HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS) Security Technical White
Paper V2.0
Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
Secure and Trustworthy HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
No.2 of Xincheng Road, Songshan Lake Zone, Dongguan, Guangdong, P.R. China
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HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Security & Privacy Protection Are Huawei's Top Priorities .................................................................. 1
2 HarmonyOS-based Security .......................................................................................... 3
3 Secure Service Access ................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Password Complexity ........................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Image Verification Code ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Account Protection and Multi-factor Authentication ............................................................................. 6
3.4 Risky Operation Notification ................................................................................................................. 6
3.5 Heuristic Security Authentication ......................................................................................................... 6
3.6 Child Accounts ..................................................................................................................................... 6
3.7 Account Anti-Fraud ............................................................................................................................... 7
3.8 Account Privacy Protection .................................................................................................................. 7
4 Encryption and Data Protection .................................................................................... 8
4.1 Encryption Key Management and Distribution ..................................................................................... 8
4.2 Certification and Digital Signature ........................................................................................................ 9
4.3 Trusted Identity Authentication and Integrity Protection .................................................................... 10
4.4 TCIS ................................................................................................................................................... 10
5 Network Security........................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Secure Transmission Channel ........................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Cloud Network Border Protection ...................................................................................................... 11
5.3 VPN-based Fine-grained Security Protection .................................................................................... 12
5.4 Host and Virtualization Container Protection ..................................................................................... 13
5.5 Multi-layer Intrusion Prevention.......................................................................................................... 13
5.6 Zero Trust Architecture ...................................................................................................................... 14
5.7 Vulnerability Management .................................................................................................................. 14
5.8 Operation Audit .................................................................................................................................. 14
6 Service Security ............................................................................................................ 15
6.1 HUAWEI Mobile Cloud ....................................................................................................................... 15
6.2 HUAWEI SkyTone .............................................................................................................................. 16
6.3 Find Device......................................................................................................................................... 16
6.4 HUAWEI Browser ............................................................................................................................... 17
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
6.5 HUAWEI Wallet/Huawei Pay .............................................................................................................. 18
6.6 Service Anti-Fraud .............................................................................................................................. 19
7 AppGallery and App Security ...................................................................................... 20
7.1 Overview of AppGallery and App Security ......................................................................................... 20
7.2 Developer Identity Verification ........................................................................................................... 20
7.3 Four-Layer Malicious App Detection System ..................................................................................... 21
7.4 Download and Installation Assurance ................................................................................................ 22
7.5 Runtime Defense Mechanism ............................................................................................................ 23
7.6 Age Rating of Apps ............................................................................................................................ 24
7.7 Security of Quick Apps ....................................................................................................................... 24
7.8 Open Security Cloud Test .................................................................................................................. 24
8 HMS Core (Developer Kits) .......................................................................................... 26
8.1 HMS Core Framework........................................................................................................................ 26
8.1.1 Authentication Credentials .............................................................................................................. 27
8.1.2 Security Sandbox ............................................................................................................................ 27
8.1.3 Service DR ...................................................................................................................................... 28
8.2 Account Kit ......................................................................................................................................... 28
8.2.1 Authorized Sign-In ........................................................................................................................... 28
8.2.2 Anti-fraud ......................................................................................................................................... 28
8.3 Push Kit .............................................................................................................................................. 28
8.3.1 Identity Authentication ..................................................................................................................... 29
8.3.2 Message Protection......................................................................................................................... 29
8.3.3 Secure Message Transmission ....................................................................................................... 29
8.4 IAP ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
8.4.1 Merchant and Transaction Service Authentication ......................................................................... 30
8.4.2 Screen Capture and Recording Prevention .................................................................................... 30
8.4.3 Prevention Against Floating-Window-based Interception ............................................................... 30
8.4.4 Fingerprint/Facial Recognition-based Payment .............................................................................. 30
8.4.5 Copy-Out Not Allowed in Password Input Controls ........................................................................ 30
8.5 Ads Kit ................................................................................................................................................ 30
8.5.1 High-Quality Ad Choices ................................................................................................................. 31
8.5.2 Anti-cheat System ........................................................................................................................... 31
8.5.3 Data Security ................................................................................................................................... 31
8.6 Drive Kit .............................................................................................................................................. 31
8.6.1 Authentication and Authorization .................................................................................................... 32
8.6.2 Data Integrity ................................................................................................................................... 32
8.6.3 Data Security ................................................................................................................................... 32
8.6.4 Active-Active Services and Data DR ............................................................................................... 32
8.7 Game Service ..................................................................................................................................... 32
8.7.1 Data Protection ................................................................................................................................ 32
8.7.2 User Authorization ........................................................................................................................... 33
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
8.8 Identity Kit ........................................................................................................................................... 33
8.9 Wallet Kit ............................................................................................................................................ 33
8.9.1 System Environment Security Identification ................................................................................... 34
8.10 Health Kit .......................................................................................................................................... 34
8.10.1 Access Control over User Data ..................................................................................................... 34
8.10.2 Data Encrypted for Storage ........................................................................................................... 34
8.11 FIDO ................................................................................................................................................. 34
8.11.1 Local Authentication (BioAuthn) .................................................................................................... 35
8.11.2 FIDO2 ............................................................................................................................................ 35
8.12 WisePlay DRM ................................................................................................................................. 35
8.12.1 Hardware-Level Secure Runtime Environment ............................................................................ 36
8.12.2 Secure Video Path ........................................................................................................................ 36
8.12.3 Secure Clock ................................................................................................................................. 36
8.12.4 DRM Certificate Authentication ..................................................................................................... 36
8.12.5 Secure Transmission .................................................................................................................... 36
8.13 ML Kit ............................................................................................................................................... 37
8.13.1 Data Processing ............................................................................................................................ 37
8.14 Nearby Service ................................................................................................................................. 37
8.15 Location Kit ....................................................................................................................................... 38
8.15.1 User Authorization ......................................................................................................................... 38
8.15.2 Data Storage ................................................................................................................................. 38
8.16 Site Kit .............................................................................................................................................. 38
8.17 Map Kit ............................................................................................................................................. 39
8.18 Awareness Kit .................................................................................................................................. 39
8.19 Analytics Kit ...................................................................................................................................... 39
8.19.1 Server Spoofing Prevention .......................................................................................................... 40
8.19.2 Secure Data Transmission ............................................................................................................ 40
8.19.3 Server Data Isolation ..................................................................................................................... 40
8.20 Dynamic Tag Manager ..................................................................................................................... 40
8.20.1 Anti-spoofing ................................................................................................................................. 41
8.20.2 Limited API-based Code Execution Permissions ......................................................................... 41
8.20.3 Security Management for Dynamic Tag Code .............................................................................. 41
8.21 Safety Detect .................................................................................................................................... 41
8.21.1 SysIntegrity API ............................................................................................................................. 42
8.21.2 AppsCheck API ............................................................................................................................. 42
8.21.3 URLCheck API .............................................................................................................................. 42
8.21.4 UserDetect API .............................................................................................................................. 43
8.21.5 WifiDetect API ............................................................................................................................... 43
8.22 Search Kit ......................................................................................................................................... 43
8.23 Keyring ............................................................................................................................................. 43
8.23.1 Secure Credential Storage ............................................................................................................ 43
8.23.2 Credential Sharing......................................................................................................................... 44
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
9 Privacy Control ............................................................................................................. 45
9.1 Privacy Compliance Framework ........................................................................................................ 45
9.2 Local Deployment ............................................................................................................................... 45
9.3 Data Minimization ............................................................................................................................... 45
9.4 On-device Data Processing ............................................................................................................... 46
9.5 Transparency and Controllability........................................................................................................ 46
9.6 Identity Protection ............................................................................................................................... 46
9.7 Data Security Assurance .................................................................................................................... 46
9.8 Obligations of a Data Processor ........................................................................................................ 47
9.9 Protection of Minors ........................................................................................................................... 47
10 Security & Privacy Certifications and Compliance .................................................. 48
10.1 ISO/IEC 27001 and 27018 Certifications ......................................................................................... 48
10.2 ISO/IEC 27701 Certification ............................................................................................................. 48
10.3 CSA STAR Certification ................................................................................................................... 49
10.4 CC Certification ................................................................................................................................ 49
10.5 PCI DSS Certification ....................................................................................................................... 49
10.6 EuroPriSe Certification for HUAWEI ID ........................................................................................... 49
10.7 ePrivacyseal Certification ................................................................................................................. 50
11 Oriented Future ........................................................................................................... 51
11.1 Protect and Empower Users ............................................................................................................ 51
11.2 Fortify Foundation Against Emerging Threats ................................................................................. 52
11.3 Prepare for Disruptive Technology .................................................................................................. 52
12 Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................... 53
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
1 Introduction
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
1 Introduction
1.1 Security & Privacy Protection Are Huawei's Top
Cyber security and privacy protection are Huawei's top priorities. We place network
and service security assurance over our commercial interests. To that end we have
devised four proposals and three commitments regarding the security and privacy
protection of our consumer services.
From an organizational perspective, we have established a top-down organization
governance architecture, and implanted security and privacy protection activities
throughout all of our service processes. From the very start of product design, we
adhere to strict security and privacy protection principles and processes, and
services that violate them are prohibited from being released. We work with industry
authorities to build an independent security verification system for verifying the
security and privacy protection capabilities of our products and services. We also
open up our security and privacy protection capabilities to our ecosystem partners, in
order to build a secure and trustworthy ecosystem for all 1+8+N scenarios together
with our partners.
We and our ecosystem partners spare no effort when it comes to protecting the
privacy and security of consumers and make three major commitments to ensure
consumer privacy protection. Firstly, protecting consumer privacy is our top priority,
and we do so through the use of innovative technologies. Secondly, only consumers
themselves can view their data, and no one else has access to such data without the
consumer's authorization. Thirdly, from device startup to service usage, consumers'
prior consent is a must for using their data and permissions in each step.
Because privacy protection is our primary concern, we implement privacy protection
measures throughout the entire product lifecycle from product design and
development to operations and maintenance. We always adhere to the following
privacy protection principles, and utilize multiple innovative privacy protection
technologies to safeguard consumer data security from multiple dimensions:
Data minimization: We only use the least amount of personal information
required to provide services for consumers.
On-device data processing: We try as much as possible to process and analyze
consumers' personal data on their own devices.
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
1 Introduction
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
Transparency and controllability: We clearly and explicitly notify consumers
before using and analyzing their personal data, and ensure that they know how
the data is used and how to cancel their authorization for the use of their data.
Identity protection: We anonymize consumers' identities with the aid of privacy
enhancing technologies (PET) when transferring their data out of their devices.
Data security assurance: We constantly improve and add security capabilities for
our hardware, operating systems, apps, and services because we firmly believe
that data security is the basis of privacy protection.
We have established independent privacy and security teams worldwide to
continuously research innovative privacy and security technologies, integrate the
latest technologies into HMS, and monitor and ensure strict compliance of our
products. We build privacy and security capabilities into our products from the very
beginning of product design, and continue to apply them throughout the product
development and go-to-market processes. We also actively communicate with
consumers, and listen to their feedback and suggestions on privacy and security
For more information about Huawei's commitment to privacy and security, visit
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
2 HarmonyOS-based Security
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
2 HarmonyOS-based Security
HarmonyOS is a next-generation operating system designed by Huawei for smart
devices, with the goal of providing a unified language for intelligence,
interconnection, and inter-device synergy. It provides users with a smooth, seamless,
secure, and reliable all-scenario interactive experience.
The backbone of HarmonyOS's security capabilities is its three hardware-based roots
of trust (RoTs): startup, storage, and computing. HarmonyOS leverages these to
ensure device integrity, data confidentiality, and vulnerability exploit protection.
The figure below shows the security architecture of HarmonyOS.
Figure 2-1 HarmonyOS security architecture
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
2 HarmonyOS-based Security
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
The above figure shows a typical security architecture of a single HarmonyOS
device. The architecture may vary depending on the risk level and the software and
hardware resources of the device.
HarmonyOS classifies security capabilities of HarmonyOS devices into five levels
from SL1 to SL5, based on an industry-standard security classification model, and
taking into account actual HarmonyOS service scenarios and device types. Higher
security levels include the capabilities of lower security levels by default.
The figure below shows the security levels of HarmonyOS devices.
Figure 2-2 HarmonyOS device security levels
HarmonyOS provides security measures for protecting consumer and developer data
throughout the data lifecycle, and takes into account personal data sensitivity level,
system data importance, and app data asset value. With the device security level
system, all data is assigned an appropriate security level when it is generated, and
appropriate access control permissions and policies are adopted for the data based
on its security level throughout the data lifecycle. During data storage, appropriate
encryption measures are adopted for different data security levels, and during data
transmission, the system prohibits the transfer of highly sensitive data to devices with
low security capabilities. In addition, devices with low security capabilities are not
allowed to deliver instructions for controlling highly sensitive resources and
For more information about HarmonyOS-based security, please refer to the
HarmonyOS security technology whitepaper at
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
3 Secure Service Access
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3 Secure Service Access
HUAWEI ID enables users to securely sign in to HUAWEI Mobile Services, such as
HUAWEI Mobile Cloud, HUAWEI Wallet, HUAWEI Video, HUAWEI Music, and
HUAWEI Reader. HUAWEI ID provides security detection that covers devices, sign-
in and runtime environments, and user sign-in credentials. Such security detection
also prevents unauthorized users from stealing account information for sign-in based
on multi-factor verification of user sign-in environments and devices, thereby
preventing users' personal information from being obtained or illegal payments being
made using their accounts.
HUAWEI ID ensures account security by providing identity authentication measures
and technical measures based on Huawei devices' software and hardware
advantages. Identity authentication measures include complex sign-in password,
fingerprint sign-in, trusted device verification, verification code for new device sign-in,
and security phone number/security email address; technical measures include
prevention of screen capture/recording. In addition, real-time fraud detection is used
to prevent attacks on HUAWEI IDs. That is, the security operation team periodically
analyzes new cyber attacks in the industry and reviews existing security policies to
quickly respond to security threats that may affect HUAWEI IDs.
3.1 Password Complexity
HUAWEI ID requires a password of at least eight characters including uppercase
letters, lowercase letters, and digits. This is the minimum complexity, but users are
encouraged to use more complex passwords to further improve security. Brute force
cracking is also prevented by limiting the number of password attempts.
3.2 Image Verification Code
When HUAWEI ID detects an automated attack attempt through Safety Detect's
UserDetect feature, it will display an image verification code to help prevent the
attack. The system provides complex verification images, which cannot be spoofed
by a bot. Brute force cracking is further prevented by limiting the number of
verification code entry attempts.
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
3 Secure Service Access
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3.3 Account Protection and Multi-factor Authentication
With account protection, a user can only sign in to a HUAWEI ID from its trusted
devices. When a user signs in to their HUAWEI ID on a device for the first time or
enables forcible two-factor authentication, they must sign in through two-factor
authentication, which further ensures sign-in security. The second authentication
factor can be a verification code sent via SMS, a trusted device, or something similar.
Account protection significantly enhances the security of HUAWEI IDs and HUAWEI
Mobile Services.
If a verification code is used as the second authentication factor, it will be
automatically displayed on the user's trusted device. The user can enter the
password and verification code on their new device, which will then become their
trusted device. For example, if the user is currently using a HUAWEI Mate 20 and
want to sign in to their HUAWEI ID on a newly-purchased HUAWEI Mate 30, the
HUAWEI Mate 30 will prompt the user to enter their password and the verification
code displayed on their HUAWEI Mate 20.
3.4 Risky Operation Notification
When a user attempts to sign in to a HUAWEI ID in an unknown environment, reset
the password, modify account information, or perform any other risky operations, the
user will be notified through an SMS message, system message, IM message, or
email. The user can then confirm the operation as prompted to prevent unauthorized
users from accessing the account.
3.5 Heuristic Security Authentication
HUAWEI ID provides security question authentication in password retrieval or
changing of personal details (for example, the user has stopped using a phone
number or email address bound to the account). If the user has completed identity
verification, they can also retrieve their account and password through liveness
detection and facial authentication.
3.6 Child Accounts
HUAWEI ID allows users to create an account for their child to provide a more secure
and reliable service environment. Such accounts shall be created and managed
under the authorization of parent accounts. Parents can use child accounts to
provide a safe online environment for their children. HMS provides additional
protection for children in products and services, including filtering out apps that are
not suitable for children on HUAWEI AppGallery, restricting the payment capacity of
child accounts, and filtering out content that is not suitable for children in Video and
Reader services.
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
3 Secure Service Access
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3.7 Account Anti-Fraud
Huawei devices provide a proactive risk monitoring mechanism for account sign-in,
password reset, account change, and appeal to proactively identify risks and prevent
unauthorized users from signing in to accounts.
Sign-in: To prevent account theft caused by phishing, Trojan horses, and credential
stuffing, Huawei Device has established a multi-dimensional identification policy and
model based on risky networks, device environments, and operation exceptions. This
ensures quick and accurate identification of risks and prevention of unauthorized
account access, thereby preventing user information leakage or financial loss and
ensuring account security.
Password reset: Attackers may maliciously reset the passwords of users' HUAWEI
IDs through fake mobile towers or SMS Trojan horses, and exploit HUAWEI IDs for
personal gain. Also, when users forget their passwords, it is important that they can
conveniently reset the passwords. In these two scenarios, the risk control platform
distinguishes normal user operations from attack behavior based on multiple factors
such as operation information, device environment, and network environment,
thereby allowing users to quickly retrieve their passwords and preventing attackers
from exploiting HUAWEI IDs.
Appeal: Similar to the password reset process, the appeal process can also
determine the ownership of a HUAWEI ID. Attackers may exploit the appeal process
to seize control over users' HUAWEI IDs for personal gain. Users may also need to
restore access to their HUAWEI IDs through appeal. The risk control platform
distinguishes normal user operations from attack behavior based on multiple factors
such as operation information, device environment, and network environment,
accelerates the appeal process of normal users, and blocks attack behavior to
improve user experience while ensuring security.
In business scenarios such as flash sales, coupons, gift packages, and lottery
drawing, attackers may attempt to register a large number of fake user accounts in
batches through various channels to participate in such campaigns and receive
benefits. During HUAWEI ID registration, the system identifies fake accounts based
on expert rules, machine learning, and various means such as operation exceptions,
mobile phone number exceptions, email exceptions, and risky networks, to prevent
fake registrations and protect users' legitimate rights and interests.
3.8 Account Privacy Protection
The passwords of HUAWEI IDs are not stored on devices; user names are
anonymized for storage and display, and cannot be restored. When storing user
accounts' personal information, the server isolates and encrypts the information by
user ID and protects user passwords using the PBKDF2 algorithm. User passwords
are not stored in plaintext. HUAWEI IDs use HTTPS to transmit data, safeguarding
data transmission.
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
4 Encryption and Data Protection
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
4 Encryption and Data Protection
4.1 Encryption Key Management and Distribution
To fully protect service data, HMS uses E2E encryption during service data
processing and exchange. HMS uses the Key Management Service (KMS) to
manage the application, distribution, use, resetting, and recycling of keys in a unified
manner for better protection.
KMS uses a hardware security module (HSM) with industry-leading security to serve
the root key, which generates other keys. The HSM is a FIPS-certified (Level 3)
dedicated cryptographic device that is capable of physical anti-tampering and
provides encryption, digital signature, and key security management services for
apps. In addition, the root key of the HSM is safeguarded using physical access and
multiple physical keys.
KMS uses multi-level key management and distributed deployment to ensure key
security and high performance of services. It uses international standards or security
algorithms (such as AES, RSA, and SHA256) common throughout the industry.
Insecure algorithms (such as MD5, SHA1, and DES) are prohibited. In addition, the
key of a security algorithm must meet a certain security strength (for example, the
key must contain more than 128 bits for AES and at least 2048 bits for RSA). Such
algorithms include symmetric encryption algorithms (AES128 and AES256),
asymmetric encryption algorithms (RSA2048, RSA3072, RSA4096, ECC-p256, ECC-
p384, and ECC-p521), and hash algorithms (SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512). KMS
also provides a strict process for managing keys, certificates, authorization, and
In HMS, each service applies for a key from KMS for user information (for
example, user account registration information) to be encrypted for storage. After
KMS distributes an encryption key to the HMS service, the service uses the key
to encrypt the information to be stored in order to prevent unauthorized access.
On-device encryption is used for processing and transferring hosted user data,
such as files in HUAWEI Mobile Cloud (supported only in certain regions). Each
user is provided with a unique encryption key based on that provided by KMS
and the encryption factor of the user device, preventing information leakage
caused by unauthorized access. When copyright-based services such as Music,
Themes, and Reader are used, the key is used to protect content during
transmission. When a service starts, a pair of device-related public and private
keys is generated on the device. The specific key pairs vary depending on the
device. When using the Music service, for example, the public key is transferred
to and stored on the music server. When a user plays a song, the server uses
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
4 Encryption and Data Protection
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
the public key to deliver the symmetric key used for encrypting the song content
and uses the symmetric key to encrypt the content to be transmitted to the
device. After receiving data, the device uses its unique key to decrypt the song.
Different devices use different keys to ensure that the copyrighted data is not
accessed without authorization.
Certain products without independent authentication UIs, such as kids watches,
also use protected authentication keys for trusted communication with a server.
Service configurations to be protected, such as authentication credentials
between services, are also encrypted using the encryption key.
4.2 Certification and Digital Signature
To prevent data from being tampered with by malicious attackers and provide trusted
interactive services, HMS uses trust relationship authentication for the certificate
chain and digital signature verification. This prevents the data from being hijacked by
malicious attackers or tampered with during transmission.
HMS uses the cloud certificate service (CCS) to issue certificates and verifies the
identities of certificate holders on the service server. Using root certificate-dedicated
HSMs with industry-leading security, the CCS can issue, update, and revoke digital
certificates such as user-level certificates, microservice identity certificates, and app
signature certificates. The private key of the root CA certificate is stored in an HSM,
and the certificate is issued in the HSM to ensure that the signature information
cannot be forged.
To ensure app security, HarmonyOS installer verifies apps during installation.
HarmonyOS can verify the signature of an app that has been reviewed by
HUAWEI AppGallery using a certificate, thereby preventing apps from being
tampered with without authorization.
After a developer uploads a quick app package to HUAWEI AppGallery,
HUAWEI AppGallery signs the package. After a user downloads a quick app to
their device, the quick app engine verifies the signature when loading the quick
app package. If the signature does not meet specified requirements, the quick
app is rejected, preventing it from being tampered with during installation and
When a user subscribes to the payment service, the mobile phone submits the
private key signature corresponding to the device certificate to the cloud for
verification, and then obtains a payment certificate. The CCS issues a unique
payment certificate for each device and stores it in the Trusted Execution
Environment (TEE) of the mobile phone for confidentiality. To ensure the security
and integrity of user payments, the hardware-protected private key of the digital
payment certificate is used to sign key payment data (for example, payment
amount), and the payment signature is computed in the TEE. After receiving the
key exchanged information, the server verifies the signature of the key payment
data to ensure that payment data sent from mobile phones is not tampered with
throughout the service process, thereby safeguarding user data and payments.
A third-party pass supplier applies for a pass certificate from Huawei Device and
uses the pass certificate to sign pass data. When a user adds a pass (such as a
supermarket membership card, airline membership card, or fitness card) to
HUAWEI Wallet, the signed pass data is transmitted to the wallet server for
verification to ensure that the pass is not tampered with during transmission and
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
4 Encryption and Data Protection
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
ensure the security and integrity of the pass. Verified pass information is written
into HUAWEI Wallet and can be used by users.
During the initialization of the digital rights management (DRM) client, the device
certificate of the mobile phone is submitted to the cloud for verification to obtain
the DRM client certificate. The CCS issues a unique DRM client certificate to
each device. When DRM is used on mobile phones to safeguard digital content
such as audio and video content, DRM uses certificates to encrypt content keys.
This ensures that only authorized devices and apps can obtain the content keys,
preventing digital content from being leaked.
4.3 Trusted Identity Authentication and Integrity
When a user uses Huawei Pay for fingerprint payment, the user's enrolled fingerprint
is first verified in the TEE of the mobile phone. After the fingerprint verification is
successful, the digital certificate signature algorithm RSA2048 is used in the TEE to
protect payment message signatures for payment integrity.
When a user deletes a transportation card and is returned the outstanding balance,
the outstanding balance is signed using the RSA2048 algorithm in the TEE and then
transmitted to the server. The server verifies the signature to confirm that the
outstanding balance and status are not tampered with during transmission to the
server, and then delivers a balance return instruction.
4.4 TCIS
When a user signs in to a HUAWEI ID on a Huawei device for the first time, a key
pair (consisting of a public key and a private key) is automatically generated for
establishing a trust circle. The public key is uploaded to the trust circle index service
(TCIS) server. When a user signs in to multiple devices through the same HUAWEI
ID, a list of public keys is generated for this HUAWEI ID on the TCIS server. This list
is a trust circle, and the server protects its integrity. The trust circle is sent to each
device for integrity check.
When users subscribe to the HUAWEI Mobile Cloud service, the server randomly
generates a user-level key for each user. When files are uploaded to HUAWEI Mobile
Cloud, the device generates a file encryption key for each file to encrypt the file
content, preventing such content from being stolen during transmission and storage.
A file encryption key is encrypted using the user-level key and then uploaded to and
stored on the server.
When a user uses Huawei Share to transfer files, the key pair in the trust circle is
used to authenticate the device identity and establish a secure transmission channel
between devices. After a device passes identity authentication, a temporary key is
generated through negotiation to implement encrypted data transmission and
integrity protection.
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
5 Network Security
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
5 Network Security
5.1 Secure Transmission Channel
All data transmitted on networks, including data between a mobile device and server,
is transmitted through a secure transmission channel to ensure data security. In
addition, integrity check is performed on app downloads to ensure that information on
the network connection between a mobile device and server is not stolen or
tampered with.
Mobile apps use international standards or industry-recognized security protocols,
such as TLS v1.2 and TLS v1.3. In addition, commercial CA root certificates are
preconfigured on clients, and commercial SSL certificates are deployed on cloud
devices. To ensure the security of the network request channel, clients connect to a
cloud server only after the cloud SSL certificates pass strong verification.
5.2 Cloud Network Border Protection
Multiple border protection measures work in cohesion to safeguard cloud data at the
ingress. Specifically, all hosts with a port exposed to the Internet connect to a firewall
between the hosts and Internet, ports that must be used for service exposure are
configured to provide access for Internet users, and data packets that enter and exit
the system are filtered to defend against network-layer attacks.
In addition to the security zones implemented by traditional network technologies and
firewalls, the following enhanced border protection capabilities are provided on the
service plane:
Cleaning of abnormal and excess DDoS traffic: To detect and clean DDoS traffic,
professional anti-DDoS devices are deployed at the border of each cloud data
Intrusion detection system/Intrusion prevention system (IDS/IPS): To defend
against attacks from the Internet and between security zones, IDSs/IPSs are
deployed at network borders, including security zone borders. They provide real-
time network traffic analysis and blocking capabilities to defend against various
intrusions, such as abnormal protocol attacks, brute-force attacks,
port/vulnerability scanning, viruses/Trojan horses, and attacks exploiting
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5 Network Security
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
On the management plane, access control based on secure VPN and HTTPS
channels is implemented throughout the process, including sign-in
authentication, permission management, and access control.
Access management: Systems are centrally managed on the network using
identity accounts and two-factor authentication, such as dynamic SMS
verification codes and USB keys. To comprehensively audit user sign-ins and
operations, accounts are used to sign in to the virtual private network (VPN),
bastion host, and jump server.
Permission management: Role-based access control (RBAC) is implemented
based on various services, as well as different responsibilities of the same
service. In accordance with the minimum authorization principle, only necessary
permissions are assigned to users. The scope of the sign-in permissions
includes the core network, access network, security device, service system,
database system, hardware maintenance, detection and maintenance, and
more. Personnel can only access devices within their authority.
5.3 VPN-based Fine-grained Security Protection
To minimize the impact of attacks on the cloud, security zones and service isolation
are implemented based on the security zone division principles and proven practices
within the industry. Physical and logical isolation is achieved by dividing a data center
into multiple security zones based on service functions and network security risks,
improving the network's self-protection and fault tolerance capabilities against
External border protection zone: This zone is deployed with front-end
components (including load balancers and web container servers) for external
networks and tenants, as well as with services connected to the external public
Service security zone: This zone is deployed with service servers that are not
directly connected to the public network. An independent service host subnet is
assigned for each service, and service hosts are isolated from database hosts.
Database hosting security zone: This zone is deployed with the database system
and object-based storage system to store both user and service data. The data
is isolated through partitions, and each service is assigned an independent
database cluster subnet. To implement point-to-point trusted access between
service and database hosts, the database controls the trust relationship for
application layer access.
O&M network security zone: This zone is connected with O&M components,
which access nodes by using a jump server, through a VPN.
In addition to horizontal network divisions based on attack surfaces, security groups
are vertically divided based on apps. Each security group uses an independent VLAN
for control.
Trust relationships are established between service planes for trusted planes and
host group domains divided by service. Only authorized objects can access services,
and untrusted connections are prohibited. For example, connections to service hosts
can only originate from the O&M network security domain, and the connection to a
database must originate from a trusted zone of the same service.
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Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
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5.4 Host and Virtualization Container Protection
The host OS is minimized and services are security-hardened to safeguard the
system. In addition, an IDS is deployed to detect possible intrusions.
Web apps and underlying systems utilize the distributed data sampling and
centralized analysis & protection model to match intrusion rules for warning and
protection. The provided functions include host protection, Trojan horse detection,
account security detection, tracing & query, intrusion forensics tracing, software
fingerprint collection, policy management, user-defined policy, trustlist, script delivery,
upgrade service, and policy library.
Standard images, which are created by professional teams and released after strict
tests, are deployed for services, including the OS and installed software. These
images consist of the basic OS and hardened initialization components. In addition,
the kernel can be upgraded to the latest stable version to ensure system integrity
without tampering.
The host-based intrusion prevention system (HIPS) is deployed on hosts to detect
attacks, including abnormal shell, rootkit, web shell, and account privilege escalation,
in real time.
5.5 Multi-layer Intrusion Prevention
In addition to ingress defense, a data-centric and multi-layer in-depth security
defense system is established based on the IDS.
App protection: Web app firewalls (WAFs) are deployed to defend the web app
services, which are deployed in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) towards the
external network and background core logical systems and services, against
attacks such as web application layer CC attacks, SQL injection, cross-site
scripting (XSS) attacks, cross-site request forgery (CSRF), component
vulnerability attacks, and identity forgery.
Host protection: The HIPS is deployed on hosts to detect abnormal shell, rootkit,
web shell, and account privilege escalation among other attacks.
Runtime application self-protection (RASP): The web application layer intrusion
detection system can detect mainstream high-risk web security threats and
certain unknown vulnerability attacks.
Vulnerability scanning: Regular vulnerability scans and risk mitigations are
performed for hosts and apps.
Database firewall (DBF): Abnormal database traffic can be detected and audited.
The risk-based big data security analysis system associates the alarm logs of
security devices to support real-time and orderly analysis and quickly identify
possible attack threats. To promptly detect and respond to intrusions, a dedicated
security team analyzes alarm data generated by security devices.
Based on threat intelligence and security information, the big data security analysis
system supports various threat analysis models and algorithms, as well as accurately
identifies attacks, including common brute force cracking, port scanning, zombies,
web attacks, unauthorized web access, and APT attacks. In addition, the system
analyzes potential risks and provides warnings based on threat intelligence.
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5.6 Zero Trust Architecture
In a zero trust network environment, apps can access the system only after being
authenticated. The system continuously authenticates apps and performs dynamic
access control. The zero trust architecture senses the runtime environment in real
time and promptly makes decisions and handles issues when detecting any
5.7 Vulnerability Management
With technical support from the Huawei Product Security Incident Response Team
(PSIRT), HMS has built a comprehensive vulnerability management system that
provides vulnerability collection, vulnerability handling, and vulnerability information
collaboration. Comprehensive research on system vulnerabilities, virtualization-layer
vulnerabilities, and application-layer vulnerabilities is conducted to generate rapid
vulnerability handling capabilities, providing users with more secure products and
Huawei continues to closely collaborate with mainstream OS vendors in the industry.
Dedicated departments and staff track the vulnerabilities and patch releases of
mainstream OSs and middleware to promptly update patches. In addition, we
prioritize the OS security policy configuration to ensure proper allocation of system
permissions, disable unnecessary services and protocol ports, and properly manage
system accounts. Furthermore, check tools are used to periodically scan system
vulnerabilities, and OS security risks are promptly assessed and rectified.
To maintain high security, comprehensive vulnerability awareness and collection
channels are essential. Huawei PSIRT proactively and legitimately synchronizes
information from popular vulnerability databases, security forums, security
conferences, and other public channels across the industry to promptly detect
security threats if possible. To help security researchers and tenants submit security
threats more conveniently, respond to vulnerabilities more directly and efficiently, and
mitigate security threats, HMS provides an online method of submitting
vulnerabilities. You can contact us via PSI[email protected].
We adhere to the principle of responsible disclosure to safeguard users' data. With
regard to vulnerabilities, we will promptly push workarounds and fixes to end users
under the condition that greater attack risks will not be caused by proactive
5.8 Operation Audit
To audit suspicious operations, a centralized and comprehensive log audit system is
implemented. The system aggregates the operation logs of physical devices,
networks, platforms, apps, databases, and security systems to ensure that risky
operations are recorded and can be queried in real time to enable post-event audits.
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6 Service Security
6.1 HUAWEI Mobile Cloud
HUAWEI Mobile Cloud is an HMS app for storing user data, including photos, videos,
contacts, in a secure manner. It also automatically synchronizes the data on devices
that are signed in with the same HUAWEI ID. All data synchronized and backed up in
HUAWEI Mobile Cloud is encrypted during transmission and before being stored on a
cloud server, enabling users to manage data more securely and conveniently.
1. The key management system (KMS) generates user keys, and exports the keys
based on user key seeds and other related key materials.
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Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
2. The KMS generates a key for each user, and the app can only obtain the key of
a user using the user's valid identity, preventing key leakage.
3. User data is encrypted using file keys through the block cipher on mobile phones
before being uploaded to the cloud storage server. This means that plaintext
data will not be transferred out of mobile phones.
4. The key used for encrypting data is encrypted using the user key before being
uploaded to the cloud server to ensure secure transmission and storage.
6.2 HUAWEI SkyTone
HUAWEI SkyTone provides mobile access services for users across multiple
countries and regions. Without the need to change SIM cards, users can access the
Internet anytime and anywhere by simply purchasing and enabling a destination
package. With underlying chip technologies developed for years, SkyTone can
automatically authenticate device identities and download soft SIM card data
securely, delivering high-speed Internet access to users.
SkyTone encrypts and stores personal information to be cached on mobile phones,
and stores sensitive service data (such as SkyTone package traffic information) in
the TEE to provide chip-level data security protection.
Certain SkyTone services involve collaboration with third-party platforms. To redirect
to a third-party HTML page, the system performs trustlist-based control on third-party
platforms' domain names as well as the interfaces that can be accessed by the
HTML page, and performs blocklist-based control over sensitive interfaces.
6.3 Find Device
If users' Huawei devices such as mobile phones, tablets, earphones are lost or
stolen, they can utilize Find Device to locate, call, or lock the device, or remotely
erase its data. When Find Device is utilized, Huawei will not collect information
regarding the device's location before the user signs in to HUAWEI ID and gives
When Find Device is enabled, users can locate their devices and play ringtones at
maximum volume levels. Users can also remotely lock their devices and enter screen
lock information. After screen lock information is set, it is displayed on the device.
The lock function enables the device to enter the lock screen state and automatically
report location data to the server. All location data is encrypted, and only records
from within a 24-hour period are stored. Furthermore, users can erase data from their
devices and permanently delete all data (including in the SD card) after entering the
HUAWEI ID and password.
Find Device also provides the activation lock function. After data is remotely erased
from a device or the device is illegally reset, a user must enter the HUAWEI ID and
password linked to their device to reactivate it. To a large extent, this prevents
unauthorized device use.
Find Device's position sharing feature allows users to authorize specific friends to
view their shared positions. Users can stop sharing their position at any time, after
which the invited users will be unable to view the shared positions anymore. The
invited users can also reject sharings at their own discretion.
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Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
6.4 HUAWEI Browser
HUAWEI Browser offers various mobile services, including web browsing, information
recommendation, website navigation, download, and search. It enables users to surf
the Internet with maximum security and privacy.
HUAWEI Browser is equipped with powerful capabilities for detecting and blocking
malicious websites. It can promptly identify phishing attempts, Trojan horses,
malware, and websites that contain illegal content (such as gambling and
pornography), as well as display different alerts and block websites that have a
certain level of risk, safeguarding users' information and devices. In addition,
HUAWEI Browser allows users to report malicious websites using a button in
Toolbox, and view a list of malicious websites that they reported.
HUAWEI Browser's ad blocking feature can identify whether a website URL contains
junk, nuisance, or other malicious ads. It can also identify and block malicious ads
and popups on visited web pages, ensuring a safe and enjoyable browsing
experience for users. HUAWEI Browser also allows users to manually mark ads on
web pages, enhancing ad blocking capability and further ensuring nuisance-free
Internet browsing.
HUAWEI Browser can proactively detect trackers during web page browsing and
block tracking cookies by default, preventing them from storing users' personal
information or tracking users' Internet browsing behavior.
During Internet browsing, HUAWEI Browser prevents web pages from opening apps
without the user's permission. This prevents web pages from opening malicious apps
when the user visits the web pages.
HUAWEI Browser provides users with a visualized report regarding privacy and
security protection. Users can view the report to check event details such as blocked
ads and tracking cookies.
Users can also choose to browse websites in a private browsing mode. In this mode,
HUAWEI Browser does not record users' browsing information.
HUAWEI Browser also provides users with the ability to surf the Internet in basic
mode, in which only basic functions are available. By default, this mode restricts
personalized content and provides a blank home page, offering users a streamlined
and uncluttered browsing experience.
HUAWEI Browser provides a password vault function, which encrypts and stores
user names, passwords, and bank card numbers automatically saved by websites in
the TEE of the user's mobile phone, alongside the encryption key. In addition,
sensitive data (such as user names and passwords) that is automatically saved by
websites is securely stored in HUAWEI Browser. HUAWEI Browser encrypts auto-fill
web page credentials for storage and stores the encryption key in the TEE for multi-
layer encryption protection. When users need to view or modify their auto-fill web
page credentials, they must verify their identity by providing their lock screen
passwords or fingerprints. This serves to prevent such credentials from being leaked
or maliciously tampered with.
HUAWEI Browser provides a kids mode, which is specially designed for children.
When child mode is activated, in-feed recommendations on the home page are
disabled and websites with content unsuitable for children are automatically blocked.
Parents can also select specific websites to block. With child mode, HUAWEI
Browser leverages its technical capabilities to build a healthier Internet environment
for children, and protect children from being exposed to age-inappropriate content.
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Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
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6.5 HUAWEI Wallet/Huawei Pay
Huawei Pay is a secure, convenient, and smart electronic wallet that allows users to
access their public transport passes, bank cards, door keys, and eIDs on their
Huawei mobile devices. With just a single tap, users can use their phones to shop,
take a bus, open a door, authenticate their identities, and more.
HUAWEI Wallet does not store sensitive information such as a bank card's CVV (the
last three digits on a bank card's magnetic stripe) and validity period. Only the token
information of a bank card number is stored in the security chip. To ensure data
security when a bank card is added to Huawei Pay, the binding information is
transmitted to the card issuer through the security control it provides. The issuer will
then send an authorized token to the security chip for storage. This means that the
actual card number is never stored on the mobile phone. The security chip provides
an isolated space for storing sensitive information, avoiding malicious behavior that
may occur in a non-isolated space.
Users can pay using Huawei Pay only after they complete identity verification using
their payment passwords or biometric data. Biometric data analysis is performed in
the TEE. No apps, including HUAWEI Wallet, can access the user's raw biometric
data, and biometric data will not be uploaded to any server.
The Huawei Pay server communicates with devices and payment servers through a
secure TLS channel.
Huawei Pay signs payment messages using a digital certificate to ensure their
integrity, preventing user payments from being maliciously deducted or tampered
In-App Purchases (IAP) provides in-app payment capabilities for global developers,
and delivers unified capabilities such as product definition, product ordering and
purchase, and service delivery for apps.
With IAP, users can make in-app payments (using bank cards or HUAWEI Points)
conveniently, securely, and confidentially.
Users can authorize IAP to use their fingerprints or faces for payment, which is based
on the CCS. After a mobile phone's device certificate (key attestation) passes
verification, the PKI system server issues a payment certificate for the app with IAP
integrated. During payments, the certificate will be used to sign specified sensitive
data, thereby enabling security verification from the device, app, and user
perspectives, as well as ensuring message integrity.
When a user makes a payment on Huawei Pay using their fingerprint or face, the
system verifies whether the fingerprint or face data is consistent with that stored in
the TEE of the user's mobile phone. If the fingerprint or face data is consistent,
transaction data will be signed using the PKI digital certificate in the TEE before
being uploaded to the server, ensuring payment security. Throughout the payment
process, fingerprint and face data is stored only in the TEE, as opposed to the cloud,
safeguarding users' private information.
The IAP server adheres to the storage encryption requirements of the financial
industry. Only the first six and last four digits of a bank card are displayed on a
mobile phone. When the HUAWEI Points balance records of a user are stored, only a
digest of the current balance is stored to prevent data tampering. The PBKDF2
algorithm exports digests of users' payment passwords, and does not store the actual
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Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
Huawei Pay and IAP have obtained PCI-DSS certification, ADSS certification of
China UnionPay, and BCTC certification.
6.6 Service Anti-Fraud
Service anti-fraud is dedicated to service security. To protect users' virtual assets and
ensure a fair and convenient service experience, it utilizes big data and machine
learning technologies to address various issues, such as credential stuffing, account
theft, fraudulent acts, click farm, and service fraud.
HMS provides the capability for anti-cheat in marketing activities, which can
accurately and promptly identifies fraudulent acts that maliciously take advantage of
coupons, flash sales, and other promotional campaigns. This provides users with fair
and convenient service experience.
In addition, HMS identifies theft and fraudulent acts in HUAWEI Wallet/Huawei Pay
as well as scalping, ranking manipulation, and click farm in transactions.
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7 AppGallery and App Security
7.1 Overview of AppGallery and App Security
Huawei Device strictly manages the apps distributed through the AppGallery, and
provides security assurance throughout the apps' lifecycle, including reviews of
developers' qualifications, security checks before the apps' release, as well as
periodic checks and user feedback tracking after their release.
7.2 Developer Identity Verification
To safeguard users' information and rights, we strictly review the qualifications of
developers. Individual developers must provide valid identity information; enterprise
developers must provide their original business licenses, scanned copies of their
business licenses, and photos of their legal representatives' ID cards to prove their
identities from a legal standpoint. This ensures that developers of apps that perform
malicious behavior can be effectively traced.
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Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
7.3 Four-Layer Malicious App Detection System
Huawei uses SecDroid, a security detection platform of Huawei antivirus cloud, to
strictly test the security of each app to be released. Using the dynamic execution and
static feature analysis technologies, SecDroid detects and analyzes sensitive
behavior performed by apps, scans apps for security vulnerabilities, and identifies
privacy breaches to ensure the security of apps released by developers, and provide
convenient security detection services for developers.
AppGallery periodically performs tests to ensure that the personal data generated by
listed apps has not been exposed to potential threats (such as Trojan horses) that
may cause user data leakage. In addition, all apps listed on AppGallery must ensure
that users' sensitive data will not be processed outside of their devices, and that they
comply with all relevant laws and regulations.
Malicious behavior detection: To handle large numbers of app release requests,
HUAWEI AppGallery launches SecDroid, a cloud-based automatic scanning platform
in Android mobile apps. SecDroid works with multiple well-known antivirus engines in
the industry to detect viruses for Android packages (APKs). In addition, SecDroid
uses the sandbox-based dynamic execution technology and static feature analysis
technology to detect and analyze sensitive behavior, such as malicious billing,
excessive traffic consumption, and malicious tampering of personal information.
Security vulnerability scanning: HUAWEI AppGallery scans security vulnerabilities in
static and dynamic modes. Static vulnerability analysis enables static scanning and
analysis of APKs for potential vulnerabilities. It detects the security of components
and data, excessive traffic consumption, insecure command execution, password
autocompletion, service enabling, WebView security, and sensitive behavior, and
covers tens of analysis and detection aspects. Dynamic vulnerability analysis detects
APKs running in the sandbox and analyzes security vulnerabilities in the APKs based
on recorded dynamic run logs.
Privacy breach inspection: The inspection includes static and dynamic privacy
analysis. Static privacy analysis uses data flow tracking technologies, analyzes the
static data flows of APKs, and detects sources of corruption and breach points to
identify the complete path along which private data (such as phone numbers, SMS
messages, and location history) is breached. Dynamic privacy analysis scans keys,
functions, algorithms, and more to identify common issues such as key leakage,
dangerous functions, and insecure algorithms. Filter criteria (such as suffix and type)
are then set for refined control over scanned objects to determine the exact match
locations and contexts as well as highlight the matched contents.
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Manual recheck: All apps to be launched on HUAWEI AppGallery are tested by the
dedicated security test team for HUAWEI AppGallery on actual devices in real-world
scenarios. The team is regularly trained and study state-of-the-art security test
methodologies to improve their testing capabilities. The security tests cover all
Huawei device types as well as OS versions to ensure compatibility of the apps with
all the devices. In addition, the apps are tested in various real-world scenarios.
7.4 Download and Installation Assurance
Integrity check: The SHA256 information digest algorithm is used to verify the
integrity of an app installation package by checking the consistency between the
digest value of the uploaded installation package and of the downloaded installation
package. App installation packages that are uploaded in blocks are verified in real
time during download. An app installation package that is uploaded as a whole is
verified after download.
Signature verification: Only apps with complete developer signatures can be installed
in HarmonyOS. App signatures can be used to verify the integrity and legitimacy of
the source of apps. The system verifies the signature of an app to check whether it
has been tampered with before installing the app. Apps that fail this verification
cannot be installed. The system also verifies app signatures before updating pre-
installed or user-installed apps. Such an app can only be updated when the signature
of the updated version is the same as the existing signature. This prevents malicious
apps from replacing existing verified ones through updates.
Threat detection: Security risks may exist in apps due to unknown third parties, and
downloading apps from unverified sources may bring with them malicious security
threats. It is recommended that default security settings be retained to prevent
unnecessary risks. HarmonyOS has an industry-leading built-in antivirus engine,
which is used to detect viruses in user-installed apps. The system supports local and
online virus scanning and removal, to ensure that app risks are identified regardless
of whether user devices are connected to the Internet. The antivirus engine can scan
viruses during app installation and in the backend. Once a virus is detected, a risk
warning is displayed, prompting users to handle the virus.
AI security defense: HarmonyOS provides an AI computing platform for device
security protection. It has a built-in industry-leading AI antivirus engine encompassing
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7 AppGallery and App Security
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
a security defense-oriented AI model that is built upon deep learning and training.
HarmonyOS observes the behavior of unknown app software in real time to identify
new viruses, new variants of existing viruses, and dynamic loading of malicious
programs, and runs the AI model on devices to analyze the activity sequence of
unknown software. This quickly and effectively detects threats and improves app
threat detection capabilities. Once a malicious app is detected using AI security
defense, the system will immediately generate a warning to prompt the user to
handle the app. (This function is available only for certain chip models.)
7.5 Runtime Defense Mechanism
App sandbox: HarmonyOS provides an app sandbox mechanism, which enables all
apps to run in isolation within the sandbox to ensure runtime security. When an app
is installed, the system allocates a private storage directory to the app, which cannot
be accessed by other apps, ensuring static data security. The sandbox isolation
technology protects the system and apps against attacks from malicious apps. The
system allocates a unique user identity (UID) to each app and builds an app sandbox
based on UIDs. The sandbox provides multiple kernel access control mechanisms,
such as discretionary access control (DAC) and mandatory access control (MAC), to
restrict apps from accessing files and resources outside the sandbox. By default, all
apps are sandboxed. To access information outside the sandbox, an app needs to
use services provided by the system or exposed interfaces of other apps and obtain
the required permissions, without which the system will deny access to apps. Apps
with the same signature can share a UID, and share code and data in the same
Runtime memory protection: Malicious apps usually obtain memory addresses by
viewing the memory if the allocated memory addresses are relatively fixed during app
operation. HarmonyOS provides ASLR and data execution prevention (DEP) to
prevent attackers from exploiting memory vulnerabilities.
Regular app retest: Security scans and retests are performed on released apps every
month to identify and remove apps with security issues. The security operation team
periodically updates the sensitive word library, with focus on hot events, and handles
apps that control malicious behavior through developers' cloud environment.
Universal supervision: Users can report apps with security issues through HUAWEI
AppGallery, contacting customer service, or other channels. HUAWEI AppGallery
staff will handle such apps promptly after verification.
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7 AppGallery and App Security
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
7.6 Age Rating of Apps
Requirements on the age rating of apps vary depending on the country or region.
HUAWEI AppGallery provides age rating solutions in compliance with local
Apps on HUAWEI AppGallery are categorized into five levels based on age: 3 years
old, 7 years old, 12 years old, 16 years old, and 18 years old. HUAWEI AppGallery
automatically hides apps that are not age-appropriate based on users' age settings.
In addition, HUAWEI AppGallery provides the download reminder function
specifically for children if their parents create an account for them in the account
center. This function displays a pop-up reminder to parents when a child attempts to
install an app that is not appropriate for their age.
7.7 Security of Quick Apps
Huawei Device's quick app engine provides a series of security mechanisms on the
client to ensure that quick apps are stable, reliable, and secure.
Quick apps do not provide device identifiers for developers. Different IDs are
generated for different quick apps to isolate user data, reduce data association, and
protect user privacy.
Huawei Device verifies the integrity of quick app packages to ensure that they have
not been tampered with. Each quick app needs to be signed using the app
developer's private key. Signature verification is performed during the installation and
update of a quick app to ensure that the quick app package has not been tampered
In scenarios where quick apps need to use personal information when providing
services, Huawei provides standard security algorithms such as RSA and AES to
encrypt and decrypt data, ensuring that developers can enhance security protection
for user data.
Huawei Device provides permission management for quick apps. Quick apps'
interfaces involving users' personal data need to obtain independent authorization
from users. A permission management UI is also in place for users to manage
7.8 Open Security Cloud Test
HUAWEI AppGallery works with Huawei 2012 Labs to set up open labs for Huawei
devices in Beijing, China and Dusseldorf, Germany, to build the DevEco system (for
app detection) and expose HMS capabilities.
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Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
1. Compatibility test: An app test report can be generated within a minimum of 8
minutes. The following types of issues are tested: installation failures, boot
failures, crash, no response, black and white borders, rollback failures, UI
exceptions, runtime errors, account exceptions, and uninstallation failures.
2. Stability test: Random traversal tests are performed based on control
identification technology.
3. Performance test: The memory of apps and CPU usage of mobile phones are
observed in real time.
4. Power consumption test: The frequency and duration of background app
operation are recorded and analyzed to comprehensively measure apps' power
5. SecDroid security test: Huawei antivirus cloud's SecDroid scanning system can
detect viruses, vulnerabilities, ads, malicious behavior, malicious billing, and
privacy issues. The AI-based unknown threat defense technology with device-
cloud synergy can defend against unknown malware in real time.
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8 HMS Core (Developer Kits)
8.1 HMS Core Framework
HMS Core complies with privacy laws and regulations such as the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR), and provides unified privacy protection specifications
for open capabilities to strictly protect user privacy. The signing entity and data
storage location are determined based on the region a consumer is located (app
distribution location). The 3+X deployment policy for physically isolated data storage
of different regions enables strict control over the risks of cross-border data transfer.
The data isolation mechanism is used to prevent abuse of data. Data isolation refers
to the isolation between data for which Huawei acts as a data controller and data for
which Huawei acts as a data processor, as well as isolation of data among different
In services in which Huawei acts as a data controller, such as in Account Kit and IAP,
Huawei notifies users of personal data processing information in the out-of-box
experience (OOBE) phase or in apps, and gives users full control over their personal
information, including downloading personal information copies, controlling statistic
reporting, and disabling automatic updates.
In services in which Huawei acts as a data processor (such as in Analytics Kit),
Huawei responds to developers' requests, discloses sub-processor information,
records the data processing flow, supports the fulfillment of developers' data subject
rights and obligations, and strictly implements obligations for data processing.
When deciding to build apps based on HMS Core, a developer should first register as
a Huawei developer and apply for the required open capabilities. The HMS Core
framework provides developers with the registration, open capability application,
open capability access credential setting, and cloud-based open capability token
generation and verification capabilities. This framework uses the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm to encrypt and store developers' registered
personal information, such as their identity and bank account information.
HMS Core kits can be released with HMS Core (APK), or be independently released
and dynamically loaded by HMS Core (APK). HMS Core (APK) that contains HMS
Core kits of a new version is launched on HUAWEI AppGallery. Users can decide
whether to update HMS Core (APK), and HMS Core (APK) can be updated only with
users' prior authorization. If HMS Core (APK) is updated, its signature will be verified.
An overwrite installation is allowed only after the signature verification is successful.
If an HMS Core kit is independently released on HUAWEI AppGallery, the HMS Core
framework downloads and updates the kit. The HMS Core framework verifies
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Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
whether the signing certificate fingerprint of the kit is added to the trustlist prior to an
update. If not, the kit cannot be loaded. If the fingerprint is in the trustlist, the APK
signature is verified. An overwrite update is allowed only after the signature
verification is successful.
8.1.1 Authentication Credentials
Before accessing HMS Core's open capabilities, developers need to create
authentication credentials on the HUAWEI Developers website. Developer apps can
access the open capabilities with authentication credentials. Currently, supported
credentials are API key, OAuth 2.0 client ID, and service account key.
The API key, OAuth 2.0 client ID, and OAuth 2.0 client secret are generated using
secure random numbers, encrypted using AES-GCM, and stored on the server to
prevent from leakage. The public key of a service account key is stored by HMS
Core, and the private key is stored by developers. Authentication credentials are
used in the following scenarios:
1. API key: This is a simple encrypted string that can be used to utilize HMS Core's
open capabilities to access public resources. For example, a developer can use
an API key to access Site Kit and Map Kit.
Developers can set usage restrictions on an API key, including app and API
restrictions. App restrictions allow only specified websites or apps to use this API
key, and API restrictions specify the enabled APIs that this key can call.
2. OAuth 2.0 client ID: When a developer app needs to access an HMS Core
capability that requires sign-in with a HUAWEI ID, the app can use Account Kit
to obtain an access token via OAuth 2.0 after user authorization. The app can
then access HMS Core capabilities involving HUAWEI ID through the access
token. For example, a developer app uses an OAuth 2.0 client ID and secret to
access Drive Kit and Health Kit.
Developer apps, mobile or web, can access HMS Core services. After obtaining
an authorization code for user sign-in, a developer app sends the authorization
code and client ID/client secret to the Account Kit server through the developer
server to obtain the access token. When an Android mobile app accesses HMS
Core capabilities, HMS Core can authenticate the app based on the developer-
configured APK certificate fingerprint and client ID to prevent APK identity
3. Service account key: This key is used for authentication between the developer
and HMS Core servers. The developer server generates a JSON Web Token
(JWT) and uses the private key of a service account key to sign the JWT. After
the HMS Core server authenticates the JWT and returns an access token, the
developer server can access the open capabilities of the HMS Core server
through the access token. For example, a developer app uses a service account
key to access Nearby Service.
8.1.2 Security Sandbox
The security sandbox for HMS Core kits is built on various technologies for security
isolation at the system level and the virtual container technologies. A kit running in
the sandbox has a completely isolated file namespace, and any request from the kit
for the system resources (including the network, external storage, location, contact,
and recording) is forcibly authenticated. Thanks to the security sandbox mechanism,
impacts brought by faults or vulnerability exploitations on a kit are isolated and
mitigated, strengthening the security of HMS Core.
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8.1.3 Service DR
HMS Core servers are deployed in multi-site disaster recovery (DR) mode. The
database is deployed in active-standby mode, and data is periodically synchronized
from the active database to the standby database. Dedicated lines are used to
safeguard the data transmission between the production site and DR site. During a
DR failover of the HMS Core server, domain name service (DNS) is used to switch
service traffic to the DR site. DR drills are regularly conducted to ensure availability of
the DR site.
8.2 Account Kit
8.2.1 Authorized Sign-In
Account Kit enables users to sign in to developer apps using a HUAWEI ID. After
obtaining an ID token or temporary authorization code of a HUAWEI ID from Account
Kit, a user can sign in to apps using the HUAWEI ID.
Account Kit complies with international standards and protocols such as OAuth 2.0
and OpenID Connect. By leveraging HUAWEI ID's security capabilities, it also
supports identity verification by password or SMS to ensure high security. When the
security status of a HUAWEI ID changes, Account Kit quickly notifies developers,
helping developers improve service security.
Account Kit also complies with privacy laws and regulations such as GDPR, strictly
protects user privacy, and supports users' data subject rights. During sign-in to a
third-party app, only user-authorized account information is shared with the user's
prior consent. The user can cancel sign-in authorization at any time in the account
center. Authorization is on a per-OpenID basis for isolation among apps.
8.2.2 Anti-fraud
In business scenarios such as flash sales, coupons, gift packages, and lottery
drawing, attackers may attempt to register a large number of fake user accounts in
batches through various channels to participate in such campaigns and receive
benefits. During registration, Account Kit detects fake accounts based on specialized
rules, machine learning, and various factors such as operation exceptions,
suspicious mobile phone numbers and email addresses, and risky networks, to
prevent registrations of fake user accounts and mitigate risks to back-end services.
After a developer app is integrated with Account Kit, the developer app can subscribe
to the HUAWEI ID risk status synchronization API on the server. After identifying a
fake user account, the system immediately notifies the developer app, which has a
HUAWEI ID signed in, through the risk status synchronization API to enable the
developer app to promptly respond to the issue.
8.3 Push Kit
Push Kit is a messaging service provided for developers to establish a cloud-to-
device messaging channel and quickly notify their users of the latest information.
This helps the developers maintain closer ties with users and increases user
awareness of and engagement with developers' apps.
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Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
Push Kit provides precise messaging for developers. Each app is assigned a
different AAID for data isolation among apps. Once messages are successfully sent,
Huawei will immediately delete the messages.
8.3.1 Identity Authentication
When a developer app applies for a push token during runtime, the HMS Core
framework verifies the app ID and APK signing certificate fingerprint. After the
verification is successful, and the certificate of the Push Kit server is verified, a
persistent connection is established between the Push Kit client and server using
TLS. The Push Kit server allocates a unique push token to the developer app. A push
token contains the developer app ID and secure random number, which are
encrypted and stored on the Push Kit server.
To send a message to the app through the Push Kit server API, the developer needs
to use the client ID and secret (that is, app ID and secret) to obtain an access token.
The Push Kit server will authenticate the messaging request via the access token,
and check whether the app ID in the push token matches that in the access token. If
so, the message will be sent; otherwise, the message will be discarded.
8.3.2 Message Protection
An app can obtain messages sent by Push Kit through directed broadcast or the
Android interface definition language (AIDL) API. The security of directed broadcast
is protected by Android. The AIDL API uses the app identity verification mechanism
provided by the HMS Core framework for authentication. The app can read the
messages only after it passes the identity verification. If the app does not obtain the
messages in a timely manner, Push Kit will encrypt the messages and store them in
a private directory.
When an app sends a subscription message to the Push Kit server through the Push
Kit client, HMS Core will check whether the app is able to send such a message. If
so, the Push Kit client will use the key negotiated with the server to generate a
message verification code for the subscription message through HMAC-SHA256,
and the server will verify the message verification code to ensure that the
subscription message has not been tampered with.
The Push Kit server will send the message after confirming that the message
complies with applicable laws and regulations.
8.3.3 Secure Message Transmission
The Push Kit client and server use TLS to safeguard messages transmitted between
them, and when connected, they negotiate a session key and use it to encrypt
messages to be sent. When the connection is set up again after interruption, a new
session key is negotiated.
8.4 IAP
IAP is available for global developers and provides unified and simple offering
management, offering ordering and purchase, and service delivery capabilities for
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8.4.1 Merchant and Transaction Service Authentication
To safeguard users' payments, when a merchant initiates a payment request, the
merchant server uses the RSA private key to sign the payment message. The signed
payment order is sent to the IAP server to verify message integrity.
8.4.2 Screen Capture and Recording Prevention
IAP provides screen capture and screen recording prevention functions on UIs with
confidential information (such as a UI to enter a payment password). In this case, if a
user attempts to capture a screenshot, the system will remind the user not to do so.
Furthermore, if screen recording of confidential information is attempted on such a
UI, a black screen will be displayed to prevent such data from being leaked.
8.4.3 Prevention Against Floating-Window-based Interception
Apps with the floating window permission can float on all screens. If a user uses a
keyboard or other means to enter information, such apps may crack the user-entered
password according to the means by which the user entered the password (for
example, which keys they pressed or where the screen was tapped).
IAP can prevent floating-window-based interception. If the system detects a floating
window (for example, a video call floating window) on top of a payment page when a
user enters the page, the system hides the floating window to prevent it from
intercepting user operations, thereby protecting the security of the user's input and
8.4.4 Fingerprint/Facial Recognition-based Payment
IAP delivers a secure and convenient payment experience via fingerprint/facial
recognition. IAP does not collect or process the data of users' fingerprints/faces. A
user completes fingerprint or face authentication on their mobile phone locally, and
authorizes IAP to use the user-level private payment key to sign the payment data.
Then, the IAP server verifies the signature via its server-side APIs, to ensure the
payment has been authorized by the user, and finally completes the payment.
8.4.5 Copy-Out Not Allowed in Password Input Controls
Certain apps provide copy-out from input controls. This function reads the last copied
information and uploads it for identification and analysis, which can easily leak users'
privacy data. However, IAP safeguards certain UIs used for critical sensitive data
input (such as the UI for entering a HUAWEI Gift Card password) by prohibiting copy-
out from such UIs, thereby preventing a possible financial loss from leaked
8.5 Ads Kit
Ads Kit provides an ad display service for developers and ecosystem partners,
helping partners establish connections with users and deliver valuable information
and quality services to users.
To protect user privacy, Ads Kit does not collect users' sensitive information such as
health or payment information, contacts, and call records, or disclose any user
information to advertisers. When personalized ads are placed based on user
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Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
information, each user group contains no fewer than 5000 users. If a user enables
the Disable personalized ads setting, all vendors including Huawei cannot obtain
the advertisement ID of the user's device and therefore cannot push personalized
ads to the user. In addition, ad placement is disabled for minors.
8.5.1 High-Quality Ad Choices
Ads Kit aims to provide users with high-quality ad choices and to continuously
enhance the machine-based screening capability and coverage, such as portrait
rights detection, contraband detection, and child protection.
Ads Kit provides developers with anti-tampering capabilities for ad content. The Ads
Kit server obtains the SHA-256 digest of ad images and videos to be displayed. The
digest and ad images and videos are transmitted through two different service flows
using HTTPS encrypted connections, and the digest is verified in the Ads SDK, which
ensures that ad content will not be tampered with during transmission.
8.5.2 Anti-cheat System
Ads Kit provides an anti-cheat system for developers. When the system identifies a
cheating device, cheating IP address, or similar, it invalidates such traffic. The anti-
cheating system uses AI technologies to analyze data integrity, blocklist and trustlist,
data association and reasonableness, user behavior reasonableness, and blocking
policies to identify cheating behavior.
8.5.3 Data Security
The Ads SDK provides developers with user data storage protection. All user data on
users' devices is stored in a private directory of HMS Core, among which the
important data is encrypted. This provides developers with an OS-based private data
isolation mechanism and ensures that data of the developer apps integrated with Ads
Kit cannot be accessed by other apps.
The Ads Kit server provides developers with hierarchical and classified protection of
user data; both high-impact personal information and important system data (such as
IMEIs and third-party tracking URLs) are encrypted. Other data, such as device
identifiers (OAIDs), is pseudonymized using an encryption algorithm to ensure that
users cannot be directly identified using the data.
When a developer app needs to share data (such as ad click, download, and
installation) with the server of a third-party ad platform, third-party tracking service, or
media app, Ads Kit uses the pre-shared key mechanism and HTTPS encrypted
channel to ensure identity validity and data transmission security.
8.6 Drive Kit
Drive Kit allows developers to create apps that use HUAWEI Mobile Cloud. HUAWEI
Mobile Cloud provides cloud storage for developer apps, enabling users to store files
that are created when they use the apps, including photos, videos, and documents in
HUAWEI Drive, as well as to download, synchronize, share, and search for these
files on demand. Drive Kit also safeguards various types of data, enabling users to
manage data in a secure and convenient way.
A user-level access token is obtained after a HUAWEI ID is used to sign in to an app
integrated with Drive Kit. This token ensures that a user's private files stored in
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HUAWEI Mobile Cloud can be accessed only by the user, and shared files can be
accessed only by authorized users. In addition, file-level keys are used to encrypt the
stored files to prevent data leakage.
8.6.1 Authentication and Authorization
A developer app can access Drive Kit only after the user signs in using a HUAWEI ID
and gives authorization. The developer app first obtains the access token through
Account Kit. When calling the Drive Kit API, the developer app must obtain user
authorization to access HUAWEI Mobile Cloud space. The Drive Kit server
authenticates the access token. Developer apps can access user data in HUAWEI
Mobile Cloud as authorized only when the authentication is successful.
8.6.2 Data Integrity
If an app provides a file's hash value during file uploading, Drive Kit verifies the
integrity of the uploaded file. When an app downloads a file, Drive Kit provides the
file's hash value so that the app can verify file integrity.
8.6.3 Data Security
Each file uploaded to Drive Kit is encrypted using a unique key for storage. The
encryption keys are also encrypted by KMS under the protection of a hardware
security module (HSM).
8.6.4 Active-Active Services and Data DR
Drive Kit is deployed in active-active mode and provides physical DR for data to
improve service continuity. The database is deployed in active-standby mode, and
data is periodically synchronized from the active database to the standby database.
Dedicated lines are used to safeguard the data transmission between the active site
and DR site. When services at the active site are unavailable, the service
environment of the DR site will be used to provide services.
8.7 Game Service
Game Service allows game apps to provide elaborative scenes, configurations, and
network information for the system and enables the system to provide its status
information for game apps, for closer and in-depth collaboration between both
parties, as well as better gameplay experience even with limited system resources.
To safeguard user data, Game Service encrypts personal information regardless of
whether the information is stored on user devices, transmitted, or stored on the
cloud. Users' personal information can be shared to games only with users' prior
authorization, which users can withdraw at any time. Game Service provides an
independent game user ID system, which is isolated from personal information in
other services dependent on HUAWEI ID.
8.7.1 Data Protection
When processing personal information on devices, Game Service uses standard
security algorithms, such as AES and RSA, to encrypt, decrypt, and sign user data,
thereby safeguarding user data on devices.
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Leaderboard, achievement, event, and player statistics are sent to the HMS Core
server for storage, and data stored is isolated by app ID. That is, an app can access
its own data only by ID.
After game records are uploaded to the HMS Core server using HTTPS, the records
are stored in isolation by user and app, and are encrypted using AES in two-layer
encryption mode. The key of the first layer (file encryption key) is derived from the
attribute value of a file and is used to encrypt the file; the key of the second layer
(user encryption key) is derived from a user attribute value and is used to encrypt the
key of the first layer. This ensures that users can use only their own encryption keys
to encrypt their game data for storage.
8.7.2 User Authorization
If third parties need to use users' personal information, independent explicit user
authorization is required. When Game Service attempts to use sensitive permissions
of a mobile OS, user authorization is also required.
8.8 Identity Kit
Identity Kit provides unified address management services for developers and allows
third-party apps to access users' addresses upon user authorization. It also provides
address management and address selection capabilities.
Identity Kit uses the client ID and APK certificate fingerprint to authenticate access
from developer apps, preventing access from fake apps. It also uses HTTPS for the
encrypted transmission of address data, and verifies the developer server certificate
to prevent address data from being sent to a spoofing server.
The Identity SDK does not store users' address information, which is encrypted using
AES128-CBC and stored on the Identity Kit server. Address data of different users is
logically isolated using user-level access control, and if a user attempts to access
such data, the user-level access token must be verified.
Identity Kit provides easy-to-use and convenient address management capabilities
for users. Users' personal data can be shared to third-party apps only with the users'
prior authorization. Users' address information is encrypted and stored on the cloud;
a user's identity must be authenticated before access.
8.9 Wallet Kit
HUAWEI Wallet provides Huawei Pay and Pass functions. It is a user-oriented
channel for collecting and launching cards, certificates, coupons, tickets, and passes,
providing convenience for merchants and users.
Wallet Kit offers open capabilities using the secure element (SE). Users of an app
integrated with this kit can use their mobile phones in place of bank cards or
transportation cards for payments on a card reader (bank POS terminal or bus pass
reader) that supports NFC. The kit also supports in-app payments, enabling apps to
use bank cards added to HUAWEI Wallet for payments.
In addition, users can add card, certificate, coupon, ticket, and pass information
generated by apps integrated with the SDK to HUAWEI Wallet for unified
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Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
management through HUAWEI Wallet's Card Store, AI Tips, and HUAWEI Push
8.9.1 System Environment Security Identification
Wallet Kit provides developers with system-level root security detection capabilities to
detect in real time whether the OS of a mobile phone is rooted. If the OS has been
rooted, a message is displayed to notify users of the security risks in HUAWEI Wallet.
After this, users can decide if they wish to continue payment.
8.10 Health Kit
Health Kit provides a fitness and health data platform and open capabilities for
developers. Developers can integrate the Health SDK to provide users with health
care, workout guidance, and other services.
Health Kit uses hardware-level file encryption to protect users' fitness and health data
and provides fine-grained data read and write access control, which safeguards
users' data and makes the data visible, controllable, and manageable.
8.10.1 Access Control over User Data
A developer app or service cannot access users' fitness and health data in Health Kit
without explicit user authorization. Health Kit's access authorization allows users'
fitness and health data to be classified into 23 types, and the read and write
permissions for each type of data can be controlled separately. A specific type of
data cannot be accessed if users have not ticked the required read and write
permissions. To ensure the accuracy of important data, additional approval is
required when a developer applies for the write permission on healthcare data on the
HUAWEI Developers website. When a mobile phone's screen is locked, the user's
personal information can be written but cannot be read, preventing user data leakage
in the background.
8.10.2 Data Encrypted for Storage
On Huawei mobile phones running EMUI 8.1 or later versions, fitness and health
data is encrypted using hardware-level file encryption. After the screen is locked for
10 seconds, encrypted fitness and health data cannot be read or written, preventing
abuse of the data. In this case, the fitness and health data can only be written into a
temporary database, and the data will be stored in the formal fitness and health
database only after the mobile phone is unlocked.
Fitness and health data stored on the Health Kit cloud is encrypted using the AES.
Each user is assigned an independent data encryption key, which is stored after
being encrypted by the KMS system under the protection of an HSM.
8.11 FIDO
Fast Identity Online (FIDO) is an open service for quick online identity authentication.
It provides BioAuthn (local biometric authentication) and FIDO2 (online user identity
authentication) capabilities, which provide secure, easy-to-use, and password-free
authentication service for developers.
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FIDO has mature specifications and a comprehensive ecosystem in place to support
a wide range of applications. It uses either biometric features or external devices for
identity authentication, reducing password leakage risks. Users' personal privacy,
such as biometric features, is verified on mobile phones, and data is not transmitted
out of devices, further safeguarding user privacy.
8.11.1 Local Authentication (BioAuthn)
BioAuthn includes both fingerprint and 3D facial authentication. It provides secure,
easy-to-use, and password-free authentication for developers and ensures secure
and trustworthy authentication results. Before calling BioAuthn, developers need to
call the SysIntegrity API of Safety Detect to verify runtime environment security.
If the system has security issues, an error code will be returned; if the runtime
environment is secure, fingerprint authentication or 3D facial authentication will be
EMUI 5 (API level 24) and later versions support fingerprint authentication; EMUI 10
(API level 29) and later versions support facial authentication. Ensure that a device
supports these functions prior to use.
8.11.2 FIDO2
FIDO2 provides the following features:
1. Implements Android-based password-free user authentication via a FIDO2-
compliant client as well as a platform authenticator for local biometric
authentication. The FIDO2 specification includes Client to Authenticator
Protocols (CTAP) and W3C WebAuthn.
2. Completes user authentication via communication modes like USB, NFC, and
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to communicate with FIDO security key devices.
3. Provides an SDK for Android app developers.
4. Provides web app developers with the WebAuthn JavaScript APIs which are
offered via the integration with HUAWEI Browser.
5. Allows use of a mobile phone with the biometric authentication capability to act
as the FIDO security key, for seamless user authentication on other devices.
6. Before processing a request, the FIDO2 client calls the SysIntegrity API of
Safety Detect to check whether the device where the app runs is secure. If the
device is secure, the FIDO2 client continues to process the request. Otherwise,
the client returns an error indicating that the device has failed the system
integrity check.
8.12 WisePlay DRM
WisePlay DRM provides developers with digital copyright protection capabilities at
enhanced hardware, hardware, and software levels, including applying for a client
certificate online, encrypting content in multiple formats, and using various encryption
algorithms, as well as playing content online and offline. Apps use keys to encrypt
content, which must be decrypted using the keys before playing.
WisePlay DRM applies for a DRM certificate based on the user device ID (UDID or
DIEID) and delivers the certificate to the device chip.
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8.12.1 Hardware-Level Secure Runtime Environment
The core module of the WisePlay DRM client runs in the trusted execution
environment (TEE) of Huawei mobile phones. The TEE provides a hardware-level
secure runtime environment for the WisePlay DRM client and protects the storage
and use of confidential data in the WisePlay DRM client.
1. The DRM certificate and private key are stored in the TEE's secure storage area.
2. The content key is decrypted into plaintext in the TEE only when the content is
played, and is not cached.
3. The video content is decrypted in the TEE, and the plaintext video content will
not be transmitted out of the TEE.
4. WisePlay DRM offers the enhanced hardware-level DRM for some chipsets to
defend against side-channel attacks.
8.12.2 Secure Video Path
A secure video path safeguards encrypted videos throughout the transmission
process covering video decryption, video decoding, local rendering and playback,
and projection output, to prevent decrypted video content from being breached.
Encrypted videos are decrypted by the WisePlay DRM client in the TEE. The
decrypted video content is then transferred to a secure decoder and is decoded,
rendered, and played. The content is also protected by the TEE security mechanism
and security chip. The OS has no access to the content, and users cannot record the
videos using screen recording software.
When users connect their mobile phone to a large-screen device (such as a TV)
using a high definition multimedia interface (HDMI) cable and play a video on the
large screen, the video is encrypted using the High-bandwidth Digital Content
Protection (HDCP) chip, before being transmitted to the large-screen device. In
addition, the large-screen device needs to pass the validity authentication.
8.12.3 Secure Clock
The WisePlay DRM client uses the TEE's secure clock (which cannot be modified by
users) to verify and control the playback validity period in a content license.
8.12.4 DRM Certificate Authentication
When the WisePlay DRM client applies for a DRM certificate, the WisePlay DRM
server authenticates the client using the Huawei device certificate and private key
signature. Huawei device certificates and private keys are pre-configured in the
secure storage area of devices before delivery. Each device has a unique certificate
and private key, which can be accessed by authorized apps only.
When the WisePlay DRM client applies for a content license from the WisePlay DRM
server, two-way identity authentication is required using the WisePlay DRM client
certificate and WisePlay DRM server certificate.
8.12.5 Secure Transmission
The WisePlay DRM server uses the public key of the WisePlay DRM client certificate
to encrypt the content key and sends the encrypted content key to the WisePlay
DRM client. DRM requests and responses are signed using the certificates of the
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Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
WisePlay DRM server and WisePlay DRM client, to ensure that the messages will
not be tampered with by man-in-the-middle attacks during transmission.
8.13 ML Kit
ML Kit provides vision and language services for developers based on machine
learning technology. Vision services include AI-empowered ones such as text
recognition, face detection, image classification, object detection and tracking,
landmark recognition, and image segmentation. Language services include speech
recognition, language detection, and translation.
8.13.1 Data Processing
ML Kit uses only the minimum amount of personal information. It processes personal
information on devices if possible, including face detection and card recognition. If
devices are incapable of certain processing, ML Kit uploads relevant personal
information to the cloud without associating the information with personal identifiers,
and deletes the information after processing is complete.
8.14 Nearby Service
Nearby Service enables apps to easily discover nearby devices and communicate
with them using technologies such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The service provides
Nearby Connection, Nearby Message, and Contact Shield functions.
Nearby Connection discovers devices and sets up direct communication channels
with them without connecting to the Internet. User confirmation is required for
connection setup, and all data transmitted over the connection is encrypted using a
negotiated key to ensure data confidentiality and integrity. Throughout the process,
data will not be transferred to any servers.
Nearby Message enables a subscriber (app) to receive the sharing code broadcasted
by a publisher (beacon or another app) over the Internet, and based on the sharing
code, to obtain message content from the cloud server. The client communicates
with the cloud server using HTTPS and uses the API key for identity authentication to
safeguard message confidentiality and integrity. When a user publishes a nearby
message through an app, the message is stored on the server of Nearby Service.
Huawei will not associate the message with any personal identity or device identifier;
therefore, the message is anonymous. When a user uses a beacon to publish a
message, the message is also stored on the server of Nearby Service, and the
message is associated with the beacon's sharing code (BeaconID), so that other
users can subscribe to the message by using the sharing code.
We advocate that developers obtain users' consent prior to publishing messages or
subscribing to services in the background. After this, the message service can be
enabled, and a convenient subscription switch can be provided for users.
Contact Shield is a basic contact tracing service developed based on the Bluetooth
Low Energy (BLE) technology. To use Contact Shield APIs for checking whether a
user has been in contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19, the
developer must have obtained authorization from the public health institutions of the
countries or regions involved and passed the strict review of Huawei. After a user
enables Contact Shield, a dynamic shared code is generated. This code is updated
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8 HMS Core (Developer Kits)
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
every 10 minutes and shared via Bluetooth among mobile phones where Contact
Shield is enabled. After the public health institution announces a person has tested
positive for COVID-19, Contact Shield will notify the user of whether they have been
exposed to the confirmed case. Contact Shield will not use users' location
information, nor collect or share users' identity information. Users can switch Contact
Shield on or off, and manually delete all data records.
8.15 Location Kit
Location Kit enables developer apps to quickly obtain users' precise locations using
GPS, Wi-Fi, and base stations. It provides developers with various capabilities
including fused location, location-based notifications, user behavior status
identification, and geocode querying.
Location Kit uses HTTPS for encrypted transmission of location request data and
verifies the location server certificate to prevent the data from being sent to a
spoofing server. It requires developer apps to obtain authorization to collect data on
users' locations before providing services.
Location Kit does not store users' location information and will delete the information
after processing is complete. In addition, location information is not associated with
any user or device identifiers and therefore cannot be used to track user locations, to
protect users' privacy. Location Kit also provides the geofence function. Fence data
set by users is stored only on user devices and will not be uploaded to servers.
Furthermore, Location Kit does not disclose any data to third parties.
8.15.1 User Authorization
Location Kit uses the Android permission control mechanism to determine whether a
developer app is authorized to obtain location information. It also verifies whether the
developer app has obtained the user's authorization for high-precision, low-precision,
and background location permissions.
8.15.2 Data Storage
Location Kit isolates and protects geofence information (including fence IDs,
longitudes, and latitudes) submitted by developer apps. Geofence information:
1. Is not uploaded to the Location Kit server.
2. Is isolated by developer app package name. A developer app can access only
its own geofence information.
8.16 Site Kit
Site Kit provides the map search function for developers and allows search results to
be displayed on a map.
It uses the client ID, APK certificate fingerprint, and API key to authenticate
developers, and limits calls to prevent the call of fake apps. Site Kit uses HTTPS for
encrypted transmission of site request data and verifies the site server certificate to
prevent the data from being sent to a spoofing server.
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Site Kit stores anonymized search data only with users' consent to improve its
service. In other scenarios, Site Kit does not collect or process personal information.
Huawei cannot obtain users' place search and access records, and cannot track or
identify user locations. Huawei will not disclose personal information to third parties.
8.17 Map Kit
Map Kit provides a set of SDKs for development of map services. It covers map data
of more than 200 countries and regions, and supports tens of languages. Using these
SDKs, developers can easily integrate map-based functions into their apps to
improve user experience.
Map Kit uses the client ID, APK certificate fingerprint, and API key to authenticate
developers, and limits calls to prevent the call of fake apps. It uses HTTPS for
encrypted transmission of map request data and verifies the map server certificate to
prevent the data from being sent to a spoofing server.
Map Kit does not collect or store users' personal information and, therefore, cannot
track users' activities. When a user requests map data, Map Kit converts the
longitude and latitude location of the user into map coordinates on the device, and
then initiates a service request, without reporting the user's location information. In
addition, third-party map service suppliers shall follow the same requirements for
processing data as Huawei does, to ensure that users' personal information is fully
8.18 Awareness Kit
Awareness Kit enables developers to obtain contextual information including users'
current time, location, activity, levels of ambient light, and weather, enabling a
smarter, more user-oriented experience.
Awareness Kit may need to obtain location, Bluetooth, and network permissions, as
well as data including ambient light levels, headset status, user behavior, geofence,
and the like. All data is processed on user devices and will not be sent to a server.
Awareness Kit needs to send approximate location information (km-level) to servers
to obtain information about local weather and holidays. HTTPS is used for encrypted
transmission, and the approximate location information is neither associated with
devices or users, nor is it stored on the cloud.
8.19 Analytics Kit
Analytics Kit is a one-stop data analytics platform for app developers. It provides
reference for product optimization and operations for developers based on user
behavior and user attribute data reported by apps under user authorization as well as
a large number of analytics models preset on the platform.
Analytics Kit leverages multi-layer encrypted transmission between devices and the
cloud as well as logically isolated storage on the cloud to ensure the security of
operational indicators among developers' analytics data and the security of business
analytics of app services.
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Analytics Kit assigns a unique AAID to each device. It does not collect persistent
identifiers such as IMEIs and SNs. Developers' data will not be used for any other
purposes or shared with third parties without their consent. An automation interface is
used to uphold data subjects' rights and obligations, including the right of access,
right to object, and right to erasure.
8.19.1 Server Spoofing Prevention
Analytics Kit verifies server certificates to ensure that data is transmitted to a trusted
server. The certificate issuer, validity period, and domain name are verified to prevent
developer app data from being reported to a malicious spoofing server, preventing
breach of data.
8.19.2 Secure Data Transmission
Analytics Kit uses HTTPS for secure transmission of data to a server. This prevents
app data from being intercepted by attackers through a local or network man-in-the-
middle agent and, therefore, prevents the disclosure of apps' business secrets.
It also uses a randomly generated key to encrypt the transmitted data. In addition, it
uses an RSA public key to encrypt the randomly generated key, and uploads both
the data and key in ciphertext to the server, preventing malicious attackers from
obtaining the data of developer apps.
8.19.3 Server Data Isolation
Analytics Kit isolates data on a server by developer apps to ensure that data of
different developers and apps cannot be accessed by each other.
8.20 Dynamic Tag Manager
Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM) is a system that helps developers quickly configure
and update measurement code and related code snippets, as well as dynamically
update tracing code through web pages to track specific incidents and transfer data
to third-party analytics platforms, allowing marketing data to be observed on demand.
DTM verifies the source of tag code. The DTM server also controls access of
different developer roles. The code of different developer teams and apps is isolated.
In addition, the DTM server verifies the customized template configurations submitted
by developers. DTM also provides mechanisms such as tag code preview/debugging
and version management to ensure that developers can detect abnormal tag code in
a timely manner and resolve the issue through version overwrite.
Developers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations as well as
agreements with Huawei when using DTM and processing users' personal
information in relation to DTM. Developers must accurately identify platforms that
may collect, receive, or use end users' personal information through the use of DTM.
Developers must notify end users of these platforms, personal information to be
collected, and purposes for data collection. In addition, developers must obtain and
store end users' legal consent to the use of cookies or similar technologies, and
provide end users with the ability to withdraw consent. If a developer does not
comply with applicable laws and regulations or the agreement with Huawei, Huawei
may restrict or suspend the use of DTM of the developer. Developers must not
upload information that can identify users (such as name, email address, device
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identifier, or invoice) to the DTM server. In addition, we may collect and process
information about how DTM is used for the purpose of improving and maintaining
DTM. We will not share the information with third parties without the developer's
consent, unless those third parties are operating under contract and acting on our
8.20.1 Anti-spoofing
DTM verifies DTM server certificates to ensure that the dynamic tag code to be
updated or downloaded is from a trusted DTM server. DTM verifies a certificate's
issuer, validity period, domain name, and other information, to prevent the server
from being spoofed.
8.20.2 Limited API-based Code Execution Permissions
DTM provides limited API-based code execution permissions. APIs can only be used
to execute measurement code and track specific incidents. DTM strictly reviews the
APIs and will not obtain sensitive permissions or information of devices.
8.20.3 Security Management for Dynamic Tag Code
DTM performs input verification on the configuration parameters of dynamic tag code
templates submitted by developers to prevent malicious or abnormal tag code
templates from being imported to the database. If DTM detects any app with non-
compliant or malicious dynamic tag code, it can quickly suspend the app's capability
to call DTM.
8.21 Safety Detect
Safety Detect is a multi-dimensional open security detection service from Huawei. It
detects system integrity, app security, malicious URLs, fake user accounts, and
malicious Wi-Fi networks, helping developers quickly build app security by leveraging
the strengths offered by Huawei mobile phones.
System integrity check is only performed on the user device, and raw data on the
user device will not be reported to the server. Only the check result is reported to the
server for verification and digital signing.
App security check is also only performed locally on the user device, and the list of
apps installed on the user device and related apps are not reported to the server.
During URL check, URLs will be reported to the server for security check.
During fake user account detection, users' HUAWEI IDs, device IDs, and IP
addresses will be collected. Such information is encrypted and stored only for a
necessary period of time and will not be shared to any third party.
SysIntegrity API: checks whether the device running a developer app is secure
(for example, whether it is rooted).
AppsCheck API: obtains a list of malicious apps.
URLCheck API: determines the threat type of a specific URL.
UserDetect API: checks whether an app is interacting with a fake user.
WifiDetect API: checks whether the Wi-Fi to be connected is secure.
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8.21.1 SysIntegrity API
The SysIntegrity API provides developers with secure and trustworthy detection of
system integrity in the TEE of a mobile phone. It then signs the detection result in the
TEE, uploads the signed result to the SysIntegrity server to request a signature, and
returns the signed system detection result to the developer app. Developers can
preconfigure the Huawei root certificate on their own app servers to verify the digital
signatures in the detection results.
When calling the SysIntegrity API, developers pass a nonce value, which will be
also contained in the detection result. Developers can verify the nonce value to
determine whether the returned result matches the request, preventing replay
attacks. The SysIntegrity API of Safety Detect contains the nonce value and app ID.
The app ID can be obtained during the configuration of the signing certificate
8.21.2 AppsCheck API
This API provides the list of malicious apps for developers to assess whether to
restrict app activity based on risks (risky apps or virus apps). It provides 14 types of
capabilities to detect malicious apps and unknown threats.
8.21.3 URLCheck API
This API enables developers to identify malicious URLs such as those with phishing
or Trojan horses, with performance and efficiency taken into consideration. It
provides developers with simple, operation-free, and trustworthy security services
and reduces the cost for implementing secure browsing services.
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8.21.4 UserDetect API
This API enables developers to detect fake user accounts. It identifies fake devices
based on the device signature, identifies risks such as root, simulator, VM, changer,
and anonymous IP addresses, identifies fake user accounts based on analysis of
touchscreen and sensor behavior, and uses image- and semantic-based verification
codes to prevent batch registrations, credential stuffing attacks, fraudulent activities,
and content crawlers.
8.21.5 WifiDetect API
This API checks the characteristics of the Wi-Fi network and router to be connected,
analyzes the Wi-Fi network information, and returns the Wi-Fi detection results after
classification, safeguarding developers' apps from malicious Wi-Fi networks.
8.22 Search Kit
Search Kit opens up Petal Search capabilities through the device-side SDK and
cloud-side APIs, enabling ecosystem partners to quickly provide the best possible
mobile app search experience.
This kit authenticates accesses via the app-level client ID. Developers can set API
restrictions on client IDs and set a validity period of each access token, to avoid
accesses from fake apps.
The Search SDK is loaded to an app during app packaging. It starts when the app is
launched and is stopped as soon as the app is closed, without performing any
operations in the background.
Search Kit stores only anonymized data which cannot be used to identify a user
and automatically deletes the data in a maximum of six months.
The collected data is encrypted locally. During reporting, the data is encrypted using
8.23 Keyring
Keyring offers the Credentials Management API for storing user credentials on user
devices and sharing them across different apps and platforms, helping developers
create a seamless sign-in experience.
8.23.1 Secure Credential Storage
After a user successfully signs in to an app with Keyring integrated, the app calls the
Credentials Management API to store the authentication credential of the user in
Keyring. Keyring encrypts the credential and stores it on the user's device. When
storing credentials, the app developer can set whether to verify the user's biometric
features or lock screen password when the app tries to access the stored credentials.
When the user reopens the app, the app can find the available user credential to
automatically sign the user in.
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8.23.2 Credential Sharing
If multiple apps from a developer share the same account system, the developer can
share credentials stored by one app to other apps. In this case, when a user signs in
to one app, other apps can sign the user in seamlessly without requesting the user to
enter their account details. A developer can also share credentials across their
Android app, quick app, and web app.
The developer has complete control over how credentials are shared. When setting
the credential sharing relationship, the developer must specify the app identifiers
where the credential is shared. More specifically, when configuring the settings for
sharing credentials with an Android app or a quick app, the developer should specify
the app package name and certificate fingerprint; when configuring the settings for
sharing credentials with a web app, the developer should specify the full domain
name of the app.
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9 Privacy Control
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
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9 Privacy Control
9.1 Privacy Compliance Framework
We take privacy protection as the cornerstone of product design and hold this
principle during the entire process of product design, development, operations, and
maintenance to continuously optimize product and service experience. In addition, to
better meet international privacy compliance requirements, we have built a global
privacy compliance framework based on Generally Accepted Privacy Principles
(GAPP), (GDPR), and the local laws and regulations of the relevant countries and
regions to protect data security for users worldwide.
9.2 Local Deployment
We provide products and services through global resources and servers, and ensure
that user data is fully protected in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. If
local servers must be deployed and cross-border data transfers are not permitted by
local laws, user data will be stored on local servers and under the operations as well
as maintenance of locally registered subsidiaries subject to local laws. For example,
the personal information of European Union (EU) users are stored on servers in the
9.3 Data Minimization
We only collect the minimum amount of personal information necessary for providing
users with products and services. Irrelevant personal information will not be
collected. In addition, we have taken reasonable and practical measures to minimize
personal information sharing, preventing the abuse of information and reducing the
risk of information leakage.
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9.4 On-device Data Processing
Owing to the powerful processing capabilities of Huawei devices, data can be
retained and preferentially processed on these devices. Users' personal information
will not be transferred from their devices unless some functions or services require
the processing of data on the cloud.
9.5 Transparency and Controllability
Privacy is a fundamental right of users. We always believe that allowing users to be
completely aware of how their personal information will be used and make decisions
at their own discretion is the most basic requirement for privacy protection.
Whenever a user uses an app or a new feature of an app for the first time, we
explicitly inform them of how the app will collect, use, store, share, and transfer data,
and that their data will be processed only after they give explicit consent. In addition,
to help users better understand how we process personal information, we have
launched privacy tags on HUAWEI AppGallery to present in a clear manner how an
app from AppGallery uses personal information.
We provide a one-stop privacy management platform, helping users better manage
their personal information and privacy settings. By using the platform, users can
obtain copies of their personal information online, rectify/delete their account
information, decide whether to grant account access to third-party apps, and set
preferences for receiving marketing messages, so as to enjoy a better user
experience from Huawei products and services.
9.6 Identity Protection
Our products and services use multiple innovative privacy protection technologies to
minimize our or any third party's access to users' personal information, helping users
hide their identities to evade network trackers.
For example, we use random identifiers instead of user IDs to associate personal
information when cooperating with third parties. Even if such random identifiers are
sent to a remote server, they will not be associated with the users. Some of our
products and services use differential privacy technology, which generates a digest
of users' raw data rather than directly uploading the raw data. This technology adds
random noise to the digest so that the data cannot be associated with a specific user.
By using the privacy protection technologies, we can optimize relevant services and
products without collecting user-related data and protect user identities.
9.7 Data Security Assurance
Safeguarding the security of users' personal information is our key objective for
product design.
Users can sign in securely through HUAWEI IDs and benefit from the following
capabilities and technologies: (a) data protection capabilities provided by
HarmonyOS; (b) security encryption capabilities provided by the SE and TEE; (c)
industry-leading data protection technologies during service processing and data
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exchange; (d) other technologies used during transmission, service processing, and
storage, such as E2E encryption, trust relationship authentication for the certificate
chain, signature to prevent data tampering, and mutual trust between devices in a
trust circle.
We protect user data from unauthorized access and tampering regardless of whether
the data is stored on the cloud or transmitted over the network.
9.8 Obligations of a Data Processor
HMS Core provides services like Analytics Kit and Push Kit for developers. In these
services, developers determine the purposes of data processing and how the data
will be used. We act as the data processor that collects and processes personal data
on behalf of developers.
We sign data processing agreements (DPAs) with developers to specify the rights
and obligations of the data processor, namely us, and developers. We process
personal data only in accordance with the DPAs and developer's instructions, and do
not process personal data for Huawei's purposes. For data processing activities that
need to be subcontracted, only suppliers (sub-processors) that provide an adequate
level of technical and organizational measures and guarantees are used. The
subcontracting of suppliers requires prior written authorization from developers.
As the data processor, we assist developers in responding to the requests for
exercising the rights of data subjects (end users) and comply with requirements
regarding personal data processing, data breach notifications, data protection impact
assessments, and prior consultation. We will delete or return personal data once the
cooperation with the developers ends. We will also provide developers with
information to demonstrate our compliance with the processor's obligations and
provide audit/inspection channels.
9.9 Protection of Minors
For minors who use HMS, we take additional measures to protect their privacy and
data security. We offer the child account that is specifically tailored for children.
When a child account is created and signed in to, our products and services will
automatically enable kids mode. This mode filters content based on the child's age
and blocks content such as comments, web recommendations, and direct marketing,
to intelligently prevent negative influences and guide them towards being a rational
We provide customized content classifications and ratings for minors based on their
ages to ensure that content shown to minors is appropriate. For example, HUAWEI
Video offers modes for children, teenagers, and adults respectively. Minors only have
access to the content suitable for their ages.
We collect minors' personal information only after obtaining the consent of their
guardians, and use or disclose the information only when permitted by law, explicitly
consented by the guardians, or necessary for the protection of minors. Guardians
have the right to access, rectify, or delete minors' personal information at any time.
For details, please refer to the privacy notice or supplementary statement of the
specific product and service.
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10 Security & Privacy Certifications and
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
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10 Security & Privacy Certifications
and Compliance
10.1 ISO/IEC 27001 and 27018 Certifications
ISO/IEC 27001 is an internationally recognized and widely used standard for
information security management systems. This certification indicates that an
enterprise has established a scientific and effective information security management
system to unify the enterprise's development strategy and information security
management, and ensure that information security risks are properly controlled and
correctly handled. HMS first obtained this certification in January 2016, it was
annually reviewed afterwards, and the certificate was renewed in 2019. This
certificate has been recognized by ANAB and UKAS.
ISO/IEC 27018 is an international code of practice that focuses on personal data
protection on the cloud. It is based on ISO 27002 and provides guidelines for
implementing the ISO 27002 controls applicable to personally identifiable information
(PII) on the public cloud. This ensures that PII is properly protected when being
processed by the cloud-based personal identity information processor and therefore
provides a common compliance framework for cloud service providers operating in
multiple countries. HMS obtained this certification in October 2019 and was annually
reviewed afterwards.
10.2 ISO/IEC 27701 Certification
ISO/IEC 27701 provides a comprehensive set of personal data processing methods
and a privacy information management framework from multiple aspects, such as
organizational governance, legal compliance, process specifications, information
technology, as well as supervision and auditing. This certification indicates that an
enterprise has a comprehensive personal information protection management
system in place in terms of design, R&D, operations, and maintenance phases and is
in a leading position globally regarding personal information security management,
transparency, and privacy compliance, among others. HMS is in the first batch of the
industry products to have obtained this certification in November 2019 and was
annually reviewed afterwards. The certificate has been recognized by ANAB.
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10.3 CSA STAR Certification
CSA STAR certification adds the cloud control matrix (CCM) and other security
requirements based on ISO/IEC 27001. It covers 16 control domains, including risk
governance, data security, app security, infrastructure security, development and
design, identity and access management, data center security, change management,
configuration management, business continuity management, operations recovery,
human resources, and supply chain management. HMS first obtained this
certification in January 2016 and it was annually reviewed afterwards. In 2019 when
renewing the certificate, HMS was awarded with a Gold rating.
10.4 CC Certification
Common Criteria (CC) certification is a product information security certification
recognized in 31 countries and regions, and encompasses seven levels (EAL1 to
EAL7). A higher level indicates a stricter review process and, consequently, tighter
product security.
Huawei's TEE OS kernel obtained CC EAL5+ in September 2019. EAL5+ is a
commercial OS kernel security certification, indicating that sensitive data, such as
fingerprints, facial data, and lock screen passwords, of Huawei mobile phone users
during app use is properly protected.
10.5 PCI DSS Certification
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) certification is one of the
world's highest-level financial data security standards and one of the most
authoritative data security standards for the payment card industry. It aims to strictly
control data storage to ensure the security of online transactions of payment card
users. PCI DSS is widely supported and promoted by global card organizations and
financial institutions and has become a standard that must be followed by merchants
and service providers. IAP in HUAWEI Wallet obtained this certification in January
2018 and it was annually reviewed afterwards.
10.6 EuroPriSe Certification for HUAWEI ID
In January 2020, the European Privacy Seal (EuroPriSe) granted the EuroPriSe seal
to Aspiegel SE (formerly Aspiegel Limited), a wholly owned subsidiary of Huawei
Technologies Cooperatief U.A. (Netherlands), for its HUAWEI ID service in the
European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA). EuroPriSe offers a trans-
European privacy trust mark issued by an independent third party certifying
compliance of IT products and IT-based services with European regulations on
privacy and data security. The scheme provides transparent procedures and reliable
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10.7 ePrivacyseal Certification
ePrivacyseal is an authoritative European privacy certification that covers the
requirements of the GDPR for digital products. The catalog of criteria for certification
has been constantly adapting to the interpretation of the GDPR and other data
protection laws. ePrivacyseal assesses both legal and technical aspects of an object
to ensure its secure and visible compliance with the GDPR, thereby protecting
consumer privacy. Our products and services for the EEA area, such as HUAWEI
Ads, Petal Search, AppGallery, HUAWEI ID, and AppGallery Connect, were all
certified by ePrivacyseal GmbH in July 2020.
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11 Oriented Future
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
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11 Oriented Future
11.1 Protect and Empower Users
Users' data security and privacy protection have always been the focus of HMS. To
improve user experience, Huawei HMS will become atomized and smart to bring
users direct and convenient service results and build a smart service distribution
platform. Technologies, such as big data, machine learning, and AI, are widely used
to proactively address privacy protection and data security challenges.
We are passionate in helping our users to be productive while keeping their
information secure and protecting their privacy. It is important to innovate new
solutions that are secure and privacy-friendly while ensuring usability. The
implementation of security and privacy solutions often relies on the use and research
of several fundamental technologies. This requires continuous research on data
protection technologies that are used for securing data including client-side
encryption and E2E encryption, as well as enabling privacy protected use of data
with multi-party computation, homomorphic encryption, differential privacy, functional
encryption, and privacy-preserving AI-based technologies such as federated
Additionally, support for secure collaboration is needed. This will ensure that user
data is protected at the client side prior to transmission to the cloud so that the user
has full control over who has access to their data in every scenario. Approaches
where data can be managed in zero trust environment are also needed. To build a
robust AI system where users rely on with the increasing use of AI, it is important to
protect against adversarial AI, prevent privacy breaches due to membership
inference, and make AI explainable.
Another important aspect is to explore ways and methods of enhancing users'
understanding of an app and assisting them before, during, and after using an app.
There is a clear need for usable solutions that will help users understand what data is
collected and generated about them by a service and how widely that data is used
and exposed within and between different organizations, and enable users to control
their data.
Developers shall prove the security and privacy protection capabilities of their
solutions through measures, such as privacy seals, which can be used to build trust
between developer apps/services and users.
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
11 Oriented Future
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
11.2 Fortify Foundation Against Emerging Threats
Security is a constant race that requires a high level of anticipation of new security
and privacy threats resulted from emerging attack vectors, rapid technology changes,
and changes on business operation models or legislation. We continuously invest in
advanced detection technologies to protect infrastructure, systems, devices, apps,
and data, and we work with various security partners to enhance anomaly detection
at system, web, app, and device levels.
We envision a trustworthy, ethical, and safe ecosystem by ensuring that it is free from
illegal, harmful, inappropriate, and copyright-infringed content.
By building and opening HMS Core security capabilities, HMS continuously
enhances services such as SysIntegrity (system integrity check), AppsCheck (app
security check), URLCheck (malicious URL check), and UserDetect (fake user
detection) in Safety Detect, helping developers provide more secure apps.
Huawei has set up a computer emergency response team (CERT) that is dedicated
to improving product security. Any organization or individual that finds security
vulnerabilities in Huawei products can contact Huawei at PSI[email protected]m.
Huawei PSIRT will respond as soon as possible, organize internal vulnerability fixing,
release security advisories (SAs), and push patch updates.
11.3 Prepare for Disruptive Technology
We prepare for disruptive technology that may either present unforeseeable threats
or result in new opportunities to innovate solutions. For example, a breakthrough in
quantum computing will result in public key cryptography being broken in post-
quantum era and affect current technologies that are based on public key
cryptography, such as HTTPS, key management, and signature.
Deepfake technology leverages machine learning and AI to create images or videos
that are deceptive and difficult for an average user to identify as being fake or real.
This may potentially lead to misinformation or abuse that affects an individual's online
We believe it is essential to work with our academic partners to address these future
challenges in our mission to create a safe ecosystem for our users.
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
12 Acronyms and Abbreviations
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
12 Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym or
Full Name
Account Data
Security Standard
A standard approved by the China
UnionPay Risk Management Committee to
reinforce account information security
management on a UnionPay card
acquiring network. This standard further
specifies and refines the account
information security management
requirements for the participants of the
acquiring service to prevent account
information leakage risks.
Encryption Standard
A block encryption standard, also known
as Rijndael.
Artificial intelligence
A new technical science that studies and
develops theories, methods, techniques,
and application systems for simulating and
extending human intelligence.
Android Interface
Definition Language
A service that enables cross-process
A collection of predefined functions or a
set of conventions that specify how
different components of a software system
are connected. It enables apps and
developers to access a set of routines
through software or hardware without
having to access source code or
understand the details of internal working
Software installed on smartphones.
Advanced persistent
Uses sophisticated malware and
techniques to exploit vulnerabilities in
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
12 Acronyms and Abbreviations
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
Advanced RISC
A 32-bit reduced instruction set computer
(RISC) processor architecture.
Certificate authority
A trusted third party in e-commerce
transactions, which is responsible for
verifying the validity of public keys in the
public key system.
Cipher block
A mode in which each plaintext block is
exclusively ORed (XORed) with the
previous ciphertext block and then
CC attack
Challenge Collapsar
Using an agent server, an attacker
generates a valid request pointed to an
aggrieved host in order to implement
distributed denial of service (DDoS) or
masquerade attacks.
Counter with CBC-
A traditional method of MAC construction.
Cloud Certificate
Certificate management services including
online (offline) issuance, deregistration,
freezing, and status query of service
Response Team
An expert group that analyzes and
responds in real time to computer security
incidents happening around the world, and
provides solutions and emergency
countermeasures to protect the computer
information system and network against
Central processing
Computing and control core of a computer
system, which processes information and
runs programs.
Cross-site request
An attack method that coerces a user who
has signed in to a web app to execute
undesired operations on the app.
Card verification
A code on the back of a credit card or debt
Database Firewall
A database security protection system
based on database protocol analysis and
control technology.
Distributed denial-of-
service attack
An attack launched by multiple attackers in
different locations against one or more
targets, or launched by an attacker who
has seized control over and exploits
multiple machines in different locations
against victims.
Data Encryption
A block algorithm used to encrypt keys.
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
12 Acronyms and Abbreviations
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
Data Execution
Prevents code from being run from a
specific part of memory in order to protect
Demilitarized zone
A buffer area between an insecure system
and a secure system.
Data processing
A security and privacy agreement signed
between a data controller and a data
processor, or between a data processor
and a data sub-processor, which specifies
the responsibilities and obligations of both
parties in the processing of personal data.
Digital rights
A technology that offers enhanced
protection of the copyright of digital audio
and video programs, documents, and
Dynamic Tag
Offers a dynamic tag management system
that helps developers quickly configure
and update tracking tags and related code
snippets on a web-based UI. They can
then track specific events and report data
to third-party analytics platforms,
monitoring their marketing data as
Elliptic curves
An approach to public-key cryptography
based on the algebraic structure of elliptic
Emotion UI
An Android-based OS developed by
Federal Information
A set of standards used by American
government agencies for automated data
processing and remote communications.
A mode of operation for symmetric-key
cryptographic block ciphers.
General Data
Any organization that collects, transfers,
retains, or processes personal information
in any EU member state is subject to this
A next-generation OS for smart devices.
Digital Content
Protects uncompressed digital audio and
video content.
multimedia interface
A fully digital audio/video interface for
transmitting uncompressed audio and
video signals.
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
12 Acronyms and Abbreviations
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
Host intrusion
Prevention system
A host security system that adopts the
client/server (C/S) structure, and which is
capable of rapidly detecting and
addressing server system security issues
to ensure secure operations of the system.
Huawei Mobile
A collection of open device and cloud
capabilities, helping developers achieve
efficient app development, rapid growth,
and flexible monetization.
Hashed message
authentication code
A message authentication method based
on a combination of hash functions and
HyperText Markup
A markup language that includes a series
of tags used to provide one simple format
for documents on the Internet, and which
connects scattered Internet resources as a
logical whole.
In-App Purchases
A service that provides convenient
purchases within apps.
Intrusion detection
prevention system
IDS: a network security device that
monitors network transmissions in real
time and generates alerts or takes
proactive measures when detecting
suspicious transmissions.
IPS: a computer network security device
that monitors the network information
transmission behavior of a network or
network devices. It can interrupt, adjust, or
isolate abnormal or harmful network
information transmission behavior in a
timely manner.
Instant messaging
A service that offers real-time
communication over the Internet.
International Mobile
Equipment Identity
Identifies a mobile communications
device, such as a mobile phone, on a
mobile phone network.
Key Management
KMS provides key management
capabilities for users and services. KMS
assigns a pair of master keys encrypted
using an HSM to each service, and
extracts the final user and service keys
using the HKDF algorithm.
Near field
A short-range, high-frequency radio
technology that enables data exchange
when devices are close to each other.
A step taken to configure basic Windows
settings after the Windows OS is installed.
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
12 Acronyms and Abbreviations
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
Payment Card
Industry Data
Security Standard
Security requirements for agencies using
credit card information, including
requirements for security management,
policies, processes, network architecture,
and software design, in order to ensure
secure transactions.
Key Derivation
Function 2
Uses a pseudo-random function to derive
Public key
A collection of hardware, software,
personnel, policies, and regulations used
to generate, manage, store, distribute, and
revoke keys and certificates based on the
public-key cryptography.
Point of sale
A multifunctional terminal installed in a
commercial business or other sites
involved with credit card use, which is
connected to a computer network for
automatic electronic fund transfer.
Product Security
Incident Response
Receives, handles, and discloses security
vulnerabilities related to Huawei products
and solutions.
Runtime application
RSAP injects and integrates itself into an
app to monitor and block attacks in real
time, providing the app with self-protection
Role-based access
An effective access control method
designed for enterprise security policies.
A cryptosystem that uses various
encryption and decryption keys to ensure
that it is computationally impossible to
deduce decryption keys from the known
encryption keys.
Secure Digital card
A new generation of storage device based
on semiconductor flash memory.
development kit
A collection of development tools used by
software engineers to develop app
software for specific software packages,
software frameworks, hardware platforms,
and OSs.
Secure Hash
An FIPS-certified secure hash algorithm,
and part of a family of cryptographic hash
functions. It can calculate the fixed-length
string (also called message digest)
corresponding to a digital message.
Subscriber identity
IC card held by a mobile user in the GSM
HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
Security Technical White Paper V2.0
12 Acronyms and Abbreviations
Issue V2.0 (2021-12-31)
Copyright © Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
Secure Socket Layer
Widely used for identity authentication and
encrypted data transmission between the
web browser and server. The data
encryption technology is used to prevent
data from being intercepted or
eavesdropped during transmission.
Trust circle index
A TCIS server is a server component used
to manage public key information in a
trusted service. All services are provided
in web mode based on the applicability of
the Internet.
Trusted execution
An OS and trusted apps running in a
secure world (such as TrustZone).
Transport Layer
Enables confidentiality and data integrity
between two apps.
Virtual local area
A group of logical devices and users,
which are organized based on functions,
departments, and applications, regardless
of their physical locations. Such devices
and users communicate with each other
as if they are on the same network
Virtual private
A private network established on a public
network, and used for encrypted
Messaging and
Presence Protocol
A subset XML protocol based on Standard
Generalized Markup Language.
Cross-site scripting
An attack that steals information from
users by exploiting website vulnerabilities.