© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
consultancy and concierge
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
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What is Sixth
What is a Sixth Form
Who studies at private
Sixth Form Colleges?
League table/
Carrier Guidance and
University Applicaons
Locaon and
Typical size of private
Sixth Form colleges
Mix of Students
Study Hours and
Enrolment me
College Fees
Pros & Cons
Limited Time Free
Placement Oer
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
Over the last decade, we at Chelsea Educaon have received numerous quesons from
prospecve clients requesng more informaon about private Sixth form colleges. It
seems that this topic is not very well explained and we would like to take the me to
help our clients understand it more.
While internaonal families with children of the required age approach us to place
their children into senior schools, most of them have never heard about these private
colleges. This is a real shame as we believe that these educaonal instuons, if
carefully chosen, are a great place for students to thrive in preparaon for university
entry. They are a good alternave to studying in a tradional private senior school
and might appeal to many categories of students looking for other opons.
In this guide we will try to familiarize you with private colleges by presenng both
their advantages and weaknesses (all our own professional opinion), to show you
the dierence between these colleges and Sixth form departments in private senior
We are also happy to announce that we are now running a free placement service
for those families who would like their children to enter private sixth form colleges in
London, Oxford and Cambridge. This is a limited me oer and we encourage you to
get in touch with us to nd out how we can help you.
We hope you nd this guide helpful!
From the team at
Chelsea Educaon.
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
In the United Kingdom and some Commonwealth countries, Sixth Form represents the
nal years of secondary educaon (senior school), where students typically between
16 and 18 years of age prepare for their A-level or equivalent examinaons.
These are:
Vocaonal A-levels
Naonal Qualicaon in Scotland
The Internaonal Baccalaureate (IB)
All of these examinaons are valid qualicaons and can be used as a means of entry
to Brish Universies or Further Educaon Colleges. The majority of senior schools
here in the UK have Sixth Form departments, where students move to aer they
have nished their GCSE course at the end of year 11. The most tradional route
is for students to stay at the same school to connue with their A-levels or IB aer
compleng their GCSEs. However, there are also occasions where students need to
move schools for variety of reasons.
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
A Private Sixth Form college is an educaonal establishment that oers GCSE, A-level,
IB, University foundaon and other courses for fee-paying local and internaonals
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
The demand for private Sixth Form colleges connues to rise year aer year. This
need greatly reects the increasing number of private colleges that have opened in
the last couple of past years, especially in London. In order to aract more students,
mainly from abroad, most of these colleges have started to oer GCSE/iGCSE and
University foundaon courses, as well as the tradional A-Level/IB courses.
There are 5 main categories of students that will thrive at a private college in
comparison to a tradional senior school.
Students who do not
meet the minimum exam
grade requirements of
their current school.
These are some private schools, especially
those at the top of the leagues table that
have rigorous entrance requirements for
their Sixth form departments. These are in
place to aract clever students from other
schools to maintain their high ranking status.
In this case, students who do not get the
required minimum exam grades are forced
to move to other schools or a Sixth Form
college with lower entrance requirements.
Students who fail or
want to increase the
grade of a parcular
While studying in a schools’ Sixth Form
department, (in both Lower 6th or Upper
6th), students who fail a subject or who
simply wish to increase their grade by
redoing the year are likely to be forced to
leave the school.
Tradional Sixth Form departments very
rarely allow students to repeat a whole year.
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
Internaonal students
who want to apply for
Brish Universies
There are thousands of internaonal
students who arrive in the UK at the ages
of 15 or 16 who are eager to get the best
possible marks to be able to apply for UK
Students who want to
feel beer prepared for
adult life.
Nowadays, there are many 16 year olds
who move from their schools to Sixth
Form colleges as they want to feel more
As Sixth Form colleges are their own
independent instuons, with no younger
school children on the premises, the
atmosphere of a college can feel more
mature and liberang and a step up towards
a more adult life.
Younger internaonal
students who need to
improve their English
before being accepted on
an A-Level course.
Younger students from abroad, whose level
of English is not sucient enough to join
mainstream senior schools accept places at
these colleges for the GCSE level.
Aer they have completed their GCSEs, they
tend to stay at the same private college or
move to a more compeve senior school
to complete their A-levels.
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
League tables are considered to be one of the main indicators of how a school or
a college performs academically. Its a very praccal tool to use when you need to
compare a few educaonal establishments and should not be underesmated.
As you can see from the table below, some private colleges show great academic
achievements from their leavers. Cardi Sixth Form college for example, remains at
the top not only in this league table, but also at the top of all senior schools in the
country according to its A-level results, and it aracts the brightest students from
both the UK and abroad.
Naturally, this parcular college as well as other schools and colleges at the top of
leagues tables are very selecve. This way, they can ensure that their A level results are
always highly ranking, making it very dicult for students to get into these parcular
A*/A College Location Day/Board Fees,day Fees,board
91.9 CardiffSixthFormCollege Cardiff Both 15,500 41,000
85.38 ConcordCollege Shrewsbury Both 14,000 37,800
71.43 OxfordInternationalCollege Oxford Both 21,000 42,000
68.93 AbbeyCollege Cambridge Both 29,000
62.38 d'Overbroeck's Oxford Both 23,025 36,375
60.53 CATSCollege Canterbury Both 20,520 37,980
58.04 BellerbysCollege Cambridge Both 27,060 38,940
57.81 HurtwoodHouse Dorking Both 28,179 42,267
54.23 BellerbysCollege Brighton Both 27,060 74,140
48.67 BramptonCollege Hendon Day 19,235
43.22 BosworthIndependentCollege Northampton Both 12,000 29,900
41.73 CATSCollege Cambridge Both 34,720 43,500
41.21 DLDCollege London Both 22,000 49,000
40 CambridgeTutorsCollege GreaterLondon Both 15,600 37,800
39.19 BathAcademy Bath Both 16,225 35,000
38.82 Welbeck Loughborough Boarding 19,500
35.24 ManderPortmanWoodward Cambridge Day 27,225
35.12 ManderPortmanWoodward London Day 29,499
Cambridge Both 21,000 46,700
33.84 ManderPortmanWoodward Birmingham Day 19,278
32.13 RochesterIndependentCollege Rochester Both 17,500 34,700
31.78 AlbemarleIndependentCollege London Day 19,750
31 DavidGameCollege London Both 19,360
29.13 AbbeyCollege Manchester Both 12,500
26.22 KensingtonParkSchoolSixthForm London Day 22,500 38,400
22.84 Collingham London Both 20,850
19.67 PadworthCollege Reading Both
15 EalingIndependentCollege London Both
14.15 FineArtsCollegeHampstead GreaterLondon Day
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
High Pressure
Addionally, before selecng a college on the
basis of its academic achievements, it should
be considered whether or not the student will
thrive in such a highly pressured academic
environment, as these compeve sengs
are not for everyone.
Many bright students do well and receive
straight As, but in comparison, in the less
compeve colleges, it is greatly down to
the personality of the student who would
individually need to push themselves more
to do well. This factor should always be taken
into consideraon when choosing a college.
Learning style
We have noced with our clients that some
children who received top marks in their home
countries, when transferred to a school or a
college here in the UK did not maintain their
top marks, even if their English was perfect. At
the same me students with average marks
back home became high achievers.
We think that there is a link to how students
with top marks in their previous schools
were studying, many of these students were
used to learning and remembering subject
material by heart, but this approach is not
what is expected from a good student in the
UK. Brish schools and colleges value open
minded thinking, rigorous approaches to
solving problems and great research skills
which is the opposite of simply memorizing
All of these factors should be considered
when moving to study in a dierent country,
as teaching and learning approaches might
be dierent and serious adjustments must be
made in order to do well.
How to make the right
Regardless of league tables, many Sixth Form
private colleges are not selecve in their
intake and take almost everyone who applies.
This should not put you o, as many students
can improve their grades by two levels in
these colleges.
This is very important and is one of the main
reason why families look for professional
advice for nding a suitable college. From
their websites and glossy brochures every
educaonal establishment posions itself as
one of the best.
We do understand that it is very dicult to
make a true judgment without asking for
advice from people who know the industry
very well and who could direct you towards
a suitable college where your child could
demonstrate their full academic potenal.
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
As we established earlier, Sixth Form colleges mainly cater for 16 – 18-year-old
students. These are individuals who are taking their A-levels or equivalent in order to
obtain qualicaons to join universies straight aer the compleon of their courses
at college.
The main qualicaons that are taught at these private colleges are:
A-level (2 years)
A-level (1 year intensive)
(not available at tradional Private Senior schools)
Internaonal Baccalaureate
BTEC diploma (some stages are equivalent to A-levels)
A-level subject retakes
With an increased demand from the internaonal market who value Brish educaon,
the following courses are also common for most private colleges:
GCSE (2 years)
GCSE (1 year intensive)
(not available at tradional Private Senior schools)
University Foundaon (usually 1 year)
Preparaon for IELTS
Extra English language tuion
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
GCSE Courses
In recent years, increasing numbers of colleges
are starng to oer GCSE courses either over
1 or 2 years with an emphasis on internaonal
students so that they are able to compete in
the school market.
It is fair to say that currently their GCSE results
do not rival independent schools, mostly
because they are taking on internaonal
students that need to adapt to the Brish
curriculum or have a low level of English or
those who have struggled with GCSEs already.
However, students at these colleges oen
have remarkable transformaons, turning
their Ds and Es into As and Bs.
Studying Skills
In general, private colleges are less formal,
but academically they are just as demanding
as any good school. Special aenon is given
to studying skills such as exam technique,
essay-wring and note-taking everything
in fact that is needed to ensure that students
are fully prepared for the demands of the
exam system.
Subject Choice
In terms of oering courses/subjects there
is oen a rule - the smaller the college, the
smaller the range of A level courses on oer.
Most small colleges oer the basic courses
like English, Maths and Sciences, but the
larger colleges usually have a wider range of
subjects available as metable constraints are
not as rigid as they would be in a tradional
Oen, they add a range of vocaonal courses
to the curriculum, which relate to specic
careers. It should be noted though that the
Internaonal Baccalaureate is limited in its
availability in these colleges.
Private colleges that have a large intake
of internaonal students usually focus on
subjects which are in high demand by them,
such as Maths, English, Sciences and Business
Studies and pay less aenon to subjects like
Art, Theatre Studies or Modern languages.
There are sll exceponal colleges for
performing arts, languages and arts/texles
and if you require further guidance on these
please let us know.
Intensive one year
Another huge advantage of private colleges is
that they oer an Intensive one year A–level
course what caters to bright students. There
is no such opon in tradional Private Senior
schools as A-levels are always taught as a 2
year course. Somemes, instead of joining
a university foundaon course, brighter
students from abroad take a one year A-level
course to maximize their chances to get into
the best UK Universies such as Oxford and
A-Level System Reform
Under the new linear system that the
government introduced in 2015, all A-level
exams will take place at the end of Year 13,
with no marks from AS-levels (if you take
these) contribung to the overall nal grade.
Across the board, there will also be less
coursework and fewer praccal assessments
under the new system - making exam revision
even more important. Grades will connue to
be awarded on an A*-E scale.
Many people ask why they need to work hard
at AS if the result doesn’t count towards the
nal A-Level grade? Well, taking an AS exam
will help students to measure how they’re
progressing in their studies and how well
suited they are to connue the subject into
Year 13. An externally marked AS-level grade
can also carry more weight with universies
and help teachers to more accurately set
the student’s predicted grades for University
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
Because the majority of their students go onto universies, Sixth Form private
colleges are very good at providing advice, such as help with choosing universies,
nding suitable courses and wring UCAS applicaons. Some colleges also oer
more specic advice on university entry, for example for those who want to apply for
Oxford/ Cambridge and medical or denstry schools. They help with preparaons for
the BMAT or similar exams required for medical students, as well as preparaon for
mock interviews and various aptude tests.
Another great advantage when compared to tradional senior schools is that many
private colleges oer extra private tuion for the subjects they teach. This is very
convenient as a student can have extra one-to-one lessons without leaving the college,
so there is no need to nd external tutors and take me to travel there for lessons.
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
One of the rst decisions to make is the locaon of the college and whether or not the
student will need to live at home and commute (local students) or will need boarding
accommodaon (internaonal students). With local students, the decision-making
can be quite straighorward and you will be looking within a certain distance of your
home. For example, the majority of private colleges in London are located in Central
London hence local students from all parts of London and the suburbs can easily
commute on a daily basis.
For internaonal students, colleges have opons to accommodate them at their own
residence (either on site or o site) or with a local family. There is a lot of variety and
price exibility, though it is oen cheaper to live with a local family. It is essenal
to menon that all students under 18 years of age who study in the UK and whose
parents live abroad must have an appointed guardian as this is a legal requirement.
As many private colleges connue to focus on accepng internaonals students, their
accommodaon is usually at a high quality and they are able to provide the desired
single en-suite rooms that students look for.
The majority of independent Sixth Form colleges are centrally based in major cies like
London, Oxford, Cambridge and some others. In general, city based colleges do not
have as much acvity infrastructure on-site such as swimming pools, sports facilies
and arts / drama centers in comparison to most Private Senior schools. Though, they
will usually make up for this by partnering with external locaons in the city to provide
access to the necessary facilies.
Many of these larger colleges also oer sports facilies and have a program of extra-
curricular acvies. Pastoral welfare is not forgoen and many colleges have a well
organised system of personal tutors who monitor the academic progress and general
well-being of the students in their care on a regular basis.
To ensure that quality is maintained, there are usually regular inspecons by bodies
such as the Independent Schools Council (ISC) the Department for Educaon and
Skills (DfES) and the Brish Accreditaon Council (BAC).
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
Sixth Form colleges in the state sector (free) are oen very large with around 1,000 to
3,000 students in total. In the independent sector it is more likely to be between 100
to 400 students. A larger size usually means a greater range of subjects and oen a
greater choice of vocaonal courses. However, what you are paying for in the private
sector is individual aenon as class sizes would typically be 5 to 10 students in an
A-level course subject.
There is a limited number of tutorial colleges that specialize in 1:1 tuion with a
personal tutor. This would mean that there is only one student in a class with one
teacher for the whole duraon of the A-level program. The teaching style and program
length would be tailored according to the students needs which is great, but as you
can imagine, very costly.
Socially, Sixth Form colleges have a mixture of both day and residenal students,
with some having more day students than boarders, or vice versa. You should be
aware that some colleges have more than 90 per cent internaonal admissions and
if so your child needs to be comfortable in such a mul-cultural environment, where
somemes all students are boarders. If you prefer a college with a balanced mix of
UK Naonals and Foreign students or day with boarding, then we suggest to use our
consultancy service where we can provide recommendaons tailored to your needs.
While local Brish students usually move to private Sixth Form colleges to seek more
independence or to repeat a year/ retake subjects, most internaonal students
choose Sixth Form colleges in order to gain entry to a UK University. Oen the college
will combine the A level or university foundaon courses with English Language
tuion for the IELTS examinaon of the Brish Council or somemes the TOEFL of the
Language Tesng Service of the USA.
In good colleges, dierent categories of students benet from studying and living
together as they become more culturally enriched and open minded.
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
The number of study hours greatly depends on the chosen course. For example, on
an A-level course the students should receive at least 6 hours of course tuion per
subject per week. At that level, a great deal of studying is done by students on their
own. This is the same for all A-level students at both tradional senior schools and
private colleges.
Unlike senior schools, private colleges oer the exibility of starng in January, April
or September.
The nal factor to be considered is the nancial cost. All Sixth-Form colleges have a
scale of charges that depends on the courses taken. Fees are always published on
their websites and it would be advisable to look at them as a start to ensure that the
costs are within your budget. There is a great variety in price that depends mainly on
the locaon and type of accommodaon provided. Sixth Form private college fees are
comparable with those at Private Senior schools but this is also an important factor
that dierenates them.
The average day tuion fees for a student taking 4 ASs or 3 A2s is going to be in the
range of £15,000 to £35,000 per annum in Central London, Cambridge or Oxford.
Some colleges set their price as low as £12,000 per annum, though these colleges are
usually outside of major city centers. You can also join and pay for just one single AS
or A2 subject (usually if you want to retake it), though it would cost you on average
around £4,000 per year.
Remember that accommodaon costs are going to add between £6,000 and £14,000
on top of the tuion fees, if boarding is required. Studying at tradional school, you
would pay one at fee for the full boarding and you would not be able to choose
the accommodaon type (single, en-suite etc) as it usually varies depending on the
school year. You simply would not be able to pay more or less to have a parcular type
of accommodaon. On the other hand, most Sixth Form colleges do encourage you
to choose your preferred type of accommodaon and will charge you according to its
quality and comfort level.
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
We truly believe that Brish private Sixth Form colleges are great educaonal
establishments and there is no surprise that their number increases every year.
Below, you will nd the summary of the main points discussed in this guide to help
you make a more informed choice. We understand that there are many dierent pros
and cons and they can vary on opinion, though we as Chelsea Educaon, based on
our years of experse believe these are the crucial elements to focus on.
Sixth Form colleges have a
lot internaonal students.
Some colleges in order to aract internaonal
students have not noced that they
have converted to ‘internaonal schools’
themselves. Obviously we are in support
of internaonal schools; they are great for
certain categories of students but in general
we believe that there should be a greater
mix of both local and internaonal students
to interact with and learn from, which is
benecial for everyone.
Sixth Form colleges oer
less extra curriculum
Some colleges do not provide a good acvies
program and students can feel like they do not
belong to a college as a whole if they are not
encouraged to take part in shared acvies.
In this situaon, they would only interact with
their class pears and aer classes leave for
their boarding houses or back home. Some
students are happy with these arrangements
and it is exactly what they were wishing for
before joining, however we think that in some
colleges this is a shame as they do not create
a sense of community.
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
Sixth Form colleges oer
sengs compared to
tradional schools.
Everyone matures in their own me, but there
are many 16 year olds who want a change of
scenery, such as changing from the school they
have been aending since childhood. This shi
allows them to be immersed in a more adult-
like life, to feel more independence and have
less control from the school. Of course there
are sll rules at colleges, but the atmosphere
feels very dierent when compared to a
tradional school and this aracts many
students. Very oen their infrastructure such
as teaching blocks, accommodaon and other
facilies are o site, so the students are able
to feel more like university students.
Sixth Form colleges have
good academic results
with oen lower entrance
Many private colleges show excellent
academic results and aract ambious
students from the UK and abroad. Apart from
a select few at the very top of the league
tables, their entrance requirements are
usually not that rigorous compared to similar
performing Private Senior schools.
Sixth Form colleges start
their courses at dierent
mes during the year.
The majority of colleges have three intakes
per year in September, January and April.
This is a huge advantage and tailors for a great
number of students especially for those who
move to a dierent educaonal establishment
in a middle of an academic year or are arriving
from abroad.
Sixth Form colleges oer
beer choice and quality
of accommodaon.
Unlike tradional boarding schools where all
their infrastructure is on-site, most colleges
have their accommodaon facilies within
walking distance, or short commutes in
London. The variety of the dierent types of
rooms and facilies to choose from are great,
especially in newly built accommodaon.
If on budget, most colleges are also able to
place students with local host families.
Sixth Form colleges oer
an intensive one year
GCSE and A-level course.
It is impossible to take this short-cut in a
tradional senior school, as these courses
are specically designed to be taught over a
two-year period. However, brighter students
or those with special circumstances, (both
local and internaonal) can benet from
the intense me-scale and can do very well.
Though, it is important to bear in mind that
this opon is not for everyone and should be
considered very carefully.
Sixth Form colleges oer
repeat years and retakes.
Even though some students might want to
retake some of their A Level subjects if they
are not happy with their results at the end of
year 13 - this opon is almost impossible in
a Private Senior school hence school leavers
wishing to have this opon move to private
colleges. Sixth Form colleges are great for
retaking one or a few subjects and many
local and internaonal students who were
educated in senior schools do benet from
this opon.
© 2018 Chelsea Educaon LTD
We would be extremely happy if this short guide shines a light on a topic that you
were uncertain of previously and we hope that it has helped you to make a more well
informed decision.
However, if you feel that you would need more advice and professional help, we are
oering this service for free - for a limited period of me only. Please do contact us
on 02071931676 or ll out an enquiry form and we will be glad to give you our best
This free service would be as substanal as our other bespoke services that we charge
a fee for. Our ambion is to oer this free service to at least 250 families from all over
the world, in celebraon of our 10th year in business.