19 November 2021
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
The Department of the Air Force, for the first time since becoming a multi-Service
organization, presents unified operational doctrine for the entire department. This
Department of the Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-99, The Department of the Air
Force Role in Joint All-Domain Operations, is a guiding doctrinal statement of the
way ahead for both Services in the vital and growing area of joint all-domain
operations. Each Service contributes to the full range of forces and capabilities
made available to the joint force commander. Together, they provide the
incomparable ability to exploit air and space in the service of our Nation.
Major General, USAF Brigadier General, USAF
Commander, LeMay Center for Doctrine Commander, Space Training
Development and Education and Readiness Command
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-99
Space Force Doctrine Publication 3-99
Department of the Air Force Role in Joint All-Domain
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: JOINT ALL-DOMAIN OPERATIONS ....................................................... 1
JADO PRINCIPLES..................................................................................................... 1
THE COMPETITION CONTINUUM ............................................................................. 2
DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER 2: COMMAND AND CONTROL ................................................................... 5
PLANNING .................................................................................................................. 6
EXECUTION ................................................................................................................ 8
ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................ 9
CHAPTER 3: INFORMATION ...................................................................................... 10
OPERATIONS IN THE INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT (OIE) ............................... 10
CHAPTER 4: INTELLIGENCE ..................................................................................... 13
PLANNING ................................................................................................................ 14
CHAPTER 5: FIRES ..................................................................................................... 15
CONVERGENCE ....................................................................................................... 15
TARGETING AND FIRES INTEGRATION ................................................................ 15
CHAPTER 6: MOVEMENT AND MANEUVER ............................................................. 17
CHAPTER 7: PROTECTION ........................................................................................ 19
AGILE COMBAT EMPLOYMENT (ACE) .................................................................. 19
CHAPTER 8: SUSTAINMENT ...................................................................................... 21
MANEUVER LOGISTICS .......................................................................................... 21
APPENDIX A: DOMAINS, ENVIRONMENTS AND ELEMENTS ................................. 23
APPENDIX D: JOINT ALL-DOMAIN DOCTRINAL GAPS ........................................... 27
APPENDIX E: CONCEPTS TO DOCTRINE CYCLE .................................................... 29
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
This vignette box goes into ALL
AFDPs on the page
immediately after the TOC. The
vignette will be the only thing on
this page.
“The Air Force organizes, trains, and equips forces to be an air component to a
joint force commander (JFC). As part of the joint force’s air component, our
forces must be prepared to accomplish JFC objectives. The air component
commander’s administrative authorities are derived from Title 10, U.S. Code,
and exercised as the commander, Air Force forces (COMAFFOR). The air
component commander’s operational authorities are delegated from the JFC
and exercised as both the COMAFFOR, over Air Force Forces, and as the
functional joint force air component commander (JFACC), over joint air forces
made available for tasking. Thus, the air component commander leads Air
Force forces as the COMAFFOR and the JFC’s joint air operations as the
JFACC. This duality of authorities is expressed in the axiom: Airmen work for
Airmen and the senior Airman works for the JFC.”
--Air Force Doctrine Publication (AFDP) 1, The Air Force
Since the COMAFFOR and JFACC are nearly always the same individual,
this AFDP will use the term “air component commander” when referring
to duties or functions that could be carried out by either or both, unless
explicit use of the term “COMAFFOR” or “JFACC” is necessary for clarity.
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
This doctrine publication establishes a framework for air and space components
supporting joint all-domain operations (JADO). The framework combines a vision of
JADO with near-term practical approaches grounded in operational experience and
battle-tested processes for operational planning, execution, and assessment. This
publication guides the Department of the Air Force (DAF) in organizing and employing
the full range of forces and capabilities presented to a joint force commander (JFC).
Experiments, wargames, and exercises continue to refine JADO operational principles.
This publication’s role, as emerging doctrine, is depicted in Appendix E. Its desired
outcomes are:
Describe the need for joint all-domain command and control (JADC2) structures.
Accelerate and increase capacity to develop and exploit decision-quality information.
Organize, train, and equip forces to converge effects in multiple domains in
operationally-relevant timeframes.
Improve and increase the options by which the joint force can succeed while cutting
off adversary pathways for success.
The DAF’s ability to operate is challenged by anti-access and area denial threats and
the rapid proliferation of advanced technologies that restrict freedom of maneuver. The
DAF does not fight alone and joint force operations are increasingly interconnected,
interdependent, and challenged. This operating environment requires the DAF and
Department of Defense (DOD) to examine how forces will sense, plan, decide, and act
in concert across all domains to gain the freedom of action necessary for success.
Success requires the convergence of effects globally, across all domains, to
consecutively or simultaneously present an adversary with multiple dilemmas.
Synergistic employment of capabilities in different
domains enhances effectiveness and compensates for
vulnerabilities, creating outcomes not readily attainable
through single-domain action. Such dilemmas, when
presented at an operational tempo that complicates or
negates an adversary’s response, enable the joint
force to operate inside an adversary’s decision cycle.
Mission Command through centralized command, distributed control, and
decentralized execution through mission-type orders (MTO) when appropriate.
Delegation of authority to lower echelons and to other component and Service
leaders as required.
1 October 2020
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Information sharing.
Integrated multi-domain planning.
Risk identification and mitigation.
Synergistic effects.
Flexibility and Versatility.
Functions of the military departments are codified in DOD Directive 5100.01, Functions
of the Department of Defense and Its Major Components. Though the directive
promotes unity of command and unity of effort within each domain, it also allows for
stovepiped operations and limited integration, planning, and synergy between activities.
This creates vulnerabilities and reduces dynamic exploitation of emergent opportunities.
Conversely, a joint all-domain approach leverages the joint force’s full capability and
permits lower-level integration in operationally-relevant timeframes.
Current decision-making processes (e.g., the joint planning process) employ linear
planning and force synchronization to execute operations. These operations lead to
continuous cycles of heightened activity followed by a period of reduced activity. Current
processes can be slow and predictable; peer competition requires processes that create
adversary dilemmas by facilitating rapid synchronization of effects. This requires
continuous and iterative, near-term tactical planning, longer-term operational planning,
and campaign refinement as conditions change. Reframing integration and
synchronization in this manner allows for sustained and dynamic combat operations.
The DAF presents forces to the JFC and synergizes and integrates capabilities into
JADO across the competition continuum. Those forces operate principally in the air,
space, cyberspace, and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). Appendix A depicts the
relationships between DOD domains and their associated elements.
The competition continuum is presented in Joint Doctrine Note 1-19, Competition
Continuum. The doctrine note describes a comprehensive and flexible spectrum of
strategic relations between the United States and other actors. The competition
continuum, rather than a world either at peace or at war, describes a world of enduring
competition conducted through a mixture of cooperation, competition below armed
conflict, and armed conflict. The joint force is never solely in cooperation (or in
competition below armed conflict or in armed conflict) but instead campaigns through a
mixture of cooperation, competition below armed conflict, and armed conflict calculated
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
to achieve the desired strategic objectives.
The competition continuum describes the
environment and how the United States government applies instruments of national
power across the continuum.
Key points are:
Cooperation: Mutually beneficial
relationships with compatible
Competition: Relationships with
incompatible interestsnone seeking
to escalate to armed conflict.
Armed conflict: A situation in which
combat is the primary means to
satisfy interests.
Air and space forces support JADO across the competition continuum, as shown
through examples in the figure below.
JADO Across the Competition Continuum
Continuum region
Joint all-domain operations, activities, and investments
Improve partner nation interoperability.
Obtain and maintain all-domain access enabling global
reach and rapid projection of military power.
Establish cooperative sharing agreements improving
mutual support in crisis response.
Incorporate all-domain approaches into flexible deterrent
Expose and counter malign influence.
Maintain freedom of access and maneuver in the global
Armed Conflict
Gain information advantage.
Project global combat power.
Integrate and synchronize action in, from, or through all
domains to gain and maintain theater access.
Overmatch adversary forces at decisive points.
Preserve combat capability to conduct future operations.
Joint Doctrine Note 1-19, Competition Continuum
“The reemergence of long-term
strategic competition, rapid dispersion
of technologies, and new concepts of
warfare and competition that span the
entire spectrum of conflict require a
Joint Force structured to match this
National Defense Strategy of the
United States of America, 2018
[unclassified summary]
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Domain: A sphere of activity or influence with common and distinct characteristics in
which a force can conduct joint functions.
Decision Advantage: The product of situational understanding, the ability to assure
and exchange information, make and communicate decisions by maintaining
advantages in all domains.
Joint All-Domain Operations (JADO): Comprised of air, land, maritime, cyberspace,
and space domains, plus the EMS. Actions by the joint force in multiple domains
integrated in planning and synchronized in execution, at speed and scale needed to
gain advantage and accomplish the mission.
Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2): The art and science of decision-
making to rapidly translate decisions into action and leverage capabilities across all
domains, with mission partners, to achieve operational and informational advantage in
both competition and conflict.
Information Advantage: A condition in the information environment, favorable to
achievement of a commander’s objectives, achieved through the application of
information capabilities and influence, that results in a comparative advantage to
support all-domain operations. This includes targeting an adversary’s ability to conduct
C2 through observing, interpreting, and acting.
Information advantage can be achieved by deliberately using information to:
Influence relevant actors.
Inform target audiences.
Attack, exploit, and defend information, information networks, and systems.
Support decision-making.
Joint Publication (JP) 3-0, Joint Operations, describes the operational environment as encompassing
the physical domains of air, land, maritime, and space; the information environment, which includes the
cyberspace domain; and the EMS. It also describes the joint functions as related capabilities grouped to
help commanders integrate, synchronize, and direct operations. The joint functions are C2, information,
intelligence, fires, movement and maneuver, protection, and sustainment. Also refer to Appendix A for a
graphical depiction.
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
DOD strategy defines JADC2 as “the warfighting capability to sense, make sense, and
act at all levels and phases of war, across all functional areas, domains, and with
partners, to deliver information advantage at the speed of relevance.”
The DAF’s vision
for C2 provides an alternate but complementary definition: JADC2 the art and science
of decision-making to rapidly translate decisions into action and leverage capabilities
across all domains, with mission partners, to achieve operational and informational
advantage in both competition and conflict. It is the natural extension of C2 across
domains and functional components and is essential for JADO. The DAF’s vision
for JADC2 connects distributed sensors, shooters, and data across all domains, to all
forces, to enable mission command for the scaled, coordinated exercise of authority to
integrate planning and ensure the convergence of effects across a dynamic battlespace.
The convergence of effects in all domains requires:
Robust, resilient, and distributed C2 enterprise capable of simultaneous C2 of multiple
Unity of effort through shared understanding of commander's intent.
A shared understanding of the operational environment.
Integrating global and geographically-focused forces and capabilities with effective
command relationships.
Secure, adaptable, interoperable (joint and allied partners), and integrated data
networks to provide information synthesis, distributed decision-making, and
Operating with agility and resilience through MTO and delegation of authority at
each echelon.
The airpower tenet, mission command, guides the C2 of joint air operations. It is
executed through centralized command, distributed control, and decentralized execution
(AFDP 1, The Air Force). Mission command empowers subordinate decision making
through MTO to provide resiliency and flexibility required for JADC2. Mission command
provides the greatest freedom of action proportional to acceptable risk. Commanders
should determine and delegate levels of control based on the operating environment.
Exceptions to the use of MTO are when authorities for operations are held at the
highest levels, such as nuclear operations.
To actualize JADC2, the DAF’s solution calls for a C2 construct composed of processes
and systems that compress decision making cycles and facilitate convergence of effects
DOD JADC2 Strategy & DOD JADC2 Posture Review, (Washington, DC:
OSD, 2020)
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
across domains to enable globally integrated operations. The four key elements of this
construct are:
Sensing Grid
Advanced Networking
Decision Making
Authorities & Effects Delivery
These elements provide the capability to observe the environment, share information to
make sense of the environment, enhance decision making, and convergence effects to
overwhelm an adversary.
Effective JADC2 requires communications architectures that are distributed, robust, and
resilient in nature. Similarly, information and intelligence should be accessible and
shared at all echelons. The sensing grid harnesses information and applies automated
data processing through artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to provide
data to warfighters. This data is transferred across domains and classification
boundaries through an integrated, resilient, self-healing advanced network. JADC2
architectures should ensure interoperability with allies, partner nations, and agencies,
enable integration into central C2 nodes, and simultaneously provide the ability to
operate independently at the tactical edge, disconnected from C2. This all-domain data
enables decision-makers to understand relationships between information from different
domains with acceleration provided
by AI and ML capabilities. Cross-
domain perspectives provide insight
on impacts to the joint force, and
ways to enhance or mitigate those
impacts. These capabilities combine
to achieve decision advantage, and
translate it into operational-
advantage, through the integrated,
synchronized convergence of lethal
and non-lethal effects across all
domains. Human-Machine
relationships are further discussed in Appendix C
JADC2 requires an appropriate level of distributed control, decentralized execution,
delegated authority, and less dependence on central planning and mission direction
than recent, low-intensity conflict operations. Decentralized execution is enabled
through the designation of conditions-based authorities, in which conditions triggering
delegation to a lower echelon are planned for and designated prior to an operation.
“We need purple command and control. It
takes too long for us to do air command and
control, and ground command and control, and
navy command and control, and then try to
come back together and talk about what we are
going to do.”
-- General James M. Holmes, USAF, Retired,
Commander, Air Combat Command (2020)
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Conditions-based authorities enable C2 processes to function in a contested and
degraded environment. To achieve decentralized execution, commanders must
clearly convey intent, and subordinates must be empowered to act on that intent
absent further guidance.
Early and clear communication of
commander’s intent and force
prioritization is critical for JADO planning,
generating joint force opportunities while
creating adversary dilemmas across all
domains. Operations in contested
environments may necessitate a greater
degree of distributed control, but also
increase the risk of unintended
consequences if forces lack an accurate
understanding of overall mission context and evolving operational constraints and
JADC2 requires efficient management of resources and sophisticated information
gathering, processing, and sharing across domains. JADC2 tools and methods enable
information advantage and decision superiority. Where available, analytic modeling and
simulation tools should be employed to support and enhance commander decision
making and inform strategy choices (e.g., apportionment).
To ensure convergence of effects,
the planning process for the air
tasking order should expand to
support joint all-domain planning and
execution. JADC2 will orchestrate
this convergence through an
integrated tasking order (ITO)
employing assigned, attached, and
supporting forces, capabilities, and
effects. The ITO should incorporate
and synchronize capabilities across
components and domains to allow for
mutual support and convergence of
forces or effects. Knowledge of joint
force capabilities, a common lexicon,
common data standards, and the
ability to communicate across
echelons enables DAF forces to
integrate across domains.
Early all-domain planning allows forces to sustain initiative despite contested operations
and C2 degradation. Integrating planning cycles across domains may induce
“It is a given in future conflicts that the joint
force will be conducting operations in a
contested environment. We must be prepared
to execute in a degraded C2 environment
where clearly delineated and forward-thinking
commander’s intent will be a requirement. It is
imperative senior leaders provide our
commanders with conditions-based authorities
delegated to the lowest capable and
competent level, and empower command by
negation to accept the appropriate level of
risk, all while working toward moments of clear
-- General C.Q. Brown, Jr., USAF,
Commander, Pacific Air Forces (2019)
Conditions-based authorities are
authorities delegated to a subordinate
under certain pre-defined conditions.
This may include (but is not limited to):
Degradation in communications.
Significant changes in the
operational environment.
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
inefficiencies. However, those inefficiencies are outweighed by the increased
adaptability and force flexibility it affords. Longer planning cycles with faster adaptation
and refinement permit subordinate commanders to understand and execute intent in a
contested/denied environment. JADO planning considerations include:
Commander intent and objectives.
Capabilities, available for tasking, that can achieve effects necessary to meet
Limiting and enabling factors for effects.
Reusability of non-kinetic capabilities for follow-on operations.
Indirect effects and consequence management plans to include information
operations (IO), military deception (MILDEC), and operations security.
Rules of engagement and judge advocate review.
Flexibility to re-role assets quickly to contingency options to deliver unscheduled
effects or attack unanticipated targets. This may include missions that forces have
not been trained to conduct.
Lead time required to access capabilities needed to deliver effects.
Authorities required to deliver necessary effects.
Effects timing, including start time, duration, and flexibility.
Cross-component synchronization processes to include C2 with the air operations
center non-kinetic operations coordination cell (NKOCC).
Integration of partners and allies.
JADC2 synchronizes operations across domains to integrate kinetic and non-kinetic
actions to produce lethal and non-lethal effects. By providing a fused view of the
battlespace, JADC2 enhances the ability to monitor and adapt operations to meet
evolving operational requirements and political directives and adjust the weight of effort
at tactical and operational levels as needed. Effective JADC2 requires successful
execution or implementation of the following:
Synchronize application of forces and capabilities.
Define conditions for delegation of authorities.
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Synthesize legal and policy implications of force employment.
Commence, accelerate, delay, or terminate operations at an operational tempo
necessary to maximize advantages over an adversary.
Leverage domain advantages and mitigate disadvantages, by actions in and through
other domains, to generate joint force opportunities and create adversary dilemmas.
Continue tactical action through MTO.
Integrate between combatant commands to ensure efficient and effective use of
limited forces (e.g., global integrated intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance).
Develop and prepare follow-up actions as needed to account for a changing
operating environment.
Refine transition criteria to account for the full range of conditions across domains.
JADC2 assessment provides answers to these questions:
JADC2 Assessment Considerations
Examples of key questions
Are we doing the
right things?
What effects were late due to authorities’ delegation delays?
What effects were not able to be accomplished due to a lack
of authorities?
What opportunities advanced the JFC’s objectives through
all-domain synchronization?
Are we doing
things right?
Were the right communication channels in place between
domains to enable convergence?
Were effects sequenced between domains as planned?
Was the desired operations tempo achieved?
Were contingency plans developed and executed and able to
maintain mission timelines?
Are we measuring
the right things?
How was the measure of the effectiveness of the integrated
portions of the campaign accomplished?
What, if any, indicators were used from one domain to make
assessments in others?
Are the means to collect relevant metrics within operationally
relevant timeframes available?
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Within JADO, the DAF uses information as a central element of operational-level
planning, execution, and assessment. It does so by providing component commanders
and the joint force with the capability to leverage informational power to achieve
operational and strategic effects in concert with other elements of airpower. When
designing air operations, the DAF uses information to craft plans and courses of action
that ensure convergence of effects on target audiences. USAF Information Warfare
(IW) capabilities and considerations of effects in the information environment are
integrated throughout the targeting process early and not thought of simply as an
adjunct to operations. For more information on USAF IW see AFDP 3-13, Information in
Air Force Operations.
OIE are an integral element of JADO. They are characterized by the sequencing of
actions using information to affect behavior by: informing audiences; influencing
relevant actors; and affecting information, information networks, and information
systems. OIE are designed, planned, and synchronized to complement and reinforce
operational effects from other domains. Sequencing should be accounted for in the
initial operational planning phases and executed in concert with other domain
operations. Failure to do so will limit JADO from achieving the desired effects on
adversary actors and systems.
All actions, to include written or spoken words and displayed or related images, have
informational aspects capable of communicating a message or intent. Shaping and
leveraging those messages to influence target audiences, is an integral component of
operations and planning to support JFC objectives.
Effective joint force application of timely and relevant information is vital to attain
enduring strategic advantage across the competition continuum. Deliberate, long-term
IO campaigns shape perceptions and behaviors by capitalizing on the cumulative and
reinforcing effects of multiple coordinated operations, activities, and investments (OAI).
Component commanders, in coordination with the joint force, achieve JFC outcomes
through nested activities integrating informational and military power. The JFC’s
operational approach shapes the information environment to gain, maintain, and protect
information advantage in support of decision superiority.
The table “OIE for Information Advantage” shows representative OIE activities, across
the competition continuum that can be used to create and leverage information
advantage. Information advantage is created by:
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Bolstering domestic and international understanding, trust, and support with timely,
accurate, contextualized, and purposeful communication related to both component
and joint force activities.
Distracting an enemy’s ability to observe, orient, decide, and act effectively.
Eroding an adversary’s confidence in their capabilities, strategies, and relationships
relative to that of the joint force.
OIE for Information Advantage
Representative activities
Develop and demonstrate enhanced information
sharing, cooperative agreements and activities.
Provide public attribution of joint force activities to
secure legitimacy.
Build domestic and international audience
resilience against disinformation and propaganda.
Synchronize messaging with allies and partners.
Highlight foreign military sales.
understanding, trust,
and support with
domestic and
international audiences
in the purpose of and
approach to component
and joint force activities
Counter disinformation and propaganda.
Expose and counter malign influence.
Mislead adversary decision-makers on joint force
dispositions, capabilities, and vulnerabilities
causing diversion of cognitive and physical
resources towards unproductive ends.
Conduct selective demonstrations of unique joint
force capabilities.
Erosion of adversary
confidence in their
capabilities, strategies, and
Create operational surprise by deceiving enemy
decision-makers on joint force dispositions,
capabilities, intentions, and actions.
Deny enemy freedom of action in cyberspace
and the EMS while ensuring it for the joint force.
Provide transparent response to accidents or
inadvertent events.
Diminished enemy ability
to observe, orient,
decide, and act
Campaigns are executed through a series of OAIs, spanning day-to-day operations
(cooperation) through crisis response (conflict). Individual OAIs are designed and
selected for their ability to advance JFC objectives by shaping the information
environment. By integrating informational power (IP) and physical power (PP), OAIs are
reinforced and their value maximized through appropriate timing, tempo, scope, and
purpose. Such integration maximizes an OAI’s ability to create an advantage for the
joint force. The figure below, “Integration of Informational Power and Physical Power”,
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
illustrates the potential linkages between PP and IP actions from a temporal perspective
before, during, and after employment of physical military power. Before a PP action,
IP can be used in an enabling capacity:
To create physical conditions for success.
To impose costs by drawing or diverting an actor’s attention from the true purpose
and nature of joint force actions (e.g., MILDEC).
To shape relevant actor expectations through overt and covert messaging.
While they can be effective when applied separately, IP and PP work best together in a
variety of ways. When PP is employed, IP can act concurrently, or in advance, to
support or enhance the effort. Likewise, following PP employment, IP can reinforce
impressions and interpretations of what occurred and condition expectations for what
may happen next. Alternatively, PP action may be employed for informational purposes;
i.e. to demonstrate the will behind a comprehensive set of OIE.
Such combined actions require both integration and synchronization--integration in
planning is predicated on an accurate understanding of the operational environment and
requires an effective combination of informational and physical effects to drive the target
audience behavior. Synchronization in execution converges those effects with the right
timing, tempo, scope, and intensity.
Integration of Informational Power and Physical Power
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) operations are executed in, from,
and through all domains across the competition continuum. All-domain intelligence
capabilities enable globally-integrated ISR forces to quickly collect, analyze, process,
and disseminate relevant information to operational forces, and refine foundational
intelligence to inform mission planning and improve joint intelligence preparation of the
operational environment (JIPOE). Intelligence collected during cooperative or
competitive activities will be leveraged during armed conflict, providing commanders a
comprehensive understanding of adversary attitudes, activities, forces, and other
considerations that inform decision-making.
In JADO, intelligence must develop, maintain, and share an awareness of the
operational environment that spans geographic, functional, domain, classification, and
organizational boundaries. The scope of awareness should include intelligence on
ongoing operations, adversary forces, indications and warnings (I&W), target
information, and account for military, political, and environmental considerations. JADO
intelligence operations require a foundational understanding that encompasses
battlespace awareness, but also expands to include an understanding of the complex,
interrelated nature of events across areas of responsibility; how they affect campaign
plans, and the effect (positive or negative) they may have on the commander’s ability to
project force. Awareness is challenged by the need to fuse information of varying quality
and classification from multiple sources, over multiple networks, and across multiple
intelligence organizations.
JADO requires the combination of DAF and other Service ISR platforms and capabilities
for a global interoperable intelligence sensing architecture. This architecture produces
massive volumes of data to meet JADO intelligence needs. Processes and technologies
should be continually designed to incorporate legacy and future capabilities.
The ability to sense the operating
environment across domains relies
predominately on expensive, high-tech,
purpose-built systems. However, JADO
requires a broad array of collection
platforms, capabilities, and methods. JADO
relies on the ability to fuse intelligence data
together in ways that are nimble, that work together, and present solutions that work on
the tactical edge.
All-source intelligence is leveraged across the joint and interagency enterprise, but
much of the synthesis is done manually. JADO requires intelligence to be automatically
synthesized and shared at the lowest classification level possible. The need to conduct
cross-domain, cross-source synthesis significantly increases demand for fusion capacity
and capability.
JADO relies on the ability to fuse
intelligence data sets together in
ways that are nimble, work
together, and present solutions
that work on the tactical edge.
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Current intelligence processes do not adequately integrate all-domain sensing activities
for JADO. Sensing must be a continuous effort to feed multiple decision loops. Cross-
cueing and fusing collection activities among domains results in improved JIPOE.
To support JADO planning and execution, intelligence timeliness should be integrated
and synchronized with all-domain operations. Increased intelligence requirements
necessitate synchronization of traditional and nontraditional intelligence capability. To
keep pace with the emerging environment, ISR must also leverage nontraditional
sources of intelligence to complement traditional ISR activities. Further, ISR collection
platforms produce intelligence at varying speeds. For example, space based imagery
can often be accessed quickly, whereas human intelligence collection must be
developed over time. Production speeds vary according to a collection platforms’ ability
to maneuver or position, its persistence, flexibility, and the speed at which data can be
processed, exploited, and disseminated. Such variances should be accounted for to
ensure successful integration and synchronization.
Cross-cueing collection activities between domains.
Correlating information from multiple sensors, sources, and domains.
Integrating open-source reporting into a comprehensive picture of the operational
Evaluating potential strategic impacts of tactical actions.
Evaluating how impacts in one domain affect actions in other domains.
Incorporating global battlespace information from one domain to mitigate knowledge
gaps in another.
Leveraging joint, inter-Service, interagency, multinational, and commercial partner
situational awareness capabilities and data sources.
Incorporating all-domain considerations into intelligence gain or loss assessments.
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
The JADO vision for fires is to
achieve convergence across
domainsthe synchronization
and integration of kinetic and
non-kinetic capabilities to
create lethal and nonlethal
effects, the results of which
being greater than the sum of
their efforts alone. Air, space,
cyberspace, land, maritime and
EMS targeting cycles are
synchronized and integrated at
the JFC level. Integration and
synchronization of targeting
and planning cycles based on
the JFC’s objectives is required
to execute effective all-domain operations. To maintain tempo, staffs at each echelon
need flexibility to observe and orient on new opportunities and quickly decide, target,
and execute across all domains.
In JADO, effects are massed through the synchronized application of kinetic and non-
kinetic capabilities. Massing effects requires alignment of disparate planning timelines
and resource availability to ensure forces and capabilities are brought to bear at the
proper time and place to create desired effects. Each participating force element must
understand: the overall scheme of maneuver; its role within it; interdependent support
relationships; and the coordinating method to ensure desired effects convergence.
Traditional methods for achieving mass necessitate generation of large force quantities
in close proximity to create overwhelming effects against a target. Alternatively, the
prevalence of precision-guided munitions, augmented by non-kinetic capabilities,
enables fires to be massed with smaller numbers and/or dispersed forces. Reducing
and dispersing the footprint of forces deployed forward presents adversary challenges
and increases friendly freedom of maneuver to achieve desired effects. Additionally,
nontraditional fires can be used to mass effects. An example would be, mobility
platforms employing precision munitions from standoff ranges. Non-kinetic fires through
space, cyberspace, the EMS, or other means provide additional mechanisms for
creating effects.
Targeting supports the process of linking desired effects to actions and tasks at the
component level (JP 3-0). For successful cross-domain effects, synchronization is
“There are no boundaries on this
battlefield...there are no hiding places…there
are no sanctuaries on this battlefield… So how
do you win? I think you win by operating at a
tempo that they can’t keep up with, and by
putting them on the horns on multiple
dilemmas… We need to create enough options
for our warfighting commanders that the enemy
doesn’t know where we are going to come from
-- General James M. Holmes, USAF, Retired,
Commander, Air Combat Command (2020)
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
necessary. Typically,
synchronization occurs at
the JFC level during a joint
targeting coordination
board, as planning
capabilities are presented
by each component. In
JADO, synchronization
planning must occur at
echelons below the JFC to
provide resiliency and
speed in execution.
The current targeting
process includes
apportionment, but with
JADO, the entire joint force
requires an apportionment-
like process to ensure
convergence. Using the
JFC joint force apportionment decision, and through collaboration, component
commanders allocate forces, synchronize effects, and ensure the weight of effort meets
JFC intent. An ITO is the mechanism to frame fires synchronization in the targeting
During a recent operation, an enemy combatant was tracked by following his
digital footprint. Using multi-domain intelligence sources, the individual was
geolocated in an area that precluded a kinetic strike. As a result, ground forces
were employed to disable critical communications infrastructure, forcing the
combatant to move. Intelligence from multiple domains confirmed his new
location, a window of opportunity was found, and the enemy agent was
eliminated without collateral damage.
Though this vignette offers a specific example, similar scenarios have played out
many times over the last two decades. The example displayed here relates the
effects of integration on a single operation. Through JADO, a JFC is enabled to
scale this type of integration to support major operations and campaigns.
Planning Time
Special Operations
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Movement and maneuver enables deliberate and opportunistic convergence, and
preserves freedom of action, by positioning forces and capabilities to create multiple
unexpected vectors of attack against an adversary. JADO movement and maneuver
synchronizes and aligns actions from multiple domains in a complimentary and
reinforcing manner to create exploitable advantages (physical, temporal, or
psychological) over an adversary.
All-domain maneuver increases available options for the joint force to succeed while
cutting off adversary paths to success. However, for success, commanders should
anticipate the difficulties created by degraded or denied C2 environments and should
seek to achieve convergence by enabling units to operate on commander’s intent
through MTO. Opportunistic (or reactive) convergence emerges from changes in the
operational environment that can be exploited to advance joint force objectives. Building
schemes of maneuver that enable opportunistic convergence should be considered
across domains at all echelons.
Movement and maneuver planning for JADO requires integrated planning teams and
shared information across the joint force to coordinate actions within and across
domains. The movement and maneuver of forces depends on the JFC’s scheme of
maneuver and intent. The JFC’s movement and maneuver concepts should be outlined
in the operations plan and further refined in an ITO. Execution of the JFC’s movement
and maneuver plans requires a JADC2 structure capable of converging effects to create
multiple adversary dilemmas and support friendly freedom of action. Each force element
should have a clear understanding of its role, and be aware of the sequencing
mechanisms used to converge actions within and across domains to create and
preserve positions of advantage.
Maneuver exists in all domains. In JADO, maneuver in one domain should complement,
and be complemented by, maneuver within other domains. Maneuver in the air, land,
and maritime domains is well established. However, an understanding of maneuver in
the EMS, space, and cyberspace is equally important for JADO.
Maneuver in the EMS supports JADO by providing resiliency against adversary
degradation and denial attempts. The ability to use frequency agility to evade or
overcome interference (e.g., an EMS jammer) increases adversary dilemmas and
allows for resilient, friendly force command, control, and communication.
Maneuver in space supports JADO through deployment, repositioning, reorienting, or
reprioritizing the tasking of space forces. These actions support asset optimization,
protection from environmental hazards, passive defense, and positioning of active
defensive or offensive measures. Space maneuver creates multiple dilemmas for an
adversary by supporting follow-on space actions, as well as follow-on actions in other
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Maneuver in cyberspace supports JADO without establishing a physical presence. It
includes accessing adversary networks to support follow-on offensive and defensive
actions in cyberspace, enabling convergence of effects in the EMS and other domains,
and protecting friendly networks. These cyberspace actions create multiple dilemmas
for an adversary.
During an operation in Africa, an Air Force aircraft conducted overhead ISR,
providing real-time intelligence to the ground force commander. Live video of the
operation and voice communication transmitted via satellite to allied
headquarters, allowed commanders to enact conditions-based, delegated
authorities as the situation on the ground changed.
While over the target area, the aircraft's sensors detected a threat to the assault
force. After confirming indications with intelligence, the aircrew advised the
ground team that their interpreter was acting as a double-agent and had
compromised the operation.
This example demonstrates JADO’s agility to converge capabilities and assets
and provide intelligence, fires, and protection across land, air, space, and the
EMS. JADO enables scaling of this type of operation to support major operations
and campaigns.
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Threats to friendly forces and operations can emerge from any domain. The varied
nature of threats dictate proactive and responsive protection operations synchronized
across domains to facilitate a holistic defensive approach. Protection in JADO is
focused on protecting each domain and mitigating vulnerabilities using forces and
capabilities from multiple domains. Just as convergence synchronizes all-domain action
against adversary forces and capabilities, protection planning and execution mitigates
joint force threats originating from any domain.
Integrating effects planning and synchronization, sharing information, and all-domain
risk identification and mitigation are critical enablers of JADO protection. Further, by
employing MTOs with conditions based authorities that empower subordinate decision
making, JADO enables the necessary agility, flexibility, and force responsiveness to
minimize vulnerabilities across all domains in anticipation of, and in response to,
adversary action. I&W, a process that relies heavily on information and intelligence,
must evolve to provide the clarity needed to determine the intent behind adversary
attacks. Just as all-domain warfare uses complementary attacks in multiple domains,
JADO protection requires convergence of protection capabilities to protect forces and
respond in all domains.
ACE is the Air Force’s concept to provide a
proactive and reactive operational scheme of
maneuver executed within operationally
relevant threat timelines to increase
survivability while generating combat power.
ACE operations generate rapid and resilient combat airpower throughout an operational
area in response to potential adversary anti-access and area denial efforts. ACE
enhances survivability and the ability to seize the initiative, deliver lethal force with
operational unpredictability, and
succeed across the competition
continuum. ACE employs multi-
capable Airmen practicing
mission command through
delegation of authorities, a
distributed joint C2 structure
reliant on MTO, a network of
resilient airbases and austere
operating locations, and an
adaptive logistics system.
ACE is an operational concept
that leverages networks of well-
established and austere air
bases, multi-capable Airmen,
pre-positioned equipment, and
airlift to rapidly deploy, disperse
and maneuver combat capability.
“When they deploy, they deploy with their own
sleeping bag, their own shelter half, and a stove.
And they’re not waiting for anybody to build the
tent city for them… they are coming ready to
-- General James M. Holmes, USAF, Retired,
Commander, Air Combat Command (2020)
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
ACE’s use of dispersal and maneuver operations increases survivability of friendly
capabilities, decreasing time and distance problems faced in large theaters, allowing
forces to attack and defend quickly. To fully realize JADO protection, the use of
nontraditional facilities and capabilities is necessary; see Appendix B for ACE
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
In JADO, sustainment must ensure the continued ability to project power and maintain
initiative in contested environments. Historically, units have assumed a certain level of
continuous infrastructure and support. Such assumptions about immediacy of logistics
support and available operating location infrastructure are likely to be unreliable when
facing a peer adversary. Sustainment actions in foreseeable conflict with a peer nation
are more complex and put legacy logistics and sustainment supply hubs and distribution
routes at risk. These complexities are exacerbated by degradations in C2 that
complicate requests for support, the status of forces, and combat assessment.
Forces conducting JADO may
operate with less intensive
sustainment processes and fewer
resources. JADO forward positions
require simple, modular, and
maintainable systems, necessitating
a shift away from: static
infrastructure; centrally controlled
(hub-and-spoke) logistics; highly
specialized maintenance equipment
and materials; and large contractor
and support footprints. By increasing
modularity, JADO sustainment
reduces reaction time and sustains worldwide warfighting capability. Robust, multi-
modal distribution systems facilitate greater sustainment options for joint forces. Lower
echelon units should see and share sustainment and logistical information to enable
integrated planning and enhance risk identification and mitigation. Joint and Service
component logistics enterprises and supporting industrial bases must be more
responsive to increased needs and be able to operate with limited or degraded
JADO highlights the importance of logistical movement through contested environments
and critically links maneuver, protection, and sustainment functions, often to a degree in
which they are indistinguishable. The adaptive nature of JADO maneuver logistics
enables sustainment from range with minimal dependence on large, fixed infrastructure,
and can support sustainment in contested areas through disaggregated supply
infrastructure. To generate adaptive capability independent of centralized logistics,
effectiveness should be prioritized over efficiency. JADO’s distributed operations require
redundancy in supply distribution and deliberately-planned logistics chain slack.
Enhancing partnerships with host nation forces and establishing contingency contracts
with local suppliers allows distributed forces to sustain personnel and operations.
Sustainment is more than a warfighting
function; it is the advantage necessary to
win, and it must be integrated at all
echelons, rather than merely deconflicted.
-- MG Rodney Fogg, USA,
BG Michelle Letcher, USA,
& COL Kenneth Letcher, USA,
Sustainment: The Advantage that “Wins” in
Contested Environments
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Logistics under attack is expected in a contested environment, complicating delivery
of just-in-time logistics. Redundant logistics systems are necessary to ensure the
delivery of critical assets. Availability of commercial logistics infrastructure (e.g., contract
airlift and sealift) cannot be assumed. Nontraditional logistics will be required to counter
adversary anti-access and area denial capabilities.
Limited duration self-sustainment is necessary to enable certain functions during
periods of logistics denial or degradation. Limited duration self-sustainment includes
periods of increased risk, decreased connectivity, and limited capacity.
Dispersed sustainment is an ACE-supporting logistical concept. Prepositioned caches
of materiel in dispersed locations increase adversary targeting complexity and provide
additional friendly survivability and resiliency. This tradeoff favors survivability over ease
of access, and increases the logistical burden of the operating location. Three
requirements to sustain and project the force during multi-domain operations are:
Resilient and integrated sustainment mission C2
Assured joint power projection.
Ability to sustain in a distributed environment.
“Joint logistics must integrate our combined capabilities …to shoot, move,
communicate, and win… with the expectation that the force is contested
throughout the process, and is equally challenged with time, speed, and distance.
-- MG Rodney Fogg, USA,
BG Michelle Letcher, USA,
& COL Kenneth Letcher, USA,
Sustainment: The Advantage that “Wins” in Contested Environments
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
The diagram below depicts three different environments in which air forces operate
(physical, information, and human). Each of these environments are addressed by
various functions in warfare. Each environment contains elements that are
simultaneously diverse in character and highly interconnected.
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Component commanders should operate on JFC intent and communicate with
subordinate commands through MTO, when appropriate.
The coordination of ISR and air refueling assets in a degraded communications
environment is difficult, and might require alternative organizational structures akin to
the composite wing structure mentioned in The Composite Wing: Back to the Future!.
DAF leaders should have a clear understanding of commander’s intent, including the
operation as described in the air operations directive, the joint air operations plan, and
follow-on MTO.
Operations will require greater risk acceptance at each level of command. To maintain
momentum, conditions may necessitate higher risk activities like integrated combat
turns, specialized fueling operations, or wet wing defueling. Other examples include
operations inside an adversary’s integrated air defense system, limited defenses at
landing sites, and short notice dispersal operations.
To complicate adversary targeting, resilient basing plans consist of main operating
bases with significant passive and active defenses, a network of forward operating
sites used for dispersal and short term operations, and a series of additional landing
sites used for refueling and reloading.
Operations will require increased theater access within and across partner nations,
complicating the area air defense, combat support, and airspace control plans.
Multi-capable Airmen and Guardians, with multiple qualifications or skill sets, trained
to operate as cross-functional teams, enable continued operations while maintaining
a smaller footprint at forward operating sites.
Reliance on sustainment and reachback from the continental US will be challenging
and may not be responsive enough to meet operational needs. Organic and theater
sustainment options should include pre-positioned materiel caches.
Because of advances in adversary anti-access and area denial capabilities, the ability
to avoid, defend against, withstand, and/or recover from airfield attacks are key
components of ACE.
Traditional force protection plans and strategies focused on main operating bases are
insufficient to meet the needs of short-term, austere, or dispersed operations. JIPOE
activities precede operational ACE execution to identify ground-based, foreign
intelligence, and criminal threats at potential forward operating sites and refueling
points, providing planners and leaders with information to make basing and risk
mitigation decisions. JIPOE also provides insight into enemy kinetic and non-kinetic
capabilities and threats to proposed ACE operating locations.
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Plans should be established for providing just-in-time force protection and intelligence
support. To do so, DAF intelligence, counterintelligence, and law enforcement entities
should leverage existing access to, and relationships within, planned and potential
ACE basing locations. In locations with no current presence, DAF personnel initiate
and develop new relationships with individuals and organizations capable of providing
necessary information and support.
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
To achieve rapid adaptation necessary for all-domain
operations, improved human-machine teaming is
required. Machine-to-machine communication and
predictive modeling will be critical to moving away from
imprecise procedural controls outlined in current
airspace control doctrine; such advanced human-
machine teaming capabilities are in development.
Employing these systems effectively requires a
framework for understanding their employment.
Commanders should understand and balance the
benefits and risks of human-machine relationships.
Human-machine teaming may aid all forms of military
decision making. However, commanders and operators
should exercise appropriate levels of human judgment,
especially for decisions regarding the use of force.
build appropriate levels of understanding, trust, and
skepticism with their machines, Airmen need to train as
part of human-machine teams. Examples of human-
machine teaming terms are:
Human Controlled System: A drill (machine
requires direct control or performs only as directed).
Machine-On-the-Loop: Aircraft fly-by-wire systems
(machine performs some processes to simplify
Machine-In-the-Loop: Automotive driver assist
technologies (machine aids, assists, or provides
inputs to human-controlled processes)
Human-In-the-Loop: Power plant control system (machine seeks input for critical
Human-On-the-Loop: Self-driving cars (machine can run autonomously, but can be
Human-Out-of-the-Loop: Swarm drones (machine runs without human
DoD Directive 3000.09, Autonomy in Weapons Systems
Degrees of Human and
Machine Control
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
DAF JADO doctrine establishes a framework for air components supporting JADO. It
guides the organization and employment of forces and capabilities presented to the
JFC. This section examines two doctrinal gaps that experiments, wargames, and
exercises will explore to refine JADO principles.
Regardless of Service, domain expertise, or affiliation, joint commanders should
leverage information, forces, and capabilities from all domains. Planners at all
levels should consider all domains from the beginning of the planning process.
Commanders must be empowered to coordinate dynamic all-domain re-tasking
throughout execution.
JADO requires the reexamination of supported and supporting relationships.
Current doctrine envisions support relationships as a relatively static form of procedural
control along lines of operation. A supporting commander has the authority to decide
how and with what forces to meet multiple supported commanders' operational
requirements, but does not have the authority to reprioritize the supporting effort, either
within or between the supported lines of operations. Each supported commander sets
the priorities within their lines of operation and effort, but cannot change priorities
between these lines. Priorities for support between two or more supported commanders
are set by the establishing authority, the common superior commander over both
subordinate commanders (JP-1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States).
This binary supported and supporting construct works well when operations are
conducted in one primary domain supported by another. However, in complex scenarios
involving multiple interdependencies along multiple lines of effort in multiple domains,
traditional supported and supporting relationships are inadequate to affect rapid
reprioritization among efforts. Assets, like aerial tankers or satellite constellations,
may be requested simultaneously with each commander citing their supported
relationship. Currently this situation would require the asset allocation decision of the
establishing authority, a time consuming process.
JADO requires a more agile support relationship and a greater ability to rapidly task and
re-task forces to meet specific, time-critical scenarios with less procedural delay. To
meet operational requirements of multiple supported commanders while achieving the
establishing authority’s intent, the supporting commander needs authority to shift the
priority of supported forces as the operational situation changes. Since recourse to the
establishing authority may not be feasible in time-sensitive operations, supported
commanders also need the authority to coordinate laterally to reprioritize efforts as the
operational situation changes. This requires a more agile, positive control-based system
that rapidly reprioritizes and reflows support to multiple commanders. Commanders at
all levels must have the information and authority to adapt to rapidly changing contexts.
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Transition to joint C2 at all echelons represents a significant change in DOD
organizational structure. JADO’s speed and adaptability requires a degree of
connectivity and mission assurance at the global or theater-level. However, threats to
communications also require units to have a local capability to sense, collaborate, plan,
and execute all-domain joint responses within their available local networks; to include
coordination with local multinational partners.
So long as commanders require support from other geographically-dispersed
commands, forces, and capabilities, there will always be a need for resilient theater-
level communications to support global integration and dynamic force employment.
However, relying exclusively on theater-level integration of domain-oriented assets,
without local ability for all-domain integration and backup C2, presents a
communications chokepoint and a targeting opportunity for an adversary. Local C2
capabilities should enable geographically co-located forces to build all-domain options
in accordance with higher headquarters guidance, including the capability to sustain
operations during times of intermittent communications.
AFDP 3-99 / SDP 3-99
Traditional doctrine codifies extant best practices. This AFDP focuses on both near-term
emerging doctrine and doctrine being tested and matured in real time. Modeling and
simulation, experimentation, wargaming, and tabletop exercises are essential to the
concepts shown in the figure below. Users, groups, members, and/or aspects of all
domains and environments will use these tools throughout the cycle.
Emerging Doctrine
Drives “force development” in
the 2-7 year time frame. Still
not proven, but is a concept
for doctrine development and
is designed to drive
operational and tactical
doctrine. (e.g. Agile Flag,
Chennault Series)
Focuses on near-term force
employment (0-3 years) and
describes the employment of
capabilities and
organizations. (e.g. Red
Flag, Blue Flag)
Future Operating
Drives “force design” across
the entire DOTMLPF* in the
7-15 year timeframe. (e.g.
Virtual Flag, Air Force
Futures Game)
Concepts to Doctrine Cycle
Changes in:
-The Enemy