04/23/2007 09:42 PMMathematica Help
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Prof. R. Sorbello
Dept of Physics, UWM
April 2007
Examples of built-in Mathematica functions: Sin[x] , Cos[x], Tan[x], Log[x], Sinh[x], Cosh[x],
ArcSin[x], ArcCos[x], ArcTan[x], Abs[x], Sign[x], LegendreP[n, x], BesselJ[m,kr],
SphericalHarmonicY[l, m, theta, phi].
Example of defining your own function: F[x_]:= E^x Sin[a x] . The "F[x_] :=" construction allows you
to call F repeatedly with different x values, just as you do for the built-in functions. Alternatively, you
can write f = E^x Sin[a x] , in which case f gets an immediate assignment based on the value of x at
the time you execute the command, and that specific value of x will remain in f unless you later clear x
using the command Clear[x] or choose another value of x before executing f. An alternate construction
is to define f= E^x Sin[a x] and when you need it for x = b, use z= f /. x->b
Pi, E, I, Infinity. (Note: Mathematica protects these names; they cannot be used as names for other
Let f be some expression containing x. ( For example: f = x y + y^2 +Sin[b x] )
First partial derivative of f with respect to x: D[f, x]
n-th partial derivative of f with respect to x: D[f, {x,n}]
Mixed partial-derivative: D[f, x, y] or D[D[f, x], y]
Indefinite integral: Integrate[f,x] (Here f is an expression depending on x)
Definite integral from x=x1 to x=x2: Integrate[f,{x,x1,x2}] (Here x1 and x2 may be symbolic
Indefinite double Integral: Integrate[f, x,y] (Here f is an expression depending on x and y)
Definite double Integral: Integrate[f, {x,x1,x2},{y,y1,y2}]
Assumptions on parameters in an integral (See also ASSUMPTIONS section below):
If we know that a parameter, n, is in a certain domain, say n > 1, add-on the option: "Assumptions ->
n > 1". Example: Integrate[1/x^n, {x,1,Infinity}, Assumptions -> n>1]
Example for multiple assumptions: Integrate[1/x^(n+m), {x,1,Infinity}, Assumptions -> {n>1, m>0}]
Numerical Integration (necessary if no analytic solution exists): NIntegrate[f,{x,x1,x2}], where now x1,
x2 must be numerical quantities, and similarly for double integrals: NIntegrate[f, {x,x1,x2},{y,y1,y2}]
Sum[f,{n,nmin,nmax}] , where for example f = 1/n^2 and nmin = 1 and nmax = Infinity.
Sum [f,{n,nmin,nmax,nstep}] , where n goes from "nmin" to "nmax" in steps of "nstep".
Double sum: Sum[f,{m,mmin,mmax},{n,nmin,nmax}]
Series[f, {x, x0, n}] gives a Taylor series expansion for f as a function of x about the point x = x0 to
order (x - x0)^n.
Series[f, {x, x0, n}, {y, y0, n}] gives a Taylor series expansion for f as a function of x and y about the
point (x0,y0) to order n.
Series[f, {x, x0, n}, Assumptions->{a>0,b<0}] gives a Taylor series expansion for f subject to
assumptions on the parameters a,b that appear in f. (See also ASSUMPTIONS section below).
Plot[f,{x,x1,x2}] plots specified f from x=x1 to x=x2.
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Plot[f,{x,x1,x2}] plots specified f from x=x1 to x=x2.
Plot[F[x], {x,x1,x2}] plots user-defined function F[x] from x=x1 to x=x2.
Plot[{f,g,...},{x,x1,x2}] plots f, g,... from x=x1 to x=x2.
Plot3D[f, {x, xmin, xmax}, {y, ymin, ymax}] gives a 3-d plot of f(x,y).
ContourPlot[f, {x, xmin, xmax}, {y, ymin, ymax}, ContourShading -> False] gives contour plot of f(x,y).
DensityPlot is similar to ContourPlot but uses shading without contour lines.
ImplicitPlot for curve of f(x,y)=0 in xy-plane:
<< Graphics`ImplicitPlot`
ImplicitPlot[f == 0, {x,x1,x2}, {y,y1,y2}]
Parametric plot of y(x) from defined x[t] and y[t]: ParametricPlot[{x[t], y[t]}, {t, 0, tmax}, AspectRatio
-> Automatic]
To SHOW PLOT in different domains:
Show[myplot,PlotRange->{{x1,x2},{y1,y2}}] (For all pts: PlotRange->All)
To SHOW several plots superimposed:
Multicolor plot of a family of functions: Plot[Evaluate[Table[Cos[n Pi x], {n,1,5}]], {x, -1, 1}, PlotStyle
-> {Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Orange}]
Useful Aliases (in what follows, f,f1,f2 slots are specified as functions of x:
myplot[f_,x_,x1_,x2_]:= Plot[f,{x,x1,x2},PlotRange->All, AxesLabel->{x,f}]
myplot2a[f1_,f2_,x1_,x2_]:=Plot[{f1, f2}, {x, x1, x2},PlotRange->All,PlotStyle->{Blue, Red}]
myplot2b[f1_,f2_,x1_,x2_]:=Plot[{f1, f2}, {x, x1, x2},PlotRange->All,PlotStyle ->
myplot3[f1_,f2_,f3_,x1_,x2_]:=Plot[{f1,f2,f3}, {x,x1,x2},PlotRange->All,PlotStyle->{Blue,Red,
ListPlot[xflist,PlotJoined->True,PlotRange->All], where, xflist is a paired list of {x,f} entries (see
"LISTS" below).
Useful Alias: mylistplot[data_]:=ListPlot[data,PlotJoined->True,PlotRange->All,AxesLabel->{"x","f"}]
where, e.g., data=Table[{xval[i],fval[i]},{i,1,100,1}];
Multiple ListPlots shown together:
<< Graphics`MultipleListPlot`;
MultipleListPlot[list1, list2, PlotJoined->{True, False},PlotRange->All]
Plot[f,{x,x1,x2}, option1, option2, ...], where some options follow:
To restrict plotted values between f = c1 and f = c2: PlotRange -> {c1,c2}
To plot all of values of f in the interval (if Mathematica fails to): PlotRange -> All
To increase the number of sampled plot points used to 50: PlotPoints -> 50
For labels on x-axis and y-axis: AxesLabel -> {"x", "f"}
For dashed line: PlotStyle -> Dashing[{0.02,0.015}]
For 2 curves (full and dashed): PlotStyle -> {Thickness[.003],Dashing[{.02,.015}]}
For colored line: PlotStyle -> Blue or Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple, or Black (default).
For 2 curves of different color: PlotStyle -> {Blue,Red}
For 2 curves of different color, thickness, dashing (can omit any options): PlotStyle ->
{{Thickness[0.008], Blue}, {Thickness[0.01], Dashing[{0.012, 0.015}], Red}}
For plot label: PlotLabel -> FontForm["My Graph", {"Helvetica-Bold", 12}]
For grid-lines on plot: GridLines -> Automatic
For border around plot: Frame -> True
For no ticks on frame: FrameTicks -> None
To set font for all future graphics text: $TextStyle = {FontFamily -> "Times", FontSize -> 12}
To change Plot3D viewpoint to coordinates x1,x2,x3: ViewPoint-> {x1,x2,x3}
To eliminate shading in the ContourPlot: ContourShading -> False
To create a vector-field plot of grad f(x,y) from x0 to x1 and y0 to y1, load the graphics plot package by
typing: Needs["Graphics`PlotField`"]
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typing: Needs["Graphics`PlotField`"]
Then type: PlotGradientField[f, {x, x0, x1}, {y, y0, y1}]
or PlotGradientField[f, {x, x0, x1}, {y, y0, y1}, HeadWidth->0.01, HeadLength->0.01, HeadCenter-
(Caution: This is a plot of Grad[f], but it is not a conventional field plot. The magnitude of the field is
indicated by lengths of arrows rather than the density of field lines.)
To simplify algebraic expression for f: Simplify[f]
To really simplify, try: FullSimplify[f].
To simplify, making assumptions on domain of variables in expression, see ASSUMPTIONS section
To make assumptions on variables in expressions used in commands Simplify, FullSimplify, Integrate:
Simplify[expr, Assumptions-> ...], where ... = a>0, or 1>a>0, or Im[a]==0, or Element[p, Integers], or
Element[x, Reals], or Element[x,y,x, Reals], etc. For multiple assumptions, either enclose by braces:
Simplify[expr, Assumptions->{...}], where {...} = {a>0, b>0, c>0}, etc., or use logical-and construction
without braces: Simplify[expr, Assumptions->...], where ... = a>0&&b>0&&c>0, etc.
For Mathematica 5.2 and later: Series command with assumptions also works, as in Series[f,{x,0,3},
Assumptions-> a>0}], and in the special cases of Simplify, FullSimplify and Refine, can drop
"Assumptions-> " and just write the assumption, as in Simplify[f, a>0] or Simplify[f, a>0&&b>0].
Refine[expr, assum] gives the form of expr that would be obtained if symbols in it were replaced by
explicit numerical expressions satisfying the assumptions assum. Example: Refine[Log[x], x<0] gives
I*Pi + Log[-x]
To evaluate an expression f numerically: N[f]
To evaluate f to an accuracy of M decimal-places: N[f,M]
To evaluate f where f depends on x and y, for the case of a particular value of y, use the replacement
operator " /." as follows:
G = f /. y -> 2 makes G equal to f evaluated at y = 2, but leaves f as before. (If use y = 2 followed by
G = f, then would have to use "Clear[y]" to reconstruct functional form of f.)
To perform several replacements: G = f /. {y -> 2, a -> 5, b -> z^2}
Alternatively, you could have defined f originally as f[x_, y_] := ..., in which case writing G = f[x,2]
does not affect the original expression for f[x,y].
Clear assigned value for variable x: Clear[x] or type: x =.
Clear assigned values for variables x, a,... : Clear[x,a,...]
Clear def'n for function f and values x,a,... : Clear[f,x,a,...]
ComplexExpand[expr] will give real and imaginary parts of expr assuming all variables (if any) are real
ComplexExpand[expr,{x1,x2,...}] expands expr assuming all variables are real except x1,x2,... which are
Useful commands: Re[z], Im[z], Abs[z], Conjugate[z], Arg[z]
Load package to help simplify complex expressions: Algebra`ReIm`
Declare the symbol z to be real: z /:Im[z]=0
Declare functions f,g, ... to be real-valued for real arguments: RealValued[f, g, ...]
Declare the symbol a to be negative: Negative[a] ^= True
If output from a certain command "expr" is not wanted, type: expr ;
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If output from a certain command "expr" is not wanted, type: expr ;
To show a one-line outline form of the output, type: expr //Short
Load this package by typing: Needs["Calculus`VectorAnalysis`"]
Choose spherical coordinate system by typing: SetCoordinates[Spherical[r,theta,phi]]
Choose cartesian coordinate system by typing: SetCoordinates[Cartesian[x,y,z]]
Choose cylindrical coordinate system by typing: SetCoordinates[Cylindrical[r,phi,z]]
Vector operations: Grad[f], Div[f], Curl[f], CrossProduct[v1,v2], v1 . v2, where vector fields f, v1, v2 are
specified as { , , }, and v1 . v2 gives the dot product.
Laplacian of a function g: Laplacian[g]
To make a table of x and F[x] or a table of x and f from x1 to x2 in increments of xstep:
Table[{x, F[x]},{x, x1, x2, xstep}]//TableForm
Table[{x, f},{x, x1, x2, xstep}]//TableForm
Useful alias: tf[mylist_]:= mylist//TableForm , where mylist=Table[...] of above examples.
Files are placed in a default directory (usually user's home directory).
To find this directory: Directory[]
To change this directory: SetDirectory["pathname"], where, e.g., pathname= /users/home/work.
To Export datafiles (these datafiles must have the ".dat" suffix):
Create a datalist or Table, e.g., mylist=Table[{x,Sin[x],Cos[x]},{x, 0, 7, 0.1}]
To create a datafile (myfile.dat) from the above list:
Export["myfile.dat", mylist],
where myfile.dat consists of 71 lines each with values of x, Sin[x], Cos[x] separated by spaces.
To Import a datafile as a list:
zlist= Import["myfile.dat"], where myfile.dat contains lines of data with numbers on each line
separated by space(s).
To create 3 1-d arrays from above list consisting of nmax=71 lines of data:
Do[xarray[i] = zlist[[i,1]]; sinarray[i]=zlist[[i,2]], cosarray[i]=zlist[[i,3]],{i, 1, nmax}]
To create a new file and put an expression (mathematica output) in the file wiping out previous entries
in the file:
expr >>myfile (same as Put[data, "myfile"])
To append an expression to an existing file: expr >>>myfile (same as PutAppend[data, "myfile"])
To Export mathematica graphics into Word:
Mathematica: Edit/Save Selection As...EPS
Then in Word: Edit/Insert Picture...from file (and browse to the saved EPS file)
Given a Table or List: zlist=Table[{x,Sin[x],Cos[x]},{x,0,Pi,0.1}]
If want printout in table form: zlist//TableForm
If want printout via print statements as list is created:
Do[ Print[x," ",Sin[x]," ",Cos[x]], {x,0,Pi,0.1}];
To prettify Print output to remove jags in column alignment:
PaddedForm[expr, {nt,nr}] gives nt total digit spaces with nr digits to right of dec. pt.:
pf[w_]:=PaddedForm[w, {10,6}];
Do[ Print[pf[x],pf[Sin[x]],pf[Cos[x]]], {x,0,Pi,0.1}]
To find current options for a given command, like Plot: Options[Plot]
To find a specific option, like PlotRange: Options[Plot, PlotRange]
Change default options for session: SetOptions[Plot, PlotRange->All]
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Change default options for session: SetOptions[Plot, PlotRange->All]
Determining a specific option as implimented: AbsoluteOptions[myplot, PlotRange]
Some options for Plot: AxesOrigin-> {0,0}, GridLines-> Automatic
In addtion to Mathematica's "HELP" menu, can get help on a command, by typing ?Command or ??
Command for greater detail. For example: ??Integrate.
Do[expr,{i, imin, imax}]
Do[{expr1, expr2, expr3}, {i,imin,imax,di}]
Do[{expr1; expr2; expr3}, {i,imin,imax,di}]
Do[expr1; expr2; expr3, {i,imin,imax,di}]
Do[{expr1; expr2; expr3}, {i,imin,imax},{j,jmin,jmax}]
Caution: In above double iteration, the sum over j is done first for each fixed i, then i is summed-
over last.
While[(n<nmax), {expr1, expr2, expr3}]
While[(n<nmax), {expr1; expr2; expr3}]
While[(n<nmax), expr1; expr2; expr3]
If[z>a,x=x1] (If z>a then x=x1, otherwise do nothing.)
If[z>a, x=x1,x=x2] (If z>a then x=x1, else x=x2)
If[z == 0 , x=x1,x=x2] (If z=0 then x=x1, else x=x2)
If[z>a && z<b , x=x1,x=x2] (If z>a AND z<b, x=x1, else x=x2)
If[z>a || z<b , x=x1,x=x2] (If z>a OR z<b, x=x1, else x=x2)
Which[test1,value1,test2,value2...] (Gives value corresp. to first true test)
Needs["Graphics`Animation`"]; (* To load the animation package *)
Animate[Plot3D[ Sin[2 x] Sin[3 y] Cos [t],{x,0,Pi},{y,0,Pi},Axes -> False, PlotRange -> {-1.0,1.0},
DisplayFunction -> Identity], {t, 0, 2 Pi}]
(To animate a sequence of plots created by Animate command, double-click on the first plot in the
Create a sequence of plots in a cell by a Do-Loop (as in this trajectory example):
x[t_] := -Cos[ t] + t; y[t_] := Sin[t];
Do[ParametricPlot[{x[t], y[t]}, {t, 0, trun}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, Axes -> False, PlotRange ->
{{0, 40}, {-2, 2}}], {trun, 0, 40, 0.5}]
Then select the block of plots and choose Cell/Animate Selected Graphics.
data=Table[{x,Sin[x]},{x,0,2 Pi,.2}] (* This makes a list of paired entries *)
data//TableForm (* This displays list in a table form *)
A useful alias: tf[mylist_]:=mylist//TableForm (* Then can use tf[data] instead of data//TableForm*)
ListPlot[data] (* This puts data points on plot *)
ListPlot[data,PlotJoined->True] (* To connect data points on plot *)
xdata=Table[x, {x,0,1,.1}]
ydata=Table[Sin[x], {x,0,1,.1}]
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flist=Table[farray[i],{i,1,imax}] (*To make a 1d-list from a 1d-array*)
Do[farray[i]=flist[[i]],{i,1,imax}] (*To make a 1d-array from a 1d-list*)
Do[xarray[i]=xlist[[i]],{i,1,imax}] (*To make another 1d-array from a 1d-list*)
xflist=Table[{xarray[i],farray[i]},{i,1,imax}] (*To make a paired-list from two 1-d arrays*)
xflist=Table[{xlist[[i]],flist[[i]]},{i,1,imax}] (*To make a paired-list from two 1-d lists*)
ListPlot[xflist,PlotJoined->True] (*To plot above list of paired elements *)
Do[{xarray[i]=xflist[[i,1]];farray[i]=xfist[[i,2]],{i,1,imax}] (*To make 2 arrays from 2d-list*)
xlist=Table[x,{x,0,1,.1}] (*To make a 1d-list from a function*)
flist=Table[f[x],{x,0,1,.1}] (*To make a 1d-list from a function*)
mydata=Transpose[{xlist,flist}] (* To make a list of paired entries {{x1,f1},{x2,f2}, ...} *)
ListPlot[mydata,PlotJoined->True] (*To plot above list of paired elements *)
To make array from a function: Do[ x=x1+(i-1)*(x2-x1)/(imax-1); farray[i]=f[x], {i,1,imax}]
Flatten: If each entry of a list "strangelist" is nested inside brackets {...}, to remove these internal
Note: Each element of an array must be a number, so if it turns out
(from a module calc, say) that each value of farray[i] is a one-number list, and so having brackets around
this number, then in above commands need to replace farray[i] by {farray[i]} . This undoes brackets of
f[x]. (Related example: y={.2}; {yvalue}=y (* This gives yvalue=.2 *)
To plot an array A[i,j]:
Could also make a function from an array, and then plot it as a list:
m[h_,T_]:=marray[ IntegerPart[(h-hbeg)/dh], IntegerPart[(T-Tbeg)/dT] ];
myplot=ListPlot3D[Table[m[h,T],{h, -0.5,0.5,0.025},{T,0.001,2.0,0.02}], Ticks->None,AxesLabel-
List Extraction Rules:
If: sol= {{x -> a, y -> b}, {x -> c, y -> d}}
Then: a= sol[[1,1,2]], b= sol[[1,2,2]], c=sol[[2,1,2]], d=sol[[2,2,2]]
(* sol[[m,n,p]] gives m-th element, n-th sub-element, p-th sub-sub-element *)
Example: sol= {{x[t] -> Cos[t]}}
Then use: Plot[sol[[1,1,2]],{t,0,Pi}] (*This fishes-out Cos[t] from sol list*)
If: sol= {{x -> a}, {x -> b}, {x -> c}, {x -> d}}
Then: a=sol[[1,1,2]], b=sol[[2,1,2]], c=sol[[3,1,2]], d=sol[[4,1,2]]
Example (solving 4 simultaneous eqs in unknowns x,y,w,z and fishing-out x :):
sol=Solve[{LHS1==0,LHS2==0,LHS3==0,LHS4==0},{x,y,w,z}]; xresult = sol[[1,1,2]]
To Obtain an Interpolating Function from a List:
flist=Table[Sin[x],{x, 0, 2*Pi, 0.05}]; xlist=Table[x, {x, 0, 2*Pi, 0.05}];
f=ListInterpolation[flist,{xlist}];Plot[f[x],{x ,0 , Pi}]
(* Note the ftn call as f[x] although it was created from "f=ListInterpolation..." without x-variable
written. The x-variable in f[x] is associated with {xlist}. *)
Simultaneous eqs.:
sol=Solve[{eq1==0,eq2==0},{x,y}] (use NSolve for numerical sol'n)
expr /. sol (This evaluates expr using solution values)
Differential eqs:
DSolve[{eqn1, eqn2,...},y[x],x] (for analytical solutions)
NDSolve[{eqn1,eqn2,...},y,{x, xmin, xmax}] (for numerical solutions)
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NDSolve[{eqn1,eqn2,...},y,{x, xmin, xmax}] (for numerical solutions)
Using Numerical solutions:
mysol = y[x] /. NDSolve[{y''[x]+y[x]==0,y[0]==1.,y'[0]==0},y[x],{x,0,Pi}]
This command makes mysol the solution y[x], otherwise the ND command simply returns
{y-> Interpolating ftn}, which is not such a useful object.
Enter Matrices and N-dimensional vectors from the input palette using the 2-by-2 small-box array
surrounded by parentheses for a matrix, and the vertical array of 2 small boxes surrounded by parentheses
for a vector. To add additional rows, press the return key while holding the control key down (control-
return). To add additional columns press the comma key while holding the control key down (control-,).
For matrix multiplication use a period. For example, M1.M2 where M1 and M2 are matrices.
Useful commands: Inverse[M], Det[M], Tr[M], Transpose[M], ConjugateTranspose[M], MatrixPower[M,
To display matrix M as columns and rows, use M//MatrixForm or M//TraditionalForm. Otherwise,
Mathematica will display matrix as a list of lists.
To display vector X as a column, use X//MatrixForm or X//TraditionalForm.
To display matrices and vectors as columns and rows throughout session, choose Cell/Default Output
Using matrices to solve a set of linear, inhomogeneous eqs: Express eqs as Y=M.X, where Y is a known
N-dimensional vector and M is a known N-by-N matrix. Solve for unknown N-dimensional vector X,
using the command X=Inverse[M].Y
A simple integration program:
mysum=0.0; x1=0.0; x2=10.0; npts=1001;
dx= (x2-x1)/(npts-1);
x=x1 + (n-1)*dx;
mysum=mysum + F[x], {n,1,npts}];
integralval = mysum*dx;
Print["Integral= ", integralval]
Modules (sub-routines)
Module[{x, y, ...}, expr1; expr2; exprlast] specifies that occurrences of the symbols x, y, ...in expr should
be treated as local. Evaluation of exprlast is value taken for module ftn. The following is a "module"
(subroutine) of the previous program. One can specify x1, x2, and npts in a sub-routine call (assuming
F[x] already has been defined). To integrate a pre-existing F[x] function using this module, just type, for
example: myintegrate[0,10,1001], where we defined:
dx= (x2-x1)/(npts-1);
x=x1 + (n-1)*dx,
mysum = mysum + F[x]},
Defining a piecewise-continuous function using step-function windows:
window[x_,x1_,x2_]:=step[x-x1] step[x2-x];
Defining a piecewise-continuous function using "Which" (see "CONDITIONALS" above):
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Defining a piecewise-continuous function using "Which" (see "CONDITIONALS" above):
F[x_]:=Which[x<0, 0, x>0 && x<a, f1, x>a && x<b, f2, x>b, 0]
Greek symbols: esc-g-esc for gamma, esc-G-esc for capital gamma, etc.
Symbol shortcuts based on TeX language (for Mathematica Notebooks): esc-\TeX-esc, where \TeX
denotes the TeX command for a single Greek or mathematical symbol. For example, \TeX= \gamma,
\Gamma, \hbar, \partial, \times, \sum, \int, \propto, \rightarrow, \sim, \equiv, \cdot, \perp, \parallel.
Exponents: x to the power y can be entered as x control-^ y.
Mathematica to TeX conversion: TeXForm[expr]
Tex to Mathematica conversion: ToExpression["input",TeXForm], where, for example, input =
To see them: Format/Show PageBreaks
To return to notebook view: Format/Show PageBreaks (toggle switch)
To create or remove pagebreaks, use the page break palette. (To get it, go to www.wolfram.com. and in
the Search Site box, type: page break palette.) Alternatively, go to Mathematica/Preferences, and choose
Cell Options/PageBreaking (Be sure to use "Selection" in top bar of Option Inspector, unless want entire
document to be reformated.)
Use curly brackets "{" and "}" to enclose a list or group of similar objects in commands, and use square
brackets "[" and "]" to enclose arguments of functions or the entire set of objects or arguments appearing
in a command.
When use function construction such as "F[x_,y_]:= y*Sin[x] " be sure to use underscore after each
argument on left hand side only.
Avoid using non-desired values for functions and variables in subsequent expressions. Fewer problems
are likely to occur in multiple uses of defined expressions if use delayed assignment with ":=" or if
evaluate an expression with the substitution command as in "f/. x->a".
In a "DO loop" each command is followed by ";" except that the last command before the loop-index
brackets is followed by ","
Be careful about missing "}" or ";" or "]" in Do-loops, missing "," and "]" in Print statements, and "}",
"{" and ","in lists.
If Mathematica's instruction alignment in a block of commands looks bad, one of the above rules is
probably being violated.
If Mathematica gives error message about Tags and Protected quantities, check for violations of above
Mathematica error messages such as "f is not a machine-size real number at x=..." in response to a Plot
command are often due to undefined variables, or missing "," or ";" as for example a set of commands
inside a Do-loop in which a Print statement is immediately followed by a Plot command without a ";"
04/23/2007 09:42 PMMathematica Help
Page 9 of 9http://www.uwm.edu/~sorbello/classes/mathematica_commands.html
inside a Do-loop in which a Print statement is immediately followed by a Plot command without a ";"
between them.
Comment: This webpage is an evolving list of Mathematica commands, examples, tricks and
Mathematica frustration-avoidance measures that I have been accumulating over the years in my work as
a physicist and teacher. This is intended to be a quick-reference help-file that one might consult instead
of, or prior to, accessing Mathematica's extensive Help menu. I am posting this webpage so that students
and others are able to use it at their desktops from any connection to the web. (This document can be
located by Googling "sorbello mathematica".) For Mathematica beginners, I have also posted a bare-
bones guide to Mathematica at http://www.uwm.edu/~sorbello/classes/mathematica_primer.pdf.
Prof. Richard S. Sorbello
Department of Physics
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Most recent updates: Jan 06, Nov 06, Apr 07