Illinois Nurse Practice Act
(225 ILCS 65/65-30)
(Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2028)
Sec. 65-30. APN scope of practice.
(a) Advanced practice nursing by certified nurse practitioners, certified nurse anesthetists,
certified nurse midwives, or clinical nurse specialists is based on knowledge and skills acquired
throughout an advanced practice nurse's nursing education, training, and experience.
(b) Practice as an advanced practice nurse means a scope of nursing practice, with or without
compensation, and includes the registered nurse scope of practice.
(c) The scope of practice of an advanced practice nurse includes, but is not limited to, each of
the following:
(1) Advanced nursing patient assessment and diagnosis.
(2) Ordering diagnostic and therapeutic tests and procedures, performing those tests and
procedures when using health care equipment, and interpreting and using the results of
diagnostic and therapeutic tests and procedures ordered by the advanced practice nurse or
another health care professional.
(3) Ordering treatments, ordering or applying appropriate medical devices, and using
nursing medical, therapeutic, and corrective measures to treat illness and improve health status.
(4) Providing palliative and end-of-life care.
(5) Providing advanced counseling, patient education, health education, and patient
(6) Prescriptive authority as defined in Section 65-40 of this Act.
(7) Delegating selected nursing activities or tasks to a licensed practical nurse, a registered
professional nurse, or other personnel.
Illinois Nurse Practice Act
(225 ILCS 65/50
(Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2028)
Sec. 50-75. Nursing delegation by a registered professional nurse.
(a) For the purposes of this Section:
"Delegation" means transferring to a specific individual the authority to
perform a specific nursing intervention in a specific situation.
"Predictability of outcomes" means that a registered professional nurse or
advanced practice registered nurse has determined that the patient's or
individual's clinical status is stable and expected to improve or the patient's or
individual's deteriorating condition is expected to follow a known or expected
"Stability" means a registered professional nurse or advanced practice
registered nurse has determin
ed that the individual's clinical status and
nursing care needs are consistent.
(b) This Section authorizes a registered professional nurse or advanced
practice registered nurse to:
(1) delegate nursing interventions to other
registered professional nurses, licensed practical nurses, and other
unlicensed personnel based on the comprehensive nursing assessment
that includes, but is not limited to:
(A) the stability and condition of the patient;
(B) the potential for harm;
(C) the complexity of the nursing intervention to
be delegated;
(D) the predictability of outcomes; and
(E) competency of the individual to whom the
nursing intervention is delegated;
(2) delegate medication administration to other
licensed nurses;
(3) in community-based or in-home care settings,
delegate the administration of medication (limited to oral or subcutaneous
dosage and topical or transdermal application) to unlicensed personnel, if
all the conditions for delegation set forth in this Section are met;
(4) refuse to delegate, stop, or rescind a previously
authorized delegation; or
(5) in community-based or in-home care settings,
delegate, guide, and evaluate the implementation of nursing interventions
as a component of patient care coordination after completion of the
comprehensive patient assessment based on analysis of the comprehensive
nursing assessment data; care coordination
in in-home care and school
settings may occur in person, by telecommunication, or by electronic
(c) This Section prohibits the following:
(1) An individual or entity from mandating that a
registered professional nurse delegate nursing interventions if the
registered professional nurse determines it is inappropriate to do so. Nurses
shall not be subject to disciplinary or any other adverse action for refusing
to delegate a nursing intervention based on patient safety.
(2) The delegation of medication administration to
unlicensed personnel in any institutional or long-term facility, including,
but not limited to, those facilities licensed by the Hospital Licensing Act,
the University of Illinois Hospital
Act, State-operated mental health
hospitals, or State
-operated developmental centers, except as authorized
under Article 80 of this Act or otherwise specifically authorized by law.
(3) A registered professional nurse from delegating
nursing judgment, the comprehensive patient assessment, the development
of a plan of care, and the evaluation of care to licensed or unlicensed
(4) A licensed practical nurse or unlicensed
personnel who has been delegated a nursing intervention from re-
delegating a nursing intervention.
(Source: P.A. 100-513, eff. 1-1-18.)
(Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2028)
Sec. 65-35. Written collaborative agreements.
(e) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit the delegation of tasks or duties by a
physician to a licensed practical nurse, a registered professional nurse, or other persons in
accordance with Section 54.2 of the Medical Practice Act of 1987. Nothing in this Act shall be
construed to limit the method of delegation that may be authorized by any means, including, but
not limited to, oral, written, electronic, standing orders, protocols, guidelines, or verbal orders.
Section 1300.20 Nursing Delegation
a) For the purposes of this Section:
"Delegation" means transferring to an individual the authority to perform a selected nursing
activity or task, in a selected situation.
"Nursing Activity" means any work requiring the use of knowledge acquired by completion of
an approved program for licensure, including advanced education, continuing education, and
experience as a licensed practical nurse or professional nurse, as defined by this Part.
b) Nursing shall be practiced by licensed practical nurses, registered professional nurses,
and advanced practice nurses. In the delivery of nursing care, nurses work with many other
licensed professionals and other persons. An advanced practice nurse may delegate to registered
professional nurses, licensed practical nurses, and others persons.
c) A registered professional nurse shall not delegate any nursing activity requiring the
specialized knowledge, judgment, and skill of a licensed nurse to an unlicensed person,
including medication administration. A registered professional nurse may delegate nursing
activities to other registered professional nurses or licensed practical nurses.
d) A registered professional nurse may delegate medication administration to a licensed
medication aide in a qualified facility as authorized by Section 80-20 of the Act.
e) A registered nurse may delegate tasks to other licensed and unlicensed persons. A
licensed practical nurse who has been delegated a nursing activity shall not re-delegate the
nursing activity. A registered professional nurse or advanced practice nurse retains the right to
refuse to delegate or to stop or rescind a previously authorized delegation. (Section 50-75 of the