WebAdMIT Workflow: The Basics
Indiana University Graduate CAS
Agenda & Learning
1. What is WebAdMIT
2. Workflow Overview
3. How to Find an Application
4. How to Process Your Action Lists
5. How to Add, Change & Create Local Status
6. Processing Common Admissions Decisions
7. Fee Waivers
8. Work Groups & Access
9. What’s Next?
Learning Objectives
1. Understand WebAdMIT terms and draw parallels with Indiana University admissions language.
2. Understand the difference between Application Status, Local Status, and Decision Codes.
3. Demonstrate the ability to add / change local status on an individual application, or in batch.
4. Process common admissions decisions, and defers.
5. Identify the Work Group you need access to in WebAdMIT in order to carry out your graduate
admissions responsibilities.
6. Facilitate the Indiana University Graduate CAS faculty and staff onboarding process within your
What is WebAdMIT
WebAdMIT is What You Make It
It’s your trusty Ford!
Or your Fancy Maserati
What is WebAdMIT?
The backend of the IU Graduate CAS (Replaces the
Administrative Center found in one.iu.edu)
Where you manage applications & communicate with
Where you process admissions decisions (your new
Action List and eApp eDoc) and “route” applications
to the IUPUI Graduate Office & OIA (for international
Data & report warehouse (may replace your use of
An enrollment management system you can
customize for your internal admissions process
Where you access the Configuration Portal to
configure your programs (designations)
1. Program (aka Q4) what each graduate / professional program representative creates in the WebAdMIT Configuration
Portal prior to soft-launch. This encompasses SIS data required to create an application in PeopleSoft campus, career,
program, plan (and subplan as needed), and term. From the applicant portal this is titled “Program Materials”.
2. CAS Cycle - The application portal and WebAdMIT portal that contains a calendar year’s worth of entry semesters. The
19-20 CAS cycle will include applications for the following semesters: Winter 2019, Spring 2020, Summer 2020, and Fall
3. Applicant Lists This is your Action List, and where you will process applications. Lists can be created based on
Applicant Status, Local Status, Decision Codes, application fields, or a combination of fields using and/or statements to
create a “Composite List”.
4. Work Group - The collection of permissions granted within WebAdMIT. A Work Group dictates what an admissions user
can do, and what they can see.
5. Manual Designation a designation administratively added to an applicant’s record in WebAdMIT in order to move the
application to a new program or term in the same CAS cycle.
6. Local Status This is how you track your applicants. This replaces the “Action”, “Reason” drop down options, and “Take
Action” found on the current eApp eDoc. This is how you route applications to the Graduate Office or OIA.
CAS Cycles A Visual
* New URL for the Applicant Portal for
each CAS Cycle!
Required WebAdMIT Workflow Steps
1. Log into WebAdMIT and review your required Applicant Lists
2. Process your Action Lists as needed during your admissions cycle by adding /
updating Local Status
Add Local Status for Received and Complete applications
Update Local Status for Program / Term Change and Returned to Department
applications as needed
3. Communication with your applicants using the WebAdMIT email template
feature or outside CRM/system
Optional WebAdMIT Steps
1. Create Optional Requirements
2. Create Optional Local Statuses
3. Create Optional Lists
4. Create Optional Custom Fields
5. Create Admissions Committee / Interview Applicant Review Forms Implement
* Attend the WebAdMIT Advanced Class to learn more
Workflow Overview
Three Methods to Track Applicants
Workflow in WebAdMIT is driven by the following statuses, and in this
1. Application Status system generated (In Progress > Complete
2. Local Status assigned by WebAdMIT users in the departments and the
IUPUI Graduate Office and OIA.
3. Decision Codes admissions decision (tied to Local Status)
Application Status
1. In Progress
2. Received an applicant has completed all required fields / uploads and submitted the application and paid the
fee. Any required and outstanding recommendations are missing (if applicable).
3. Complete all required recommendations have arrived for these applicants (if applicable) and they have paid
the application fee. Note: you will not have the option to manually mark an application complete BUT can use
Local Statuses to track when an application is deemed Complete by your standards.
4. On Hold
5. Undelivered
6. Manual - Manual designations allow an applicant to be assigned a new designation within WebAdMIT. The
applicant will see both their original designation and new designation in the Applicant Portal.
Fun with Local Statuses!
1. You can create as many Local
Statuses as you like to represent
the granular steps within your
admissions process, OR
2. You can use the pre-set
“Internal Review” Local
Status, that is tied the
“Internal Review” Decision
Local Status / Decision Codes
Green = Program
Red = Central
Admissions Offices
Decision Codes
1. You do not directly place a Decision Code
you “Take Action” by assigning a Local Status
2. Deny and Applicant Withdrawn Local Status =
You are in control now these decisions write
directly to SIS each evening
3. You can search and create lists based on
Decision Codes
How to Find an Application
Searching for an Application
1. Navigate to Applicants
(left navigation bar)
2. Click Search
3. Use any of the fields seen
here to search..
4. Pull a quick view lists
based on App Status, or
5. Clipboard - allows users
to store an ad hoc list of
applicants for quick
The Applicant Page (or eDoc)
Header: Univ. ID, App Center
These panels may or may not
contain data depending on your
IU Graduate CAS Custom
Questions (Q1 3 custom ?s)
Custom Questions Q4 ?s
Custom Fields SIS data AND
data you add (Univ. ID, App
Center, Residency, most recent
test scores GRE, TOEFL, IELTS,
GRE subject for Biology,
Chemistry, Lit in English,
Mathematics, Physics, &
Psychology) *Note program /
plan / subplan & term code tied to
most recent CAS application! May
not reflect your program info
requesting Liaison fix this!
How To Process Your
Action List
Action List Overview (Applicant Lists)
1. Applicant Lists can be created based on the following:
Application Status
Local Status
Decision Codes
Application fields (Think GPA 3.5 and higher)
A combination of application fields using and/or
statements to create a “Composite List (Think, GPA 3.0
and higher AND those living in Indiana)
Action Lists
Required Action Lists (created for you)
1. Received
(Application Status)
2. Completed
(Application Status)
3. Program / Term
Change (Local
Status) - Manual
4. Returned to
Department (Local
Processing Your Action Lists
1. Received and Completed Application Status
IF you want to distinguish between those applications you have reviewed and are moving through your
internal review process from those that are NEW you must apply an internal review Local Status that
represents where this applicant is in your application review process (or Internal Review Local Status)
2. Program / Term Change Local Status (+ Manual Designation)
Update to the appropriate internal review Local Status that represents where this applicant is in your
application review process (or Internal Review Local Status)
3. Returned to Department Local Status
Look in the Notes section in Applicant’s page to determine why the application was returned
Update with the appropriate Local Status to route back to the central office
Optional Action Lists (you create)
1. List based on the Local Status
“Internal Review”, or
2. Lists based on Local Statuses you
create to facilitate your internal
admissions workflow tie to “Internal
Review” Decision Code
3. In Progress applications (Application
4. Deferred – Next CAS Cycle (only if
your program utilizes this Local Status
/ functionality)
How To Add, Update & Create
Local Statuses
How to Add / Update Local Status
1. You must add / change local status to move an application through the
admissions process (internal and / or campus)
2. This equates to “Take Action” in the current Kuali workflow system
3. Your Action List (and the action list of the Graduate Office and OIA)
depends on it!
Add / Update Local Status Individually
1. Navigate to the Applicant Details
page via Search or Applicant Lists
2. Go to the Designations panel
3. Use the drop down and select
appropriate Local Status
Add / Update Local Status in Batch
1. Navigate to the Applicant List you want
to process
2. Select the applicants you want to apply
the Local Status to
3. Click List Actions
4. Click Change Checked Applicants'
5. In the window that appears, select the
designation(s) you'd like this change to
impact, then click Next.
6. Select the Local Status you want to add
and click Next
7. Review the changes - this action
cannot be undone in batch!
8. Click Save
* Same action available with Search and Clipboard functions
How To Create a Local Status
Log into WebAdMIT.
Click Local Status
Click New Local
How To Create a Local Status - Continued
Enter a Title (e.g. “Committee Review Required”)
Verify that the Active check box is selected
Select the “Internal Review” Decision Code to apply to the new Local Status
Optional - Select a Custom Color if you’d like to associate a color with the Local Status (We have coded central office statuses RED)
Optional - Select an Email Template to link to this Local Status (Advanced Class or visit
Optional - Enter a Description
Select the Programs associated with this Local Status – If you are responsible for multiple programs this becomes very important!
Click the Create button
Now all of the Local Statuses will appear on the Local Status Manager page. To edit a local status, click the pencil icon. Your New Local Status can
only be created by those in the Director of Admissions Work Group for your department.
Processing Common Admissions
Recommend for Admission
1. Upload required documents to the Applicant’s Detail Page (the new eDoc) if
applicable (e.g. departmental admission letters, exception requests, funding
letters, FCA reports etc.)
2. Change the Local Status to “Recommend for Admission”
3. This change in Local Status will allow the applicant’s file to now appear in the
central graduate office’s Action List.
4. International student - once the central graduate office processes the
admissions they will update the Local Status that populates the Office of
International Services / Admission Action List.
How to Upload Documents
1. Those in the Application Processor and Director of Admissions Work Groups may upload
additional documents for internal use.
2. Navigate to the Applicant Page.
3. Navigate to the Admissions Uploaded Documents subpanel and enter a description
4. Click Choose File to find and select the document on your computer, then click Upload
5. * These documents will NOT be included in the Full Application PDF.
1. Change the applicant’s Local Status to “Deny” (individually or using Batch
2. This Local Status is tied to the Decision Code “Deny” and will write to SIS
3. This status is final these applications do NOT route anywhere after
you add this Local Status.
4. You will not be able to undo this without contacting your central
admissions office or international admissions.
1. Change Local Status to “Applicant Withdrawn Before Admission”
2. This Local Status is tied to the Decision Code “Applicant Withdrawn” and
will write to SIS overnight.
3. This status is final these applications do NOT route anywhere after
you add this Local Status.
4. You will not be able to undo this without contacting your central
admissions office or international admissions.
Defer Admissions Decision
1. It’s Complicated! See Page 11 14 of the Workflow Training Document for full details.
2. We recommend applicants complete a new designation (Q4), because only limited application
data will be available if you utilize #3 or #4.
3. Defer to another term within the same CAS cycle - update the local status to “Program/Term Change”
and add the new program/term designation manually using Manual Designation (next slide)
4. Defer to a same term in the next CAS cycle - update Local Status to “Defer - next CAS Cycle”.
Program code, start term, and start year (+1) must match. Note that for deferred applicants in the new
cycle, only the Applicant Header, Contact Information, and Designations panels contain data. You
would navigate back to the previous CAS Cycle in WebAdMIT to view full details.
5. Deferring start term processed AFTER admission decision made contact your central graduate /
international office.
*If the student is international you MUST notify the Office of International
Affairs or there could be major delays in processing VISA documentation.
Manual Designation
1. Can be used to update term and program within
2. Makes most sense when it is the same program and
you are updating term!
3. You have to have permissions to manage both
designations to do this.
4. You can also contact the Graduate Office to process
Manual Designations
5. You will always apply the Local Status of
Program/Term Change.
WebAdMIT Access
Work Groups
1. You can only be in 1 Work Group choose wisely
2. The Work Group title does not always reflect your title
3. Visit https://graduate.iupui.edu/doc/faculty-staff/UniCAS/UniCAS-
Request Access
1. Identify your Work Group
2. Complete the required FERPA tutorial and sign the Acceptable Use Agreement if needed.
3. Navigate to the WebAdMIT Access request form -
This will be added to the University Graduate School Add / Remove User eDoc for new staff
4. Complete the form and click the Submit button BEFORE August 30
5. Access will be protected through the use of Single Sign On users will need to Duo authenticate.
6. Access to WebAdMIT production environment September 9
What’s Next?
The Extras
1. Invitation Codes used to apply after the deadline
Request through Liaison - https://fs21.formsite.com/riretonliaison-
Within 2 business days Liaison will produce the invitation code file and send it to the
campus user.
2. For IUPUI campus only application fee disbursement and fee waiver billing
3. Liaison International Monthly Release Notes and Trainings
Note we may not be able to enable new functionality until the following CAS cycle
Fee Waivers
1. Fee Waivers See https://graduate.iupui.edu/doc/faculty-staff/UniCAS/UniCAS-fee-
3 Options - Coupon Codes, Q4 trigger question, $0 application fee billed quarterly
Coupon Code Request Form https://survey.graduate.iu.edu/machform/view.php?id=57248
- 1 code per applicant request a batch of codes for each CAS cycle
The Military Status question will automatically receive a fee waiver granted by the
University IF “Active Duty”, “Veteran” or “Member of Reserve or National Guard” is
You will not be billed for these applicants.
Advanced WebAdMIT Topics
1. Customizing WebAdMIT for your admissions process
2. Creating Requirements
3. Creating Custom Fields
4. Creating email templates
5. Creating Assignments and Interview Forms
6. More on Local Statuses
7. Reports and Visual Analytics
Additional Resources
1. View the recording of this Webinar on The Basics.
2. Workflow Training Document - https://graduate.iupui.edu/doc/faculty-
3. IU Graduate CAS FAQ Page for Faculty and Staff -
4. WebAdMIT Help Center -
5. Coming Soon Applicant Help Center and Operations Manual
Thank you for your partnership on launching the Indiana University
Graduate CAS!
For more information contact your campus trainers:
Monica Henry - [email protected]
Katina Reedy - [email protected]
Amanda Holder - [email protected]