Montana Supreme Court
Office of the Court Administrator
Montana Courts Electronic Filing
FAQ April 2024 i
Frequently Asked Questions
Click on a question or topic to view help on that subject, or search the document by typing Control+F
(PC) or Command+F (Mac) on your keyboard then typing in a keyword or phrase.
Table of Contents
Registration ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Instead of creating my own account, can I login with someone else’s account? ................................. 1
Which role should I register with? ........................................................................................................ 1
Attorneys Why does it say my name does not match the bar record? ............................................. 1
Why do I get a message saying I am pending user approval? .............................................................. 1
I never received a verification email? ................................................................................................... 1
Authorized Staff After I register I do not have an option to create filings. ....................................... 2
Login .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
My username and password do not work. ........................................................................................... 2
Account Management .................................................................................................................................. 2
Account Information ................................................................................................................................. 2
How can I change my account information? ........................................................................................ 2
Emails, Notifications and Receiving Notice of Service .............................................................................. 2
How can my support staff receive eService notification emails? ......................................................... 2
Managing Support Staff ............................................................................................................................ 2
Attorneys, Judges, Clerks and Case Participants How do I manage who works on my behalf? ........ 2
Authorized Staff I don’t have any options to file? ............................................................................. 2
How do I change who I am working on behalf of? ............................................................................... 3
Homepage ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Can I change what I see on my homepage?.......................................................................................... 3
Case Search/View.......................................................................................................................................... 3
Case Search ............................................................................................................................................... 3
I cannot find the case I am looking for? ................................................................................................ 3
Case View .................................................................................................................................................. 4
I click on the documents, but they don’t show up? .............................................................................. 4
Create a Filing ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Create Filing page ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Can I file on a case if I do not know the case number? ........................................................................ 4
I cannot find a filing type or subtype to match my document? ........................................................... 4
FAQ April 2024 ii
I cannot fill in a Filing Type or Filing Subtype, or move past the Create Filing page? .......................... 4
Can I file on a case if I am not listed as a party or attorney on the case? ............................................ 4
Filing Information page ............................................................................................................................. 5
What if I am not filing on behalf of any of the parties on the case? .................................................... 5
Attorneys (New Case) Party Information page ...................................................................................... 5
What if I do not know some of the mandatory information about the party ...................................... 5
Upload Documents page ........................................................................................................................... 5
How can I electronically sign a document? ........................................................................................... 5
Is there a limit to the size of document I can upload?.......................................................................... 5
How do I seal or make a document confidential? ................................................................................ 5
What if I do not want to eServe a document? ...................................................................................... 5
Service Information page .......................................................................................................................... 5
Do I need to create my own COS? ........................................................................................................ 5
Do I need to manually serve someone if their service method is eService? ........................................ 6
Do I need to manually serve someone if their service method is Email? ............................................. 6
Someone I need to serve is missing from the Service Information page? ........................................... 6
Can I add someone to the COS who is not listed on this page? ........................................................... 6
Time and Effect of E-Filed Submissions ........................................................................................................ 6
When will my submitted document be file stamped? .......................................................................... 6
What if I miss a deadline because my filing was rejected?................................................................... 7
What if I miss a deadline because my filing errored? ........................................................................... 7
Submitted, Rejected and Error Filings .......................................................................................................... 7
My filing was rejected; how can I make changes and resubmit it? ...................................................... 7
What should I do if my filing errors?..................................................................................................... 7
I resubmitted my rejected/errored filing, but it is still in the Rejected/Error Queue? ......................... 8
Receiving Notice of Service ........................................................................................................................... 8
Why did I not receive Notice of Service? .............................................................................................. 8
Contact Information ...................................................................................................................................... 8
How do I contact the E-Filing staff? ...................................................................................................... 8
FAQ April 2024 1
Instead of creating my own account, can I login with someone else’s account?
No. The Temporary E-Filing Rules state, in part:
Which role should I register with?
County attorneys and any attorney initiating Criminal (DC), Juvenile (DJ), Abuse and Neglect
(DN), Involuntary Commitment (DI) or Developmental Disability (DD) cases in district courts or
Criminal (CR) cases in limited jurisdiction courts should register with the role “Govt Attorney.”
Public defenders, private attorneys and Pro Hac Vice attorneys should register with the role
“Attorney.” Use the bar ID given to you by the Montana Bar.
Paralegals, judicial assistants and clerks of limited jurisdiction courts should register with the
role “Authorized Staff.
District and limited court judges require preregistration and should contact E-Filing staff to
register for E-Filing.
Members of reporting agencies such as CASA, Adult Probation & Parole and Sherriff’s Office
should generally register with the role “Case Participant. If you are an active attorney for that
agency, register with the role “Attorney.”
Attorneys Why does it say my name does not match the bar record?
If you are registering as an attorney or government attorney, the name you put into the user
information fields must match exactly what is recorded with the Montana Bar Association. Pay special
attention to punctuation and special characters. For example, if your name is registered as “E-File A.
Attorney” the name fields must read:
Last Name: Attorney
First Name: E-File
Middle Name: A.
Once you are registered you can change the way your name appears in E-Filing. Your name only needs
to match the Bar record during the registration process.
Why do I get a message saying I am pending user approval?
This is a good thing. Check the email inbox of the email address you used to register for the E-Filing
system. You will receive an email from noreplym[email protected] after submitting the registration
form. The email will say “Please click here to confirm this as your primary e-mail.” By clickinghere” you
will finalize the registration process.
I never received a verification email?
If you never received an email to finalize your account, log into the E-Filing system. Click on your name
in the top right corner of the screen, then click “My Account.”
Check that the Primary E-Mail is correct. Edit and save it, if needed.
At the bottom of the User Information page Click “Re-send Verification email.”
FAQ April 2024 2
Authorized Staff After I register I do not have an option to create filings.
If there is no menu in the top left corner of the page, you are not designated to work on behalf of a
primary user. Before you have access to file on a case, you need to be working on behalf of a judge,
attorney, or case participant. For more information, please see the section about managing support
Login page: (we suggest you bookmark this page)
My username and password do not work.
If logging into the E-Filing system with a state employee C#
o Use the same credentials you use to log in to the state network.
o If your password is expired, contact your agency’s IT office to reset your password.
If you are logging into the E-Filing system with Okta
o Login with the Okta account (e-mail address) that is associated with your e-filing
o If you forgot your credentials, clickNeed help singing in? then follow the instructions
to recover the login credentials.
o If you are still having problems, please contact SITSD at 406-444-2000.
Try using a different internet browser or clearing your internet browser cache.
Account Management
Account Information
How can I change my account information?
Log in to E-Filing, click on your name in the top right corner, then click “My Account”. At the User
Administration page, change the information, then click Save. If you need to change your role, please
contact E-Filing staff.
Emails, Notifications and Receiving Notice of Service
How can my support staff receive eService notification emails?
Both the primary and secondary emails in the attorney’s account will receive service. If you want a
specific person or group email box to receive service, add that email address as your secondary email.
Listing the paralegal as support staff alone will not ensure that the paralegal receives eService
Managing Support Staff
Attorneys, Judges, Clerks and Case Participants How do I manage who works on my
At the User Administration page, under Authorized Support Staff, click “Add Support Staff.” Type in the
name of the person you want to add. Using only one or two fields tends to yield the best results. Using
too many fields can make the search fail. Click <Search>. Click on the name of the person you want to
add, then click <Save>.
Authorized Staff I don’t have any options to file?
Register with the E-Filing system using the role “Authorized Staff. Have the person you will be working
on behalf of add you as support staff in their account settings.
FAQ April 2024 3
The responsibility of linking accounts rests on the principal user (attorney or judge). As an authorized
staff, you need the principal user to log into their account and add you as authorized staff.
How do I change who I am working on behalf of?
If you work on behalf of multiple people you can change who you are working on behalf of. Click your
name in the top right corner to display the dropdown menu, click on Switch User, then select the name
of the person you want to work on behalf of.
The person you are working on behalf of is shown in gray below your name.
If you submit a filing on behalf of the wrong attorney, the Certificate of Service will say that you have
submitted the filing on behalf of that incorrect attorney.
Can I change what I see on my homepage?
Yes. On the home page in the top right corner underneath your name is a cogwheel icon . Click on
the cogwheel, select which widgets you want to see, then click <Save>. Once you have selected your
widgets you can rearrange them by clicking the header of the widget and dragging it to a new spot.
Case Search/View
Case Search
I cannot find the case I am looking for?
The E-Filing system is not a public access system. To view a case, you must either be counsel of
record on the case, or court staff.
Check that you have selected the correct court.
If you are searching for a closed case, make sure the checkbox “Exclude Closed” is unmarked (it
is marked by default).
If you are support staff, make sure you are working on behalf of an attorney on the case.
Attorneys: The clerks office must have your bar number saved to your attorney record in order
for you to have case access in e-filing. When filing at a new court, provide the clerks with your
bar number.
If you are a judge looking for another judge’s case, remove your name from the Assigned Judge
When you search, too many variables increase the chances of making a mistake or restricting
the search too much. Try using only the Case Number or Last Name fields.
For the Case number field:
o In the Montana Supreme Court, enter the entire case number (e.g. DA 17-0001).
o In a trial court, only enter the number to the right of the final hyphen. For example, for
case DC-32-2017-1 only enter “1” in the Case Number field.
For County Attorneys on DN, DD, or DI cases:
o If you are the attorney for the State on one of these three case types, but do not have
access to the case, there is a data change that needs to be made to the case by the
clerk’s office.
o Clerks The attorney’s record must have the designation “prosecutor” and have a bar
FAQ April 2024 4
Case View
I click on the documents, but they don’t show up?
Check that your Internet browser is set to allow pop-ups. It is common for iPad and iPhone users to
need to change their popup settings to view documents.
Chrome may provide more consistent access than Firefox or Safari.
There may be old (10-plus years old) Minute Entry documents that are not able to be viewed on certain
mobile devices.
Create a Filing
Create Filing page
Can I file on a case if I do not know the case number?
If you do not know the case number for the case you want to file on, you can use Case Search to find the
If the case is open, click on the case. On the left side of the screen in the case information box,
click the <Create E-Filing> button to start a filing on the case.
If the case is closed, record the full case number of the case, then click on Create Filing from the
upper left-hand menu and fill in the case number.
Court Reporters and Case Participants will need to know the case number since they will not be
able to perform a search within the E-Filing system.
I cannot find a filing type or subtype to match my document?
The filing type and subtype do not need to match the document exactly. Select the filing type and
subtype that most closely represents your filing.
I cannot fill in a Filing Type or Filing Subtype, or move past the Create Filing page?
On the Create Filing page, the E-Filing system checks to make sure that you have provided a valid case
number. Any time you file on an existing case, the E-Filing system verifies that the specified case exists
in the database. If the case does not exist, or the case number format is incorrect, a red box will appear
around the Case Number box.
Check that the correct court is selected in the court dropdown menu.
Insert the full case number in the Case Number field.
o Montana Supreme Court The format will look like DA 17-0001.
o Trial courts The format will look like DC-32-2017-1. In this example, the “32”
represents the specific court identifier for Missoula County District Court. Each court
has its own unique identifier. You can learn a courts identifier by using Case Search.
The court identifier is the number immediately following the first hyphen.
If none of the above work and you are still experiencing problems, contact the clerk’s office and
report the issue.
o Clerks Check that all the attorneys on the case have accurate bar numbers.
Can I file on a case if I am not listed as a party or attorney on the case?
Yes, you can file on the case if you know the case number, but you will not be able to view the case if
you are not a party or representing a party on the case. Users registered with the role “Case
Participant” will always fall under this category.
FAQ April 2024 5
Filing Information page
What if I am not filing on behalf of any of the parties on the case?
You can select any or all parties, but you must select at least one.
Attorneys (New Case) Party Information page
What if I do not know some of the mandatory information about the party
All mandatory information fields are denoted by a red asterisk. If you do not know this information you
can enter “unknown” in the information field.
Upload Documents page
How can I electronically sign a document?
The TEFR specifies signature requirements for e-filed documents, including multiple signatures on a
single document.
In part, TEFR (10)(a)2 states:
Is there a limit to the size of document I can upload?
Yes, the upper limit is approximately 20 MB. For documents larger than 20 MB, separate the document
into two or more files. Attach the remaining parts as additional lead documents using the same filing
type and filing subtype.
How do I seal or make a document confidential?
At the Upload Document page, click Request Confidential, then in the dropdown menu select the reason
the document should be confidential. This will alert the clerk that a request has been made to make the
document confidential.
Note: Attorneys have technical access to see all documents on cases on which theyre attorney of
record, including sealed documents.
What if I do not want to eServe a document?
For documents you do not want served, such as a writ of attachment, click Exclude from eService to
prevent the E-Filing system from sending eService to anyone.
If you click Exclude from eService on the first lead document no eService will be sent for the entire
submission. If you do not click Exclude from eService on the first lead document, but click Exclude from
eService on an additional document, only that specific document will be excluded from eService.
Exclude from eService does not allow you to select specific parties to be excluded from service. There
may be options on the Service Information page to allow this.
Service Information page
Do I need to create my own COS?
No, a certificate of service will automatically be created from the information on the Service Information
screen as long as you are serving at least one person. It will be attached as a separate page(s) at the end
of your lead document. This requires the information on the service information page to be accurate.
FAQ April 2024 6
Do I need to manually serve someone if their service method is eService?
No, at the time the filing is submitted, the E-Filing system automatically sends notice of service to
anyone whose Service Method is eService.
Do I need to manually serve someone if their service method is Email?
Yes, the E-Filing system does not automatically send email service to anyone who has email listed as
their method of service. The E-Filing system only serves people with eService listed as their method of
Someone I need to serve is missing from the Service Information page?
Official parties from the court’s case management system are displayed on the Service Information
page. This typically excludes victims and others who may be involved with the case but are not official
parties. If you feel the information is incorrect, contact the clerk’s office.
Can I add someone to the COS who is not listed on this page?
Yes, click Add Other Recipient, then fill in the Last Name field and click <Search>. If the person is
registered with the E-Filing system, they will be listed, and you can click on their name to add them as an
eService recipient. If the person or organization is not listed in the menu, click <Add Non E-Filers>. Then
include all relevant information you want displayed on the COS. Click <Add>, and once the person or
organization is listed under Other Recipients select the Service Method you will use to serve them.
Note: do not add any information that should not be listed on the COS, such as a victim’s name or
contact information.
Time and Effect of E-Filed Submissions
When will my submitted document be file stamped?
There are two possible answers, depending on if your submission occurs on a court business day.
If you submit a document on a court business day and the document is not rejected, it will receive a file
stamp of the day it was submitted. You have until 11:59:59 PM (Helena time) to submit your document
to receive that day’s filing date. (TEFR 4(c))
If you submit a document on a day that is not a court business day and the document is not rejected, it
will receive a file stamp of the court’s next business day.
The timing listed above applies without regard to the actual day that the clerk processes your
Examples of how the file stamp rules work:
If you submit your documents on a court business day, say Friday at 8:30 PM, and the
submission is accepted and filed the following week, your document(s) will be file stamped with
Friday’s date.
Assume you are submitting a document on Saturday to a court for which Saturday is not a
business day and the following Monday is a business day. If your submission is accepted and
filed on any day of the following week, your document(s) will be file stamped with Monday’s
FAQ April 2024 7
What if I miss a deadline because my filing was rejected?
You take a risk when submitting a document via E-Filing that the document will be rejected by the clerk.
Upon receiving your submission, the clerk will decide whether to accept it or reject it. Clerks typically
follow local rules for rejection reasons, which may include lack of signature, wrong case numbers or
other basic errors. If you are filing during court business hours and your filing is rejected, you may be
able to quickly correct the error and resubmit.
TEFR 13(a)2 states in part:
What if I miss a deadline because my filing errored?
Infrequently, there will be a system fault that causes your submission to error. You should receive
notice of this error within a few minutes of the error situation. An entry will appear in your Error Filing
queue (and in the error filings widget if you have it displayed and, in the notifications, and email,
depending on your notifications settings). At that time, be certain to keep a copy of original submission
notification so that you have proof of the submission time. Contact the court clerk for resolution.
TEFR 13(a)1 states in part:
Submitted, Rejected and Error Filings
My filing was rejected; how can I make changes and resubmit it?
In the main menu hover your mouse over Filings, then click <Rejected> to open your Rejected Filing
Queue. Click on the arrow in the resubmit column (near the right side of the window). When asked if
you want to create a draft, click <OK>. The Filing Summary page is displayed and you have the option to
click <Edit Filing> or <Add To Cart>. Click <Edit Filing> and make the necessary changes before adding to
the cart and submitting again. For instance, you may need to modify a document and reupload it before
adding it to the cart.
If your filing was rejected because it was filed on the wrong case, you will need to create a brand-new
If you are a support staff and your filing got rejected because it was submitted on behalf of the wrong
person, you will need to create a brand-new filing.
What should I do if my filing errors?
On rare occasions, the E-Filing system will fail to deliver a submission to the clerk’s office. This usually
indicates some system-wide error that is not due to your own efforts. There are two error messages
you may encounter.
If the error notification says, “Please resubmit your documents,” check to make sure that your
document is not password protected and resubmit it. If this happens repeatedly, please contact
E-Filing staff to report the problem.
FAQ April 2024 8
Even less frequently, you may receive an error message that says in part, “Validation/processing
error.” If this occurs, please contact the E-Filing staff immediately.
Note that if an errored filing is time sensitive, you may need to submit your document(s) on paper.
Please retain the submission notifications of any error filing to prove the precise date and time that it
was originally submitted so that the court can grant appropriate relief.
I resubmitted my rejected/errored filing, but it is still in the Rejected/Error Queue?
After resubmitting your rejected or errored filing, it will remain in the rejected or errored queue until
you remove it. To remove a filing, mark the checkbox on the left side of the line corresponding to the
filing, then click <Delete>. If your filing gets rejected or errors again, a new rejected or errored filing will
Receiving Notice of Service
Why did I not receive Notice of Service?
Notice of Service from counsel is always sent to both the primary and secondary emails listed in the
attorney’s account. If neither of those received an eService email, check that the service email did not
end up in a spam or junk folder. Make sure you have no email filtering rules in place. You may need to
add to your list of trusted senders. You will also receive a home page
notification of service.
You will continue to receive court orders and other notices from the clerk in the same way you receive
them now.
Your authorized support staff will not automatically receive notice of service through email unless you
have that email address listed as your primary or secondary email address. All support staff will be able
to access the service notifications that are available on the home page. Click here for further
Contact Information
How do I contact the E-Filing staff?
E-Filing staff contact information:
Tech support email: efilingtechsupp[email protected]