dress and grooming within the
classroom. Test proctors may cancel an exam if the student is not appropriately dressed.
An original, valid government-issues photo and signature bearing a student’s identification, or a current student
identification, is required in order to take an exam. Validity and the number of acceptable IDs are predetermined by
Testing Services and will be checked by the proctors.
No scheduled/unscheduled breaks are allowed, nor eating/drinking during the exam.
Students sitting for the ELPE are required to have access to Zoom.
Graduate Assistant Training and Support Center for Teaching Excellence-English Language Proficiency
34 Confidentiality of Examination Content and Systems
The computer-based test delivery system and the exam content are the unpublished, confidential, and proprietary
materials of Testing Services. Communicating, publishing, reporoducing, or transmitting any part of the exam in any
form or by any means (i.e. verbal, electronic, written, etc.) for any purposes is strictly prohibited. Any reproduction or
disclosure will result in an immediate filing of civil and/or criminal charges against the individual and anyone conspiring
with the individual.
ELPE for International Graduate Students Serving in Teaching Positions
If international graduate students wish to serve in teaching positions and have not already achieved the requisite
standardized test scores prior to enrollment, they can attain Level 1 Certification by taking the oral skills assessment of
the ELPE. Individual academic units may choose to establish test standards that exceed the university minimums.
To increase accessibility to the ELPE, Testing Services will increase the number of possible exam dates in August and
January. Select dates will be open only to those students who have already received an offer of employment.
Testing During the Semester
Testing Services offers the ELPE throughout the semester for students who are Level 2 (Conditionally Eligible) or Level 3
(Verified only). Students may register for the test via the online registration link on the Testing Services website.
ELPE Retesting
Students may not retake the ELPE within three months of their most recent attempt. Only students participating in the
CTE-ELP program may request an early ELPE retest through CTE.
Visit the Testing Services website for more information about test dates, registration, and any associated fees.
The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE)’s English Language Proficiency (ELP) Program is a linguistic resource provided
to Texas A&M’s current and prospective international instructors who wish to improve their spoken English skills. The
CTE-ELP employs linguists with expertise in adult second language acquisition, English as a second language,
pronunciation, and pedagogy. These instructional consultants aim to help instructors communicate effectively and share
their expertise clearly.
CTE-ELP serves departments by providing professional development in oral English proficiency with the goal of
increasing the number of graduate students who are ELP Certified, thereby expanding the pool of candidates for TA
Please note: CTE-ELP does not conduct summative assessments nor determine who is eligible to be a TA. That is done by
raters of the recognized language tests or, in cases of Alternative Certification, by the Graduate and Professional School.
CTE-ELP is not involved in the administration of Testing Services’ English Language Proficiency Exam (ELPE).
Graduate Assistant Training and Support Center for Teaching Excellence-English Language Proficiency
Teaching Assistant English Language Proficiency Questionnaire
Academic units and prospective international teaching assistants may utilize CTE’s ELP Questionnaire to check their
certification status and determine their qualification to take on a teaching position.
CTE-ELP Registration and Programming
Enrollment with the CTE-ELP Program is open year-round to international faculty, teaching assistants, non-teaching
graduate students, and undergraduate students. The CTE-ELP Program is not a semester-long course, but rather a suite
of services and resources. International faculty and students are welcome to register themselves for workshops and
conversation circles via https://ers.tamu.edu/elp. If they are interested in other services and resources, such as
conversation partners and pronunciation software, they may fill out a questionnaire at https://u.tamu.edu/join-CTE-ELP.
These support services are confidential and at no additional cost to the participant.
CTE-ELP Program instruction is required for students currently serving as teaching assistants who have Level 2
Conditional Eligibility (Z2) or are Level 3 Ineligible with an Emergency Deferral (ZD), but optional for all others. Thus, CTE-
ELP programming prioritizes uncertified teaching assistants. Intake Assessment
Conditionally-Appointed GATs and GALs with Emergency Deferral of Certification begin with a diagnostic assessment of
their oral proficiency skills via an Intake Assessment with the ELP Consultants. This should be completed by Week 2 of
the semester.
The Intake Assessment is a forty-five minute diagnostic interview during which an instructional consultant converses
with the student to assess spoken English language proficiency fluency, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
Consultants listen for content, as well as language and delivery, while the student answers a variety of questions,
transcribes a few spoken sentences, reads aloud accent analysis sentences, and explains a concept in their field as if
During the Intake Assessment, the student will
communicate their goals for language acquisition;
read aloud every phenome of American English in a variety of phonetic contexts;
demonstrate listening comprehension via short dictation;
speak extemporaneously, simulating interaction between instructor and student;
self-reflect on their strengths and weaknesses as an English speaker; and
give explicit permission to be corrected by a consultant.
The Intake Assessment ends with the consultant giving a recommendation for more comprehensible speech and/or a
resource to help the student immediately. The results of this diagnostic are then used to construct an Individual
Improvement Plan (IIP). Each plan requires five hours of weekly activity. It is tailored to individual needs established
Graduate Assistant Training and Support Center for Teaching Excellence-English Language Proficiency
during the diagnostic assessment and encompasses specific recommendations for activities, many of which are detailed
in Table 3. Individual Improvement Plan
An intake follow-up is a a sixty-minute meeting between the student and a consultant. The consultant will explain the
Intake Assessment findings (the participant’s strengths and weaknesses), including priorities. The consultant also
recommends specific activities and resources, both inside and outside the CTE-ELP Program, to address weaknesses. The
participant selects or consents to activities, adding up to five hours weekly (for TAs who are Level 2 Conditionally Eligible
and Level 3 with an Emergency Deferral) or any number of hours for everyone else. Both sign an Individual Improvement
Plan (IIP) and each retains a copy. Program Activities
Students’ ELP Program activities will be indicated on their IIP. CTE-ELP does not share the IIP with anyone but the client.
Academic units are encouraged to follow up with any TA who is Level 2 Conditionally Eligible or Level 3 with an
Emergency Deferral of Certification and inquire as to their adherence to the IIP.
CTE-ELP offers a variety of services and resources to accommodate the different needs, schedules, and learning
preferences of its clients. Certain services are reserved for current instructors. Other services are open to non-teaching
international graduate students, and if space permits international undergraduate students, post-docs, and visiting
The services are intentionally flexible and efficienct to accommodate busy schedules. Many of them are offered online
to reach TAs and future TAs on branch campuses or even in their home countries before they arrive at Texas A&M. For
this reason, advisors may recommend to international graduate students at any point in the calendar year to begin
participating in the CTE-ELP Program far in advance of their teaching assignment at their own pace.
Table 2. CTE-ELP Program Activities
Correspondence to
Target Audience
Private Consultation
Participants build upon pronunciation
proficiency and fluency through
strategic readings, practice motor
control of the vocal tract, and receive
feedback about their progress.
Reading Task
(careful language
(Other groups as
appointments are
Graduate Assistant Training and Support Center for Teaching Excellence-English Language Proficiency
Correspondence to
Target Audience
Language Laboratory
with Pronunciation
Participants develop listening
discrimination of English
pronunciation, knowledge of the
features and manipulation of the
vocal tract, and automaticity.
Reading Task
(careful language
All groups
ELP for Instructors
Practice Groups
Participants rehearse functional
language for instruction; learn to
anticipate and repair common
communication breakdowns; develop
peer support, supra-segmental skills,
and fluency; and cultivate an
awareness and appreciation for
diversity and cultural differences.
Presentation and
Interview Tasks
(formal, planned and
language production)
(Other groups as space
Teaching Observation
with Feedback
Participants receive observation and
feedback from an ELP Consultant to
assess their linguistic performance in
action. They additionally practice self-
assessment skills.
Presentation Task
(formal, planned
language production)
(Other instructors as time
Conversation Partners
Participants develop fluency and an
awareness & appreciation for cultural
difference in the classroom through
an application of pronunciation
knowledge via authentic dialogue
with an English-dominant partner.
Interview Task
language production)
(Other groups as partners
are available)
Workshops and
Communication Skills
Participants develop phonological
awareness, functional vocabulary for
conducting office hours and teaching
lab class, as well as familiarity with
CTE-ELP services.
Reading Task
(careful language
All groups
Opportunity for participants to teach
a micro-lesson in front of a video
camera and receive feedback from a
Presentation Task
Current TAs and students
scheduled to take
upcoming ELPE
Graduate Assistant Training and Support Center for Teaching Excellence-English Language Proficiency
Correspondence to
Target Audience
consultant and often an
undergraduate student. Participants
have the opportunity to self-reflect.
(formal, planned
language production)
The recommended ELP process towards Level 1 Certification is shown in Figure 3 below.
Graduate Assistant Training and Support Center for Teaching Excellence-English Language Proficiency
Figure 3. Recommended ELP Process toward Level 1 Certification
Graduate Assistant Training and Support New Teaching Assistant Training Requirements
Progress Assessment and Re-Testing for Certification
Conditionally-appointed TAs receive regular formative assessment from ELP Consultants during their time working with
the CTE-ELP Program.
Once students become eligible to do so, they can retake the ELPE and certify their proficiency. Students are eligible to
retake the ELPE once every three months per Graduate and Professional School policy.
Conditionally-appointed TAs may request to retake the ELPE before three months have elapsed, but they must do so
through the CTE-ELP Program. Early ELPE retest requests are granted only if students are following their Individual
Improvement Plan and have made demonstrable progress in oral proficiency. The CTE-ELP program transmits early
retest waivers directly to Testing Services.
Once a conditionally-appointed TA earns a Level 1 certifying score (such as an 80 on the ELPE), that student is no longer
obligated to participate in the CTE-ELP Program or adhere to the Individual Improvement Plan. This can happen at any
time during the semester, but it must be achieved before the next semester’s hire date.
The CTE-ELP Program is a valuable resource for those who have not obtained the required score to achieve Level 1
Certification or for certified instructors who wish to pursue additional professional development to enhance their
English language proficiency.
New graduate teaching assistants (TAs) are required to complete training courses with the Center for Teaching
Excellence (CTE), online (through TrainTraq), and with their employing academic unit (through their college/school).
For more information on the training of TAs, including training dates and requirements, please contact Grad-
ELP Practice Group for Instructors
The English Language Proficiency Practice Group for Instructors workshop series is provided specifically for international
TAs through CTE. While this series is not required by the university or by CTE, individual departments may encourage or
require their international TAs to attend. The ELP Practice Group for Instructors take place several times per year and
promotes American English pronunciation, student-centered teaching approaches, and an understanding of the culture
of the Texas A&M University classroom.
Each academic unit employing GATs and GALs shall develop an appropriate set of procedures and evaluation
instruments to monitor the performance of GATs and GALs each semester. These procedures will be outlined in the
academic units’ reports submitted each year and clearly communicated to student employees.
Administrative Services Authorized Signers Form
Each college/school, department, and interdisciplinary degree program is required to have an Authorized Signers Form
on file with the Graduate and Professional School. These forms designate the academic unit’s contacts; identify staff
who may submit ELP-related documents; faculty who may approve and sign ELP-related forms; and provide access to
view student documents in ImageNow.
This form (managed through Google Drive) should be updated when there are changes in unit roles. The Graduate and
Professional School may also request updates from all units if changes in procedures occur. If a college/school,
department, or IDP should need to update their Authorized Signers Form, please coordinate with the academic unit’s
designated Authorized Signers Form editor to enter the necessary changes.
Contact: Graduate Committee Faculty Administrative Coordinator gradcom@tamu.edu or 979-845-3631
The Graduate and Professional School provides ELP-related updates, as needed, through the GradAdvisor Listserv. The
LISTSERV is a vehicle through which entities around campus disperse information relevant to graduate and professional
students, advisors, and programs at Texas A&M University.
Subscribing to the Listserv
To subscribe to the GRADADVISORS list, send an email to [email protected]mu.edu with the following command as a
single line in the body of the message:
Subscribe GRADADVISORS Firstname Lastname (where “Firstname” and “Lastname” are the subscriber’s real
No “Subject” is required, and the email address does not need to be included in the message. The LISTSERV
automatically uses the address from the email.
Unsubscribing to the Listserv
To unsubscribe from the GRADADVISORS list, send an email to [email protected]u with the following command
as a single line in the body of your message:
The email must come from the account used when subscribing to the list.
Contact: Graduate and Professional School Grad@tamu.edu
Administrative Services Department Access to Graduate and Professional School Documents in
TAMUDocs, also referred to as Perceptive Content or ImageNow, houses student documents including processed ELP
forms submitted to the Graduate and Professional School. Academic units must indicate on their Authorized Signer
Form who should have access to view documents that have been submitted to the Graduate and Professional School.
This access will allow faculty and staff to confirm that documents have been received by the Graduate and Professional
School and allow users to see what has been processed and approved or returned.
To view the student documents submitted by the designated unit in TAMUDocs:
1. Log in at https://tamudocs.tamu.edu/ (or use the Perceptive Content client if already installed on an accessible
desktop) using an active NetID and Password.
2. Select the “Documents” drop-down and select the OGAPS Department View option.
3. Click once on the respective “Search by …” filters on the left of the screen.
For example, to search by UIN, click on the filter labeled, Search by UIN and a dialogue box will open.
Administrative Services Compass
4. Double click any document to open/view. (Users will only be able to view documents linked to their specific
department, but will not have access to route the document or add any stamps or annotations for the Graduate
and Professional School.)
5. To perform another search, click on the green “Go button in the top right to open the prompt again.
Contact: Graduate Records Processing GradProcessing@tamu.edu or 979-845-3631
Compass the student information system provides critical support to the administrative and academic operations of
Texas A&M University by maintaining an electronic database of student records. It is accessible online through Howdy to
authorized users. Compass support is divided into six functional areas: admissions processing, registration, student
records, student accounts and billing, student financial aid, and degree evaluation.
Compass Access
For positions which require use of Compass, the prospective user must submit a Compass Account Request Form signed
by the academic unit’s Primary Authorizing Agent (PAA). After completion of the Basic Navigation training, users will
receive a Compass account. The user will be notified to take additional training if needed. Prerequisites for acquiring
Administrative Services Compass
Compass access include an active NetID and password, acquaintance with the Howdy web portal, and completion of
FERPA training. More information on Compass may be found online at https://eis.tamu.edu/compass.
Compass Screens
The following Compass screens may be of use in monitoring relevant student records and ELP statuses.
Screen Code
Person Search
General Student
International Information (an international student’s citizenship is visible on the
“Nationality” tab)
Prior College Summary (upon receipt of an official transcript, the “Degree Date” column will
display the date the degree was conferred)
Test Score Information
Academic Non-Course
This guide will provide further information about related Compass screens and offer some hints and tips about
navigating the system. Person Search (SOAIDEN)
Click the three dots between the ID (and the + on SPAIDEN):
This opens a dialog box. Click Person Search.
Administrative Services Compass
This opens SOAIDEN:
Enter the applicant’s last name and first name. Hit F8 to execute the search. You may also search by CAS ID (followed by
%) in the Last Name field. Example: 123456789% for the Last Name, then search. Admissions Application Summary (SAASUMI)
summary of all applications,
application number
Admission Type,
Student Type,
Residence Type,
Status and Status Date,
Decision and Decision Date, and
Leave elements in Key block to view all applications submitted in Summary block.
Enter term and/or Program code to filter to only see apps of a particular type.
Information in Curricula Summary and Field of Study is related to the application highlighted in the Summary block.
Administrative Services Compass
Administrative Services Compass
47 Admission Application/Checklist Summary (SAAACKL)
Items marked as Mandatory are required for completion prior to a decision. Other items may be required later,
sometimes requiring a hold to be placed on the applicant.
Use of term in Key block will filter to only show applications for that term. Leave blank to view all terms.
Use scroll bar in Application Summary block to select a specific term. Information in the checklist will reflect
requirements for the selected term.
Administrative Services Compass
48 Prior College Summary (SOAPCOQ)
Prior college, Transcript Received Date, Degree, Attendance Dates, Prior College Address.
Degree date is entered when proof of award of degree is received. Test Score Information (SOATEST)
Test Code, Test Score, Test Date, Admissions Request, and Source.
Test Codes that begin with a “P” are student-reported and not official.
49 Hold Information (WOAHOLD/SOAHOLD)
Staff who place holds will need access defined by Hold Type and Originator code. Contact your Compass PAA for access. International Information (GOAINTL)
Visa Information-Admissions will enter Permanent Resident (PR-Visa Type) info. Document Information. Passport
Information. Certificate of Eligibility. Nationality-Admissions will enter nation of birth, nation of citizenship.
Administrative Services Compass
English Language Proficiency Compass Reports
Compass Reports is a repository of Compass-based reports which allows approved users to display, download, and print
documents created by a variety of TAMU offices. Compass Reports are accessible via the Compass Reports link in the
Compass Channel on the Employee tab in the Howdy Portal.
Following the same process used to request or update a Compass account, PAAs request access to reports for their
Compass users by completing the ‘Compass Account Request Form.’ The security group which contains the desired
report is listed on the request. The completed form is sent to EIS for approval.
The ELP Compass Report will list all international graduate students by college/school (PWS_ELP_CERTIFICATION_XX).
PAAs should contact Data Services at GradData@tamu.edu for the specific group that needs to be requested.
The following is among the information available through the ELP Compass Report:
Column Title
Student’s current ELP status based upon scores, citizenship, or alternative means
Discription of student’s ELP status
Country code indicating the student’s citizenship as established with the Office of
Indicates whether the country is on the Office of Admissons’ list of English-speaking
Description of student’s country code of cizitenship
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Essentials Speaking score
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) iBT Speaking score
Administrative Services Compass
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score and date exam was
Pearson Test of English score (no longer accepted)
English Language Proficiency Examination Oral score
International graduate students are assigned an ELP status code in Compass that can be used to determine their
eligibility to hold a graduate teaching position. Graduate advisers can access these codes via the Howdy portal or in
Compass on the Academic Non-Course (SHANCRS) screen in the Z1EL row.
All relevant ELP status codes are shown in Table 1 below.
Table 1. English Language Proficiency Status Codes
Eligible to Teach (Unrestricted)
Ineligible to Teach
Level 1 Certified
Level 3 Verified
Alternatively Certified
Alternatively Verified
English Language Proficiency Not Required
Native English Speaker*
Eligible to Teach (One Semester Only)
Conditional Eligibity Expired
Level 2 Conditionally Certified
Ineligible to Teach or Register for Courses
Conditionally Certified through Emergency Deferral
Not Verified
* An international graduate student who is a Native English Speaker (ZE) is eligible for Alternative Certification (ZA)
which will make the student Eligible to teach.
Advisers can check the language certification codes of their students by downloading a report through the Howdy portal.
After logging in to Howdy, simply select “Reports” from the main header at the top of the page. To view the ELP status
codes of your students, select the report that contains your college’s code in the report title.
Graduate and Professional School Forms Authorized Signers Form
Each college/school, department, and interdisciplinary degree program (IDP) must have an Authorized Signers Form on
file with the Graduate and Professional School. These forms are used to verify who is authorized to approve graduate
and professional student documents.
The full names of all the unit’s faculty leadership and position titles (Dean, Department Head, or Program Chair;
Associate Dean(s), Assistant Department Head(s), Program Co-Chair(s); Graduate Instruction Committee Chair;
Graduate Operations Committee Dean; etc.)
The full names of all the unit’s staff and position titles (Administrative Assistant(s), Program Coordinator(s),
Graduate Advisor(s), etc.)
The TAMU email addresses of all authorized faculty signers and staff
The University Identification Number (UIN) of all authorized faculty signers and staff
The NetID of all authorized faculty signers and staff
The phone number of all authorized faculty signers and staff
Any faculty approver listed on the unit’s Authorized Signers Form may sign ELP-related documents on behalf of the
academic unit.
Contact: Graduate Committee Faculty Administrative Coordinator [email protected]u or 979-845-3631
Graduate and Professional School Forms Alternative Verification Request Form
Complete the student’s name and UIN. A designated unit approver must sign the form. Select one of the three options
as a basis for the request.
For any selection, please include a statement of justification and attach any relevant documentation to support the
request (such as transcripts, etc.).
Graduate and Professional School Forms Alternative Certification Request Form
Complete the student’s name and UIN. A designated unit approver must sign the form. Select one of the three options
as a basis for the request.
For any selection, please include a statement of justification and attach any relevant documentation to support the
request (such as transcripts, passport, etc.).
Graduate and Professional School Forms Emergency Deferral Request Form
Complete the student’s name, UIN, and semester of requested Emergency Deferral.
Select one of the three options as a basis for the request. For any selection, please include a statement of justification
and attach any relevant documentation to support the request. Email confirmation of the student’s CTE-ELP Intake
Assessment must be included.
The form must be signed by the student’s faculty supervisor, a designated unit approver, and the appropriate
college/school Graduate Operations Committee Dean.
Graduate and Professional School Forms Emergency Deferral Request Form
Graduate and Professional School Forms Emergency Deferral Request Form
Graduate and Professional School Forms Emergency Deferral Request Form