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IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 Activityteachers notes
An activity to introduce Academic Writing task 2, involving task analysis, idea generation, essay planning
and language activation. Students are then asked to write an essay and to analyse two sample scripts.
Time required: 130 minutes (90100 minutes for procedure 1-12. Follow up text
analysis another 3040 mins).
None although you might like to prepare OHTs of sample task;
OHTs of Worksheets 1, 2, 3 and 4; photocopies of Worksheet 5 and
the sample scripts.
to give students practice in the main steps required to write a task 2
to analyse the task, generate ideas, consider idea relevance
to revise language for organising the essay
to practise writing a timed essay
to show students how to assess essays critically.
1. Show the sample task on an OHT to the class. Hand out worksheet 1 or show it on an OHT and ask
students to work in pairs to discuss their answers to it.
2. Hold a whole class feedback session, clarifying any points as necessary.
3. Ask students how many sides there are to this question. Make sure students realise there are four.
Use an OHT of worksheet 2 or draw four boxes on the board as in worksheet 2 and ask students to
copy them onto a piece of A4, or handout worksheet 2.
4. Ask students to brainstorm in pairs some ideas and examples for each box.
5. Show worksheet 3 on an OHT or handout. Ask the pairs of students to discuss which of these ideas
are relevant for this essay. Remind students that they will be penalised if they include ideas which
are not relevant to the essay question.
6. Re-divide the class so that new groups of four are formed with students who were not working
together previously. Do this by taking four pairs and asking one student from each pair to form a
group. If class numbers do not allow groups of four, use groups of three.
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7. Students now pool their ideas and organise them to form a plan. They should consider which ideas
go together. Perhaps they will need to drop some of the ideas if there are too many, so they will
need to consider which ideas are the most relevant and important.
8. Once the groups have decided on the ideas they will use, ask them to consider which of their ideas
are claims or views and which ones are supporting evidence. They should be sure to have
supporting evidence or examples for each of their claims at this stage.
9. Hand out, or show on an OHT, worksheet 4. As a class, students think of as many expressions as
possible for each box. Remind students that they will be penalised if they don’t clearly organise their
essay, and if they don’t use a variety of these types of expressions.
10. Add to the worksheet as necessary by going through it with the whole class.
11. Students write their essay under timed conditions (30 minutes, plus 5 minutes self- checking at the
12. Students exchange their essays with a partner and check them again before handing them to the
Additional information
Make a copy of the assessment criteria available to the students before this lesson.
If time and interest allows, the follow-up activity can be done before they write their own essay i.e. between
steps 10 and 11 in the procedure.
Suggested follow-up activities/questions (and answers)
1. Hand out the two sample scripts plus worksheet 5 either the same day or a following day. Alternatively
use two essays that two of your students have written (ask the student for permission first), plus the
2. Ask the students to read the sample scripts or essays and complete the worksheet as they read.
3. Students discuss their answers in pairs and then as a class.
4. Students apply the same questions to their own essay (if this is done as follow-up).
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IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 Activityanswer keys
Key to Worksheet 1
1. Is the text in normal print simply advice, or do candidates have to follow it?
These instructions appear on each Academic Writing Question Paper and candidates need to follow them
so that they answer the questions correctly.
2. Are there two sentences that give candidates instructions here?
No. There are four separate instructions in this question:
Spend about 40 minutes on this task
Write about the following topic.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and
Write at least 250 words.
These instructions will appear with each Writing Task 2 and there may be other specific instructions in the
question itself. Candidates should always make sure to read all of the printed information carefully.
3. Is the writing in bold italics the question candidates have to answer?
Yes. For each Academic Writing Question Paper, the Task 2 question itself is printed in bold italics.
4. Do candidates only have to answer the question ‘To what extent do you agree or disagree’?
No. The three sentences before this contain information which tells the candidates the exact topic that they
need to discuss. They will need to present information which is relevant to the topic, in this particular case,
the advantages and disadvantages associated with nuclear weapons and nuclear power. Any views
expressed will need to be supported using examples or evidence which are specifically relevant to the task
Students need to answer the question ‘To what extent do you agree or disagree’ by giving their opinion,
having evaluated the relevant pros and cons.
5. Is it enough for candidates to give just their own opinion about this topic?
No. In this case candidates have to say how much they agree or disagree with the use of nuclear
technology, and for each Writing Task 2 they must be sure to follow the instruction which says ‘Give
reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience ’.
6. Do candidates have to pretend to be a specialist when they are writing their answer?
No. Candidatesanswers should be formal and academic but they are not expected to be a specialist and
should write in a non-specialist way so that their answer can be clearly understood by someone with no
specialist knowledge of this topic. This is reinforced by the instruction to ‘include any relevant examples
from your own knowledge or experience ’.
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Key to Worksheet 2
Possible ideas are:
Advantages of Nuclear Power
Compared to fossil fuels, nuclear power
- cheaper to produce
- quicker to produce
- cleaner to produce (e.g. no smoke as
there is from coal)
It cannot run out (compared to e.g. oil
rising prices as it is running low)
Advantages of Nuclear Weapons
The threat of them is enough to stop war
breaking out (e.g. USA and former Soviet
Union during the Cold War)
Disadvantages of Nuclear Power
Possibility of serious health risks if not
handled carefully (e.g. Chernobyl)
Expensive to set up initially
Poor image
Disadvantages of Nuclear Weapons
Only rich countries can afford them, leading
to an imbalance of power (e.g. America)
Incredibly destructive
Creates a climate of distrust e.g. North Korea
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Key to Worksheet 3
The ideas in the first column are all irrelevant to this essay while those in the second column could be
The development of weapons through
historyAlthough weapons are referred
to here, it is only in the context of nuclear
technology, so a discussion of weapons in
general would be irrelevant here.
The depletion of natural resources
This is one possible reason why more
countries are considering nuclear power
and so is relevant.
Suggestions for achieving world peace
Although world peace is referred to, it
would be a mistake to concentrate on this
too much as it will inevitably lead the writer
away from the topic of nuclear technology.
The high cost of fuel This can be
argued as a reason why cheaper power
sources need to be found.
Our increasing reliance on modern
technologyModern technology is not
linked to the theme of nuclear technology.
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Key to Worksheet 4
Cause and effect
This issue/problem…
Generally speaking…
As a result
Because of…
Owing to
Given that…
In conclusion…
In summary…
To sum up…
There seems to be little
doubt that…
For example
In addition
What is more
Not only
...but also...
In spite of
In contrast
Such as
For instance
A case in point
One example of this
In this way
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Key to Worksheet 5
Sample Script A Sample Script B
Does the introduction tell you
exactly what the topic is?
No, it could be more fully
developed or clearer.
Yes, though the second sentence
introduces a new idea.
Do any of the ideas need
more information?
It is not clear why present
sources of energy will finish.
What connectors have been
used to improve the
cohesion of the paragraph?
None. Which; During these years; but
What benefits of nuclear
technology does the writer
The same as the question +
nuclear technology can help in
the field of medicine and the
engineering sector and nuclear
rays can treat cancer.
No threat of pollution; limitless;
effective for industrial purposes.
Are the benefits given
different to the ones in the
Some are. Yes.
What disadvantages of
nuclear technology does the
writer discuss?
Limited only to a few countries; if
mishandled there is a risk of
contamination to nearby population.
What connectors are used to
link the ideas together?
And; that is why; because; then;
so; though; but; on the other
hand; in conclusion
And; this is due to; since; in fact;
when and if ... then; the following; as
stated before; the advantages are that
...; the disadvantages are that ...; also;
as we all know; it is clear that; in
conclusion; so that
Is there enough evidence to
support the writer’s claims
and ideas?
No. No examples given of
disadvantages; no examples of
how nuclear technology can
help in engineering; can nuclear
rays cure cancer?
Do any of the ideas need to
be developed further?
Yes (see above) + why do other
energy sources need ‘large
Perhaps more information about the
‘energy crisis’ and what will cause it.
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Are any ideas repeated too
No. The advantages are repeated.
Is it clear where the
conclusion begins?
Yes – ‘In conclusion ...’ though a
separate paragraph would be
Yes. ‘In conclusion ... ’ and it is also
marked with a separate paragraph.
Does the conclusion
summarise the ideas used in
the body of the essay?
No, the problems are never
Is the question ‘Do you agree
or disagree?’ answered?
Not directly.
The writers position is made clear
‘Nuclear power is good’.
What connectors are used in
the conclusion?
In conclusion; but In conclusion; it is up to ...; so that
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IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 Activity – Student’s Worksheet 1
1. Is the text in normal print simply advice, or do candidates have to follow it?
2. Are there two sentences that give candidates instructions here?
3. Is the writing in bold italics the question candidates have to answer?
4. Do candidates only have to answer the question ‘To what extent do you agree or disagree ’?
5. Is it enough for candidates to just give their own opinion about this topic?
6. Do candidates have to pretend to be a specialist when they are writing their answer?
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IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 ActivityStudent’s Worksheet 2
Advantages of Nuclear Power
Advantages of Nuclear Weapons
Disadvantages of Nuclear Power
Disadvantages of Nuclear Weapons
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IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 ActivityStudent’s Worksheet 3
Which of these ideas could be included in this essay?
The development of weapons through history
Suggestions for achieving world peace
Our increasing reliance on modern technology
The depletion of natural resources
The high cost of fuel
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IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 ActivityStudent’s Worksheet 4
Cause and effect
As a result
In conclusion…
For example
Such as…
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IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 ActivityStudent’s Worksheet 5
Look at Sample scripts A and B and answer the following questions:
Sample Script A Sample Script B
Does the introduction tell you
exactly what the topic is?
Do any of the ideas need
more information?
What connectors have been
used to improve the
cohesion of the paragraph?
What benefits of nuclear
technology does the writer
Are the benefits given
different to the ones in the
What disadvantages of
nuclear technology does the
writer discuss?
What connectors are used to
link the ideas together?
Is there enough evidence to
support the writer’s claims
and ideas?
Do any of the ideas need to
be developed further?
Are any ideas repeated too
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Is it clear where the
conclusion begins?
Does the conclusion
summarise the ideas used in
the body of the essay?
Is t
he question ‘Do you agree
or disagree?’ answered?
What connectors are used in
the conclusion?
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IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 ActivitySample Task
Sample task
Academic Writing Sample Task 2B
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic.
The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and
clean energy.
The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
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IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 ActivitySample Script A
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Examiner comment
Band 5
Although the script contains some good arguments, these are presented using poor structures and the answer is not very coherent. The candidate
has a clear point of view but not all the supporting arguments are linked together well and sometimes ideas are left unfinished. There is quite a lot of
relevant vocabulary but this is not used skilfully and sentences often have words missing or lapse into different styles. The answer is spoilt by
grammatical errors and poor expression.
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IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 ActivitySample Script B
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Examiner comment
Band 7
The answer is well-written and contains some good arguments. It does tend to repeat these arguments but the writer’s point of view remains clear
throughout. The message is easy to follow and ideas are arranged well with good use of cohesive devices. There are minor problems with
coherence and at times the expression is clumsy and imprecise. There is a wide range of structures that are well handled with only small problems
in the use of vocabulary, mainly in the areas of spelling and word choice.