Journal of Financial Economics 31(1992) 13-43. North-Holland
The impact of institutional trading on
stock prices*
Josef Lakonishok
Cnirersity of Illinois at (;rbana-Champaign. Champuign. IL 61820. USA
Andrei Shleifer
Hurcard tiniwrsir~. Cambridge. MA 02138. L’SA
Robert W. Vishny
L’nicersiry 01’ Chicago, Chicago. IL 60637, USA
Received September 1991, tinal version received March 1992
This paper uses new data on the holdings of 769 tax-exempt (predominantly pension) funds. to
evaluate the potential effect of their trading on stock prices. We address two aspects of trading by
these money managers: herding, which refers to buying (selling) simultaneously the same stocks as
other managers buy (sell), and positive-feedback trading, which refers to buying past winners and
selling past losers. These two aspects of trading are commonly a part of the argument that
institutions destabilize stock prices. The evidence suggests that pension managers do not strongly
pursue these potentially destabilizing practices.
1. Introduction
Instead of merely buying and holding the market portfolio, most investors
follow strategies of actively picking and trading stocks. When investors trade
actively, their buying and selling decisions may move stock prices. Understand-
ing the behavior of stock prices thus requires an understanding of the invest-
ment strategies of active investors.
Correspondence ro: Robert W. Vishny, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, 1101
East 58th Street. Chicago, IL 60637, USA.
*We are grateful to Louis than, Kenneth Froot (the referee). Lawrence Harris. hIark Mitchell.
Jay Ritter. Jeremy Stein. and Richard Thaier for helpful comments; and especially to Gil Beebower
and Vasant Kamath for their helpful advice. Financial support from NSF. LOR-Nikko, and
Dimensional Fund Advisors is gratefully acknowledged.
030%405X.92 SO5.00 c 1992-Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved
24 J. Lakonishok er ui., The impucr of insrrrurional rrading on stock prices
Institutional investors hold about 50% of the equities in the United States. In
1989. their trading and that of member firms accounted for 70% of the trading
volume on the New York Stock Exchange [Schwartz and Shapiro (1992)]. To
see if institutional investors’ trades influence stock prices. we empirically exam-
ine the trading patterns of institutional investors, focusing in particular on the
prevalence of herding and positive-feedback trading, which are associated with
the popular belief that institutional investors destabilize stock prices. We evalu-
ate a sample of 769 all-equity tax-exempt funds, the vast majority of which are
pension funds, managed by 341 different institutional money managers. The
data were provided by SEI, a large consulting firm in financial services for
institutional investors. The sample is particularly appropriate for addressing the
questions of herding and positive-feedback trading in that the money managers
directiy compete with each other: they pursue the same customers and they are
evaluated by the same service. [For an analysis of the investment performance of
the money managers in this sample, see Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny
(1992).] There is thus more scope for finding herding and positive-feedback
trading in this sample of institutions than in a random sample of institutions.
Our data consist of end-of-quarter portfolio holdings for each of the 341
money managers from the first quarter of 1985 through the last quarter of 1989.
These data enable us to estimate how much each manager bought and sold of
each stock in each quarter. We can then test for herding by assessing the degree
of correlation across money managers in buying and selling a given stock (or
industry grouping). We can also test for positive-feedback trading by examining
the relationship between money managers’ demand for a stock and the past
performance of that stock. Finally, we can test the relationship between the
excess demand by institutions and contemporaneous stock price changes
directly. The results of these tests will shed light on the potentially destabilizing
effect of institutional investors.
In brief, our results suggest that neither the stabilizing nor the destabilizing
image of institutional investors is accurate. The evidence suggests that pension
fund managers herd relatively little in their trades in large stocks (those in the
top two quintiles by market capitalization), which is where over 95% of their
trading is concentrated. There is some evidence of more herding in smaller
stocks, but even there the magnitude of herding is far from dramatic. As far as
trading strategies go, institutions appear to follow neither positive- nor nega-
tive-feedback strategies, on average. There is some evidence of positive-feedback
trading in smaller stocks, but not in the large stocks which make up the
institutions’ preferred holdings. Finally, the correlation between the excess
demand by institutions for a stock in a given quarter and the price change of the
stock in that quarter is extremely weak, which provides some evidence against
the view that large swings in institutional excess demand drive price movements
of individual stocks. The overall picture that emerges from this paper is one of
institutional investors pursuing a broad diversity of trading styles that, to a large
J. Lakonishok er al., The impucl of institutional trading on stock prices 25
extent, offset each other. Of course, without an accurate measure of the relevant
elasticities of demand for stocks, we cannot rule out the possibility of large price
impacts from what appear to be small amounts of herding or positive-feedback
Our results are most closely related to research done some twenty years ago
by Kraus and Stall (1972), who address the question of ‘parallel trading’ (which
is the same as herding) by institutions using data from the SEC study of
institutional investors on monthly changes in holdings. They find little evidence
of herding and weak evidence of a contemporaneous relationship between price
changes and excess demand by institutions. Also of great interest and relevance
is the study of mutual funds by Friend, Blume, and Crockett (1970), who find
that mutual funds tend to buy stocks which in the previous quarter were bought
by successful funds, whom they are probably imitating. Such behavior would
lead to herding as well as to positive-feedback trading.
In the next section of this paper, we discuss some differing views of the impact
of institutional investors on stock prices and review relevant research. Section 3
describes our data in more detail. In section 4 we examine the issue of herding,
and section 5 deals with feedback trading strategies. Section 6 presents direct
evidence on the correlation between institutional demand and stock prices;
section 7 concludes the paper.
2. Theories of the impact of institutional trading on prices
According to one view, institutions destabilize stock prices, which usually
means that prices move away from fundamental values, thereby increasing
long-run price volatility. This view rests to a large extent on two premises. The
first premise is that swings in institutional demand have a larger effect on stock
prices than swings in individual demand, in part because institutions have much
larger holdings than most individuals and therefore have larger trades. More
importantly, however, price destabilization may be aggravated by herding, or
correlated trading across institutional investors. When several large investors
attempt to buy or sell a given stock at the same time, the effect on price can be
large indeed. A pension fund manager has described this problem succinctly:
‘Institutions are herding animals. We watch the same indicators and listen to the
same prognostications. Like lemmings, we tend to move in the same direction at
the same time. And that, naturally, exacerbates price movements’ [ Wall Street
Journal (October 17, 1989)].
There are several reasons why herding might be more prevalent among
institutions than among individuals. First, institutions might try to infer in-
formation about the quality of investments from each others’ trades and herd as
a result [Shiller and Pound (1989), Banerjee (1992), Bikhchandani, Hirshleifer,
and Welch (1992)]. Since institutions know more about each others’ trades than
‘6 J. Lakonishok et al., The impact of institubonal trading on stock prices
do individuals, they will herd to a greater extent. Second, the objective difficul-
ties in evaluating money managers’ performance and separating ‘luck’ from
‘skill’ create agency problems between institutional money managers and fund
sponsors. Typically, money managers are evaluated against each other. To
avoid falling behind a peer group by following a unique investment strategy,
they have an incentive to hold the same stocks as other money managers
[Scharfstein and Stein (1990)-J. Third, institutions might all react to the same
exogenous signals, such as changes in dividends or analysts’ recommendations,
and herd as a result. Again, because the signals reaching institutions are
typically more correlated than the signals that reach individuals, institutions
might herd more. When large institutional money managers end up on the same
side of the market, we expect the stock price to move provided the excess
demand curve for this stock slopes downward.
Herding does not necessarily destabilize stock prices, however. As we men-
tioned above, institutions might herd if they all react to the same fundamental
information in a timely manner. If so, they are making the market more efficient
by speeding up the adjustment of prices to new fundamentals. Or they might
herd if they all counter the same irrational moves in individual investor
sentiment, which would also have a stabilizing effect. In such cases, observing
herding is not sufficient to conclude that institutional investors destabilize
This leads to the second premise of the argument that institutions destabilize
stock prices: their strategies tend not to be based on fundamentals, possibly
because of agency problems in money management. Fundamental strategies,
such as contrarian investment strategies of buying ‘cheap’ high-dividend-yield
or high-book-to-market stocks, often take a long time to pay off, and may
actually do very badly in the short run relative to a popular benchmark such as
the S&P 500. Since money managers can be dismissed after only a few quarters
of bad performance, contrarian strategies put managers at significant risk. As
a consequence, money managers might follow short-term strategies based not
on fundamentals but on technical analysis and other types of feedback trading.
One particularly common example of a potentially destabilizing short-term
strategy is trend chasing, or positive-feedback trading [De Long et al. (1990),
Cutler, Poterba. and Summers (1990)], which is simply the strategy of buying
winners and selling losers. Such trading might be driven by a belief that
trends are likely to continue, a popular concept in the behavioral literature
[Andreassen and Kraus (1988)]. From the money manager’s perspective, the
strategy of adding winners to the portfolio and eliminating losers has the added
advantage of removing ‘embarrassments’ from the portfolio for the sake of the
sponsors, i.e.,
‘window dressing’ [Lakonishok et al. (1991)]. Positive-feedback
trading is destabilizing if it leads institutions to jump on the bandwagon and buy
overpriced stocks and sell underpriced stocks, thereby contributing to a further
divergence of prices away from fundamentals. Positive-feedback trading is not
J. Lakonishok et al.. The impacf of instifulional wading on stock prices
necessarily a destabilizing strategy, however; such trading will bring prices closer
to fundamentals if stocks underreact to news.
A completely opposing view of institutional investors is that they are rational
and cool-headed investors who counter changes in the sentiment of individual
investors. Unlike individual investors, institutions are exposed to a variety of
news reports and analyses, as well as to the guidance of professional money
managers, which puts them in a better position to evaluate the fundamentals.
According to this view, institutions will herd if they all receive the same
information and interpret it similarly, or if they counter the same swings in
individual investor sentiment. But they will not herd if they receive uncorrelated
information or interpret the same information in different ways. This view also
predicts that rational institutions are likely to pursue negative-feedback stra-
tegies, i.e., buying stocks that have fallen too far and selling stocks that have
risen too far.
There is also a third, and more neutral, view of institutional investors, which is
that institutions are neither smart negative-feedback investors nor destabilizers
who herd and chase trends. Instead, institutions are heterogeneous: they use
a broad variety of different portfolio strategies which by and large offset each
other. Their trading does not destabilize asset prices because there are enough
negative-feedback traders to offset the positive-feedback traders. Moreover, the
diversity of the trading strategies is great enough that the aggregate excess
demand by institutions is close to zero, so that no herding emerges in equilib-
rium. Institutional pursuit of the various trading strategies is therefore fairly
benign, for despite generating a substantial trading volume, institutions are not
destabilizing stock prices.
3. Data
Our analysis is based on a sample provided by SE1 of 769 tax-exempt equity
funds. According to the SE1 definition, equity funds hold at least 90% of their
assets in equities. For each fund, at the end of each quarter from 1985 through
1989, the dataset contains the number of shares held of each stock. Most of the
fund sponsors are corporate pension plans, but there are also a few endowments
as well as state and municipal pension funds.
The total amount under management in these 769 funds at the end of 1989 is
$124 billion, or about 18% of the total actively-managed holdings of pension
funds. The average equity holdings of a fund are $161 million. Equity purchases
and sales are estimated based on changes in end-of-quarter holdings of all
NYSE, AMEX, and OTC stocks. The prices used to estimate dollar values are
averages of beginning- and end-of-quarter stock prices. All holdings and prices
are adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends. The data do not allow us to
measure intraquarter round-trip transactions, although such transactions are
28 J. Lakonishok er al.. The impacr of institutional wading on slack prices
infrequent and should have a minor impact on the results, particularly since we
are more interested in price destabilization over horizons of a quarter or more.
Typically, a money manager has more than one fund under management. In
our case, the 769 funds are managed by 341 different money managers, with the
number of funds per manager ranging from one to 17. In general, different funds
managed by the same manager have similar, if not identical, holdings. Therefore,
the appropriate unit of analysis is a money manager rather than a fund, and so
all the holdings of different funds with the same money manager are aggregated.
Of course, money managers in our sample might manage additional funds that
are not in our sample if these funds are not evaluated by SEI. The average
portfolio of a money manager in our sample at the end of 1989 is $363 million.
Twenty-three money managers had more than one billion dollars under man-
agement and the largest money manager in the sample had 12 billion dollars.
An important part of this paper will be the distinction between the trading
strategies of money managers in large and small stocks, although the vast
majority of holdings and trading of these investors are in large stocks. Table 1
presents information on buying and selling activity by size (market capitaliza-
tion) quintiles. The cut-off points for size quintiles were determined from the
universe of NYSE and AMEX stocks and updated quarterly. The table presents
the number of portfolio changes and the dollar value traded in each size quintile.
Taking each quarterly change in a stock as a separate observation, we have
a total of 26,292 cases where holdings were changed by at least one money
Table 1
Sample characteristics for quarterly holdings changes by 341 tax-exempt money managers in the
period 19851989.
Number of quarterly changes in holdings and dollar value of changes (in millions) by size (market
capitalization) quintiles determined from the universe of NYSE and AMEX stocks. The numbers in
parentheses are the percentage of the number of all changes in holdings and the percentage of the
dollar value of all changes in holdings that occur in the respective size quintiles.
Number of changes in holdings
(percent in quintile)
Dollar value of changes in
holdings in millions
(percent in quintile)
I (smallest) 338
2 2,087
3 5,515
4 8,963
5 (largest) 9,389
J. Lakonishok et al., The impact of institutional trading on stock prices 29
manager in our universe. Only 338 of these changes, or 1.3%, are in the smallest
quintile stocks. In contrast, 35.7% of the changes are in the largest quintile
stocks, and an additional 34% are in the second-largest quintile. In terms of
dollar values, the results are even more dramatic. While only 0.1% of holding
changes by value are in the smallest quintile of stocks, fully 84% are in the
largest quintile of stocks and another 12.7% in the second-largest. Roughly
speaking, 97% of the dollar value traded by money managers is in the largest
40% of the stocks by market capitalization. Clearly, institutional investors trade
large stocks. This observation is important to keep in mind in interpreting our
findings on herding and positive-feedback trading.
4. Herding
4. I. Measurement of herding
In this section we explore whether money managers tend to end up on the
same side of the market in a given stock in a given quarter, i.e., whether
a disproportionate number of money managers are buying (selling) this stock.
To illustrate our measure of herding, assume that, in a given quarter, when
aggregated across stocks and money managers, half of the changes in holdings
are increases and half are decreases. Consider first the case in which half the
money managers increased their holdings of most individual stocks and half cut
their holdings, In this case, we would conclude that there is no herding at the
level of individual stocks. Suppose alternatively that, for many stocks, 70% of
the money managers increased their holdings, while only 30% decreased hold-
ings. For other stocks, in contrast, 70% of the money managers decreased their
holdings and 30% increased them. In this case, for most stocks, money man-
agers ended up on the same side of the market, and we would conclude that
there is herding at the level of individual stocks.
Our measure of herding for a given stock in a given quarter, H(i), is defined as
W) = IB(i)l(B(i) + S(i)) - p(t)] - AF(i),
where B(i) is the number of money managers who increase their holdings in the
stock in the quarter (net buyers), S(i) is the number of money managers who
decrease their holdings (net sellers), p(t) is the expected proportion of money
managers buying in that quarter relative to the number active, and AF(I’) is an
adjustment factor explained below. The herding measures are computed for
each stock-quarter and then averaged across different subgroups.
In a given quarter, we should not necessarily expect the same number of
purchasers and sellers of a stock. In fact, in our sample, 51.5% of the quarterly
changes in holdings are purchases, consistent with money managers being net
30 J. Lukonishok et (11.. The impact of institurional trading on stock prices
buyers during this period. This ratio varies from quarter to quarter. In comput-
ing our herding measure H, we therefore have a different p for every quarter.
Each quarterly p is the number of money managers buying relative to the
number active, aggregated across all stocks that the money managers traded in
that quarter.
The adjustment factor AF in eq. (1) accounts for the fact that under the null
hypothesis of no herding, i.e., when the probability of any money manager being
a net buyer of any stock is p, the absolute value of B/(B + S) - p is greater than
zero. AF is, therefore, the expected value of IB/(B + S) - pi under the null
hypothesis of no herding. Since B follows a binomial distribution with probabil-
ity p of success, AF is easily calculated given p and the number of money
managers active in that stock in that quarter. For any stock, AF declines as the
number of money managers active in that stock rises.
4.2. Empirical results on herding
Table 2 presents our main results on herding. Because our samples are so
large, all results are statistically significant. The first column reports the mean
and median herding measures for the whole sample. The mean herding measure,
0.027, is one of the key numbers in this paper; it implies that if p, the average
fraction of changes that are increases, was 0.5, then 52.7% of the money
managers were changing their holdings of an average stock in one direction and
47.3% in the opposite direction. The median herding measure is even smaller,
only 0.001, which suggests that there is virtually no herding in a typical
Table 2
Herding statistics for all stock-quarters and for stock-quarters with active trading based on
quarterly holdings changes of 341 money managers in the period 1985-1989.
The mean and median herding statistics are presented for all cases (‘stock-quarter’) and for cases
where more than 10 and more than 20 money managers were active. The herding statistic for a given
stock-quarter is defined as H(i) = IB(i)/(B(i) + S(i)) - p(t)1 - Af(i), where B(i) is the number of
money managers who increase their holdings in the stock in the quarter (net buyers), S(i) is the
number of money managers who decrease their holdings (net seliers), p(r) is the expected proportion
of money managers buying in that quarter relative to the number active, and AF(i) is the adjustment
factor explained in the text. The herding measures are computed for each stock-quarter and then
averaged across different subgroups. Standard errors (based on the assumption of independence
across stock-quarters) are in parentheses.
All cases
0.00 1
More than 10 money
managers active
0.00 I
More than 20 money
managers active
0.02 1
J. Lakonishok et al.. The impact of insrirurional trading on stock prices
Perhaps we should not be surprised by how low this number is. In the market
as a whole, aggregating across all traders, there can be no herding, since for
every share bought there is a share sold. If our sample of money managers is
a random sample of traders, we would not expect to find any herding. Herding
can only be detected within subsets of investors. Since we are analyzing one such
subset (pension fund managers), herding within this subset can certainly exist,
although we do not find any evidence thereof.
Some might argue that we should look within a finer subset of money
managers who share a similar investment style in order to detect herding, but we
are not persuaded by this argument. For one thing, virtually all of the money in
our sample is managed by stock-picking pension fund managers evaluated by
the same service. We do not have individuals or even most types of institutional
investors. It is hard to believe that we have a random sample of U.S. equity
investors, given how homogeneous our sample is by construction. In fact, we
have argued earlier that restricting our sample to all-equity pension fund
managers evaluated by the same service significantly increases the chances of
detecting herd behavior.
Moreover, suppose that there are some large subgroups of institutions, with
each subgroup practicing a distinct investment philosophy, and suppose that
there is a great deal of herding among members of each subgroup. This would
raise two possibilities. First, the strategies of different subgroups are uncor-
related and, hence, they do not counter each others’ demand shifts. For example,
growth money managers destabilize growth stocks and value money managers
destabilize low-P/E stocks. Our measure of herding calculated even on a ran-
dom sample of institutions would detect the herding that was going on, since the
subgroup of institutions trading in parallel would cause the whole set of
institutions to be on one side of the market, with individuals taking the other
side. Our results reject this possibility, since we do not find much herding
looking over all stocks.
The second possibility is that although money managers herd within sub-
groups, the subgroups trade with each other so as to systematically counter each
other’s effects on prices. For example, if growth money managers buy a stock,
value money managers sell it to them. But in this case, there is no destabilization
since money managers just trade with each other. This possibility is consistent
with our evidence of very little herding by institutional investors.
For many stocks in our sample, the number of managers who changed their
holdings in that stock is quite small. In table 2 we also provide herding results
for stocks in which a substantial number of money managers were active. This
restriction eliminates many of the smaller stocks. The results are similar to our
earlier findings of little herding.
Another intuitive way to look at herding is to examine the fraction of purchas-
ing behavior of an individual money manager that can be explained by the actions
of other money managers. We run a regression across stock-quarters, in
J. Lokonishok er al.. The impact of insritutional truding on srock prices
which the dependent variable gets the value of one if a randomly-chosen money
manager who traded in that stock-quarter is a net buyer, and zero if he is a net
seller. The independent variable is the fraction of money managers active in that
stock in that quarter who were buyers (excluding the randomly-chosen money
manager whose behavior we are trying to explain). The slope coefficient in this
regression is 0.05 (t = 13.Q but more interestingly, the R-squared is only 0.7%.
indicating that. in a cross-section, less than 1% of an individual money man-
ager’s behavior in a stock can be explained by the aggregate behavior of other
money managers in that stock. In sum, the money managers in our sample do
not seem to herd very much; most likely, they use a variety of trading styles that
result, on average, in uncorrelated trading decisions.
4.3. Further results
We have established so far that, on average, there does not seem to be much
herding in individual stocks in our sample. This does not preclude the possibility
of more extensive herding in certain types of stocks, such as stocks of a particu-
lar size or performance record. Institutions might also be more apt to herd in
industry groups as opposed to individual stocks. Finally, herding may be more
prevalent among subgroups of pension fund managers than in the aggregate.
These possibilities are explored below.
Panel A of table 3 shows herding by stock size. The stocks in which the money
managers were active in a given quarter were assigned into size quintiles. The
cut-off points for the size quintiles were determined from the universe of NYSE
and AMEX stocks and updated quarterly. Herding was then examined within
each of the size groups. The results reveal more herding by institutional inves-
tors in small stocks than in large stocks; the observed relationship is monotonic
in size. For the smallest quintile stocks, our herding measure is 6.1%, while for
the largest stocks it is only 1.6%.
There is some reason to believe that the herding statistic for smaller firms is
upward-biased. If the firm is either issuing or repurchasing shares from the
public, we should observe herding in any random sample of investors, simply
because the issuing (repurchasing) firm is the unobserved other party to the
transaction. But this does not really amount to meaningful correlation among
the strategies of investors.
In small firms for which we observe fewer normal trades to start with,
repurchase and issue activity may be a larger fraction of the trading activity we
observe. The data support this view. When we look at the subsample consisting
of only those stock-quarters in which the number of outstanding shares of the
firm did not change either way by more than 2%, we find noticeably less herding
for the smaller firms and no appreciable difference for the larger firms relative to
the results for the full sample. The herding statistics for this subsample of
stock-quarters for quintiles 1 through 5 respectively are: 0.028, 0.031, 0.023,
J. Lukonishok ri al.. The impacr of mstitu/ional rrading on stock prwes 33
Table 3
Herding statistics by lirrn size, past-quarter performance. and by money under management based
on sample of quarterly holdings changes of 341 money managers in the period 1985-1989.
Panel A reports the mean herding statistic by firm size (market capitalization) quintiles.
Panel B reports the mean herding statistic by past-quarter return quintiles. Panel C reports the mean
herding statistic by money under management quintiles determined from the universe being
evaluated by SEI. The herding statistic for a given stock-quarter is defined as H(i) = jB(i)j’(B(i) + S(I))
- p(t)1 - AQi), where B(i) is the number of money managers who increase their holdings in the
stock in the quarter (net buyers). S(i) is the number of money managers who decrease their holdings
(net sellers), p(r) is the expected proportion of money managers buying in that quarter relative to the
number active. and Af(i) is the adjustment factor explained in the text. The herding measures are
computed for each stock-quarter and then averaged across different subgroups. Standard errors
(based on the assumption of independence across stock-quarters) are in parentheses.
Quintile I
Panel A: B~firm si:e
Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4
Quintile 5
Mean 0.06 I 0.039 0.028
0.020 0.016
(0.0230) (0.0058)
(0.0034) (0.0024)
Quintile I
Panel B: By past-quarter performance
Quintile 2
Quintile 3
Quintile 4 Quintile 5
0.018 0.020 0.024
(0.0022) (0.0027)
(0.0024) (0.0019)
Quintile I
Panel C: Ay assets under management
Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4 Quintile 5
0.006 0.016 0.016 0.012 0.018
(0.0023) (0.0024) (0.0019) (0.00 15) (0.0012)
0.017, and 0.016. These results suggest that the true herding statistic for smaller
firms may be closer to 0.03 than to 0.06, but still higher than for larger firms.
(These results should be interpreted with some caution since, based on a sample
of 107 stock-quarters in quintile 1, the standard error on our estimate of the
herding statistic is 0.022.)
The finding of greater herding in small stocks has several possible explana-
tions. It might simply reflect unintentional herding, whereby all institutions
just respond similarly to particular news. For example, they may all want to sell
small obscure stocks that have lost value in order to window dress their
portfolios. Dumping losers may be less of an issue with larger stocks, which
are held by many institutions. Lakonishok et al. (1991) find more window
dressing in small stocks. Conversely. money managers might all want to buy
34 J. Lukonuhok er al., The impucr of‘ rns~iturional rrading on stock prices
a well-performing small stock because higher market capitalization increases the
stock’s liquidity and coverage by analysts.
Intentional herding should also be more prevalent in small stocks. There is
less public information about these stocks, and, therefore, managers are much
more likely to pay attention to each others’ behavior and make decisions based
on the trades of others in these stocks. This view of herding is consistent with
Banerjee’s (1992) idea that herding might result from rational inference under
very limited information. The result of greater herding in small stocks is also
consistent with Scharfstein and Stein’s (1990) agency interpretation of inten-
tional herding: fund managers may sell a small stock that other managers sell in
order to avoid embarrassment, but holding onto IBM when others sell it is
probably acceptable.
We also examine herding conditional on past performance of the stocks.
At the beginning of every quarter, we divide the universe of NYSE and
AMEX stocks into past-quarter performance quintiles. Stocks in which the
money managers traded were then assigned into these quintiles, and herding
measures computed for each group. The results are in panel B of table 3.
Herding does not seem to depend on past stock performance. At most, there
is some weak indication of slightly more herding in better-performing
One might argue that herding should be more pronounced within certain
industry groups of stocks, such as technology stocks, whose cash flows are more
uncertain. For example, one might expect to observe more herding in Genentech
than in a less-glamorous stock like General Motors. To test this hypothesis, we
divide the stocks in our sample into eleven broad industry groupings, provided
to us by SEI, and compute our herding measure for each group. Again. we do
not find much herding in any group. The measure of herding within various
industry groups ranged between 0.029 and 0.015. There is no industry with an
unusually large degree of herding.
Another hypothesis is that money managers herd in their portfolio allocations
across industries rather than across individual stocks. For example, when
money managers are ‘excited’ about computer stocks, one of them might buy
IBM, another might buy Apple Computer, and a third might buy COMPAQ,
leading to significant herding at an industry but not a firm level. To test this
hypothesis, we look at the 54 two-digit SIC industries with at least ten stocks
traded in our sample in each quarter. For each money manager, and for each
‘industry-quarter’, we compute the dollar purchases and dollar sales. A value of
one was assigned to a money manager if he was a net buyer and zero if he was
a net seller. For each industry-quarter, then, we had the number of buyers and
the number of sellers, and could compute our herding measure while treating the
whole industry as if it were a single stock. This calculation produced a herding
measure of 0.013, suggesting even less herding at the industry level than at the
individual stock level.
J. Lukonishok et al.. Thr impact of insrirurional trading on stock prices 35
A final issue is the possibility of herding among subsets of money managers.
One alternative is that money managers with a similar amount of money under
management herd with each other, on the theory that similarly-sized money
managers are in more direct competition for fund sponsors. Accordingly, we
divide our money managers into quintiles each year by asset size under manage-
ment, and compute our measure of herding within manager-size quintiles. Panel
C of table 3 presents the results. There is less herding among the smallest
managers than among the largest managers, but neither group herds a lot. Like
the evidence on the subgroups of stocks and industries, this evidence on
subgroups of money managers reveals little herding.
We conclude with an important caveat. It is possible that while there is very
little herding in individual stocks and industries, there are times when money
managers simultaneously move into stocks as a whole or move out of stocks as
a whole. Since our data set contains only all-equity funds, we cannot examine
this type of herding.
5. Feedback strategies
At any level of herding, institutional investors have more potential to destabil-
ize asset prices if they follow strong positive-feedback strategies. So far, our
analysis has been based on a count of money managers, which is the right
measure of herding, and not on the amount of excess demand. From the point of
view of destabilization of prices, however, the relevant variable is excess de-
mand. We therefore compute the current quarter’s net buying (aggregated
across all money managers in a given stock) conditional on the past quarter’s
and on the past year’s stock performance.
We use two measures of excess demand in a quarter, Dratio (dollar ratio) and
Nratio (numbers ratio). For a given stock-quarter, i, Dratio is defined as
Dratio(i) = [$buys(i) - Ssells(i)]/[%buys(i) + Ssells(i)] ,
where $buys(i) is the total dollar increases by all money managers in the given
stock-quarter (evaluated at the average price during the quarter) and &ells(i) is
similarly defined as the total dollar decreases in holdings. Similarly, Nratio is
defined as
Nratio(i) = #buys(i)/ # actice ,
where #buys(i) is the number of money managers increasing the holding of the
stock in quarter i and #active is the number of money managers changing
their holdings. In the results presented below, Dratios and Nrarios are simple
averages taken over all stock-quarters in a given group. We use two measures
36 J. Lakonishok t-1 al., The impact 01‘ insrirutional trading on stock pries
because they might, in principle, yield different results. For example, most
managers might be engaged in positive-feedback trading, but the negative-
feedback managers might be making the larger trades, in which case trend
chasing would show up in the Nratio but not in the Dratio.
Table 4 presents the results for Dratio and Nratio by past-quarter per-
formance quintiles and size quintiles. The results for Dratio show fairly substan-
tial trend chasing for smaller stocks: the excess of sales over purchases in the
Table 4
Past-quarter performance and trading activity of 341 money managers by size quintiles in the period
In panel A, the mean excess demand by past-quarter performance and size (market capitalization) is
presented. The excess demand for a given stock-quarter, Dratio, is defined as the difference between
dollar buys and dollar sells scaled by total activity @buys + Ssells). In panel B. the proportion of
money managers that are net buyers, Nrario, by past-quarter performance and size is presented.
Standard errors (based on the assumption of independence across stock-quarters) are in paren-
performance (smlall)
2 3
4 5
I (worst) - 0.180
2 - 0.159
3 - 0.057
4 - 0.005
5 (best) 0.036
Panel A: E.xcess demand (Dratio)
- 0.030
- 0.080
- 0.015
- 0.047
- 0.107
(0.01 I)
Pane/ B: Proportion of money managers buying (Nratio)
1 (worst) 0.418 0.485 0.554 0.528 0.488
(0.026) (0.028) (0.027)
2 0.42 I 0.465 0.469 0.444 0.526
(0.01 I) (0.016) (0.017) (0.016)
3 0.477 0.502 0.511 0.508 0.541
(0.008) (0.011) (0.012)
4 0.494 0.523 0.539 0.525 0.510
(0.008) (0.008)
5 (best) 0.510 0.520 0.519 0.520 0.493
(0.005) (0.005) (0.005)
J. Lakonishok et ul.. The impact of inslirurional wading on srock prices 37
worst-performing smallest stocks is 18% of total value traded, whereas the
excess of purchases over sales among best-performing smallest stocks is 3.6%.
A similar pattern is also observed in the second-smallest size category. More-
over, in both of these size quintiles, excess demand is monotonically increasing
in performance. As we move to larger stocks, the relationship between excess
demand and past performance disappears. Among the largest quintile stocks,
where increases in holdings always exceed decreases, there is no evidence
whatsoever of positive-feedback trading. The results thus reveal positive-feed-
back trading for smaller but not for larger stocks. Aggregating across all size
groups, we do not see any evidence of positive-feedback trading on average,
because of the concentration of trades in larger stocks.
The results for Nratio also point to positive-feedback trading in small but not
in large stocks. In small stocks, only 42% of money managers changing their
holdings of the worst performers are buyers, whereas 51% of the money
managers changing their holdings of the best performers are buyers. Within this
size quintile, Nratio increases monotonically with past performance. Positive-
feedback trading is still evident in the second size quintile, but disappears in
larger quintiles. Finally, table 5 reports the results on trading as a function of
past-year performance and size. Consistent with the results in table 4, there is
evidence of positive-feedback trading in small but not in large stocks.
The finding of positive-feedback trading in smaller stocks is intriguing. Per-
haps the most obvious explanation is window dressing: money managers dump
losers among small stocks to dress up their portfolios. The strategy of dumping
small stock losers makes sense if sponsors are less sensitive to holdings of poorly-
performing blue chips than to holdings of poorly-performing unknown stocks.
The observed positive-feedback strategies in smaller stocks might also be
a consequence of institutional practices and constraints. For example, past
losers dumped by money managers might be firms who stopped dividend
payments. Some institutions might be prohibited from holding such stocks,
Alternatively, money managers might restrict their holdings of small-capitaliza-
tion or illiquid stocks. These factors create a positive correlation between past
returns and institutional excess demand. In any case, whether we are finding
evidence of behavioral strategies, agency problems, or of simple institutional
restrictions, positive-feedback trading might have an impact on share prices of
small stocks.
Interestingly, our result for small stocks is supportive of the evidence that
overreaction identified by De Bondt and Thaler (1985) is concentrated in small
stocks [Chopra, Lakonishok, and Ritter (1992)]. If institutional investors change
their demand for these stocks in response to extreme performance, and if their
demand affects prices in the short run, we would expect to observe overreaction.
The preferred holdings of institutional investors are large stocks, however,
which is where their trading strategies are probably most important. For these
stocks, we see no evidence of positive-feedback trading. Under the most
38 J. Lakomshok el al.. The unpuct of insri~lonul rrading on stock prices
Table 5
Past-year performance and trading activity of 341 money managers by size quintiles in the period
In panel A, the mean excess demand by past-year performance and size (market capitalization) is
presented. The excess demand for a given stock-quarter, Dratio, is defined as the difference between
dollar buys and dollar sells scaled by total activity (Sbuys + Sells). In panel B. the proportion of
money managers that are net buyers, Nrario, by past-year performance and size is presented.
Standard errors (based on the assumption of independence across stock-quarters) are in paren-
2 3 4
Panel A: Excess demand (Drario)
I (worst) - 0.158 - 0.222
- 0.101 0.005
2 - 0.035 - 0.077
(0.022) (0.018)
3 - 0.056 0.029
0.041 0.042
(0.06 1)
(0.026) (0.019)
4 0.068 0.073
0.029 0.032
(0.06 I )
5 (best) 0.059 - 0.001
0.090 0.036
(0.040) (0.023) (0.0 17) (0.013)
0.05 I
Panel E: Proportion of money manugers buying (.Vrutio)
I (worst) 0.422 0.393
0.458 0.500
(0.015) (0.01 I)
(0.010) (0.008 )
2 0.483 0.464
0.508 0.519
(0.023) (0.014) (0.0 IO) (0.007)
3 0.473 0.510
0.511 0.516
(0.030) (0.018)
(0.012) (0.008)
4 0.536 0.531
0.510 0.516
(0.030) (0.017)
(0.01 I) (0.008)
5 (best) 0.528 0.493
0.538 0.517
(0.01 I)
(0.008) (0.005)
common notion of destabilizing speculation, this implies that institutions are
not destabilizing. The evidence on trend chasing in the largest stocks, like the
evidence on herding, does not support the accusation that institutional investors
destabilize the prices of the individual stocks they trade. Of course, our results
on changes in quarterly holdings for individual stocks leave open the possibility
that institutional investors destabilize either aggregate stock prices or the prices
J. Lakunishok et ~1.. The mpucr of m.srrrr&md rruding on stock prices
of individual stocks day-to-day or week-to-week without much affecting the
quarterly time series of stock prices.
6. Institutional excess demand and contemporaneous price movements
Thus far, we have found little evidence that institutions destabilize stock
prices through either herding or positive-feedback trading. In this section, we
analyze the direct relationship between demand for stocks by our money
managers and contemporaneous stock returns.
Of course, even if institutions affect prices, they might move them toward,
rather than away from, fundamentals. More importantly, our data set is not
ideal for analyzing the impact of institutional demand on prices. Our quarterly
data does not enable us to distinguish between the impact of trades on prices
and within-quarter trading strategies that respond to within-quarter price
moves. For example, if we found that a particular group of stocks that institu-
tions bought in a quarter rose in price in that quarter, it could be evidence either
of positive-feedback trading in response to short-term price moves, or of the
effect of institutional trading on prices, or even of both effects operating at the
same time. In interpreting the results presented below, it is crucial to recognize
this limitation of quarterly data.
Table 6 presents some basic statistics on the relationship between institu-
tional demand for stocks in a quarter and size-adjusted excess returns in that
quarter, computed by deducting from the quarterly buy-and-hold stock return
the return on an equally-weighted quarterly buy-and-hold portfolio of the same
size decile. The cut-off points for size deciles were updated quarterly. In each
quarter, we divided stocks traded by our money managers into two broad
categories: stocks of which in aggregate they were net buyers and those of which
in aggregate they were net sellers. Each category is, in turn, divided into three
groups depending on the size of the imbalance between dollar purchases and
dollar sales (scaled by market capitalization). Small excess refers to the bottom
quartile of stocks in terms of dollar excess demand, medium excess to the middle
half, and large excess to the quartile of firms with largest excess demand in dollar
terms. The same groups are defined for firms for which sales exceed purchases.
The results in table 6 show a statistically-significant size-adjusted excess
return of 1.8% per quarter for firms that were bought, on net, by our money
managers. This result may reflect a price impact of institutional trades, which
might, but does not have to be destabilizing. The positive excess return could
also result from positive-feedback trading in response to recent price increases,
without causing these increases. When we look at the subcategories of net
buying by the magnitude of our institutions’ excess demand, we find that the
abnormal return is actually somewhat smaller for large excess demand cases
than for cases with small excess demand.
J. Lakonishok er ul.. The impucr q/ mtirutional trading on stock prices
Table 6
Contemporary excess demand and quarterly returns for all stock-quarters and by size quintiles
based on quarterly holdings changes of 341 money managers in the period 1985-1989.
Average abnormal quarterly returns (size-adjusted) are presented for various levels of excess
demand. The results are presented for all stock-quarters as well as by firm size. Excess demand is
defined as dollar buys minus dollar sales scaled by market capitalization. Small excess refers to the
bottom quartile of stocks in terms of dollar excess demand (supply). medium excess to the middle
half. and large excess to the quartile of stocks with the largest excess demand. Standard errors (based
on the assumption of independence across stock-quarters) are in parentheses.
All 1
2 3
SbtrJs exceeds &ells
Small excess
Medium excess
Large excess
dsel1.s exceeds Sbu.r.r
Small excess
Medium excess
Large excess
- 0.003 I
- 0.0172
- 0.0073
- 0.0142
- 0.0292
- 0.083 I - 0.0188
(0.0065) (0.0038)
- 0.072 I
(0.0 136)
- 0.0018
- 0.0688
- 0.1150
- 0.0074
- 0.0572
(0.004 I)
- 0.0193
(0.002 I)
- 0.0047
0.0 I28
(0.006 I)
For stocks which are sold. on net, by institutions, the abnormal return is
substantially lower than for stocks which are bought, on net, although in
magnitude the former return is a fairly small - 0.3% in the quarter. The
average excess return, however, is a more substantial - 1.7% for firms for
which the excess of sales over purchases is the largest. This might be evidence of
destabilization or of responsiveness of demand to very recent price movements.
To clarify the above picture, the analysis was extended to five size quintiles,
with size-adjusted abnormal returns calculated for each of the size groups. The
results are also presented in table 6. As before, results differ substantially by size
group. For the smallest stocks, the average abnormal return when purchases
exceed sales is close to zero. Within that category, more buying is not associated
with higher returns; in fact, the mean abnormal return on the smallest stocks
with the largest excess demand is - 2.9%. On the other hand, the returns on the
smallest stocks for which sales exceed purchases are sharply negative. Moreover,
they are the most negative when the excess supply by institutions is the largest.
J. Lakonishok et d.. The impact of institutional truding on stock prices 41
This evidence suggests that, within the smallest stocks, either institutions sell
recent losers, or they depress the prices of stocks they sell.
The results for the second size quintile are consistent with either intraquarter
positive-feedback trading or the direct impact of institutional trades on share
prices. The mean abnormal return for stocks for which purchases exceed sales is
2.8%, and the mean return for stocks for which sales exceed purchases is
- 1.8%. These returns are roughly monotonic in the magnitude of excess
demand. In the third size quintile, we again see positive returns for stocks for
which purchases exceed sales, but negative returns only for stocks for which
the excess of sales over purchases is the largest. Again, however, there is a
rough monotonic relationship between excess demand and abnormal returns,
indicating either price pressure by institutions or intraquarter positive-feedback
Even these rough relationships, however, disappear in the two largest size
quintiles, in which institutional trading is concentrated. In the fourth quintile,
both the stocks which are bought, on net, and sold, on net, earn a positive excess
return. Moreover, stocks for which the excess supply by institutions is the largest
have an abnormal return of 2.0%. In the largest quintile, stocks which institu-
tions buy, on net, have lower abnormal returns than stocks which institutions
sell, on net, which seems more consistent with stabilizing negative-feedback
trading. Indeed, stocks with the largest excess demand have a return of - OS%,
and stocks with the largest excess supply have a return of 3.1%. What little
support we saw for positive-feedback trading or price pressure from institutions
in smaller quintiles disappears in the largest two quintiles.
In sum, the results of this section are the least conclusive. Stocks that
institutions buy, on net, have higher contemporaneous abnormal returns than
stocks that institutions sell, on net.’ However, a closer inspection reveals that
‘In tables 4 and 5. we explored the relation between past returns and current excess demand by
money managers. In table 6, we looked at current returns and current excess demand. Another
question is: What is the relation between future returns and current excess demand? This question
has more to do with the short-run profitability of the strategies pursued by pension managers than
with the destabilization question. Friedman (1953) has argued that if prices move in one’s favor after
trading. then one has contributed to price stabilization. The problem is how to rule out strategies
that are short-run-profitable but may actually be destabilizing in the long run. This problem is
especially serious when future returns cannot be estimated very precisely o\er a long period of time.
We have examined the relationship between current excess demand and one-quarter-ahead
returns without drawing conclusions about the role of institutions in promoting price stability from
these results. The evidence. while quite mixed. suggests that pension fund trading in the smallest
three quintiles of stocks is profitable in the short run. while trading in the two largest quintiles is
neither particularly profitable or unprofitable in the short run. In other words, when pension funds
are net sellers ofsmaller stocks. future prices tend to fall over the next quarter and prices tend to rise
when the funds are net buyers. However. the magnitude of the future return differences as a function
of past excess demands is relatively small and there are also some anomalous aspects of the results.
For example, across all five quintiles. some of the most negative returns occur after large net buying
by fund managers in the previous quarter.
J. Lakonishok et al.. The impact of institutional trading on stock prices
this result is driven by the smaller stocks, particularly those in the second and
third quintiles. In the largest two quintiles, the pattern of abnormal returns for
the net buy and net sell cases is essentially identical. For the smallest quintile
stocks, when institutions are net sellers, a monotonic relationship between
gradations of excess supply and abnormal returns is observed. However, no such
relationship exists for stocks which institutions buy, on net. In light of this
evidence, the destabilizing effect of institutions in individual stocks, even if it
exists, is unlikely to be large.
7. Conclusion
This paper has presented evidence on the herding and trend-chasing behavior
of institutional money managers. For smaller stocks, we find weak evidence of
herding and somewhat stronger evidence of positive-feedback trading. However,
the evidence shows relatively little of either herding or positive-feedback trading
in the largest stocks, which constitute the bulk of most institutional holdings
and trading. There is also no consistent evidence of a significant positive
correlation between changes in institutional holdings and contemporaneous
excess returns, except again in small stocks where we may just be observing
intraquarter positive-feedback trading. We conclude that there is no solid
evidence in our data that institutional investors destabilize prices of individual
stocks. Instead, the emerging image is that institutions follow a broad range of
styles and strategies and that their trades offset each other without having
a large impact on prices. We must conclude, however, with two important
caveats. First, our results do not preclude either market-wide herding, such as
would occur if money managers followed each other in market-timing strategies,
or herding in individual stocks that only shows up when measured at shorter
time intervals such as daily or weekly. Second, our results do not rule out the
possibility of highly inelastic demands for stocks which cause relatively small
amounts of institutional herding or positive-feedback trading to have relatively
large effects on stock prices.
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