ICP - Mass Spectrometry
Patented Asperon Single
Cell Spray Chamber
Delivering Intact Individual
Cells to the ICP-MS Plasma
Single Cell ICP-MS (SC-ICP-MS) is a technique that allows for
the analysis and quantification of metal content in an individual
cell. This technique can be used to quantify the uptake and
bioaccumulation of metals and metal nanoparticles in to cells,
as well as the intrinsic metals within the cells themselves, which
can be a measure of metabolomic changes related to cell stress
or lifecycle. SC-ICP-MS provides insights on:
Metal content per cell
Metal distribution in the cell population
Number of cells containing metal or metal nanoparticles
Number of nanoparticles per cell
PerkinElmer’s award-winning NexION
ICP-MS Single Cell Analysis
System offers a first-to-market complete solution to quantitatively
measure the metal content in individual cells, unveiling new
capabilities to study intrinsic metals content and the uptake of
dissolved (ionic) and nanoparticulate metals into cells, providing
new insights into drug delivery, mobilization/immobilization of
metal content, bioavailability, and bioaccumulation mechanisms.
The solution includes:
Single Cell Micro DX Autosampler
Single Cell Sample Introduction Kit with patented Aperon
spray chamber (US Patent No. 10,147,592)
Single Cell Application Software Module
This technical note provides an overview of SC-ICP-MS system
validation methods:
Optimization of sample flow rate for optimal cell transport
efficiency into the plasma
Quantification of the mass of metal per cell using a standard
reference material
Comparison of total digested metal in a sample compared to
manufactures data
For information related to sample preparation or workflow,
please consult our white paper "Single Cell ICP-MS Analysis:
Quantification of Metal Content at the Cellular Level".
ICP-MS Instrumental Conditions
All analyses were carried out on a PerkinElmer NexION
series using two types of spray chambers: baffled cyclonic and
Asperon. The conditions used for both spray chambers are shown
in Table 1.
Parameter ICP-MS SC-ICP-MS
Spray Chamber Baffled Cyclonic Asperon
Nebulizer Glass Concentric
High Efficiency
Glass Concentric
Injector 2 mm Quartz
RF Power (W) 1600 W 1600 W
Spray Chamber Path Cyclonic Linear Pass
Neb Gas Flow (mL min
) 0.92 0.32
Make-Up Gas (mL min
) 0 0.7
Sample Flow Rate (mL min
) 0.283 0.015
Sample Size Required
for Analysis (μL)
800-1000 100-200
Table 1. ICP-MS Conditions for Acid-Digested Beads and SC-ICP-MS.
Polymer beads (Fluidigm, USA): Polymer beads laced with
lanthanide metals (
Ho and
Lu) were
used as a suitable reference material due to the similarity in size
(2.5 µm) and density (1.05 g/cm
) to cells. The presence of
lanthanides in the beads enables them to be measured using
SC-ICP-MS. Although the size cut-off for the baffled cyclonic spray
chamber is in the 1-5 µm range,
the transport of these larger
beads (2.5 µm) is low, as illustrated later in Figure 2. The beads
were supplied at a concentration of 330,000 beads per mL and
diluted 10 fold for analysis. The mass of metal per bead can be
found in Table 2.
Gas and Sample Flows Optimization
The make-up and nebulizer gas flows and sample flow rate
had to be optimized to allow for equal transport of nano- and
micron-sized objects through the introduction system. Figure 1
shows the transport efficiency for nano- and micron-sized
objects through the introduction system for different sample
flow rates. It can be seen that as the sample flow rate decreases,
the transport efficiency for both nano- and micron-sized objects
increases and the difference between their transport gets less
pronounced with a transport efficiency of about 31% for both
the 60 nm Au NIST standards and the lanthanide-doped micron
beads (Fluidigm). The optimized conditions for this system can
be seen in Table 1.
Transport Efficiency Validation: Baffled Cyclonic vs.
Asperon Spray Chamber
A comparison study of the transport efficiency of nano- and
micron-sized particles between the baffled cyclonic and Asperon
spray chambers is shown in Figure 2. The systems were both
optimized for maximum intensities while keeping oxide and
double-charge formation below 2.5% (Table 1). It can be seen
in Figure 2 that both introduction systems transport a sufficient
amount of NPs (NIST 8013 60 nm Au NPs) into the ICP-MS to
provide a statistically significant measure of the mean and
standard deviation of the NPs (either in diameter or mass per NP)
and particle number concentration showing that both systems
work equally well for nanoparticles. However, the number of
micron-sized particles transported by the baffled cyclonic spray
chamber is low, with only a few beads being analyzed compared
to the Asperon spray chamber, where a significant number of
beads were counted.
Standards for SP-ICP-MS and SC-ICP-MS: Standards of 1, 2
and 3 ppb
Ho and
Lu were prepared
for measuring the mass of metals in the polystyrene beads.
All standards for SC-ICP-MS were prepared in ultra-pure water.
The transport efficiency was determined with the 60 nm Au
NPs (NIST 8013) at a concentration of 50,000 part. mL
Digestion of polystyrene beads: Digestion was accomplished
by placing 5 mL of the bead suspension into a PTFE digestion
vessel with 5 mL of hydrogen peroxide (Optima grade) and
10 mL of nitric acid (Optima grade). The mixture was allowed to
sit for 10 minutes to allow gasses to be released from any initial
reactions before the vessels were sealed. The beads were then
digested in a Titan MPS
Microwave (PerkinElmer), following
the program in Table 3. After they had cooled, the samples were
diluted to 2% acid for analysis. Standards of 10, 50, 100 and
200 ppb Lu, Eu, Ho and Ce were matrix-matched to the samples
for ICP-MS analysis. Ge and In were spiked into the samples as
internal standards.
Element Atoms Per Bead (± 15%) Mass (ag) (± 15%)
Ce 140 19.9E6 4626.26
Eu 151 11.3E6 2833.38
Eu 153 12.0E6 3048.75
Ho 165 7.6E6 2082.32
Lu 175 9.8E6 2847.82
Table 2. Supplier information on lanthanide laced polystyrene beads.
1 150 70 2 5 60
2 190 75 2 10 80
3 210 80 2 15 90
4 50 80 1 10 0
5 50 0 0 0 0
Table 3. Conditions for microwave acid digestion of polystyrene beads.
Figure 1. Optimization of sample ow rates through the introduction system to maximize
the transport of nano- and micron-sized objects into the plasma.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Transport efficiency %
Particle size (nm)
TE for nano- and micron-sized particles at
different sample flow rates
Sample flow
rate µm/mL
Figure 2. Real-time screen shots comparing the number of Au NIST 60 nm NPs and 2.5 µm polystyrene beads making it to the plasma for the baed cyclonic and Asperon spray chambers.
60 nm Au NIST
2.5 μm Beads
Baffled Cyclonic
60 nm Au NIST
2.5 μm Beads
As shown in Table 4, the transport efficiencies for the 2.5 µm
polystyrene beads and 60 nm Au NPs in the baffled cyclonic spray
chamber are 0.04 ± 0.02 % and 2.42 ± 0.06 %, respectively, which
is significantly different (calculated probability (p) < 0.05, Student's
t-distribution). This translates to approximately 3.5 ± 1.9 beads per
minute reaching the plasma in a suspension containing 33,000
beads mL
and 342.3 ± 8.7 NPs per minute for a suspension
containing 50,000 NPs mL
. Clearly, the cyclonic spray chamber is
not suitable for single cell analysis. In contrast, the Asperon spray
chamber has a transport efficiency which is not significantly different
for the beads or the NPs: 31.33 ± 2.54 % and 30.31 ± 1.85 %,
respectively. This corresponds to 229.5 ± 19.5 NPs and 208.3 (± 12)
micron-sized beads for suspensions containing 50,000 particles mL
and 33,000 beads mL
Quantitative Validation: Measurement of Metal Mass
per Bead
The polymer beads are doped with lanthanide metals (
Ho and
Lu) at the concentrations shown in Table 5, as
Spray Chamber
TE 60 nm NIST (%) 2.42 (±1.85) 31.33 (± 2.54)
Number of 60 nm NIST NPs
Measured in a One-Minute Scan
342.3 (± 8.7) 229.5 (±19.1)
TE 2.5 μm beads (%) 0.04 (± 0.02) 30.31 (±1.85)
Number of 2.5 μm Beads
Measured in a One-Minute Scan
3.5 (± 1.9) 208.3 (±12)
Table 4. A comparison of the number of nano- and micron-sized particles entering
the ICP-MS and subsequent transport eciencies.
supplied by the manufacturer. The mean mass of metal per bead
as measured by SC-ICP-MS can also be seen in Table 5. Comparing
the experimental data with the supplied concentrations, there is
no statistical difference (all p values >> 0.05) between the mean
mass provided by the supplier and those quantified using SC-ICP-
MS. The number of beads per mL was measured to be 34,821
(± 661.7) having no statistical difference to the manufacturer's
value of 33,000 (± 1650).
Element Data Provided by Supplier Measured by SC-ICP-MS (Ag Per Bead)
Atoms Per
Bead (±15%)
1 2 3 4 Average STDEV
Ce 140 19.9E6 4626 109.7 4250 4561 4750 4699 4632 95
Eu 151 11.3E6 2833 101.1 2961 3012 3123 3075 3043 61.6
Eu 153 12.0E6 3049 103.6 2904 33240 3114 3061 3080 120.4
Ho 165 7.6E6 2082 76.8 2157 2228 2576 2354 2329 159.3
Lu 175 9.8E6 2848 82.1 2921 2228 2965 2982 2889 68.8
Number of
34323 33145 34696 34821 34246 661.7
Table 5. Metal Content per Bead and Bead Concentration: A Comparison of SC-ICP-MS vs. Certicate Values.
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The total metal content of the bead suspension was established
after acid digestion and was found not to be statistically different
from those calculated from the mass per bead and bead number
measured by SC-ICP-MS (Table 6).
Values From
Supplier (ppb)
Values (ppb)
Ce 140 152.67 160.3 (7.4)
Eu 151 93.50 71.6 (7.6)
Eu 153 100.61 80.6 (8.0)
Ho 165 68.72 67.8 (8.4)
Lu 175 93.98 83.9 (8.1)
Table 6. Total amount of metal in bead suspension aer acid digestion.
1. Single Cell ICP-MS Analysis: Quantification of Metal Content
at the Cellular Level, PerkinElmer Inc., 2017.
2. Schaldach, G.; Berger, L.; Razilov, I.; Berndt, H.,
Characterization of a cyclone spray chamber for ICP
spectrometry by computer simulation. Journal of Analytical
Atomic Spectrometry 2002, 17, (4), 334-344.
3. Matusiewicz, H.; Slachcinski, M.; Almagro, B.; Canals, A.,
Evaluation of Various Types of Micronebulizers and Spray
Chamber Configurations for Microsamples Analysis by
Microwave Induced Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry.
Chemia Analityczna 2009, 54, (6), 1219-1244.
SC-ICP-MS Components
Part Number
NexION 1000/2000
Part Number
NexION 300/350
Single Cell Micro
DX Autosampler
N8150039 N8140039
Single Cell Sample
Introduction Kit
with Asperon
Spray Chamber
N8150032 N8140032
Syngistix Single
Cell Application
Software Module
N8150321 N8150321
This work has shown that the patented Asperon spray chamber
provides increased transport of micron-sized objects into the
ICP-MS compared to traditional introduction systems. Coupled
with the fast data acquisition capabilities of the NexION ICP-MS,
the Asperon
spray chamber has allowed for the quantification of
masses from micron-sized objects down to the attogram per-bead
level as well as providing accurate measurements of the number
concentration of the beads per milliliter.