Section Subject Matter
10-7.100 PURPOSE. 2
10-7.202 Permit Applications. 4
10-7.203 Fees. 4
10-7.204 Duration of Permit. 4
10-7.205 Number of Signs Permitted. 4
10-7.206 Sign Area Calculation. 5
10-7.207 Reduction in Permitted Signage. 7
10-7.208 Design. 7
10-7.209 Illumination. 8
10-7.210 Master Sign Program. 9
10-7.211 Sign Corridor Overlay District. 11
10-7.300 EXEMPT SIGNS. 12
10-7.501 General Regulations By Sign Type. 22
10-7.502 Sign Regulations By Use. 27
10-7.503 Sign Regulations By Zoning District. 34
10-7.601 Auto Dealership Banners. 44
10-7.602 Promotional Event and Grand Opening Signs. 47
10-7.603 Subdivision Directional Sign (Off-Site). 48
10-7.701 Administrative Referral. 48
10-7.702 Administrative Modifications. 49
10-7.703 Variances. 49
10-7.704 Revocation of Sign Approval. 49
10-7.705 Grounds for Revocation. 49
10-7.706 Hearings- Notice. 50
10-7.707 Appeals. 50
10-7.708 Legal Non-Conforming Signs. 50
10-7.709 Sign Maintenance. 51
10-7.710 Removal of Certain Signs. 51
10-7.711 Enforcement of Signs on Private Property. 52
10-7.712 Enforcement of Signs on Public Property. 52
10-7.713 Enforcement of On-Premise Signs. 52
10-7.714 Procedure Not Exclusive: Violation An Infraction. 53
10-7.715 Severability. 53
10-7.716 Amortization. 53
10-7.800 DEFINITIONS 53
10-7.100 PURPOSE.
The purpose of this article is to implement the General Plan Policies by establishing regulations for the
design, construction, location, and maintenance of signs. Objectives are to balance the need of residents,
businesses, visitors, and institutions for adequate identification, communication, and advertising while
protecting public health, safety, and general welfare and promoting a well-maintained and visually
attractive community, consistent with State and federal law. These regulations recognize that the
indiscriminate erection, location, illumination, size, and lack of proper maintenance of signs and sign
structures will degrade the quality of the visual environment and the aesthetic character of the
community that residents, businesses, and visitors enjoy, which will be detrimental to community well-
being and to the local economy. Specifically, these regulations are intended to:
A. Preserve and improve the appearance of Hayward, and protect the City from visual clutter and
B. Protect property values, encourage economic development and enhance community appearance
by ensuring that signs are compatible with the character of surrounding architecture, districts,
and neighborhoods;
C. Ensure that signs are designed, constructed, installed, and maintained to have adequate visibility
while minimizing diversion of vehicle operators’ attention;
D. Encourage sound signing practices as an aid to business and to inform the public, recognizing
that signs have an important way-finding purpose for both drivers and pedestrians;
E. Prohibit or restrict distracting signs, which may impede vehicular and pedestrian safety,
including those that block doors or windows, conflict with the City Security Ordinance (Ord. No.
90-26), those that could hamper firefighting or police surveillance activities, and those that
obscure traffic signs, impair drivers sight lines or distract drivers; and
F. Safeguard life, health, property and public welfare by regulating the design, quality of materials,
construction, illumination, location, and maintenance of signs.
The regulations in this article are in addition to those set forth in Chapter 9 of the Hayward Municipal
Code (Building Regulations), and the California Building Code.
Should any regulations in this article be at variance with one another or the requirements of any other
lawfully adopted rules, regulations, ordinances, deed restrictions, or covenants, the most restrictive or
that imposing higher standards shall apply.
(A) The following regulations shall apply to all signs in all districts within the City. No sign may be
placed in any of the following areas:
(1) Within the public right-of-way (including planter strips, tree wells, sound walls, fences,
and street medians), except for A-Frame and related signs allowed in the Downtown
Entertainment District by Section 10-7.211(a), community identification signs and Open
House Directional Signs on sidewalks allowed by Section 10-7.300 (b)(20), and
Temporary Promotional Signs for Community Events allowed by Section 10-7.600.
(2) On any public property.
(3) In any location which interferes with vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian circulation safety.
(4) Any sign painted or erected on or above the roof or parapet of any building structure (i.e.
roof sign).
(B) A Sign containing non-English language characters and/or non-English words must also include
sufficient English translation to enable the public generally and first responders particularly, such
as fire and law enforcement, to determine the nature of the business or organization at the
10-7.201 Permits Required.
(a) It is unlawful to erect any sign except those exempted under Section 10-7.300 without first
obtaining a sign permit from the Development Services Department and a building permit and/or
an electrical permit as required by the City Codes. Fees for sign permits, building permits, and
electrical permits are based on the current Master Fee Schedule and are non-refundable, unless
specifically indicated.
(b) A sign permit application in compliance with Section 10-7.202 Permit Applications shall be
submitted to the Development Services Department Planning Division.
A sign permit will be approved, denied or referred to the Planning Commission within thirty (30)
days after the application is deemed complete. If the application is referred to the Planning
Commission, the sign permit application shall be acted upon at the next available Planning
Commission meeting.
(c) The Development Services Director (“Director”) or designee has the authority to refer a sign
permit application to the Planning Commission for review. Any decision of the Planning
Commission is subject to appeal to the City Council or call-up by a City Council member, in
accordance with Section 10-1.2845 of the Zoning Ordinance.
(d) Signs requiring a variance may be considered and acted on administratively by the Development
Services Director or designee, unless such a sign is associated with an application that is referred
to the Planning Commission for review.
(e) A sign permit is not required for the repair, maintenance or replacement of a lawful and
conforming sign, the repair or maintenance of a lawful non-conforming sign, or the replacement
of a destroyed sign, except when the sign is required to be removed by Section 10-7.708 Legal
Non-Conforming Signs and/or Section 10-7.710 Removal of Certain Signs. A building
permit may be required, depending on the nature of the work to be completed.
(f) Approval of a sign permit application does not constitute approval of any other requirement of
the City or under other applicable law.
10-7.202 Permit Applications.
Application for a sign permit shall be made to the Development Services Department - Planning
Division and shall include two (2) copies of the plot plan and elevations, drawn to scale and fully
dimensioned, showing:
(a) Property address and applicant's name, address and telephone number;
(b) North arrow, overall site dimensions, and the location, setbacks, and dimensions of all
existing structures, existing signs, and proposed signs on the parcel;
(c) Sign elevations - depicting the letter size, overall sign area, colors, materials, type of
illumination, support structures, and relationship of the sign to surrounding structures.
Photo simulations may also be helpful to support the sign permit request.
(d) Photographs of the proposed sign location and any existing signs.
(e) Structural and electrical plans (including Title 24 calculations, where applicable) as
required by the City Building Official or designee.
10-7.203 Fees.
Each application for a sign permit, variance or Master Sign Program shall be accompanied by the
applicable fees, which shall be established by the Master Fee Schedule.
10-7.204 Duration of Permit.
A sign permit shall become null and void if the sign for which the permit was issued has not been
installed within one (1) year of issuance of said permit.
10-7.205 Number of Signs Permitted.
No more than two (2) establishment (building) frontages may be used for purposes of calculating sign
area and the number of signs permitted. Building mounted signs displayed on a single establishment
frontage, including secondary-frontage walls, may not exceed the area and number that are permitted on
that frontage alone, with no additional signage allowed for corner lots. Square footage allotted to an
establishment may be transferred to a freestanding sign, but may not exceed the acceptable size for
freestanding signs.
10-7.206 Sign Area Calculation.
Sign area calculations noted throughout this Article is the maximum size allowed. A smaller sign area
may be required where design, placement, and/or other aesthetic factors dictate. These allowable
calculated sign areas may be determined by the Development Services Director, Planning Commission,
or City Council.
Unless otherwise noted in this Article, the area of a sign shall be computed as follows:
(a) Signs containing integral background areas.
The area of a sign containing a clearly defined background shall be calculated
based on the area of the smallest standard geometric shape encompassing a
perimeter of the background area of the sign.
In the case of signs in which multiple background areas are separated by open
space, sign area shall be calculated based on the sum of the areas of all separate
background areas, but without regard for any open space between the separate
background areas.
(b) Signs without integral background areas.
In instances in which a sign consists of individual elements such as letters,
symbols or other graphic objects or representations that are painted, attached to,
or otherwise affixed to a surface such as a wall, window, canopy, awning,
architectural projection, or to any surface not specifically designed to serve as a
sign background, the sign area shall be based on the sum of the individual areas of
the smallest geometric shape.
(c) Double Faced Signs.
Only one (1) side of a double faced sign is counted in determining the area of sign
faces. Where the two (2) sides are not of equal size, the larger of the two (2) sides
will be used to determine sign area.
(d) Awning Signs.
The area of a graphic or sign copy on an awning shall be based on the smallest
geometric shape encompassing the graphic or sign copy. When there are signs on
two panels of the awning, only one side is counted in overall sign calculation.
(e) Three-dimensional Signs.
The area of a three dimensional sign shall be the sum of all vertical sign faces of
the smallest cube encompassing the design.
(f) Logos and Accent elements.
The area of a logo and accent element will be incorporated into the overall sign
area calculation unless otherwise noted in this article. The area of a logo and
accent element shall be calculated based on the area of the smallest standard
geometric shape enclosing the logo or accent element.
(g) Window signs.
The area of a window sign shall be calculated based on the area of the smallest
standard geometric shape or the sum of areas of the smallest geometric shapes
enclosing the sign and logos.
Window Coverage. Transparent windows and doors of buildings occupied by
businesses engaging in retail sales, all or a portion of which are within 5 vertical
feet of the floor and which are visible from public rights-of-way or pedestrian
walkways or are otherwise visible by the general public from the exterior, shall
remain free of coverings and materials that prevent views into or out of the stores.
This shall not apply to approved window signs or retail goods that are presented
within or adjacent to a window and that are a part of a decorative window display,
as determined by the Planning Director.
(h) Portable signs.
6 sq. ft. per side (area will not be included in total permitted sign area).
10-7.207 Reduction in Permitted Signage.
An approved Master Sign Program or the conditions of approval for a site plan review, administrative
use permit, conditional use permit, variance, or planned development may further regulate or adjust the
permitted sign area, number of signs, height, location, color, or design of signs in addition to the
regulations contained in this article.
10-7.208 Design.
(a) All signs shall be constructed of high quality materials and shall be an integral and
complementary element of the overall architectural and streetscape composition and shall be
integrated with the building’s architecture and landscape design, including color, materials, and
scale. In some instances, it may be necessary and appropriate to integrate the building and
landscape design such that the sign gains maximum visibility.
(b) Sign construction and sign copy shall be of professional quality. A letter style that is legible
and in scale with the size of the sign frame or background shall be used. If more than one sign
is used, the signs shall be compatible.
(c) All signs shall be installed in a professional manner, avoiding unsightly guy wires, exposed
raceways or other stabilizing devices. Wall sign raceways shall be concealed from public view
(e.g., within the building wall or painted to match the exterior color of the building where the
sign is located) or otherwise integrated with the design of the sign and building so as to not
detract from the architectural character of the building. Attachments shall be hidden from view
in the least destructive manner possible. For masonry, attachments should be embedded into
the mortar, not the brick or stone.
(d) Three-dimensional signs representing human or animal figures, inanimate objects, or signs of a
highly unusual shape or color shall be reviewed by the Development Services Director for
compatibility with the design of the building, the features of the site, and the character of the
(e) In some instances, a sign that is of historic nature, is of a unique artistic design, or which
represents a period of time or site that is of community importance, should be retained and
preserved, as determined by the Development Services Director.
(f) Where applicable, “lexan” shall be required as a durable plastic material that withstands
(g) Plastic signs shall be prohibited in residential districts.
(h) The surface where a previous sign existed must be cleaned, repaired, patched, and/or painted to
match the exterior finish and color of the building before a new sign is installed.
(i) Corner Lots and Driveways: Freestanding or monument signs higher than three (3) feet shall be
subject to the “Vision Triangle Rule”, Article 9, Hayward Traffic Code, for visibility
10-7.209 Illumination.
(a) Internal and external sign lighting shall be designed to prevent light spillage and glare
onto any adjacent residentially zoned property or public right-of-way. Additionally, sign
lighting shall not create hazardous glare for pedestrians or vehicles in a public street or on
any public or private premises.
(b) External illumination is permitted in residential districts in accordance with the City
Security Ordinance (Ord. No. 90-26).
(c) Neon and Halo back-lit lighting may be used in all zoning districts, except the residential
districts, on the exterior of buildings, whether for signage or decorative artwork. Use of
neon or halo-lit lighting for these purposes shall be subject to review. Neon intended for
advertising and which is within twenty-four (24) inches inside a glass window or door of
a building shall count toward total signage allowable. Neon intended for “Open” signs,
decorative artwork or to represent an ancillary product sold on the premises shall not
count toward total signage allowable, as long as there is no flashing or intermittent
(d) The use of unshielded lighting, including incandescent light bulbs hung or strung on
poles, wires, or any other type of support, to illuminate buildings, structures, in windows,
or at outdoor sales or storage areas, is prohibited except on a temporary basis for areas in
which carnivals, fairs, Christmas tree lots, or other similar activities have been approved
under an Administrative Use Permit for a special event or other permitted short-term
promotional or seasonal event.
(e) Internally illuminated cabinet signs are prohibited except for those which use a non-
opaque material with punch-thru letters so only the letters are illuminated. Legal non-
conforming internally illuminated cabinet signs and service station price signs are
Not Allowed Allowed
(f) The type of illumination for all signs is subject to approval by the Development Services
Director or his/her designee, or approving authority.
(g) Light sources shall utilize energy-efficient fixtures to the greatest extent possible and
shall comply with Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations (California Building
Code Standards).
(h) Electronic Reader Boards See Section 10-7.501(b)(1)(c)(vi)
10-7.210 Master Sign Program.
The purpose of a Master Sign Program is to provide a method for an applicant to integrate the design
and placement of signs within a project with the overall development design to achieve a more unified
appearance. A Master Sign Program is required for any project that has five (5) or more business or
office uses, and which requires site plan review, an administrative or conditional use permit, a variance,
or is a planned development. No permit shall be issued for an individual sign requiring a permit on a site
with five (5) or more existing or proposed business spaces unless and until the discretionary permit and
a Master Sign Program for the property on which the sign will be erected has been approved by the
approving authority. After the application is determined to be complete, a Master Sign Program shall be
acted upon within sixty (60) days, unless submitted as a required component of an application request
which requires public review. If a Master Sign Program does require public review, time limitation
requirements for the associated permit process shall apply.
Owners of two (2) or more contiguous lots or the owner of a single lot with more than one (1) building
may voluntarily file a Master Sign Program with the City conforming to the provisions of this article.
A Master Sign Program may provide for additional sign area and other deviations from the standards of
this chapter, provided that the Master Sign Program is consistent with Section 10-7.208, “Design”.
The Master Sign Program shall conform to and complement the architectural design and character of the
structures on the property.
(a) Application Content. A Master Sign Program application shall include the following:
(1) An accurate plot plan of the lot, at such a scale as the Development
Services Department may require, showing:
(a) Location of buildings, parking lots, driveways, and landscaped areas on
the lot.
(b) Computation of the maximum total sign area, the maximum area for
individual signs, the height of signs, and the number of freestanding signs
allowed on the lot.
(c) An accurate indication of the location of each existing and future sign of
any type, whether requiring a permit or not (i.e., include directional signs
(2) Color scheme.
(3) Lettering or graphic style.
(4) Lighting details.
(5) Materials.
(6) Sign dimensions.
(7) Provisions for leasing information.
(8) Amount of window signage, if any, and type (i.e., painted, etched on glass), with
the provision that such signage shall not exceed maximum allowed by these
(b) Existing Signs Not Conforming to a Master Sign Program.
If any new or amended Master Sign Program is filed for property on which
existing signs are located, it shall include a schedule for bringing them into
conformance with the proposed Master Sign Program (see Section 10-7.716
(c) Binding Effect.
After approval of a Master Sign Program, no signs shall be erected, placed,
painted, or maintained, except in conformance with such plan, and such plan may
be enforced in the same way as any provision in this article. The Master Sign
Program shall be attached to the lease agreements for all leasable space within the
project. In the case of any conflict between the provisions of such a plan and any
other provision herein, this article shall control.
(d) Modification to an Approved Master Sign Program.
The Development Services Director or designee may approve minor
modifications to an approved Master Sign Program with respect to colors,
material, elevations, site plans, landscape plans, lighting and other physical
(e) Alternative Master Sign Programs
In the event that design guidelines are created for specific neighborhoods and
areas, flexibility with Master Sign Programs within these areas can be granted per
the discretion of the approving authority.
10-7.211 Sign Corridor Overlay District.
The purpose of the Sign Corridor Overlay District is to enhance auto- and pedestrian-oriented
experiences and business signage effectiveness on parcels fronting on major street corridors and
collectors within the City and to reduce clutter and illegal signage and enhance them with attractive,
well designed signs. This will be accomplished by allowing businesses within the Sign Overlay District
to have an increased sign area allowance to improve visibility. The Sign Corridor Overlay District
includes the properties within the Downtown Entertainment District and arterial and commercial
collector roadways as identified in the General Plan, shown in Figure 1 on the following page.
(a) Downtown Entertainment District
Businesses located within the Downtown Entertainment District shall be allowed one
blade or shingle sign of 6 sq. ft. maximum per side and one portable “A-Frame” sign in
addition to the maximum sign area allowed for the zoning district.
(b) Major Street Corridors and Collectors
Businesses located within the Sign Corridor Overlay District along the major street
corridors and collectors shall be permitted to have 2 square feet of sign area per linear
foot of frontage with a maximum sign area of 200 square feet, which is above the
maximum 1.5 square feet of area per linear foot and a maximum of 100 square feet
normally permitted by zoning district, and one blade or shingle sign of 6 sq. ft. maximum
per side, in addition to the maximum sign area allowed for the zoning district.
Blade Sign A-Frame Sign
10-7.300 EXEMPT SIGNS.
(a) This article shall not relate to flags of any nation or government, gravestones, barber poles,
religious symbols, sign for state or federally regulated uses (i.e. public schools, state universities,
United States Post Office, etc.), official traffic or government signs; the content of signs; product
dispensers and point-of-purchase displays not directly visible from a vehicular or pedestrian
right-of-way; scoreboards on athletic fields; seasonal displays unless regulated herein; or signs
not intended to be viewed from a vehicular or pedestrian right-of-way as defined in this article.
(b) The following signs may be installed without a sign permit, subject to all other provisions of this
article. Such signs are not exempt from the requirements of the City Building Official or the
Transportation Engineer. Exempt signs shall not be included in the determination of the total
allowable number of signs or total allowable sign area but their locations shall be included on the
plot plan for a Master Sign Program application.
(1) Accessory Sign.
Exempt if not exceeding six (6)
square feet in area for each sign.
(2) Address Sign (non-business).
Exempt if not exceeding two (2) square feet in area for a single family or duplex
unit, and four (4) square feet for all other uses.
Address numerals shall be at least four (4) inches in height for residential uses and
ten (10) inches in height for nonresidential uses. All such numerals shall have a
minimum one-half (1/2) inch stroke width and shall be of contrasting color to the
background to which they are attached. Address signs shall also adhere to the
Single-family homes shall have address numerals illuminated permanently in
accordance with the Security Ordinance (Ord. No.90-26);
Multi-family developments with more than three individual buildings
(containing one or more units), and for which one or more buildings do not
face the same street, shall have an illuminated diagrammatic representation
of the complex which shows the location of the viewer and the unit
designations within the complex (Security Ordinance Ord. No. 90-26);
For all uses, a larger address sign may be permitted if necessary to
adequately identify a building which is set back unusually far from the street,
subject to the discretion of the Development Services Director or designee.
(3) Automatic Teller Machine Sign.
Not to exceed four (4) square feet in area per machine.
(4) Balloons.
Not to exceed fourteen (14) inches in diameter and must be of non-Mylar material. No
limit as to number.
(5) Bulletin Board (On-Site).
One (1), not exceeding thirty (30) square feet in area per
face (including changeable and fixed copy area) and six (6)
feet in height, for any non-state or federally regulated
facility, including, but not limited to, the City of Hayward,
Hayward Area Recreation and Park District (HARD),
private schools, religious facilities, community theater, or
other type of educational/cultural facility. It may include
manual changeable copy, but does not include “Electronic
Reader Boards” or “Monument Signs.
(6) Change of Copy.
Replacement or change of copy on a legally installed sign that conforms to the
requirements of this article does not require a sign permit for changes of copy if a
sign structure is not altered or modified.
If applicable, the replacement copy shall conform to the requirements of any Master
Sign Program and/or the conditions of approval of the project where the sign is
For nonconforming Multiple Occupancy Signs, a change of copy to any one (1)
given tenant is permitted if the sign identifies other businesses on the same
No permits are required for changes of copy on electronic reader boards or theater
Individual letter signs (i.e. manual changeable copy, bulletin board signs, etc.).,
such as those used by religious facilities and schools to promote weekly changing
but similar messages, and complying with the original approved conditions do not
need a permit.
(7) Commemorative Plaques.
One (1) memorial tablet, commemorative plaque, or sign, including historical
identification sign, per building, designating the building name and date of erection,
when cut into or raised on any masonry surface or when constructed of cast or wrought
metal, with a total maximum sign area of ten (10) square feet. Plaques identifying
projects included in the City’s Mural Art Program are permitted with the City’s approval.
(8) Community Identification Signs.
A sign incorporating information referring exclusively to
service clubs, community slogans, directional information
to public facilities, and/or municipal statistics in
compliance with the City’s adopted marketing and
branding guidelines.
(9) Construction Signs.
One (1) single-faced sign per street frontage with maximum area of thirty-two (32)
square feet per face, ten (10) feet in height, non-illuminated, installed parallel to the
street, and located on property where work is or will be under construction. Larger signs
may be approved by the Development Services Director when the project and location
warrants a larger sign. Within fifteen (15) days after completion of construction or final
occupancy, signs shall be removed.
(10) Directional/Informational Sign.
Permitted as defined in this article; limited to six (6) square feet in area per each sign; a
logo may comprise up to twenty (20) percent of the total of each sign area.
(11) Flag (Other than National or Government).
One (1) flag per establishment and must be mounted on a pole. The pole height may not
exceed twenty-five (25) feet if freestanding, or fifteen (15) feet if located on top of a
building, not to exceed the structural height limit of any given District. The longest
dimension of the flag may not exceed six (6) feet.
(12) Garage/Yard Sale Signs.
Signs used to advertise such a sale on residential property, provided that said signs
are non-illuminated, do not exceed four (4) square feet in area, and adhere to the
o One (1) garage/yard sale sign is allowed on the garage/yard sale site.
o Up to four (4) additional signs, which may also exhibit directional arrows and
instructions, shall be allowed on weekends and holidays on other private
properties with the property owners' permission.
o Shall not be placed on public property, including sidewalks, parking areas,
landscaped areas, trees, utility poles and sign poles.
o Shall be removed by the owner within one (1) day following the date of the sale.
(13) Interior Signs.
Signs, which are within the interior of any building or complex, or signs which cannot be
seen from a right-of-way as defined in this article.
(14) Murals (with no commercial message, such as Original Art Murals and murals that are
part of the City’s Mural Art Program).
(15) Official Signs.
Legal notices, identification, information, or
directional signs erected or required by
governmental bodies or public utilities.
(16) Original Art Murals.
A one-of-a-kind, hand-painted, hand-tiled, spray painted or digitally printed image on the
exterior wall of a building that does not contain any commercial message and is not part
of the City’s Mural Program. For definition purposes, a commercial message is any
message that advertises a business conducted, services rendered, or goods produced or
sold. All Original Art Murals are exempt from obtaining a Sign Permit, but must be
approved and registered with the City’s Mural Program.
(17) Political/Election Signs.
Allowed up to thirty-two (32) square feet on each face, which are temporary in nature,
and are removed within fourteen (14) days after the election for which they are designed.
(18) Product Identification Sign.
Product Identification Signs are allowed when they are not directly visible from a
vehicular or pedestrian right-of-way as defined in this article.
(19) Projecting Signs.
Projecting signs such as “blade” or shingle” signs, up to six (6)-square feet maximum
size per face, are permitted in Downtown, Sign Corridor Overlay District, or as part of an
approved Master Sign Program. Minimum eight (8) foot high clearance from the bottom
of the sign to finished grade is required. Only natural or external illumination is
permitted. One (1) is allowed per establishment, which will be included in the calculation
of overall number of signs permitted, except for those as permitted in the Sign Corridor
Overlay District. It may require an encroachment permit if it is above public property.
(20) Real Estate Signs:
(i) On-site Signs.
One (1) single or double faced non-illuminated sign per street frontage. Sign can
be hanging post, window sign, or a wall sign type. The sign shall be removed
within fifteen (15) days after the close of escrow or leasing of the property.
Maximum size per face:
Residential Uses:
Single-family Homes,
Townhouses, Condominiums
Four (4) sf
Apartment Complexes
Twenty (20) sf
Non-Residential Uses:
Site under five (5) acres
Thirty-two (32) sf
Site five (5) acres or more
Sixty-four (64) sf
(ii) Open House Directional Signs: Single Family Homes and Subdivisions.
For each open house for an individual home for sale, a maximum of four (4)
directional signs and one (1) on-site sign are permitted.
Signs shall be portable A-frame or sandwich board types, maximum four (4)
square feet per face, and three (3) feet in height. Signs may be placed on private
property with the written permission of the property owner. Signs may also be
placed on public property, such as sidewalks, subject to the following regulations:
1. Signs shall be placed so that a minimum of four (4) feet remains clear on
the sidewalk for pedestrians.
2. Signs shall not be located:
(a) In the street or a center median.
(b) In a publicly maintained landscaped area.
(c) In parks.
(d) In any bus stop zone.
(e) Where they may interfere with maneuvering vehicles, bicycles,
pedestrians or where visibility of traffic or traffic signs would be
3. Signs shall not be illuminated, inflatable, have moving parts or be held by
a human (unless allowed as a “Temporary Sign” per Section 10-7.600).
4. Signs shall not be attached in any manner to trees, utility poles, utility
cabinets, street or traffic signs, benches, hydrants, mailboxes, traffic signal
light post, or any pole or post displaying a traffic sign, motorist call box or
historical marker, or public buildings.
5. Signs shall not include non-Mylar balloons greater than 14” in diameter,
streamers, ribbons, pennants, or other similar devices designed to move in
the wind.
6. Signs shall not resemble traffic control signs or devices.
7. A total of four (4) signs are permitted per intersection, limited to one (1)
sign per corner.
8. The name and phone number of the broker, agent or owner/seller shall be
placed on the sign for identification purposes.
9. Signs shall be constructed of a durable, weatherproof material and shall be
permanently attached to an A-frame type sign structure.
10. The use of wooden, plastic and metal stake signs is prohibited.
11. Signs may be displayed only on weekends, federally recognized holidays,
and one (1) designated tour-day each week. Signs shall be displayed no
earlier than 8:00 a.m. and shall be removed beginning by sunset each day.
12. The City of Hayward may remove any sign if necessary for maintenance
activities or safety considerations. The City of Hayward shall not be liable
for any damage to or loss of sign.
(21) Service Stations.
Service stations are permitted to have the following additional signs provided they
conform to the height and setback requirements of the district in which they are located:
(a) State authorized testing center services.
Four (4) square feet per sign, wall mounted only.
(b) Price signs.
One (1) single or double faced sign per street frontage permitted and twenty (20)
square feet maximum per face. This exemption is intended to allow for full
compliance with state law for posting of gasoline prices. Portable price signs are
not permitted.
(c) Pump signs.
One (1) sign for each gas pump unit not to exceed two (2) square feet per pump
face, or one (1) sign per bank of pumps, not to exceed eight (8) square feet per
face, identifying the gasoline brand and rating only.
(22) Time and Temperature devices.
Devices with no advertising, located in nonresidential Districts only, maximum area
twenty (20) square feet per face.
(23) Towing Authorization-Private Property Sign.
Signage should follow the City of Hayward Police Department’s guidelines for Private
Property signs.
(24) Transit, Bus Shelter Signs or Bench Signs.
Signage may be displayed on shelters and benches located at stops which serve AC
Transit and other public transit lines in the following circumstances:
The sign conveys transit information and has been authorized by the public transit
agency; or
The signage is displayed on a bus or transit shelter in accordance with the terms and
conditions of a written agreement between the City of Hayward and the public transit
(25) Under-Canopy Sign.
A maximum area of six (6) square
feet is permitted.
(26) Vehicle Sign.
Vehicle signs, as defined in Section
10-7.800 are exempt; up to two (2)
signs maximum per vehicle or as
allowed by the State Vehicle Code.
Except as otherwise qualified, the commercial and advertising signs in this section shall not be permitted
in any District:
(1) Signs on public property or right of way, unless otherwise expressly allowed in these
(2) Advertising Banners.
Exception: Banners used for promotional event and grand opening banners (Sections 10-
7.601 and 10-7.602).
(3) Bunting.
Exception: Temporary bunting permitted for promotional and grand opening events at
Automobile Dealerships (Section 10-7-601).
(4) Cabinet or “Can” Signs.
Exception: Legal non-conforming cabinet or “canned” signs that have not been
determined to be abandoned, dilapidated, unsafe or phased out by amortization.
(5) Changeable Copy Signs/Electronic Reader Boards.
Exception: Permitted signs for facilities used for theatrical, cultural, church, school,
sports or other seasonal events, or for industrial use with establishment frontage on a
freeway, as allowed by zoning district.
(6) Dilapidated Sign.
A sign including its supporting structure, which is no longer in a good state of repair, is
not visually attractive or functional, or has become a health or safety hazard.
(7) Flashing Signs.
Any sign which appears to change color or intensity of lighting, or is perceived as an
intermittent or flashing light. This includes electronic reader boards.
Exception: time and temperature signs per 10-7.300(22) and marquee signs per Section
10-7.502(c) approved by the Development Services Director.
(8) General Advertising Signs (Off-Premises).
Any sign relating to a business, commodity, service, entertainment, or event not
conducted, sold, or offered on the premises on which such sign is located. This shall
include such signs as those illegally posted on telephone poles which usually advertise
such events as gun shows, plant sales, car shows, etc. An existing lawfully erected
general advertising sign may be relocated under the terms of a relocation agreement
pursuant to California Business and Professions Code Section 5412 or successor
Exception: Real estate open house directional signs (see “Exempt” Section 10-7.300);
Sidewalk display signs in the Sign Corridor Overlay District (Section 10-7.211);
Temporary Promotional Signs (Section 10-7.600); and Vehicle signs (see Exempt” and
“Definitions” Sections).
(9) Hazardous Signs.
Signs which visually obstruct ingress or egress from a building or which adversely affect
traffic (vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian) safety.
(10) Home Occupation Signs.
(11) Inflatables, Aerial signs and Mylar Balloons.
Excluding balloons as permitted by Section 10-7.300 and permitted as Temporary
Promotional Signage per Section 10-7.600.
(12) Moving Signs.
A sign, which has any actual or apparent moving parts activated by a mechanical device,
by wind currents or by human beings, where the sign moves or the shape or content of the
sign face changes. This includes wind banners/flags, air and wind dancers and human
signs and excludes static electronic reader board signs. Prohibited as permanent signage,
may be permitted as temporary signage as per Section 10-7.600.
(13) Natural Objects.
Signs attached to or painted on a tree, rock, or other natural object.
(14) Obsolete Signs.
Any sign, including its supporting structure, which no longer advertises a business,
leaser, owner, product, service or activity on the premises where the sign is displayed.
(15) Pennants.
Flags or emblems of any type material, which may or may not taper to a point and are
usually strung together, except when permitted for promotional and grand opening events
per Section 10-7.600.
(16) Pole Signs.
Signs supported by a single pole are prohibited, except as allowed per Section 10-
(17) Portable Signs.
Any sign that is not permanently affixed to a building, other unmovable structure, or the
ground such as A-frame signs, T-frame signs and sandwich boards and which is located
in a building or in the ground. Exceptions: Real estate open house directional signs (see
“Exempt” Section 10-7.300); Sidewalk display signs in the Sign Corridor Overlay
District (Section 10-7.211); and Vehicle signs (see Exempt” and “Definitions”
(18) Roof Signs, Wall Signs, or Projecting Signs.
Any sign which extends above the roof line or the roof parapet of a building or affixed to
the wall of a building so that it projects above the eave line of a roof/ridge.
Exception: Rooftop address numerals which are readable from an aircraft, required in
accordance with the City Security Ordinance (Ord. No. 90-26).
(19) Searchlights.
Exception: Searchlights used for promotional and grand opening events as permitted per
Section 10-7.600.
(20) Signs Creating Traffic Hazards.
Signs that simulate in color, size or design any traffic control sign, signal or device, or
that make use of words, symbols or characters in a manner that interferes with, misleads
or confuses pedestrian or vehicular traffic. No sign, light or advertising structure shall be
located in such a manner as to constitute a hazard to pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or in
such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision, at any location where, by reason of the
position, shape, color or movement may interfere with, obstruct the view of, or be
confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal or device.
(21) Streamers.
Long narrow strips of any type material that resembles a banner and that float with the
Exception: Streamers for promotional and grand opening events as permitted per Section
(22) Vehicle-Mounted Commercial Signs which do not meet the definition set forth in
Section 10-7.800 of this article.
(23) Sign erected without a permit.
(24) Temporary sign displayed without a permit.
Hayward Municipal Code Sections 10-7.501 through 10-7.503 contains specific regulations for signs on
private property, based on the zoning district and sign usage.
10-7.501 General Regulations By Sign Type.
a) Awning Signs.
Maximum Number: See each Zoning District (awning is equivalent to a wall sign).
Maximum Area: No more than 30 percent of surface area first floor, 20 percent of second
floor. Counts toward maximum allowed per Zoning District.
Maximum Height: Prohibited above top of roof or top level of wall, including parapet.
Clearance: A vertical clearance of at least 8 feet between the bottom of the awning
and finished grade.
Setback: Not applicable.
Illumination: See each Zoning District.
Additional: Signs on two-sided panels of an awning shall be considered as one sign.
Signage shall be allowed only on the valance of the awning.
New awning signs shall not visually block any existing permitted signs.
b) Electronic Reader Board Signs.
Electronic reader boards are permitted for religious facilities, private schools, and cultural
facilities as allowed by zoning district and in conformance to the provisions of this article or as
determined by the Development Services Director.
1. Electronic reader boards shall meet the requirements of the provisions of this article.
Electronic reader boards that meet the requirements of this section may be permitted as
(a) The copy on an electronic reader board sign shall not change more than once in a six-
second period unless otherwise allowed by law or except as necessary on a sign for
the public health and safety, including traffic control, that is owned and/or operated
by the city, Alameda County, State of California, or federal government. Electronic
reader board signs, with an area greater than 20 square feet with no commercial
message, that include time, date, and temperature information are included in this
(b) Installation of a new electronic reader board or replacement of an existing sign with
an electronic reader board shall require permits pursuant to this chapter.
(c) Electronic reader boards must meet the following requirements:
i. Static display time for each message is a minimum of six seconds;
ii. The time to completely change from one message to the next is a maximum of
two seconds;
iii. The change of message shall occur simultaneously for the entire sign face;
iv. The sign shall contain a default design that will hold the face of the sign one
position if a malfunction occurs;
v. No flashing lights, traveling messages, animation or other movements are
permitted on an electronic reader board; and
vi. Illumination of electronic reader board signs shall not exceed the following
brightness limits measured as candelas per square feet at any focal point on any
roadway or berm or any vehicular approach to any roadway or driveway:
All Colors
vii. An electronic reader board sign with copy that moves continuously or appears to
be moving, flashing, changing color, pulsing, or alternating shall be considered an
animated sign and prohibited as provided in this section.
c) Freestanding and Monument Signs.
Maximum Number: See each Zoning District.
Maximum Area: See each Zoning District.
Maximum Height: See each Zoning District, and subsection (d) herein.
Setback: See each Zoning District.
Illumination: See each Zoning District.
Additional: Freeway-oriented sign may be 50 feet in height.
Second sign permitted where a parcel or establishment has two or more
street frontages or one street frontage exceeding 500 feet.
Must be in accordance with a Master Sign Program, if applicable.
Corner lots: freestanding or monument signs higher than 3 feet shall be
subject to the Vision Triangle Rule as set forth in Article 9, the Hayward
Traffic Code, for visibility requirements.
d) Human Signs.
Human signs displaying a commercial message are permitted as a Temporary Promotional sign
subject to the issuance of a Sign Permit and Revocable Encroachment Permit (if within the
public right-of-way) (including proof of liability insurance), and conformance with the following
development standards:
Location: A human sign may be allowed on the premises of the property that is
being advertised or within the public right-of-way immediately adjacent to
the property that is being advertised provided that no human signs shall
interfere with pedestrians, cyclists or vehicular traffic. Human signs shall
not be located in areas required for clear visibility triangle at intersections
or otherwise block motorist, cyclist or pedestrian view of traffic and/or
control devices.
Area: Signs when carried or held shall be no larger than 6 square feet.
Number of Signs: One per business location.
Time of Day: Human signs shall be allowed during the daytime business hours of
operation, which are hours of operation between sunrise and sunset.
General: Human signs shall not utilize any type of illumination, animation,
flashing, blinking, rotating light, fluorescent colors, or mirrors. Human
signs shall not shout or generate any noise that would disrupt traffic or
endanger pedestrian or traffic safety. Bull horns or amplified sound are
e) Inflatables.
Inflatable signs are permitted to be used for temporary promotional or seasonal events along
corridors outside of the Downtown Entertainment area only with the approval of a temporary
sign permit and conformance with the following standards:
Location: An inflatable sign shall be allowed provided that it is located on private
property and tethered to the ground with the bottom of the balloon on the
Number: One
f) Multi-Occupancy or Multi-Story Buildings.
Permitted as per approved Master Sign Program, otherwise as per Zoning District
Additional: First floor - based on individual establishment frontage.
Second floor - 1 wall sign up to 10 square feet.
A sign on the top story of buildings greater than two stories is allowed on a site-specific basis,
subject to Development Services Director or designee approval, and shall be limited to the name
of the building or a major tenant. The sign size and type of illumination shall be reviewed on a
site-specific basis.
g) Pole Signs.
Prohibited except for:
(1) Commercial businesses with Freeway frontage on Highway 880 or State Route 92, west of
Industrial Boulevard, and which provide food, fuel, or lodging; or
(2) Major freeway oriented Commercial Centers of at least four (4) acres with an approved
Master Sign Program on Highway 880 or State Route 92, West of Industrial Boulevard; or
(3) Commercial and/or Industrial sites of ten (10) acres or more and which have an approved
Master Sign Program;
(4) Commercial buildings which have a historic designation and for which a small,
architecturally appropriate pole sign may be permitted, subject to approval by the
Development Services Director.
(5) Exception: Legal non-conforming pole signs that have not been determined to abandoned,
dilapidated or unsafe or phased out by amortization or have been determined to be a sign
that is of historic nature, is of a unique artistic design, or which represents a period of time
or site that is of community importance, should be retained and preserved, as determined by
the Development Services Director or designee.
h) Portable or “A” Frame Signs.
Permitted within the Downtown Entertainment District - on B Street between Foothill and
Watkins and on Main Street between A and C Streets only.
(1) Limited to one per establishment:
a. Can only be located directly in front of the establishment with a 48” clear
pedestrian pathway; and
b. Can only be displayed during business hours (see diagram below).
(2) Shall not exceed 6 sq. ft. of sign area per side.
(3) Shall not exceed 3 feet in height and 2 feet in width, up to a maximum height of 4 feet to
accommodate sign stand.
(4) Shall be constructed of durable, weather proof materials (i.e. plastic, metal, durable painted
or stained hardwood).
(5) Copy area (chalk board, painted, cork board, etc.): sign message and/or graphics, whether
permanent or changeable, shall be well-designed and relevant to the business in which it is
(6) Shall be kept clean and maintained in good working condition.
i) Projecting Signs (blade, shingle, hanging).
Maximum Number: One per establishment; counts toward maximum number allowable per
Zoning District. Blade signs are not permitted when they would block a
permitted sign of an adjacent business.
Maximum Area: See each Zoning District.
Maximum Height: Not applicable.
Setback: 2-1/2 feet from curb line, or per Zoning District, whichever is greater.
Illumination: See each Zoning District.
Additional: (1) Allowed on establishment frontage.
(2) Allowed only on first floor.
(3) May not extend above top level of the wall upon which it is mounted.
(4) Signs projecting two-thirds or more of the distance from property line
shall be 12 feet above street grade; 8 feet if less.
(5) Allowed in a parking lot or above a driveway if 15 feet above finished
j) Wall Signs.
(1) Prohibited above top of roof or top level of wall, including parapet, nor beyond any vertical
corner edge of a wall, marquee, canopy, or awning.
(2) Walls signs proposed above the second floor of a building require Director of Development
Services approval (see Multi-Occupancy Buildings).
(3) Painted wall signs require a sign permit and shall be removed after the business has vacated
the premises for more than one month. All painted wall signs shall be applied by a licensed
sign contractor or a sign artist.
(a) Auto Dealerships
Sign Type
Max. No. /
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
No.: 1
Height: 12 ft.
50 sq. ft.
per face,
100 sq. ft.
See section 10-
7.209 for
1 additional freestanding sign
is permitted if more than one
street frontage.
No.: 2
Height: Wall
signage shall be
no higher than
building wall it
is mounted on.
100 sq. ft.
See section 10-
7.209 for
60 calendar
days per year.
50 sq. ft. per
Natural only
See Section 10-7.600 for
permit requirements and
additional regulations.
Bunting, pennants and
searchlights are permitted.
Shall not be placed in City
(b) Freeway Oriented Signs
A Freeway oriented sign is required to advertise the business that occupies the property in which the sign is erected. Off-
premise signs are prohibited.
See Section 10-7.800 for Definitions of Freeway Frontage and Freeway-Oriented Signs
Sign Type Allowed
Max. No. /
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
Freestanding or
No.: 1
Height: 50 ft.
for businesses
provide food,
fuel or
lodging and
centers of at
least 4 acres
with an
Master Sign
100 sq. ft. per
face, 200 sq.
ft. total for
the additional
sign that is
As per zoning
As per zoning
Electronic reader board
signs are allowed if used for
a commercial center greater
than or equal to five (≥5)
acres with an approved
Master Sign Program.
1 sign allowed in
Commercial, Commercial
and Industrial Planned
Developments and Industrial
Zoning Districts, plus one
additional freestanding or
monument that is not
oriented toward the freeway.
Pole Signs
As per zoning
As per zoning
Pole signs allowed in
accordance with Section 10-
Wall Signs
As per zoning
As per zoning
Wall sign shall be no
higher than building wall
upon which they are
(c) Theater Signs
Max. No./
Max. Area
No.: As per
Height: 25 ft.
for free-
standing signs.
350 square feet for one screening room or auditorium;
Plus 50 square feet for each additional screening room or auditorium in the
same development.
The total sign area shall not exceed 1,100 square feet.
The total sign area is not permitted on one façade or on one sign and shall
complement the architecture of the theater.
Signs are permitted on all frontages upon approval by the Development
Services Director.
Sign Type Allowed
Max. No./
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
No.: As per
Height: 25 ft.
10 ft. from
All types in
with section
As per Zoning
See General
over right-
subject to
approval by
t Services
Lighting shall
be approved
by the
Director for
traffic safety
before final
Total sign area is not
permitted on 1 façade or 1
Electronic Reader Boards
are allowed on marquee if
used to display movie times.
Sign shall be compliant with
architecture of theater.
Theater marquee signs are
permitted over the public
right-of-way clear of street
trees and street lighting.
A marquee shall allow for
clear visibility of traffic
signals and regulatory signs.
Display Cases
No.: Minimum
of 2
Height: N/A
36 sq. ft. each
240 sq. ft.
max. total.
See Sec. 10-
7.209 for
Display case areas not
included in calculation for
total permitted sign area.
(d) Drive-in Restaurants
Sign Type Allowed
Max. No. /
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
No.: 1
or 1
plus 2 wall
100 sq. ft. total.
As per
See section 10-
7.209 for
Location subject to Section
10-1.1045(j) of the Zoning
Ordinance Drive-in
Establishments Special
Standards and Conditions.
No.: 1
Height: 10 ft.
40 sq. ft. per
face; 80 sq. ft.
Varies by
See section 10-
7.209 for
Drive-Through signs on
corner lots higher than 3 ft.
are subject to the “Vision
Triangle Rule” of 30 ft.
Applies to restaurants,
coffee shops, pharmacies,
cafes and banks.
Menu Board
No.: 2 max.
Height: 6 ft.
30 sq. ft. each
Internal or
Restaurant Menu Boards do
not count towards max. 3
signs per site and 100 sq. ft.
Logos on exempt directional
signs are only allowed up to
20% of the directional sign
area for Drive-Throughs.
No.: 3
Height: 18-
inch max.
letter size and
24-inch max.
logo height.
40 sq. ft. total.
See section 10-
7.209 for
Applies to restaurants,
coffee shops, pharmacies,
cafes and banks.
(e) Service stations
Sign Type Allowed
Max. No. /
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
No.: 3 signs
max. (1
freestanding or
monument and
up to 2 wall
1 freestanding
or monument
signs per
and/or 1 wall
1.5 sq. ft. per
lineal foot of
25 sq. ft.
100 sq. ft.
Varies by
See Section10-
7.209 for
Exempt signs include:
Four (4) sq. ft. wall
mounted State Authorized
Testing Center Services;
one (1) single or double
faced price sign per street
frontage with twenty (20)
sq. ft. max. per face; and
one (1) sign for each gas
pump unit not to exceed
two (2) sq. ft. per pump
face or one (1) sign per
bank of pumps, not to
exceed eight (8) sq. ft. per
face, identifying the
gasoline brand and rating
Signs on corner lots higher
than 3 ft. are subject to the
“Vision Triangle Rule” of
30 ft. set forth in Article 9
of the Hayward Traffic
No.: 1
Height: 15 ft.
unless it
qualifies as a
oriented sign,
then 50 ft.
30 sq. ft. per
60 sq. ft.
12 ft. from
all property
Setback may
be reduced 1
ft. for every
ft. the sign is
lowered, 2
ft. min.
Min. setback
flare is 2 ft.
See section 10-
7.209 for
Canopy logo areas are
not included in total sign
area calculation if less
than 6 sq. ft.
Sign base shall be
decorative stucco, brick,
wood or similar material
that matches the primary
building and shall have
landscaping around it.
See Section 10-7.501(c)
Freestanding and
Monument Signs.
No.: 2 max.
Height: 24-
inch max.
letter size and
26-inch logo
40 sq. ft.
See section 10-
7.209 for
See Section 10-7.501(j)
Wall Signs.
No.: 4 max.
Height: 24-
inch max letter
40 sq. ft. total
See section 10-
7.209 for
Canopy logo areas are not
included in total sign area
calculation if less than 6 sq.
size and 26-
inch max logo.
(f) Catering Truck
(g) Shopping Centers
Small Shopping Centers (<5 acres) and Large Shopping Centers (>5 acres)
Individual tenant signs may not be included as part of the shopping center identification sign unless a Master Sign
Program for the entire Center has been approved by the Development Services/Planning Director.
Individual tenant signs are then included as part of the allotted sign area and number of signs permitted for an individual
If a Master Sign Program exists, the Development Services/Planning Director may approve additional signs or sign area
as needed to adequately direct the public to the Center.
Freestanding or monument sign setback shall allow for clear vehicular and pedestrian visibility. If obstructed visibility
will result, the Development Services/Planning Director shall increase the setback.
Sign Type Allowed
Max. No. /
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
Small Shopping
Center Freestanding/
No.: 1 to
center per
Height: 14 ft.
150 sq. ft. per
225 sq. ft. if
>1 establish-
4 ft. from
See section 10-
7.209 for
Unless otherwise stated in
the Master Sign Program of
a Small Shopping Center,
24-inch max. letter size and
30-inch max logo height.
Small Shopping Center
signs on corner lots higher
than 3 ft. are subject to the
“Vision Triangle Rule”.
Sign Type Allowed
Max. No. /
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
Catering Truck
No.: 1 on each
side of truck.
1 portable (A-
frame) sign
(placed on
8 sq. ft.
16 sq. ft.
20 sq. ft.
per face
40 sq. ft.
Natural only.
Vehicle signs shall be in
accordance with
California Department
of Motor Vehicles
Issuance of a sign
permit may include
provisions to ensure that
the portable (A-frame)
sign does not create a
safety hazard or is not
aesthetically detrimental
or incompatible with
surrounding uses.
Small Shopping
No.: 1 per
Height: No
higher than the
building wall
on which it is
1.5 sq. ft. per
linear foot of
See section 10-
7.209 for
Unless otherwise stated in
a Master Sign Program,
24-inch max. letter size
and 30-inch max. logo
If a Master Sign Program
exists, the Development
Services Director may
approve additional signs or
sign area as needed to
adequately direct the
public to the Center.
Large Shopping
Center Freestanding/
No.: 1 to
center per
Height: 14 ft.
200 sq. ft. per
300 sq. ft. if
>1 establish-
10 ft. from
See section 10-
7.209 for
Signs on corner lots higher
than 3 ft. are subject to the
“Vision Triangle Rule” of
30 ft.
If a Master Sign Program
exists, the Development
Services Director may
approve additional signs or
sign area as needed to
adequately direct the
public to the Center.
Large Shopping
No.: 1 per
Height: No
higher than the
building wall
on which it is
1.5 sq. ft. per
linear foot of
See section 10-
7.209 for
Unless otherwise stated in
a Master Sign Program,
24-inch max. letter size
and 30-inch max. logo
If a Master Sign Program
exists, the Development
Services Director may
approve additional signs or
sign area as needed to
adequately direct the
public to the Center.
Regional Shopping
Shall be reviewed on a site-specific basis for allowable signage. An approved Master Sign Program
is required and all allowable signage shall meet the standards specified in Section 10-7.210. Master
Sign Program.
Hayward Municipal Code Section 10-7.501 contains specific regulations for signs on private property,
based on the zoning district and sign usage.
(a) RS, RNP, RO (Single-Family Residential and Residential Office) Districts
(b) RM, RH (Multi-Family Residential), MH (Mobile Home), and AT-RM (Air Terminal
Medium Density Residential) Districts
Sign Type Allowed
Max. No. /
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
Subdivision Signs
No.: 1
Height: 10 ft.
50 sq. ft. per
100 sq. ft.
10 ft. from all
Natural or
If subdivision is >25 lots or
condos, 1 additional sign is
permitted, not to exceed 30
sq. ft./face, 60 sq. ft. total.
Home Occupation signs are
Residential Office,
educational, health
care, day care
center for fifteen
(15) or more,
recreational, or
similar facility.
No.: 1 per
up to 5 acres.
2 if > 5 acres.
Height: 6 ft.
for monument
20 sq. ft. per
10 ft. from all
Natural or
If freestanding/ monument
sign, base shall be
Sign Type Allowed
Max. No. /
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
No.: 1 per 500
ft. of street
2 if >500 ft.
Height: 6 ft.
1-8 units:
12 sq. ft.
9-25 units:
25 sq. ft.
>26 units:
50 sq. ft.
10 ft. from all
Natural or
26+ units with >1 street
frontage, a second sign is
permitted with total sign
area ≤ 70 sq. ft.
(35 sq. ft. per entrance)
2 signs on 1 frontage are
permitted if entrances are
200 ft. apart.
Sign Type Allowed
Max. No. /
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
(c) All Commercial Districts - (Except CC-R, CC-C and CC-P), Including AT-AC, AT-C (Airport
Commercial Zones)
The following regulations apply to properties in all Commercial Districts excluding the CC-R, CC-C
and CC-P districts.
Sign Type Allowed
Max. No. /
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
For Residential Uses: Same regulations as Multi-family Districts.
For Non-Residential Uses:
(applies to all uses
and sign types)
No.: 3 signs
max. (1
or monument
and up to 2
wall signs)
1.5 sq. ft. per
lineal foot of
25 sq. ft. min.,
100 sq. ft.
Varies by
See section 10-
7.209 for
Businesses with more than 1
frontage shall be allowed 50%
more permitted sign area upon
approval of the Development
Services Director.
AT-AC, AT-C zones: Office
or industrial complexes with ≥
2 frontages can have an
additional sign per approval of
the Development Services
If freestanding/ monument
sign, base shall be landscaped.
Corner Lots: Freestanding or
monument signs higher than 3
ft. are subject to the “Vision
Triangle Rule” of 30 ft. (see
Section 10-7.208(i).
Subdivision Signs.
No.: 1 per
street entrance,
max. 2
Height: 10 ft.
1-8 units:
12 sq. ft.
9-25 units:
25 sq. ft.
>26 units:
50 sq. ft.
10 ft. from all
Natural or
educational, health
care, day care
center for fifteen
(15) or more
children, cultural,
recreational, or
similar facility.
No.: 1 per
street frontage
up to 5 acres.
2 if > 5 acres.
Height: 6 ft.
for monument
20 sq. ft/ sign.
10 ft. from all
Natural or
If freestanding/ monument
sign, base shall be
(applies to all uses)
No: 1 per
Height: 12 ft.
and 1 ft.
lower every
foot closer to
property line.
36 sq. ft. per
12 ft. from
all property
Setback may
be reduced 1
ft. for every
ft. the sign is
lowered, 2
ft. min.
See Section10-
7.209 for
See General Provisions above.
(applies to all uses)
No.: up to 2
Height: Not
to exceed
roofline of
first story
Wall Sign).
36 sq. ft. for
frontages < 25
linear ft.
50 sq. ft. for
frontages 25-
40 linear ft.
throughs, auto
dealerships -
See Section
Same as the
structure to
which it is
See section 10-
7.209 for
See General Provisions above.
(applies to all uses)
See Section 10-7.600 “Temporary Signs.”
Events sponsored by a federal, state, or local governmental agency are exempt.
Auto Dealerships, Drive-through Restaurants, Catering Trucks, Service Stations, Shopping Centers See Section 10-
Sign Type Allowed
Max. No. /
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
4 total
1 per side
Max. 20%
per side or
16 sq. ft.,
is larger.
shall be
marked to
Natural or
For a wheeled facility, side
shall be measured from
pavement to top of container.
Directional signs with no
message (for traffic or if
facility not visible from ROW)
shall be approved by the
(d) CC-R (Central City - Residential) District
The following regulations apply to all properties in the CC-R district.
Sign Type Allowed
Max. No./
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
For Residential Uses: Multi-Family Complex Identification Signs only.
Monument and/or
Wall Sign
No.: 1
Height: 5 ft.
No.: 1
1-8 units:
12 sq. ft.
9-25 units:
25 sq. ft.
>26 units:
50 sq. ft.
4 ft. from all
Natural or
26+ units with >1 street
frontage, a second sign is
permitted with total sign
area ≤ 70 sq. ft. (35 ft. per
2 signs on 1 frontage are
permitted if entrances are ≥
200 ft. apart.
For Non-Residential Uses:
Wall signs
No.: 1 per
Height: 6 ft.
36 sq. ft. per
4 ft. from all
All types.
See section 10-
7.209 for
Office complex or directory
sign: 1 per complex with 20
sq. ft. max per face, 40 sq.
ft. max total.
Base of freestanding
monument signs shall be
Theater Signs - See Section 10-502(c) “Theater Signs”
Temporary Signs - See Section 10-7.600 “Temporary Signs.”
(e) CC-C (Central City Commercial District) and CC-P (Central City Plaza) District.
The following regulations apply to all parcels in the CC-C and CC-P Zoning Districts.
Sign Types Allowed
Total Max. No.
Max. Area
Menu Board
Theater Marquee
Theater Displays
Service Station
displays (A-
2 signs per
4 signs max per
unless otherwise
approved by
Services Director.
CC-C & CC-P (Foothill
and A):
2 sq. ft. per linear footage of
primary frontage.
30 percent of primary
frontage for secondary
frontage signs.
CC-C & CC-P (other than
Foothill and A):
1 sq. ft. per linear footage of
primary frontage.
½ sq. ft. per linear footage
of primary frontage.
30 sq. ft min and 100 sq. ft
Also see Section 10-7.211
See section
10-7.209 for
lighting is
Neon or day
glow must be
Signs may be
spotlights or
lighting if the
effect at night
is not
No more than
three colors,
approved by
Monument signs
prohibited except
service stations,
hotels and
Sign Corridor Overlay
Prohibited Signs
Monument (except service stations, hotels and motels)
Animated, in the Marks Historic District
Portable (except A- and T-Frame)
Painted Wall Signs or signs that obscure the detail of building facades
Awnings made of metal or which are translucent or which contain interior lighting for illumination
Sign Type
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
General Awning (ground
floor only)
8 ft. min. vertical clearance
from bottom of sign to top
of finish grade.
20% of the total
surface area of
front awning skirt.
Internal illumination of awning is
Awning signs legally erected
before July 22, 1986 shall be
considered in conformance if they
do not exceed the maximum
allowable area by 25%.
Awnings shall be regularly
cleaned and kept free of dust and
visible defects.
General Horizontal
8 ft. min. clearance from
bottom of sign to top of
finish grade.
8 sq. ft. total, 4 sq.
ft. per face.
Signs ≤ 6 sq. ft. are
exempt from
Hanging signs legally erected
before July 22, 1986 shall be
considered in conformance if they
do not exceed the maximum
allowable area by 25%.
General Overhang/ Edge
Shall not exceed 3 ft.
See 10-7.501.e
general regulations
Shall not be used in conjunction
with wall signs.
General Projecting
Height: No higher than
cornice or parapet,
whichever is lower.
8 ft. min. clearance from
bottom of sign to top of
finish grade.
40 sq. ft., 20 sq. ft.
per face.
Double face is
counted as one
May project up to 3 ft.
horizontally, 5 ft. at Foothill & A
In no case may sign come within
2.5 ft. of curb.
Signs shall be clear of street trees,
traffic signals, street lighting,
regulatory signs and architectural
General Sidewalk
(A-Frames/ T-Frames)
4 ft. passageway past sign.
Only permitted in the
Downtown Entertainment
6 sq. ft. per side
(area will not be
included in total
permitted sign area).
Max 1 per establishment.
Must be placed in front of
4 ft. min passage way on
sidewalk must be maintained.
Signs only permitted during
business hours.
Sign shall not project within 2
feet of the curb interface with
Also see Section 10-7.501(h)
Sign Type
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
General Wall
No higher than cornice or
parapet, whichever is
See General
Regulations above.
Wall signs may be painted on the
wall or be made of metal, wood
(except plywood), plastic, neon or
Fluorescent material is
Wall signs legally erected before
July 22, 1986 shall be considered
in conformance if they do not
exceed the maximum allowable
area by 25%.
General Window
25% of total area of
Signs may include graphics
painted on glass, vinyl letters
applied to glass, a clear acrylic
panel behind the window, or
small neon window signs. Signs
should be white or light in color.
Auto Dealership Signs See Section 10-7.502(a)
Theater Signs - See Section 10-7.502(c)
Drive-in Restaurant Signs - See Section 10-7.502(d)
Service Station Signs - See Section 10-7.502(e)
Temporary Signs - See Section 10-7.600 “Temporary Signs.”
(f) Form-Based Code Districts All (T1, T2, T3, T4, T4-1, T4-2, T5, T6 and CS).
Sign Types Allowed
Total Max. No.
Max. Area
Signs of historical
or aesthetic
2 signs per
4 signs max per
unless otherwise
approved by
Services Director.
Temporary window
signs do not count
toward the total.
Sign Corridor Overlay
District (see Section 10-
2 sq. ft. per linear footage
of primary frontage.
30 percent of primary
frontage for secondary
frontage signs.
All other (outside of
Sign Corridor Overlay
1 sq. ft. per linear footage
of primary frontage.
½ sq. ft. per linear footage
of secondary frontage.
30 sq. ft min for Principle
100 sq. ft max. per
See section 10-
7.209 for
lighting is
Neon or day
glow must be
Signs may be
with directional
spotlights or
lighting if the
effect at night
is not glaringly
Only 1 frontage,
which contains a
public entrance,
can be counted as
Frontage. All
other building
Frontages, which
have exposure to
pedestrian or
vehicular traffic,
are considered
Prohibited Signs (also see Section 10-5.400- Prohibited Signs)
Signs made of plywood
Signs with fluorescent material
Monument (except service stations, hotels and motels)
Animated, scrolling in the Marks Historic District
Aerial Signs (see inflatable signs) except as permitted for Temporary Promotional Events
Awnings made of metal or which are translucent or which contain interior lighting for illumination.
Sign Type
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
General Awning (ground
floor only)
8 ft. min. vertical clearance
from bottom of sign to top
of finish grade.
See General
Regulations above
Internal illumination of awning is
Awning signs legally erected
before July 22, 1986 shall be
considered in conformance if they
do not exceed the maximum
allowable area by 25%.
Awnings shall be regularly
cleaned and kept free of dust and
visible defects.
General Horizontal
8 ft. min. clearance from
bottom of sign to top of
finish grade.
8 sq. ft. total, 4 sq.
ft. per face.
Signs ≤ 6 sq. ft. are
exempt from
permitting if located
within Sign Corridor
Overlay District.
Suspended from a canopy,
awning or marquee
General Overhang/ Edge
Shall not exceed 3 ft.
See General
Regulations above
Shall not be used in conjunction
with wall signs.
General Projecting
Height: No higher than
cornice or parapet,
whichever is lower.
8 ft. min. clearance from
bottom of sign to top of
finish grade.
40 sq. ft., 20 sq. ft.
per face.
Double face is
counted as one
Shall not project more than 3 ft.
In no case may sign come within
2.5 ft. of curb.
Signs shall be clear of street trees,
traffic signals, street lighting,
regulatory signs and architectural
General Wall
No higher than cornice or
parapet, whichever is
See General
Regulations above.
Wall signs may be painted on the
wall or be made of metal, wood
(except plywood), plastic, neon or
Fluorescent material is
General Window
25% of total area of
Signs may include graphics
painted on glass, vinyl letters
applied to glass, a clear acrylic
panel behind the window, or
small neon window signs. Signs
should be white or light in color.
General Window
25% of total area of
window, including
permanent window
Special sale window signs of
either paper or paint.
Auto Dealership Signs See Section 10-7.502(a)
Theater Signs - See Section 10-7.502(c)
Drive-in Restaurant Signs See Section 10-7.502(d)
Service Station Signs See Section 10-7.502(e)
Temporary Signs See Section 10-7600 “Temporary Signs”
(g) I, (Industrial), AT-IP (Airport Terminal Industrial), and AT-R (Airport Terminal Recreational)
Sign Type Allowed
Max. No./
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
(applies to all)
No: 3 signs
1 sq. ft. per
lineal foot of
frontage or 25
sq. ft.,
whichever is
See section 10-
7.209 for
Office or industrial
complexes with ≥ 2
frontages or ≥ 2 street
entrances can have
additional signs per
approval of the
Development Services
No: 1 per 50
linear feet of
Height: 14 ft.
1 sq. ft. per
lineal foot of
frontage or 25
sq. ft.,
whichever is
10 ft. from all
property lines.
If sign is < 6
ft., it may be 2
ft. from front
property line
so long as it
See section 10-
7.209 for
Base of freestanding/
monument signs shall
be landscaped.
(h) PD (Planned Development) District
The Development Services Director or approving authority shall approve all signs within a
Planned Development District. Where signs are not included in or regulated by the preliminary
or precise plan approval, the standards of the zoning district most similar in use to the uses in the
Planned Development District shall be used as a guideline for approval of signs.
does not
interfere with
General Wall
No: 2-3
Height: No
higher than
building it is
mounted on.
1 sq. ft. per
lineal foot of
frontage or 25
sq. ft.,
whichever is
See section 10-
7.209 for
Office or industrial
complexes with ≥ 2
frontages or ≥ 2 street
entrances can have
additional signs per
approval of the
Development Services
Changeable Copy/
Electronic Reader
Board/Freeway Sign.
No: 1
Height: No
higher than
building it is
mounted if
50’ for
oriented signs
May not
comprise more
than 50% of
area of
primary sign.
See section 10-
7.209 for
Only permitted when
designed as part of
business identification
sign. Freeway
Oriented Signs See
Section 10-7.502(b)
Signs are subject to
provisions of State
Outdoor Advertising
Drive-in Restaurant Signs - See Section 10-7.502(d)
Service Station Signs - See Section 10-7.502(e)
Temporary Signs - See Section 10-7.600 “Temporary Signs.”
(i) A (Agricultural) and FP (Flood Plain) Districts
(j) New Districts
Any new zoning Districts adopted by the City Council subsequent to the adoption of this Article
shall be subject to regulations of the District most similar in nature and function as determined
by the Development Services Director.
10-7.601 Auto Dealership Banners
i. Purpose.
The purpose of allowing banners for automobile retail establishments located in
the General Commercial (CG) and Mission Boulevard Form Based Code zoning
districts is to recognize the distinctive requirements of this form of retail and to
foster a unified image of a Hayward “auto row.” Uniform banners strengthen the
collective impact of display and advertising for auto retail along Mission
Boulevard, in a manner that is attractive, compatible, and safe, and enhances the
streetscape and the economic well-being of the city.
ii. Automobile Retail Establishment Defined.
“Automobile retail establishment” means an establishment whose primary use of
a building or property is for outdoor display and sale of new or used automobiles,
trucks, vans, motorcycles, trailers or recreational vehicles. The term does not
include establishments for which the sale of vehicles is an incidental use, such as
rental car agencies.
iii. Banner Defined.
“Banner” means a non-permanent sign, made of durable fabric, fastened from the
top and bottom to a ground-mounted pole or similar structure on private property.
Banners shall not be fastened to any landscaping/tree, fence or retaining wall.
Sign Type
Max. No. /
Max. Area
Additional Provisions
All types
No.: 1 per
establishment or
Height: 10 ft.
50 sq. ft. per
or parcel.
10 ft. from
all property
See section 10-
7.209 for lighting
If freestanding/
monument sign, base
shall be landscaped.
iv. Banner Permits and Requirements.
The Development Services Director or designee may approve a banner permit in
accordance with the regulations and criteria set forth in this section and may
impose such other reasonable conditions as may be deemed necessary in the
public interest. The following regulatory standards are required conditions for any
1. Size.
Each “large banner” shall be a minimum of sixteen point one (16.1)
square feet and a maximum of twenty-eight (28) square feet.
Each “small banner” shall be a minimum of eight (8) square feet and a
maximum of sixteen (16) square feet. All banners of the same type on a
property shall be the same size.
2. Quantity.
Each property may display a maximum of one (1) “large banner for every
thirty (30) lineal feet of street frontage. Each property may display a
maximum of one (1) “small banner for every four hundred (400) square
feet of parking and auto display area.
3. Location and Setbacks
The entire banner shall be located on private property, outside of vision
triangles of motorists and shall not extend into or be allowed to move into
the public right-of-way.
“Large banners” may be located within ten (10) feet of the property line
adjacent to Mission Boulevard. “Small banners” may be located elsewhere
within parking and auto display areas.
4. Distance between Banners.
No banner shall be located closer than ten (10) feet to another banner.
5. Height.
The bottom of each banner shall be at least eight (8) feet and not more
than twelve (12) feet above the surface below it. All decorative banners
located on a property shall be the same height.
6. Materials.
Banners shall be of durable fabric intended for outdoor use such as
altrafab, pryatone, sunbrella or similar quality fabric. No fade inks shall be
used on the banners.
7. Hardware.
Brackets for mounting the decorative banners to poles shall be of high
quality such as stainless steel banding with fiberglass arms which can flex
with the wind.
8. Maintenance.
Banners shall be promptly replaced when ink fades or fabric tears, frays or
fades. Hardware shall be replaced or repaired when damaged or twisted.
All banners shall be fastened to keep taut and shall not be loose or floppy.
9. Promotional Signs.
The possession of a sign permit for Auto Dealership Banners would
prohibit the installation of temporary promotional displays on the same
10. Duration.
Banners shall be permitted for a maximum of 120 days per calendar year
and duration shall be specified on the permit.
v. Permit Application.
An application for a sign permit shall be made on a form supplied by the
Development Services Director and initiated by owners or agents of automobile
retail establishments. The application shall be accompanied by the required fee, as
adopted by resolution of the City Council. Along with demonstrating that all of
the above required conditions of approval have been met, the following
information shall be submitted to the Director in conjunction with an application
for a permit:
1. Site plan for the automobile retail establishment, indicating quantity,
location and height of banners for the property;
2. Color drawings showing banner design, including colors, materials,
hardware and size;
3. Explanation of duration of display of the banners that are requested.
4. Additional information, as determined by the Director may be required.
10-7.602 Promotional Event and Grand Opening Signs.
Promotional event or grand opening signs are regulated only by this section. These signs are permitted
in addition to the sign area and number allowed for other classes of signs.
(A) Permitting
In order to display any promotional or grand opening signs, a person must file a Sign
Permit Application with the Development Review Services Division. The application
shall state the applicable number of signs allowed and the number proposed, the date(s)
when the signs are to be erected and when they are to be taken down, in accordance with
time limits set forth in this article. If applicable, the application shall state the number of
times such signs have already been erected in a given calendar year.
(B) Location
Promotional and grand opening signs may not be placed within the public right-of-way
(including planter strips, tree wells, sound walls, fences, sidewalks, and street medians),
on public property or in any location which interferes with vehicular, bicycle, or
pedestrian circulation or safety, except for recognized community sponsored events, such
as events sponsored or held by the City of Hayward, Hayward Unified School District,
Hayward Area Recreation and Park District (HARD), Hayward Historical Society,
Hayward Chamber of Commerce, and other government agencies and community
organizations as determined by the Development Services Director).
(C) Number and Type Permitted and Time Frame
Max. #
Max. Area
Human Sign*
Banners: 1
50 sq. ft.
Natural only.
Sixty (60) days
maximum per calendar
Number of events and
periods of duration per
year shall be specified
on the permit.
Events sponsored by
federal, state, or local
government agency are
Banners: 1
50 sq. ft.
Natural only.
Once for 45 days max.
Shall be removed
within 14 calendar
days after the grand
opening ceases.
Searchlights: 7 days
*See Human Signs Section 10-7.501(d) and Inflatables Section 10-7.501(e)
**The application fee shall be waived for grand opening promotional signs for all new businesses with a valid City business license.
10-7.603 Subdivision and Directional Signs (Off-Site).
One (1) temporary sign per lot on which it is placed related to the sale or lease of any real
property, up to thirty-two (32) square feet in sign area per sign; ten (10) feet in height and ten
(10) feet back from property line.
For each two hundred (200) feet of street frontage, one (1) additional temporary sign related to
the lease or sale of any real property is permitted, subject to the size, height, and setback
requirements provided in this section.
Must be placed on private property with the owners' permission, and may remain for twelve (12)
months after first installed, or until last unit is sold, whichever is first.
A time extension, if needed, must be applied for and approved by Development Services
Director and must be submitted fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of the permit.
The Development Services Director or his or her designee shall be vested with the authority to
determine compliance with provisions of this ordinance except for building or fire code requirements.
The Development Services Director or his or her designee is empowered to interpret and enforce the
provisions and requirements of this article and to remove or cause to be removed any sign or other
advertising structure which has been constructed, erected, altered, relocated, or maintained in violation
of this article.
10-7.701 Administrative Referral.
When there is a question regarding the interpretation of this ordinance, or its application to any specific
case or situation, the Development Services Director may, in his or her discretion, refer the question to
the Planning Commission.
event signs
Bunting: 2
If a banner
permit is
issued, then
none other.
50 sq. ft.
per sign.
Natural only.
Sixty (60) days
maximum per calendar
Number of events and
periods of duration per
year shall be specified
on the permit.
See Section 10-7.601.
10-7.702 Administrative Modifications.
The Development Services Director may administratively reduce the setback requirement or increase the
permitted sign area if such modifications are minor, not more than twenty-five (25) percent, and he or
she determines that no practical alternative exists, that the purposes of the ordinance would not be
compromised, and that no detrimental impact would result.
10-7.703 Variances.
The purpose of the Variance provision is to authorize, in specific cases, departure from the terms of the
Ordinance if not contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, literal enforcement
would result in unnecessary hardship.
(a) Applications for Variances shall be processed in accordance with Sections 10-1.2815
through 10-1.2825 and Sections 10-1.3305 through 10-1.3375 of the Zoning Ordinance.
(b) The Development Services Director, or the Planning Commission upon referral by the
Director, may grant a Variance when it can be determined that:
(1) There are special conditions or circumstances peculiar to the property involved
that do not apply generally to property in the same district; and
(2) Literal interpretation of this article would cause a hardship or deprive the
applicant of rights enjoyed by others in the same district; and
(3) The granting of the Variance does not grant a special privilege inconsistent with
the limitations on other properties in the same district.
10-7.704 Revocation of Sign Approval.
The Development Services Director has the authority to revoke any permit or approval issued by the
Director or the Director's designee. Revocation shall occur pursuant to Section 10-7.705, “Grounds for
10-7.705 Grounds for Revocation.
Any sign permit approval or action may be revoked on the basis of one (1) or more of the following
(a) Fraud or misrepresentation by the applicant with respect to any information contained in
his or her approved application or with respect to any other information provided to the
(b) Failure of the applicant to meet or abide by any condition imposed upon approval.
(c) Failure of the applicant to erect the approved sign(s) within one (1) year of permit
(d) Abandonment of the sign for a period of thirty (30) days.
10-7.706 Hearings - Notice.
Prior to revocation, the Development Services Director or Planning Commission, on appeal, shall hold a
hearing after written notice is provided to the applicant.
10-7.707 Appeals.
Any person aggrieved by a decision by the Development Services Director may appeal such action to
the Planning Commission by filing a written appeal with the Development Review Services Division
within ten (10) days from the date of such action. Upon completion of its consideration, the Planning
Commission may sustain, or modify, or reverse the Director's decision. Any action or decision of the
Planning Commission is final and not appealable.
10-7.708 Legal Non-Conforming Signs.
A legal non-conforming sign is a sign lawfully constructed and maintained prior to the effective date of
this Ordinance, but which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, or because of a district
change after the effective date of this chapter affecting the property upon which the sign is located,
ceases to comply with the applicable zone district regulations. This chapter is intended to limit the
number and extent of nonconforming signs by prohibiting alteration or enlargement thereof so as to
increase the discrepancy between existing conditions and the standards and requirements of this
Ordinance and to provide for the elimination of nonconforming signs, in compliance with State law.
(a) A legal non-conforming sign (see Section 10-7.800: Definitions), unless made to conform
to the provisions of this article, may not be structurally altered, expanded, moved,
modified in any way, or be reestablished after:
(1) Discontinuance for six (6) months or more; or
(2) Damage or destruction of more than fifty (50) percent of replacement value.
(b) Any legal non-conforming sign shall be permitted to remain until such time as:
(1) There is a change in the use of the property on which the sign is located and
discretionary approval for the change of use is required;
(2) Expansion, movement or modification of the sign. A change of copy or normal
maintenance and repair does not constitute modification of a non-conforming
(c) At such time as any of the events mentioned in subsections (a) and/or (b) occur, the sign
must be brought into conformance with this article. .
(d) At such time that the amortization period concludes, in accordance with Section 10-
10-7.709 Sign Maintenance.
(a) Each sign, including a legal non-conforming sign, shall be maintained in the same
condition as when the sign was installed. Normal wear and tear of aged signs shall be
repaired when they detract from the visible quality of signs, as determined by the
Development Services Director. Repaired signs will be consistent with the approved sign
permit for the sign (i.e. paint colors and illumination will match, etc.).
(b) When signs are removed, the wall or fence behind the sign shall be repaired and painted
to match the rest of the structure.
(c) Abandoned, dilapidated or unsafe signs shall be subject to abatement in accordance with
Sections 10-7.713 and 10-7.714.
10-7.710 Removal of Certain Signs.
(a) A sign which is unsafe, abandoned, significantly dilapidated, deteriorated or was
constructed illegally, may be removed without payment of compensation by the City to
the establishment. This includes:
(1) A sign which meets any of the criteria specified in Business and Professions
Code Section 5497, or all of the requirements of Business and Professions Code
Section 5495, or their successor provisions, shall be removed without
compensation in accordance with those provisions.
(2) A sign, which meets the requirements of Business and Professions Code
Sections 5412.1 or 5412.2 shall be removed in accordance with those provisions,
or their successor provisions.
(3) A sign which was constructed unlawfully.
(a) Within six (6) months from the date of the adoption or amendment of this
article, whichever is later, the City shall commence inventorying and
identifying all illegal or abandoned advertising displays, as required in
Section 5491.1 of the California Business and Professions Code. Within
sixty (60) days after the six (6) month period, the City shall commence
abatement of the identified preexisting illegal and abandoned on-premises
displays. Fees for the cost of inventorying and identifying illegal or
abandoned advertising displays shall be collected in accordance with
Section 5491.2 of the Business and Professions Code and the Master Fee
(b) Any sign which is abandoned or deemed to be abandoned due to the sign's
obsolescence or disuse shall be removed by the owner of the property on
which the sign is located within thirty (30) days after the sign is
abandoned or deemed to be abandoned.
10-7.711 Enforcement of Signs on Private Property.
(a) Removal.
Development Services Director or his or her designee may remove or cause the removal
of a sign which is constructed, installed or maintained on private property in violation of
this article or other provisions of law (“illegal sign”), in accordance with the procedures
set forth in Chapter 5, Article 7 of the Municipal Code Community Preservation and
(b) Notice to Abate.
Abatement of illegal signs shall be in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter
5, Article 7 of the Municipal Code Community Preservation and Improvement.
10-7.712 Enforcement of Signs on Public Property.
(a) Removal.
The City may remove any temporary or portable sign in the public right-of-way or on
public property in violation of this Ordinance.
10-7.713 Enforcement of On-Premise Signs.
The City may declare as a public nuisance and abate at the owner's expense any sign maintained in
violation of this article. A sign maintained in violation of this article includes, but is not limited to:
(a) An on-premises advertising display erected without first complying with all ordinances
and regulations in effect at the time of its construction and erection or use.
(b) An on-premises advertising display that was legally erected, but has been abandoned or
not maintained.
(c) An on-premises advertising display that was legally erected, which later became
nonconforming as a result of the adoption of an ordinance, the amortization period for the
display provided by the ordinance rendering the display non-conforming has expired, and
conformance has not been accomplished.
(d) An on-premises advertising display which is a danger to the public or is unsafe.
(e) An on-premises advertising display or painted wall sign that was not erected or applied
with a sign permit or which remains after the business has vacated the premises for six
months for on-premises advertising display and one month for painted wall sign.
Abatement of illegal signs shall be in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 5, Article 7.
10-7.714 Procedure Not Exclusive: Violation An Infraction.
The procedures for abatement set forth herein shall not be exclusive and shall not in any manner limit or
restrict the City from enforcing other City ordinances and regulations or abating public nuisances in any
other manner provided by law. Nothing in this article shall be deemed to prevent the commencement of
a civil proceeding to abate a public nuisance pursuant to applicable law or from pursuing any other
remedy available under applicable law. Violation of the provisions of this article constitutes an
infraction or a misdemeanor, as set forth in Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Hayward Municipal Code.
10-7.715 Severability.
If any provision of this Article is determined invalid, void or unenforceable by a final judgment rendered
by a court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining provisions of this Article shall not be
affected, provided that the enforcement of the remaining provisions of this Article are not rendered
impractical by the severance of the provision deemed to be invalid, void or unenforceable.
10-7.716 Amortization.
Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter, the following signs shall be required to be removed or
modified to comply with the provisions of this chapter. The City of Hayward will work closely with the
business community to seek compliance with long-term established businesses.
1. "Abandoned signs" as defined herein, must be removed:
a. Any sign, including its supporting structure, remaining in place or not maintained for a
period of six (6) months, which no longer advertises or identifies an active business,
product, or service, whether such business, product, or service is provided on-site or off-
b. Any painted wall sign remaining in place or not maintained for a period of one (1) month,
which no longer advertises or identifies an active business, product, or service, whether
such business, product or service is provided on-site or off-site.
2. Signs nonconforming to the established signing standards must be made to conform within three
(3) years after adoption of the sign standards and completion of a City Sign Inventory.
The following definitions shall apply to the interpretation of this article. The definition of the singular
form of any defined term also applies to the plural form of the same term.
A-Frame Sign.
Portable Sign and
Sandwich Board Sign.
The terms “A-Frame
Sign,” “Portable Sign,” T-Frame Sign, and “Sandwich Board Sign shall
mean portable signs capable of standing without support or attachment.
Abandoned Signs.
Any sign, including its supporting structure, remaining in place or not
maintained for a period of six (6) months which no longer advertises or
identifies an active business, product, or service whether such business,
product or service is provided on-site or off-site.
Any painted wall sign remaining in place or not maintained for a period of one (1) month which
no longer advertises or identifies an active business, product, or service whether such business,
product or service is provided on-site or off-site.
Accessory Sign.
A sign, generally informational or directional, that has a purpose secondary
to the use of the parcel on which it is located, such as “no parking,”
“entrance,” “loading only,” “telephone,” or other similar language.
Accessory sign also includes logosa graphic mark, symbol, icon, or
Address Sign.
The official street address of a parcel, building or part thereof.
Aerial Sign (also see inflatable).
A balloon, or other airborne flotation device, which is tethered to the ground or to a building or
other structure that directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment
conducted, sold or offered.
Any change in the weight, depth, height, area, thickness, location, or type of display of an
existing sign but shall not be construed to prevent normal or periodic maintenance, upkeep, or
repair of a sign or change of copy.
Any frame covered with cloth, aluminum, or other materials which is
attached to and projects from the exterior wall of a building, typically over a
window or door.
Awning Sign.
Any sign which is painted, printed, sewed, or otherwise attached to an
awning. For purposes of this article, signage on two (2) panels of an awning
counts as one (1) sign for purposes of calculating total number of allowable
signs. Internal illumination of the signage is prohibited.
Any spherical shaped inflatable device (excluding Mylar balloons) fourteen (14) inches or less in
diameter, tethered in a fixed location. Often used for promotional events and grand openings. See
Banner. A temporary sign composed of lightweight, flexible, non-
rigid material that is mounted to a pole or a structure at one (1) or
more edges either vertically or horizontally. Requires a sign permit for
advertising a product, service, business or promotional event. National,
state, or municipal flags shall not be considered banners. An eight (8)
foot clearance is required between a banner and finished grade. See
Section 10-7.600.
See “Off-Premise Signs.”
Blade sign.
A small sign which is suspended from an overhang, canopy, marquee,
or awning, or is suspended from a mounting attached directly to the
building wall, and hangs perpendicular to the building wall. An eight
(8) foot clearance is required between a blade sign and finished grade.
It may require an encroachment permit.
Building Identification Sign.
A wall sign identifying the name of a building, largest leaseholder, or owner of a building of two
(2) stories or more in height, within which they are doing business.
Bulletin Board (On-Site).
A permanent wall or free-standing sign with manual changeable copy
(i.e. not by electronic means). Found on educational or cultural sites
(i.e., church, school, community theaters, etc.), but does not include
“Monument Signs”.
A temporary sign made of gathered cloth, canvas, light fabric or plastic
exhibiting the color or colors of a flag of a government or governmental
agency or any patriotic, religious, charitable, civic, educational or fraternal
Business Identification Sign.
A sign indicating the name, trademark, address, use, primary commodity, or service available on
the premises where the sign is located.
Can/Cabinet Sign.
A sign which contains all the text and/or logo symbols within a single
enclosed cabinet that is mounted to a wall or other surface.
Any structural, ornamental roof-like appendage, freestanding or attached
to a building, including roof overhangs, but excluding awnings, marquees
or metallic hoods.
Changeable Copy Sign.
A permanent sign whose informational content can be changed or altered by manual or electronic
means. Also includes a sign known as an Electronic Reader Board,” “Marquee Sign,” or time
and temperature sign.
Change of Copy.
Alteration of wording and/or advertising information, including logos, on an existing sign
structure, where no change to the size, height, and structural content or support of sign is made.
A change of copy does not require a sign permit.
Community Identification Sign.
A sign incorporating information referring exclusively to service clubs, community slogans,
directional information to public facilities, and/or municipal statistics.
Construction Sign.
A sign listing the future occupant or use on a given property (e.g. “Coming Soon”), and the
landscape architect, engineer, planner, contractor, or other person or firm participating in the
development, construction, or financing of the project on the property where the sign is located.
See Section 10-7.300(9).
The graphic content of a sign surface in either permanent or removable letter, pictographic,
symbolic, or alphabetic form.
Corridor Overlay District (“Corridor”).
A Corridor Overlay District is a zoning district that provides for specific signage regulations to
be applied to designated areas in combination with the requirements of the underlying or base
zoning districts. Parcels fronting A Street, B Street, Jackson Avenue, Foothill Boulevard,
Mission Boulevard, Hesperian Boulevard, Tennyson Road and Industrial Drive and Parkway
comprise the Corridor Overlay Districts.
Decorative Artwork.
Exterior works of art, such as statues and murals that do not advertise a product, service, or
business; may include vertical banners attached at two (2) ends to a light pole.
Dilapidated Sign.
A sign, including its supporting structure that is not in a good state of repair, or is not visually
attractive and/or functional due to lack of maintenance, or is a safety hazard.
Directional/Informational Sign.
Any on-premises sign that is designed and erected for the purpose of providing direction and/or
orientation for pedestrian or vehicular traffic. This includes street name signs, danger signs, and
traffic control signs (i.e., “Stop,” “Yield”), and similar signs, the face of which must meet the
State of California Department of Transportation standards.
Said sign may contain the name or logo of an establishment but no advertising copy, provided
that the logo does not comprise more than twenty (20) percent of the total sign area per sign face.
Directory Sign.
Any identification sign listing the occupants of a building or complex,
identifying the location of, and providing directions to any establishment.
Zoning district designated in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Hayward, Chapter 10,
Article 1.
Double-Faced Sign.
A sign with two (2) distinct, generally parallel faces, each designed to be viewed from separate
directions, and which at no point is thicker than twenty-four (24) inches measured from the
external surface of each face.
Electronic Reader Board.
An electronically activated changeable sign whose variable message and/or graphic presentation
capability can be electronically programmed by computer from a remote location.
An individual, separate place of business.
Exposed Raceways.
Individual letters mounted on an exposed electrical raceway instead of being mounted directly on
a building wall building wall or with the raceway designed to be hidden by the design of the
Any fabric, banner, or bunting containing distinctive colors, patterns, or symbols, used as a
symbol. Regulations herein do not apply to flags denoting nations, government, or
noncommercial organizations.
Flashing Sign.
Any illuminated sign whose motion or visual impression primarily changes through electronic
means more than once every four seconds. Said signs shall include any sign with lights or
illuminations which flash, move, rotate, scintillate, blink, flicker, reflect, vary in intensity, vary
in color, or use intermittent electrical pulsations.
Freestanding Sign.
Any sign supported by one (1) or more uprights, braces, columns, poles, or
other similar structural components placed on or into the ground, and not
attached to a building, and having no exposed or connecting wires.
Freeway Frontage.
For purposes of this article, “Freeway Frontage” means any establishment(s), business(es) and/or
property(ies) in the vicinity of Interstate 880 or State Route 92 (west of Industrial Boulevard)
located within six hundred (600) feet of a freeway, freeway frontage road, or freeway overpass.
The business(es) must provide food, lodging, or fuel to freeway users or must comprise a
commercial center of at least four (4) acres with an approved Master Sign Program.
Freeway-Oriented Sign.
For purposes of this article, any sign that is designed to be visible from at least one direction of
Interstate 880 or State Route 92, west of Industrial Boulevard.
Allowable Freeway-Oriented sign types are: freestanding or monument signs, pole signs subject
to section 10-7.500(g), and wall signs. Electronic reader board signs are allowed if used for a
commercial center greater than or equal to five (5) acres with an approved Master Sign
Freestanding, monument and pole signs can be fifty (50) feet maximum in height.
Frontage, Establishment.
The ground floor horizontal distance of a building or portion thereof occupied by the business. It
is measured along a ground floor wall which has a customer entrance that faces and has access
onto a public open space, such as a courtyard or plaza; or is adjacent to a public street, or
adjacent to a driveway or parking lot which serves that use.
If any building frontage does not consist of one (1) straight line, the frontage of any offset
portion shall be projected, for computation purposes, to the extension of the line of the most
forward face of the building.
Frontage, Primary.
The establishment frontage containing a customer entrance that faces and has access onto a
public open space, such as a courtyard or plaza; or is adjacent to a public street, or adjacent to a
driveway or parking lot which serves that use. Only one (1) frontage, which must contain a
customer entrance, may be counted as primary frontage.
Frontage, Secondary.
The establishment frontage, other than the primary frontage which has exposure to pedestrian or
vehicular traffic. Only one (1) secondary frontage may be counted for determining maximum
sign area.
Grand-Opening Signs.
Banners, pennants, flags, balloons that are not larger than fourteen (14) inches in diameter,
searchlights and similar advertising devices are allowed with a permit when used for bona-fide
grand-openings events. See Section 10-7.600.
Hanging Sign.
A sign no larger than eight (8) square feet, four (4) square feet per side, which is suspended from
below a marquee, canopy or awning. A hanging sign is larger than a “Blade” or “Shingle” sign.
Hanging Post Sign.
A sign that hangs from a bracket attached to a structure comprised of one (1) or two (2) posts.
Halo-Lit: Halo Lighting Illumination.
The illumination of individual letters, numbers or graphics having an
opaque surface by the use of internal, reverse illumination where the light
source is not directly visible.
The vertical distance from the lowest point of the ground directly below the sign to the highest
point of the sign (including the support structure and any projecting design elements).
When a sign is located on a berm, retaining wall, or similar feature, at the Director of
Community and Economic Development/ Planning Director's discretion, the height of such berm
may be subtracted from the overall height of the sign where consistent with the overall design of
the project.
Human Sign.
A sign held by or attached to a human for the purposes of advertising or
otherwise drawing attention to an individual, business, commodity, service
or product. This can also include a person dressed in costume for the
purpose of advertising or drawing attention to an individual, business,
commodity, service or product.
Illuminated Sign.
A sign with an internally or externally illuminated light source which makes the message on the
sign readable.
Industrial Complex.
A continuous area of land and any structures thereon, under single ownership or operated under a
single direction, of at least three (3) separate establishments engaged in industrial or
manufacturing activities.
Industrial Complex Directory Sign.
A sign identifying an industrial complex and/or the industrial establishments therein.
Inflatable (also see aerial signs).
Any inflated device, exceeding fourteen (14) inches in diameter, intended
to advertise or draw attention to a grand opening, promotion, or similar
event. Examples are: a large balloon, animal figure, bouncy house or
product replication. See Section 10-7.600.
Legal Non-conforming Sign.
A sign which was legally constructed and maintained under laws or regulations in effect at the
time of construction which does not conform with the provisions of this article.
A graphic mark, symbol, icon, or emblem representing an establishment
or business.
A permanent roof-like shelter extending from part or all of a building face and may or may not
project over the public right-of-way. Is also referred to as an overhang and is three (3) feet
maximum in height.
Marquee Sign.
Any sign utilizing changeable copy painted on or attached to or supported
by a marquee.
Master Sign Program.
A coordinated sign plan which includes details of all existing and future signs
whether requiring a permit or not (including directional signs,) i.e. Shopping Center, Business
Park, Industrial Complex, Major Tenant identification, individual business, and directory signs.
Monument Sign.
A low-profile, freestanding
sign erected upon or supported
solely by a planter, pedestal
base, or similar ground
structure erected to rest on the ground and which is designed to
incorporate the architectural theme and building material of the
building on the premises.
Monument signs shall be an integral and complementary element of
the overall architectural and streetscape composition and shall be
integrated with the building and landscape design.
Moving Sign. A sign which has any actual or apparent moving parts,
activated by a mechanical device by wind currents or by human beings
where the sign moves or the shape or content of the sign face changes. It is
different from a changeable copy sign, such as an electronic reader board.
Examples include wind banners/flags, air and wind dancers and human
Multiple-Faced Sign. A sign on a curved surface or on three (3) or more planar surfaces
designed to be viewed from more than two (2) directions.
Multiple-Family Development.
A continuous area of land occupied by multi-family dwellings under single ownership or
operated under single direction.
Multiple Occupancy Signs.
A sign identifying several businesses on the same premises.
A picture painted on an exterior surface of a structure. A mural shall be
considered a wall sign if it contains words, logos, trademarks or graphic
representations of any person, product or service that identify or advertise
a business, whether on the same premises or on another premises
Neon or Other Gas Tube Illumination.
A sign that is illuminated by a light source consisting of a neon or other
gas tube which is bent to form letters, symbols, or other business
identifying shapes.
Off-Premises Sign.
Any sign that is not appurtenant to the use of the property, a product sold, or the sale or lease of
the property on which it is displayed or contains a message chosen by a person other than the
person in control the property or structure where the sign is located, erected, or maintained. This
definition shall include, but is not limited to, billboards, posters, panels, painted bulletins, and
similar advertising displays.
Office Complex.
A continuous area of land and any structures thereon, all under single ownership or operated
under a single direction, consisting of at least five (5) separate establishments.
Original Art Mural.
A one-of-a-kind, hand-painted, hand-tiled, or digitally printed image on the exterior wall of a
building that does not contain any commercial message. For definition purposes, a commercial
message is any message that advertises a business conducted, services rendered, or goods
produced or sold.
Overhang Sign.
Any sign that is mounted atop the overhang, parallel to the storefront and does
not project above the roofline of the building.
Painted Wall Sign.
Any sign which is applied with paint or similar substance on the surface of a wall. This does not
include “Murals.
A temporary sign composed of light-weight plastic, fabric, or other material, whether or not
containing a message of any kind which may taper to a point suspended from a rope, wire,
ribbon, or string or other material usually in a series. Often used for promotional events and
grand openings. This does not include automobile antenna sleeves. See Section 10-7.600.
Pole Sign.
A freestanding sign supported wholly by one pole placed in the ground.
Political/Election Sign.
A Temporary Sign referring to a candidate, proposition, or issue subject to a
local, state, or national public election or referendum.
Portable Sign.
Any sign not permanently affixed to a building, other unmovable structures,
or the ground, such as sidewalk display signs like A-frame signs, T-Frames
and sandwich boards. Includes magnetic signs placed on the roof or side of
vehicles as long as no other structural support is added to the vehicle.
Product Identification Sign.
A standardized sign supplied by a distributor or manufacturer at nominal cost or free to a
business which identifies the business as well as a product of a local, regional, or national
distributor or manufacturer which is available only incidentally on the premises, such as product
dispensers and point of purchase displays which are not directly visible from a vehicular or
pedestrian right-of way.
Promotional Event Sign.
See “Promotional Event and Grand Opening Signs, Section 10-7.602.
Projecting Sign. A sign, other than a wall sign, which is attached to a
building or other structure, and extends beyond the line of building or structure
to which it is attached. Projecting Signs shall be at least 8 feet above the
finished grade of the public sidewalk and fifteen feet above a driveway. Also
see “Blade,” “Hanging,” “Shingle,” signs.
Real Estate Sign.
A temporary sign for the sale, lease, or rental of the parcel, structure, or establishment on which
the sign is located.
For purposes of this article, Right-of-Way” is defined as that area of land owned or maintained
by a governmental entity in which is located a street, curb, gutter, landscape planter strip, tree
wells, sidewalks, or any other structure, device or equipment in or upon public property within
the City of Hayward.
Roof Sign.
A sign painted or erected on or extending above the roof or parapet of any building or structure.
The minimum distance from the property line a sign must be located.
Shingle Sign (Also see Blade and Shingle Signs).
A small sign, which is either suspended from an overhang, canopy,
marquee or awning, or is suspended from a mounting attached directly to
the building wall. It may be placed parallel or perpendicular to the face of
a building. An eight (8) foot clearance is required between a blade sign
and finished grade. It may require an encroachment permit.
Shopping Center.
A continuous area of land under single ownership or operated under a single direction, developed
for retail commercial purposes, and typically has at least one major tenant (“Anchor”). For the
purpose of this article a small shopping center is less than five acres and a large shopping center
more than five (5) acres.
Shopping Center Identification Sign.
A sign identifying a shopping center and major or anchor tenants only.
Sidewalk Display. See “Portable Sign”.
A device, fixture, placard, structure, or painting that uses any color, form, graphic, illumination,
symbol, or writing to advertise, announce the purpose of, or identify the purpose of a person or
entity, or to communicate information of any kind to the public.
For purposes of this article, a Sign includes any object, which is intended to attract the attention
of passersby to a business, service, or product, whether or not such object contains any text. This
may include but is not limited to bright colors, wall signs, freestanding or monument signs, flags,
whirl-a-gigs, pennants, streamers, banners, all of which are subject to the regulations set forth
Murals, paintings, and similar pictorial displays that are an integral part of the architectural
theme and are not intended to draw attention to any product, service, event, or entertainment are
not considered signs.
Sign Area.
The area included within the outer dimensions of a sign face display area including all portions
not part of the necessary supporting structure.
Sign Face. See “Copy”.
Sign Corridor Overlay District.
The businesses located within the Downtown Entertainment District and segments of Foothill
Boulevard, A Street, B Street, Winton Avenue Jackson Street, Hesperian Boulevard, ,Industrial
Parkway, Industrial Parkway SW, Harder Road, Tennyson Road and Winton Avenue as shown
in Figure 1.
Special Events Sign.
Any sign advertising special temporary events, such as carnivals, festivals, exhibits, and parades,
but not including promotional sales or Grand Opening signs.
Long relatively narrow strips of any type material, resembling a banner that floats with the wind.
Subdivision Directional Sign (Off-Site).
A sign containing only the name, location, and description of a subdivision and/or a multiple-
family residential project and directions for reaching the project. Does not include pricing or
financing advertisement. Allowed to remain for twelve (12) months after first installed or until
last lot/unit is sold, whichever is first. See Section 10-7.603.
Substandard Sign.
Any sign which does not meet the requirements of this article, or is not legally non-conforming
as regulated by Section 10-7.700.
Temporary Sign.
A sign which is displayed for less than sixty (60) calendar days per year. See also “Balloon,”
“Banner,” “Pennants”, Promotional Events and Grand Opening Signs,” “Special Event Sign,”
and “Streamers.” See Section 10-7.600.
Theater Display Case.
A display case located on the facade of a theater which displays handbills or posters advertising a
scheduled event, performance or film, and merchandise associated with the theater or an event,
performance or film. The total area of all theater display cases shall not be included in the
calculation of allowable sign area. A theater display case shall not exceed thirty-six (36) square
feet in area.
Towing Authorization-Private Property Sign.
A sign that is posted on private property that authorizes the Hayward Police
Department to issue a citation for violation of Hayward Traffic Code Section
8.14 or any amendment or replacement thereof to allow the towing of
vehicles illegally parked on private property. This sign shall comply with
Section 10-7.300(b)(25) and shall be inspected and approved by the City of
Hayward Police Department.
Under-Canopy Sign.
A horizontal hanging sign that is pedestrian-oriented and is suspended beneath a canopy over a
pedestrian walkway and not visible outside the canopy area. Usually installed perpendicular to a
storefront, on per storefront, and usually not exceeding six square feet in area.
Vehicle Sign.
Flat, one (1) dimensional signs painted or placed magnetically or otherwise attached (i.e., glue)
on the side of vehicles as long as no other structural support is added to the vehicle, in
accordance with California Department of Motor Vehicles regulations. Advertising on vehicles
for sale at bona fide automobile dealerships are excluded from this definition. Maximum of two
(2) signs is permitted per vehicle. A “vehicle wrap” covering both sides and the rear of the
vehicle is considered one (1) sign.
Wall Sign.
A sign attached directly to an exterior wall of a building or dependent upon a building for
support with the exposed face of the sign located in a place substantially parallel to such exterior
building wall to which the sign is attached or by which it is supported. Does not extend above the
building face or parapet, nor project more than twelve (12) inches from the wall.
Window Sign.
A sign attached to, suspended behind, and/or placed less than twenty-four (24) inches inside a
glass window or door of a building, or painted upon the window or glass door of a building, and
which is intended for viewing from the exterior of such building. This excludes seasonal
Window signs are allowed to cover a maximum of twenty-five (25) percent of the total window
area in any zoning district.
Adopted by Ordinance No. 67-021 C.S. April 4, 1967; Amended by Ordinance No. 69-033 C.S. adopted November 4, 1969;
Amended by Ordinance No. 70-015 C.S. adopted July 21, 1970; Amended by Ordinance No. 71-031 C.S. adopted May 18,
1971; Amended by Ordinance No. 71-039 C.S. adopted June 22, 1971; Amended by Ordinance No. 72-019 C.S. adopted May
2, 1972; Amended by Ordinance No. 73-016 C.S. adopted May 1, 1973; Amended by Ordinance No. 74-013 C.S. adopted
June 11, 1974; Amended by Ordinance No. 74-021 C.S. adopted August 6, 1974; Amended by Ordinance No. 75-015 C.S.
adopted June 10, 1975; Amended by Ordinance No. 77-004 C.S. adopted January 18, 1977;Adopted by Ordinance No. 95-22
November 28, 1995; Adopted by Ordinance No. 98-14 October 27, 1998; Amended by Ord. 02-02, adopted January 22,
2002; Amended by Ord 08-02, adopted January 29, 2008; Amended by Ord. 15-17, adopted July 14, 2015.