RFP #HV-425-110920
RFP # HV-425-110920
Commodity/Service Being Requested: Furniture
Type of Solicitation: Request for Qualifications (RFQu) - Huron Valley Schools, in partnership with the
Michigan Association of Counties (MAC) bid program, is implementing a Furniture procurement program
statewide throughout Michigan. School districts and counties across the state have been requesting a
Furniture contract vehicle be put in place that makes furniture affordable and easy to order.
Through this process, it is the goal of Huron Valley Schools to:
1. Competitively prequalify and establish a list of contractors that will provide Furniture for the next
three to five years. The resulting contract(s) will enable public municipalities, non-profit
organizations, and school districts to “piggyback” and purchase on an as needed basis from the
awarded pool of contractors. The list of entities that will be using this bid will continue to grow
statewide. Please be sure in your proposal to list the areas of the state that you provide services.
Please use Attachment B Non-Spec Furniture pricing for this section.
2. To select one or more of the above-mentioned awarded pool of contractors to make a district wide
furniture purchase for Huron Valley Schools. Specifications for this purchase will be split into 3
phases beginning this year and continue for the next couple of years as school construction
projects are completed. Please use Attachment A Specified Furniture Pricing for this section.
Type of Resulting Contract: Statewide Cooperative Contract - As a result of this RFQu, Huron Valley
Schools will work with the Michigan Association of Counties to market and extend the resulting contract(s)
to other government municipalities and school districts statewide. The vendor or vendors will be
competitively selected as having been qualified as defined within the qualification section of this RFQu.
Resulting Contract Term: Three (3) years with two (2) one-year renewal options.
Release of RFQu:
December 14, 2020
Question & Answer Due Date:
January 4, 2021
Questions and Answers Responses Posted:
January 6, 2021
Proposals Due by (10:00 am/ EST) *:
January 11, 2021
Notice to Award:
February 2021
Master Agreement Award Date:
February 2021
*Responses received later than the specified deadline will be disqualified.
Contacts with Huron Valley Schools Personnel: All contact with Huron Valley Schools regarding this
RFQu or any matter relating thereto must be sent to the following email: [email protected]
RFP # HV-425-110920
1.1 Minimum Mandatory Requirements ...................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Product and Service Categories ............................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Product Specifications ........................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Service Specifications ............................................................................................................................ 9
1.5 Service Capabilities ............................................................................................................................. 11
1.6 Customer Service ................................................................................................................................. 12
1.7 Purchase Orders ................................................................................................................................... 12
1.8 Delivery & Acceptance ........................................................................................................................ 12
1.9 Pricing Schedule .................................................................................................................................. 13
1.10 Price Assurance ................................................................................................................................... 14
SECTION 2.0 – BIDDER INFORMATION AND ACCEPTANCE ................................................ 15
2.1 Company Profile ................................................................................................................... 19
2.2 References ............................................................................................................................. 20
2.3 Assurances and Certifications………………….……………………………………………17
2.4 Familial Relationships……………………………………………………………...……….18
3.1 Huron Valley Schools Responsibility .................................................................................................. 24
3.2 Truth and Accuracy of Representations ............................................................................................... 24
3.3 Proposers Questions ............................................................................................................................. 24
3.4 Preparation of the Proposal .................................................................................................................. 25
3.5 Bid Submission Deadline ..................................................................................................................... 25
3.6 Adherence to Mandatory Requirements (Pass/Fail) ............................................................................ 26
3.7 Evaluation Process ............................................................................................................................... 26
3.8 Evaluation Criteria ............................................................................................................................... 27
3.9 Optional Tools to Enhance Evaluation Process ................................................................................... 27
3.10 Huron Valley Schools Option to Reject Proposals .............................................................................. 27
3.11 Freedom of Information Act ................................................................................................................ 27
3.12 Contacts with Huron Valley Schools Personnel .................................................................................. 28
3.13 Final Agreement Award Determination ............................................................................................... 28
Solicitation Terms and Conditions can be found at www.hvs.org/district/purchasinginfo/
RFP # HV-425-110920
1.1 Minimum Mandatory Requirements
All Bids will be reviewed for compliance with the mandatory requirements. Bids deemed non-responsive will
be eliminated from further consideration.
1. Proposer must have three (3) years’ experience, within the last five (5) years, providing Furniture
equivalent or similar to that being requested by Huron Valley Schools as described herein.
2. Provide pricing to Huron Valley Schools for a Specified list of Furniture in Attachment A. These items
will be purchased over the next 3 years by the school district. Price should include delivery, set up and
removal of all packaging from site.
3. Please include with your proposal a detailed timeline from the furniture order through delivery and set
4. Provide pricing to Huron Valley Schools/MAC cooperative members on a wide range of solutions for
office, media centers, cafeterias, clinics and classroom configurations.
Proposer Response:
Please enter your responses in the “Proposer Response” text boxes provided. There is no
requirement or limitation on the amount of words for your responses.
1.2 Product and Service Categories
Huron Valley Schools is seeking a furniture provider that has the depth, breadth and quality of resources
necessary to provide furniture in the categories below. Huron Valley Schools is also interested in the
introduction of innovative products that will offer Huron Valley Schools/MAC cooperative members a wide
range of solutions for office, media centers, cafeterias, clinics and classroom configurations.
Furniture Categories
This bid will have 2 pricing components. The first section will be an actual list of products to be purchased
by Huron Valley Schools in 3 phases over the next couple of years. The purpose of the second section is
to get a wider selection of pricing on lines of furniture offered as described below.
RFP # HV-425-110920
Section 1 - Huron Valley Specified List of Products
1. For the Huron Valley specified list of products, proposers are to give pricing by item and in total for
each category they desire to bid. Please price each item as specified or a product of equal quality.
If bidding an alternate, please include detailed specifications with your bid. If bidding alternate
items, you may be required to provide a sample for testing. Please use Attachment A for the
pricing of this Section.
SPECIFICATIONS For detailed specifications see Attachment C
Bid Category A: VS America (Tables/Desks)
Bid Category B: VS America (Chairs)
Bid Category C: VS America (Miscellaneous)
Bid Category D: Academia
Bid Category E: Fleetwood
Bid Category F: Smith Systems (Tables/Desks)
Bid Category G: Smith Systems (Chairs)
Bid Category H: Smith Systems (Storage)
Bid Category I: NOT USED
Bid Category J: Ergotron
Bid Category K: KI
Bid Category L: Lakeshore Learning
Bid Category M: Norva Nivel
Bid Category N: MJ Library Shelving by Aurora
Bid Category O: NOT USED
Bid Category P: Biofit
Bid Category Q: Allsteel (Offices/Storage)
Bid Category R: Allsteel (Seating)
Bid Category S: HON
Bid Category T: Sit On It
Bid Category U: Steelcase
Bid Category V: Media Technologies
Bid Category W: School Specialties
Section 2 – Other Furniture Offerings
2. For all other furniture offerings, proposers are to provide manufacturer’s price lists, brochures,
catalogs for furniture in the following categories. Proposers are to include product specifications
for furniture that clearly identify brand and product. Huron Valley Schools is seeking various
degrees of furniture with regard to quality, value and price: from basic ~ to mid-range ~ to high-end.
Proposers are to indicate in the pricing section of this solicitation the percentage discount off each
of the items bid. Responses may be submitted for one, multiple, or all categories below. Please
use Attachment B for the pricing of this Section.
RFP # HV-425-110920
1. Systems FurnitureThe complete catalog of all systems furniture, lines, and accessories
available from the Supplier (for both open office and private office settings);
2. Freestanding FurnitureThe complete catalog of all case goods, furniture and accessories
available from the Supplier (for both open office and private office settings);
3. Classroom Furniture-The complete catalog of all student desks, chairs, chair/desk
combinations, classroom partitions, storage units, bookshelves, and other classroom
furniture available from the Supplier;
4. Cafeteria Furniture-The complete catalog of all cafeteria furniture, café tables and chairs
(individual and sets), pedestal tables, booth and cluster seating, mobile stool and bench
cafeteria tables, and other cafeteria furniture available from the Supplier;
5. SeatingThe complete catalog of chairs and other seating available from the Supplier;
6. Filing Systems and EquipmentThe complete catalog of filing systems, freestanding file
cabinets, mail room furniture, and equipment and accessories available from the Supplier;
7. Related Products, Support Services and SolutionsRelated office interior products and
design, installation, systems furniture reconfiguration assessment tools, and any other
services or solutions offered by Supplier.
8. Please be sure to add pricing for Office, Media Center, Special needs and Clinic packages.
Extensive research around both instructional learning and workplace environments has evolved
into innovative product and design offerings.
Classrooms: New approaches to classroom design can adapt to varying teaching practices, such
as lecture, hands-on activities, cooperative learning groups, small groups and individual practice
areas. Classrooms are being redesigned from the ground up to change the paradigm of how
teaching and learning happens. Huron Valley Schools is interested in new age classroom furniture
and accessories developed for a classroom environment that is inviting, encourages joy in
engagement, and is conducive to learning.
Many of our cooperative membersbuildings and infrastructure are aging, and this same situation
is repeating itself across the state. One goal of this RFP is to provide a vehicle for public entities
and schools in Michigan to use to obtain competitively priced furniture and accessories that are
modern, flexible and responsive to new approaches to teaching and learning. Schools are looking
to incorporate classroom re-design into aging infrastructures to modernize the classroom and allow
both student personalization and teacher flexibility.
Workplaces: For office settings, people and real estate are the largest assets in an organization.
New office space solutions can help organizations optimize their space while also allowing
employees to have more productive workdays.
Similar to the aging infrastructure issues affecting schools, municipalities are dealing with changing
needs in the workplace, including technology advances, that need to be incorporated into existing
RFP # HV-425-110920
buildings. In addition to retrofitting aging buildings, employee work patterns are evolving.
Depending on the type of work going on in the various departments, municipal leaders may need to
consider more open spaces, meeting spaces of a greater variety, “de-stress” areas, and individual
Responses may include one or many innovative products in any of the following categories.
Proposers are free to introduce items that may not be easily defined or slotted into a specific
1. Systems Furniture - Pod designs, relocatable walls and panels that provide for integration of
technology and design flexibility;
2. Freestanding Furniture Case goods, desks and desking systems, conferencing and reception
3. Classroom Furniture - Collaborative desks and tables, reading nooks, pods and enclosures;
4. Cafeteria Furniture - Mixed-media café ideas, from picnic tables, individual counter seating,
and movable club chairs;
5. Seating - Stools for active sitting (Hokki stools, wobble chairs, beanbags, ball chairs, etc.), new
ergonomic designs;
6. Filing Systems and Equipment - Smart Storage, classroom cubbies, movable storage;
7. Related Products, Support Services and Solutions.
Proposer Response:
Specifications and catalogs must be submitted. Please use the space below to provide comments regarding
the innovative furniture lines being offered.
1.3 Product Specifications
1.3.1 Reservation of Rights
Huron Valley Schools will evaluate the merits of all bids submitted and reserves the right, in its sole
and absolute discretion, to accept or reject, in whole or in part, any or all bids or portions of bids
with or without cause. Huron Valley Schools further reserves the right to waive any irregularity or
informality in the RFQu process or any bid, and the right to award to one or multiple vendors.
Huron Valley Schools reserves the right to add or delete services from the bid, extend agreements,
or change vendors, in order to best serve the eligible agencies. These changes will follow
approved bidding laws. Huron Valley Schools may use the product or service cost, or the sum of
groups of products and/or services, may group similar products, and/or total cost of ownership, to
evaluate prices and award bids. Huron Valley Schools reserves the right to request additional
information from any or all Proposers. Huron Valley Schools also reserves the right to select one
or more vendors to award a contract to under this RFQu. In the event a bid is accepted by Huron
Valley Schools and the vendor asserts exceptions, special considerations or conditions after
acceptance, Huron Valley Schools, in its sole and absolute discretion, reserves the right to reject
the bid and award other Proposer(s).
RFP # HV-425-110920
1.3.2 Warranties
The Contractor shall provide written documentation from the Manufacturer, which guarantees items
against defects in materials, manufacture and workmanship, for a period of one (1) year from the
day of final settlement with Owner for the item. Final settlement shall not relieve the Manufacturer
from liability for such defects, and upon notification from Owner, the Contractor or Manufacturer
shall, by repair, replacement, or otherwise, place the item in a condition satisfactory to the Owner
in every respect. Usual wear and tear and results of Owner's accidents are exempted from the
requirements of this guarantee. Everything required to fulfill this guarantee shall be done without
additional cost to the Owner. The products or workmanship of any Subcontractor are to be
covered in the primary Manufacturer's guarantee.
The following shall be considered defects, without being limited thereto:
Permanent etching, staining, discoloration, fading, and other deterioration of finishes.
Operational failures, binding, and the like, in finish cabinet hardware.
Deformation, warpage, opening up of joints, telegraphing of cores, delamination of veneers, or
other finishing materials, failures in fastening and anchorage, sagging of panels.
Maintenance Instructions
The Contractor shall provide Maintenance and Cleaning Instructions as written by the Manufacturer
for each item of furniture.
1.3.3 Competition Promoted
The name of a model, manufacturer or brand in Huron Valley Schools bid documents shall not be
considered as exclusive of other brands unless "NO SUBSTITUTE" is stated in the item
description. Proposers may offer a variety of brands and models, as it is the intent of Huron Valley
Schools to provide a multitude of options to the eligible agencies. Huron Valley Schools expects all
supplies, materials, equipment or products bid to meet or exceed the specifications set forth in this
RFQu. Further, it is Huron Valley Schools intent that this RFQu permit competition. Accordingly,
the use of any patent, proprietary name or manufacturer's name is for demonstrative purposes only
and is not intended to curtail competition. Whenever any supplies, materials, equipment or
products requested in this RFQu are specified by patent, proprietary name or by the name of the
manufacturer, unless stated differently, such specification shall be considered as if followed by the
words "or comparable equivalent," whether or not such words appear. Huron Valley Schools, in its
sole and absolute discretion, shall have the right to determine if the proposed equivalent
products/brands submitted by Proposer meet the specifications contained in this RFQu and
possess equivalent and/or better qualities. It is the Proposer's responsibility to notify Huron Valley
Schools in writing if any specifications or suggested comparable equivalent products/brands
require clarification by Huron Valley Schools prior to the due date for bids. The district will be
evaluating alternates to the specified list of items that have been bid and will request that samples
be delivered to the district by January 25, 2021 should they be requested.
RFP # HV-425-110920
Please confirm your understanding by checking Yes or No.
Yes No
1.4 Service Specifications
All services furnished must be in conformity with the participating agency requirements and
specifications and will be subject to acceptance by the individual customers at delivery. The right is
reserved to reject the service at the risk and expense of the vendor.
Contractor Code of Conduct
The purpose of the Huron Valley Schools and its employees is to provide a safe, positive learning
environment for the students of the District. In providing that environment it is mandatory that all
employees, visitors, and contractors follow certain levels of conduct, dress, and demeanor. This Code of
Conduct outlines the expectations of the Huron Valley Schools for persons both contemplating
performing work and performing work for Huron Valley Schools in the capacity of a contractor or
subcontractor. These rules will become part of the mandatory working conditions of the contract and
failure to comply by any contractor, subcontractor, management, employee, or contracted consultant
may result in the cancellation of the contract. In general it is expected that everyone entering a Huron
Valley Schools facility, whether a school, support facility, or the surrounding grounds, must dress, act,
and talk in a manner that is conducive to the education process of children while assuring their overall
safety and security. The following rules have been established to assure that this is done:
Every contractor employee that enters or leaves the building must sign in and out at either the school
office or the building engineer’s office as designated by the school administrator. This sign-in sheet must
record the name, time in and out, the firm, and the signature of the individual.
All contractors shall be furnished by their company a badge or identification that is to be worn while in the
building. Such identification shall clearly indicate the individual’s name and the name of the firm they are
working for.
Prior to the beginning of a job, the contractor shall furnish the building engineer with a list of individuals
expected to be on the job, contact persons with phone numbers, and a schedule of the activities to take
The contractor shall provide the building engineer with a scope of work and check with him prior to
drilling or penetrating any walls, floors, or ceilings.
Each person working in a school building or on school property shall comply with the following:
RFP # HV-425-110920
No drinking or possession of liquor or alcoholic beverages and or possession of any kind of illicit drugs or
No use of District facilities or equipment including telephone, computers, internet access, fax, kitchen,
maintenance or office equipment.
No smoking or use of any tobacco products anywhere within the building at any time nor outside the
school on District property during normal school hours (This is a law and punishable as a civil infraction
by local authorities).
A reasonable standard of dress must be followed. Within the educational facilities where students and
parents are or can be present, this is to mean clothing or attire must be suitable for the work and must
not bear images or writing depicting anything to be construed as obscene in nature or promoting or
portraying alcoholic beverages or use, drugs, narcotics, tobacco or establishments that serve or promote
the use of these substances.
There shall be no use of profanity or obscene language or gestures. Language, gestures, or other
actions that depict sexual or ethnic harassment or intimidation will not be permitted.
The contractor is responsible for a clean and safe workplace. To that end the following will be adhered
All work areas, walkways, and stairs must be kept clear of debris and loosely scattered materials.
Material storage is to be in an area designated by the Building Engineer
All work areas are to be cleaned by the contractor prior to leaving. Building staff will not be responsible
for cleaning work areas.
All trash, debris, and material must be removed from the worksite each day and disposed of off-site.
District dumpsters and trash containers are not to be used by contractors for disposal.
All contractor tools and equipment must be kept in good working order, with guards and safety devices in
place and working. Defective tools must be taken out of service. District tools and equipment will not be
loaned to contractors.
Contractors are to provide and use required protective safety equipment and comply with all local, state,
and federal safety laws and regulations.
RFP # HV-425-110920
Contractors are responsible for the reporting of accidents both to the District and their management and
to obtain any emergency treatment that may be required.
Upon leaving a jobsite all doors and windows must be locked, secured, or left as they were found prior to
beginning the work.
Contractors are to provide their own site safety plan for areas that they are working in.
Contractors are reminded that there may be asbestos insulation in our buildings. They are not to disturb
any insulation or enter any areas that contain asbestos containing building materials. If they have any
questions, contact the building engineer for direction.
Contractor is not to disable or interfere with any fire or burglary system equipment or telephone lines
servicing such equipment. If equipment needs to be removed, relocated, or temporarily disabled, the
contractor needs to coordinate this with the building engineer.
The District will not tolerate acts of theft, vandalism, fighting, or abuse of the facilities or activities that
threaten the security and safety of the school environment and its students, staff, and employees.
In summary, good judgment must be used to protect the learning environment. Failure to comply with
the above or to exhibit conduct which is deemed not in the best interest of the Huron Valley
Schools will be grounds for immediate removal from the building and the project.
Please confirm your understanding by checking Yes or No.
Yes No
1.5 Service Capabilities
1.5.1 Communication Plan/Contract Management
Proposers shall identify their company standards of communication as they relate to contract
performance, issue management, and change management. An issue is an identified event that, if
not addressed, may affect schedule, scope, service, delivery, quality, or budget. A change is
identified as a change in corporate leadership, structure, merger or acquisition.
Proposer Response:
1.5.2 Primary Account Representative
Proposers must identify by name and location the primary account representatives and key
contacts who will be responsible for the performance of a resulting contract, as well as contact
RFP # HV-425-110920
persons for reports and bid documents. Include names, titles, address, phone number, and email
Proposer Response:
1.6 Customer Service
It is preferred that the Vendor have an accessible customer service department with an individual
specifically assigned to Huron Valley Schools. Customer inquiries should be responded to within 48
hours or two (2) business days unless it is an emergency issue. Describe your company’s Customer
Service Department (hours of operation, number and location of service centers, regular and emergency
response times, etc.)
Proposer Response:
1.7 Purchase Orders
Requests for quotes will be initiated by participating entities as specific needs arise. Participating entities
will issue individual detailed specifications to the pre-qualified vendor pool along with specific response
information required, deliverables, and any special terms and conditions. The vendors will respond
directly to the requesting agency within the timeframe specified in the request for quote. The
participating entity will evaluate the responses and determine the vendor that will be awarded a purchase
order (PO). Resulting orders are to be delivered and billed directly to these institutions.
Please confirm your understanding by checking Yes or No.
Yes No
1.8 Delivery & Acceptance
The Proposer will be required to quote prices for all known costs for the requested products and services.
Proposer should address the following items and costs in their proposal and other item/costs that they are
aware of that may not have been requested in this bid.
Time frames for delivery of service;
Please give a description and the costs associated with products and the service model you
What is your Ordering procedure and/or process?
Policies and procedures for an organization accepting a delivery of service.
Proposer Response:
1.8.1 Reporting Capabilities
RFP # HV-425-110920
Contractors are required to submit quarterly sales reports and other reporting documents, as it
pertains to this contract.
Please confirm your understanding by checking Yes or No.
Yes No
1.8.2 Shipping Errors
The receiving entities have been instructed to make immediate inspection on receipt of
products/services and to process payment documents promptly. Payment documents, however,
will be delayed if the products/services fail to comply with specification requirements.
Please confirm your understanding by checking Yes or No.
Yes No
If “NO” was answered on any items in Section 1.3, 1.4, 1.7, 1.8, please explain:
1.9 Pricing Schedule
1. Price Guarantee
Price Stability Guarantee
For the first 2 years of the Agreement, the vendor must guarantee to provide the products at the
proposed rates. The vendor can propose price increases or decreases after the above stated
time period.
Promotional Pricing
Proposer may offer promotional pricing for awarded products and/or services during the contract
term. Upon promotion expiration, the pricing must return to previous item price and remain in
compliance with the Price Stability Guarantee.
Free on Board (F.O.B) Delivered/Destination (Required)
Prices shall be quoted "F.O.B. Delivered/Destination" to each Customer with transportation
charges prepaid on all orders of one (1) or more.
2. Bid Pricing
Bid pricing must reflect Net 30 payment terms.
3. Quantity Term
Vendor agrees to supply the complete quantity and products that each customer requires.
4. Rebates and Special Promotional Capabilities
All vendors are encouraged to make manufacturer promotions, rebates and special pricing
opportunities available. Huron Valley Schools must approve promotional materials referring to
RFP # HV-425-110920
the Huron Valley/MAC Agreement prior to release. Huron Valley/MAC will post rebate and
special pricing information on its web site.
Guidelines for Vendor /Contractor promotions for Huron Valley/MAC awarded items:
A. Submit all promotions for approval
B. Identify the savings amount
C. Identify the final price
D. Specify the time period in which a purchase must be made
E. Identify the link to a rebate form (preferred) or provide the form
5. Tax Excluded from Price
(a) Sales Tax: Huron Valley and local units of government are exempt from sales tax for direct
purchases. The Proposer's prices must not include sales tax.
(b) Federal Excise Tax: Huron Valley and local units of government may be exempt from Federal
Excise Tax, or the taxes may be reimbursable, if articles purchased under any resulting Contract
are used for Huron Valley Schools exclusive use. Certificates showing exclusive use for the
purposes of substantiating a tax-free, or tax-reimbursable sale will be sent upon request. If a sale
is tax exempt or tax reimbursable under the Internal Revenue Code, the Proposer's prices must not
include the Federal Excise Tax.
Proposer Response:
1.10 Price Assurance
The awarded vendor agrees to provide pricing to Huron Valley Schools and its participating entities
ensuring the lowest pricing available. The awarded vendor agrees to promptly lower the cost of any
product/service purchased through Huron Valley Schools following a reduction in the manufacturer or
publisher's direct cost. If respondent has existing cooperative contracts in place, Huron Valley Schools
requests equal or better than pricing to be submitted.
All pricing submitted to Huron Valley Schools shall include 2.0% administrative/remittance fee to be
remitted to MAC by the awarded vendor. It is the awarded vendor’s responsibility to keep all product
listings and sales reports up to date and on file with Huron Valley Schools/MAC.
RFP # HV-425-110920
1. The undersigned declares that the bid documents, including, without limitation, any RFP Addenda
and Exhibits have been read.
2. The undersigned is authorized, offers, and agrees to furnish the articles and/or services specified
in accordance with the Specifications, Terms & Conditions of the bid documents of RFQu # HV-
3. The undersigned has reviewed the bid documents and fully understands the requirements in this
bid and that each bidder who is awarded a contract shall be, in fact, a prime contractor, not a
subcontractor, and agrees that its bid, if accepted by Huron Valley Schools, will be the basis for the
Bidder to enter into a contract with Huron Valley Schools in accordance with the intent of the bid
4. The undersigned acknowledges receipt and acceptance of all addenda.
5. The undersigned agrees to the following terms, conditions, certifications, and requirements listed in
Section 2.3:
Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion
Certification Regarding Nondiscrimination Under Federally and State Assisted Programs
Assurance Regarding Access to Records and Financial Statements
Iran Economic Sanctions Act
Familial Relationship Disclosure
Non-Collusion Affidavit
6. The undersigned acknowledges that bidder will be in good standing in the State of Michigan, with
all the necessary licenses, permits, certifications, approvals, and authorizations necessary to
perform all obligations in connection with this RFQu and associated bid documents.
7. It is the responsibility of each bidder to be familiar with all of the specifications, terms and
conditions and, if applicable, the site condition. By the submission of a bid, the bidder certifies that
if awarded a contract they will make no claim against Huron Valley Schools based upon ignorance
of conditions or misunderstanding of the specifications.
8. Patent indemnity: Vendors who do business with the Huron Valley Schools shall hold Huron Valley
Schools, its officers, agents and employees, harmless from liability of a nature or kind, including
cost and expenses, for infringement or use of any patent, copyright or other proprietary right, secret
process, patented or unpatented invention, article or appliance furnished or used in connection with
the contract or purchase order.
RFP # HV-425-110920
9. Insurance certificates are not required at the time of submission. However, if awarded, the
Contractor agrees to meet the minimum insurance requirements posted in the terms and
conditions. This documentation must be provided to Huron Valley Schools, prior to award, and
shall include an insurance certificate and additional insured certificate, naming Huron Valley
Schools, which meets the minimum insurance requirements, as stated in the terms and conditions.
10. A 5% bid bond or certified check must accompany the bid for those bids greater than $1,500.00 (All
submitted bid categories must be totaled together).
11. If Owner chooses to have a Performance Bond, this shall be required on Bid Proposal Form by
category. Cost of a Performance Bond, equal to 100% of the contract price for Furniture Packages
over $10,000.00, shall be stated on the Bid Proposal Form. Owner shall decide at the time of ward
of contract whether to proceed with a Performance Bond.
12. Bidders are requested to submit a bid on any category(s) that they are able to supply as specified.
Substitutions will not be considered. If the documents note “or acceptable equal” all manufacturers
will be considered. Bidders must submit model numbers and finish samples for each item number
in the specified format. Literature and isometric drawings noting proposed changes to the
documents must also be included. Products for consideration must comply with bid category
“general notes” and identify discrepancies where product does not meet or exceed the specified
(basis of design) product for design, finish, and quality.
13. Should a Bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from the specifications, plans, drawings,
details, instructions and bid proposal form, or should the bidder be in doubt as to the meaning, the
bidder should notify, the bid contact who will send written instructions to all appropriate Bidders.
The Owner and Architect shall not be responsible for any oral instructions.
14. It is the Bidder's responsibility to note any detail or specification that, in his opinion, is not practical
or functional.
15. Bidders are required to verify product description to model numbers during bidding. Any
discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the contact person.
16. Interpretations and supplemental instructions will be issued by Addenda. No Bidder shall rely on
any interpretations or corrections given by any other method. Interpretations, corrections, or
changes of the Bidding Documents made in any other manner will not be binding.
17. Copies of addenda will be made available for inspection wherever Bidding Documents are on file.
RFP # HV-425-110920
18. Submit requests for clarification or interpretation of the Bidding Documents in writing on bidders
letterhead stationery, pdf format. The cut-off date for submission of clarifications, interpretations,
ambiguities, inconsistencies, and or errors discovered is January 4, 2021.
19. Addenda will not be issued later than three (3) days, (72 hrs) prior to the date of receipt of bids
(excluding weekends and holidays), except an addendum withdrawing the request for bids or
postponing the bid date.
20. Failure of Bidder to receive such addenda shall not relieve him from any obligation under his bid as
21. Failure to comply with instructions stated in this section may result in rejection of bid.
22. All information issued prior to the close of the bidding period shall be included in returned bid
proposals and acknowledged on the Bid Proposal Form.
23. The Contract shall be awarded when a Bidder has been issued a Purchase Order, but the terms of
the Contract shall not be deemed to have been perfected until a Certificate of Insurance is
delivered to the Owner. If Owner chooses to have a Performance Bond, this shall be required on
Bid Proposal Form by category.
24. After a contract agreement has been executed, the Bidder shall not be allowed any sum over and
above the price(s) specified in the contract agreement.
25. Huron Valley Schools requires all Contractor owners, employees, agents,
representatives, subcontractors, and/or other personnel who will be present on School
grounds to submit to a criminal history background check. This background check will
include a requirement for each contractor owner, employee, agent, representative,
subcontractor, and/or other personnel to be screened before he/she enters School
grounds. A valid State ID card or Driver’s License is required to complete the background
check. Once screened, the District will provide approved personnel with a Contractor
Badge with a unique number.
Huron Valley Specified Furniture Pricing Attachment A
1. Totaled bid category prices are to be entered on Pricing Attachment A. All pricing is to include unit
cost, freight, delivery, and installation. In all cases Bidder must observe the established Pricing
Attachment A for bidding.
2. “Lump Sum” on Pricing Attachment A, means the total of all the unit prices within the Furniture
Category. “Unit Price” means the price of one item delivered, freighted, and installed. Bidder shall
provide either a typed list of unit pricing (each unit price to include freight, delivery and installation)
for each furniture item included in the bid or bidder may photocopy furnishings specification sheets
and insert unit pricing in that format.
RFP # HV-425-110920
3. Bidder shall also provide an attachment indicating the cost of storage (expressed in cost per
hundred weight) to be used in the event of a delay in the construction of the building. The costs for
extra handling required shall also be provided.
4. Bid pricing for the installation of furnishings shall include all panel to panel electrical connections as
well as panel to power source connections. Panel to power source connections are to be done by
a licensed electrician.
5. Pricing shall include the receiving of furnishings and installation at job site(s). Drop shipping is
6. Bid pricing for the installation of furnishings shall include the return to the job after Owner occupies
to manage and conceal all telephone, power, computer wires.
7. All furniture items specified for a "COM" covering shall be priced with that covering. The Contractor
shall order coverage and have it delivered to the Manufacturer at the appropriate time.
8. Cost of a Performance Bond, equal to 100% of the contract price for Furniture Packages over
$10,000.00, shall be stated on the Bid Proposal Form. Owner shall decide at the time of award of
contract whether to proceed with a Performance Bond.
1. Owner reserves the right to add or deduct item quantities from the original specification, up to 10%
of the original quantities without any effect on the unit prices submitted.
Huron Valley Non-Specified Furniture Pricing Attachment B
Catalogs and/or price lists must accompany the proposal. The catalog/price list must be the
regular, common available catalog/price list distributed to schools and/or government entities that
are published by the manufacturer. Respondents should indicate any discounts or promotional
pricing available. Please specify where different percentage discounts apply. If respondent has
existing cooperative contracts in place, Huron Valley requests equal or better than pricing to be
Solicitation Terms and Condition can be found at www.hvs.org/district/purchasinginfo/
RFP # HV-425-110920
2.1 Company Profile
Official Name of Bidder:
Type of Entity/Organization (check one):
Joint Venture
Limited Liability Partnership
Limited Liability Corporation
Non-Profit / Church
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Primary Contact Name:
Primary Contact Phone Number
Primary Contact Email Address:
Dunn & Bradstreet (D&B) Number (if
Has your company been debarred by the Federal Government? Yes No
If yes, has it been lifted and if so, when?
Has your company been debarred by State Governments? Yes No
If yes, has it been lifted and if so, when?
Brief history of your company, including the year it was established:
Name and Title of Signer:
RFP # HV-425-110920
2.2 References
Provide a minimum of three (3) customer references for product and/or services of similar scope
dating within the past 5 years.
Entity Name:
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
Years Serviced:
Description of Services:
Annual Volume:
Entity Name:
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
Years Serviced:
Description of Services:
Annual Volume:
Entity Name:
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
Years Serviced:
Description of Services:
Annual Volume:
RFP # HV-425-110920
2.3 Assurances and Certifications
Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion
The prospective contractor certifies, by submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals are presently
debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded for from participating in
this transaction by any Federal department of agency. Where the prospective contractor is unable to certify to any of
the statements in this certification, such prospective contractor shall attach an explanation to this proposal.
Certification Regarding Nondiscrimination Under Federally and State Assisted Programs
The applicant herby agrees that it will comply with all federal and Michigan laws and regulations prohibiting
discrimination and, in accordance therewith, no person, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or
ancestry, age, sex, marital status or handicap, shall be discriminated against, excluded from participation in, denied
the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity for which it is responsible or for
which it receives financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education or the Michigan Department of
Education (MDE).
Assurance Regarding Access to Records and Financial Statements
The applicant hereby assures that it will provide the pass-through entity, i.e., the Huron Valley Schools, and auditors
with access to the records and financial statements as necessary for the pass-through entity to comply with 2 CFR,
Part 200, Subpart F, and Compliance Supplement for the U.S. Department of Education.
Iran Economic Sanctions Act
The prospective contractor certifies that its organization, by submission of this proposal, is not an Iran Linked
Business. Please refer to the “Iran Economic Sanction Act” Public Act 517 for clarifications or questions. Huron
Valley Schools as a Michigan public entity is required to follow Public Act 517 of 2012.
Vendor Signature:
State of _____________________________________
County of ____________________________________
Sworn to and subscribed before me, a notary public in
and for the above state and county, on this ________
day of ___________________________, 20 ______.
Notary Public _________________________________
My commission expires:
RFP # HV-425-110920
Pursuant to MCL 380.1267, a sworn and notarized statement disclosing any familial relationship that exists
between the owner or any employee of the bidder and any member of the Huron Valley Schools Board of
Education or the Huron Valley Schools District Superintendent must be accompanied with the bid. Bids
without this disclosure statement will not be accepted.
The members of the Huron Valley Schools Board of Education are: Thomas Wiseman, Denise Pistana,
Sean Carlson, Denise Forrest, Lindsey Cotter, Jeffrey Long, Jim Pearson.
The Huron Valley Schools Superintendent is: Dr. Paul Salah
The Following are the familial relationships:
There are none.
Vendor Signature:
State of _____________________________________
County of ____________________________________
Sworn to and subscribed before me, a notary public in
and for the above state and county, on this ________
day of ___________________________, 20 ______.
Notary Public _________________________________
My commission expires:
RFP # HV-425-110920
) ss:
The undersigned bidder or agent, being duly sworn on oath, says that he/she has not, nor has
any other member, representative, or agent of the firm, company, corporation or partnership represented
by him/her, entered into any combination, collusion or agreement with any person relative to the price to
be bid by anyone at such letting nor to prevent any person from bidding nor to induce anyone to refrain
from bidding, and that this bid is made without reference to any other bid and without any agreement,
understanding or combination with any other person in reference to such bidding.
He/she further says that no person or persons, firms, or corporation has, have or will receive
directly or indirectly, any rebate, gift, fee, commission or thing of value on account of such sale.
Bidder (Firm)
Signature of Bidder or Agent
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______day of___________________, 20___.
My commission expires:_____________________
County of residence:________________________
Notary Public Signature Seal
(Return this completed form with bid package)
RFP # HV-425-110920
This section contains key project dates and activities as well as instructions to proposers on how to prepare
and submit their proposal:
Release of RFQu:
December 14, 2020
Question & Answer Due Date:
January 4, 2021
Questions and Answers Responses Posted:
January 6, 2021
Proposals Due by (10:00 am/ EST) *:
January 11, 2021
Notice to Award:
February 2021
Master Agreement Award Date:
February 2021
*Responses received later than the specified deadline will be disqualified.
3.1 Huron Valley Schools Responsibility
Huron Valley Schools is not responsible for representations made by any of its officers or
employees prior to the execution of the Master Agreement unless such understanding or
representation is included in the Master Agreement.
3.2 Truth and Accuracy of Representations
False, misleading, incomplete, or deceptively unresponsive statements in connection with a
proposal shall be sufficient cause for rejection of the proposal. The evaluation and determination in
this area shall be at Huron Valley Schools Administrator/Purchasing agent designee’s sole
judgment and his/her judgment shall be final.
3.3 Proposers Questions
Proposers may submit written questions regarding this RFQu by e-mail to the address
identified below. All questions must be received by 5:00 pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)
no later than Monday, January 4, 2021. All questions, without identifying the submitting
company, will be compiled with the appropriate answers and issued as an addendum to the RFQu.
When submitting questions please specify the RFQu section and paragraph number, and quote the
language that prompted the question. This will ensure that the question can be quickly found in the
RFQu. Huron Valley Schools reserves the right to group similar questions when providing
answers. Questions should be addressed to:
Email address: [email protected]
RFP # HV-425-110920
Huron Valley Schools may modify the RFQu at any time during the bid process. All changes to the
RFQu will be posted under the bid number and each posting officially revises the RFQu.
3.4 Preparation of the Proposal
Each Proposer must submit a complete proposal in response to this RFQu. The proposal must
remain valid for at least 120 days from the due date for responses to this RFQu.
The Proposer will be responsible for completing and submitting the following sections of this RFQu:
Section 1.0 Bid Responses to Scope of Work and Pricing - The Proposer’s proposal must
include detailed responses to each of the outlined requirements in the text boxes provided.
There is no requirement or limitation on the amount of words for these responses.
Section 2.0 Bidder Information and AcceptanceThe Proposer will be required to
complete the information in this section and provide required signatures and notarization.
Attachments A and B – Pricing SchedulesThe Proposer will be required to complete the
excel spreadsheets that make up the pricing/revenue schedule.
3.5 Bid Submission Deadline
The Deadline for receipt of Bids is: Monday, January 11, 2021, 10:00 AM EST (the
"Due Date"). Any bids received after this time will not be opened.
Send or deliver Three (3) copies of the bid, clearly marked Furniture Bid HV-425-110920
along with one electronic copy on a USB Flash Drive to:
Jon Riebe - Director of Capital Improvements
Huron Valley Schools - Administrative Building
2390 South Milford Road
Highland, Michigan 48357
In the event, the Administration Building is closed due to unforeseen circumstances on
the day Proposals are due, Proposals will be due at the same time on the next day
that the District and/or the Administration Building is open. Administration Building is
open to accept bids 8:00am 4:30pm EST.
Due to COVID 19 our Bid Opening will be virtual. Below is the Zoom invite if you are
interested in attending.
Topic: Furniture Bid Opening - Zoom Meeting
Time: Jan 11, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
RFP # HV-425-110920
Meeting ID: 940 7129 3771
Passcode: 885043
One tap mobile
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+19292056099,,94071293771#,,,,,,0#,,885043# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 940 7129 3771
Passcode: 885043
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aeIwdf4oor
3.6 Adherence to Mandatory Requirements (Pass/Fail)
Huron Valley Schools Administrator or designee shall review Section 2.0 Bidder Information and
determine if the Proposer meets the minimum requirements as outlined in this RFQu.
Failure of the proposer to comply with the minimum mandatory requirements may eliminate its
proposal from any further consideration. Huron Valley Schools may elect to waive any informality
in a proposal if the sum and substance of the proposal is present.
3.7 Evaluation Process
All bids will be reviewed for compliance with the mandatory requirements stated within this RFQu.
Bids not meeting the mandatory requirements will be deemed non-responsive and eliminated from
further consideration. Huron Valley Schools may elect to waive any informality in a proposal if the
sum and substance of the proposal is present.
A. Huron Valley Schools may contact the proposer for clarification of the proposer's bid.
B. Huron Valley Schools may use other sources of information to perform the evaluation.
C. Huron Valley Schools may require the proposer to submit additional and/or supporting
Responsive bids will be evaluated on the factors identified in this RFQu. The Proposer(s) whose
bid is advantageous to the Eligible Agencies, taking into consideration the evaluation factors, will
be recommended for award approval.
After a prospective supplier has been selected, Huron Valley Schools and the prospective
supplier(s) will negotiate a Master Agreement. If a satisfactory Master Agreement cannot be
negotiated, Huron Valley Schools may, at its sole discretion, begin negotiations with the next
qualified proposer who submitted a proposal. It is anticipated that pre-qualified contract awards will
be made to multiple vendors.
RFP # HV-425-110920
A solicitation may be cancelled, or any or all bids or proposals may be rejected in whole or in part,
when it is in the best interest of Huron Valley Schools in accordance with regulations.
3.8 Evaluation Criteria
1. Evaluation Factors for Statement of Work (Section 1) – 30 points
2. Company Profile (Section 2.1) - 10 points
3. References (Section 2.2) 20 points
4. Pricing/Revenue (Section 1.10 and Attachment B) – 40 points
3.9 Optional Tools to Enhance Evaluation Process
Huron Valley Schools during the evaluation of proposals may find it necessary to utilize one or
multiple tools, as listed below, to facilitate their understanding of the proposal(s) in order to select
the best offering to Huron Valley Schools:
Deficiency Report
Oral Presentation
Site Visit
Best and Final Offer (BAFO)
3.10 Huron Valley Schools Option to Reject Proposals
Huron Valley Schools may, in its sole and absolute discretion, reject any or all proposals submitted
in response to this RFQu. Huron Valley Schools and its Architect shall not be liable for any costs
incurred by the proposer in connection with the preparation and submission of any proposal.
Huron Valley Schools reserves the right to waive inconsequential disparities in a submitted
3.11 Freedom of Information Act
This contract and all information submitted to Huron Valley Schools by the contractor and
proposers is subject to the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 1976 PA 442, MCL
15.231, et seq.
Huron Valley Schools shall not, in any way, be liable or responsible for the disclosure of any such
record or any parts thereof, if disclosure is required or permitted under the Michigan Freedom of
Information Act or otherwise by law. The Proposer(s) must specifically label only those provisions
of the proposal, which are actually trade secrets, confidential, or proprietary in nature. A blanket
statement of confidentiality or the marking of each page of the proposal as "Trade Secret",
"Confidential", or "Proprietary" shall not be permitted. Any such designation will be disregarded.
By submitting a response to this RFQu, the Proposer shall be deemed to have agreed to indemnify
and hold harmless Huron Valley Schools for any liability arising from or in connection with Huron
RFP # HV-425-110920
Valley Schools failure to disclose, in response to a request under the Michigan Freedom of
Information Act, any portion or portions of the Proposer's response to this RFP which have been
marked "Trade Secret," "Confidential," or "Proprietary."
3.12 Contacts with Huron Valley Schools Personnel
All contact with Huron Valley Schools regarding this RFQu or any matter relating thereto must be
e-mailed as follows:
Email address: [email protected]om
If it is discovered that a Proposer contacted and received information regarding this solicitation
from any Huron Valley Schools personnel other than the Procurement Contact, Huron Valley
Schools, in its sole discretion, may disqualify its proposal from further consideration. Only those
communications made by Huron Valley Schools in writing will be binding with respect to this RFQu.
3.13 Final Agreement Award Determination
Huron Valley Schools reserves the right to make one total award, one award for each
category/section, multiple awards, or a combination of awards, and to exercise its judgment
concerning the selection of one or more proposals, the terms of any resultant agreement(s), and
the determination of which, if any, proposal(s) best serves the interests of Huron Valley Schools.