Guide to Idaho Labor Laws
The Idaho Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Section is re-
sponsible for enforcing the state of Idaho’s wage and hour laws,
which include the state minimum wage and wage payment laws.
Effective in 2003, we also administer the licensing provisions of
the state farm labor contractor licensing law.
This guide provides general information about federal and
state labor laws. It is for informational purposes only and is
not a substitute for the law. The federal Fair Labor Stand-
ards Act can be found at Title 29 United States Code, Chap-
ter 8. State law regarding minimum wage requirements can
be found at Title 44, Chapter 15, Idaho Code; and state law
regarding the payment of wages can be found at Title 45,
Chapter 6, Idaho Code. The farm labor contractor licensing
law may be found at Title 44, Chapter 16, Idaho Code. If
legal advice is required, an attorney should be contacted.
Unless specifically exempt, all employees subject to the
provisions of the Idaho Minimum Wage Law must be paid at
least $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. The federal
minimum wage increased to $7.25 per hour effective the
same date.
A “TIPPED EMPLOYEE” means any employee engaged in an
occupation in which the employee customarily and regularly
receives more than $30 a month in tips.
To determine the wage of tipped employees, an employee’s
tips combined with the employer’s cash wage must equal
the minimum hourly wage. If it doesn’t, the employer must
make up the difference. It is the employer’s burden to
demonstrate the amount of tips actually received by the
Any portion of tips paid to an employee, which is shared
with other employees under a tip pooling or similar arrange-
ment, shall not be deemed, for the purpose of this section,
to be tips actually received by the employee; therefore, only
the portion of tips actually retained by the employee may be
counted toward the tip credit.
The minimum tipped wage in Idaho is $3.35 per hour effec-
tive July 24, 2007.
It is important to note that the Idaho Minimum Wage Law
applies to all Idaho employers unless they meet the specific
exemptions under Idaho Code §44-1504.
Even though businesses come under the exemptions for
paying minimum wage by meeting the dollar volume test of
the Fair Labor Standards Act, they are still subject to the
provisions of the Idaho Minimum Wage Law.
New employees under 20 years of age may be paid $4.25
per hour during their first 90 consecutive calendar days of
employment with an employer.
Idaho’s Minimum Wage Law does not apply to any employ-
ee employed in a bona fide executive, administrative or
professional capacity; to anyone engaged in domestic ser-
vice; to any individual employed as an outside salesman; to
seasonal employees of a nonprofit camping program; or to
any child under the age of 16 years working part-time or at
odd jobs not exceeding four hours per day with any one
employer; or any individual employed in agriculture if: such
employee is the parent, spouse, child or other member of
his employer’s immediate family; or such employee is older
than 16 years of age and is employed as a harvest laborer
and is paid on a piece-rate basis in an operation which has
been, and is customarily and generally recognized as hav-
ing been paid on a piece-rate basis in the region of employ-
ment, and commutes daily from his permanent residence to
the farm on which he is so employed, and has been em-
ployed in agriculture less than 13 weeks during the preced-
ing calendar year; or such employee is 16 years of age or
under and is employed as a harvest laborer, is paid on a
piece-rate basis in an operation which has been, and is cus-
tomarily and generally recognized as having been paid on a
piece-rate basis in the region of employment, and is em-
ployed on the same farm as his parent or person standing
in place of his parent, and is paid at the same piece-rate
basis as employees over the age of 16 years are paid on
the same farm; or such employee is principally engaged in
the range production of livestock.
It should be noted that the federal Fair Labor Standards
Act does not contain the same exemptions for minimum
wage as noted in the Idaho State Exemptions for
Minimum Wage. Employers should check with the U.S.
Department of Labor before using minimum wage
Guide to Idaho Labor Laws October 2020
All employees of certain enterprises having workers en-
gaged in interstate commerce; producing goods for inter-
state commerce; or handling, selling or otherwise working
on goods or materials that have been moved in or produced
for such commerce by any person, are covered by the Fair
Labor Standards Act. A covered enterprise is the related
activities performed through unified operation or common
control by any person or persons for a common business
purpose and
(1) whose annual gross volume of sales made or business
done is not less than $500,000, exclusive of excise
taxes at the retail level that are separately stated; or
(2) is engaged in the operation of a hospital, an institution
primarily engaged in the care of the sick, the aged or
the mentally ill who reside on the premises; a school
for mentally or physically disabled or gifted children; a
pre-school; an elementary or secondary school; or an
institution of higher education, whether operated for
profit or not for profit; or
(3) is an activity of a public agency.
Employees of firms which are not covered enterprises under
the federal law still may be subject to its minimum wage,
overtime pay and child labor provisions if they are individu-
ally engaged in interstate commerce or in the production of
goods for interstate commerce or in any closely-related pro-
cess or occupation directly essential to such production.
Such employees include those who work in communications
or transportation; regularly use the mail, telephones or tele-
graph for interstate communication or keep records of inter-
state transactions; handle, ship or receive goods moving in
interstate commerce; regularly cross state lines in the
course of employment; work for independent employers
who contract to do clerical, custodial, maintenance or other
work for firms engaged in interstate commerce; or work in
the production of goods for interstate commerce.
Domestic service workers such as day workers, housekeep-
ers, chauffeurs, cooks or full-time babysitters are covered if
(1) their cash wages from one employer are at least $1,000
in a calendar year (or the amount designated pursuant to
an adjustment provision in the Internal Revenue Code), or
(2) they work a total of more than eight hours a week for
one or more employer.
In accordance with the federal act and except as hereinafter
otherwise provided, no employer shall employ any employee
longer than 40 hours in a workweek consisting of seven
consecutive 24-hour periods unless such employee receives
compensation for the employment in excess of 40 hours at
a rate not less than 1 1/2 times the employee’s regular rate
of pay.
Workweek: A workweek is a period of 168 hours during
seven consecutive 24-hour periods. It may begin on any day
of the week and any hour of the day established by the em-
ployer. For the purpose of overtime payment, each work-
week stands alone; there can be no averaging of two or
more workweeks.
Unless specifically exempt under the provisions of the feder-
al law, salaried employees must be paid time and one-half
for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a workweek.
The following are examples of exemptions which are illustra-
tive but not all-inclusive. These examples do not define the
conditions for each exemption.
(1) Executive, administrative and professional employees
including teachers and academic administrative per-
sonnel in elementary and secondary schools, outside
sales employees and employees in certain computer-
related occupations as defined in Department of La-
bor regulations;
(2) Employees of certain seasonal amusement or recrea-
tional establishments, employees of certain small
newspapers, seamen employed on foreign vessels,
employees engaged in fishing operations and employ-
ees engaged in newspaper delivery;
(3) Farm workers employed by anyone who used no more
than 500 man-days of farm labor in any calendar
quarter of the preceding calendar year;
(4) Casual babysitters and persons employed as com-
panions to the elderly or infirm.
(1) Certain commissioned employees of retail or service
establishments; auto, truck, trailer, farm implement,
boat or aircraft salesworkers; parts clerks and me-
chanics servicing autos, trucks or farm implements
who are employed by nonmanufacturing establish-
ments primarily engaged in selling these items to
ultimate purchasers;
Guide to Idaho Labor Laws October 2020
(2) Employees of railroads and air carriers, taxi drivers,
certain employees of motor carriers, seamen on Amer-
ican vessels and local delivery employees paid on
approved trip rate plans;
(3) Announcers, news editors and chief engineers of cer-
tain nonmetropolitan broadcasting stations;
(4) Domestic service workers living in the employer’s resi-
(5) Employees of motion picture theaters; and
(6) Farm workers.
(1) Partial overtime pay exemptions apply to employees
engaged in certain operations on agricultural com-
modities and to employees of certain bulk petroleum
(2) Hospitals and residential care establishments may
adopt, by agreement with their employees, a 14-day
work period instead of the usual seven-day workweek
if the employees are paid at least time and one-half
their regular rates for hours worked over eight in a day
or 80 in a 14-day work period, whichever is the great-
er number of overtime hours.
(3) Employees who lack a high school diploma, or who
have not attained the educational level of the 8
grade, can be required to spend up to 10 hours in a
workweek engaged in remedial reading or training in
other basic skills without receiving time and one-half
overtime pay for these hours. However, the employees
must receive their normal wages for hours spent in
such training and the training must not be job specif-
For information about the Fair Labor Standards Act and the
federal minimum wage, contact:
Northern Idaho
U. S. Department of Labor
ESA, Wage and Hour Division
P. O. Box 1282
Spokane, WA 99210
Phone (509) 353-2793
Southwestern and Eastern Idaho
U. S. Department of Labor
ESA, Wage and Hour Division
1150 N. Curtis Road, Suite 202
Boise, ID 83706
Phone (208) 321-2987, or
(503) 326-3057 (Portland, OR)
FAX: (208) 321-2991
See FLSA website
Idaho Child Labor Laws are found under Idaho Code §44-
1301 through §44-1308. Violations of the Idaho Child Labor
Laws should be brought to the attention of the probation
officer or the school trustees in the county where the viola-
tions occur.
For businesses that fall under the coverage of the Fair Labor
Standards Act, the Child Labor Laws are generally enforced
by the U.S. Department of Labor. Federal Child Labor Laws
are designed to protect the educational opportunities of mi-
nors and prohibit their employment in jobs and under condi-
tions detrimental to their health or well-being. The provisions
include restrictions on hours of work for minors under 16
years of age and list hazardous occupations for both farm
and nonfarm jobs declared by the Secretary of Labor as be-
ing too dangerous for minors to perform. Further information
on prohibited occupations is available from the U.S. Depart-
ment of Labor offices listed previously.
A special certificate allowing employment at sub-minimum
wage may be allowed under certain circumstances. This cer-
tificate must be obtained from the director of the Idaho De-
partment of Labor before a subminimum wage can be paid.
Vacation, holiday, severance or sick pay
A discharge notice or a reason for discharge
Rest periods, breaks, lunch breaks, holidays off or va-
Premium pay rates for weekends or holidays worked
Pay raises or fringe benefits
A limit on the number of hours an employee can work
per day or week for employees 16 years of age or older
These items are matters for agreement between the employ-
er and the employee or their authorized representative. If
there is any change in a policy that is in effect, the employee
must be notified prior to the change.
Employee records should be kept for a minimum of three
years. The records do not have to be kept in any particular
form and time clocks need not be used. These records
should include:
Personal information, including employee’s name,
home address, occupation, sex and date of birth if un-
der 19 years of age
Hour and day when workweek begins
Total hours worked each workday and each workweek
Total daily or weekly straight time earnings
Regular hourly pay rate
Total overtime pay for each workweek
Guide to Idaho Labor Laws October 2020
Deductions from wages
Total wages paid each pay period
Date of payment of wages and pay period covered
Hours worked: Employees must be paid for all hours worked
in a workweek. In general, hours worked includes all time an
employee must be on duty, on the employer’s premises or at
any other prescribed place of work. Also included is any addi-
tional time that an employee is suffered or permitted to
Idaho Code §45-606 through §45-617:
1. Upon layoff or termination by either the employer or the
employee, all wages due must be paid to the employee
the earlier of the next regularly scheduled payday or
within 10 days of termination, weekends and holidays
excluded. If the employee makes a written request for
earlier payment of his wages, all wages then due must
be paid within 48 hours, excluding weekends and holi-
days. Idaho Code §45-606.
2. Unless exempt from the minimum wage requirements of
Idaho’s Minimum Wage Law, employees who are not
being paid on an hourly or salary basis must be paid at
least the applicable minimum wage for all hours worked
in the pay period immediately preceding layoff or termi-
nation from employment. The minimum wage payment
shall be made within the same time limitations provided
for in Idaho Code §45-606.
3. If an employer fails to pay all wages due as required by
law, that employer may be subject to penalties in the
amount of wages equal to the employee’s regular wage
rate, as if he rendered service in the manner as last em-
ployed, for every day that the employer is in default up to
15 days, and a maximum of $750.00. Idaho Code §45-
4. Every employer shall pay all wages due to its employees
at least once during each calendar month on regular
paydays designated in advance. The end of a pay period
for which payment is made on a regular pay period shall
not be more than 15 days before such regular payday.
Idaho Code §45-608.
5. If the regular payday falls on a non-workday, payment
shall be made on the preceding workday. Idaho Code
6. No employer shall withhold or divert any portion of an
employee’s wages unless: a) the employer is required or
empowered to do so by state or federal law; or b) the
employer has written authorization from the employee
for deductions for a lawful purpose. Idaho Code §45-
7. Employers shall furnish each employee with a written
statement of deductions made from his or her wages for
each pay period such deductions are made. Idaho Code
8. Every employer shall notify his or her employees at the
time of hire of their rate of pay and regularly scheduled
payday. Idaho Code §45-610.
9. Every employer shall notify his or her employees of any
reduction in their rates of pay prior to the work being
performed. Idaho Code §45-610.
10. When there is a dispute over the amount of wages due
an employee, the employer shall pay the undisputed
portion without condition. Idaho Code §45-611.
11. The acceptance by an employee of a check for wages
when there is any restrictive endorsement written on the
check shall not constitute a release with respect to the
disputed amount. Idaho Code §45-611.
12. Claims for wages filed with the Idaho Department of La-
bor are limited by the same dollar amount as the small
claims department of the Magistrate Division of the Dis-
trict Court. Idaho Code §45-617.
13. No employer shall discharge an employee or in any man-
ner retaliate against an employee for asserting their
rights under the Wage Payment Act and Minimum Wage
Law. Idaho Code §45-613.
14. It is a misdemeanor criminal offense for an employee to
make a false claim for wages. Idaho Code §45-612.
Wage claims can be filed online on the Labor website. If you
have questions regarding the wage payment law, call any of
the Idaho Department of Labor offices. For a listing, see our
online office directory .
Questions regarding discrimination due to race, color, handi-
cap, age, sex, national origin or religion should be addressed
Idaho Human Rights Commission
317 W. Main St.
2nd Floor
Boise, ID 83735-0660
Phone: (208) 334-2873 or
Toll free: (888) 249-7025
Guide to Idaho Labor Laws October 2020
Questions regarding accidents occurring on the job or work-
ers compensation benefits should be addressed to:
Idaho Industrial Commission
700 So. Clearwater Lane
Boise, ID 83712 or
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0041
Phone: (208) 334-6000 or
Toll free: (800) 950-2110
Questions regarding unemployment compensation and tax
coverage should be addressed to your local Idaho Depart-
ment of Labor office. For a listing of locations, see our Web
site at
A farm labor contractor is any individual or business entity
that for money or other compensation recruits, solicits, hires,
employs, furnishes or transports migrant or seasonal farm
Farm labor contractors must: (1) be licensed by the Idaho
Department of Labor and pay an annual licensing fee; (2)
post a surety bond to cover unpaid wages; (3) carry auto in-
surance for all vehicles used in the farm labor contracting
business; (4) carry workers’ compensation coverage for all
employees; and (5) provide all employees at the time of hiring
full disclosure about the conditions of employment including
the rate of pay, the benefits to be furnished by the farm labor
contractor and all expenses that may be deducted from the
farm worker’s wages.
Some farm labor contractors are exempt from the require-
ments of Idaho’s Farm Labor Contractor Licensing Law. Be-
cause exemptions are narrowly defined, a farm labor contrac-
tor should carefully review the exemptions contained in Idaho
Code §44-1602.
Farmers who use an Idaho Department of Labor licensed
farm labor contractor will not be held jointly liable under Ida-
ho law for any wages left unpaid by a farm labor contractor.
The licensed farm labor contractor will remain the farm work-
ers’ employer and will be solely responsible for the payment
of their wages.
Idaho Code §44-1616 (1) Any person who intentionally defac-
es, alters or changes a farm labor contractor license, or who
uses the license of another, or who knowingly permits anoth-
er person to use his license or acts as a farm labor contractor
without a license shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punisha-
ble by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or
up to sixty (60) days in jail or both. Each violation shall consti-
tute a separate offense.
(2) Any person who violates any other provision of this chap-
ter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not
to exceed three hundred dollars ($300), or up to thirty (30)
days in jail or both. Each violation shall constitute a
separate offense.
The information provided in this publication, is from the Idaho Department of Labor's Wage & Hour Division. It is provided
solely for educational and informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. The statements expressed may
change depending upon the inclusion or exclusion of additional facts or background information. If you require legal advice,
you are encouraged to consult an attorney who is actively engaged in the practice of law and who is admitted to the bar in
your jurisdiction or the Idaho State bar association.
Rev. 7/2014
Guide to Idaho Labor Laws October 2020
317 W. Main St.
Boise, ID 83735-0030
Phone: (208) 332-3579 ext. 3506
Fax: (208) 639-3257
Mini-Cassia / Burley Local Office
127 W. Fifth St. N.
Burley, ID 83318-3457
Phone: (208) 332-3579 ext. 3128
Fax: (208) 639-3257
Canyon County Local Office
4514 Thomas Jefferson St.
Caldwell, ID 83605-5100
Phone: (208) 332-3579 ext. 3195
Fax: (208) 639-3257
Pocatello Local Office
430 N. Fifth Ave.
Pocatello, ID 83205-4087
Phone: (208) 332-3579 ext. 3659
Fax: (208) 639-3257
Kootenai County Local Office
600 N. Thornton St.
Post Falls, ID 83854
Phone: (208) 332-3579 ext. 3978
Fax: (208) 639-3257
Program Supervisor
Phone: (208) 332-3579 ext. 3659
Email: [email protected]