India Visa Application Guide
January 29, 2014
India Visa: Application Guide
The following is a guide to completing the India visa application. The application is completed online, then
printed, signed and included with the rest of applicant’s documents. There can be no errors or manual
corrections once printed. Any errors will result in rejection. Follow instructions exactly.
The first question just below the banner header will ask "Indian Mission". Select the following based on
state of residency according to driver's license or state issued ID based on the following breakdown:
National Capital region of Ottawa-Hull, Kingston, Cornwell, Hawkesbury, Arnprior, Renfrew, Perth
Prescott, Brockville, Carleton Place, Smith Falls, Morrisburg (all in Ontario), Montreal (in Quebec) and
Nunavut territory
Ontario, Quebec except for areas under the Ottawa Jurisdiction, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland
British Columbia, Yukon, Alberta, Saskatchewan
India Visa Application Guide
January 29, 2014
The online visa application is broken up into several different pages, each with a few questions. The
application has a “session timeout” meaning that if you do not complete a page within a specified time
(generally about 10 minutes) you will be logged out and will need to begin again. You can you this guide as
a worksheet to gather answers prior to completing the online application so when the time comes to fill
out the actual application you will not get stuck looking for answers.
Have the following information available when completing the application:
Applicants passport
Intended travel itinerary
Hotel information and/or business contacts in India
Last name
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
Given Name/s
First name, middle name (as printed in passport)
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
Have you ever changed your name? If yes, check the box and give details
If applicant has ever changed name (such as by marriage) enter information, otherwise skip.
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth
European format = DD/MM/YYYY. Example: December 25, 1950 = 25/12/1950
Answer: _______ / _______ / _______________
Town/City of birth; Country of birth
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
Citizenship/National Id No.
For former Indian nationals only. Otherwise, N/A
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
India Visa Application Guide
January 29, 2014
Select from drop down list or select "other" then "none"
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
Visible identification marks
List birth marks or tattoos
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
Educational Qualification
Select one of the following:
Below Matriculation (has not completed high school)
Graduate (has graduated college or university)
Higher Secondary (has completed high school)
Illiterate (adult who has not attended school)
Matriculation (in tenth grade)
NA Being Minor (child to young to attend formal education)
Post Graduate (studied beyond college such as PhD, ESQ, etc)
Professional (attended a professional or technical certification school)
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
Did you acquire nationality by birth or naturalization
Previous Nationality
Only answer if applicable
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
Passport Number
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
India Visa Application Guide
January 29, 2014
Place of Issue
Refer to the information page of the passport "Place of Issue" or "Issuing Authority"
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
Date of Issue (passport)
European format = DD/MM/YYYY. Example: December 25, 1950 = 25/12/1950
Answer: _______ / _______ / _______________
Date of Expiration (passport)
European format = DD/MM/YYYY. Example: December 25, 1950 = 25/12/1950
Answer: _______ / _______ / _______________
Any other valid Passport/Identity Certificate (IC) held
If dual citizenship with another country, answer appropriately, otherwise select radio button for "No"
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
Present Address
MUST match ID provided EXACTLY
Street Address: ______________________________________________________________
Village/Town/City, Country: ___________________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________________________
Permanent Address
Check box for "Click Here for Same Address" above – regardless
Father's Details
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Nationality: ________________________________________________________________
India Visa Application Guide
January 29, 2014
Previous Nationality (only answer if applicable): ____________________________________
Place of Birth (city/Region): ___________________________________________________
Country of Birth: ____________________________________________________________
Mother's Details; Previous Nationality
Only answer if applicable
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Nationality: ________________________________________________________________
Previous Nationality (only answer if applicable): ____________________________________
Place of Birth (city/state): _____________________________________________________
Country of Birth: ____________________________________________________________
Marital Status
Married (if selected, supply the following)
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Nationality: __________________________________________________________
Previous Nationality (only answer if applicable): ______________________________
Place of Birth (city/state): _______________________________________________
Country of Birth: ______________________________________________________
Were your Grandfather/Grandmother (paternal/maternal) Pakistan Nationals or Belong to
Pakistan held area
Answer if applicable, otherwise select radio button for "No"; note that applicants of Pakistani heritage
often encounter lengthy delays in application processing
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
India Visa Application Guide
January 29, 2014
Occupation Details
Employer Name: ______________________________________________________
Designation (job title): __________________________________________________
Employers Address: ____________________________________________________
Employers Phone: _____________________________________________________
Are/were you in a Military/Semi-Military/Police/Security Organization
Answer if applicable, otherwise select radio button for "No"
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
Details of Visa Sought
Typically either "TOURIST VISA" or "BUSINESS VISA"
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
Duration of Visa (in months)
For US citizen tourist visas, THE ONLY VALID OPTIONS ARE (select one):
6 - for 6 month visa
60 - for 5 year visa
120 - for 10 year visa
For US citizen business visas, THE ONLY VALID OPTIONS ARE (select one):
12 - for 1 year visa
60 - for 5 year visa
For non-US citizen tourist visas, THE ONLY VALID OPTIONS ARE (select one):
6 - for 6 month visa
For non-US citizen business visas, THE ONLY VALID OPTIONS ARE (select one):
12 - for 1 year visa
India Visa Application Guide
January 29, 2014
No. of Entries
Expected Date Journey
European format = DD/MM/YYYY; Example: December 25, 2012 = 25/12/2012
Answer: _______ / _______ / _______________
Has permission to visit or to extend stay in India previously been refused?
Answer if applicable, otherwise answer "N/A"
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
If traveling as tourist - list the name of the hotel you have reserved or "plan" to stay at. The address must
be complete.
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
If traveling on business - list contact at host company. The address must be complete.
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________
Verify Registration Details page allows applicant to review data. Review carefully. If changes need to be
made, use "modify/edit" button in lower left. Once user presses "Verify and Continue", no changes can be
made. If even one response is not correctly answered the application may be rejected, so applicant
should take time to review before continuing. If errors are discovered after this step, a new application
must be created from scratch. No manual corrections can be made to the final document.
Final page provides "Print Form" button on lower right. Press button (single sided printing only).
Print and sign form ON BOTH page 1 (on top right) and page 2. The signature should be similar to that
in the passport.