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IFRS 9 impairment practical guide: provision
At a glance
IFRS 9 requires entities to recognise expected credit losses for all financial assets held
at amortised cost or at fair value through other comprehensive income, including
accounts receivable balances.
This practical guide provides guidance for corporate engagement teams on IFRS 9’s
impairment requirements for accounts receivable. In particular, it considers how
expected credit losses could be estimated through the use of a provision matrix.
Expected credit losses for accounts receivable
IFRS 9 significantly changes the methodology required for impairment provisioning
on all financial assets held at amortised cost or at fair value through other
comprehensive income, including accounts receivable balances. The overall approach
within the standard is to replace the incurred loss model required by IAS 39 with an
expected loss model in effect, moving from a position of provisioning only when a
loss has occurred to one which considers forward-looking information to calculate
expected credit losses, regardless of whether there has been an impairment trigger.
There is a wealth of technical material that considers the detailed accounting
requirements of IFRS 9: this includes PwC’s Manual of Accounting, with frequently
asked questions, and various In depth and In brief guides.
This guide considers the theoretical concepts with regard to the impairment of
accounts receivable under IFRS 9, and it provides some practical insights. The phrase
accounts receivable’ includes trade receivables, contract assets and lease receivables
for the purposes of this guide. In addition, this publication considers some of the
challenges that entities might face on implementation, and it suggests some of the
audit considerations that should also be considered as part of transition.
In depth
A look at current financial
reporting issues
February 2018
No. 2018-03
What’s inside?
Background 1
Setting the scene 3
Where to begin 4
Historical data 6
information 12
Governance, process
and controls 13
Final thoughts 14
Appendix 15
This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute
for consultation with professional advisors.
© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
Content index
This guide includes the following frequently asked questions about the scope of the
IFRS 9 impairment model, and it describes how to calculate expected credit losses
under the simplified approach using a provision matrix:
Setting the scene:
What balances are likely to be ‘accounts receivable’?
What accounts receivable balances might not be subject to IFRS 9 impairment?
How do the IFRS 9 impairment rules for trade receivables and contract assets
interact with the IFRS 15 revenue recognition requirements?
Where to begin:
What does IFRS 9 mean by the ‘simplified approach’?
How should a group with several business units apply a provision matrix?
Historical data:
What type of historical data should an entity collect?
Can entities make a specific provision against a particular customer?
If an entity’s credit control policy requires letters of credit or credit insurance,
does this mean that it does not need to record a provision under IFRS 9?
What if an entity does not collect this detailed level of data, or cannot access the
information in a cost-effective way?
What if an entity does not have the necessary data because it is a start-up or
moving into a new market?
Are there any other methods that an entity might use to gather enough data to
calculate lifetime expected credit losses on its accounts receivable?
How might an entity calculate a provision for an IFRS 15 contract asset?
What steps should be taken to audit this information?
What if an entity has never experienced defaults or instances of non-collection?
How could management incorporate forward-looking information?
What do entities need to consider with respect to controls and processes?
What is the impact on the current year’s financial statements?
Are there any additional disclosures required?
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for consultation with professional advisors.
© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
Setting the scene
The purpose of this specific guide is to consider the implementation of IFRS 9 in the
area of impairment for ‘accounts receivable’, the most significant of which is likely to
be trade receivables for many non-financial institutions. Amongst other things, IFRS
9 introduces a new approach for the classification and measurement of all financial
assets which will affect whether balances are within the scope of the impairment
guidance; further guidance on this topic is available in chapter 42 of PwC’s Manual of
Accounting, but this is not the focus of this guide. It is generally expected that most
accounts receivable will continue to be carried at amortised cost, and that entities will
therefore use the simplified approach permitted by IFRS 9 for calculating the
expected credit loss. This simplified approach requires the calculation of a lifetime
expected credit loss (or impairment provision), and it is often applied by developing a
provision matrix. A detailed worked example of how to calculate a provision matrix is
given in the Appendix to this guide.
What balances are considered to be ‘accounts receivable’, and are
therefore subject to the IFRS 9 impairment model and likely to be able
to benefit from the ‘simplified approach’?
Clearly, normal trade receivables will be included when assessing impairment for
accounts receivable.
However, in addition, contract assets as recognised under IFRS 15 are also within the
scope of impairment under IFRS 9. This includes those assets that might be described
as ‘unbilled receivables’ or ‘accrued income’ and any variable consideration.
Therefore the expected credit loss approach to impairment, and the model discussed
in this guide (that is, a provision matrix covering lifetime expected credit losses), will
apply even before a customer is invoiced. This is likely to be a change for some
entities, because accruals of this nature might be outside the entity’s traditional
receivables ageing reports. The entity will need to develop an appropriate method for
calculating the expected credit loss see the later section of this guide.
Further, lease receivables (finance lease receivables and any assets arising under
operating leases) also need to be assessed under the IFRS 9 impairment model.
Other financial assets, such as loans (both inter-company and external to the group),
investments in funds, guarantees or most items currently classified as ‘other’
receivables in financial statements, will also be subject to the IFRS 9 impairment
rules (unless they are carried at FVTPL see below), but they will have to comply
with the general model, where initially only a 12-month expected credit loss is
recognised, but monitoring for significant increases in credit risk is required and, at
that point, a lifetime expected credit loss would be recognised (see chapter 45 of
PwC’s Manual of Accounting and In Depth 2018-02 IFRS 9 impairment practical
guide: inter-company loans in separate financial statements for further details on
those requirements).
What accounts receivable balances might not be subject to the IFRS 9
impairment rules?
Care should be taken if an entity undertakes factoring, invoice discounting or other
activities that result in the entity collecting the cash for accounts receivable from
someone other than the original debtor. Depending on the specific circumstances,
trade receivables could be classed at either fair value through other comprehensive
income (FVOCI) or fair value through profit and loss (FVTPL), instead of amortised
cost. The IFRS 9 impairment model is still relevant for receivables classed as FVOCI,
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for consultation with professional advisors.
© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
and impairment will need to be recognised in the income statement, but it is not
considered separately for those carried at FVTPL. The full fair value movement (that
is, including any changes with respect to credit risk) will be recognised in the income
statement for those items carried at FVTPL. PwC’s Manual of Accounting, at chapter
42 para 42.31 and FAQ 42.31.6, offers guidance on the impact of factoring on
classification and measurement under IFRS 9.
Other accounts receivable that might not be carried at amortised cost are those
subject to provisional pricing for example, where the final amount receivable is
based on the price of a commodity sold at the date of settlement (See PwC’s Manual
of Accounting at chapter 11 para 11.295 and FAQ 11.295.3). This type of receivable
fails the test that IFRS 9 refers to as ‘solely payments of principal and interest’ (SPPI),
because the return also varies with commodity prices, and so it is carried at FVTPL.
Any accounts receivable, contract assets or lease receivables carried at FVTPL for
the reasons above or because they fail the business model or SPPI test for another
reason will not need to be assessed for impairment under IFRS 9.
How do the IFRS 9 impairment rules for trade receivables and
contract assets interact with the IFRS 15 revenue recognition
It is important to think about what factors could change the amount paid by a
customer, and why, when assessing what is within the scope of IFRS 9. Losses arising
as a result of credit risk (that is, the customer not paying through default) are those
that are relevant under IFRS 9. Therefore, when proceeding to develop a provision
matrix, it is this credit risk experience that is important.
The initial amount of variable consideration recognised as revenue under IFRS 15,
and consequently as a trade receivable, does not take into account credit risk, unless
there is a significant financing component. Similarly, where changes occur after initial
recognition as a result of customer disputes, discounts provided or other
inefficiencies, these are subject to guidance in IFRS 15 which should be applied prior
to IFRS 9. One example, in relation to accounts receivable, could be an entity where
there is an outstanding debtor balance disputed by the customer due to the quality of
the product provided. The customer subsequently returns the product and the
receivable is then removed from the balance sheet. In these circumstances, care
should be taken to ensure that the return is excluded from the historical analysis used
to calculate expected credit losses under IFRS 9.
This example shows that, where entities have historically not tracked credit losses
separately from other reductions in cash received/revenue recorded, the data might
need to be re-examined to isolate what is relevant for IFRS 9.
Where to begin
What does IFRS 9 mean by the ‘simplified approach’ to calculating
expected credit losses?
For trade receivables (as well as contract assets and lease receivables), the standard
provides a simplified approach for calculating the expected credit loss. This allows
entities to dispense with the full general (that is, three-stage) impairment model.
However, where any ‘accounts receivable’ contain a significant financing component
(normally, where the standard terms extended to the customer exceed 12 months), an
entity has a policy choice between the simplified or three-stage model. The remainder
This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute
for consultation with professional advisors.
© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
of this guide will only consider the application of the simplified approach; further
guidance is available on the implementation of the three-stage model in chapter 45 of
PwC’s Manual of Accounting.
Under the simplified approach, at initial recognition of each accounts receivable
balance and throughout its life, a lifetime expected credit loss should be recognised in
order to arrive at the appropriate impairment under IFRS 9.
There are various methods to calculate a lifetime expected credit loss, but a suggested
method in IFRS 9 for trade receivables is through the use of a provision matrix. This
method is not mandatory, but it is expected that many non-financial institutions will
adopt this approach. A detailed worked example of a provision matrix is included in
chapter 45 of PwC’s Manual of Accounting at FAQ 45.13.2, and this has also been
replicated in the Appendix to this guide.
Example Hawkins Petroleum plc
Throughout this publication, we will consider the application of a provision
matrix for a fictional entity, Hawkins Petroleum plc (HP). HP is implementing
IFRS 9 from 1 January 2018. It is a diversified oil and gas group with operations
in differing locations around the world. At present, HP’s management is working
through its IFRS 9 implementation plan, but it is still finalising its proposed
methodology for impairment of accounts receivable.
At the previous year end, HP’s accounts receivable balance was £542m, and the
entity held a provision for bad debts of £24m. In the previous year, the audit
overall materiality was £10m. The engagement team has performed its initial
risk assessment for the audit for the current year and, whilst IFRS 9 is likely to
have an impact on the entity’s financial assets, it has concluded that the disclosure
in the current year, or the impact in 2018, will not be significant. As such, it has
concluded that no elevated or significant risk exists with respect to the change in
impairment for accounts receivable under IFRS 9.
At what level (such as head office, division or individual receivable)
should a large group with several different business units consider
and apply a provision matrix approach?
There is an element of judgement to be applied by groups to determine how they
implement a policy for impairment of accounts receivable across their group. If
appropriate, one approach could be full control of the provisioning process at the
group finance level, setting judgements and assumptions across the group as a whole.
Alternatively, a decentralised model could be adopted, with each entity or business
area making its own assessments and judgements. Both approaches have their merits
and drawbacks, and which is the best will likely be driven by the facts and
circumstances of the groups business. Where the group includes autonomous
subsidiaries or customers that operate in differing markets, a decentralised approach
might be the most appropriate, with some oversight from the centre. However, where
businesses are similar and there is a consistent customer base across the group, a
centralised model might be more appropriate, to ensure that consistent judgements
are being applied in the calculation of impairment.
In addition, care is needed, since the above approach only considers the position in
the consolidated group accounts. If an aggregate assessment is made at a group level,
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for consultation with professional advisors.
© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
further assessments would be required to support the classification within individual
statutory accounts.
When considering an entity’s approach, consideration needs to be given to its
judgement and approach to ensure that it takes into account the relevant factors of
the entity’s business.
HP splits itself into three large operating divisions: Upstream, Downstream and
Supply & Trading. Under each division, there are several business units split
between geographical locations or markets. There is limited overlap of customers
between divisions, but broadly within each division the business trades with
consistent customers in each respective territory or market.
Group Finance has concluded that the most appropriate approach would be to
adopt a partially decentralised approach to impairment provisioning of accounts
receivable. Business units will be expected to calculate an impairment charge
using a provision matrix approach, and then apply judgemental overlays to take
into account their future expectations of credit risk. Each divisional finance team
will then review and compare positions across business units to ensure
consistency in provisioning levels. These will then be aggregated at a group level.
In order to calculate loss ratios required for a provision matrix, a two-stage approach
will likely be undertaken. The first stage is the consideration of historical experience
of losses that have been incurred (that is, accounts receivable balances that have not
been collected). The second stage is then to consider the future, and whether the
historical experience is likely to persist or whether other factors should influence and
adjust the levels of impairment recognised.
Historical data
What type of historical data should an entity collect to develop a
provision matrix?
The first step is for an entity to gather information on past history of uncollectable
accounts, and generally the profile of payment within its accounts receivable
balances. This could be a period of one year, three years or even longer, dependent on
the typical business cycle of the entity. Linked to the section above in assessing
portfolios, we would expect entities to take this data and split accounts receivable
balances into different populations before applying the provision matrix. This could
be based on geographical regions, product type, customer ratings, collateral (letters of
credit or trade credit insurance), and the nature of the customer (for example,
wholesale versus retail). In all cases, the objective is to try to understand the drivers
of credit risk for the underlying receivables. For example, one population could be
product A in region B being sold to customer type C. The level of segmentation
required is a matter of judgement and, in developing segments, the entity should
consider whether further segmentation would be expected to lead to only immaterial
Within the HP Upstream division, the business is split into two individual
businesses: exploration; and development & production. In both businesses, it has
looked to consider how to most appropriately group its accounts receivable to
take into account the drivers of credit risk. It has concluded that the size of the
customer and its ultimate geographical area are the best determinants of credit
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for consultation with professional advisors.
© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
HP has split the size of customer into two broad categories: large established
businesses (that is, around 1,000 employees or more); and small / medium-sized
businesses. In terms of geography, it has again settled on two categories: entities
with ultimate headquarters in OECD countries; and other countries. This has
created four differing provision matrices within each business. In addition, where
there are specific instances of problem customers, individual provisions will also
be created.
HP did consider whether further subdividing the data was required; however,
based on historical experience, it concluded that further groupings would not
arrive at a materially different answer. The audit team of HP reviewed
management’s analysis made to support this conclusion and agreed with the
course of action. This was then clearly documented within their audit file, and
discussed with management that this judgement would need to be refreshed at
each reporting period.
Can entities make a specific provision against a particular customer?
In some cases, the population might be as specific as individual customers. For
example, where a particular customer is known to be in financial difficulty, it might
require an increased or specific provision compared to historical averages. In such a
scenario, it is important to consider and avoid any double counting of losses as a
result of the balance being provided for specifically and also being included within the
wider general provision default rate for that customer type.
If an entity’s credit control policy requires it to obtain letters of credit
or credit insurance, does this mean that it does not need to record a
provision under IFRS 9?
IFRS 9 is clear that ‘credit enhancements’, the term it uses to refer to collateral posted
or the effect of insurance taken out, cannot be used to justify an assumption that
there is no probability of default. However, provided that the credit enhancement is
integral to the receivable, which typically means that it has to be taken out at the
same time, it can be considered when looking at how big any loss might be on the
Letters of credit and credit insurance might help to reduce the probability of default
(PD) to that of the letter of credit/insurance provider, or reduce the loss given default
(LGD), dependent on whether the letter of credit/insurance reduces the likelihood of
default, or mitigates the loss after a default has occurred.
Therefore, so long as the entity’s insurance company or the bank supplying the letter
of credit has a high credit rating itself, the risk of a significant loss on that customer
should be mitigated. A provision should still be calculated, but it might be much
smaller than without the ‘credit enhancement’ (see chapter 45 of PwC’s Manual of
Accounting at FAQ 45.73.1).
What if an entity does not collect this detailed level of data, or cannot
access the information in a cost-effective way?
It would be very unusual for an entity to have no historical data on collection of
accounts receivable. The information required might not be readily available within
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for consultation with professional advisors.
© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
the accounting team but, in the wider finance function or business, such information
is likely to exist. As well as the core accounting system, there might be information in
a separate billing system, customer relationship management or equivalent sales
system, or within a credit control system.
Even if the information does exist, it might be in a format that is challenging for an
entity to aggregate and summarise, to provide a full and complete payment history on
which to base its historical collection experience. Whilst it might be complicated and
difficult, that does not relieve the entity from estimating an expected credit loss on
accounts receivable.
Like any accounting estimate, the level of information and documentation that the
entity provides to support its position and judgement affects the level of work that an
auditor would have to independently undertake in order to obtain the required audit
evidence and challenge the decisions that the entity has made.
Therefore, where there are challenges with respect to data availability or ease of
collection of such data, an entity could undertake a sampling approach and track the
payment profiles and uncollected debts of a subset of its total population. It could do
this by grouping customers with similar characteristics, as described above, and then
picking a sample of individual customers within each group to consider their specific
payment profile. Assuming their groupings do share similar credit risks, these
individual payment profiles could then be used as an estimate for each group as a
whole. Care would need to be taken to ensure that groups selected are reasonable,
based on materiality, and that a sufficient sample is inspected to allow for it to be
concluded that the sample is representative of the whole group.
In such a scenario, the auditor would need to ensure that appropriate consideration is
given to the approach taken; in particular, it would need to consider and test whether
any of the remaining data not considered in the analysis contradicts the assessment
and conclusions. In such a scenario, the entity would need to ensure that it gathers
and retains the relevant data required for the provision matrix going forward, with
this simplification only to support its historical data challenges.
In HP Downstream, within the aviation fuel business unit there has been an
implementation of a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, called ‘TAP’,
in the period. The old system was decommissioned and, while some payment data
was retained, it is complex to access and not available in a total summarised
report. Management has therefore grouped its accounts receivable based on its
assessment and understanding of what it deems to be the drivers of credit risk,
namely size and any customer-specific factors. These are:
· Group 1 large international airlines groups (that is, Air Britain, French
Airways, Epsilon);
· Group 2 regional/national airlines (that is, Southeast, Branson Australia);
· Group 3 regional/national airlines with trade credit insurance (that is,
Markair, simpleJet);
Group 4 private charter/small business; and
· Group 5 specific customers (that is, Italian Airlines, Crown).
For each of the above groups, the following information and approach have been
taken by management:
· Group 1 20 customers AR @ 31/12/16: £45m sampled 5 customers
· Group 2 86 customers AR @ 31/12/16: £12m sampled 7 customers
· Group 3 54 customers AR @ 31/12/16: £9.5m sampled 12 customers
· Group 4 450 customers AR @ 31/12/16: £2.5m sampled 12 customers
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for consultation with professional advisors.
© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
· Group 5 5 customers AR @ 31/12/16: £7.25m sampled all customers
Following the sampling approach, management has arrived at payment patterns
and bad debt profiles for each of the above groups based on their historical
experience. Where trade credit insurance has been taken out in relation to specific
receivables, those receivables have been assessed separately, and the extent to
which the trade credit insurance mitigates credit risk will be taken into account in
the expected credit loss. Management’s next step will then be to consider whether
this is likely to be reflective of their future experience.
NB The above sample sizes are not necessarily reflective of PwC Audit
sampling methodology; rather, they have been determined by the entity prior
to consultation with their auditors.
What if an entity does not have the necessary data because it is a
start-up or moving into a new market?
Where the entity is entering into a new line or area of business, or engaging with new
customers, there are different approaches that could be undertaken to estimate the
initial impairment provision. This could be in making a judgement that other
experience that it has is also relevant for this new product line, because the customer
base and its likely credit risk are similar to an existing product line. Alternatively, the
entity could look to consider external information, either generally or industry-
specific, to inform its initial thinking on an assessment of credit risk. A good place to
have these discussions could be with the credit department, which is likely to need
similar information in extending initial credit to new customers.
Are there any other methods that an entity might use to gather
enough data to calculate lifetime expected credit losses on its accounts
The use of a provision matrix is not mandatory, but it is a common method. Other
potential methods would include customer-by-customer analysis where the entity has
a small number of large contracts, application of expected loss rate linked to credit
default spreads (CDS’) – that is, market-based derivative instruments that provide
insurance in the event of default of a country or company of the country of
residence of customers for online retailers, application of dedicated analysis for the
main customers, and application of a provision matrix to the residual batch of smaller
How might an entity calculate its expected credit loss provision for a
contract asset recognised under IFRS 15?
For contract assets such as unbilled receivables, under IAS 39 a bad debt provision
was, in many cases, not recognised. Since the bill had not yet been raised, there was
no objective evidence that the customer could not pay their bill, and so the receivable
was not impaired. Because IFRS 9 requires an expected credit loss to be recognised
on contract assets, there might be a lack of historical credit risk information.
On transition, one approach might be to consider that the collection (and therefore
the bad debt) profile will mirror the overall trade receivables portfolio. This approach
might overstate the provision, because the credit risk factors associated with the trade
receivables might not all be applicable to the contract assets. Alternatively, since the
contract assets have not yet been invoiced, the entity could take the view that these all
have the same likelihood of experiencing credit losses as the current receivables. For
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for consultation with professional advisors.
© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
example, all contract assets have a comparable likelihood of not being recovered as
accounts receivable which have just been invoiced or are not yet due. This approach
might understate the provision, because it does not take into account the ageing or
population of the contract assets.
The most appropriate approach to take on transition will be dependent on the facts
and circumstances of the entity and its contract asset portfolios. For both approaches,
the contract assets portfolio should be actively monitored, following transition, to
develop a more accurate expectation of future credit losses.
In some jurisdictions, there might also be regulations in place designed to protect
consumers from long-dated bills yet to be invoiced; for example, any bill not raised
within 90 days might be prohibited by law from being raised at all. Such a regulation
would drive a write-off policy of unbilled receivables over 90 days. (See chapter 11 of
PwC’s Manual of Accounting at FAQ 11.295.1 for further considerations on contract
What steps should be taken to audit this information?
The steps and approach to auditing the historical information used in a provision
matrix under IFRS 9 are no different from the way in which any other input to an
estimate or judgement would be audited. An understanding is needed of the entity’s
process, the methodology that it has adopted, the source of its data, and how it has
arrived at its position. Areas to consider include:
Data: What is the source of the data used as part of the provisioning
calculation? Is this from a system that we already have as part of the audit
scope for Information Technology General Controls (‘ITGCs’), and is there a
new report that we need to consider and test? Does it create a new IT
dependency, and does this change the nature and requirements of the current
ITGC testing? Should a walkthrough be performed of the process to generate
the data, to understand the information flows and to document any relevant
controls? If this is coming from a new system, do we need to consider
whether we would want to undertake ITGC work, or will we plan to test the
data within the report substantively back to source information (that is, bank
statements / invoices), or systems where we already have controls evidence?
Methodology: How has the entity arrived at its methodology for assessing
historical data? Has it used a complete set of data for all customers? From
what period of time has it considered data? Is this appropriate, based on the
payment profile and standard business practice in the industry? If a sampling
approach has been undertaken, how has the entity split its accounts
receivable into different groups? Are the groupings reasonable and based on
an assessment of the credit characteristics of customers? Are there sufficient
groupings based on the total population and materiality? Have we looked for
customers not used in the sample to assess and challenge the approach?
Execution: Have we reviewed and checked the entity’s calculations, to ensure
that the input data is complete and accurate? Are there any errors in the
entity’s calculations or workings? If the entity has grouped customers, have
we checked to ensure that they have been included and classified correctly in
the right group? Are we aware of any specific accounts receivable balances
that might need to be considered separately, due to current increases in
credit risk?
In order to answer some of the above questions, we will need to undertake
substantive testing, likely on a sample basis; and, in doing so, we use our core
standard approaches of target testing, non-statistical sampling and accept-reject as
This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute
for consultation with professional advisors.
© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
The engagement team of HP Downstream have considered the approach
undertaken by the aviation fuel business unit. They have reviewed the paper
prepared by management that details their basis of undertaking a sample-based
approach for the review of their historical data. In the current year, they expect
their component materiality within this business unit to remain broadly
consistent with the prior year, and therefore would be £2m.
Management has performed a dry run of its analysis on data as at 30/09/2017,
and it has provided the results to the engagement team during the interim audit.
It has done so to allow the audit team to agree an approach and to feed back any
observations in advance of its use for the balances on transition. It has used two
years’ worth of data in its analysis.
The engagement team have concluded that they agree with the groupings
proposed by management. They did initially challenge management on its
approach for Group 3, because the grouping seemed rather large (450 customers)
and it had only sampled 12 (lower than our accept-reject methodology would
consider appropriate). However, it was concluded that, because the outstanding
debtor balance for this group remains broadly at £2.5m, and materiality is £2m,
it is highly unlikely that there could be a risk of material misstatement, since
almost all of the debtors would need to be impaired.
They have therefore performed the following audit procedures:
1. Obtained a listing of the accounts receivable balances and customers as at
2. From the total listing of customers, performed accept-reject testing on a
sample of 16 to ensure that they have been included within the appropriate
category (for example, if they are in Group 2, they do represent
regional/national airlines).
3. For each of the customers included within management’s sample, obtained
the relevant reporting from the decommissioned system showing their
payment history and any uncollected debts.
4. In addition, performed accept-reject testing on an independent sample of
accounts receivable balances by agreeing the payment history and any
uncollected debts to reporting from the decommissioned system and to cash.
5. For each of the receivables for which there is trade credit insurance, obtained
the trade credit insurance agreements. Reviewed key clauses in the
agreement to ensure that the trade credit insurance is specific to the related
accounts receivable and to understand the extent to which credit risk is
mitigated for those receivables by the trade credit insurance.
6. Agreed the payment data back to underlying reports from the banking
system over which the team has controls evidence.
7. For those balances listed as uncollected, agreed their write-off balance to the
general ledger.
8. Obtained management’s calculation and recalculated it to ensure accuracy.
Based on the procedures above, the team have concluded that the historical data
used as the starting point for the provision matrix is complete, accurate and
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What if an entity has never experienced defaults or instances of non-
Even if an entity has never experienced historical defaults, a provision based on
expected losses will still be required. In such circumstances, entities might look to
derive probabilities of default and loss rates from external credit ratings, industry-
specific data, credit bureaux, or other credit data sources. In addition, it is likely that
all entities will have some form of credit risk policy and controls in operation, setting
limits on the level of sales / accounts receivable for differing counterparties.
The credit risk policy and controls might be a good place to find further information
that an entity has already prepared regarding its assessment of the creditworthiness
of counterparties. In such circumstances, based on the limits imposed we might be
able to understand and challenge an entity’s own assessment (for example, an entity
might be less willing, or might have a lower internal credit limit against some
counterparties compared to others that might share certain factors, such as size or
credit rating) and use this to draw conclusions between counterparties where actual
losses have not been previously incurred.
Although low historical defaults do not mean that no provision will be required,
entities should still consider the level of actual profit or loss write-offs over the last
few years, assuming a constant level and type of sales activity, because this does
provide good historical evidence of losses. That historical data should then be
supplemented by forward-looking information.
Building in forward-looking information
The second stage in the creation of a provision matrix is to consider whether the
historical experience is reflective of the future, and whether provision levels or default
rates should be changed based on factors in the wider economic environment. This
could be as simple as changes in the unemployment rate, interest rates or economic
growth, and how this would be expected to flow through to provisioning factors.
Management will need to do an assessment based on its historical experience,
understanding of the industry and its customer base to determine what factors are
likely to have the greatest impact on its levels of uncollected accounts receivable.
How could management incorporate forward-looking information?
Generally, we would expect management to tailor the forward-looking information to
be incorporated into the model to those factors that impact its customer base the
most. These could be general trends and changes in the economy, such as
inflation/growth rates, unemployment rates, interest rates or FX rates. In addition,
there could be further industry- or geography-specific indicators that might have a
significant impact on inferring future default levels. These indicators might differ for
each group of assets, depending on the industry and geography of those specific
Management would also be expected to consider information at the customer level.
For example, if a customer is overdue on one invoice, it might be more likely that a
current invoice will default, so that the current invoice might now have a higher
probability of default.
One approach might be for an entity to look for historical correlation between macro-
economic factors (such as unemployment rates) and the loss rate experienced
historically. If there is such a correlation, and unemployment is forecasted to be
higher or lower than the historical average over the period during which losses have
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© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
been observed, an adjustment would then be made to the historical amounts (for
example, expected higher unemployment might mean that the provision applied to
current receivables needs to be increased). IFRS 9 expects companies to consider
alternative scenarios, to develop a probability-weighted outcome, although this would
have a greater impact on longer-dated financial assets subject to the general model.
Therefore, in some cases, an entity might use scenario analysis, reflecting different
possible future outcomes for the correlated variable. Further detail on this approach
is given in chapter 45 of PwC’s Manual of Accounting.
In establishing a link to economic data, further complexities might arise due to lag.
Consider an electricity provider, for example. A rise in unemployment might not
trigger an immediate increase in defaults, because customers prioritise paying
electricity bills over other discretionary expenditures. The increase in unemployment
might only trigger a rise in loss rates if, for example, it is sustained for a six-month
period. This lag is another variable to consider in historical correlation analysis with
economic variables.
In HP Downstream, within the aviation fuel business unit, management has
considered some of the wider economic factors that impact its business and the
ability of its customers to pay their debts. It has considered the wider industry of
its customers, reviewed their historical reasons for bad debt write-offs, and
concluded on three key indicators in assessing the future potential for customers
to pay their accounts receivable balances.
The indicators selected are:
1. Oil price For most airlines, the cost of oil has a direct impact on their
profitability, because it is usually one of their largest costs. In times of
high oil prices, HP has experienced higher levels of default from
customers in its aviation fuel business.
2. US Dollar Since oil is priced in dollars, not only the underlying
movement in the oil price but also the strength of the US Dollar when
compared to other currencies has an impact on its customers’ ability to
settle outstanding accounts receivable balances.
3. The International Air Transport Association (‘IATA’) publishes monthly
data on load factors (that is, the number of seats occupied on flights). In
times or areas where load factors are low, this could suggest an over-
supply of flights or lack of demand from the customers of our customers,
and it could therefore impact airline profitability and the ability of
customers to pay their debts.
Management considered each of the above factors, and how they have moved
when compared to the period of the historical data available. In this qualitative
assessment, it noted that all factors were strong correlators with future bad
debts, in particular the oil price; however, in all cases, there was at least a six-
month lag between a negative movement in the indicator and an impact on bad
debts. At present, all of the indicators are in normal ranges, other than the IATA
data on short-haul air routes where there are certain negative trends in load
factors that have persisted for in excess of six months. Management has then
made a judgemental overlay to the historical data for Group 2, to take into
consideration the above factor. A more complex mathematical model could have
been implemented to estimate the quantitative impact of the above factors on
uncollected debt levels, but this has been deemed not to be required, based on
materiality of accounts receivable and historical bad debt levels, even in times of
market stress.
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In addition, customer-specific factors have been taken into consideration when
estimating the expected loss on the Group 5 customers. For example, Italian
Airlines is now in formal bankruptcy; there were a number of initial interested
parties in the business but, with recent news that some have pulled out of any
takeover, HP has provided 100% for the current outstanding balance.
Systems or processes might not have been established to gather data in the above
manner, and therefore some entities will require system changes or new reports to be
generated, to help in establishing the matrix.
Governance, process and controls
Like any change in an entity’s business process, whether for a new accounting
standard or other business reason, management needs to ensure that there is the
appropriate level of governance and control. Since the IFRS 9 impairment model is
substantially different from IAS 39, and requires different estimates and judgements
to be applied, it would be expected that new and different internal control procedures
will be required.
Entities should consider the need for new internal controls over the impairment
model and where these controls will be performed within the group. Some of the
controls might need to be implemented outside the financial reporting group (for
example, in the collections or credit management group of different business units),
and other controls might be implemented centrally.
Such controls would likely also involve back-testing of losses experienced to the
established provisions, and determining whether changes to the provisioning
methodology, additional correlations to economic indicators or enhanced
grouping/segmentation of customers are required. The aim of back-testing is a
continuous improvement in the robustness of the model; but it does have limitations,
due to the continuous changes in the economic environment.
What do entities need to consider with respect to controls and
If an entity has had challenges with respect to the provision of historical data required
to estimate the impairment charge, we will need to consider whether it merits
reporting to those charged with governance as a gap in internal control. If it is not
deemed significant, we might still want to clearly communicate with management, to
ensure that the appropriate systems and processes are implemented to record the
relevant data, to make impairment of accounts receivable simpler and more efficient
in future years.
Final thoughts
What is the impact on the current year’s financial statements (if the
entity’s year end is 31 December 2017)?
In accordance with IAS 8, entities need to include and disclose, in the notes to the
financial statements, the impact of new standards that have been published but not
yet come into effect. This disclosure will therefore apply for all entities applying IFRS
9 from 1 January 2018, and it should include the impact of all elements of the
standard, including impairment for accounts receivable.
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© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
The standard expects discussion on the proposed impact and a quantification of that
impact on the financial statements. Therefore, it would be expected that, if material,
disclosure is included of the impact of applying IFRS 9 to accounts receivable in the
current year’s financial statements. If management has concluded that it is
immaterial, it would be still expected that some qualitative disclosure is included that
discusses the process undertaken by the entity to support its conclusion, and why
there has been no material impact.
Are there any additional disclosures that an entity needs to make in
interim financial statements in 2018 or for next year’s financial
statements (if its year end is 31 December 2018)?
The main disclosure requirements for interim financial statements stem from IAS 34,
‘Interim financial reporting’. There are no specific explicit changes to those
requirements as a result of IFRS 9; however, there are existing requirements in
relation to disclosure of significant events, transactions or notes describing changes
and differences from the prior annual financial statements. Therefore, for non-
financial institutions, the nature of the disclosures will be driven by the facts and
circumstances of the entity’s business and the materiality of the changes required for
the entity.
For the first set of full financial statements under IFRS 9, there are additional
requirements stemming from amendments to IFRS 7 disclosures generally, and in
particular concerning credit risk, that will have an impact on impairment of accounts
receivable. More extensive disclosure is required about an entity’s credit risk
management practices and how they relate to the recognition and measurement of
expected credit losses.
For entities adopting and applying the provision matrix approach, the standard
allows some of the disclosures to be based on provision matrix data as a
simplification. There will be additional effort in gathering the relevant data to
populate these disclosures, and so entities should start now and work to make sure
that systems and processes are designed to capture the information.
FAQ 45.13.2 Example of a provision matrix for corporates
A non-financial entity has trade receivables of CU140 that do not have a significant
financing component at the reporting date. The entity wants to use a provision matrix
to determine the lifetime expected credit loss (ECL) for its trade receivables, as
permitted by IFRS 9. It is proposing to analyse its trade receivables into time buckets
and apply a standard historical loss rate to those time buckets as illustrated below:
90 days
Trade receivable
balances at
reporting date: [1]
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© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
Loss rate: [2]
Expected credit
[1] x [2]
Can the entity use the above approach to determine its IFRS 9 ECL provision?
No, not necessarily. This is because, to the extent that reasonable and supportable
information is available without undue cost or effort, a provision matrix for IFRS 9
purposes should reflect:
relevant forward-looking information; and
different loss rates for different time buckets of receivables, because older
receivables would be expected to have a lower probability of settlement and hence
a higher loss rate.
In addition, depending on the diversity of its customer base, the entity should use
different provision matrices for different groups of receivables on the basis of shared
credit risk characteristics. This would be the case if historical (and/or forecast) credit
loss experience shows significantly different loss patterns for different customer
segments. For example, receivables might be grouped by geographical region, product
type, customer rating, collateral or trade credit insurance, or type of customer.
IFRS 9 is not prescriptive about how to develop a provision matrix. One approach is
illustrated below. However, other approaches might be appropriate, provided that
they are consistent with principles in IFRS 9.
Step 1: Define the period of sales and bad debts related to those sales
For each group of receivables, the entity defines a historical period of sales, and then
it determines how much of the receivables in respect of those sales resulted in cash
losses. The period of sales chosen used should be such that the historical losses
arising are a valid representation of loss patterns. For example, data for only a few
months is unlikely to be sufficiently long; however, using too long a period might not
be appropriate if there have been significant changes in the marketplace over that
period. A newly established entity or an entity entering a new market might not have
sufficient historical data of its own, in which case it might need to rely on external
data, such as industry loss ratios.
In this illustrative example, for illustrative purposes only, a period of one year is
determined to be appropriate, but the period to be used in practice would depend on
the facts and circumstances of each case. In that year, CU10,000 of sales were made
on credit (that is, trade receivables recognised) and cash losses of CU300 were
incurred in relation to those sales.
Step 2: Calculate the historical payment profile of the trade receivables
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© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
To determine the historical default rate for each time bucket of receivables, the
payment profile for the receivables arising in the historical period of sales must be
In this example, of the total sales of CU10,000, customers paid CU2,000 within 30
days of the sale date. Therefore CU8,000 of the sales were still outstanding after 30
days. Customers paid an additional CU3,500 within the next 30 days, resulting in
CU4,500 of sales that were not paid within 60 days. This analysis continues, as shown
below, until ultimately the remaining unpaid receivables of CU300 are written off as
losses by the entity.
Total sales (CU):
Total paid:
Ageing profile of
sales (step 3):
Paid in 30 days:
Paid between 30 and 60 days:
Paid between 60 and 90 days:
Paid after 90 days:
300 [loss]
Step 3: Calculate the historical loss rate
This step calculates the historical loss rate for each time bucket of receivables. From
the CU10,000 sales made in the period, there were losses of CU300. Therefore, these
CU300 receivables are included within the amount outstanding in each of the time
buckets (because the cash was never received), even though the amount outstanding
reduces for each subsequent period. For each time bucket, the historical loss rate can
be determined by dividing the ultimate loss (of CU300) by the amounts outstanding
in that time bucket, as illustrated below:
after 30
after 60
after 90
Ageing profile
of sales: [1]
Loss: [2]
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and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
Loss rate:
[2] / [1]
Step 4: Adjust the loss rate for current and forward-looking information
The historical loss rate should be adjusted to reflect current and forward-looking
information that might affect the ability of customers to settle the receivables. Such
information should be reasonable and supportable, and available without undue cost
or effort. Consideration should be given to the impact of expected changes in the
economic, regulatory and technological environment (such as industry outlook, GDP,
employment and politics) and external market indicators.
For example, there might be a historical correlation between unemployment rates
and the loss rate. In which case, if unemployment over the expected period of
outstanding receivables is expected to be higher or lower than the historical average
over the period during which losses have been observed, an adjustment would be
needed to the historical loss.
In this example, an economic downturn and increase in unemployment rates
compared with the historical period of sales is expected to lead to losses of CU400,
rather than CU300, per CU10,000 of sales. Provided that sales and the payment
profile are expected to remain materially the same as for the historical sales period,
the expected loss rates are recalculated as illustrated below:
after 30
after 60
after 90
Ageing profile of
sales: [1]
Expected loss: [2]
Expected loss rate:
[2] / [1]
Step 5: Calculate the expected credit loss using the expected loss rates
The final step is to apply the expected loss rates to the ageing profile of the receivables
at the reporting date, to determine the total expected credit loss:
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© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
90 days
Trade receivable
balances at
reporting date: [1]
Loss rate: [2]
Expected credit
[1] x [2]
The expected credit loss is CU12, which is higher than the CU4.20 that resulted from
the method set out in the question. The difference reflects the impact of forward-
looking information and the fact that the loss rate of the receivables by ageing profile
at the reporting date is not the same as the average loss rate in the historical reference
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for consultation with professional advisors.
© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the UK member firm,
and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity.
Please see for further details.
PwC clients who have questions about
this In depth should contact their
engagement partner.
Authored by:
Jessica Taurae
Partner Accounting
Consulting Services
Victoria Viney
Director Audit Risk &
Louise Brown
Senior Manager Accounting
Consulting Services
Iain Kirkpatrick
Senior Manager Audit Risk &