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New Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Continuing Education (CE)
requirement to renew licenses issued by DPR beginning January 1, 2020
NOTE: For Real Estate professions, please click here.
A new law passed in 2019 requires individuals with licenses issued by DPR that require CE to renew their
license also complete 1 hour of CE on the topic of sexual harassment prevention training. This requirement is in effect
for all renewals after January 1, 2020. This new CE requirement can be included in the number of hours already
required under the individual Acts and Rules and does not increase the number of hours required to renew a license.
How do I know if the sponsor or provider is accepted or approved?
Licensees can take this CE course from any CE provider or sponsor that is authorized to provide CE for any profession
regulated by IDFPR. This includes businesses or entities that have active CE sponsor licenses for any profession, or
that are listed as a ‘pre-approved’ sponsor for any profession. For example, any licensee (accountant, physical
therapist, dentist, etc.) can take a class offered from a company that has a Nurse CE provider license.
Is there a list of approved sexual harassment prevention training CE sponsors or providers?
We are unable to provide a comprehensive list of all potential CE sponsors or providers. A sample list of approved
sponsors is listed below. If you are considering a class, please contact the sponsor or provider in advance to confirm
that they either have a CE provider license issued by DFPR, or they are listed as a ‘pre-approved’ sponsor under any
licensing Act or Rules administered by DFPR.
Sample list of approved sponsors
The list below is provided as examples of entities that are authorized to provide CE under one
or more Act or Rules administered by DFPR. You must receive a CE Certificate that states the
number of hours completed to comply with the requirement. Note that for all other CE
requirements, the CE provider or sponsor must qualify under the Act or Rules for your
State of Illinois agencies
- Federal agenc
- Illinois count
y agencies
- Illinois municipality
- Accredited colleges or universities
- Any business or entity with an ‘Active’ CE provider license issu
d by IDFPR. (Be
sure the CE provider license number appears on the Certificate.)
I am
a State employee or was required to complete the Sexual Harassment training on the State of Illinois
OneNet training platform. Does that course count?
Yes. The Sexual Harassment Prevention Training completed by State of Illinois employees will satisfy this new sexual
harassment continuing education (CE) requirement. Licensees may print an updated Certificate of Completion by
visiting the OneNet site and logging into their account (https://OneNet.Illinois.gov/MyTraining).
Illinois Depart
ment of Financial and Professional Regulation
Division of Professional Regulation
Acting Director
Division of Professional Regulation
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This is my first time renewing my Illinois license – do I need to complete the 1 hour of sexual harassment
prevention training CE prior to license renewal?
For most professions, individuals are not required to complete CE before their first renewal. If this is the first time you
are renewing a license, you do not have to complete sexual harassment prevention training CE.
My profession requires 20 hours of CE. Does this new requirement mean I will need to complete 21 hours?
No, the sexual harassment prevention training CE requirement can be included in the number of CE hours already
required for your profession.
How do I document that I completed the sexual harassment prevention training CE? Will I have to send proof
that I completed the course to the Department?
Like all other CE you must receive a Certificate of Completion and retain it for your records. The Certificate must
include information such as the number of hours completed, the name of the sponsor or provider, and the date the CE
was completed. You will not need to provide a Certificate if you renew on time, but you may be asked to confirm that
you have completed the training. You may need to provide a Certificate if you renew late, need to restore or reinstate
an expired license, or if you are included in a CE audit.
I received sexual harassment awareness training from my employer. Does that count?
It will depend if your employer is an accepted or approved CE provider, and if you received a CE Certificate for the
training. Please check with your employer to see if they qualify.
Is this a one-time requirement or I will have to take this training again?
Sexual harassment prevention training will be required for every renewal after January 1, 2020.
My license is in ‘Inactive’/’Not-Renewed’/’Suspended’ status. Will I need to complete sexual harassment
prevention training to restore or reinstate my license?
Yes, to restore, reinstate or reactivate your license after January 1, 2020, you must complete the training if your
profession requires CE. The sexual harassment prevention training can be included in the number of hours required to
reactive your license.
My profession does not require CE to renew. Do I have to take a sexual harassment prevention training class to
renew my license?
No, if your profession does not require CE you are not required to complete the training. The following professions do
not require CE to renew and do not have to complete sexual harassment prevention training to renew their license:
- Interior Design
- Geology
- Barber
- Humane Euthanasia Technician
- Perfusionist
- Surgical Technologist and Surgical Assistant
- Associate Marriage and Family Therapists
- Professions under the Detective Act (PERC, Private Detective, Alarm Contractor, Private Security,
Fingerprint Vendors, Locksmith, Canine Handler)
I have multiple licenses issued by IDFPR. Will I have to take multiple classes?
No, you may use one class to satisfy this requirement for multi
ple licenses.
I have completed the Domestic Violence CE course required under the Barber, Cosmetology Act. Does that
course satisfy this requirement?
No, unless that course also covered the topic of prevention of sexual harassment.
Public Act:
Posted November 4, 2019; Updated February, 2020; Updated March 2020;