Washington, D.C. 20549
(Mark One)
For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2024
For the transition period from to
Commission file number 001-07436
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
(State of incorporation)
(I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
66 Hudson Boulevard, New York, New York 10001
(Address of principal executive offices)
(Zip Code)
Registrant's telephone number, including area code (212) 525-5000
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
Title of Each Class Trading Symbol(s) Name of Each Exchange on Which Registered
$100,000,000 Zero Coupon Callable Accreting Notes due January 15, 2043
HUSI/43 New York Stock Exchange
$50,000,000 Zero Coupon Callable Accreting Notes due January 29, 2043
HUSI/43A New York Stock Exchange
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes No
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of
Regulation S-T during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files). Yes No
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, smaller reporting company, or an
emerging growth company. See the definitions of "large accelerated filer," "accelerated filer," "smaller reporting company," and "emerging growth company"
in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. (Check one):
Large accelerated filer
Accelerated filer
Non-accelerated filer
Smaller reporting company
Emerging growth company
If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new
or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act.
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes No
As of April 26, 2024, there were 714 shares of the registrant's common stock outstanding, all of which are owned by HSBC North America Holdings Inc.
Part I
Item 1. Financial Statements (Unaudited):
Consolidated Statement of Income ..........................................................................................................
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income ................................................................................
Consolidated Balance Sheet ....................................................................................................................
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity ........................................................................................
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows ...................................................................................................
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements .....................................................................................
Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations:
Forward-Looking Statements .................................................................................................................. 72
Executive Overview ................................................................................................................................ 74
Basis of Reporting ................................................................................................................................... 76
Balance Sheet Review ............................................................................................................................. 77
Results of Operations ............................................................................................................................... 81
Segment Results - Group Reporting Basis .............................................................................................. 86
Credit Quality .......................................................................................................................................... 92
Liquidity and Capital Resources .............................................................................................................. 99
Fair Value ................................................................................................................................................ 103
Risk Management .................................................................................................................................... 104
Consolidated Average Balances and Interest Rates ................................................................................. 110
Item 3.
Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk .................................................................... 111
Item 4.
Controls and Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 111
Part II
Item 1. Legal Proceedings ......................................................................................................................................
Item 5. Other Information .......................................................................................................................................
Item 6. Exhibits .......................................................................................................................................................
Signatures ...........................................................................................................................................................................
Part/Item No.
Item 1. Financial Statements
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(in millions)
Interest income:
Loans ...........................................................................................................................................................
$ 899 $ 803
Securities .....................................................................................................................................................
445 323
Trading securities ........................................................................................................................................
85 49
Short-term investments ...............................................................................................................................
448 410
Other ............................................................................................................................................................
16 19
Total interest income ......................................................................................................................................
1,893 1,604
Interest expense:
Deposits .......................................................................................................................................................
1,012 756
Short-term borrowings ................................................................................................................................
154 100
Long-term debt ............................................................................................................................................
285 256
Other ............................................................................................................................................................
16 9
Total interest expense .....................................................................................................................................
1,467 1,121
Net interest income ..........................................................................................................................................
426 483
Provision for credit losses ................................................................................................................................
2 20
Net interest income after provision for credit losses .....................................................................................
424 463
Other revenues:
Credit card fees, net .....................................................................................................................................
15 11
Trust and investment management fees ......................................................................................................
36 31
Other fees and commissions ........................................................................................................................
176 148
Trading revenue ..........................................................................................................................................
276 225
Other securities gains, net ...........................................................................................................................
2 3
Servicing and other fees from HSBC affiliates ...........................................................................................
88 74
Gain (loss) on instruments designated at fair value and related derivatives ...............................................
(20) (22)
Other income (loss) .....................................................................................................................................
(34) (17)
Total other revenues .......................................................................................................................................
539 453
Operating expenses:
Salaries and employee benefits ...................................................................................................................
135 121
Support services from HSBC affiliates .......................................................................................................
399 384
Occupancy expense, net ..............................................................................................................................
18 30
Other expenses ............................................................................................................................................
133 94
Total operating expenses ................................................................................................................................
685 629
Income before income tax ...............................................................................................................................
278 287
Income tax expense ..........................................................................................................................................
53 70
Net income .......................................................................................................................................................
$ 225 $ 217
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(in millions)
Net income ......................................................................................................................................................
$ 225 $ 217
Net change in unrealized gains (losses), net of tax:
Investment securities ................................................................................................................................
(107) 204
Fair value option liabilities attributable to our own credit spread ............................................................
(37) 63
Derivatives designated as cash flow hedges ............................................................................................
36 98
Total other comprehensive income (loss) ......................................................................................................
(108) 365
Comprehensive income ..................................................................................................................................
$ 117 $ 582
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
Cash and due from banks ............................................................................................................................................................
$ 695 $ 704
Interest bearing deposits with banks ...........................................................................................................................................
30,687 25,015
Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell ....................................................................................
8,306 13,878
Trading assets (includes $2.5 billion and $3.0 billion pledged to creditors at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023,
respectively) ............................................................................................................................................................................
18,900 22,115
Securities available-for-sale (includes amortized cost of $28.0 billion at both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, an
allowance for credit losses of nil at both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, and $863 million and $161 million
pledged to creditors at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively) ....................................................................
25,550 25,696
Securities held-to-maturity, net of allowance for credit losses of nil at both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023 (fair
value of $14.7 billion at both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023) ...............................................................................
15,294 15,076
Loans (includes $14 million and $15 million designated under fair value option at March 31, 2024 and December 31,
2023, respectively) ..................................................................................................................................................................
59,797 58,987
Less – allowance for credit losses ...............................................................................................................................................
581 591
Loans, net ..............................................................................................................................................................................
59,216 58,396
Loans held for sale (includes $264 million and $250 million designated under fair value option at March 31, 2024 and
December 31, 2023, respectively) ..........................................................................................................................................
453 339
Properties and equipment, net .....................................................................................................................................................
75 71
Goodwill ......................................................................................................................................................................................
458 458
Other assets, net of allowance for credit losses of nil at both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023 (includes
$661 million and $10 million designated under fair value option at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023,
respectively) ...........................................................................................................................................................................
7,332 6,490
Total assets ..................................................................................................................................................................................
$ 166,966 $ 168,238
Domestic deposits:
Noninterest bearing .........................................................................................................................................................
$ 24,606 $ 23,421
Interest bearing (includes $2.1 billion and $1.8 billion designated under fair value option at March 31, 2024 and
December 31, 2023, respectively) ..............................................................................................................................
90,413 92,604
Foreign deposits - interest bearing ........................................................................................................................................
7,034 5,258
Total deposits ........................................................................................................................................................................
122,053 121,283
Short-term borrowings ................................................................................................................................................................
7,033 9,914
Long-term debt (includes $6.9 billion and $7.5 billion designated under fair value option at March 31, 2024 and
December 31, 2023, respectively) ..........................................................................................................................................
19,439 18,661
Total debt ....................................................................................................................................................................................
148,525 149,858
Trading liabilities ........................................................................................................................................................................
2,546 3,485
Interest, taxes and other liabilities (includes $661 million and $10 million designated under fair value option at March 31,
2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively) ..........................................................................................................................
4,139 3,256
Total liabilities ............................................................................................................................................................................
155,210 156,599
Preferred stock (no par value; 40,999,000 shares authorized; 265 shares issued and outstanding at both March 31, 2024 and
December 31, 2023) ...............................................................................................................................................................
265 265
Common equity:
Common stock ($5 par value; 150,000,000 shares authorized; 714 shares issued and outstanding at both March 31,
2024 and December 31, 2023) ..........................................................................................................................................
Additional paid-in capital ......................................................................................................................................................
12,740 12,740
Retained earnings ..................................................................................................................................................................
785 560
Accumulated other comprehensive loss ................................................................................................................................
(2,034) (1,926)
Total common equity ..................................................................................................................................................................
11,491 11,374
Total equity .................................................................................................................................................................................
11,756 11,639
Total liabilities and equity ..........................................................................................................................................................
$ 166,966 $ 168,238
The following table summarizes assets and liabilities related to our consolidated variable interest entities ("VIEs") at March 31, 2024 and December 31,
2023. Assets and liabilities exclude intercompany balances that eliminate in consolidation. See Note 15, "Variable Interest Entities," for additional
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
Other assets ...................................................................................................................................................................
$ 21 $ 23
Total assets ...................................................................................................................................................................
$ 21 $ 23
Interest, taxes and other liabilities ................................................................................................................................
$ 28 $ 17
Total liabilities ..............................................................................................................................................................
$ 28 $ 17
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(in millions)
Preferred stock
Balance at beginning and end of period .........................................................................................................................
$ 265
$ 265
Common stock
Balance at beginning and end of period .........................................................................................................................
Additional paid-in capital
Balance at beginning of period ......................................................................................................................................
Employee benefit plans ...............................................................................................................................................
Balance at end of period ................................................................................................................................................
Retained earnings
Balance at beginning of period ......................................................................................................................................
Net income ..................................................................................................................................................................
Balance at end of period ................................................................................................................................................
Accumulated other comprehensive loss
Balance at beginning of period ......................................................................................................................................
Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax ...........................................................................................................
Balance at end of period ................................................................................................................................................
Total common equity ..................................................................................................................................................... 11,491
Total equity .................................................................................................................................................................... $ 11,756
$ 12,691
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(in millions)
Cash flows from operating activities
Net income .....................................................................................................................................................................
$ 225 $ 217
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization ..................................................................................................................................
(16) 3
Provision for credit losses .........................................................................................................................................
2 20
Net realized gains on securities available-for-sale ....................................................................................................
(2) (3)
Net change in other assets and liabilities ..................................................................................................................
305 1,039
Net change in loans held for sale:
Originations and purchases of loans held for sale ..............................................................................................
(87) (192)
Sales and collections of loans held for sale ........................................................................................................
74 73
Net change in trading assets and liabilities ...............................................................................................................
2,276 3,611
Lower of amortized cost or fair value adjustments on loans held for sale ...............................................................
Loss on instruments designated at fair value and related derivatives .......................................................................
20 22
Net cash provided by operating activities ......................................................................................................................
2,795 4,790
Cash flows from investing activities
Net change in federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell .................................................
5,572 1,364
Securities available-for-sale:
Purchases of securities available-for-sale .................................................................................................................
(2,320) (1,077)
Proceeds from sales of securities available-for-sale .................................................................................................
1,075 681
Proceeds from paydowns and maturities of securities available-for-sale .................................................................
970 1,618
Securities held-to-maturity:
Purchases of securities held-to-maturity ...................................................................................................................
(464) (3,388)
Proceeds from paydowns and maturities of securities held-to-maturity ...................................................................
259 162
Change in loans:
Originations, net of collections .................................................................................................................................
(1,745) (278)
Loans sold to third parties .........................................................................................................................................
861 200
Net cash used for acquisitions of properties and equipment ..........................................................................................
(8) (8)
Other, net ........................................................................................................................................................................
(25) 36
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities .......................................................................................................
4,175 (690)
Cash flows from financing activities
Net change in deposits ...................................................................................................................................................
766 (1,062)
Net change in short-term borrowings .......................................................................................................................
(2,881) 877
Issuance of long-term debt ........................................................................................................................................
2,331 2,033
Repayment of long-term debt ...................................................................................................................................
(1,523) (603)
Other decreases in capital surplus ..................................................................................................................................
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities .......................................................................................................
(1,307) 1,241
Net change in cash and due from banks and interest bearing deposits with banks .......................................................
5,663 5,341
Cash and due from banks and interest bearing deposits with banks at beginning of period .........................................
25,719 18,748
Cash and due from banks and interest bearing deposits with banks at end of period ...............................................
$ 31,382 $ 24,089
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.
Note Page Note Page
1 Organization and Presentation .......................... 9 11 Fee Income from Contracts with Customers .... 42
2 Trading Assets and Liabilities .......................... 10 12 Related Party Transactions ............................... 43
3 Securities ........................................................... 11 13 Business Segments ............................................ 46
4 Loans ................................................................. 15 14 Retained Earnings and Regulatory Capital
Requirements .................................................
5 Allowance for Credit Losses ............................. 29 15 Variable Interest Entities ................................... 49
6 Loans Held for Sale .......................................... 32 16 Guarantee Arrangements, Pledged Assets and
Repurchase Agreements ................................
7 Goodwill ........................................................... 32 17 Fair Value Measurements ................................. 56
8 Derivative Financial Instruments ...................... 33 18 Litigation and Regulatory Matters .................... 70
9 Fair Value Option ............................................. 39 19 New Accounting Pronouncements .................... 71
10 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss ........ 41
1. Organization and Presentation
HSBC USA Inc. ("HSBC USA"), incorporated under the laws of Maryland, is a New York State based bank holding company
and a wholly-owned subsidiary of HSBC North America Holdings Inc. ("HSBC North America"), which is an indirect wholly-
owned subsidiary of HSBC Holdings plc ("HSBC" and, together with its subsidiaries, "HSBC Group"). The accompanying
unaudited interim consolidated financial statements of HSBC USA and its subsidiaries (collectively "HUSI") have been
prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("U.S. GAAP") for
interim financial information and with the instructions to Form 10-Q and Article 10 of Regulation S-X, as well as in accordance
with predominant practices within the banking industry. Accordingly, they do not include all of the information and footnotes
required by generally accepted accounting principles for complete financial statements. HSBC USA's principal U.S. banking
subsidiary is HSBC Bank USA, National Association (together with its subsidiaries, "HSBC Bank USA"). In the opinion of
management, all normal and recurring adjustments considered necessary for a fair statement of financial position, results of
operations and cash flows for the interim periods have been made. HUSI may also be referred to in these notes to the
consolidated financial statements as "we," "us" or "our." These unaudited interim consolidated financial statements should be
read in conjunction with our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 (the "2023 Form 10-K").
Certain reclassifications have been made to prior period amounts to conform to the current period presentation.
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect
reported amounts and disclosures. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Interim results should not be considered
indicative of results in future periods.
2. Trading Assets and Liabilities
Trading assets and liabilities consisted of the following:
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
Trading assets:
U.S. Treasury ....................................................................................................................................
$ 3,462 $ 3,564
U.S. Government agency issued or guaranteed ................................................................................
U.S. Government sponsored enterprises ...........................................................................................
962 1,207
Foreign bonds ....................................................................................................................................
1,053 4,019
Equity securities ................................................................................................................................
12,273 11,702
Precious metals .................................................................................................................................
329 346
Derivatives, net .................................................................................................................................
821 1,276
Total trading assets ..............................................................................................................................
$ 18,900 $ 22,115
Trading liabilities:
Securities sold, not yet purchased .....................................................................................................
$ 1,210 $ 1,688
Payables for precious metals .............................................................................................................
38 301
Derivatives, net .................................................................................................................................
1,298 1,496
Total trading liabilities .........................................................................................................................
$ 2,546 $ 3,485
At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the fair value of derivatives included in trading assets is net of $1,399 million and
$1,416 million, respectively, relating to amounts recognized for the obligation to return cash collateral received under master
netting agreements with derivative counterparties.
At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the fair value of derivatives included in trading liabilities is net of $1,079 million
and $1,321 million, respectively, relating to amounts recognized for the right to reclaim cash collateral paid under master
netting agreements with derivative counterparties.
See Note 8, "Derivative Financial Instruments," for further information on our trading derivatives and related collateral.
Dividend income on equity securities held for trading, which is recorded in interest income in the consolidated statement of
income, totaled $42 million and $34 million during the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively. Trading
security positions are primarily held as economic hedges of derivative products issued to our clients.
3. Securities
Our securities available-for-sale and securities held-to-maturity portfolios consisted of the following:
March 31, 2024
for Credit
(in millions)
Securities available-for-sale:
U.S. Treasury .............................................................................
$ 7,217 $ $ 30 $ (175) $ 7,072
U.S. Government sponsored enterprises:
Mortgage-backed securities ..................................................
5,786 (930) 4,856
Collateralized mortgage obligations .....................................
1,414 (314) 1,100
Direct agency obligations .....................................................
1,582 1 (25) 1,558
U.S. Government agency issued or guaranteed:
Mortgage-backed securities ..................................................
5,649 (458) 5,191
Collateralized mortgage obligations .....................................
2,807 (544) 2,263
Direct agency obligations .....................................................
208 5 (1) 212
Asset-backed securities collateralized by:
Home equity .........................................................................
12 (1) 11
Other .....................................................................................
103 (12) 91
Foreign debt securities
3,194 3 (1) 3,196
Total available-for-sale securities ..................................................
$ 27,972 $ $ 39 $ (2,461) $ 25,550
Securities held-to-maturity:
U.S. Treasury .............................................................................
$ 1,927 $ $ $ (49) $ 1,878
U.S. Government sponsored enterprises:
Mortgage-backed securities ..................................................
1,052 (79) 973
Collateralized mortgage obligations .....................................
285 2 (16) 271
U.S. Government agency issued or guaranteed:
Mortgage-backed securities ..................................................
10,344 18 (287) 10,075
Collateralized mortgage obligations .....................................
1,682 (166) 1,516
Obligations of U.S. states and political subdivisions .................
3 3
Asset-backed securities collateralized by residential
mortgages ...............................................................................
1 1
Total held-to-maturity securities ....................................................
$ 15,294 $ $ 20 $ (597) $ 14,717
December 31, 2023
for Credit
(in millions)
Securities available-for-sale:
U.S. Treasury .............................................................................
$ 7,489 $ $ 22 $ (225) $ 7,286
U.S. Government sponsored enterprises:
Mortgage-backed securities ..................................................
5,864 (845) 5,019
Collateralized mortgage obligations .....................................
1,436 (300) 1,136
Direct agency obligations .....................................................
1,719 (38) 1,681
U.S. Government agency issued or guaranteed:
Mortgage-backed securities ..................................................
5,804 1 (378) 5,427
Collateralized mortgage obligations .....................................
2,865 (506) 2,359
Direct agency obligations .....................................................
215 3 (3) 215
Asset-backed securities collateralized by:
Home equity .........................................................................
13 (1) 12
Other .....................................................................................
103 (11) 92
Foreign debt securities
2,472 (3) 2,469
Total available-for-sale securities ..................................................
$ 27,980 $ $ 26 $ (2,310) $ 25,696
Securities held-to-maturity:
U.S. Treasury
$ 1,917 $ $ 1 $ (18) $ 1,900
U.S. Government sponsored enterprises:
Mortgage-backed securities ..................................................
1,069 (68) 1,001
Collateralized mortgage obligations .....................................
297 3 (16) 284
U.S. Government agency issued or guaranteed:
Mortgage-backed securities ..................................................
10,043 43 (180) 9,906
Collateralized mortgage obligations .....................................
1,745 (152) 1,593
Obligations of U.S. states and political subdivisions .................
4 4
Asset-backed securities collateralized by residential
mortgages ...............................................................................
1 1
Total held-to-maturity securities ....................................................
$ 15,076 $ $ 47 $ (434) $ 14,689
Foreign debt securities represent public sector entity, bank or corporate debt.
Securities Available-for-Sale The following provides additional information about our portfolio of securities available-for-
Allowance for credit losses On a quarterly basis, we perform an assessment to determine whether there have been any events or
economic circumstances to indicate that a debt security available-for-sale in an unrealized loss position has suffered impairment
due to credit factors. A debt security available-for-sale is considered impaired if its fair value is less than its amortized cost
basis at the reporting date. If impaired, we assess whether the impairment is due to credit factors.
If we intend to sell the debt security or if it is more-likely-than-not that we will be required to sell the debt security before the
recovery of its amortized cost basis, the impairment is recognized and the unrealized loss is recorded as a direct write-down of
the security's amortized cost basis with an offsetting charge to earnings. If we do not intend to sell the debt security or believe
we will not be required to sell the debt security before the recovery of its amortized cost basis, the impairment is assessed to
determine if a credit loss component exists. We use a discounted cash flow method to determine the credit loss component. In
the event a credit loss exists, an allowance for credit losses is recorded in earnings for the credit loss component of the
impairment while the remaining portion of the impairment attributable to factors other than credit loss is recognized, net of tax,
in other comprehensive income (loss). The amount of impairment recognized due to credit factors is limited to the excess of the
amortized cost basis over the fair value of the security available-for-sale.
In determining whether a credit loss component exists, we consider a series of factors which include:
The extent to which the fair value is less than the amortized cost basis;
The credit protection features embedded within the instrument, which include but are not limited to credit subordination
positions, payment structure, overcollateralization, protective triggers and financial guarantees provided by third parties;
Changes in the near term prospects of the issuer or the underlying collateral of a security such as changes in default
rates, loss severities given default and significant changes in prepayment assumptions;
The level of excess cash flows generated from the underlying collateral supporting the principal and interest payments
of the debt securities; and
Any adverse change to the credit conditions of the issuer, the monoline insurer or the security such as credit
downgrades by external rating agencies or changes to internal ratings.
At both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the allowance for credit losses on securities available-for-sale was nil.
Securities in an unrealized loss position for which no allowance for credit losses has been recognized The following table
summarizes gross unrealized losses and related fair values for securities available-for-sale by major security type at March 31,
2024 and December 31, 2023 classified as to the length of time the losses have existed:
One Year or Less Greater Than One Year
Fair Value
of Investment
Fair Value
of Investment
(dollars are in millions)
At March 31, 2024
U.S. Treasury .....................................................
$ $ 40 $ (175) $ 4,636
U.S. Government sponsored enterprises ...........
290 (1,269) 7,336
U.S. Government agency issued or guaranteed .
2 (2) 118 142 (1,001) 7,353
Asset-backed securities .....................................
6 (13) 102
Foreign debt securities .......................................
7 1,221 3 (1) 161
Securities available-for-sale ..............................
9 $ (2) $ 1,339 481 $ (2,459) $ 19,588
At December 31, 2023
U.S. Treasury .....................................................
3 $ (1) $ 1,008 41 $ (224) $ 4,906
U.S. Government sponsored enterprises ...........
2 80 293 (1,183) 7,701
U.S. Government agency issued or guaranteed .
151 (887) 7,765
Asset-backed securities .....................................
6 (12) 104
Foreign debt securities .......................................
17 (1) 1,801 4 (2) 183
Securities available-for-sale ..............................
22 $ (2) $ 2,889 495 $ (2,308) $ 20,659
Gross unrealized losses increased as compared with December 31, 2023 due primarily to increasing yields on U.S. Government
agency mortgage-backed and U.S. Government sponsored mortgage-backed securities.
Although the fair value of a particular security may be below its amortized cost, it does not necessarily result in a credit loss and
hence an allowance for credit losses. The decline in fair value may be caused by, among other things, higher market rates or the
illiquidity of the market. We have reviewed the securities in an unrealized loss position for which no allowance for credit losses
has been recognized in accordance with our accounting policies, discussed further above. At March 31, 2024, we do not
consider any of these securities to be impaired due to credit factors as we expect to recover their amortized cost basis and we
neither intend nor expect to be required to sell these securities prior to recovery, even if that equates to holding them until their
individual maturities. However, impairments due to credit factors may occur in future periods if the credit quality of the
securities deteriorates.
Securities Held-to-Maturity The following provides additional information about our portfolio of securities held-to-maturity:
Allowance for credit losses We exclude from our calculation of lifetime expected credit losses ("ECL") securities for which we
expect that non-payment of the amortized cost basis will be zero ("Zero Expected Credit Loss Exception"). Due to the
composition of our portfolio of securities held-to-maturity, substantially all of our portfolio qualifies for the Zero Expected
Credit Loss Exception and has been excluded from our lifetime ECL calculation. At both March 31, 2024 and December 31,
2023, the allowance for credit losses on securities held-to-maturity was nil.
At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, none of our securities held-to-maturity were past due or in nonaccrual status.
Credit risk profile Securities are assigned a credit rating based on the estimated probability of default. The credit ratings are
used as a credit quality indicator to monitor our securities held-to-maturity portfolio. We utilize Standard and Poor's ("S&P") as
the primary source of our credit ratings. If S&P ratings are not available, ratings by Moody's and Fitch are used in that order.
Investment grade includes securities with credit ratings of at least BBB- or above. At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023,
all of our securities held-to-maturity were investment grade.
Other securities gains, net The following table summarizes realized gains and losses on investment securities transactions
attributable to available-for-sale securities:
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(in millions)
Gross realized gains .....................................................................................................................................
$ 2 $ 3
Gross realized losses ....................................................................................................................................
Net realized gains ........................................................................................................................................
$ 2 $ 3
Contractual Maturities and Yields The following table summarizes the amortized cost and fair values of securities available-
for-sale and securities held-to-maturity at March 31, 2024 by contractual maturity. Expected maturities differ from contractual
maturities because borrowers have the right to prepay obligations without prepayment penalties in certain cases. The table
below also reflects the distribution of maturities of debt securities held at March 31, 2024, together with the approximate yield
of the portfolio. The yields shown are calculated by dividing annualized interest income, including the accretion of discounts
and the amortization of premiums, by the amortized cost of securities outstanding at March 31, 2024.
One Year
After One
But Within
Five Years
After Five
But Within
Ten Years
After Ten
Amount Yield Amount Yield Amount Yield Amount Yield
(dollars are in millions)
U.S. Treasury ..........................................
$ 237 1.00 % $ 3,406 1.98 % $ 833 2.46 % $ 2,741 2.82 %
U.S. Government sponsored enterprises
820 1.03 979 2.73 1,276 2.16 5,707 1.84
U.S. Government agency issued or
guaranteed ...........................................
68 3.21 2 5.52 8,594 2.99
Asset-backed securities ..........................
55 4.36 48 3.88 12 5.78
Foreign debt securities ............................
1,383 .39 1,811 4.54
Total amortized cost ....................................
$ 2,440 .67 % $ 6,319 2.87 % $ 2,159 2.32 % $ 17,054 2.58 %
Total fair value ............................................
$ 2,419 $ 6,236 $ 2,068 $ 14,827
U.S. Treasury ..........................................
$ % $ 1,185 3.74 % $ 742 3.71 % $ %
U.S. Government sponsored enterprises
85 2.32 81 3.61 780 3.45 391 2.84
U.S. Government agency issued or
guaranteed ...........................................
1 5.39 14 5.74 12,011 4.50
Obligations of U.S. states and political
subdivisions ........................................
1 3.97 2 4.11
Asset-backed securities ..........................
1 4.19
Total amortized cost ....................................
$ 86 2.34 % $ 1,269 3.74 % $ 1,537 3.60 % $ 12,402 4.45 %
Total fair value ............................................
$ 85 $ 1,240 $ 1,458 $ 11,934
Equity Securities Equity securities that are not classified as trading and are included in other assets consisted of the following:
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
Equity securities carried at fair value ..................................................................................................
$ 267 $ 270
Equity securities without readily determinable fair values .................................................................
13 13
On a quarterly basis, we perform an assessment to determine whether any equity securities without readily determinable fair
values are impaired. In the event an equity security is deemed impaired, the security is written down to fair value with
impairment recorded in earnings. During the first quarter of 2024 and the first quarter of 2023, we determined that certain
equity securities without readily determinable fair values were impaired and, as a result, we recorded an impairment loss of
$4 million in both periods as a component of other income (loss) in the consolidated statement of income.
Also included in other assets were investments in Federal Home Loan Bank ("FHLB") stock and Federal Reserve Bank stock of
$95 million and $438 million, respectively, at both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Our investment in Federal Reserve
Bank stock represents approximately half of the total subscription price for our subscribed shares. The remaining half is unpaid
and remains subject to call by the Federal Reserve Board ("FRB").
4. Loans
Loans consisted of the following:
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
Commercial loans:
Real estate, including construction ..................................................................................................
$ 7,071 $ 7,087
Business and corporate banking ......................................................................................................
16,047 15,724
Global banking
10,522 10,725
Other commercial:
3,442 2,618
Other ..........................................................................................................................................
3,223 3,803
Total other commercial ..............................................................................................................
6,665 6,421
Total commercial .............................................................................................................................
40,305 39,957
Consumer loans:
Residential mortgages .....................................................................................................................
18,825 18,341
Home equity mortgages ..................................................................................................................
382 389
Credit cards .....................................................................................................................................
189 199
Other consumer
96 101
Total consumer ................................................................................................................................
19,492 19,030
Total loans ...........................................................................................................................................
$ 59,797 $ 58,987
Represents large multinational firms including globally focused U.S. corporate and financial institutions, U.S. dollar lending to multinational banking
clients managed by HSBC on a global basis and complex large business clients supported by Global Banking and Markets relationship managers.
See Note 12, "Related Party Transactions," for additional information regarding loans to HSBC affiliates.
Includes certain student loans that we have elected to designate under the fair value option and are therefore carried at fair value, which totaled $14
million and $15 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. See Note 9, "Fair Value Option," for further details.
Net deferred origination costs totaled $22 million and $17 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. At
March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had a net unamortized discount on our loans of $11 million and $13 million,
Aging Analysis of Past Due Loans The following table summarizes the past due status of our loans at March 31, 2024 and
December 31, 2023. The aging of past due amounts is determined based on the contractual delinquency status of payments
under the loan. An account is generally considered to be contractually delinquent when payments have not been made in
accordance with the loan terms. Delinquency status is affected by customer account management policies and practices such as
re-age, which results in the re-setting of the contractual delinquency status to current.
Past Due
Total Past Due
30 Days or More
30 - 89 Days 90+ Days Current
Total Loans
(in millions)
At March 31, 2024
Commercial loans:
Real estate, including construction ......................................
$ 7 $ 205 $ 212 $ 6,859 $ 7,071
Business and corporate banking ..........................................
1 3 4 16,043 16,047
Global banking .....................................................................
23 4 27 10,495 10,522
Other commercial ................................................................
36 36 6,629 6,665
Total commercial .................................................................
67 212 279 40,026 40,305
Consumer loans:
Residential mortgages ..........................................................
163 91 254 18,571 18,825
Home equity mortgages .......................................................
3 3 6 376 382
Credit cards ..........................................................................
2 3 5 184 189
Other consumer ....................................................................
8 2 10 86 96
Total consumer ....................................................................
176 99 275 19,217 19,492
Total loans ................................................................................
$ 243 $ 311 $ 554 $ 59,243 $ 59,797
At December 31, 2023
Commercial loans:
Real estate, including construction ......................................
$ $ 206 $ 206 $ 6,881 $ 7,087
Business and corporate banking ..........................................
1 3 4 15,720 15,724
Global banking .....................................................................
1 1 10,724 10,725
Other commercial ................................................................
350 350 6,071 6,421
Total commercial .................................................................
351 210 561 39,396 39,957
Consumer loans:
Residential mortgages ..........................................................
174 91 265 18,076 18,341
Home equity mortgages .......................................................
12 3 15 374 389
Credit cards ..........................................................................
3 3 6 193 199
Other consumer ....................................................................
3 2 5 96 101
Total consumer ....................................................................
192 99 291 18,739 19,030
Total loans ................................................................................
$ 543 $ 309 $ 852 $ 58,135 $ 58,987
Loans less than 30 days past due are presented as current.
Nonperforming Loans Nonperforming loans, including nonaccrual loans and accruing loans contractually 90 days or more
past due, consisted of the following:
Past Due 90
Days or More
Loans With
No Allowance
For Credit
(in millions)
At March 31, 2024
Commercial loans:
Real estate, including construction ..........................................................................
$ 228 $ $ 41
Business and corporate banking ..............................................................................
170 34
Global banking .........................................................................................................
246 44
Total commercial .....................................................................................................
644 119
Consumer loans:
Residential mortgages
167 77
Home equity mortgages
6 5
Credit cards ..............................................................................................................
Other consumer ........................................................................................................
Total consumer ........................................................................................................
173 4 82
Total nonperforming loans ...........................................................................................
$ 817 $ 4 $ 201
At December 31, 2023
Commercial loans:
Real estate, including construction ..........................................................................
$ 229 $ $ 40
Business and corporate banking ..............................................................................
143 1 29
Global banking .........................................................................................................
49 48
Other commercial ....................................................................................................
3 2
Total commercial .....................................................................................................
424 1 119
Consumer loans:
Residential mortgages
172 81
Home equity mortgages
6 5
Credit cards ..............................................................................................................
Other consumer ........................................................................................................
Total consumer ........................................................................................................
178 5 86
Total nonperforming loans ...........................................................................................
$ 602 $ 6 $ 205
At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, nonaccrual consumer mortgage loans include $103 million and $108 million, respectively, of loans that are
carried at the lower of amortized cost or fair value of the collateral less cost to sell.
Nonaccrual consumer mortgage loans include all loans which are 90 or more days contractually delinquent as well as loans discharged under Chapter 7
bankruptcy and not re-affirmed and second lien loans where the first lien loan that we own or service is 90 or more days contractually delinquent.
Nonaccrual consumer mortgage loans for all periods does not include guaranteed loans purchased from the Government National Mortgage Association.
Repayment of these loans is predominantly insured by the Federal Housing Administration and as such, these loans have different risk characteristics
from the rest of our consumer loan portfolio.
Interest income that was recorded on nonaccrual loans and included in interest income totaled nil during the three months ended
March 31, 2024 compared with $1 million during the three months ended March 31, 2023.
Collateral-Dependent Loans Loans for which the repayment is expected to be provided substantially through the operation or
sale of the collateral and the borrower is experiencing financial difficulty are considered to be collateral-dependent loans.
Collateral can have a significant financial effect in mitigating our exposure to credit risk.
Collateral-dependent residential mortgage loans are carried at the lower of amortized cost or fair value of the collateral less
costs to sell, with any excess in the carrying amount of the loan generally charged off at the time foreclosure is initiated or when
settlement is reached with the borrower, but not to exceed the end of the month in which the account becomes six months
contractually delinquent. Collateral values are based on broker price opinions or appraisals which are updated at least every 180
days less estimated costs to sell. During the quarterly period between updates, real estate price trends are reviewed on a
geographic basis and incorporated as necessary. At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had collateral-dependent
residential mortgage loans totaling $280 million and $278 million, respectively.
For collateral-dependent commercial loans, the allowance for expected credit losses is individually assessed based on the fair
value of the collateral. Various types of collateral are used, including real estate, inventory, equipment, accounts receivable,
securities and cash, among others. For commercial real estate loans, collateral values are generally based on appraisals which
are updated based on management judgment under the specific circumstances on a case-by-case basis. In situations where an
appraisal is not used, borrower-specific factors such as operating results, cash flows and debt service ratios are reviewed along
with relevant market data of comparable properties in order to create a 10-year cash flow model to be discounted at appropriate
rates to present value. The collateral value for securities is based on their quoted market prices or broker quotes. The collateral
value for other financial assets is generally based on appraisals or is estimated using a discounted cash flow analysis.
Commercial loan balances are charged off at the time all or a portion of the balance is deemed uncollectible. At March 31, 2024
and December 31, 2023, we had collateral-dependent commercial loans totaling $637 million and $618 million, respectively.
Loan Modifications In conjunction with our loss mitigation activities, we modify certain loans to borrowers experiencing
financial difficulty. Modifications may include changes to one or more terms of the loan, including, but not limited to, a change
in interest rate, extension of the term, reduction in payment amount and partial forgiveness or deferment of principal, accrued
interest or other loan covenants.
The following disclosures provide information about loan payment modifications made to borrowers experiencing financial
difficulty in the form of an interest rate reduction, principal forgiveness, a term extension or significant payment deferral, or a
combination thereof. Not included are loans with short-term payment modifications (e.g., deferrals of three months or less) and
other insignificant modifications, such as covenant waivers and amendments, and deferrals of financial statement and covenant
compliance reporting requirements. Commercial loan payment modifications typically involve term extensions. In certain cases,
the term extension is coupled with an interest rate increase which is intended to reduce the financial effect of extending the life
of the loan. The effects of these interest rate increases are not included in the following disclosures. For consumer loans,
payment modifications typically involve payment deferrals or interest rate reductions which lower the amount of interest
income we are contractually entitled to receive in future periods. Through lowering the interest rate, we believe we are able to
increase the amount of cash flow that will ultimately be collected from the loan, given the borrower's financial condition.
The following table presents information about loan payment modifications made to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty
during the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023 by type of modification, including the period-end carrying value and
as a percentage of total loans. During the three months ended March 31, 2024, loan payment modifications made to consumer
borrowers experiencing financial difficulty were nil.
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024
Commercial loans:
Business and corporate banking ................
$ $ $ 65 $ $ 65 .4 %
Total commercial .......................................
$ $ $ 65 $ $ 65 .2
Three Months Ended March 31, 2023
Commercial loans:
Real estate, including construction ............
$ $ $ 96 $ $ 96 1.2 %
Business and corporate banking ................
49 12 61 .4
Total commercial .......................................
145 12 157 .4
Consumer loans:
Residential mortgages
1 1 .0
Credit cards ................................................
1 1 .5
Total consumer ..........................................
1 1 2 .0
Total ................................................................ $ $ $ 146 $ 13 $ 159 .3
Interest Rate
Extension /
Deferral Combination
% of Total
(dollars are in millions)
Represents loans with more than one type of payment modification during the period.
During the three months ended March 31, 2023, the carrying value of consumer mortgage loans with a payment modification included loans that were
carried at the lower of amortized cost or fair value of the collateral less cost to sell.
At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, additional commitments to lend to commercial borrowers who were provided with
a loan payment modification during the respective year-to-date periods totaled $59 million and $85 million, respectively.
The following table summarizes the financial effect of loan payment modifications made to borrowers experiencing financial
difficulty during the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023 by type of modification:
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024
Commercial loans:
Business and corporate banking ........................
% $ 1.8
Three Months Ended March 31, 2023
Commercial loans:
Real estate, including construction ...................
— % $ 0.4
Business and corporate banking ........................
2 2.3
Consumer loans:
Residential mortgages .......................................
3.0 7.6
Credit cards .......................................................
Weighted-Average Interest
Rate Reduction
Principal Forgiven
(in millions)
Weighted-Average Term
Extension / Payment Deferral
(in years)
The effect of most modifications made to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty is already included in the allowance for
credit losses because of the methodology used to estimate lifetime ECL, which considers historical loss information including
losses from modifications of loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty. As a result, a material change to the
allowance for credit losses is generally not recorded upon modification. In instances when a loan is modified in the form of
principal forgiveness, the amount of principal forgiven is deemed uncollectible and that portion of the loan balance is charged
off with a corresponding reduction to the allowance for credit losses.
We closely monitor the performance of modified loans to understand the effectiveness of our loss mitigation efforts. Upon
determination that a modified loan or a portion of a modified loan has subsequently been deemed uncollectible, the loan or a
portion of the loan is charged off in accordance with our accounting policies with a corresponding reduction to the allowance
for credit losses.
The following table presents loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty with a payment modification during the
previous 12 months which subsequently became 90 days or greater contractually delinquent during the three months ended
March 31, 2024 by type of modification:
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024
Commercial loans:
Global banking ...............................................
$ $ $ 1 $ $ 1
Total commercial ............................................
$ $ $ 1 $ $ 1
Interest Rate
Extension /
Deferral Combination
(in millions)
Represents loans with more than one type of payment modification during the period.
During the three months ended March 31, 2024, there were no consumer loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty
with a payment modification during the previous 12 months which subsequently became 90 days or greater contractually
delinquent. During the three months ended March 31, 2023, there were no loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty
with a payment modification during the previous three months which subsequently became 90 days or greater contractually
The following table presents the past due status of loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty with a payment
modification during the previous 12 months at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
Past Due
30 - 89 Days 90+ Days Current
(in millions)
At March 31, 2024
Commercial loans:
Real estate, including construction .................................................................
$ $ 166 $ 3 $ 169
Business and corporate banking .....................................................................
409 409
Global banking ...............................................................................................
1 42 43
Total commercial ............................................................................................
167 454 621
Consumer loans:
Residential mortgages ....................................................................................
12 12
Total consumer ...............................................................................................
12 12
Total loans ...........................................................................................................
$ $ 167 $ 466 $ 633
At December 31, 2023
Commercial loans:
Real estate, including construction .................................................................
$ $ 166 $ 2 $ 168
Business and corporate banking .....................................................................
398 398
Global banking ...............................................................................................
50 50
Total commercial ............................................................................................
166 450 616
Consumer loans:
Residential mortgages ....................................................................................
12 12
Total consumer ...............................................................................................
12 12
Total loans ...........................................................................................................
$ $ 166 $ 462 $ 628
Loans less than 30 days past due are presented as current.
Commercial Loan Credit Quality Indicators and Gross Charge-offs by Year of Origination
The following credit quality indicators are utilized to monitor our commercial loan portfolio:
Criticized loans Criticized loan classifications presented in the table below are determined by the assignment of various
criticized facility risk ratings based on the risk rating standards of our regulator. The following facility risk ratings are deemed
to be criticized:
Special Mention - generally includes loans that are protected by collateral and/or the credit worthiness of the customer, but are
potentially weak based upon economic or market circumstances which, if not checked or corrected, could weaken our credit
position at some future date.
Substandard - includes loans that are inadequately protected by the underlying collateral and/or general credit worthiness of the
customer. These loans present a distinct possibility that we will sustain some loss if the deficiencies are not corrected.
Doubtful - includes loans that have all the weaknesses exhibited by substandard loans, with the added characteristic that the
weaknesses make collection or liquidation in full of the recorded loan highly improbable. However, although the possibility of
loss is extremely high, certain factors exist which may strengthen the credit at some future date, and therefore the decision to
charge-off the loan is deferred. Loans graded as doubtful are required to be placed in nonaccrual status.
The following table summarizes our criticized commercial loans, including a disaggregation of the loans by year of origination
as of March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Prior
to Term
Total at
Mar. 31,
(in millions)
Real estate, including construction:
Special mention .............................................
$ 32 $ $ 39 $ $ 35 $ 42 $ 3 $ 3 $ 154
Substandard ...................................................
4 11 872 887
Doubtful ........................................................
166 17 183
Total real estate, including construction .......
36 11 39 35 1,080 20 3 1,224
Business and corporate banking:
Special mention .............................................
34 22 114 34 3 148 221 8 584
Substandard ...................................................
24 64 21 27 149 767 9 1,061
Doubtful ........................................................
34 14 82 130
Total business and corporate banking ...........
58 86 135 68 30 311 1,070 17 1,775
Global banking:
Special mention .............................................
45 41 99 185
Substandard ...................................................
2 20 107 131 260
Doubtful ........................................................
194 9 203
Total global banking .....................................
2 20 346 181 99 648
Total commercial .............................................
$ 94 $ 97 $ 176 $ 68 $ 85 $ 1,737 $ 1,271 $ 119 $ 3,647
Total commercial:
Special mention.............................................
$ 66 $ 22 $ 153 $ 34 $ 38 $ 235 $ 265 $ 110 $ 923
Substandard ...................................................
28 75 23 47 1,128 898 9 2,208
Doubtful ........................................................
34 374 108 516
Total commercial ..........................................
$ 94 $ 97 $ 176 $ 68 $ 85 $ 1,737 $ 1,271 $ 119 $ 3,647
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Prior
to Term
Total at
Dec. 31,
(in millions)
Real estate, including construction:
Special mention .............................................
$ $ 40 $ $ 104 $ 92 $ 42 $ 3 $ 3 $ 284
Substandard ...................................................
2 1 821 824
Doubtful ........................................................
166 18 184
Total real estate, including construction .......
2 40 105 92 1,029 21 3 1,292
Business and corporate banking:
Special mention .............................................
38 103 12 4 20 126 296 8 607
Substandard ...................................................
31 22 27 156 746 1 983
Doubtful ........................................................
36 9 71 116
Total business and corporate banking ...........
69 125 48 31 20 291 1,113 9 1,706
Global banking:
Special mention .............................................
45 62 107
Substandard ...................................................
14 114 73 201
Doubtful ........................................................
187 14 1 202
Total global banking .....................................
201 14 159 136 510
Other commercial:
Special mention.............................................
6 6
Substandard ...................................................
38 38
Doubtful ........................................................
3 3
Total other commercial .................................
44 3 47
Total commercial .............................................
$ 115 $ 366 $ 48 $ 136 $ 126 $ 1,479 $ 1,273 $ 12 $ 3,555
Total commercial:
Special mention.............................................
$ 44 $ 143 $ 12 $ 108 $ 112 $ 213 $ 361 $ 11 $ 1,004
Substandard ...................................................
71 36 28 1,091 819 1 2,046
Doubtful ........................................................
187 36 14 175 93 505
Total commercial ..........................................
$ 115 $ 366 $ 48 $ 136 $ 126 $ 1,479 $ 1,273 $ 12 $ 3,555
Nonperforming The following table summarizes the nonperforming status of our commercial loan portfolio, including a
disaggregation of the loans by year of origination as of March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Prior
to Term
Total at
Mar. 31,
(in millions)
Real estate, including construction:
Performing loans ...........................................
$ 164 $ 982 $ 1,286 $ 1,040 $ 319 $ 3,030 $ 19 $ 3 $ 6,843
Nonaccrual loans ...........................................
207 21 228
Total real estate, including construction .......
164 982 1,286 1,040 319 3,237 40 3 7,071
Business and corporate banking:
Performing loans ...........................................
237 1,284 1,028 1,273 224 4,438 7,120 273 15,877
Nonaccrual loans ...........................................
34 54 82 170
Total business and corporate banking ...........
237 1,284 1,028 1,307 224 4,492 7,202 273 16,047
Global banking:
Performing loans ...........................................
82 2,162 1,128 761 204 3,563 2,326 50 10,276
Nonaccrual loans ...........................................
233 13 246
Total global banking .....................................
82 2,162 1,128 761 204 3,796 2,339 50 10,522
Other commercial:
Performing loans ...........................................
15 164 278 209 633 1,163 4,203 6,665
Total other commercial .................................
15 164 278 209 633 1,163 4,203 6,665
Total commercial .............................................
$ 498 $ 4,592 $ 3,720 $ 3,317 $ 1,380 $ 12,688 $ 13,784 $ 326 $ 40,305
Total commercial:
Performing loans ...........................................
$ 498 $ 4,592 $ 3,720 $ 3,283 $ 1,380 $ 12,194 $ 13,668 $ 326 $ 39,661
Nonaccrual loans ...........................................
34 494 116 644
Total commercial ..........................................
$ 498 $ 4,592 $ 3,720 $ 3,317 $ 1,380 $ 12,688 $ 13,784 $ 326 $ 40,305
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Prior
to Term
Total at
Dec. 31,
(in millions)
Real estate, including construction:
Performing loans ...........................................
$ 920 $ 1,286 $ 1,019 $ 355 $ 1,014 $ 2,242 $ 19 $ 3 $ 6,858
Nonaccrual loans ...........................................
40 167 22 229
Total real estate, including construction .......
920 1,286 1,019 355 1,054 2,409 41 3 7,087
Business and corporate banking:
Performing loans ...........................................
1,270 1,113 1,074 231 561 4,215 6,851 265 15,580
Nonaccrual loans ...........................................
35 38 70 143
Accruing loans contractually past
due 90 days or more ..................................
1 1
Total business and corporate banking ...........
1,270 1,148 1,074 231 561 4,253 6,922 265 15,724
Global banking:
Performing loans ...........................................
2,255 1,153 844 151 321 3,561 2,341 50 10,676
Nonaccrual loans ...........................................
39 10 49
Total global banking .....................................
2,255 1,153 844 151 321 3,600 2,351 50 10,725
Other commercial:
Performing loans ...........................................
211 281 313 651 418 804 3,740 6,418
Nonaccrual loans ...........................................
3 3
Total other commercial .................................
211 281 313 651 418 807 3,740 6,421
Total commercial .............................................
$ 4,656 $ 3,868 $ 3,250 $ 1,388 $ 2,354 $ 11,069 $ 13,054 $ 318 $ 39,957
Total commercial:
Performing loans ...........................................
$ 4,656 $ 3,833 $ 3,250 $ 1,388 $ 2,314 $ 10,822 $ 12,951 $ 318 $ 39,532
Nonaccrual loans ...........................................
35 40 247 102 424
Accruing loans contractually past
due 90 days or more ..................................
1 1
Total commercial ..........................................
$ 4,656 $ 3,868 $ 3,250 $ 1,388 $ 2,354 $ 11,069 $ 13,054 $ 318 $ 39,957
Credit risk profile Commercial loans are assigned a credit rating based on the estimated probability of default. Investment
grade includes loans with credit ratings of at least BBB- or above or the equivalent based on our internal credit rating system.
The following table summarizes the credit risk profile of our commercial loan portfolio, including a disaggregation of the loans
by year of origination as of March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Prior
to Term
Total at
Mar. 31,
(in millions)
Real estate, including construction:
Investment grade ...........................................
$ $ 324 $ 99 $ 23 $ 172 $ 1,094 $ 1 $ $ 1,713
Non-investment grade ...................................
164 658 1,187 1,017 147 2,143 39 3 5,358
Total real estate, including construction .......
164 982 1,286 1,040 319 3,237 40 3 7,071
Business and corporate banking:
Investment grade ...........................................
73 533 333 562 93 2,086 3,287 63 7,030
Non-investment grade ...................................
164 751 695 745 131 2,406 3,915 210 9,017
Total business and corporate banking ...........
237 1,284 1,028 1,307 224 4,492 7,202 273 16,047
Global banking:
Investment grade ...........................................
82 1,868 973 651 173 2,970 1,963 8,680
Non-investment grade ...................................
294 155 110 31 826 376 50 1,842
Total global banking .....................................
82 2,162 1,128 761 204 3,796 2,339 50 10,522
Other commercial:
Investment grade ...........................................
15 162 150 43 403 832 3,955 5,560
Non-investment grade ...................................
2 128 166 230 331 248 1,105
Total other commercial .................................
15 164 278 209 633 1,163 4,203 6,665
Total commercial .............................................
$ 498 $ 4,592 $ 3,720 $ 3,317 $ 1,380 $ 12,688 $ 13,784 $ 326 $ 40,305
Total commercial:
Investment grade ...........................................
$ 170 $ 2,887 $ 1,555 $ 1,279 $ 841 $ 6,982 $ 9,206 $ 63 $ 22,983
Non-investment grade ...................................
328 1,705 2,165 2,038 539 5,706 4,578 263 17,322
Total commercial ..........................................
$ 498 $ 4,592 $ 3,720 $ 3,317 $ 1,380 $ 12,688 $ 13,784 $ 326 $ 40,305
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Prior
to Term
Total at
Dec. 31,
(in millions)
Real estate, including construction:
Investment grade ...........................................
$ 327 $ 100 $ 24 $ 187 $ 162 $ 939 $ 1 $ $ 1,740
Non-investment grade ...................................
593 1,186 995 168 892 1,470 40 3 5,347
Total real estate, including construction .......
920 1,286 1,019 355 1,054 2,409 41 3 7,087
Business and corporate banking:
Investment grade ...........................................
732 304 543 95 261 1,977 3,311 54 7,277
Non-investment grade ...................................
538 844 531 136 300 2,276 3,611 211 8,447
Total business and corporate banking ...........
1,270 1,148 1,074 231 561 4,253 6,922 265 15,724
Global banking:
Investment grade ...........................................
1,947 1,109 651 149 307 2,842 2,140 9,145
Non-investment grade ...................................
308 44 193 2 14 758 211 50 1,580
Total global banking .....................................
2,255 1,153 844 151 321 3,600 2,351 50 10,725
Other commercial:
Investment grade ...........................................
211 192 43 376 298 564 3,143 4,827
Non-investment grade ...................................
89 270 275 120 243 597 1,594
Total other commercial .................................
211 281 313 651 418 807 3,740 6,421
Total commercial .............................................
$ 4,656 $ 3,868 $ 3,250 $ 1,388 $ 2,354 $ 11,069 $ 13,054 $ 318 $ 39,957
Total commercial:
Investment grade ...........................................
$ 3,217 $ 1,705 $ 1,261 $ 807 $ 1,028 $ 6,322 $ 8,595 $ 54 $ 22,989
Non-investment grade ...................................
1,439 2,163 1,989 581 1,326 4,747 4,459 264 16,968
Total commercial ..........................................
$ 4,656 $ 3,868 $ 3,250 $ 1,388 $ 2,354 $ 11,069 $ 13,054 $ 318 $ 39,957
Gross Charge-offs The following table summarizes gross charge-off dollars in our commercial loan portfolio, disaggregated by
year of origination, during the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023:
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Prior
to Term
Loans Total
(in millions)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024
Business and corporate banking .......................
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1 $ $ 1
Total commercial .............................................
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1 $ $ 1
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Prior
to Term
Loans Total
(in millions)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2023
Business and corporate banking .......................
$ $ $ $ $ $ 2 $ 3 $ $ 5
Total commercial .............................................
$ $ $ $ $ $ 2 $ 3 $ $ 5
Consumer Loan Credit Quality Indicators and Gross Charge-offs by Year of Origination
The following credit quality indicators are utilized to monitor our consumer loan portfolio:
Delinquency The following table summarizes dollars of two-months-and-over contractual delinquency for our consumer loan
portfolio, including a disaggregation of the loans by year of origination as of March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Prior
Total at
Mar. 31,
(in millions)
Residential mortgages
$ $ $ 7 $ 6 $ 7 $ 96 $ $ 116
Home equity mortgages
4 4
Credit cards .............................................................................
4 4
Other consumer .......................................................................
1 1 2
Total consumer ........................................................................
$ $ $ 7 $ 6 $ 8 $ 101 $ 4 $ 126
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Prior
Total at
Dec. 31,
(in millions)
Residential mortgages
$ $ 2 $ 6 $ 6 $ 1 $ 100 $ $ 115
Home equity mortgages
4 4
Credit cards ..............................................................................
4 4
Other consumer .......................................................................
2 2
Total consumer ........................................................................
$ $ 2 $ 6 $ 6 $ 1 $ 106 $ 4 $ 125
At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, consumer mortgage loan delinquency includes $58 million and $61 million, respectively, of loans that are
carried at the lower of amortized cost or fair value of the collateral less cost to sell.
At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, consumer mortgage loans include $28 million and $21 million, respectively, of loans that were in the process
of foreclosure.
Nonperforming The following table summarizes the nonperforming status of our consumer loan portfolio, including a
disaggregation of the loans by year of origination as of March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Prior
Total at
Mar. 31,
(in millions)
Residential mortgages:
Performing loans ..................................................................
$ 799 $ 2,569 $ 2,732 $ 4,061 $ 2,727 $ 5,770 $ $ 18,658
Nonaccrual loans .................................................................
10 10 10 137 167
Total residential mortgages ..................................................
799 2,569 2,742 4,071 2,737 5,907 18,825
Home equity mortgages:
Performing loans ..................................................................
10 80 69 10 20 187 376
Nonaccrual loans .................................................................
6 6
Total home equity mortgages ..............................................
10 80 69 10 20 193 382
Credit cards:
Performing loans ..................................................................
186 186
Accruing loans contractually past due 90 days or more ......
3 3
Total credit cards .................................................................
189 189
Other consumer:
Performing loans ..................................................................
7 9 6 65 8 95
Accruing loans contractually past due 90 days or more ......
1 1
Total other consumer ...........................................................
7 9 6 66 8 96
Total consumer ........................................................................
$ 809 $ 2,649 $ 2,818 $ 4,090 $ 2,763 $ 6,166 $ 197 $ 19,492
Total consumer:
Performing loans ..................................................................
$ 809 $ 2,649 $ 2,808 $ 4,080 $ 2,753 $ 6,022 $ 194 $ 19,315
Nonaccrual loans .................................................................
10 10 10 143 173
Accruing loans contractually past due 90 days or more ......
1 3 4
Total consumer ....................................................................
$ 809 $ 2,649 $ 2,818 $ 4,090 $ 2,763 $ 6,166 $ 197 $ 19,492
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Prior
Total at
Dec. 31,
(in millions)
Residential mortgages:
Performing loans ..................................................................
$ 2,646 $ 2,753 $ 4,096 $ 2,761 $ 1,236 $ 4,677 $ $ 18,169
Nonaccrual loans ..................................................................
11 11 9 8 133 172
Total residential mortgages ..................................................
2,646 2,764 4,107 2,770 1,244 4,810 18,341
Home equity mortgages:
Performing loans ..................................................................
80 69 11 22 25 176 383
Nonaccrual loans ..................................................................
6 6
Total home equity mortgages ...............................................
80 69 11 22 25 182 389
Credit cards:
Performing loans ..................................................................
196 196
Accruing loans contractually past due 90 days or more ......
3 3
Total credit cards ..................................................................
199 199
Other consumer:
Performing loans ..................................................................
8 7 7 3 67 7 99
Accruing loans contractually past due 90 days or more ......
2 2
Total other consumer ...........................................................
8 7 7 3 69 7 101
Total consumer ........................................................................
$ 2,726 $ 2,841 $ 4,125 $ 2,799 $ 1,272 $ 5,061 $ 206 $ 19,030
Total consumer:
Performing loans ..................................................................
$ 2,726 $ 2,830 $ 4,114 $ 2,790 $ 1,264 $ 4,920 $ 203 $ 18,847
Nonaccrual loans ..................................................................
11 11 9 8 139 178
Accruing loans contractually past due 90 days or more ......
2 3 5
Total consumer .....................................................................
$ 2,726 $ 2,841 $ 4,125 $ 2,799 $ 1,272 $ 5,061 $ 206 $ 19,030
Gross Charge-offs The following table summarizes gross charge-off dollars in our consumer loan portfolio, disaggregated by
year of origination, during the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023:
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Prior
Loans Total
(in millions)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024
Credit cards .............................................................................
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 $ 2
Total consumer ........................................................................
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 $ 2
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Prior
Loans Total
(in millions)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2023
Residential mortgages .............................................................
$ $ $ $ $ $ 3 $ $ 3
Home equity mortgages ..........................................................
1 1
Credit cards .............................................................................
2 2
Total consumer ........................................................................
$ $ $ $ $ $ 4 $ 2 $ 6
Concentration of Credit Risk At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, our loan portfolios included interest-only residential
mortgage and home equity mortgage loans totaling $4,453 million and $4,392 million, respectively. An interest-only residential
mortgage loan allows a customer to pay the interest-only portion of the monthly payment for a period of time which results in
lower payments during the initial loan period. However, subsequent events affecting a customer's financial position could affect
the ability of customers to repay the loan in the future when the principal payments are required which increases the credit risk
of this loan type.
5. Allowance for Credit Losses
We utilize a minimum of four forward-looking economic scenarios to calculate lifetime ECL when estimating the allowance for
credit losses for in scope financial assets and the liability for off-balance sheet credit exposures. Three of the scenarios are
termed the "Consensus Economic Scenarios" which include a 'most likely outcome' (the "Central scenario") and two less likely
'outer' scenarios, referred to as the "Upside scenario" and the "Downside scenario." The fourth scenario, referred to as the
"Alternative Downside scenario," is designed to consider severe downside risks with more extreme economic outcomes. Each
scenario is assigned a weighting deemed appropriate for the estimation of lifetime ECL, with the majority of the weighting
typically placed on the Central scenario. At management's discretion, changes may be made to the weighting assigned to the
four scenarios or additional scenarios may be included in order to consider current economic conditions.
Updates to Economic Scenarios and Other Changes During the Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 Although the
economic outlook improved during the first quarter of 2024, economic uncertainty remained due to elevated interest rates,
inflation levels and the expectation for slowing economic growth. We updated our Consensus Economic Scenarios and our
Alternative Downside Scenario to reflect management's current view of forecasted economic conditions and utilized the four
updated scenarios for estimating lifetime ECL at March 31, 2024. Each of the four scenarios were assigned weightings with the
majority of the weighting placed on the Central scenario, lower equal weights placed on the Upside and Downside scenarios
and the lowest weighting placed on the Alternative Downside scenario. This weighting was deemed appropriate for the
estimation of lifetime ECL under current conditions. The following discussion summarizes the Central, Upside, Downside and
Alternative Downside scenarios at March 31, 2024. The economic assumptions described in this section have been formed
specifically for the purpose of calculating ECL.
In the Central scenario, U.S. Gross Domestic Product ("GDP") growth moderates in 2024 under the assumption that
diminishing excess household savings, a softened labor market, and the lagged effects of higher interest rates constrain
expenditure. With a more balanced labor market, the unemployment rate increases slightly, but remains near historic lows,
while residential housing prices grow modestly driven by a low inventory of existing homes for sale. In the financial markets,
growth in financial asset prices remains modest while the FRB starts to reduce its policy rate in mid-2024 followed by further
reductions in the second half of 2024 and 2025 as inflation continues a gradual decline over the forecast horizon.
In the Upside scenario, the economy is assumed to grow at a faster pace than in the Central scenario as inflation wanes. As a
result, the unemployment rate falls and remains lower than in the Central scenario, while both residential housing and
commercial real estate prices are higher than in the Central scenario. In this scenario, the equity price index climbs with strong
momentum and overall optimism fueled by easing inflation allows the FRB to normalize its policy rate slightly faster than
currently anticipated, which, combined with lower inflation expectations, drive the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield lower than in
the Central scenario.
In the Downside scenario, inflation re-accelerates and the economy enters into a mild recession, with the unemployment rate
increasing and remaining at a higher level, while residential housing and commercial real estate prices undergo sharp correction
due to weakness in the labor market and rising inflation. In this scenario, the FRB raises its policy rate initially to tackle
inflation and the equity price index goes through a substantial correction by mid-2025 driven by an overall erosion of consumer
and business sentiments, which eventually results in lower interest rates than in the Central scenario.
In the Alternative Downside scenario, geopolitical tensions escalate significantly and more severe inflationary pressures
accompanied by tighter monetary policy lead the U.S. economy into a deep recession in 2024 and 2025, followed by a very
anemic recovery starting in the second half of 2026. An extended period of economic contraction keeps the unemployment rate
at an elevated level, which pressures residential housing prices to depreciate substantially, while at the same time, contracting
corporate activities and rising unemployment pushes the commercial real estate market into a downturn. In this scenario,
financial markets experience a major sell-off and volatility in the financial markets remains extremely high over the next year,
widening corporate credit spreads substantially, and flight to safe haven assets pushes the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield lower.
The following table presents the forecasted key macroeconomic variables in our Central scenarios used for estimating lifetime
ECL at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
For the Quarter Ended
June 30, 2024 December 31, 2024 June 30, 2025 December 31, 2025
Unemployment rate (quarterly average):
Forecast at March 31, 2024 ......................
4.1 % 4.3 % 4.3 % 4.1 %
Forecast at December 31, 2023 ................
4.3 4.3 4.2 4.1
GDP growth rate (year-over-year):
Forecast at March 31, 2024 ......................
2.5 1.2 1.6 1.8
Forecast at December 31, 2023 ................
1.2 1.1 1.8 2.1
While we believe that the assumptions used in our credit loss models are reasonable within the parameters for which the models
have been built and calibrated to operate, inflation and elevated interest rates have resulted in a macroeconomic environment
that is outside the parameters for which the models have been built. As a result, adjustments to model outputs to reflect
consideration of management judgment are used with stringent governance in place to ensure an appropriate lifetime ECL
The impacts of elevated interest rates, inflation levels and the expectation for slowing economic growth will continue to impact
our business and our allowance for credit losses in future periods, the extent of which remains uncertain. We will continue to
monitor these situations closely and will continue to adapt our approach as necessary to reflect management's current view of
forecasted economic conditions.
Allowance for Credit Losses / Liability for Off-Balance Sheet Credit Exposures The following table summarizes our
allowance for credit losses and the liability for off-balance sheet credit exposures:
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
Allowance for credit losses:
Loans ...............................................................................................................................................
$ 581 $ 591
Securities held-to-maturity
Other financial assets measured at amortized cost
Securities available-for-sale
Total allowance for credit losses .........................................................................................................
$ 581 $ 591
Liability for off-balance sheet credit exposures ..................................................................................
$ 123 $ 111
See Note 3, "Securities," for additional information regarding the allowance for credit losses associated with our security portfolios.
Primarily includes accrued interest receivables and customer acceptances.
The following table summarizes the changes in the allowance for credit losses on loans by product or line of business during the
three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024
Allowance for credit losses – beginning of
period ......................................................
$ 144 $ 302 $ 127 $ 1 $ (9) $ 7 $ 16 $ 3 $ 591
Provision charged (credited) to income ......
(10) 7 (8) 1 1 (1) (10)
Charge-offs ..............................................
(1) (2) (3)
Recoveries ...............................................
1 1 1 3
Net (charge-offs) recoveries .......................
1 (1)
Allowance for credit losses – end of period
$ 134 $ 309 $ 119 $ 1 $ (7) $ 8 $ 15 $ 2 $ 581
Commercial Loans Consumer Loans
Real Estate,
(in millions)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2023
Allowance for credit losses – beginning of
period ......................................................
$ 200 $ 230 $ 120 $ 1 $ 11 $ 2 $ 16 $ 4 $ 584
Provision charged (credited) to income ......
(28) 38 12 (10) 1 (1) 12
Charge-offs ..............................................
(5) (3) (1) (2) (11)
Recoveries ...............................................
1 1 1 3
Net (charge-offs) recoveries .......................
(4) (3) (1) (8)
Allowance for credit losses – end of period
$ 172 $ 264 $ 132 $ 1 $ (2) $ 3 $ 15 $ 3 $ 588
Commercial Loans Consumer Loans
Real Estate,
(in millions)
The following table summarizes the changes in the liability for off-balance sheet credit exposures during the three months
ended March 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(in millions)
Balance at beginning of period ....................................................................................................................
$ 111 $ 117
Provision charged to income .......................................................................................................................
12 8
Balance at end of period ..............................................................................................................................
$ 123 $ 125
Accrued Interest Receivables The following table summarizes accrued interest receivables associated with financial assets
carried at amortized cost and securities available-for-sale along with the related allowance for credit losses, which are reported
net in other assets on the consolidated balance sheet. These accrued interest receivables are excluded from the amortized cost
basis disclosures presented elsewhere in these financial statements, including Note 3, "Securities," and Note 4, "Loans."
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
Accrued interest receivables:
Loans ...............................................................................................................................................
$ 264 $ 259
Securities held-to-maturity ..............................................................................................................
56 57
Other financial assets measured at amortized cost ..........................................................................
58 19
Securities available-for-sale ............................................................................................................
97 87
Total accrued interest receivables .......................................................................................................
475 422
Allowance for credit losses ................................................................................................................
Accrued interest receivables, net .........................................................................................................
$ 475 $ 422
During both the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, charged-off accrued interest receivables were immaterial.
6. Loans Held for Sale
Loans held for sale consisted of the following:
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
Commercial loans:
Global banking ................................................................................................................................
$ 453 $ 339
Total commercial .............................................................................................................................
453 339
Consumer loans:
Residential mortgages .....................................................................................................................
Total consumer ................................................................................................................................
Total loans held for sale .......................................................................................................................
$ 453 $ 339
Commercial Loans Included in commercial loans held for sale are certain loans that we have elected to designate under the fair
value option which consists of loans that we originate in connection with our participation in a number of syndicated credit
facilities with the intent of selling them to unaffiliated third parties as well as loans that we purchase from the secondary market
and hold as hedges against our exposure to certain total return swaps or intend to sell. The fair value of these loans totaled $264
million and $250 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. See Note 9, "Fair Value Option," for
additional information.
Commercial loans held for sale also includes certain loans that we no longer intend to hold for investment and were transferred
to held for sale which totaled $189 million and $89 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. During
both the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, lower of amortized cost or fair value adjustments on these commercial
loans held for sale were immaterial.
Consumer Loans Included in residential mortgage loans held for sale are agency-eligible conforming residential mortgage
loans which are originated and held for sale to third parties, currently on a servicing retained basis. Gains and losses from the
sale of these residential mortgage loans are reflected as a component of other income (loss) in the consolidated statement of
Loans held for sale are subject to market risk, liquidity risk and interest rate risk, in that their value will fluctuate as a result of
changes in market conditions, as well as the credit environment. Interest rate risk for residential mortgage loans which are
originated and held for sale is partially mitigated through an economic hedging program to offset changes in the fair value of
these mortgage loans held for sale, from the time of commitment to sale, attributable to changes in market interest rates.
Revenue associated with this economic hedging program, which is reflected as a component of other income (loss) in the
consolidated statement of income, was nil during both the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023.
Valuation Allowances Excluding the loans designated under the fair value option discussed above, loans held for sale are
recorded at the lower of amortized cost or fair value, with adjustments to fair value being recorded as a valuation allowance
through other revenues. The valuation allowance on commercial loans held for sale was nil and $2 million at March 31, 2024
and December 31, 2023, respectively. The valuation allowance on consumer loans held for sale was nil at both March 31, 2024
and December 31, 2023.
7. Goodwill
Goodwill was $458 million at both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Goodwill for these periods reflects accumulated
impairment losses of $1,819 million, which were recognized in prior periods. During the first quarter of 2024, there were no
events or changes in circumstances to indicate that it is more likely than not the fair value of our Commercial Banking reporting
unit has been reduced below its carrying amount.
8. Derivative Financial Instruments
In the normal course of business, the derivative instruments we enter into are for trading, market making and risk management
purposes. For financial reporting purposes, derivative instruments are designated in one of the following categories: (a) hedging
instruments designated as qualifying hedges under derivative and hedge accounting principles, (b) financial instruments held for
trading or (c) non-qualifying economic hedges. The derivative instruments held are predominantly swaps, futures, options and
forward contracts. All derivatives are stated at fair value. Where we enter into enforceable master netting agreements with
counterparties, the master netting agreements permit us to net those derivative asset and liability positions and to offset cash
collateral held and posted with the same counterparty.
The following table presents the fair value of derivative contracts by major product type on a gross basis. Gross fair values
exclude the effects of both counterparty netting as well as collateral, and therefore are not representative of our exposure. The
table below also presents the amounts of counterparty netting and cash collateral that have been offset in the consolidated
balance sheet, as well as cash and securities collateral posted and received under enforceable master netting agreements that do
not meet the criteria for netting. Derivative assets and liabilities which are not subject to an enforceable master netting
agreement, or are subject to a netting agreement where an appropriate legal opinion to determine such agreements are
enforceable has not been either sought or obtained, have not been netted in the following table. Where we have received or
posted collateral under netting agreements where an appropriate legal opinion to determine such agreements are enforceable has
not been either sought or obtained, the related collateral also has not been netted in the following table.
March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
(in millions)
Derivatives accounted for as fair value hedges
Interest rate contracts - bilateral OTC
........................................................................... $ $ 13 $ $ 83
Derivatives accounted for as cash flow hedges
Foreign exchange contracts - bilateral OTC
................................................................... 31 56
Interest rate contracts - bilateral OTC
........................................................................... 1 1
Total derivatives accounted for as hedges ............................................................................. 32 13 140
Trading derivatives not accounted for as hedges
................................................................................................................ 5 4 7 16
...................................................................................................................... 36 70
Bilateral OTC
.................................................................................................................... 1,289 905 1,178 946
Interest rate contracts .......................................................................................................... 1,330 909 1,255 962
..................................................................................................................... 56
Bilateral OTC
.................................................................................................................... 10,420 10,570 13,606 13,479
Foreign exchange contracts ................................................................................................. 10,476 10,570 13,606 13,479
................................................................................................................ 7
Bilateral OTC
.................................................................................................................... 435 1,097 413 1,080
Equity contracts .................................................................................................................... 435 1,097 420 1,080
................................................................................................................ 3
Bilateral OTC
.................................................................................................................... 1,222 1,136 1,150 1,033
Precious metals contracts .................................................................................................... 1,222 1,136 1,153 1,033
...................................................................................................................... 7 14
Bilateral OTC
.................................................................................................................... 131 98 81 137
Credit contracts .................................................................................................................... 138 98 95 137
Other non-qualifying derivatives not accounted for as hedges
Interest rate contracts - bilateral OTC
........................................................................... 101 76
Equity contracts - bilateral OTC
..................................................................................... 613 164 621 193
...................................................................................................................... 1 1
Bilateral OTC
.................................................................................................................... 9 131 13 122
Credit contracts .................................................................................................................... 9 131 14 123
Other contracts - bilateral OTC
................................................................................... 4 34 5 40
Total derivatives ...................................................................................................................... 14,259 14,253 17,169 17,263
Less: Gross amounts of receivable / payable subject to enforceable master netting
11,660 11,660 14,110 14,110
Less: Gross amounts of cash collateral received / posted subject to enforceable master
netting agreements
1,711 1,080 1,760 1,321
Net amounts of derivative assets / liabilities presented in the balance sheet ...................... 888 1,513 1,299 1,832
Less: Gross amounts of financial instrument collateral received / posted subject to
enforceable master netting agreements but not offset in the consolidated balance
sheet ......................................................................................................................................
88 35 63 273
Net amounts of derivative assets / liabilities .......................................................................... $ 800 $ 1,478 $ 1,236 $ 1,559
Derivative assets / liabilities related to cash flow hedges, fair value hedges and derivative instruments held for purposes other than for trading are
recorded in other assets / interest, taxes and other liabilities on the consolidated balance sheet.
Over-the-counter ("OTC") derivatives include derivatives executed and settled bilaterally with counterparties without the use of an organized exchange
or central clearing house. The credit risk associated with bilateral OTC derivatives is managed through obtaining collateral and enforceable master
netting agreements. OTC-cleared derivatives are executed bilaterally in the OTC market but then novated to a central clearing counterparty, whereby the
central clearing counterparty becomes the counterparty to each of the original counterparties. Exchange traded derivatives are executed directly on an
organized exchange. Credit risk is minimized for OTC-cleared derivatives and exchange traded derivatives through daily margining requirements. In
addition, OTC-cleared interest rate and credit derivatives with certain central clearing counterparties are settled daily.
Trading related derivative assets / liabilities are recorded in trading assets / trading liabilities on the consolidated balance sheet.
Consists of swap agreements entered into in conjunction with the sales of Visa Inc. ("Visa") Class B common shares ("Class B Shares").
Represents the netting of derivative receivable and payable balances for the same counterparty under enforceable netting agreements.
Represents the netting of cash collateral posted and received by counterparty under enforceable netting agreements.
Netting is performed at a counterparty level in cases where enforceable master netting agreements are in place, regardless of the type of derivative
instrument. Therefore, we have not allocated netting to the different types of derivative instruments shown in the table above.
See Note 16, "Guarantee Arrangements, Pledged Assets and Repurchase Agreements," for further information on offsetting
related to resale and repurchase agreements.
Derivatives Held for Risk Management Purposes Our risk management policy requires us to identify, analyze and manage
risks arising from the activities conducted during the normal course of business. We use derivative instruments as an asset and
liability management tool to manage our exposures in interest rate, foreign currency and credit risks in existing assets and
liabilities, commitments and forecasted transactions. The accounting for changes in fair value of a derivative instrument will
depend on whether the derivative has been designated and qualifies for hedge accounting.
We designate derivative instruments to offset the fair value risk and cash flow risk arising from fixed-rate and floating-rate
assets and liabilities as well as forecasted transactions. We assess the hedging relationships, both at the inception of the hedge
and on an ongoing basis, using a regression approach to determine whether the designated hedging instrument is highly
effective in offsetting changes in the fair value or the cash flows attributable to the hedged risk. Accounting principles for
qualifying hedges require us to prepare detailed documentation describing the relationship between the hedging instrument and
the hedged item, including, but not limited to, the risk management objective, the hedging strategy and the methods to assess
and measure the ineffectiveness of the hedging relationship. We discontinue hedge accounting when we determine that the
hedge is no longer highly effective, the hedging instrument is terminated, sold or expired, the designated forecasted transaction
is not probable of occurring, or when the designation is removed by us.
Fair Value Hedges In the normal course of business, we hold fixed-rate loans and securities, and issue fixed-rate deposits and
senior and subordinated debt obligations. The fair value of fixed-rate assets and liabilities fluctuates in response to changes in
interest rates. We utilize interest rate swaps, forward and futures contracts to minimize our exposure to changes in fair value
caused by interest rate volatility. The changes in the fair value of the hedged item designated in a qualifying hedge are captured
as an adjustment to the carrying amount of the hedged item (basis adjustment). If the hedging relationship is discontinued and
the hedged item continues to exist, the basis adjustment is amortized over the remaining life of the hedged item.
The following table presents the carrying amount of hedged items in fair value hedges recognized in the consolidated balance
sheet at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, along with the cumulative amount of fair value hedging adjustments included
in the carrying amount of those hedged items:
Carrying Amount of
Hedged Items
Cumulative Amount of Fair Value Hedging
Adjustments Increasing (Decreasing) the
Carrying Amount of Hedged Items
Active Discontinued Total
(in millions)
At March 31, 2024
Securities available-for-sale ("AFS") ....................................
$ 10,325 $ (1,552) $ (63) $ (1,615)
Deposits .................................................................................
1,451 (108) 59 (49)
Long-term debt ......................................................................
8,864 (448) 63 (385)
At December 31, 2023
Securities AFS .......................................................................
11,112 (1,320) (70) (1,390)
Deposits .................................................................................
1,463 (104) 67 (37)
Long-term debt ......................................................................
7,913 (407) 72 (335)
The carrying amount of securities AFS represents the amortized cost basis.
The following table presents information on gains and losses on derivative instruments designated and qualifying as hedging
instruments and the hedged items in fair value hedges and their location on the consolidated statement of income:
Location of Gain (Loss)
Recognized in Income Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Gain (Loss) on Hedged Items
(in millions)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024
Interest rate contracts / Securities AFS ..........
Net interest income $ 368 $ (194)
Interest rate contracts / Deposits ....................
Net interest income (23) (12)
Interest rate contracts / Long-term debt .........
Net interest income (100) (40)
Total ...............................................................
$ 245 $ (246)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2023
Interest rate contracts / Securities AFS ..........
Net interest income $ (207) $ 386
Interest rate contracts / Deposits ....................
Net interest income 6 (37)
Interest rate contracts / Long-term debt .........
Net interest income 76 (174)
Total ...............................................................
$ (125) $ 175
Cash Flow Hedges We own or issue floating rate financial instruments and enter into forecasted transactions that give rise to
variability in future cash flows. As a part of our risk management strategy, we use interest rate swaps, currency swaps and
futures contracts to mitigate risk associated with variability in the cash flows. Changes in fair value of a derivative instrument
associated with a qualifying cash flow hedge are recognized in other comprehensive income (loss). When the cash flows being
hedged materialize and are recorded in income or expense, the associated gain or loss from the hedging derivative previously
recorded in accumulated other comprehensive loss ("AOCI") is reclassified into earnings in the same accounting period in
which the designated forecasted transaction or hedged item affects earnings. If a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction is
discontinued because it is no longer highly effective, or if the hedge relationship is terminated, the cumulative gain or loss on
the hedging derivative to that date will continue to be reported in AOCI unless it is probable that the hedged forecasted
transaction will not occur by the end of the originally specified time period as documented at the inception of the hedge, at
which time the cumulative gain or loss is released into earnings.
At March 31, 2024, active cash flow hedge relationships extend or mature through July 2036. During the three months ended
March 31, 2024, $7 million of losses related to discontinued cash flow hedge relationships were amortized to earnings from
AOCI compared with losses of $45 million during the three months ended March 31, 2023. During the next twelve months, we
expect to amortize $44 million of remaining losses to earnings resulting from these discontinued cash flow hedges. The interest
accrual related to the hedging instruments is recognized in net interest income.
The following table presents information on gains and losses on derivative instruments designated and qualifying as hedging
instruments in cash flow hedges (including amounts recognized in AOCI from discontinued cash flow hedges) and their
location on the consolidated statement of income:
Gain (Loss) Recognized in
AOCI on Derivatives
Location of Gain (Loss)
Reclassified from AOCI
into Income
Gain (Loss) Reclassified From
AOCI into Income
2024 2023 2024 2023
(in millions)
Three Months Ended March 31,
Foreign exchange contracts ..................
$ (1) $ Net interest income $ $
Interest rate contracts ............................
42 85 Net interest income (7) (45)
Total ..................................................... $ 41 $ 85 $ (7) $ (45)
Trading Derivatives and Non-Qualifying Hedging Activities In addition to risk management, we also enter into derivative
contracts, including buy- and sell-protection credit derivatives, for the purposes of trading and market making, or repackaging
risks to form structured trades to meet clients' risk taking objectives. Additionally, we buy or sell securities and use derivatives
to mitigate the market risks arising from our trading activities with our clients that exceed our risk appetite. We also use buy-
protection credit derivatives to manage our counterparty credit risk exposure. Where we enter into derivatives for trading
purposes, realized and unrealized gains and losses are recognized in trading revenue. Counterparty credit risk associated with
OTC derivatives, including risk-mitigating buy-protection credit derivatives, are recognized as an adjustment to the fair value of
the derivatives and are recorded in trading revenue.
Our non-qualifying hedging and other activities include:
Derivative contracts related to the fixed-rate long-term debt issuances and hybrid instruments, including all structured
notes and deposits, for which we have elected fair value option accounting. These derivative contracts are non-
qualifying hedges but are considered economic hedges.
Credit default swaps which are designated as economic hedges against the credit risks within our loan portfolio. In the
event of an impairment loss occurring in a loan that is economically hedged, the impairment loss is recognized as
provision for credit losses while the gain on the credit default swap is recorded as other income (loss).
Swap agreements entered into in conjunction with the sales of Visa Class B Shares to a third party to retain the litigation
risk associated with the Class B Shares sold until the related litigation is settled and the Class B Shares can be converted
into Class A common shares ("Class A Shares"). See Note 16, "Guarantee Arrangements, Pledged Assets and
Repurchase Agreements," for additional information.
Forward purchases or sales of to-be-announced ("TBA") securities used to economically hedge changes in the fair value
of residential mortgage loans which are originated and held for sale attributable to changes in market interest rates.
Changes in the fair value of TBA positions, which are considered derivatives, are recorded in other income (loss). See
Note 6, "Loans Held for Sale," for additional information.
Derivative instruments designated as economic hedges that do not qualify for hedge accounting are recorded at fair value
through profit and loss. Realized and unrealized gains and losses on economic hedges are recognized in gain (loss) on
instruments designated at fair value and related derivatives or other income (loss) while the derivative asset or liability positions
are reflected as other assets or other liabilities.
The following table presents information on gains and losses on derivative instruments held for trading purposes and their
location on the consolidated statement of income:
Location of Gain (Loss)
Recognized in Income on Derivatives
Gain (Loss) Recognized in
Income on Derivatives
Three Months Ended March 31,
2024 2023
(in millions)
Interest rate contracts ....................................
Trading revenue $ 71 $ (29)
Foreign exchange contracts ...........................
Trading revenue 117 29
Equity contracts .............................................
Trading revenue (1,048) (476)
Precious metals contracts ..............................
Trading revenue (22) 136
Credit contracts .............................................
Trading revenue 79 (26)
Total ..............................................................
$ (803) $ (366)
The following table presents information on gains and losses on derivative instruments held for non-qualifying hedging and
other activities and their location on the consolidated statement of income:
Location of Gain (Loss)
Recognized in Income on Derivatives
Gain (Loss) Recognized in
Income on Derivatives
Three Months Ended March 31,
2024 2023
(in millions)
Interest rate contracts ....................................
Gain (loss) on instruments designated at fair value
and related derivatives $ (54) $ 43
Equity contracts .............................................
Gain (loss) on instruments designated at fair value
and related derivatives 151 412
Credit contracts .............................................
Other income (loss) (25) (15)
Other contracts
Other income (loss) (2) (2)
Total ..............................................................
$ 70 $ 438
Consists of swap agreements entered into in conjunction with the sales of Visa Class B Shares.
Credit-Risk Related Contingent Features The majority of our derivative contracts contain provisions that require us to
maintain a specific credit rating from each of the major credit rating agencies. Sometimes the derivative instrument transactions
are a part of broader structured product transactions. If our credit ratings were to fall below the current ratings, the
counterparties to our derivative instruments could demand us to post additional collateral. The amount of additional collateral
required to be posted will depend on whether we are downgraded by one or more notches. The aggregate fair value of all
derivative instruments with credit-risk related contingent features that were in a net liability position at March 31, 2024 was
$168 million, for which we had posted collateral of $57 million. The aggregate fair value of all derivative instruments with
credit-risk-related contingent features that were in a net liability position at December 31, 2023 was $169 million, for which we
had posted collateral of $90 million. Substantially all of the collateral posted is in the form of cash or securities available-for-
sale. See Note 16, "Guarantee Arrangements, Pledged Assets and Repurchase Agreements," for further details.
The following table presents the amount of additional collateral that we would be required to post (from the current collateral
level) related to derivative instruments with credit-risk related contingent features if our long-term ratings were downgraded by
one or two notches. A downgrade by a single rating agency that does not result in a rating lower than a preexisting
corresponding rating provided by another rating agency will generally not result in additional collateral.
(in millions)
Amount of additional collateral to be posted upon downgrade ...................................................
$ 5 $ 52
Notional Value of Derivative Contracts The following table summarizes the notional values of derivative contracts:
March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
(in millions)
Interest rate:
Futures and forwards .......................................................................................................
$ 9,741 $ 5,143
Swaps ..............................................................................................................................
109,096 114,947
Options written ................................................................................................................
3,452 1,260
Options purchased ...........................................................................................................
3,384 1,352
Total interest rate ............................................................................................................
125,673 122,702
Foreign exchange:
Swaps, futures and forwards ...........................................................................................
1,004,747 1,005,683
Options written ................................................................................................................
29,926 30,755
Options purchased ...........................................................................................................
30,642 30,898
Spot .................................................................................................................................
46,209 29,631
Total foreign exchange ....................................................................................................
1,111,524 1,096,967
Commodities, equities and precious metals:
Swaps, futures and forwards ...........................................................................................
39,555 53,110
Options written ................................................................................................................
1,339 1,713
Options purchased ...........................................................................................................
7,716 8,464
Total commodities, equities and precious metals ...........................................................
48,610 63,287
Credit derivatives .................................................................................................................
15,937 16,710
Other contracts
1,517 1,416
Total .....................................................................................................................................
$ 1,303,261 $ 1,301,082
Consists of swap agreements entered into in conjunction with the sales of Visa Class B Shares.
9. Fair Value Option
We report our results to HSBC in accordance with HSBC Group accounting and reporting policies ("Group Reporting Basis"),
which apply International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs") as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board
("IASB"). We typically have elected to apply fair value option ("FVO") accounting to selected financial instruments to align the
measurement attributes of those instruments under U.S. GAAP and the Group Reporting Basis and to simplify the accounting
model applied to those financial instruments. We elected to apply FVO accounting to certain commercial loans held for sale,
certain student loans held for investment, certain fixed-rate long-term debt issuances, all of our hybrid instruments, including
structured notes and deposits, and certain client share repurchase transactions. Excluding the fair value movement on fair value
option liabilities attributable to our own credit spread, which is recorded in other comprehensive income (loss), changes in the
fair value of fair value option assets and liabilities as well as the mark-to-market adjustment on the related derivatives and the
net realized gains or losses on these derivatives are reported in gain (loss) on instruments designated at fair value and related
derivatives in the consolidated statement of income.
Loans and Loans Held For Sale We elected to apply FVO accounting to certain commercial syndicated loans which are
originated with the intent to sell and certain commercial loans that we purchased from the secondary market and hold as hedges
against our exposure to certain total return swaps or intend to sell and include these loans as loans held for sale in the
consolidated balance sheet. We also elected to apply FVO accounting to certain student loans held for investment. These
elections allow us to account for these loans at fair value which is consistent with the manner in which the instruments are
managed. Where available, fair value is based on observable market pricing obtained from independent sources, relevant broker
quotes or observed market prices of instruments with similar characteristics. Where observable market parameters are not
available, fair value is determined based on contractual cash flows adjusted for estimates of prepayment rates, expected default
rates and loss severity discounted at management's estimate of the expected rate of return required by market participants. We
also consider loan-specific risk mitigating factors such as collateral arrangements in determining the fair value estimate. Interest
from these loans is recorded as interest income in the consolidated statement of income. Because a substantial majority of the
loans elected for the fair value option are floating-rate commercial loans, changes in their fair value are primarily attributable to
changes in loan-specific credit risk factors. The components of gain (loss) related to loans designated at fair value are
summarized in the table below. At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, no loans for which the fair value option has been
elected were 90 days or more past due or in nonaccrual status.
Long-Term Debt (Own Debt Issuances) We elected to apply FVO accounting for certain fixed-rate long-term debt for which
we had applied or otherwise would elect to apply fair value hedge accounting. The election allows us to achieve a similar
accounting effect without having to meet the hedge accounting requirements. The own debt issuances elected under FVO are
traded in secondary markets and, as such, the fair value is determined based on observed prices for the specific instruments. The
observed market price of these instruments reflects the effect of changes to our own credit spreads and interest rates. Interest on
the fixed-rate debt accounted for under FVO is recorded as interest expense in the consolidated statement of income. Excluding
the fair value movement attributable to our own credit spread, the components of gain (loss) in the consolidated statement of
income related to long-term debt designated at fair value are summarized in the table below.
Hybrid Instruments We elected to apply FVO accounting to all of our hybrid instruments issued, including structured notes
and deposits. The valuation of the hybrid instruments is predominantly driven by the derivative features embedded within the
instruments and our own credit risk. Cash flows of the hybrid instruments in their entirety, including the embedded derivatives,
are discounted at an appropriate rate for the applicable duration of the instrument adjusted for our own credit spreads. The credit
spreads applied to structured notes are determined with reference to our own debt issuance rates observed in the primary and
secondary markets, internal funding rates, and structured note rates in recent executions while the credit spreads applied to
structured deposits are determined using market rates currently offered on comparable deposits with similar characteristics and
maturities. Interest on this debt is recorded as interest expense in the consolidated statement of income. Excluding the fair value
movement attributable to our own credit spread, the components of gain (loss) in the consolidated statement of income related
to hybrid instruments designated at fair value are summarized in the table below.
Client Share Repurchase Transactions From time to time, we enter into agreements with clients to facilitate share repurchase
transactions under which the clients make a substantial up-front cash payment in exchange for the delivery of shares.
Simultaneously, we enter into corresponding agreements with HSBC Bank plc to execute the share repurchases. We elected to
apply FVO accounting to these transactions, which are recorded in other assets and interest, taxes and other liabilities on the
consolidated balance sheet.
The following table summarizes the fair value and unpaid principal balance for items we account for under FVO:
Fair Value
Fair Value
Over (Under)
(in millions)
At March 31, 2024
Student loans held for investment ..........................................................................
$ 14 $ 16 $ (2)
Commercial loans held for sale ..............................................................................
264 272 (8)
Client share repurchase asset ..................................................................................
661 661
Fixed rate long-term debt .......................................................................................
756 741 15
Hybrid instruments:
Structured deposits ............................................................................................
2,084 2,057 27
Structured notes .................................................................................................
6,114 5,741 373
Client share repurchase liability .............................................................................
661 661
At December 31, 2023
Student loans held for investment ..........................................................................
$ 15 $ 17 $ (2)
Commercial loans held for sale ..............................................................................
250 256 (6)
Client share repurchase asset ..................................................................................
10 10
Fixed rate long-term debt .......................................................................................
749 741 8
Hybrid instruments:
Structured deposits ............................................................................................
1,821 1,816 5
Structured notes .................................................................................................
6,790 6,418 372
Client share repurchase liability ..............................................................................
10 10
Components of Gain (Loss) on Instruments Designated at Fair Value and Related Derivatives The following table
summarizes the components of gain (loss) on instruments designated at fair value and related derivatives reflected in the
consolidated statement of income for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023:
Loans and
Loans Held
for Sale
Instruments Total
(in millions)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024
Interest rate and other components
$ $ 23 $ (141) $ (118)
Credit risk component
1 1
Total mark-to-market on financial instruments designated at fair value ......
1 23 (141) (117)
Mark-to-market on related derivatives ..........................................................
(27) 125 98
Net realized gain (loss) on related long-term debt derivatives .....................
(1) (1)
Gain (loss) on instruments designated at fair value and related derivatives .
$ 1 $ (5) $ (16) $ (20)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2023
Interest rate and other components
$ $ (21) $ (450) $ (471)
Credit risk component
(6) (6)
Total mark-to-market on financial instruments designated at fair value ......
(6) (21) (450) (477)
Mark-to-market on related derivatives ..........................................................
23 431 454
Net realized gain on related long-term debt derivatives ...............................
1 1
Gain (loss) on instruments designated at fair value and related derivatives .
$ (6) $ 3 $ (19) $ (22)
As it relates to hybrid instruments, interest rate and other components primarily includes interest rate and equity contract risks.
The fair value movement on fair value option liabilities attributable to our own credit spread is recorded in other comprehensive income (loss).
10. Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss
Accumulated other comprehensive loss includes certain items that are reported directly within a separate component of equity.
The following table presents changes in accumulated other comprehensive loss balances:
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(in millions)
Unrealized gains (losses) on investment securities:
Balance at beginning of period .............................................................................................................................................................
$ (1,734) $ (2,270)
Other comprehensive income (loss) for period:
Net unrealized gains (losses) arising during period, net of tax of $(36) million and $68 million, respectively .............................
(106) 207
Reclassification adjustment for gains realized in net income, net of tax of less than $(1) million and $(1) million,
(2) (2)
Amortization of net unrealized (gains) losses on securities transferred from available-for-sale to held-to-maturity realized in
net income, net of tax of less than $1 million and less than $(1) million, respectively
1 (1)
Total other comprehensive income (loss) for period .........................................................................................................................
(107) 204
Balance at end of period .......................................................................................................................................................................
(1,841) (2,066)
Unrealized gains (losses) on fair value option liabilities attributable to our own credit spread:
Balance at beginning of period .............................................................................................................................................................
61 86
Other comprehensive income (loss) for period:
Net unrealized gains (losses) arising during period, net of tax of $(12) million and $21 million, respectively .............................
(37) 63
Total other comprehensive income (loss) for period .........................................................................................................................
(37) 63
Balance at end of period .......................................................................................................................................................................
24 149
Unrealized gains (losses) on derivatives designated as cash flow hedges:
Balance at beginning of period .............................................................................................................................................................
(260) (396)
Other comprehensive income (loss) for period:
Net unrealized gains arising during period, net of tax of $10 million and $21 million, respectively .............................................
31 64
Reclassification adjustment for losses realized in net income, net of tax of $2 million and $11 million, respectively
5 34
Total other comprehensive income for period ...................................................................................................................................
36 98
Balance at end of period .......................................................................................................................................................................
(224) (298)
Pension and postretirement benefit liability:
Balance at beginning and end of period ................................................................................................................................................
7 5
Total accumulated other comprehensive loss at end of period .......................................................................................................
$ (2,034) $ (2,210)
Amount reclassified to net income is included in other securities gains, net in our consolidated statement of income.
Amount amortized to net income is included in interest income in our consolidated statement of income. During 2014, we transferred securities from
available-for-sale to held-to-maturity. At the date of transfer, AOCI included net pretax unrealized losses related to the transferred securities which are
being amortized over the remaining contractual life of each security as an adjustment of yield in a manner consistent with the amortization of any
premium or discount.
Amount reclassified to net income is included in net interest income in our consolidated statement of income.
11. Fee Income from Contracts with Customers
The following table summarizes fee income from contracts with customers disaggregated by type of activity, as well as a
reconciliation to total other revenues, during the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023. See Note 23, "Fee Income from
Contracts with Customers," in our 2023 Form 10-K for a description of the various types of fee-based activities and how
revenue associated with these activities is recognized. There have been no significant changes in these activities since
December 31, 2023.
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(in millions)
Credit card fees, net .....................................................................................................................................
$ 15 $ 11
Trust and investment management fees .......................................................................................................
36 31
Other fees and commissions:
Account services .....................................................................................................................................
75 66
Credit facilities ........................................................................................................................................
91 73
Other fees ................................................................................................................................................
10 9
Total other fees and commissions ...........................................................................................................
176 148
Servicing and other fees from HSBC affiliates ...........................................................................................
88 74
1 1
Total fee income from contracts with customers .........................................................................................
316 265
Other non-fee revenue .................................................................................................................................
223 188
Total other revenues
$ 539 $ 453
Included within other income (loss) in the consolidated statement of income.
See Note 13, "Business Segments," for a reconciliation of total other revenues on a U.S. GAAP basis to other operating income for each business
segment under the Group Reporting Basis.
Credit card fees, net We recognized interchange fees of $27 million and $26 million during the three months ended March 31,
2024 and 2023, respectively. Credit card rewards program costs totaled $15 million and $16 million during the three months
ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Deferred Fee Income
Information related to deferred fee income on loan commitments, revolving credit facilities and standby letters of credit is
included in Note 16, "Guarantee Arrangements, Pledged Assets and Repurchase Agreements," and Note 17, "Fair Value
Measurements." Excluding these items, we had deferred fee income related to certain account service fees that are paid upfront
and recognized over the service period and annual fees on credit cards which collectively was $3 million at both March 31,
2024 and December 31, 2023. We expect to recognize this revenue over a remaining period of one year or less.
We do not use significant judgments in the determination of the amount and timing of fee income from contracts with
customers. Additionally, costs to obtain or fulfill contracts with customers were immaterial.
12. Related Party Transactions
In the normal course of business, we conduct transactions with HSBC and its subsidiaries. HSBC policy requires that these
transactions occur at prevailing market rates and terms and, where applicable, these transactions are compliant with United
States banking regulations. All extensions of credit by (and certain credit exposures of) HSBC Bank USA to other HSBC
affiliates (other than Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insured banks) are legally required to be secured by eligible
collateral. The following tables present related party balances and the income (expense) generated by related party transactions:
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
Cash and due from banks ................................................................................................................
$ 166 $ 133
Interest bearing deposits with banks ...............................................................................................
14 90
Securities purchased under agreements to resell
11 406
Trading assets ..................................................................................................................................
80 57
Loans ...............................................................................................................................................
3,442 2,618
1,141 491
Total assets ...........................................................................................................................................
$ 4,854 $ 3,795
Deposits ...........................................................................................................................................
$ 14,915 $ 9,110
Trading liabilities ............................................................................................................................
78 321
Short-term borrowings ....................................................................................................................
608 1,014
Long-term debt ................................................................................................................................
6,508 6,511
267 331
Total liabilities .....................................................................................................................................
$ 22,376 $ 17,287
Reflects purchases of securities under which other HSBC affiliates have agreed to repurchase.
Other assets and other liabilities primarily consist of derivative balances associated with hedging activities and other miscellaneous account receivables
and payables. Other assets also includes receivables from HSBC Bank plc associated with certain client share repurchase transactions.
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(in millions)
Income (Expense):
Interest income .................................................................................................................................
$ 54 $ 57
Interest expense ................................................................................................................................
(130) (119)
Net interest expense ..............................................................................................................................
(76) (62)
Trading revenue (expense) ....................................................................................................................
(2,020) (778)
Servicing and other fees from HSBC affiliates:
HSBC Bank plc ................................................................................................................................
48 41
HSBC Markets (USA) Inc. ("HMUS") ............................................................................................
23 18
Other HSBC affiliates ......................................................................................................................
17 15
Total servicing and other fees from HSBC affiliates ............................................................................
88 74
Gain on instruments designated at fair value and related derivatives ...................................................
125 432
Support services from HSBC affiliates:
HSBC Technology & Services (USA) Inc. ("HTSU") .....................................................................
(235) (220)
HMUS ..............................................................................................................................................
(56) (53)
Other HSBC affiliates ......................................................................................................................
(108) (111)
Total support services from HSBC affiliates ........................................................................................
(399) (384)
Rental income from HSBC affiliates
14 9
Stock based compensation expense
(9) (5)
We receive rental income from our affiliates for certain office space, which is recorded as a component of occupancy expense, net in our consolidated
statement of income.
Employees may participate in one or more stock compensation plans sponsored by HSBC. These expenses are included in salaries and employee benefits
in our consolidated statement of income. Certain employees are also eligible to participate in a defined benefit pension plan and other postretirement
plans sponsored by HSBC North America which are discussed in Note 22, "Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits," in our 2023 Form 10-K.
Funding Arrangements with HSBC Affiliates:
We use HSBC affiliates to fund a portion of our borrowing and liquidity needs. At both March 31, 2024 and December 31,
2023, long-term debt with affiliates reflected $6.5 billion of borrowings from HSBC North America. The outstanding balances
include $2.0 billion of fixed-rate senior debt which matures in June 2025, $2.0 billion of fixed-rate senior debt which matures in
September 2025, $0.5 billion of fixed-rate senior debt which matures in December 2027, $0.5 billion of fixed-rate senior debt
which matures in December 2028 and $1.5 billion of fixed-rate senior debt which matures in June 2030.
We have a $4.0 billion uncommitted line of credit with HSBC North America. The available borrowing capacity under this
facility is fungible between HSBC USA, HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. ("HSI") and HSBC North America, but total borrowings
cannot collectively exceed $4.0 billion at any time. We had no outstanding borrowing under this credit facility at either March
31, 2024 or December 31, 2023.
We also incur short-term borrowings with certain affiliates. In addition, certain affiliates have placed deposits with us.
Lending and Derivative Related Arrangements Extended to HSBC Affiliates:
At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had the following loan balances outstanding with HSBC affiliates:
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
HMUS and subsidiaries .......................................................................................................................
$ 2,140 $ 1,318
HSBC North America ..........................................................................................................................
1,300 1,300
Other short-term affiliate lending ........................................................................................................
Total loans ...........................................................................................................................................
$ 3,442 $ 2,618
HMUS and subsidiaries We have extended loans and lines of credit, some of them uncommitted, to HMUS and its subsidiaries
in the amount of $13.3 billion at both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, of which $2.1 billion and $1.3 billion,
respectively, was outstanding. The maturities of the outstanding balances range from overnight to one month. Each borrowing
is re-evaluated prior to its maturity date and either extended or allowed to mature.
HSBC North America Under the $4.0 billion uncommitted fungible line of credit with HSBC North America as discussed
above, there was $1.3 billion outstanding at both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The outstanding balance includes
$1.0 billion that matures in May 2024 and $300 million that matures in July 2024.
We have extended lines of credit to various other HSBC affiliates totaling $3.4 billion which did not have any outstanding
balances at either March 31, 2024 or December 31, 2023
Other short-term affiliate lending In addition to loans and lines extended to affiliates discussed above, from time to time we
may extend loans to affiliates which are generally short term in nature. At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, there were
$2 million and nil, respectively, of these loans outstanding.
Derivative contracts As part of a global HSBC strategy to offset interest rate or other market risks associated with certain
securities, debt issues and derivative contracts with unaffiliated third parties, we routinely enter into derivative transactions with
HSBC Bank plc and other HSBC affiliates. The notional value of derivative contracts related to these transactions was
approximately $717.9 billion and $719.6 billion at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The net credit
exposure (defined as the net fair value of derivative assets and liabilities, including any collateral received) related to the
contracts was approximately $67 million and $29 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. We account
for these transactions on a mark to market basis, with the change in value of contracts with HSBC affiliates substantially offset
by the change in value of related contracts entered into with unaffiliated third parties.
Services Provided Between HSBC Affiliates:
Under multiple service level agreements, we provide services to and receive services from various HSBC affiliates. These
activities are summarized in Note 24, "Related Party Transactions," in our 2023 Form 10-K. There have been no significant
changes in these activities since December 31, 2023.
Other Transactions with HSBC Affiliates:
At both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had $265 million of non-cumulative preferred stock issued and
outstanding to HSBC North America. See Note 19, "Preferred Stock," in our 2023 Form 10-K for additional details.
13. Business Segments
We have distinct businesses, which are aligned with HSBC's global business strategy: Wealth and Personal Banking ("WPB"),
Commercial Banking ("CMB") and Global Banking and Markets ("GBM"). These businesses and a Corporate Center ("CC")
serve as our reportable segments with the exception of GBM. Our GBM business is comprised of three distinct operating
segments: Global Banking ("GB"), Markets and Securities Services ("MSS"), and Global Banking and Markets Other ("GBM
Other"), which are separately reported. There have been no changes in the basis of our segmentation as compared with the
presentation in our 2023 Form 10-K.
Net interest income of each segment represents the difference between actual interest earned on assets and interest incurred on
liabilities of the segment, adjusted for a funding charge or credit that includes both interest rate and liquidity components.
Segments are charged a cost to fund assets (e.g., customer loans) and receive a funding credit for funds provided (e.g., customer
deposits) based on equivalent market rates that incorporate both repricing (interest rate risk) and tenor (liquidity) characteristics.
The objective of these charges/credits is to transfer interest rate risk to one centralized unit in Markets Treasury. Markets
Treasury income statement and balance sheet results are allocated to each of the global businesses based upon tangible equity
levels and levels of any surplus liabilities.
Certain other revenue and operating expense amounts are also apportioned among the business segments based upon the
benefits derived from this activity or the relationship of this activity to other segment activity. These inter-segment transactions
have not been eliminated, and we generally account for them as if they were with third parties.
Our segment results are presented in accordance with HSBC Group accounting and reporting policies, which apply IFRSs as
issued by the IASB. As a result, our segment results are prepared and presented using financial information prepared on the
Group Reporting Basis as operating results are monitored and reviewed, trends are evaluated and decisions about allocating
resources, such as employees, are primarily made on this basis. We continue, however, to monitor capital adequacy and report
to regulatory agencies on a U.S. GAAP basis.
During the second quarter of 2023, we implemented a change to our internal management reporting to report net funding
charges associated with MSS trading activities within other operating income to better align with the trading revenue generated
by such activities. Historically, these funding charges were reported within net interest income (expense). There was no impact
to consolidated net interest income (expense) or other operating income as these net funding charges are reversed back into net
interest income (expense) in the CC. As a result, we have aligned our segment reporting for MSS and CC to reflect this change
for all periods presented. The following table summarizes the impact of this change on reported segment net interest income
(expense) and other operating income for the three months ended March 31, 2023:
Three Months Ended
March 31, 2023
As Previously
After Reporting
(in millions)
Segment net interest income (expense):
MSS ..............................................................................................................................................
$ (68) $ 13
CC .................................................................................................................................................
(26) (107)
Total HUSI Consolidated .............................................................................................................
543 543
Segment other operating income:
MSS ..............................................................................................................................................
$ 177 $ 96
CC .................................................................................................................................................
10 91
Total HUSI Consolidated .............................................................................................................
386 386
There have been no changes in the measurement of segment profit as compared with the presentation in our 2023 Form 10-K.
A summary of significant differences between U.S. GAAP and the Group Reporting Basis as they impact our results are
summarized in Note 25, "Business Segments," in our 2023 Form 10-K. There have been no significant changes since December
31, 2023 in the differences between U.S. GAAP and the Group Reporting Basis impacting our results.
The following table summarizes the results for each segment on a Group Reporting Basis, as well as provides a reconciliation
of total results under the Group Reporting Basis to U.S. GAAP consolidated totals:
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024
Net interest income (expense) ....
$ 179 $ 292 $ 117 $ 9 $ 18 $ (168) $ 447 $ 7 $ (28) $ 426
Other operating income ..............
67 78 84 81 22 173 505 (3) 37 539
Total operating income ...............
246 370 201 90 40 5 952 4 9 965
Expected credit losses /
provision for credit losses ......
(2) (5) (7) 9 2
246 372 206 90 40 5 959 (5) 9 963
Operating expenses .....................
187 179 131 79 22 75 673 3 9 685
Profit (loss) before income tax ...
$ 59 $ 193 $ 75 $ 11 $ 18 $ (70) $ 286 $ (8) $ $ 278
Balances at end of period:
Total assets .................................
$ 37,255 $ 56,195 $ 10,165 $ 33,767 $ 40,290 $ 3,889 $ 181,561 $ (14,595) $ $ 166,966
Total loans, net ...........................
23,955 23,880 9,717 73 367 57,992 (561) 1,785 59,216
Goodwill .....................................
358 358 100 458
Total deposits .............................
29,936 40,214 41,137 1,157 1,839 114,283 (1,750) 9,520 122,053
Three Months Ended March 31, 2023
Net interest income (expense) ....
$ 213 $ 285 $ 139 $ 13 $ $ (107) $ 543 $ 1 $ (61) $ 483
Other operating income ..............
52 72 54 96 21 91 386 (7) 74 453
Total operating income
(expense) ................................
265 357 193 109 21 (16) 929 (6) 13 936
Expected credit losses /
provision for credit losses ......
10 16 3 29 (9) 20
255 341 190 109 21 (16) 900 3 13 916
Operating expenses .....................
175 150 135 69 18 32 579 37 13 629
Profit (loss) before income tax ...
$ 80 $ 191 $ 55 $ 40 $ 3 $ (48) $ 321 $ (34) $ $ 287
Balances at end of period:
Total assets .................................
$ 42,518 $ 54,607 $ 10,506 $ 34,692 $ 37,546 $ 2,496 $ 182,365 $ (15,815) $ $ 166,550
Total loans, net ...........................
22,429 24,793 9,812 507 273 57,814 (747) 1,807 58,874
Goodwill .....................................
358 358 100 458
Total deposits .............................
31,166 43,229 40,422 1,260 1,378 117,455 (2,022) 6,735 122,168
Group Reporting Basis Consolidated Amounts
Other CC Total
(in millions)
Represents adjustments associated with differences between U.S. GAAP and the Group Reporting Basis.
Represents differences in financial statement presentation between U.S. GAAP and the Group Reporting Basis.
14. Retained Earnings and Regulatory Capital Requirements
Bank dividends are one of the sources of funds used for payment of shareholder dividends and other HSBC USA cash needs.
Approval from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ("OCC") is required if the total of all dividends HSBC Bank USA
declares in any year exceeds the cumulative net income for that year, combined with the net income for the two preceding years
reduced by dividends attributable to those years. OCC approval also is required for a reduction of permanent capital of HSBC
Bank USA. Under a separate restriction, payment of dividends is prohibited in amounts greater than undivided profits then on
hand, after deducting actual losses and bad debts. Bad debts are debts due and unpaid for a period of six months unless well
secured, as defined, and in the process of collection.
We are subject to regulatory capital rules issued by U.S. banking regulators including Basel III (the "Basel III rule"). A bank or
bank holding company's failure to meet minimum capital requirements can result in certain mandatory actions and possibly
additional discretionary actions by its regulators. The following table summarizes the capital amounts and ratios of HSBC USA
and HSBC Bank USA, calculated in accordance with the Basel III rule at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
(dollars are in millions)
Common equity Tier 1 ratio:
HSBC USA ........................................
$ 13,036 4.5 %
13.1 % $ 12,822 4.5 %
13.0 %
HSBC Bank USA ..............................
15,694 6.5 16.4 15,407 6.5 16.1
Tier 1 capital ratio:
HSBC USA ........................................
13,301 6.0 13.4 13,087 6.0 13.3
HSBC Bank USA ..............................
17,194 8.0 18.0 16,907 8.0 17.7
Total capital ratio:
HSBC USA ........................................
15,650 10.0 15.7 15,452 10.0 15.7
HSBC Bank USA ..............................
19,298 10.0 20.1 19,024 10.0 19.9
Tier 1 leverage ratio:
HSBC USA ........................................
13,301 4.0
8.0 13,087 4.0
HSBC Bank USA ..............................
17,194 5.0 10.5 16,907 5.0 10.2
Risk-weighted assets:
HSBC USA ........................................
99,563 98,450
HSBC Bank USA ..............................
95,788 95,455
Adjusted quarterly average assets:
HSBC USA ........................................
167,189 170,527
HSBC Bank USA ..............................
163,099 166,526
HSBC USA and HSBC Bank USA are categorized as "well-capitalized," as defined by their principal regulators. To be categorized as well-capitalized
under regulatory guidelines, a banking institution must maintain capital equal to or in excess of the ratios reflected in the above table, and must not be
subject to a directive, order, or written agreement to meet and maintain specific capital levels.
There are no common equity Tier 1 or Tier 1 leverage ratio components in the definition of a well-capitalized bank holding company. The ratios shown
are the regulatory minimums.
Calculated using the Standardized Approach.
Represents the Tier 1 leverage ratio denominator which reflects quarterly average assets adjusted for amounts permitted to be deducted from Tier 1
15. Variable Interest Entities
In the ordinary course of business, we have organized special purpose entities ("SPEs") primarily to structure financial products
to meet our clients' investment needs, to facilitate clients to access and raise financing from capital markets and to securitize
financial assets held to meet our own funding needs. For disclosure purposes, we aggregate SPEs based on the purpose, risk
characteristics and business activities of the SPEs. An SPE is a VIE if it lacks sufficient equity investment at risk to finance its
activities without additional subordinated financial support or, as a group, the holders of the equity investment at risk lack either
a) the power through voting or similar rights to direct the activities of the entity that most significantly impacts the entity's
economic performance; or b) the obligation to absorb the entity's expected losses, the right to receive the expected residual
returns, or both.
Variable Interest Entities We consolidate VIEs in which we hold a controlling financial interest as evidenced by the power to
direct the activities of a VIE that most significantly impact its economic performance and the obligation to absorb losses of, or
the right to receive benefits from, the VIE that could potentially be significant to the VIE and therefore are deemed to be the
primary beneficiary. We take into account our entire involvement in a VIE (explicit or implicit) in identifying variable interests
that individually or in the aggregate could be significant enough to warrant our designation as the primary beneficiary and
hence require us to consolidate the VIE or otherwise require us to make appropriate disclosures. We consider our involvement
to be potentially significant where we, among other things, (i) enter into derivative contracts to absorb the risks and benefits
from the VIE or from the assets held by the VIE; (ii) provide a financial guarantee that covers assets held or liabilities issued by
a VIE; (iii) sponsor the VIE in that we design, organize and structure the transaction; and (iv) retain a financial or servicing
interest in the VIE.
We are required to evaluate whether to consolidate a VIE when we first become involved and on an ongoing basis. In almost all
cases, a qualitative analysis of our involvement in the entity provides sufficient evidence to determine whether we are the
primary beneficiary. In rare cases, a more detailed analysis to quantify the extent of variability to be absorbed by each variable
interest holder is required to determine the primary beneficiary.
Consolidated VIEs The following table summarizes assets and liabilities related to our consolidated VIEs at March 31, 2024
and December 31, 2023 which are consolidated on our balance sheet. Assets and liabilities exclude intercompany balances that
eliminate in consolidation.
March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
(in millions)
Low income housing limited liability partnership:
Other assets .......................................................................................
$ 21 $ $ 23 $
Interest, taxes and other liabilities ....................................................
28 17
Total ......................................................................................................
$ 21 $ 28 $ 23 $ 17
Low income housing limited liability partnership In 2009, all low income housing investments held by us at the time were
transferred to a Limited Liability Partnership ("LLP"). The LLP was created in order to ensure the utilization of future tax
benefits from these low income housing tax projects. The LLP was deemed to be a VIE because it does not have sufficient
equity investment at risk to finance its activities. Upon entering into this transaction, we concluded that we were the primary
beneficiary of the LLP due to the nature of our continuing involvement and, as a result, we consolidate the LLP and report the
assets of the LLP in other assets on our consolidated balance sheet. The investments held by the LLP represent equity
investments in the underlying low income housing partnerships. The LLP does not consolidate the underlying partnerships
because it does not have the power to direct the activities of the partnerships that most significantly impact the economic
performance of the partnerships.
We amortize our low income housing investments in proportion to the allocated tax benefits under the proportional
amortization method and present the associated tax benefits net of investment amortization in income tax expense.
Unconsolidated VIEs We also have variable interests in other VIEs that are not consolidated because we are not the primary
beneficiary. The following table provides additional information on these unconsolidated VIEs, including the variable interests
held by us and our maximum exposure to loss arising from our involvement in these VIEs, at March 31, 2024 and
December 31, 2023:
Total Assets
Held by
Carrying Value of Variable
Interests Held Reported as
to LossAssets Liabilities
(in millions)
At March 31, 2024
Limited partnership investments ..............................................
$ 6,537 $ 799 $ 312 $ 799
Asset-backed financing SPEs ..................................................
1,107 928 928
Total .........................................................................................
$ 7,644 $ 1,727 $ 312 $ 1,727
At December 31, 2023
Limited partnership investments ..............................................
$ 6,718 $ 793 $ 327 $ 793
Asset-backed financing SPEs ..................................................
1,107 938 938
Total .........................................................................................
$ 7,825 $ 1,731 $ 327 $ 1,731
Information on the types of VIEs with which we are involved, the nature of our involvement and the variable interests held in
those entities is presented below.
Limited partnership investments We invest as a limited partner in partnerships that operate qualified affordable housing,
renewable energy and community development projects. The returns of these investments are generated primarily from the tax
benefits, including Federal tax credits and tax deductions from operating losses in the project companies. In addition, some of
the investments help us comply with the Community Reinvestment Act. Certain limited partnership structures are considered to
be VIEs because either (a) they do not have sufficient equity investment at risk or (b) the limited partners with equity at risk do
not have substantive kick-out rights through voting rights or substantive participating rights over the general partner. As a
limited partner, we are not the primary beneficiary of the VIEs and do not consolidate them. Our investments in these
partnerships are recorded in other assets on the consolidated balance sheet. The maximum exposure to loss shown in the table
above represents our recorded investments as well as any outstanding funding commitments extended to the partnerships.
Asset-backed financing SPEs In 2023 and 2021, we sold portfolios of commercial real estate loans and provided loans to the
third-party buyer sponsored SPEs for portions of the purchase prices. The SPEs are asset-backed financing entities that issued
residual beneficial interests to third-party investors. The loans we provided to the SPEs are senior to the residual beneficial
interests and are secured by the commercial real estate loans held by the SPEs. Cash flows from the commercial real estate
loans will be used first to settle the interest and principal payments of the loans, with any excess cash flows attributable to the
residual interest holders. The SPEs are VIEs in which we have variable interests through our ownership of the loans, which are
arm's-length transactions. We do not have the power to direct the activities that most significantly impact the VIEs' economic
performance. In addition, the VIEs are designed such that the residual interest holders absorb any expected loss and/or benefit
that could be potentially significant to the VIEs and, therefore, we are not the primary beneficiaries. The maximum exposure to
loss shown in the table above represents our recorded investments in the loans without consideration of any recovery benefits
from the value of the commercial real estate loans.
Third-party sponsored securitization entities We invest in asset-backed securities issued by third-party sponsored securitization
entities which may be considered VIEs. The investments are transacted at arm's-length and decisions to invest are based on a
credit analysis of the underlying collateral assets or the issuer. We are a passive investor in these issuers and do not have the
power to direct the activities of these issuers. As such, we do not consolidate these securitization entities. Additionally, we do
not have other involvements in servicing or managing the collateral assets or provide financial or liquidity support to these
issuers which potentially give rise to risk of loss exposure. These investments are an integral part of the disclosure in Note 2,
"Trading Assets and Liabilities," Note 3, "Securities," and Note 17, "Fair Value Measurements," and, therefore, are not
disclosed in this note to avoid redundancy.
In addition to the above, we have established and manage money market funds and non-money market mutual funds to provide
customers with investment opportunities. As fund manager, we may be entitled to receive management fees based on the assets
under management. We do not consolidate the funds because we do not absorb the majority of the expected future risk
associated with the fund's assets, including interest rate, liquidity, credit and other relevant risks that are expected to affect the
value of the assets.
16. Guarantee Arrangements, Pledged Assets and Repurchase Agreements
Guarantee Arrangements As part of our normal operations, we enter into credit derivatives and various off-balance sheet
guarantee arrangements with affiliates and third parties. These arrangements arise principally in connection with our lending
and client intermediation activities and include standby letters of credit and certain credit derivative transactions. The
contractual amounts of these arrangements represent our maximum possible credit exposure in the event that we are required to
fulfill the maximum obligation under the contractual terms of the guarantee.
The following table presents total carrying value and contractual amounts of our sell protection credit derivatives and major off-
balance sheet guarantee arrangements at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Following the table is a description of the
various arrangements.
March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Notional /
Exposure to
Notional /
Exposure to
(in millions)
Credit derivatives
$ 86 $ 3,900 $ 54 $ 2,992
Financial standby letters of credit, net of participations
5,482 5,785
Performance standby letters of credit, net of participations
3,045 3,320
Total .............................................................................................................
$ 86 $ 12,427 $ 54 $ 12,097
Includes $2,194 million and $1,483 million of notional issued for the benefit of HSBC affiliates at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
For credit derivatives, the maximum loss is represented by the notional amounts without consideration of mitigating effects from collateral or recourse
Includes $1,660 million and $2,080 million of both financial and performance standby letters of credit issued for the benefit of HSBC affiliates at March
31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
For standby letters of credit, maximum loss represents losses to be recognized assuming the letters of credit have been fully drawn and the obligors have
defaulted with zero recovery.
Credit-Risk Related Guarantees
Credit derivatives Credit derivatives are financial instruments that transfer the credit risk of a reference obligation from the
credit protection buyer to the credit protection seller who is exposed to the credit risk without buying the reference obligation.
We sell credit protection on underlying reference obligations (such as loans or securities) by entering into credit derivatives,
primarily in the form of credit default swaps, with various institutions. We account for all credit derivatives at fair value. Where
we sell credit protection to a counterparty that holds the reference obligation, the arrangement is effectively a financial
guarantee on the reference obligation. Under a credit derivative contract, the credit protection seller will reimburse the credit
protection buyer upon occurrence of a credit event (such as bankruptcy, insolvency, restructuring or failure to meet payment
obligations when due) as defined in the derivative contract, in return for a periodic premium. Upon occurrence of a credit event,
we will pay the counterparty the stated notional amount of the derivative contract and receive the underlying reference
obligation. The recovery value of the reference obligation received could be significantly lower than its notional principal
amount when a credit event occurs.
Certain derivative contracts are subject to master netting arrangements and related collateral agreements. A party to a derivative
contract may demand that the counterparty post additional collateral in the event its net exposure exceeds certain predetermined
limits and when the credit rating falls below a certain grade. We set the collateral requirements by counterparty such that the
collateral covers various transactions and products, and is not allocated to specific individual contracts.
We manage our exposure to credit derivatives using a variety of risk mitigation strategies where we enter into offsetting hedge
positions or transfer the economic risks, in part or in entirety, to investors through the issuance of structured credit products. We
actively manage the credit and market risk exposure in the credit derivative portfolios on a net basis and, as such, retain no or a
limited net position at any time. The following table summarizes our net credit derivative positions at March 31, 2024 and
December 31, 2023:
March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Carrying / Fair
Value Notional
Carrying / Fair
Value Notional
(in millions)
Sell-protection credit derivative positions ............................................
$ 86 $ 3,900 $ 54 $ 2,992
Buy-protection credit derivative positions ...........................................
(161) 12,037 (196) 13,718
Net position
$ (75) $ 8,137 $ (142) $ 10,726
Positions are presented net in the table above to provide a complete analysis of our risk exposure and depict the way we manage our credit derivative
portfolio. The offset of the sell-protection credit derivatives against the buy-protection credit derivatives may not be legally binding in the absence of
master netting agreements with the same counterparty. Furthermore, the credit loss triggering events for individual sell-protection credit derivatives may
not be the same or occur in the same period as those of the buy-protection credit derivatives thereby not providing an exact offset.
Standby letters of credit A standby letter of credit is issued to a third party for the benefit of a client and is a guarantee that the
client will perform or satisfy certain obligations under a contract. It irrevocably obligates us to pay a specified amount to the
third-party beneficiary if the client fails to perform the contractual obligation. We issue two types of standby letters of credit:
performance and financial. A performance standby letter of credit is issued where the client is required to perform some non-
financial contractual obligation, such as the performance of a specific act, whereas a financial standby letter of credit is issued
where the client's contractual obligation is of a financial nature, such as the repayment of a loan or debt instrument.
The issuance of a standby letter of credit is subject to our credit approval process and collateral requirements. We charge fees
for issuing letters of credit commensurate with the client's credit evaluation and the nature of any collateral. Included in other
liabilities are deferred fees on standby letters of credit amounting to $51 million and $49 million at March 31, 2024 and
December 31, 2023, respectively. Also included in other liabilities is an allowance for credit losses on unfunded standby letters
of credit of $20 million and $17 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
The following table summarizes the credit ratings related to guarantees including the ratings of counterparties against which we
sold credit protection and financial standby letters of credit at March 31, 2024 as an indicative proxy of payment risk:
(in years)
Credit Ratings of the Obligors
Notional/Contractual Amounts
Grade Total
(dollars are in millions)
Sell-protection Credit Derivatives
Single name credit default swaps .............................................
1.2 $ 873 $ 488 $ 1,361
Index credit derivatives ............................................................
4.5 1,824 715 2,539
Subtotal .........................................................................................
2,697 1,203 3,900
Standby Letters of Credit
0.9 6,402 2,125 8,527
Total ..............................................................................................
$ 9,099 $ 3,328 $ 12,427
The credit ratings in the table represent external credit ratings for classification as investment grade and non-investment grade.
External ratings for most of the obligors are not available. Presented above are the internal credit ratings which are developed using similar
methodologies and rating scale equivalent to external credit ratings for purposes of classification as investment grade and non-investment grade.
Our internal credit ratings are determined based on HSBC's risk rating systems and processes which assign a credit grade based
on a scale which ranks the risk of default of a client. The credit grades are assigned and used for managing risk and determining
level of credit exposure appetite based on the client's operating performance, liquidity, capital structure and debt service ability.
In addition, we also incorporate subjective judgments into the risk rating process concerning such things as industry trends,
comparison of performance to industry peers and perceived quality of management. We compare our internal risk ratings to
outside external rating agency benchmarks, where possible, at the time of formal review and regularly monitor whether our risk
ratings are comparable to the external ratings benchmark data.
A non-investment grade rating of a referenced obligor has a negative impact to the fair value of the credit derivative and
increases the likelihood that we will be required to perform under the credit derivative contract. We employ market-based
parameters and, where possible, use the observable credit spreads of the referenced obligors as measurement inputs in
determining the fair value of the credit derivatives. We believe that such market parameters are more indicative of the current
status of payment/performance risk than external ratings by the rating agencies which may not be forward-looking in nature
and, as a result, lag behind those market-based indicators.
Non Credit-Risk Related Guarantees and Other Arrangements
Visa covered litigation In 2008, we received Class B Shares as part of Visa's initial public offering ("IPO"). Pursuant to the
IPO, we, along with all the other Class B shareholders, agreed to indemnify Visa for the claims and obligations arising from
certain specific covered litigation. The Class B Shares are not eligible to be converted into publicly traded Class A Shares
until settlement of the covered litigation described in Note 30, "Litigation and Regulatory Matters" in our 2023 Form 10-K.
Accordingly, the Class B Shares are considered restricted and are only transferable under limited circumstances, which include
transfers to other Class B shareholders.
In 2016 and 2017, we sold substantially all of our Visa Class B Shares to a third party. Under the terms of the sale agreements,
we entered into swap agreements with the purchaser to retain the litigation risk associated with the Class B Shares sold until the
related litigation is settled and the Class B Shares can be converted into Class A Shares. These swaps had a carrying value of
$34 million and $40 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The swap agreements we entered into
with the purchaser require us to (a) make periodic payments, calculated by reference to the market price of Class A Shares and
(b) make or receive payments based on subsequent changes in the conversion rate of Class B Shares into Class A Shares. We
have entered into a total return swap position to economically hedge the periodic payments made under these swap agreements.
The payments under the derivative will continue until the Class B Shares are able to be converted into Class A Shares. The fair
value of the swap agreements is estimated using a discounted cash flow methodology and is dependent upon the final resolution
of the related litigation. Changes in fair value between periods are recognized in other income (loss). See Note 8, "Derivative
Financial Instruments," for further information.
Clearing houses and exchanges We are a member of various exchanges and clearing houses that trade and clear securities and/
or derivatives contracts. Under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, members of a
clearing house may be required to contribute to a guaranty fund to backstop members' obligations to the clearing house. As a
member, we may be required to pay a proportionate share of the financial obligations of another member who defaults on its
obligations to the exchange or the clearing house. Our guarantee obligations would arise only if the exchange or clearing house
had exhausted its resources. Any potential contingent liability under these membership agreements cannot be estimated.
Lease Obligations We are obligated under a number of noncancellable operating leases for premises and equipment. See Note
12, "Leases," in our 2023 Form 10-K for a full discussion of our leases, including a maturity analysis of our operating lease
Mortgage Loan Repurchase Obligations We originate and sell mortgage loans to third parties and provide various
representations and warranties related to, among other things, the ownership of the loans, the validity of the liens, the loan
selection and origination process, and the compliance to the origination criteria established by the government agencies. In the
event of a breach of our representations and warranties, we may be obligated to repurchase the loans with identified defects or
to indemnify the buyers. Our contractual obligation arises only when the breach of representations and warranties are
discovered and repurchase is demanded.
In estimating our repurchase liability arising from breaches of representations and warranties, we consider historical losses on
residual risks not covered by settlement agreements adjusted for any risk factors not captured in the historical losses as well as
the level of outstanding repurchase demands received. Outstanding repurchase demands received were immaterial at March 31,
2024 and December 31, 2023.
Our estimated repurchase liability for obligations arising from the breach of representations and warranties associated with
mortgage loans sold was $23 million at both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Our repurchase liability represents our
best estimate of the loss that has been incurred, including interest, arising from breaches of representations and warranties
associated with mortgage loans sold. Because the level of mortgage loan repurchase losses is dependent upon economic factors,
investor demand strategies and other external risk factors such as housing market trends that may change, the level of the
liability for mortgage loan repurchase losses requires significant judgment. We continue to evaluate our methods of determining
the best estimate of loss based on recent trends. As these estimates are influenced by factors outside our control, there is
uncertainty inherent in these estimates making it reasonably possible that they could change. The range of reasonably possible
losses in excess of our recorded repurchase liability is between zero and $30 million at March 31, 2024. This estimated range of
reasonably possible losses was determined primarily based upon modifying the assumptions utilized in our best estimate of
probable losses to reflect what we believe to be reasonably possible adverse assumptions.
Securitization Activity In addition to the repurchase risk described above, we have also been involved as a sponsor/seller of
loans used to facilitate whole loan securitizations underwritten by our affiliate, HSI. In this regard, we began acquiring
residential mortgage loans in 2005 which were warehoused on our balance sheet with the intent of selling them to HSI to
facilitate HSI's whole loan securitization program which was discontinued in 2007. During 2005-2007, we purchased and sold
$24 billion of such loans to HSI which were subsequently securitized and sold by HSI to third parties. See "Mortgage
Securitization Matters" in Note 30, "Litigation and Regulatory Matters," in our 2023 Form 10-K for additional discussion of
related exposure. The outstanding principal balance on these loans was approximately $2.4 billion at both March 31, 2024 and
December 31, 2023.
Pledged Assets
Pledged assets included in the consolidated balance sheet consisted of the following:
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
Interest bearing deposits with banks
$ 407 $ 998
Trading assets
2,472 3,046
Securities available-for-sale
9,829 9,773
Securities held-to-maturity
5,197 5,387
20,778 18,810
Other assets
908 934
Total .....................................................................................................................................................
$ 39,591 $ 38,948
Represents gross amount of cash on deposit with banks primarily related to derivative collateral-support agreements, of which a majority has been netted
against derivative liabilities on the consolidated balance sheet.
Trading assets are primarily pledged against liabilities associated with repurchase agreements.
Securities are primarily pledged against derivatives, public fund deposits, trust deposits and various short-term and long term borrowings, as well as
providing capacity for potential secured borrowings from the FHLB and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Loans are primarily residential mortgage loans pledged against current and potential borrowings from the FHLB and the Federal Reserve Bank of New
Represents gross amount of cash on deposit with non-banks primarily related to derivative collateral support agreements, of which a majority has been
netted against derivative liabilities on the consolidated balance sheet.
Debt securities pledged as collateral under repurchase agreements that can be sold or repledged by the secured party continue to
be reported on the consolidated balance sheet. The fair value of securities available-for-sale that could be sold or repledged was
$863 million and $161 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The fair value of trading assets that
could be sold or repledged was $2,472 million and $3,046 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
The fair value of collateral we accepted under security resale agreements but was not reported on the consolidated balance sheet
was $12,474 million and $19,278 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. Of this collateral, $11,824
million and $19,278 million could be sold or repledged at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, of which
$1,288 million and $2,696 million, respectively, had been sold or repledged as collateral under repurchase agreements or to
cover short sales.
Repurchase Agreements
We enter into purchases of securities under agreements to resell (resale agreements) and sales of securities under agreements to
repurchase (repurchase agreements) identical or substantially the same securities. Resale and repurchase agreements are
accounted for as secured lending and secured borrowing transactions, respectively.
Repurchase agreements may require us to deposit cash or other collateral with the lender. In connection with resale agreements,
it is our policy to obtain possession of collateral, which may include the securities purchased, with market value in excess of the
principal amount loaned. The market value of the collateral subject to the resale and repurchase agreements is regularly
monitored, and additional collateral is obtained or provided when appropriate, to ensure appropriate collateral coverage of these
secured financing transactions.
The following table provides information about resale and repurchase agreements that are subject to offset at March 31, 2024
and December 31, 2023:
Gross Amounts Not Offset in the
Balance Sheet
Gross Amounts
Offset in the
Balance Sheet
Net Amounts
Presented in the
Balance Sheet
Cash Collateral
Received /
Pledged Net Amount
(in millions)
At March 31, 2024
Securities purchased under
resale agreements ..............
$ 12,557 $ 4,251 $ 8,306 $ 8,281 $ 16 $ 9
Securities sold under
repurchase agreements ......
$ 4,631 $ 4,251 $ 380 $ 380 $ $
At December 31, 2023
Securities purchased under
resale agreements ..............
$ 19,382 $ 5,504 $ 13,878 $ 13,677 $ 7 $ 194
Securities sold under
repurchase agreements ......
$ 5,771 $ 5,504 $ 267 $ 266 $ $ 1
Represents recognized amount of resale and repurchase agreements with counterparties subject to legally enforceable netting agreements that meet the
applicable netting criteria as permitted by generally accepted accounting principles.
Represents securities received or pledged to cover financing transaction exposures.
Represents the amount of our exposure that is not collateralized / covered by pledged collateral.
The following table provides the class of collateral pledged and remaining contractual maturity of repurchase agreements
accounted for as secured borrowings at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
Up to 30
31 to 90
91 Days to
One Year
Than One
Year Total
(in millions)
At March 31, 2024
U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government sponsored and
U.S. Government agency securities .......................
$ 1,563 $ 822 $ 1,136 $ 1,110 $ $ 4,631
At December 31, 2023
U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government sponsored and
U.S. Government agency securities .......................
$ 3,107 $ 288 $ 918 $ 1,458 $ $ 5,771
17. Fair Value Measurements
Accounting principles related to fair value measurements provide a framework for measuring fair value that focuses on the exit
price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in the principal market (or in the absence of the
principal market, the most advantageous market) accessible in an orderly transaction between willing market participants (the
"Fair Value Framework"). Where required by the applicable accounting standards, assets and liabilities are measured at fair
value using the "highest and best use" valuation premise. Fair value measurement guidance clarifies that financial instruments
do not have alternative use and, as such, the fair value of financial instruments should be determined using an "in-exchange"
valuation premise. However, the fair value measurement guidance provides a valuation exception and permits an entity to
measure the fair value of a group of financial assets and financial liabilities with offsetting credit risks and/or market risks based
on the exit price it would receive or pay to transfer the net risk exposure of a group of assets or liabilities if certain conditions
are met. We elected to apply the measurement exception to a group of derivative instruments with offsetting credit risks and
market risks, which primarily relate to interest rate, foreign currency, debt and equity price risk, and commodity price risk as of
the reporting date.
Fair Value Adjustments The best evidence of fair value is quoted market price in an actively traded market, where available.
In the event listed price or market quotes are not available, valuation techniques that incorporate relevant transaction data and
market parameters reflecting the attributes of the asset or liability under consideration are applied. Where applicable, fair value
adjustments are made to ensure the financial instruments are appropriately recorded at fair value. The fair value adjustments
reflect the risks associated with the products, contractual terms of the transactions, and the liquidity of the markets in which the
transactions occur. The fair value adjustments are broadly categorized by the following major types:
Credit valuation adjustment - The credit valuation adjustment is an adjustment to a group of financial assets and financial
liabilities, predominantly derivative assets and derivative liabilities, to reflect the credit quality of the parties to the transaction
in arriving at fair value. A credit valuation adjustment to a financial asset is required to reflect the default risk of the
counterparty. A debit valuation adjustment to a financial liability is recorded to reflect the default risk of HUSI. See "Valuation
Techniques - Derivatives" below for additional details.
Liquidity risk adjustment - The liquidity risk adjustment (primarily in the form of bid-offer adjustment) reflects the cost that
would be incurred to close out the market risks by hedging, disposing or unwinding the position. Valuation models generally
produce mid-market values. The bid-offer adjustment is made in such a way that results in a measure that reflects the exit price
that most represents the fair value of the financial asset or financial liability under consideration or, where applicable, the fair
value of the net market risk exposure of a group of financial assets or financial liabilities. These adjustments relate primarily to
Level 2 assets.
Model valuation adjustment - Where fair value measurements are determined using an internal valuation model based on
observable and unobservable inputs, certain valuation inputs may be less readily determinable. There may be a range of
possible valuation inputs that market participants may assume in determining the fair value measurement. The resultant fair
value measurement has inherent measurement risk if one or more parameters are unobservable and must be estimated. An input
valuation adjustment is necessary to reflect the likelihood that market participants may use different input parameters, and to
mitigate the possibility of measurement error. In addition, the values derived from valuation techniques are affected by the
choice of valuation model and model limitation. When different valuation techniques are available, the choice of valuation
model can be subjective. Furthermore, the valuation model applied may have measurement limitations. In those cases, an
additional valuation adjustment is also applied to mitigate the measurement risk. Model valuation adjustments are not material
and relate primarily to Level 2 instruments.
We apply stress scenarios in determining appropriate liquidity risk and model risk adjustments for Level 3 fair values by
reviewing the historical data for unobservable inputs (e.g., correlation, volatility). Some stress scenarios involve at least a 95
percent confidence interval (i.e., two standard deviations). We also utilize unobservable parameter adjustments when
instruments are valued using internally developed models which reflects the uncertainty in the value estimates provided by the
Funding Fair Value Adjustment ("FFVA") - The FFVA reflects the estimated present value of the future market funding cost or
benefit associated with funding uncollateralized derivative exposure at unsecured funding spreads. See "Valuation Techniques -
Derivatives" below for additional details.
Fair Value Hierarchy The Fair Value Framework establishes a three-tiered fair value hierarchy as follows:
Level 1 quoted market price - Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
Level 2 valuation technique using observable inputs - Level 2 inputs include quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in
active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are inactive, and measurements
determined using valuation models where all significant inputs are observable, such as interest rates and yield curves that are
observable at commonly quoted intervals.
Level 3 valuation technique with significant unobservable inputs - Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or
liability and include situations where fair values are measured using valuation techniques based on one or more significant
unobservable inputs.
Classification within the fair value hierarchy is based on whether the lowest hierarchical level input that is significant to the fair
value measurement is observable. As such, the classification within the fair value hierarchy is dynamic and can be transferred to
other hierarchy levels in each reporting period.
Where fair value measurements are determined based on information obtained from independent pricing services or brokers, we
apply appropriate validation procedures to substantiate fair value. For price validation purposes, quotations from at least two
independent pricing sources are obtained for each financial instrument, where possible.
The following factors are considered in determining fair values:
similarities between the asset or the liability under consideration and the asset or liability for which quotation is
collaboration of pricing by referencing to other independent market data such as market transactions and relevant
benchmark indices;
consistency among different pricing sources;
the valuation approach and the methodologies used by the independent pricing sources in determining fair value;
the elapsed time between the date to which the market data relates and the measurement date;
the source of the fair value information; and
whether the security is traded in an active or inactive market.
Greater weight is given to quotations of instruments with recent market transactions, pricing quotes from dealers who stand
ready to transact, quotations provided by market-makers who structured such instrument and market consensus pricing based on
inputs from a large number of survey participants. Any significant discrepancies among the external quotations are reviewed
and adjustments to fair values are recorded where appropriate. Where the transaction volume of a specific instrument has been
reduced and the fair value measurement becomes less transparent, we will apply more detailed procedures to understand and
challenge the appropriateness of the unobservable inputs and the valuation techniques used by the independent pricing service.
Where applicable, we will develop a fair value estimate using our own pricing model inputs to test reasonableness. Where fair
value measurements are determined using internal valuation models, we will validate the fair value measurement by either
developing unobservable inputs based on the industry consensus pricing surveys in which we participate or back testing by
observing the actual settlements occurring soon after the measurement date.
Assets and Liabilities Recorded at Fair Value on a Recurring Basis The following table presents information about our assets
and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, and indicates the fair value
hierarchy of the valuation techniques utilized to determine such fair value. Unless otherwise noted below, assets and liabilities
in the following table are recorded at fair value through net income.
Fair Value Measurements on a Recurring Basis
March 31, 2024
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Balance Netting
(in millions)
Trading assets, excluding derivatives:
U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government agencies and sponsored enterprises .....
$ 3,462 $ 962 $ $ 4,424 $ $ 4,424
Debt securities issued by foreign entities ..................................................
1,045 8 1,053 1,053
Equity securities ........................................................................................
12,273 12,273 12,273
Precious metals trading .............................................................................
329 329 329
Interest rate contracts ................................................................................
5 1,321 5 1,331 1,331
Foreign exchange contracts .......................................................................
10,496 11 10,507 10,507
Equity contracts .........................................................................................
838 210 1,048 1,048
Precious metals contracts ..........................................................................
1,222 1,222 1,222
Credit contracts .........................................................................................
147 147 147
Other contracts
4 4 4
Derivatives netting ....................................................................................
(13,371) (13,371)
Total derivatives ...........................................................................................
5 14,024 230 14,259 (13,371) 888
Securities available-for-sale:
U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government agencies and sponsored enterprises .....
8,018 14,234 22,252 22,252
Asset-backed securities:
Home equity ........................................................................................
11 11 11
Other ....................................................................................................
91 91 91
Debt securities issued by foreign entities ..................................................
3,085 111 3,196 3,196
14 14 14
Loans held for sale
239 25 264 264
Other assets:
Mortgage servicing rights .........................................................................
19 19 19
Equity securities ........................................................................................
125 125 125
Equity securities measured at net asset value
142 142
661 661 661
Total assets .......................................................................................
$ 27,888 $ 30,707 $ 376 $ 59,113 $ (13,371) $ 45,742
Domestic deposits
...................................................................................... $ $ 1,753 $ 331 $ 2,084 $ $ 2,084
Trading liabilities, excluding derivatives .....................................................
1,210 38 1,248 1,248
Interest rate contracts ................................................................................
4 1,011 8 1,023 1,023
Foreign exchange contracts .......................................................................
10,559 11 10,570 10,570
Equity contracts .........................................................................................
1,118 143 1,261 1,261
Precious metals contracts ..........................................................................
1,136 1,136 1,136
Credit contracts .........................................................................................
229 229 229
Other contracts
34 34 34
Derivatives netting ....................................................................................
(12,740) (12,740)
Total derivatives ...........................................................................................
4 14,053 196 14,253 (12,740) 1,513
Long-term debt
4,911 1,959 6,870 6,870
Other liabilities
661 661 661
Total liabilities .................................................................................
$ 1,214 $ 21,416 $ 2,486 $ 25,116 $ (12,740) $ 12,376
Fair Value Measurements on a Recurring Basis
December 31, 2023
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Balance Netting
(in millions)
Trading assets, excluding derivatives:
U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government agencies and sponsored enterprises .....
$ 3,564 $ 1,208 $ $ 4,772 $ $ 4,772
Debt securities issued by foreign entities ..................................................
4,019 4,019 4,019
Equity securities ........................................................................................
11,702 11,702 11,702
Precious metals trading .............................................................................
346 346 346
Interest rate contracts ................................................................................
7 1,246 2 1,255 1,255
Foreign exchange contracts .......................................................................
13,605 1 13,606 13,606
Equity contracts .........................................................................................
7 844 190 1,041 1,041
Precious metals contracts ..........................................................................
3 1,150 1,153 1,153
Credit contracts .........................................................................................
107 2 109 109
Other contracts
5 5 5
Derivatives netting ....................................................................................
(15,870) (15,870)
Total derivatives ...........................................................................................
17 16,952 200 17,169 (15,870) 1,299
Securities available-for-sale:
U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government agencies and sponsored enterprises .....
7,799 15,324 23,123 23,123
Asset-backed securities:
Home equity ........................................................................................
12 12 12
Other ....................................................................................................
92 92 92
Debt securities issued by foreign entities ..................................................
2,359 110 2,469 2,469
15 15 15
Loans held for sale
218 32 250 250
Other assets:
Mortgage servicing rights .........................................................................
19 19 19
Equity securities ........................................................................................
127 127 127
Equity securities measured at net asset value
143 143
................................................................................................... 10 10 10
Total assets .......................................................................................
$ 29,460 $ 34,310 $ 355 $ 64,268 $ (15,870) $ 48,398
Domestic deposits
...................................................................................... $ $ 1,528 $ 293 $ 1,821 $ $ 1,821
Trading liabilities, excluding derivatives .....................................................
1,688 301 1,989 1,989
Interest rate contracts ................................................................................
16 1,100 6 1,122 1,122
Foreign exchange contracts .......................................................................
13,534 1 13,535 13,535
Equity contracts .........................................................................................
1,104 169 1,273 1,273
Precious metals contracts ..........................................................................
1,033 1,033 1,033
Credit contracts .........................................................................................
259 1 260 260
Other contracts
40 40 40
Derivatives netting ....................................................................................
(15,431) (15,431)
Total derivatives ...........................................................................................
16 17,030 217 17,263 (15,431) 1,832
Long-term debt
.......................................................................................... 5,620 1,919 7,539 7,539
Other liabilities
10 10 10
Total liabilities .................................................................................
$ 1,704 $ 24,489 $ 2,429 $ 28,622 $ (15,431) $ 13,191
Represents counterparty and cash collateral netting which allow the offsetting of amounts relating to certain contracts if certain conditions are met.
Includes trading derivative assets of $821 million and $1,276 million and trading derivative liabilities of $1,298 million and $1,496 million at March 31,
2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, as well as derivatives held for hedging and other non-qualifying economic hedging activities. See Note 8,
"Derivative Financial Instruments," for additional information. Excluding changes in fair value of a derivative instrument associated with a qualifying
cash flow hedge, which are recognized initially in other comprehensive income (loss), derivative assets and liabilities are recorded at fair value through
net income.
Consists of swap agreements entered into in conjunction with the sales of Visa Class B Shares.
Securities available-for-sale are recorded at fair value through other comprehensive income (loss). Changes in the allowance for credit losses on
securities available-for-sale are recorded through net income.
See Note 9, "Fair Value Option," for additional information. Excluding the fair value movement on fair value option liabilities attributable to our own
credit spread, which is recorded in other comprehensive income (loss), fair value option assets and liabilities are recorded at fair value through net
Investments that are measured at fair value using the net asset value per share practical expedient have not been classified in the fair value hierarchy.
Consists of assets and liabilities associated with certain client share repurchase transactions.
Information on Level 3 assets and liabilities The following table summarizes additional information about changes in the fair
value of Level 3 assets and liabilities during the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023. As a risk management practice,
we may risk manage the Level 3 assets and liabilities, in whole or in part, using securities and derivative positions that are
classified as Level 1 or Level 2 measurements within the fair value hierarchy. Since those Level 1 and Level 2 risk management
positions are not included in the table below, the information provided does not reflect the effect of such risk management
activities related to the Level 3 assets and liabilities.
Jan. 1,
Total Realized /
Unrealized Gains
(Losses) Included in
Level 3
Out of
Level 3
Mar. 31,
Current Period
Unrealized Gains
(Losses) Still Held
Included in
(Loss) Earnings
(in millions)
Derivatives, net:
Interest rate
contracts ...........
$ (4) $ (1) $ $ $ $ $ 2 $ $ (3) $ (1) $
Foreign exchange
contracts ...........
Equity contracts ...
21 59 3 (7) (9) 67 50
Credit contracts ....
1 (3) (1) 3
Other contracts
(35) (2) 7 (30)
104 (1) (1) 102 (1)
Loans held for
32 1 17 (24) 3 (4) 25 1
Mortgage servicing
19 19
Total assets ..............
$ 138 $ 54 $ (1) $ 17 $ $ (16) $ (2) $ (10) $ 180 $ 50 $ (1)
Domestic deposits
$ (293) $ (4) $ (2) $ $ (74) $ 35 $ $ 7 $ (331) $ (3) $ (2)
Long-term debt
(1,919) (107) (2) (327) 281 (13) 128 (1,959) (69) (2)
Total liabilities .........
$ (2,212) $ (111) $ (4) $ $ (401) $ 316 $ (13) $ 135 $ (2,290) $ (72) $ (4)
Jan. 1,
Total Realized /
Unrealized Gains
(Losses) Included in
Level 3
Out of
Level 3
Mar. 31,
Current Period
Unrealized Gains
(Losses) Still Held
Included in
(Loss) Earnings
(in millions)
Derivatives, net:
Interest rate
contracts ...........
$ (5) $ 1 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (4) $ 1 $
Foreign exchange
contracts ...........
Equity contracts ...
(226) 128 12 2 (84) 112
Credit contracts ....
2 2
Other contracts
(33) (2) 11 (24)
108 1 (2) 107 1
Loans held for
49 1 50
Mortgage servicing
22 (1) 21 (1)
Total assets ..............
$ (83) $ 126 $ 1 $ 1 $ $ 21 $ $ 2 $ 68 $ 112 $ 1
Domestic deposits
$ (373) $ (6) $ 4 $ $ $ 80 $ $ 25 $ (270) $ (2) $ 4
Long-term debt
(2,639) (166) 22 (189) 175 (1) 403 (2,395) (119) 22
Total liabilities .........
$ (3,012) $ (172) $ 26 $ $ (189) $ 255 $ (1) $ 428 $ (2,665) $ (121) $ 26
Level 3 net derivatives included derivative assets of $230 million and derivative liabilities of $196 million at March 31, 2024 and derivative assets of
$113 million and derivative liabilities of $223 million at March 31, 2023. Gains (losses) on derivatives, net are predominantly included in trading
revenue and gain (loss) on instruments designated at fair value and related derivatives in the consolidated statement of income.
Consists of swap agreements entered into in conjunction with the sales of Visa Class B Shares. Gains (losses) on these swap agreements are included in
other income (loss) in the consolidated statement of income.
Realized gains (losses) on securities available-for-sale are included in other securities gains, net in the consolidated statement of income. Changes in the
allowance for credit losses on securities available-for-sale are included in the provision for credit losses in the consolidated statement of income.
Unrealized gains (losses) on securities available-for-sale are included in other comprehensive income (loss).
Excluding unrealized gains (losses) on fair value option liabilities attributable to our own credit spread, which are recorded in other comprehensive
income (loss), gains (losses) on fair value option assets and liabilities are included in gain (loss) on instruments designated at fair value and related
derivatives in the consolidated statement of income.
Gains (losses) on mortgage servicing rights are included in other income (loss) in the consolidated statement of income.
Significant Unobservable Inputs for Recurring Fair Value Measurements
The following table presents quantitative information about the unobservable inputs used to determine the recurring fair value
measurement of assets and liabilities classified as Level 3 fair value measurements at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
March 31, 2024
Financial Instrument Type
Fair Value
(in millions) Valuation Technique(s) Significant Unobservable Inputs Range of Inputs
Interest rate derivative
contracts .............................
$ (3)
Market comparable adjusted for
probability to fund and, where
applicable, option pricing model
Probability to fund for rate lock
51% - 100% 84%
Interest rate yield curve
9% N/A
Foreign exchange derivative
contracts .............................
Option pricing model Cross-currency basis
(18)bps N/A
Equity derivative contracts
$ 67
Option pricing model Equity / Equity Index volatility
6% - 130% 40%
Equity / Equity and Equity / Index
35% - 97% 82%
Equity forward price
$42 - $6,897 $1,798
Other derivative contracts ......
$ (30)
Discounted cash flows Conversion rate
1.6 times
Expected duration
0.8 years N/A
Asset-backed securities
available-for-sale ...............
$ 102
Discounted cash flows Market assumptions related to
yields for comparable instruments
2% - 3% 2%
Loans held for sale .................
$ 25
Market comparables and internal
Adjusted market price
48% - 101% 91%
Mortgage servicing rights .......
$ 19
Discounted cash flows Constant prepayment rates
6% - 16% 6%
Discount rate
10% - 14% 10%
Estimated annualized costs to
$72 - $75 per
$74 per
Domestic deposits (structured
$ (331)
Option adjusted discounted cash
Equity / Equity Index volatility
6% - 29% 13%
Equity / Equity and Equity / Index
43% - 88% 66%
Long-term debt (structured
$ (1,959)
Option adjusted discounted cash
Equity / Equity Index volatility
7% - 95% 23%
Equity / Equity and Equity / Index
35% - 97% 84%
Credit default swap spreads
795bps NA
December 31, 2023
Financial Instrument Type
Fair Value
(in millions) Valuation Technique(s) Significant Unobservable Inputs Range of Inputs
Interest rate derivative
contracts .............................
$ (4) Market comparable adjusted for
probability to fund and, where
applicable, option pricing model
Probability to fund for rate lock
71% - 92% 84%
Interest rate yield curve 9% N/A
Foreign exchange derivative
contracts .............................
$ Option pricing model Cross-currency basis 8bps N/A
Equity derivative contracts
.. $ 21 Option pricing model Equity / Equity Index volatility 6% - 111% 41%
Equity / Equity and Equity / Index
45% - 97% 84%
Equity forward price $41 - $6,245 $643
Credit derivative contracts ...... $ 1 Option pricing model and, where
applicable, discounted cash flows
Credit default swap spreads 59bps - 1,558bps 160bps
Other derivative contracts ....... $ (35) Discounted cash flows Conversion rate 1.6 times N/A
Expected duration 1.0 year N/A
Asset-backed securities
available-for-sale ................
$ 104 Discounted cash flows Market assumptions related to
yields for comparable instruments
2% - 3% 2%
Loans held for sale .................. $ 32 Market comparables and internal
Adjusted market price 78% - 100% 90%
Mortgage servicing rights ....... $ 19 Discounted cash flows Constant prepayment rates 6% - 17% 6%
Discount rate 10% - 14% 10%
Estimated annualized costs to
$72 - $77 per
$74 per
Domestic deposits (structured
$ (293) Option adjusted discounted cash
Equity / Equity Index volatility 7% - 29% 13%
Equity / Equity and Equity / Index
51% - 93% 71%
Long-term debt (structured
$ (1,919) Option adjusted discounted cash
Equity / Equity Index volatility 7% - 95% 22%
Equity / Equity and Equity / Index
45% - 97% 84%
Credit default swap spreads 948bps NA
For equity derivatives, credit derivatives, structured deposits and structured notes, weighted averages are calculated based on the fair value of the
instruments. For all remaining instrument types, weighted averages are calculated based on the notional value of the instruments.
We are the client-facing entity and, except for structured notes and deposits with embedded credit derivative features, we enter into identical but opposite
derivatives to transfer the resultant risks to our affiliates. With the exception of counterparty credit risks, we are market risk neutral in substantially all of
the structured notes and deposits. The corresponding intra-group derivatives are presented as equity derivatives in the table.
Structured deposits and structured notes contain embedded derivative features whose fair value measurements contain significant Level 3 inputs. See
equity derivatives and credit derivatives below for a discussion of the uncertainty of Level 3 inputs related to structured deposits and structured notes.
N/A Not Applicable
Uncertainty of Level 3 Inputs to Fair Value Measurements
Interest rate derivatives - For mortgage rate lock commitments, the fair value measurement is affected by the probability of
executing and funding the mortgage. An increase (decrease) in the likelihood of a mortgage being executed would have resulted
in a lower (higher) fair value measurement of the interest rate derivative. For certain other interest rate derivatives, the interest
rates for longer dated tenors were not observable. An increase (decrease) in the interest rate would have resulted in a higher
(lower) fair value measurement of the derivative depending on if we receive or pay the floating rate.
Foreign exchange derivatives - For certain foreign exchange derivatives, the cross-currency basis for longer dated tenors were
not observable. An increase (decrease) in the cross-currency basis would have resulted in a higher (lower) fair value
measurement of the derivative depending on if we receive or pay the floating rate plus the basis spread.
Equity derivatives - The fair value measurement of a structured equity derivative is primarily affected by the implied volatility
of the underlying equity price. The level of volatility is a function of the nature of the underlying risk, the level of strike price
and the years to maturity of the option. Depending on the underlying risk and tenure, we determine the implied volatility based
on observable input where information is available. However, substantially all of the implied volatilities are derived based on
historical information and are not observable. A significant increase (decrease) in the implied volatility would have resulted in a
higher (lower) fair value of a long position in the derivative contract. For a derivative referenced to a basket of equities, the fair
value measurement is also affected by the correlation of the referenced equities. Correlation measures the relative change in
values among two or more variables (i.e., equity pair), which can be positively or negatively correlated. A majority of the
correlations are not observable, but are derived based on historical data. A significant increase (decrease) in the correlation of
the referenced variables would have resulted in a higher (lower) fair value of a long position in the derivative contract.
Credit derivatives - The fair value measurement of certain credit derivatives is primarily affected by the credit spreads of credit
default swap contracts. A significant increase (decrease) in the credit spreads would have resulted in a lower (higher) fair value
measurement of the credit derivative.
Other derivatives - The fair value of the swap agreements we entered into in conjunction with the sales of Visa Class B Shares
is dependent upon the final resolution of the related litigation. Significant unobservable inputs used in the fair value
measurement include estimated changes in the conversion rate of Visa Class B Shares into Visa Class A Shares and the
expected timing of the final resolution. An increase (decrease) in the loss estimate or in the timing of the resolution of the
related litigation would have resulted in a higher (lower) fair value measurement of the derivative.
Asset-backed securities available-for-sale - The fair value measurement of certain asset-backed securities is primarily affected
by estimated yields which are determined based on current market yields of comparable instruments adjusted for market
liquidity. An increase (decrease) in the yields would have resulted in a lower (higher) fair value measurement of the securities.
Loans held for sale - The fair value measurement of certain commercial loans held for sale is affected by estimated market
prices which are unobservable. An increase (decrease) in the estimated prices would have resulted in a higher (lower) fair value
measurement of the loans.
Mortgage servicing rights - The fair value measurement of mortgage servicing rights is primarily affected by the estimated
prepayment rates of the mortgage loans and the discount rates. An increase (decrease) in either of these inputs would have
resulted in a lower (higher) fair value measurement of the mortgage servicing rights.
Significant Transfers Into and Out of Level 3 Measurements During the three months ended March 31, 2024, we transferred
$128 million of long-term debt, which we have elected to carry at fair value, from Level 3 to Level 2 as a result of the
embedded derivative no longer being unobservable as the derivative option is closer to maturity and there is more observability
in short term volatility. During the three months ended March 31, 2024, we transferred $13 million of long-term debt, which we
elected to carry at fair value, from Level 2 to Level 3 as a result of a change in the observability of underlying inputs that
resulted in the embedded derivative being unobservable.
During the three months ended March 31, 2023, we transferred $25 million of domestic deposits and $403 million of long-term
debt, which we have elected to carry at fair value, from Level 3 to Level 2 as a result of the embedded derivative no longer
being unobservable as the derivative option is closer to maturity and there is more observability in short term volatility.
Assets and Liabilities Recorded at Fair Value on a Non-recurring Basis Certain financial and non-financial assets are
measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis and therefore, are not included in the tables above. These assets include
(a) loans classified as held for sale reported at the lower of amortized cost or fair value, (b) impaired loans or assets that are
written down to fair value based on the valuation of underlying collateral during the period and (c) lease right-of-use ("ROU")
assets or leasehold improvement assets that were written down during the period. These instruments are not measured at fair
value on an ongoing basis but are subject to fair value adjustment in certain circumstances (e.g., impairment). The following
table presents the fair value hierarchy level within which the fair value of the financial and non-financial assets has been
recorded at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The gains (losses) during the three months ended March 31, 2024 and
2023 are also included.
Non-Recurring Fair Value Measurements at
March 31, 2024
Total Gains (Losses)
For the Three
Months Ended
March 31, 2024
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
(in millions)
Consumer loans
.......................................................................... $ $ 103 $ $ 103 $ 1
Commercial loans held for sale ..................................................... 2
Commercial loans
...................................................................... 382 382 (2)
......................................................................................... (3)
Total assets at fair value on a non-recurring basis ........................
$ $ 103 $ 382 $ 485 $ (2)
Non-Recurring Fair Value Measurements at
December 31, 2023
Total Gains (Losses)
For the Three
Months Ended
March 31, 2023
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
(in millions)
Consumer loans
......................................................................... $ $ 106 $ $ 106 $ (1)
Commercial loans held for sale .................................................... (1)
Commercial loans
...................................................................... 374 374 3
........................................................................................ (15)
Total assets at fair value on a non-recurring basis ........................
$ $ 106 $ 374 $ 480 $ (14)
Represents residential mortgage loans held for investment whose carrying amount was adjusted during the period based on the fair value of the
underlying collateral.
Certain commercial loans are individually assessed for impairment. We measure the credit impairment of a collateral-dependent loan based on the fair
value of the collateral asset. The collateral often involves real estate properties that are illiquid due to market conditions. As a result, these loans are
classified as a Level 3 fair value measurement within the fair value hierarchy.
During the first quarters of 2024 and 2023, we wrote down lease ROU assets and leasehold improvement assets associated with the exit of certain office
space, including the partial exit of our previous U.S. headquarters during the first quarter of 2024.
Significant Unobservable Inputs for Non-Recurring Fair Value Measurements
The following tables present quantitative information about non-recurring fair value measurements of assets and liabilities
classified with Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
At March 31, 2024
Financial Instrument Type
Fair Value
(in millions) Valuation Technique(s)
Range of
Commercial loans .............................................
$ 382
Valuation of third-party appraisal
on underlying collateral
Loss severity rates
2% - 100% 25%
At December 31, 2023
Financial Instrument Type
Fair Value
(in millions) Valuation Technique(s)
Range of
Commercial loans ............................................. $ 374 Valuation of third-party appraisal
on underlying collateral
Loss severity rates 1% - 93% 25%
Weighted average is calculated based on the carrying value of the loans.
Valuation Techniques
Following is a description of valuation methodologies used for assets and liabilities recorded at fair value.
Consumer loans designated under FVO – We elected to apply FVO accounting to certain student loans held for investment. The
fair value of these loans is based on observed market prices of instruments with similar characteristics.
Consumer loans held for sale Consumer loans held for sale are recorded at the lower of amortized cost or fair value. The fair
value of consumer loans held for sale is estimated using observed market prices of instruments with similar characteristics.
Adjustments are made to reflect differences in collateral location, loan-to-value ratio, FICO scores, vintage year, default rates,
the completeness of the loan documentation and other risk characteristics. Where observable market parameters are not
available, fair value is estimated using the discounted cash flow method using assumptions consistent with those which would
be used by market participants in valuing such loans, including estimates of prepayment rates, default rates, loss severities and
market rates of return. We also may hold discussions on value directly with potential investors.
Commercial loans held for sale Commercial loans held for sale (that are not designated under FVO as discussed below) are
recorded at the lower of amortized cost or fair value. The fair value of commercial loans held for sale is estimated using
observable market pricing obtained from independent sources, relevant broker quotes or observed market prices of instruments
with similar characteristics. We also may hold discussions on value directly with potential investors or take into account
underlying collateral values.
Commercial loans held for sale designated under FVO – We elected to apply FVO accounting to certain commercial loans held
for sale. Where available, fair value is based on observable market pricing obtained from independent sources, relevant broker
quotes or observed market prices of instruments with similar characteristics. Where observable market parameters are not
available, fair value is determined based on contractual cash flows adjusted for estimates of prepayment rates, expected default
rates and loss severity discounted at management's estimate of the expected rate of return required by market participants. We
also consider loan-specific risk mitigating factors such as collateral arrangements in determining the fair value estimate. For
certain commercial loans held for sale, the fair value measurement process uses significant unobservable inputs to adjust market
prices which are specific to the characteristics of the loans.
Commercial loans individually assessed for impairment Generally represents collateral-dependent commercial loans with fair
value determined based on pricing quotes obtained from an independent third-party appraisal.
Precious metals trading – Precious metals trading primarily includes physical inventory which is valued using spot prices.
Securities - Where available, debt and equity securities are valued based on quoted market prices. If a quoted market price for
the identical security is not available, the security is valued based on quotes from similar securities, where possible. For certain
securities, internally developed valuation models are used to determine fair values or validate quotes obtained from pricing
services. The following summarizes the valuation methodology used for our major security classes:
U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government agency issued or guaranteed and obligations of U.S. state and political subdivisions
As these securities transact in an active market, fair value measurements are based on quoted prices for the identical
security or quoted prices for similar securities with adjustments as necessary made using observable inputs which are
market corroborated.
U.S. Government sponsored enterprises For government sponsored mortgage-backed securities which transact in an
active market, fair value measurements are based on quoted prices for the identical security or quoted prices for similar
securities with adjustments as necessary made using observable inputs which are market corroborated. For government
sponsored mortgage-backed securities which do not transact in an active market, fair value is determined primarily
based on pricing information obtained from pricing services and is verified by internal review processes.
Asset-backed securities Fair value is primarily determined based on pricing information obtained from independent
pricing services adjusted for the characteristics and the performance of the underlying collateral.
Foreign debt securities (government and corporate) - Government securities transact in an active market and therefore
fair value measurements are based on quoted prices for the identical security or quoted prices for similar securities with
adjustments as necessary made using observable inputs which are market corroborated. For non-callable corporate
securities, a credit spread scale is created for each issuer. These spreads are then added to the equivalent maturity
U.S. Treasury yield to determine current pricing. Credit spreads are obtained from the primary market, secondary
trading levels and dealer quotes. For securities with early redemption features, an option adjusted spread model is
incorporated to adjust the spreads determined above. Additionally, we survey the broker/dealer community to obtain
relevant trade data including benchmark quotes and updated spreads.
Equity securities Fair value measurements are determined based on quoted prices for the identical security. Certain
equity securities represent investments in private equity funds that help us comply with the Community Reinvestment
Act. The fair value of these investments are estimated using the net asset value per share as calculated by the fund
managers. Distributions will be received from the funds as the underlying assets are liquidated. While the funds do not
allow us to redeem our investments, we are permitted to sell or transfer our investments subject to the approval of the
fund manager. Unfunded commitments associated with these investments totaled $21 million at both March 31, 2024
and December 31, 2023.
The following tables provide additional information relating to our available-for-sale asset-backed securities at March 31, 2024:
Rating of Securities:
Collateral Type: Level 3
(in millions)
AAA - A ............................................
Home equity - Alt A ........................................................................................ $ 11
BBB - B .............................................
Other ................................................................................................................ 91
$ 102
We utilize S&P as the primary source of credit ratings in the tables above. If S&P ratings are not available, ratings by Moody's and Fitch are used in that
Derivatives Derivatives are recorded at fair value. Asset and liability positions in individual derivatives that are covered by
legally enforceable master netting agreements, including receivables (payables) for cash collateral posted (received), are offset
and presented net in accordance with accounting principles which allow the offsetting of amounts.
Derivatives traded on an exchange are valued using quoted prices. OTC derivatives, which comprise a majority of derivative
contract positions, are valued using valuation techniques. The fair value for the majority of our derivative instruments are
determined based on internally developed models that utilize independently corroborated market parameters, including interest
rate yield curves, option volatilities, and currency rates. For complex or long-dated derivative products where market data is not
available, fair value may be affected by the underlying assumptions about, among other things, the timing of cash flows,
expected exposure, probability of default and recovery rates. The fair values of certain structured derivative products are
sensitive to unobservable inputs such as correlations of the referenced variables and volatilities of embedded options. These
estimates are susceptible to significant change in future periods as market conditions change.
We typically use the risk-free rate/overnight indexed swap curves as the base discounting curve for measuring the fair value of
all derivatives, both collateralized and uncollateralized, and apply a FFVA to reflect the estimated present value of the future
market funding cost or benefit associated with funding uncollateralized derivative exposure at an unsecured market funding
rate. The FFVA is calculated by applying future market funding spreads to the expected future funding exposure of any
uncollateralized component of the OTC derivative portfolio. The expected future funding exposure is calculated by a simulation
methodology, where available, and is adjusted for events that may terminate the exposure, such as the default of HUSI or the
Significant inputs related to derivative classes are broken down as follows:
Credit Derivatives Use credit default curves and recovery rates which are generally provided by broker quotes and
various pricing services. Certain credit derivatives may also use correlation inputs in their model valuation.
Interest Rate Derivatives Swaps use interest rate curves based on currency that are actively quoted by brokers and
other pricing services. Options will also use volatility inputs which are also quoted in the broker market.
Foreign Exchange ("FX") Derivatives – FX transactions, to the extent possible, use spot and forward FX rates which are
quoted in the broker market. Where applicable, we also use implied volatility of currency pairs as inputs.
Equity Derivatives – Use listed equity security pricing and implied volatilities from equity traded options position.
Precious Metal Derivatives – Use spot and forward metal rates which are quoted in the broker market.
As discussed earlier, we make fair value adjustments to model valuations in order to ensure that those values represent
appropriate estimates of fair value. These adjustments, which are applied consistently over time, are generally required to
reflect factors such as bid-ask spreads and counterparty credit risk that can affect prices in arms-length transactions with
unrelated third parties. Such adjustments are based on management judgment and may not be observable.
We estimate the counterparty credit risk for financial assets and our own credit standing for financial liabilities (the "credit
valuation adjustments") in determining the fair value measurement. For derivative instruments, we calculate the credit valuation
adjustment by applying the probability of default of the counterparty to the expected exposure, and multiplying the result by the
expected loss given default. We also take into consideration the risk mitigating factors including collateral agreements and
master netting agreements in determining credit valuation adjustments. We estimate the implied probability of default based on
the credit spread of the specific counterparty observed in the credit default swap market. Where credit default spread of the
counterparty is not available, we use the credit default spread of a specific proxy (e.g., the credit default swap spread of the
counterparty's parent) or a proxy based on credit default swaps referencing to credit names of similar credit standing.
Real estate owned - Fair value is determined based on third-party appraisals obtained at the time we take title to the property
and, if less than the carrying amount of the loan, the carrying amount of the loan is adjusted to the fair value. The carrying
amount of the property is further reduced, if necessary, at least every 90 days to reflect observable local market data, including
local area sales data.
Mortgage servicing rights - Mortgage servicing rights are recorded at fair value. The fair value for the mortgage servicing rights
is determined based on a single rate path cash flow analysis approach which involves discounting servicing cash flows under
static interest rate projections at risk-adjusted rates. The valuation model also incorporates our best estimates of the prepayment
speed of the mortgage loans, current cost to service and discount rates which are unobservable.
Client share repurchase transactions designated under FVO - We elected to apply FVO accounting to certain client share
repurchase transactions. The fair value of the assets and liabilities associated with these transactions is determined based on the
value of the remaining shares to be delivered.
Structured notes and deposits designated under FVO – Structured notes and deposits are hybrid instruments containing
embedded derivatives and are elected to be measured at fair value in their entirety under FVO accounting principles. The
valuation of hybrid instruments is predominantly driven by the derivative features embedded within the instruments and our
own credit risk. The valuation of embedded derivatives may include significant unobservable inputs such as correlation of the
referenced credit names or volatility of the embedded option. Cash flows of the funded notes and deposits in their entirety,
including the embedded derivatives, are discounted at the relevant interest rates for the duration of the instrument adjusted for
our own credit spreads. The credit spreads so applied are determined with reference to our own debt issuance rates observed in
primary and secondary markets, internal funding rates, and the structured note rates in recent executions.
Long-term debt designated under FVO We elected to apply FVO accounting to certain of our own debt issuances for which
fair value hedge accounting otherwise would have been applied. These own debt issuances elected under FVO are traded in
secondary markets and, as such, the fair value is determined based on observed prices for the specific instrument. The observed
market price of these instruments reflects the effect of our own credit spreads. The credit spreads applied to these instruments
were derived from the spreads at the measurement date.
Additional Disclosures About the Fair Value of Financial Instruments that are Not Carried at Fair Value on the
Consolidated Balance Sheet The fair value estimates set forth below are made solely to comply with disclosures required by
generally accepted accounting principles in the United States and should be read in conjunction with the financial statements
and notes included in this report.
The carrying amount of certain financial instruments recorded at cost on the consolidated balance sheet is considered to
approximate fair value because they are short-term in nature, bear interest rates that approximate market rates, and generally
have negligible credit risk. These items include cash and due from banks, interest bearing deposits with banks, customer
acceptance assets and liabilities, federal funds sold and purchased, securities purchased and sold under resale and repurchase
agreements, deposits with no stated maturity (e.g., demand, savings and certain money market deposits), short-term borrowings
and dividends payable.
The following table summarizes the carrying value and estimated fair value of our financial instruments, excluding financial
instruments that are carried at fair value on a recurring basis, at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, and their classification
within the fair value hierarchy:
March 31, 2024
Value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
(in millions)
Financial assets:
Short-term financial assets, net of allowance for credit losses ........
$ 31,400 $ 31,400 $ 695 $ 30,687 $ 18
Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to
resell ..............................................................................................
8,306 8,306 8,306
Securities held-to-maturity, net of allowance for credit losses .......
15,294 14,717 1,878 12,839
Commercial loans, net of allowance for credit losses ......................
39,742 40,744 40,744
Commercial loans held for sale ........................................................
189 189 189
Consumer loans, net of allowance for credit losses .........................
19,460 17,237 17,237
Financial liabilities:
Short-term financial liabilities ..........................................................
$ 7,051 $ 7,051 $ $ 7,033 $ 18
Deposits ............................................................................................
119,969 119,959 119,959
Long-term debt .................................................................................
12,569 13,157 13,157
December 31, 2023
Value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
(in millions)
Financial assets:
Short-term financial assets, net of allowance for credit losses .........
$ 25,732 $ 25,732 $ 704 $ 25,015 $ 13
Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to
resell ..............................................................................................
13,878 13,878 13,878
Securities held-to-maturity, net of allowance for credit losses ........
15,076 14,689 14,689
Commercial loans, net of allowance for credit losses ......................
39,383 40,557 40,557
Commercial loans held for sale ........................................................
89 89 89
Consumer loans, net of allowance for credit losses .........................
18,998 17,043 17,043
Financial liabilities:
Short-term financial liabilities ..........................................................
$ 9,927 $ 9,927 $ $ 9,914 $ 13
Deposits ............................................................................................
119,462 119,465 119,465
Long-term debt .................................................................................
11,122 11,645 11,645
Lending-related commitments - The fair value of loan commitments, revolving credit facilities and standby letters of credit are
not included in the above table. The majority of the lending-related commitments are not carried at fair value on a recurring
basis nor are they actively traded. These instruments generate fees, which approximate those currently charged to originate
similar commitments, which are recognized over the term of the commitment period. Deferred fees on loan commitments,
revolving credit facilities and standby letters of credit totaled $165 million and $162 million at March 31, 2024 and
December 31, 2023, respectively.
18. Litigation and Regulatory Matters
The following supplements, and should be read together with, the disclosure in Note 30, "Litigation and Regulatory Matters," in
our 2023 Form 10-K. Only those matters with significant updates and new matters since our disclosure in our 2023 Form 10-K
are reported herein.
In addition to the matters described below and in our 2023 Form 10-K, in the ordinary course of business, we are routinely
named as defendants in, or as parties to, various legal actions and proceedings relating to activities of our current and/or former
operations. These legal actions and proceedings may include claims for substantial or indeterminate compensatory or punitive
damages, or for injunctive relief. In the ordinary course of business, we also are subject to governmental and regulatory
examinations, information-gathering requests, investigations and proceedings (both formal and informal), certain of which may
result in adverse judgments, settlements, fines, penalties, injunctions or other relief. In connection with formal and informal
inquiries by these regulators, we receive numerous requests, subpoenas and orders seeking documents, testimony and other
information in connection with various aspects of our regulated activities.
Due to the inherent unpredictability of legal matters, including litigation, governmental and regulatory matters, particularly
where the damages sought are substantial or indeterminate or when the proceedings or investigations are in the early stages, we
cannot determine with any degree of certainty the timing or ultimate resolution of such matters or the eventual loss, fines,
penalties or business impact, if any, that may result. We establish reserves for litigation, governmental and regulatory matters
when those matters present loss contingencies that are both probable and can be reasonably estimated. Once established,
reserves are adjusted from time to time, as appropriate, in light of additional information. The actual costs of resolving litigation
and regulatory matters, however, may be substantially higher than the amounts reserved for those matters. Some of our
exposure may be offset by applicable insurance coverage. We do not consider the possible availability of insurance coverage in
determining the amounts of any accruals (although we record the amount of related insurance recoveries that are deemed
probable up to the amount of the accrual).
For the legal matters disclosed below, including litigation and governmental and regulatory matters, as well as for the legal
matters disclosed in Note 30, "Litigation and Regulatory Matters," in our 2023 Form 10-K, as to which a loss in excess of
accrued liability is reasonably possible in future periods and for which there is sufficient currently available information on the
basis of which management believes it can make a reliable estimate, we believe a reasonable estimate could be as much as $100
million for HUSI. The legal matters underlying this estimate of possible loss will change from time to time and actual results
may differ significantly from this current estimate.
Given the substantial or indeterminate amounts sought in certain of these matters, and the inherent unpredictability of such
matters, an adverse outcome in certain of these matters could have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial
statements in any particular quarterly or annual period.
Precious Metals Fix Matters
Platinum and Palladium Fix Litigation In April 2024, a settlement in principle was reached with the plaintiffs to resolve the
Platinum and Palladium Fix Litigation. The settlement in principle remains subject to finalization of the documentation and
court approval. The financial impact of the settlement is not material.
Mortgage Securitization Trust Litigation
The First Department affirmed dismissal of the Zittman case, and Zittman has filed a motion seeking reconsideration or, in the
alternative, leave to appeal to the New York State Court of Appeals.
First Citizens Litigation
Defendants filed a motion to dismiss in August 2023. In January 2024, the court denied defendants' motion in part and granted
it in part and directed plaintiff to amend its complaint to specify its allegations as to each defendant. In February 2024, First
Citizens filed its amended complaint. In March 2024, defendants filed a motion to dismiss portions of the amended complaint.
Anti-Terrorism Act Cases
Charlotte Freeman, et al. v. HSBC Holdings plc, et al.
Plaintiffs filed a motion to vacate the judgment against them in February 2024.
19. New Accounting Pronouncements
The following are new accounting pronouncements issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board which will be adopted
in future periods:
Accounting Standards Update Summary of Guidance Financial Statement Impact
Improvements to
Reportable Segment
Issued November 2023
Amends and adds certain disclosure
requirements for reportable segments.
In particular, requires disclosure of a)
significant segment expenses that are regularly
provided to the chief operating decision maker
("CODM") and included within the reported
measure of segment profit or loss; b) the title
and position of the CODM; and c) an
explanation of how the CODM uses the
reported measure of segment profit or loss in
assessing segment performance and deciding
how to allocate resources.
Effective for annual periods beginning
January 1, 2024, and interim periods
beginning January 1, 2025, with early
adoption permitted.
The new guidance is required to be
applied retrospectively.
While the adoption of this guidance
will result in changes to existing
disclosures, it will not have any impact
on our financial position or results of
Improvements to Income
Tax Disclosures
Issued December 2023
Eliminates, amends and adds certain disclosure
requirements for income taxes.
In particular, requires the disaggregation of
certain existing disclosures, including a) the
effective tax rate reconciliation to be broken
out into specific categories; b) income taxes
paid and income tax expense to be broken out
between federal, state and foreign; and c)
income before income tax to be broken out
between domestic and foreign.
Effective for annual periods beginning
January 1, 2025, with early adoption
The new guidance should be applied
prospectively, with a retrospective
While the adoption of this guidance
will result in changes to existing
disclosures, it will not have any impact
on our financial position or results of
There have been no additional accounting pronouncements issued that are expected to have a material impact on our
consolidated financial statements.
Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Forward-Looking Statements
Certain matters discussed throughout this Form 10-Q are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In addition, we may make or approve certain statements in future filings with the
United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), in press releases, or oral or written presentations by
representatives of HSBC USA Inc. ("HSBC USA" and, together with its subsidiaries, "HUSI") that are not statements of
historical fact and may also constitute forward-looking statements. Words such as "may," "will," "should," "would," "could,"
"appears," "believe," "intends," "expects," "estimates," "targeted," "plans," "anticipates," "goal," and similar expressions are
intended to identify forward-looking statements but should not be considered as the only means through which these statements
may be made. These matters or statements will relate to our future operations, strategy, financial condition, economic forecast,
results of operations, plans, objectives, performance or business developments and will involve known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from
that which was expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.
All forward-looking statements are, by their nature, subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control.
Our actual future results may differ materially from those set forth in our forward-looking statements. While there is no
assurance that any list of risks and uncertainties or risk factors is complete, below are certain factors which could cause actual
results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements:
our ability to effectively implement and deliver on our business strategies, and the effect implementation of our
business strategy may have on our financial results, operations and relationships with our customers, regulators,
employees and other stakeholders;
uncertainty concerning the future market and economic conditions in the United States and abroad, including but not
limited to, changes in interest rates, energy prices, inflation, supply chain issues, a decline in housing prices, the
availability of credit and liquidity, unemployment levels, turmoil in the financial markets and related efforts of
government agencies to stabilize the financial system, changes in consumer confidence and consumer spending and
behavior, consumer perception as to the continuing availability of credit and price competition in the market segments
we serve and the consequences of unexpected geopolitical events, such as trade disputes;
compliance with the Chinese National Security Law and the Hong Kong Autonomy Act, which may impact, among
other things, individuals or entities with which we are able to conduct business;
changes in laws and regulatory requirements;
the potential impact of any legal, regulatory or policy changes affecting financial institutions and the global economy
as a result of changes by the current or future administrations;
the ability to deliver on our regulatory priorities;
capital and liquidity requirements under Basel guidance, the Federal Reserve Board's ("FRB") Comprehensive Capital
Analysis and Review ("CCAR") program, and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of
2010 ("Dodd-Frank Act" or "Dodd-Frank") stress testing ("DFAST"), including the U.S. FRB requirements for U.S.
global systemically important banks ("G-SIBs") and U.S. intermediate holding companies ("IHCs") owned by non-
U.S. G-SIBs to issue total loss-absorbing capacity ("TLAC") instruments;
regulatory requirements in the U.S. and in non-U.S. jurisdictions to facilitate the future orderly resolution of large
financial institutions;
changes in central banks' policies with respect to the provision or removal of liquidity support to financial markets;
the ability of HSBC Holdings plc ("HSBC" and, together with its subsidiaries, "HSBC Group") and HSBC Bank USA,
National Association (together with its subsidiaries, "HSBC Bank USA") to fulfill the requirements imposed by a
consent order or guidance from regulators generally;
the use of us, or our affiliates, as a conduit for illegal activities without our knowledge by third parties;
the ability to successfully manage our risks;
the financial condition of our clients and counterparties and our ability to manage counterparty risk;
concentrations of credit and market risk;
increases in our allowance for credit losses and changes in our assessment of our loan portfolios;
the ability to successfully implement changes to our operational practices as needed and/or required from time to time;
damage to our reputation;
the ability to attract or retain key employees, including foreign workers, and customers;
the effects of competition in the markets where we operate including increased competition from non-bank financial
services companies, including securities firms;
the effects of operational risks that are inherent in banking operations, including fraudulent and other criminal
activities, breakdowns in processes or procedures and systems failure or non-availability;
disruption in our and our third-party providers' and partners' operations resulting from technology failures,
cyberattacks, and inadequate data management and consumer privacy protections;
the ability of third-party service providers and partners to provide adequate services;
risks associated with Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") matters such as climate change and human rights
losses suffered due to the negligence, fraud or misconduct of our employees or the negligence, fraud or misconduct on
the part of third parties;
a failure in our internal controls;
our ability to meet our funding requirements;
adverse changes to our credit ratings;
financial difficulties or credit downgrades of mortgage bond insurers;
changes in Financial Accounting Standards Board and International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") accounting
standards and their interpretation;
heightened regulatory and government enforcement scrutiny of financial institutions, including in connection with
product governance and sales practices, account opening and closing procedures, customer and employee complaints
and sales compensation structures related to such practices;
possible negative impact of regulatory investigations and legal proceedings related to alleged foreign exchange
heightened regulatory and government enforcement scrutiny of financial markets, with a particular focus on traded
asset classes, including foreign exchange;
the possibility of incorrect assumptions or estimates in our financial statements, including reserves related to litigation,
deferred tax assets and the fair value of certain assets and liabilities;
model limitations or failure;
the possibility of incorrect interpretations, application of or changes in tax laws to which we and our clients are
unexpected and/or increased expenses relating to, among other things, litigation and regulatory matters, remediation
efforts, penalties and fines; and
the other risk factors and uncertainties described under Item 1A, "Risk Factors," in our Annual Report on Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2023 (the "2023 Form 10-K").
Forward-looking statements are based on our current views and assumptions and speak only as of the date they are made. We
undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect subsequent circumstances or events. You should,
however, consider any additional disclosures of a forward-looking nature that arise after the date hereof as may be discussed in
any of our subsequent Annual Reports on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q or Current Reports on Form 8-K.
Executive Overview
HSBC USA is a wholly-owned subsidiary of HSBC North America Holdings Inc. ("HSBC North America"), which is an
indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of HSBC. HUSI may also be referred to in Management's Discussion and Analysis of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations ("MD&A") as "we," "us" or "our."
Economic Environment The U.S. economy continued to grow during the first quarter of 2024 despite continued pressures
from inflation and elevated interest rates, which are expected to lead to a slowdown of future economic growth. U.S. Gross
Domestic Product ("GDP") grew at an estimated annual rate of 1.6 percent in the first quarter of 2024, while the personal
consumption expenditures price index of 2.7 percent in March 2024 remained slightly above the FRB's target inflation rate. In
March 2024, the FRB decided to hold short-term interest rates steady and, while interest rates are expected to remain elevated
for some time, the FRB is expected to start decreasing short-term interest rates in 2024, the timing of which is dependent upon
future economic conditions.
Although the U.S. economy continued to grow during the first quarter of 2024, economic uncertainty remains due to elevated
interest rates, inflation levels and the expectation for slowing economic growth, all of which will continue to impact our
business in future periods. Concerns over domestic and global policy issues, trade policy in the U.S. and geopolitical events,
including the turmoil in the Middle East, as well as the implications of those events on the markets in general, further add to the
global uncertainty. Interest rate levels, inflation and economic growth, in combination with global economic conditions, fiscal
and monetary policy and the level of regulatory and government scrutiny of financial institutions will continue to impact our
results in 2024 and beyond.
Performance, Developments and Trends As previously disclosed, in November 2023, the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation ("FDIC") issued a final rule that imposes a special assessment on certain FDIC-insured banks, including HSBC
Bank USA, to recover the loss to the Deposit Insurance Fund ("DIF") arising from the protection of uninsured depositors
following a determination of systemic risk in connection with the failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. This
resulted in additional deposit insurance assessment fees of $243 million being accrued in 2023. Because the estimated loss to
the DIF will be periodically adjusted as actual losses are incurred, the FDIC retains the ability to cease collection early, extend
the special assessment collection period beyond the initial eight-quarter collection period, or impose a final shortfall special
assessment after the receiverships for the two banks are terminated. During the first quarter of 2024, we became aware that the
estimated loss to the DIF has increased and, as a result, we accrued $36 million of additional deposit insurance assessment fees
to reflect our best estimate of the updated special assessment amount. The FDIC is expected to inform banks who are required
to fund the shortfall in the DIF of the amount of the updated special assessment in June 2024.
The following tables set forth selected financial metrics of HUSI for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023 and at
March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(dollars are in millions)
Income before income tax
$ 278 $ 287
Net income .................................................................................................................................................
225 217
Rate of return on average:
Total assets ..............................................................................................................................................
.5 % .5 %
Common equity .......................................................................................................................................
7.9 7.3
Tangible common equity
8.2 7.6
Total equity .............................................................................................................................................
7.7 7.1
Net interest margin .....................................................................................................................................
1.10 1.28
Efficiency ratio ...........................................................................................................................................
71.0 67.2
Commercial net charge-off ratio
Consumer net charge-off ratio
The following table provides a reconciliation of average common equity to average tangible common equity:
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(in millions)
Common equity ..........................................................................................................................................................................
$ 11,449 $ 12,091
Less: Goodwill ............................................................................................................................................................................
458 458
Tangible common equity ............................................................................................................................................................
$ 10,991 $ 11,633
Excludes loans held for sale.
March 31,
December 31,
Additional Select Ratios:
Allowance as a percent of loans
.97 % 1.00 %
Commercial allowance as a percent of loans
1.40 1.44
Consumer allowance as a percent of loans
.09 .09
Loans to deposits ratio
48.89 48.43
Common equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets .......................................................................
13.1 13.0
Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets ..................................................................................................
13.4 13.3
Total capital to risk-weighted assets ....................................................................................................
15.7 15.7
Tier 1 leverage ratio ............................................................................................................................
8.0 7.7
Total equity to total assets ...................................................................................................................
7.0 6.9
Excludes loans held for sale.
Represents period end loans, net of allowance for loan losses, as a percentage of total deposits.
Net income was $225 million during the three months ended March 31, 2024 compared with $217 million during the three
months ended March 31, 2023. Income before income tax was $278 million during the three months ended March 31, 2024
compared with $287 million during the three months ended March 31, 2023. The decrease in income before income tax during
the three months ended March 31, 2024 was due to lower net interest income as interest expense on deposits and interest
bearing liabilities grew faster than interest income on interest earning assets as well as higher operating expenses driven by the
additional deposit insurance special assessment fees which were accrued in the first quarter of 2024 as discussed above. These
decreases were largely offset by higher other revenues driven by higher trading revenue and a lower provision for credit losses.
See "Results of Operations" for a more detailed discussion of our operating trends. In addition, see "Balance Sheet Review" for
further discussion on our asset and liability trends, "Liquidity and Capital Resources" for further discussion on funding and
capital and "Credit Quality" for additional discussion on our credit trends.
In March 2024, the SEC adopted final rules that will require registrants to disclose climate-related information in registration
statements and annual reports, including material climate-related risks, descriptions of board oversight and risk management
activities, the material impacts of these risks on a registrant's strategy, business model and outlook, and any material climate-
related targets or goals. Non-accelerated filers such as HSBC USA will be exempt from the requirements to disclose Scope 1
and Scope 2 emissions. Registrants will also have to disclose, among other things, certain effects of severe weather events and
other natural conditions (e.g., hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding) relating to capitalized costs and charges, expenditures and losses
in their audited financial statements. HSBC USA will be required to comply with the rules for fiscal years beginning January 1,
2027, with certain additional disclosure requirements becoming applicable for fiscal years beginning January 1, 2028.
Following adoption of the rules, several lawsuits were filed challenging them and subsequently consolidated into the Eighth
Circuit Court of Appeals. The SEC issued an order in April 2024 to stay the rules pending the judicial review by the Eighth
Circuit of the consolidated challenges.
Basis of Reporting
Our consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States ("U.S. GAAP").
Group Reporting Basis We report financial information to HSBC in accordance with HSBC Group accounting and reporting
policies, which apply International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs") as issued by the IASB. As a result, our segment
results are prepared and presented using financial information prepared on the basis of HSBC Group's accounting and reporting
policies ("Group Reporting Basis"). Because operating results on the Group Reporting Basis are used in managing our
businesses and rewarding performance of employees, our management also separately monitors profit before tax under this
basis of reporting. The following table reconciles our U.S. GAAP versus Group Reporting Basis profit before tax:
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(in millions)
Profit before tax – U.S. GAAP basis .......................................................................................................
$ 278 $ 287
Expected credit losses ...........................................................................................................................
10 (8)
Renewable energy tax credit investments .............................................................................................
4 4
Other long-lived assets .........................................................................................................................
(1) 33
Other .....................................................................................................................................................
(5) 5
Profit before tax – Group Reporting Basis ..............................................................................................
$ 286 $ 321
The significant differences between U.S. GAAP and the Group Reporting Basis as they impact our results are summarized in
Note 25, "Business Segments," in our 2023 Form 10-K. There have been no significant changes since December 31, 2023 in the
differences between U.S. GAAP and the Group Reporting Basis impacting our results. Differences in reported profit before tax
in the table above that were individually significant for the periods presented are explained below.
During the first quarter of 2024, expected credit losses were higher under U.S. GAAP than under the Group Reporting Basis.
Under the Group Reporting Basis, a majority of our loans are considered to be in "stage 1" (which requires a 12-month
expected credit losses ("ECL") estimate), while under U.S. GAAP such loans require a lifetime ECL estimate. Primarily as a
result of the different requirements, loss provisions associated with growth in innovation banking were more pronounced under
During the first quarter of 2023, expected credit losses were lower under U.S. GAAP than under the Group Reporting Basis.
Primarily as a result of the different requirements related to stage 1 loans discussed above, the favorable impact of improved
housing price forecasts on residential mortgages was more pronounced under U.S. GAAP.
During the first quarter of 2023, other long-lived assets in the table above reflects $19 million of lease related impairment
charges under U.S. GAAP associated with the exit of certain office space, while under the Group Reporting Basis, impairment
was recognized when we committed to vacate the space in the fourth quarter of 2022. In addition, amortization expense for
long-lived assets was higher under U.S. GAAP due primarily to the impact of an impairment charge recorded under the Group
Reporting Basis in 2020 related to the write-off of all the capitalized software and a portion of the leasehold improvements
associated with our Wealth and Personal Banking business segment, while under U.S. GAAP no impairment charge was
required. Subsequent to recognition of the impairment charge in 2020, expenditures for software development and newly
completed leasehold improvements in our Wealth and Personal Banking business segment were capitalized and amortized over
their useful lives under U.S. GAAP, but not under the Group Reporting Basis. Consequently, the carrying amounts of
capitalized software and leasehold improvements were higher under U.S. GAAP than under the Group Reporting Basis and, as
a result, corresponding amortization expense was higher under U.S. GAAP. As previously disclosed, during the second quarter
of 2023, we determined that the cash generating unit was no longer impaired under the Group Reporting Basis and that its
estimated fair value exceeded its carrying value, which resulted in the re-establishment of these assets at their recoverable
amount net of amortization that would have been recorded had no impairment loss been recognized and excluding any assets
that had since been sold.
Balance Sheet Review
The following table provides balance sheet totals at March 31, 2024 and increases (decreases) since December 31, 2023:
Increase (Decrease) From
December 31, 2023
March 31, 2024 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Period end assets:
Short-term investments .......................................................................................
$ 39,688 $ 91 .2 %
Loans, net ............................................................................................................
59,216 820 1.4
Loans held for sale ..............................................................................................
453 114 33.6
Trading assets ......................................................................................................
18,900 (3,215) (14.5)
Securities .............................................................................................................
40,844 72 .2
All other assets ....................................................................................................
7,865 846 12.1
$ 166,966 $ (1,272) (.8) %
Period end liabilities and equity:
Total deposits ......................................................................................................
$ 122,053 $ 770 .6 %
Trading liabilities ................................................................................................
2,546 (939) (26.9)
Short-term borrowings ........................................................................................
7,033 (2,881) (29.1)
Long-term debt ....................................................................................................
19,439 778 4.2
Interest, taxes and other liabilities .......................................................................
4,139 883 27.1
Total equity .........................................................................................................
11,756 117 1.0
$ 166,966 $ (1,272) (.8) %
Short-Term Investments Short-term investments include cash and due from banks, interest bearing deposits with banks and
federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell. Balances may fluctuate from period to period depending
upon our liquidity position at the time and our strategy for deploying liquidity. Short-term investments were relatively flat
compared with December 31, 2023 as an increase in funds driven primarily by lower trading asset positions as discussed in
detail below was largely offset by lower short-term borrowings.
Loans, Net The following table summarizes our loan balances at March 31, 2024, excluding loans held for sale, and increases
(decreases) since December 31, 2023:
Increase (Decrease) From
December 31, 2023
March 31, 2024 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Commercial loans:
Real estate, including construction ......................................................................
$ 7,071 $ (16) (.2) %
Business and corporate banking ..........................................................................
16,047 323 2.1
Global banking
10,522 (203) (1.9)
Other commercial
6,665 244 3.8
Total commercial .................................................................................................
40,305 348 .9
Consumer loans:
Residential mortgages .........................................................................................
18,825 484 2.6
Home equity mortgages ......................................................................................
382 (7) (1.8)
Credit cards .........................................................................................................
189 (10) (5.0)
Other consumer ...................................................................................................
96 (5) (5.0)
Total consumer ....................................................................................................
19,492 462 2.4
Total loans ..............................................................................................................
59,797 810 1.4
Allowance for credit losses
581 (10) (1.7)
Loans, net ...............................................................................................................
$ 59,216 $ 820 1.4 %
Represents large multinational firms including globally focused U.S. corporate and financial institutions, U.S. dollar lending to multinational banking
clients managed by HSBC on a global basis and complex large business clients supported by Global Banking and Markets relationship managers.
Includes loans to HSBC affiliates which totaled $3,442 million and $2,618 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
See "Credit Quality" in this MD&A for a discussion of trends in our allowance for credit losses on loans.
Commercial loans increased compared with December 31, 2023 driven by higher loans to affiliates, partially offset by
paydowns and maturities exceeding new business activity as we continued to apply a disciplined lending approach. The decline
in commercial non-affiliate loans was primarily in the diversified financials, consumer services, banking and technology
industries, partially offset by increases in the utilities and real estate industries.
Consumer loans increased compared with December 31, 2023 due to continued growth in residential mortgages.
The following table presents loan-to-value ("LTV") ratios for our residential mortgage loan portfolio, excluding mortgage loans
held for sale:
LTV Ratios
March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
First Lien Second Lien First Lien Second Lien
LTV < 80% ...................................................................................
98.7 % 98.2 % 99.1 % 98.9 %
80% < LTV < 90% .......................................................................
1.3 1.8 .9 1.1
90% < LTV < 100% .....................................................................
LTV > 100% .................................................................................
Average LTV for portfolio ...........................................................
49.8 46.8 49.5 46.3
LTVs for first liens are calculated using the loan balance as of the reporting date. LTVs for second liens are calculated using the loan balance as of the
reporting date plus the senior lien amount at origination. Current estimated property values are derived from the property's appraised value at the time of
loan origination updated by the change in the Federal Housing Finance Agency's House Price Index ("HPI") at either a core-based statistical area or state
level. The estimated value of the homes could differ from actual fair values due to changes in condition of the underlying property, variations in housing
price changes within metropolitan statistical areas and other factors. As a result, actual property values associated with loans that end in foreclosure may
be significantly lower than the estimates used for purposes of this disclosure.
Current estimated property values are calculated using the most current HPIs available and applied on an individual loan basis, which results in an
approximate three month delay in the production of reportable statistics. Therefore, the information in the table above reflects current estimated property
values using HPIs at December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2023, respectively.
Loans Held for Sale The following table summarizes loans held for sale at March 31, 2024 and increases (decreases) since
December 31, 2023:
Increase (Decrease) From
December 31, 2023
March 31, 2024 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Commercial loans:
Global banking ....................................................................................................
$ 453 $ 114 33.6 %
Total commercial .................................................................................................
453 114 33.6
Consumer loans:
Residential mortgages .........................................................................................
Total consumer ....................................................................................................
Total loans held for sale .........................................................................................
$ 453 $ 114 33.6 %
Commercial loans held for sale increased compared with December 31, 2023. Included in commercial loans held for sale are
certain loans that we no longer intend to hold for investment and were transferred to held for sale which totaled $189 million
and $89 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
Commercial loans held for sale also includes certain loans that we have elected to designate under the fair value option which
consists of loans that we originate in connection with our participation in a number of syndicated credit facilities with the intent
of selling them to unaffiliated third parties as well as loans that we purchase from the secondary market and hold as hedges
against our exposure to certain total return swaps or intend to sell. The fair value of these loans totaled $264 million and $250
million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. Balances will fluctuate from period to period depending on the
volume and level of activity.
Consumer loans held for sale were nil at both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Included in residential mortgage loans
held for sale are agency-eligible conforming residential mortgage loans which are originated and held for sale to third parties,
currently on a servicing retained basis. Balances will fluctuate from period to period depending on the volume and level of
activity. Gains and losses from the sale of these residential mortgage loans are reflected as a component of other income (loss)
in the accompanying consolidated statement of income.
Excluding the loans designated under the fair value option discussed above, loans held for sale are recorded at the lower of
amortized cost or fair value, with adjustments to fair value being recorded as a valuation allowance through other revenues. The
valuation allowance on commercial loans held for sale was nil and $2 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023,
respectively. The valuation allowance on consumer loans held for sale was nil at both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Trading Assets and Liabilities The following table summarizes trading assets and liabilities at March 31, 2024 and increases
(decreases) since December 31, 2023:
Increase (Decrease) From
December 31, 2023
March 31, 2024 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Trading assets:
$ 17,750 $ (2,743) (13.4) %
Precious metals ....................................................................................................
329 (17) (4.9)
Derivatives, net ....................................................................................................
821 (455) (35.7)
$ 18,900 $ (3,215) (14.5) %
Trading liabilities:
Securities sold, not yet purchased .......................................................................
$ 1,210 $ (478) (28.3) %
Payables for precious metals ...............................................................................
38 (263) (87.4)
Derivatives, net ....................................................................................................
1,298 (198) (13.2)
$ 2,546 $ (939) (26.9) %
See Note 2, "Trading Assets and Liabilities," in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for a breakout of trading securities by category.
Trading securities balances were lower compared with December 31, 2023 due primarily to a decrease in foreign sovereign
positions, partially offset by an increase in equity positions. Trading security positions are primarily held as economic hedges of
interest rate, credit and equity derivative products issued to clients of domestic and emerging markets. Balances of securities
sold, not yet purchased were also lower compared with December 31, 2023 due to a decrease in short U.S. Treasury positions
related to economic hedges of trading security positions held for Community Reinvestment Act purposes.
Precious metals trading assets were relatively flat compared with December 31, 2023 as a decrease in our own silver inventory
position was largely offset by an increase in our own platinum inventory position. Payables for precious metals were lower
compared with December 31, 2023 reflecting a decline in borrowing of gold inventory to support client activity levels. Precious
metal positions may not represent our net underlying exposure as we may use derivatives contracts to reduce our risk associated
with these positions, the fair value of which would appear in derivatives in the table above.
Derivative asset and liability balances both decreased compared with December 31, 2023 mainly from market movements
which resulted in lower valuations of foreign exchange derivatives.
Securities Securities include securities available-for-sale and securities held-to-maturity, net. Securities balances were
relatively flat compared with December 31, 2023 as net purchases of foreign sovereign securities was offset by net sales,
paydowns and maturities of U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government sponsored mortgage-backed and U.S. Government agency
mortgage-backed securities as part of our continuing strategy to maximize returns while balancing the securities portfolio for
risk management purposes.
All Other Assets All other assets include, among other items, properties and equipment, net, and goodwill. All other assets
were higher compared with December 31, 2023 due primarily to increases in assets associated with client share repurchase
transactions and outstanding settlement balances related to security sales. These increases were partially offset by lower margin
requirements related to futures trading and lower cash collateral posted.
Deposits The following table summarizes deposit balances by major depositor categories at March 31, 2024 and increases
(decreases) since December 31, 2023:
Increase (Decrease) From
December 31, 2023
March 31, 2024 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Individuals, partnerships and corporations ............................................................
$ 104,613 $ (4,824) (4.4) %
Domestic and foreign banks ...................................................................................
14,842 5,491 58.7
U.S. government and states and political subdivisions ..........................................
112 (14) (11.1)
Foreign governments and official institutions .......................................................
2,486 117 4.9
Total deposits .........................................................................................................
$ 122,053 $ 770 .6 %
Total deposits increased compared with December 31, 2023 due primarily to higher deposits from affiliates, partially offset by
lower commercial deposits reflecting the impacts of deposit repricing in the current rate environment and seasonality as clients
managed their cash needs at year-end. Also contributing to the increase, to a lesser extent, were higher retail time deposits.
Short-Term Borrowings Short-term borrowings were lower compared with December 31, 2023 due primarily to a decrease in
federal funds purchased resulting from the management of our short-term funding positions. We continue to actively manage
our balance sheet to maximize returns while maintaining adequate liquidity.
Long-Term Debt Long-term debt increased compared with December 31, 2023 due to debt issuances, partially offset by debt
retirements. Debt issuances during the three months ended March 31, 2024 totaled $2,335 million, of which nil was issued by
Incremental issuances from our shelf registration statement with the SEC totaled $2,335 million of senior debt during the three
months ended March 31, 2024, which included $1,500 million of senior notes that were issued by HSBC USA in March as well
as $835 million of structured notes. Total long-term debt outstanding under this shelf was $10,065 million and $9,227 million at
March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
Incremental issuances from the HSBC Bank USA Global Bank Note Program totaled nil during the three months ended March
31, 2024. Total debt outstanding under this program was $1,904 million and $1,918 million at March 31, 2024 and
December 31, 2023, respectively.
Borrowings from the Federal Home Loan Bank ("FHLB") totaled $1,000 million at both March 31, 2024 and December 31,
Interest, Taxes and Other Liabilities Interest, taxes and other liabilities increased compared with December 31, 2023 due
primarily to increases in liabilities associated with client share repurchase transactions and outstanding settlement balances
related to security purchases. These increases were partially offset by lower derivative balances associated with hedging
Results of Operations
Net Interest Income Net interest income is the total interest income on earning assets less the total interest expense on deposits
and borrowed funds. An analysis of consolidated average balances and interest rates is presented in this MD&A under the
caption "Consolidated Average Balances and Interest Rates."
The significant components of net interest margin are summarized in the following table:
2024 Compared
with 2023
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 Volume Rate 2023
(dollars are in millions)
Interest income:
Short-term investments .........................................................................................
$ 448 $ (84) $ 122 $ 410
Trading securities .................................................................................................
85 26 10 49
Securities ..............................................................................................................
445 54 68 323
Commercial loans .................................................................................................
711 (33) 87 657
Consumer loans ....................................................................................................
188 14 28 146
Other .....................................................................................................................
16 (5) 2 19
Total interest income .................................................................................................
1,893 (28) 317 1,604
Interest expense:
Deposits ................................................................................................................
1,012 44 212 756
Short-term borrowings ..........................................................................................
154 21 33 100
Long-term debt .....................................................................................................
285 4 25 256
Tax liabilities and other ........................................................................................
16 5 2 9
Total interest expense ................................................................................................
1,467 74 272 1,121
Net interest income ...................................................................................................
$ 426 $ (102) $ 45 $ 483
Yield on total interest earning assets .........................................................................
4.88 % 4.23 %
Cost of total interest bearing liabilities .....................................................................
4.75 3.87
Interest rate spread ....................................................................................................
.13 .36
Benefit from net non-interest paying funds
.97 .92
Net interest margin on average earning assets ..........................................................
1.10 % 1.28 %
Represents the benefit associated with interest earning assets in excess of interest bearing liabilities. Increased percentages reflect growth in this excess or
a higher cost of interest bearing liabilities, while decreased percentages reflect a reduction in this excess or a lower cost of interest bearing liabilities.
Net interest income decreased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to higher interest expense from interest
bearing liabilities driven by higher rates paid and higher average balances, primarily in deposits and short-term borrowings,
partially offset by higher interest income from interest earning assets driven by higher yields and higher average balances in
securities and trading securities. Also contributing to the decrease was the unfavorable impact of lower average balances in
short-term investments and commercial loans.
Higher yields on interest earning assets and higher rates paid on interest bearing liabilities reflect the impact of higher market
Short-term investments Interest income increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to higher yields, partially
offset by lower average balances.
Trading securities Interest income increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to higher average balances and
higher yields. Higher average balances were driven by increases in equity, U.S. Treasury and U.S. Government sponsored
mortgage-backed positions, partially offset by a decline in foreign sovereign positions. Interest income associated with trading
securities was partially offset within trading revenue by the performance of the associated derivatives as discussed further
Securities Interest income was higher during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to higher yields and higher average
balances. Higher average balances were driven by increases in U.S. Government agency mortgage-backed, foreign sovereign
and U.S. Treasury securities, partially offset by a decline in U.S. Government sponsored mortgage-backed securities.
Commercial loans Interest income increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to higher yields on variable
rate loans and newly originated loans, partially offset by lower average balances.
Consumer loans Interest income was higher during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to higher yields on variable
rate loans and newly originated loans as well as higher average balances driven by growth in residential mortgages.
Other Lower interest income during the three months ended March 31, 2024 was due to lower average balances in cash
collateral posted.
Deposits Interest expense increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher rates paid and a
shift in mix to higher cost time deposits. Also contributing to the increase, to a lesser extent, were higher average balances
driven by growth in commercial demand deposits and higher time deposits, partially offset by the attrition of retail savings and
demand deposits.
Short-term borrowings Higher interest expense during the three months ended March 31, 2024 was due to higher rates paid and
higher average balances. Higher average balances were driven by increases in federal funds purchased and commercial paper
Long-term debt Interest expense increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher rates paid on
variable rate borrowings and newly issued debt.
Tax liabilities and other Interest expense increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher
average balances in securities sold, not yet repurchased.
Provision for Credit Losses The following table summarizes the components of the provision for credit losses:
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Commercial loans:
Real estate, including construction ..................................................................
$ (10) $ (28) $ 18 64.3 %
Business and corporate banking .......................................................................
7 38 (31) (81.6)
Global banking .................................................................................................
(8) 12 (20) *
Other commercial .............................................................................................
Total commercial loans ....................................................................................
(11) 22 (33) *
Consumer loans:
Residential mortgages ......................................................................................
1 (10) 11 *
Home equity mortgages ...................................................................................
1 1
Credit cards ......................................................................................................
Other consumer ................................................................................................
(1) (1)
Total consumer loans .......................................................................................
1 (10) 11 *
Total loans ............................................................................................................
(10) 12 (22) *
Off-balance sheet credit exposures .......................................................................
12 8 4 50.0
Total provision for credit losses ...........................................................................
$ 2 $ 20 $ (18) (90.0) %
* Percentage change is greater than 100 percent.
Our provision for credit losses decreased $18 million during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to a lower provision
for credit losses on our commercial loan portfolio, partially offset by a higher provision for credit losses on our consumer loan
portfolio and a higher provision for credit losses on off-balance sheet credit exposures.
The provision for credit losses on our commercial loan portfolio decreased $33 million during the three months ended March
31, 2024 reflecting a release in credit loss reserves compared with a loss provision in the prior year period. The release in credit
reserves in the current year period was driven by improved economic forecasts and improvements in the credit condition of
certain clients, partially offset by downgrades reflecting weakness in the financial condition of certain clients and higher
provisions associated with growth in innovation banking. In the prior year period, the loss provision was driven by increases in
credit reserves for risk factors associated with higher risk industry exposures and large loan exposures as well as downgrades
reflecting weakness in the financial condition of certain clients.
The provision for credit losses on our consumer loan portfolio increased $11 million during the three months ended March 31,
2024 due to a release in credit loss reserves in the prior year period driven by improved housing price forecasts, partially offset
by an increase in credit reserves for risk factors associated with a change in New York State foreclosure law.
The provision for credit losses on off-balance sheet credit exposures increased $4 million during the three months ended March
31, 2024. The loss provision in the current year period resulted from downgrades reflecting weakness in the financial condition
of certain clients and higher provisions associated with growth in innovation banking, while the loss provision in the prior year
period resulted from an increase in credit reserves for risk factors associated with large loan exposures and downgrades
reflecting weakness in the financial condition of certain clients.
See "Credit Quality" in this MD&A for additional discussion on the allowance for credit losses associated with our various loan
Other Revenues The following table summarizes the components of other revenues:
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Credit card fees, net ..............................................................................................
$ 15 $ 11 $ 4 36.4 %
Trust and investment management fees ................................................................
36 31 5 16.1
Other fees and commissions .................................................................................
176 148 28 18.9
Trading revenue ....................................................................................................
276 225 51 22.7
Other securities gains, net .....................................................................................
2 3 (1) (33.3)
Servicing and other fees from HSBC affiliates ....................................................
88 74 14 18.9
Gain (loss) on instruments designated at fair value and related derivatives ........
(20) (22) 2 9.1
Other income (loss):
Valuation of loans held for sale .......................................................................
2 2 *
Residential mortgage banking revenue ............................................................
1 1
Insurance ..........................................................................................................
1 1
Miscellaneous income (loss) ............................................................................
(38) (19) (19) (100.0)
Total other income (loss) .................................................................................
(34) (17) (17) (100.0)
Total other revenues .............................................................................................
$ 539 $ 453 $ 86 19.0 %
* Percentage change is greater than 100 percent.
Credit card fees, net Credit card fees, net were higher during the three months ended March 31, 2024 reflecting increases in
interchange fees, late fees and other miscellaneous fees.
Trust and investment management fees Trust and investment management fees increased during the three months ended March
31, 2024 due primarily to higher fees from liquidity funds driven by higher average assets under management and lower fee
waivers reflecting the impact of higher market interest rates.
Other fees and commissions Other fees and commissions increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due
primarily to higher fees from loan syndication and account services reflecting higher business activity compared with the prior
year period. See Note 11, "Fee Income from Contracts with Customers," in the accompanying consolidated financial statements
for additional information including a summary of the components of other fees and commissions.
Trading revenue Trading revenue is generated by participation in the foreign exchange, precious metals, rates, credit and
equities markets. The following table presents trading revenue by business activity. Not included in the table below is the
impact of net interest income associated with trading securities which is an integral part of trading activities' overall
performance. Net interest income related to trading activities is recorded in net interest income in the consolidated statement of
income. Certain derivatives, such as total return swaps, are economically hedged by holding the underlying interest bearing
referenced assets. Trading revenue related to the mortgage banking business is included as a component of other income (loss).
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Business Activities:
Foreign Exchange ............................................................................................
$ 84 $ 102 $ (18) (17.6) %
Metals ...............................................................................................................
14 57 (43) (75.4)
Debt Markets ....................................................................................................
5 1 4 *
Securities Financing .........................................................................................
145 71 74 *
Markets Treasury .............................................................................................
7 (2) 9 *
Other trading
21 (4) 25 *
Total trading revenue ............................................................................................
$ 276 $ 225 $ 51 22.7 %
* Percentage change is greater than 100 percent.
Includes trading revenue related to Global Banking and Equities.
Trading revenue increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher revenue in Securities
Financing driven by the impact of higher market rates which impacts fair value. Also contributing to the increase was higher
Other trading revenue due primarily to favorable fair value adjustments on certain investments held for Community
Reinvestment Act purposes as well as higher Markets Treasury revenue due to the improved performance of economic hedge
positions used to manage interest rate risk. These increases were partially offset by lower revenue in Metals reflecting the
impact of our agreement to refer transactions related to all future precious metals trading and financing activities associated
with our Global Banking clients to HSBC Bank plc beginning in September 2023 as well as lower revenue in Foreign Exchange
driven by lower market volatility compared with the prior year period.
Other securities gains, net We maintain securities portfolios as part of our balance sheet diversification and risk management
strategies. During the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, we sold $1,075 million and $681 million, respectively, of
primarily U.S. Treasury securities as part of our continuing strategy to maximize returns while balancing the securities portfolio
for risk management purposes. Other securities gains, net was relatively flat during the three months ended March 31, 2024.
The gross realized gains and losses from sales of securities, which are included as a component of other securities gains, net
above, are summarized in Note 3, "Securities," in the accompanying consolidated financial statements.
Servicing and other fees from HSBC affiliates Servicing and other fees from HSBC affiliates increased during the three months
ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher cost reimbursements associated with shared services performed on behalf of
other HSBC affiliates, higher loan servicing fees from HSBC Markets (USA) Inc. ("HMUS") and higher performance fees
associated with trading activity booked on the balance sheet of HSBC Bank plc.
Gain (loss) on instruments designated at fair value and related derivatives We have elected to apply fair value option
accounting to certain commercial loans held for sale, certain student loans held for investment, certain of our own fixed-rate
debt issuances, all of our hybrid instruments issued, including structured notes and deposits, and certain client share repurchase
transactions. We also use derivatives to economically hedge the interest rate and other risks associated with certain financial
assets and liabilities for which fair value option accounting has been elected. Gain (loss) on instruments designated at fair value
and related derivatives was relatively flat during the three months ended March 31, 2024 as favorable fair value adjustments on
commercial loans held for sale driven by a loss recorded in the prior year period and favorable movements related to the
economic hedging of interest rate risk and other risks within our hybrid instruments was largely offset by unfavorable
movements related to the economic hedging of interest rate risk within our own debt. See Note 9, "Fair Value Option," in the
accompanying consolidated financial statements for additional information including a breakout of these amounts by individual
Other income (loss) Other income (loss) decreased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher
valuation losses associated with credit default swap protection which largely reflects the hedging of a few client relationships
and lower gains associated with bank owned life insurance.
Operating Expenses The following table summarizes the components of operating expenses:
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Salaries and employee benefits.............................................................................
$ 135 $ 121 $ 14 11.6 %
Support services from HSBC affiliates:
Fees paid to HSBC Technology & Services (USA) Inc. ("HTSU") ................
235 220 15 6.8
Fees paid to HMUS ..........................................................................................
56 53 3 5.7
Fees paid to other HSBC affiliates ...................................................................
108 111 (3) (2.7)
Total support services from HSBC affiliates ...................................................
399 384 15 3.9
Occupancy expense, net .......................................................................................
18 30 (12) (40.0)
Other expenses:
Equipment and software ...................................................................................
27 27
Marketing .........................................................................................................
6 3 3 100.0
Outside services ...............................................................................................
12 12
Professional fees ..............................................................................................
13 12 1 8.3
FDIC assessment fees
57 22 35 *
Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................
18 18
Total other expenses .........................................................................................
133 94 39 41.5
Total operating expenses ......................................................................................
$ 685 $ 629 $ 56 8.9 %
Personnel - average number .................................................................................
2,021 2,045
Efficiency ratio .....................................................................................................
71.0 % 67.2 %
* Percentage change is greater than 100 percent.
Includes $36 million of additional special assessment fees which were accrued in the first quarter of 2024 associated with a final rule issued by the FDIC
in November 2023 as discussed further below.
Salaries and employee benefits Salaries and employee benefits expense increased during the three months ended March 31,
2024 due primarily to higher salaries and incentive compensation expenses driven by the addition of personnel associated with
growth initiatives in innovation banking. Incentive compensation expense was also higher due to improved business
Support services from HSBC affiliates Servicing and other fees from HSBC affiliates increased during the three months ended
March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher cost allocations from our technology, operations and other support service functions. A
summary of the services received from various HSBC affiliates is included in Note 12, "Related Party Transactions," in the
accompanying consolidated financial statements.
Occupancy expense, net Occupancy expense, net decreased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to
lower lease impairment and other related costs related to the exit of certain office space, partially offset by higher rent expense.
Other expenses Other expenses increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher deposit
insurance assessment fees driven by $36 million of additional special assessment fees which were accrued in the first quarter of
2024 associated with a final rule issued by the FDIC in November 2023. During the first quarter of 2024, we became aware that
the estimated loss to the DIF has increased and, as a result, we accrued additional fees to reflect our best estimate of the updated
special assessment amount. Also contributing to the increase was higher marketing expense.
Efficiency ratio Our efficiency ratio increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to lower net interest income
as discussed in detail above and higher operating expenses driven by higher deposit insurance assessment fees, partially offset
by higher other revenues driven by higher trading revenue.
Income tax expense The following table summarizes our effective tax rate based on the provision for income taxes attributable
to pretax income:
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(dollars are in millions)
Income before income tax ...............................................................................................................
$ 278 $ 287
Income tax expense .........................................................................................................................
53 70
Effective tax rate ..............................................................................................................................
19.1 % 24.4 %
During the three months ended March 31, 2024, income tax expense and the effective tax rate decreased due primarily to an
immaterial out of period adjustment to our deferred tax asset balance which decreased tax expense by $12 million.
Management evaluated the need for a valuation allowance against deferred tax assets at March 31, 2024 and December 31,
2023 and it was determined that a valuation allowance was not required.
Segment Results – Group Reporting Basis
We have distinct businesses, which are aligned with HSBC's global business strategy: Wealth and Personal Banking ("WPB"),
Commercial Banking ("CMB"), and Global Banking and Markets ("GBM"). These businesses and a Corporate Center ("CC")
serve as our reportable segments with the exception of GBM. Our GBM business is comprised of three distinct operating
segments: Global Banking ("GB"), Markets and Securities Services ("MSS"), and Global Banking and Markets Other ("GBM
Other"), which are separately reported. See Item 1, "Business," in our 2023 Form 10-K for a description of our segments,
including a discussion of the main business activities of the segments and a summary of their products and services. There have
been no changes in the basis of our segmentation as compared with the presentation in our 2023 Form 10-K.
Net interest income of each segment represents the difference between actual interest earned on assets and interest incurred on
liabilities of the segment, adjusted for a funding charge or credit that includes both interest rate and liquidity components.
Segments are charged a cost to fund assets (e.g., customer loans) and receive a funding credit for funds provided (e.g., customer
deposits) based on equivalent market rates that incorporate both repricing (interest rate risk) and tenor (liquidity) characteristics.
The objective of these charges/credits is to transfer interest rate risk to one centralized unit in Markets Treasury. Markets
Treasury income statement and balance sheet results are allocated to each of the global businesses based upon tangible equity
levels and levels of any surplus liabilities.
Certain other revenue and operating expense amounts are also apportioned among the business segments based upon the
benefits derived from this activity or the relationship of this activity to other segment activity. These inter-segment transactions
have not been eliminated, and we generally account for them as if they were with third parties.
We report financial information to our parent, HSBC, in accordance with HSBC Group accounting and reporting policies,
which apply IFRSs as issued by the IASB. As a result, our segment results are prepared and presented using financial
information prepared on the Group Reporting Basis as operating results are monitored and reviewed, trends are evaluated and
decisions about allocating resources, such as employees, are primarily made on this basis. We continue, however, to monitor
capital adequacy and report to regulatory agencies on a U.S. GAAP basis.
During the second quarter of 2023, we implemented a change to our internal management reporting to report net funding
charges associated with MSS trading activities within other operating income to better align with the trading revenue generated
by such activities. Historically, these funding charges were reported within net interest income (expense). There was no impact
to consolidated net interest income (expense) or other operating income as these net funding charges are reversed back into net
interest income (expense) in the CC. As a result, we have aligned our segment reporting for MSS and CC to reflect this change
for all periods presented. See Note 13, "Business Segments," in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for a table
that summarizes the impact of this change on reported segment net interest income (expense) and other operating income for the
three months ended March 31, 2023.
There have been no changes in the measurement of segment profit as compared with the presentation in our 2023 Form 10-K.
The significant differences between U.S. GAAP and the Group Reporting Basis as they impact our results are summarized in
Note 25, "Business Segments," in our 2023 Form 10-K. There have been no significant changes since December 31, 2023 in the
differences between U.S. GAAP and the Group Reporting Basis impacting our results.
Wealth and Personal Banking The following table summarizes the Group Reporting Basis results for our WPB segment:
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Net interest income ...........................................................................................
$ 179 $ 213 $ (34) (16.0) %
Other operating income ....................................................................................
67 52 15 28.8
Total operating income
246 265 (19) (7.2)
Expected credit losses ......................................................................................
10 (10) (100.0)
Net operating income .......................................................................................
246 255 (9) (3.5)
Operating expenses ..........................................................................................
187 175 12 6.9
Profit before tax ................................................................................................
$ 59 $ 80 $ (21) (26.3) %
The following table summarizes the impact of key activities on the total operating income of our WPB segment:
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Retail banking current accounts, savings and deposits ..........................................................
$ 101 $ 126 $ (25) (19.8) %
Retail banking mortgages, credit cards and other personal lending ......................................
43 35 8 22.9
Wealth and asset management products ................................................................................
27 21 6 28.6
Private banking ......................................................................................................................
48 56 (8) (14.3)
Retail business banking and other
27 27
Total operating income ..........................................................................................................
$ 246 $ 265 $ (19) (7.2) %
Includes cost reimbursements associated with activities performed on behalf of other HSBC affiliates and allocated Markets Treasury revenue.
Our WPB segment reported a lower profit before tax during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to lower net interest
income and higher operating expenses, partially offset by higher other operating income and lower expected credit losses.
Net interest income decreased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to the unfavorable impact of lower
deposit balances driven by the attrition of savings and demand deposits, partially offset by the favorable impact of higher
market rates and higher loan balances driven by growth in residential mortgages.
Other operating income increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher investment
management fees driven by higher average assets under management and lower liquidity fee waivers reflecting the impact of
higher market interest rates as well as the improved performance of economic hedge positions used to manage interest rate risk.
Expected credit losses decreased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to a loss provision in the prior year period
driven by a higher loss estimate for risk factors associated with a change in New York State foreclosure law.
Operating expenses increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher incentive compensation
expense and higher marketing expense.
Client Assets The following table provides information regarding private banking client assets during the three months ended
March 31, 2024 and 2023:
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(in millions)
Client assets at beginning of period ......................................................................................................
$ 55,754 $ 49,549
Net new money (outflows) .................................................................................................................
(992) (581)
Value change ......................................................................................................................................
1,040 5,408
Client assets at end of period ................................................................................................................
$ 55,802 $ 54,376
Commercial Banking The following table summarizes the Group Reporting Basis results for our CMB segment:
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Net interest income ...........................................................................................
$ 292 $ 285 $ 7 2.5 %
Other operating income ....................................................................................
78 72 6 8.3
Total operating income
370 357 13 3.6
Expected credit losses ......................................................................................
(2) 16 (18) *
Net operating income .......................................................................................
372 341 31 9.1
Operating expenses ..........................................................................................
179 150 29 19.3
Profit before tax ................................................................................................
$ 193 $ 191 $ 2 1.0 %
* Percentage change is greater than 100 percent.
The following table summarizes the impact of key activities on the total operating income of our CMB segment:
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Lending and Transaction Management ..................................................................................
$ 107 $ 109 $ (2) (1.8) %
Global Payments Solutions ("GPS") ......................................................................................
174 173 1 .6
Global Trade and Receivables Finance ("GTRF") ................................................................
19 18 1 5.6
Investment banking products and other
70 57 13 22.8
Total operating income ..........................................................................................................
$ 370 $ 357 $ 13 3.6 %
Includes allocated Markets Treasury revenue.
Our CMB segment reported a relatively flat profit before tax during the three months ended March 31, 2024 as lower expected
credit losses, higher net interest income and higher other operating income were largely offset by higher operating expenses.
Net interest income increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to higher allocated Markets Treasury net
interest income, partially offset by lower loan and deposit balances.
Other operating income increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher fees from account
services and commitments.
Expected credit losses improved during the three months ended March 31, 2024 reflecting a modest release in credit loss
reserves compared with a loss provision in the prior year period. The modest release in credit reserves in the current year period
was driven by improvements in the credit condition of certain clients, largely offset by downgrades reflecting weakness in the
financial condition of certain clients and a higher loss estimate for risk factors associated with higher risk industry exposures. In
the prior year period, the loss provision was driven by a higher loss estimate for risk factors associated with higher risk industry
exposures as well as downgrades reflecting weakness in the financial condition of certain clients.
Operating expenses increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher salaries and incentive
compensation expenses driven by the addition of personnel associated with growth initiatives in innovation banking as well as
higher cost allocations from our technology and support service functions.
Global Banking and Markets Our GBM business is comprised of three reportable operating segments:
Global Banking The following table summarizes the Group Reporting Basis results for our GB segment:
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Net interest income ...........................................................................................
$ 117 $ 139 $ (22) (15.8) %
Other operating income ....................................................................................
84 54 30 55.6
Total operating income
201 193 8 4.1
Expected credit losses ......................................................................................
(5) 3 (8) *
Net operating income .......................................................................................
206 190 16 8.4
Operating expenses ..........................................................................................
131 135 (4) (3.0)
Profit before tax ................................................................................................
$ 75 $ 55 $ 20 36.4 %
* Percentage change is greater than 100 percent.
The following table summarizes the impact of key activities on the total operating income of our GB segment. For purposes of the discussion below the
table, total operating income is referred to as revenue.
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
GPS ........................................................................................................................................
$ 121 $ 123 $ (2) (1.6) %
Investment Banking ...............................................................................................................
68 60 8 13.3
Credit and Lending ................................................................................................................
22 20 2 10.0
GTRF .....................................................................................................................................
14 13 1 7.7
GB Other
(24) (23) (1) (4.3)
Total operating income ..........................................................................................................
$ 201 $ 193 $ 8 4.1 %
Includes net interest income on capital held in the business and not assigned to products as well as revenue associated with credit default swap protection,
certain credit-linked structured notes and loan sales.
Our GB segment reported a higher profit before tax during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to higher other
operating income, lower expected credit losses and lower operating expenses, partially offset by lower net interest income.
Revenue increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher revenue in Investment Banking
driven by higher fees from loan syndication, partially offset by lower net interest income from decreased loan spreads and
Expected credit losses improved during the three months ended March 31, 2024 reflecting a release in credit loss reserves
compared with a loss provision in the prior year period. The release in credit reserves in the current year period was due
primarily to improvement in the credit condition of a single client relationship. In the prior year period, the loss provision was
driven by downgrades reflecting weakness in the financial condition of certain clients as well as a higher loss estimate for risk
factors associated with higher risk industry exposures.
Operating expenses decreased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to lower cost allocations from our
support service functions.
Markets and Securities Services The following table summarizes the Group Reporting Basis results for our MSS segment:
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Net interest income ...........................................................................................
$ 9 $ 13 $ (4) (30.8) %
Other operating income ....................................................................................
81 96 (15) (15.6)
Total operating income
90 109 (19) (17.4)
Expected credit losses ......................................................................................
Net operating income .......................................................................................
90 109 (19) (17.4)
Operating expenses ..........................................................................................
79 69 10 14.5
Profit before tax ................................................................................................
$ 11 $ 40 $ (29) (72.5) %
* Percentage change is greater than 100 percent.
The following table summarizes the impact of key activities on the total operating income of our MSS segment. For purposes of the discussion below the
table, total operating income is referred to as revenue.
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Foreign Exchange and Metals ................................................................................................
$ 49 $ 83 $ (34) (41.0) %
Debt Markets ..........................................................................................................................
6 5 1 20.0
Securities Financing ...............................................................................................................
11 5 6 *
Equities ..................................................................................................................................
12 2 10 *
Securities Services .................................................................................................................
7 9 (2) (22.2)
MSS Other .............................................................................................................................
Credit and funding valuation adjustments .............................................................................
5 5
Total MSS ..............................................................................................................................
$ 90 $ 109 $ (19) (17.4) %
Our MSS segment reported a lower profit before tax during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to lower other
operating income, higher operating expenses and lower net interest income.
Revenue decreased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to lower revenue in Foreign Exchange and
Metals driven by lower market volatility in Foreign Exchange compared with the prior year period as well as the impact of our
agreement to refer transactions related to all future precious metals trading and financing activities associated with our Global
Banking clients to HSBC Bank plc beginning in September 2023. This decrease was partially offset by higher revenue in
Equities driven by higher performance fees associated with trading activity booked on the balance sheet of HSBC Bank plc as
well as higher revenue in Securities Financing due to higher market rates and increased balance sheet deployment.
Operating expenses increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher cost allocations from our
technology and support service functions.
Global Banking and Markets Other The following table summarizes the Group Reporting Basis results for our GBM Other
segment. For purposes of the discussion below the table, total operating income is referred to as revenue.
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023 Amount %
(in millions)
Net interest income ...........................................................................................
$ 18 $ $ 18 *
Other operating income ....................................................................................
22 21 1 4.8
Total operating income .....................................................................................
40 21 19 90.5
Expected credit losses ......................................................................................
Net operating income .......................................................................................
40 21 19 90.5
Operating expenses ..........................................................................................
22 18 4 22.2
Profit before tax ................................................................................................
$ 18 $ 3 $ 15 *
* Percentage change is greater than 100 percent.
Our GBM Other segment reported a higher profit before tax during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to higher
revenue driven by higher allocated Markets Treasury net interest income, partially offset by higher operating expenses driven
by higher cost allocations from support service functions.
Corporate Center The following table summarizes the Group Reporting Basis results for our CC segment:
Increase (Decrease)
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023 Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Net interest expense..........................................................................................
$ (168) $ (107) $ (61) (57.0) %
Other operating income ....................................................................................
173 91 82 90.1
Total operating income (expense) ....................................................................
5 (16) 21 *
Expected credit losses ......................................................................................
Net operating income (expense) .......................................................................
5 (16) 21 *
Operating expenses ..........................................................................................
75 32 43 *
Loss before tax .................................................................................................
$ (70) $ (48) $ (22) (45.8) %
* Percentage change is greater than 100 percent.
Our CC segment reported a higher loss before tax during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to higher net interest
expense and higher operating expenses, partially offset by higher other operating income.
Net interest expense increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 driven by a higher cost of funds reflecting the
impact of higher market rates.
Other operating income increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to higher net funding credits
associated with MSS trading activities which increased by $67 million. Also contributing to the increase were favorable fair
value adjustments on certain investments held for Community Reinvestment Act purposes.
Operating expenses increased during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due primarily to $36 million of additional deposit
insurance special assessment fees which were accrued in the first quarter of 2024 associated with a final rule issued by the
FDIC in November 2023. During the first quarter of 2024, we became aware that the estimated loss to the DIF has increased
and, as a result, we accrued additional fees to reflect our best estimate of the updated special assessment amount.
Reconciliation of Segment Results As previously discussed, segment results are reported on a Group Reporting Basis. See
Note 13, "Business Segments," in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for a reconciliation of our Group
Reporting Basis segment results to U.S. GAAP consolidated totals.
Credit Quality
In the normal course of business, we enter into a variety of transactions that involve both on and off-balance sheet credit risk.
Principal among these activities is lending to various commercial, institutional, governmental and individual customers. We
participate in lending activity throughout the United States and, on a limited basis, internationally.
Allowance for Credit Losses / Liability for Off-Balance Sheet Credit Exposures Our accounting policies and methodologies
related to the allowance for credit losses and liability for off-balance sheet credit exposures are presented under the caption
"Critical Accounting Estimates" in MD&A and in Note 2, "Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and New Accounting
Pronouncements," in our 2023 Form 10-K. Our approach toward credit risk management is summarized under the caption "Risk
Management" in MD&A in our 2023 Form 10-K. There have been no significant revisions to our policies or methodologies
during the first quarter of 2024.
The following table summarizes our allowance for credit losses and the liability for off-balance sheet credit exposures:
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
Allowance for credit losses:
Commercial loans ............................................................................................................................
$ 563 $ 574
Consumer loans ...............................................................................................................................
18 17
Total loans ...........................................................................................................................................
581 591
Securities held-to-maturity ..................................................................................................................
Other financial assets measured at amortized cost
Securities available-for-sale .................................................................................................................
Total allowance for credit losses .........................................................................................................
$ 581 $ 591
Liability for off-balance sheet credit exposures .................................................................................
$ 123 $ 111
Primarily includes accrued interest receivables and customer acceptances.
The total allowance for credit losses at March 31, 2024 decreased $10 million or 2 percent as compared with December 31,
2023 due to a lower loss estimate on our commercial loan portfolio, while our consumer allowance for credit losses was
relatively flat.
Our commercial allowance for credit losses at March 31, 2024 decreased $11 million or 2 percent as compared with
December 31, 2023 driven by improved economic forecasts and improvements in the credit condition of certain clients,
partially offset by downgrades reflecting weakness in the financial condition of certain clients and higher loss estimates
associated with growth in innovation banking.
The liability for off-balance sheet credit exposures at March 31, 2024 increased $12 million or 11 percent as compared with
December 31, 2023 resulting from downgrades reflecting weakness in the financial condition of certain clients and higher loss
estimates associated with growth in innovation banking.
Analysis of the Allowance for Credit Losses on Loans
The following table presents the allowance for credit losses on loans by major loan categories:
% of
Loans to
Loans Amount
% of
Loans to
March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
(dollars are in millions)
Real estate, including construction ................................................................
$ 134 11.8 % $ 144 12.0 %
Business and corporate banking ....................................................................
309 26.8 302 26.7
Global banking ..............................................................................................
119 17.7 127 18.1
Other commercial ..........................................................................................
1 11.1 1 10.9
Total commercial ...........................................................................................
563 67.4 574 67.7
Residential mortgages ....................................................................................
(7) 31.5 (9) 31.1
Home equity mortgages .................................................................................
8 .6 7 .7
Credit cards ....................................................................................................
15 .3 16 .3
Other consumer ..............................................................................................
2 .2 3 .2
Total consumer ..............................................................................................
18 32.6 17 32.3
Total .................................................................................................................
$ 581 100.0 % $ 591 100.0 %
The following table sets forth key ratios for the allowance for credit losses on loans:
March 31,
December 31,
Ratio of Allowance for credit losses to:
Non-affiliates ...................................................................................................................................
1.53 % 1.54 %
Affiliates ..........................................................................................................................................
Total commercial .............................................................................................................................
1.40 1.44
Residential mortgages .....................................................................................................................
(.04) (.05)
Home equity mortgages ..................................................................................................................
2.09 1.80
Credit cards .....................................................................................................................................
7.94 8.04
Other consumer ...............................................................................................................................
2.08 2.97
Total consumer ................................................................................................................................
.09 .09
Total loans ...........................................................................................................................................
.97 1.00
Nonperforming loans:
Commercial .....................................................................................................................................
87 % 135 %
Consumer ........................................................................................................................................
10 9
Total nonperforming loans ..............................................................................................................
71 97
Ratios exclude loans held for sale as these loans are carried at the lower of amortized cost or fair value.
Represents our commercial and consumer allowance for credit losses, as appropriate, divided by the corresponding outstanding balance of total
nonperforming loans held for investment. Nonperforming loans include accruing loans contractually past due 90 days or more.
See Note 5, "Allowance for Credit Losses," in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for a rollforward of credit
losses by loan categories for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023.
The allowance for credit losses on loans as a percentage of total loans held for investment at March 31, 2024 decreased
modestly as compared with December 31, 2023 due primarily to the decrease in our commercial allowance for credit losses for
the reasons discussed above.
The allowance for credit losses on loans as a percentage of nonperforming loans held for investment at March 31, 2024
decreased as compared with December 31, 2023 due primarily to an increase in nonperforming loans as discussed further below
in our commercial loan portfolio.
Delinquency The following table summarizes dollars of two-months-and-over contractual delinquency and two-months-and-
over contractual delinquency as a percentage of total loans, excluding loans held for sale ("delinquency ratio").
March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
(dollars are in millions)
Commercial ..................................................................................................
$ 224 .56 % $ 416 1.04 %
Residential mortgages
116 .62 115 .63
Home equity mortgages
4 1.05 4 1.03
Credit cards ..............................................................................................
4 2.12 4 2.01
Other consumer ........................................................................................
2 2.08 2 1.98
Total consumer ........................................................................................
126 .65 125 .66
Total .............................................................................................................
$ 350 .59 $ 541 .92
At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, consumer mortgage loan delinquency includes $58 million and $61 million, respectively, of loans that are
carried at the lower of amortized cost or fair value of the collateral less costs to sell.
The following table reflects dollars of contractual delinquency and delinquency ratios for interest-only loans and adjustable rate mortgage ("ARM")
March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
(dollars are in millions)
Interest-only loans .........................................................................................................
$ 1 .02 % $ 4 .09 %
ARM loans ....................................................................................................................
71 .52 69 .51
Our two-months-and-over contractual delinquency ratio decreased 33 basis points compared with December 31, 2023 due to
lower dollars of delinquency in our commercial loan portfolio, while dollars of delinquency in our consumer loan portfolio
were relatively flat.
Our commercial loan two-months-and-over contractual delinquency ratio decreased 48 basis points compared with
December 31, 2023 due to lower dollars of delinquency driven by the collections of a few large private banking loans.
Net Charge-offs of Loans The following table summarizes net charge-off (recovery) dollars as well as net charge-off
(recovery) of loans for the period as a percentage of average loans, excluding loans held for sale ("net charge-off ratio"):
Real estate, including construction ........................................
$ $ 7,093 % $ $ 7,998 %
Business and corporate banking ............................................
16,054 4 16,504 .10
Global banking ......................................................................
10,489 10,328
Other commercial ..................................................................
6,444 7,258
Total commercial ...................................................................
40,080 4 42,088 .04
Residential mortgages ............................................................
(1) 18,561 (.02) 3 16,886 .07
Home equity mortgages .........................................................
384 365
Credit cards ............................................................................
1 188 2.13 1 199 2.01
Other consumer ......................................................................
89 136
Total consumer ......................................................................
19,222 4 17,586 .09
Total .........................................................................................
$ $ 59,302 $ 8 $ 59,674 .05
Three Months Ended March 31,
2024 2023
(dollars are in millions)
Our net charge-off ratio decreased 5 basis points during the three months ended March 31, 2024 due to a lower level of net
charge-offs in our commercial loan portfolio driven by the deterioration of a corporate banking loan in the prior year period as
well as a lower level of net charge-offs in our consumer loan portfolio driven by improved net charge-offs in residential
mortgages reflecting a modest level of net recoveries in the current year period compared with a modest level of net charge-offs
in the prior year period.
Nonperforming Loans The following table summarizes nonperforming loans, including nonaccrual loans and accruing loans
contractually 90 days or more past due, as well as nonperforming loans as a percentage of total loans, excluding loans held for
sale ("nonperforming ratio"):
(dollars are in millions)
Commercial ..................................................................................
$ 644 1.60 % $ 425 1.06 %
Residential mortgages
167 .89 172 .94
Home equity mortgages
6 1.57 6 1.54
Credit cards ..............................................................................
3 1.59 3 1.51
Other consumer ........................................................................
1 1.04 2 1.98
Total consumer .........................................................................
177 .91 183 .96
Total ..............................................................................................
$ 821 1.37 $ 608 1.03
Other real estate owned
$ 3 $ 2
March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
See Note 4, "Loans," in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for a breakout of nonaccrual loans and accruing loans contractually 90 days
or more past due. At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, total nonperforming loans include $4 million and $6 million, respectively, of accruing
loans contractually 90 days or more past due.
At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, nonperforming consumer mortgage loans include $103 million and $108 million, respectively, of loans that
are carried at the lower of amortized cost or fair value of the collateral less cost to sell.
Nonperforming consumer mortgage loans held for investment include all loans which are 90 or more days contractually delinquent as well as loans
discharged under Chapter 7 bankruptcy and not re-affirmed and second lien loans where the first lien loan that we own or service is 90 or more days
contractually delinquent.
Nonperforming consumer mortgage loans for all periods does not include guaranteed loans purchased from the Government National Mortgage
Association. Repayment of these loans is predominantly insured by the Federal Housing Administration and as such, these loans have different risk
characteristics from the rest of our customer loan portfolio.
Includes $1 million or less of commercial other real estate owned at both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Our nonperforming loans ratio increased 34 basis points compared with December 31, 2023 due to higher nonperforming loans
in our commercial loan portfolio, partially offset by lower nonperforming loans in our consumer loan portfolio.
Our commercial nonperforming loans ratio increased 54 basis points compared with December 31, 2023 due to higher
nonperforming loans driven by downgrades, including the downgrade of a global banking loan.
Our consumer nonperforming loans ratio decreased 5 basis points compared with December 31, 2023 due primarily to lower
nonperforming loans in residential mortgages driven by the collections of a few large private banking loans. Also contributing
to the decrease in the ratio, to a lesser extent, were higher outstanding loan balances.
Our policies and practices for problem loan management and placing loans on nonaccrual status are summarized in Note 2,
"Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and New Accounting Pronouncements," in our 2023 Form 10-K.
Concentration of Credit Risk A concentration of credit risk is defined as a significant credit exposure with an individual or
group engaged in similar activities or affected similarly by economic conditions. We enter into a variety of transactions in the
normal course of business that involve both on and off-balance sheet credit risk. Principal among these activities is lending to
various commercial, institutional, governmental and individual customers. We manage the varying degrees of credit risk
associated with on and off-balance sheet transactions through specific credit policies and procedures which provide for a strict
approval, monitoring and reporting process. It is our policy to require collateral when it is deemed appropriate. Varying degrees
and types of collateral are secured depending upon management's credit evaluation.
Commercial Credit Exposure Our commercial credit exposure is diversified across a broad range of industries. Commercial
loans outstanding, excluding loans held for sale, and unused commercial commitments by industry are presented in the table
March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
(in millions)
Diversified financials ............................................................................
$ 8,249 $ 9,903 $ 8,753 $ 9,702
Real estate .............................................................................................
4,911 1,516 4,702 1,695
Commercial and professional services ..................................................
3,400 6,353 3,385 5,915
Consumer services ................................................................................
2,264 3,019 2,445 3,116
Capital goods ........................................................................................
2,081 6,613 2,062 6,736
Semiconductors and semiconductor equipment ....................................
2,018 1,357 2,116 1,165
Retailing ................................................................................................
1,789 5,185 1,752 4,790
Consumer durables and apparel ............................................................
1,644 3,418 1,599 3,351
Utilities ..................................................................................................
1,551 1,440 1,334 1,421
Technology hardware and equipment ...................................................
1,116 7,599 1,271 6,290
Health care equipment and services ......................................................
1,014 2,690 966 2,910
Software and services ...........................................................................
1,005 7,188 983 4,401
Chemicals ..............................................................................................
890 4,419 977 4,165
Energy ...................................................................................................
755 5,056 774 5,476
Food, beverage and tobacco ..................................................................
749 2,457 760 2,482
Metals and mining .................................................................................
671 568 678 589
Food and staples retailing .....................................................................
596 1,636 588 1,600
Banks .....................................................................................................
465 270 642 570
Media and entertainment .......................................................................
406 761 331 769
Pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and life science ..................................
377 4,216 396 4,926
Total commercial credit exposure in top 20 industries
35,951 75,664 36,514 72,069
All other industries ................................................................................
912 8,914 825 8,138
Total commercial credit exposure
$ 36,863 $ 84,578 $ 37,339 $ 80,207
Based on utilization at March 31, 2024.
Excludes commercial credit exposures with affiliates.
At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, our commercial real estate secured loan portfolio reflects the following borrower
March 31,
December 31,
Multifamily ..........................................................................................................................................
45.0 % 43.7 %
Office ...................................................................................................................................................
24.8 24.7
Hotels ...................................................................................................................................................
14.6 16.6
All other types ......................................................................................................................................
15.6 15.0
Total .....................................................................................................................................................
100.0 % 100.0 %
Geographic Concentrations The following table reflects regional exposure at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023 for our
real estate secured loan portfolios, excluding loans held for sale:
Real Estate, including
Construction Loans
Mortgages and
Home Equity
March 31, 2024
New York State ...............................................................................................................
25.1 % 29.7 %
California .........................................................................................................................
8.5 45.6
North Central United States ............................................................................................
13.3 1.0
North Eastern United States, excluding New York State ................................................
6.3 7.6
Southern United States ....................................................................................................
40.4 10.0
Western United States, excluding California ..................................................................
6.4 6.1
Total ................................................................................................................................
100.0 % 100.0 %
December 31, 2023
New York State ...............................................................................................................
23.8 % 30.2 %
California .........................................................................................................................
10.2 44.9
North Central United States ............................................................................................
12.7 1.0
North Eastern United States, excluding New York State ................................................
6.0 7.7
Southern United States ....................................................................................................
41.2 10.1
Western United States, excluding California ..................................................................
6.1 6.1
Total ................................................................................................................................
100.0 % 100.0 %
Residential Mortgage Loans Our consumer loan portfolio includes the following types of loans:
Interest-only loans A loan which allows a customer to pay the interest-only portion of the monthly payment for a
period of time which results in lower payments during the initial loan period.
ARM loans – A loan which allows us to adjust pricing on the loan in line with market movements.
The following table summarizes the balances of interest-only and ARM loans in our loan portfolios, excluding mortgages held
for sale, at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Each category is not mutually exclusive and loans may appear in more than
one category below.
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
Interest-only residential mortgage and home equity mortgage loans ..................................................
$ 4,453 $ 4,392
ARM loans
........................................................................................................................................ 13,689 13,363
During the remainder of 2024 and during 2025, approximately $349 million and $515 million, respectively, of the ARM loans will experience their first
interest rate reset.
The following table summarizes the concentrations of first and second liens within the outstanding residential mortgage and
home equity mortgage portfolios, excluding mortgages held for sale, at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
Closed end:
First lien ..........................................................................................................................................
$ 18,825 $ 18,341
Second lien ......................................................................................................................................
14 15
.......................................................................................................................................... 368 374
Total .....................................................................................................................................................
$ 19,207 $ 18,730
A majority of revolving are second lien mortgages.
Credit Risks Associated with Derivative Contracts Credit risk associated with derivatives is measured as the net replacement
cost of derivative contracts in a receivable position in the event the counterparties of such contracts fail to perform under the
terms of those contracts. In managing derivative credit risk, both the current exposure, which is the replacement cost of
contracts on the measurement date, as well as an estimate of the potential change in value of contracts over their remaining lives
are considered. Counterparties to our derivative activities include financial institutions, central clearing parties, foreign and
domestic government agencies, corporations, funds (mutual funds, hedge funds, etc.), insurance companies and private clients
as well as other HSBC entities. These counterparties are subject to regular credit review by the credit risk management
department. To minimize credit risk, we may enter into legally enforceable master netting agreements which reduce risk by
permitting the closeout and netting of transactions with the same counterparty upon occurrence of certain events. In addition,
we reduce credit risk by obtaining collateral from counterparties. The determination of the need for and the levels of collateral
will differ based on an assessment of the credit risk of the counterparty and/or regulatory requirements.
The total risk in a derivative contract is a function of a number of variables, such as:
volatility of interest rates, currencies, equity or corporate reference entity used as the basis for determining contract
current market events or trends;
country risk;
maturity and liquidity of contracts;
creditworthiness of the counterparties in the transaction;
the existence of a master netting agreement among the counterparties; and
existence and value of collateral received from counterparties to secure exposures.
The table below presents total credit risk exposure calculated using the general risk-based capital rules of the Basel III
Standardized Approach which includes the net positive mark-to-market of the derivative contracts plus any adjusted potential
future exposure as measured in reference to the notional amount. The regulatory capital rules recognize that bilateral netting
agreements reduce credit risk and, therefore, allow for reductions of risk-weighted assets when netting requirements have been
met and collateral exists. As a result, risk-weighted amounts for regulatory capital purposes are a portion of the original gross
exposures. Furthermore, many contracts contain provisions that allow us to close out the transaction if the counterparty fails to
post required collateral. In addition, many contracts give us the right to break the transactions earlier than the final maturity
date. As a result, these contracts have potential future exposures that are often much smaller than the future exposures derived
from the regulatory capital rules.
March 31,
December 31,
(in millions)
Risk associated with derivative contracts:
Total credit risk exposure ....................................................................................................................
$ 8,961 $ 9,716
Less: collateral held against exposure .................................................................................................
2,696 2,459
Net credit risk exposure .......................................................................................................................
$ 6,265 $ 7,257
Liquidity and Capital Resources
Effective liquidity management is defined as ensuring we can meet customer loan requests, customer deposit maturities/
withdrawals and other cash commitments efficiently under both normal operating conditions and under unpredictable
circumstances of industry or market stress. To achieve this objective, we have guidelines that require sufficient liquidity to
cover potential funding requirements in both the short- and long-term and to avoid over-dependence on volatile, less reliable
funding markets. Guidelines are set for the consolidated balance sheet of HSBC USA to ensure that it is a source of strength for
our regulated, deposit-taking banking subsidiary, as well as to address the more limited sources of liquidity available to it as a
holding company. Similar guidelines are set for HSBC Bank USA to ensure that it can meet its liquidity needs in various stress
scenarios. Cash flow analysis, including stress testing scenarios, forms the basis for liquidity management and contingency
funding plans. See "Risk Management" in this MD&A for further discussion of our approach towards liquidity and funding risk
management, including information regarding the key measures employed to define, monitor and control our liquidity and
funding risk.
Interest Bearing Deposits with Banks totaled $30,687 million and $25,015 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023,
respectively, of which $30,593 million and $24,830 million, respectively, were held with the Federal Reserve Bank. Balances
may fluctuate from period to period depending upon our liquidity position at the time and our strategy for deploying liquidity.
Surplus interest bearing deposits with the Federal Reserve Bank may be deployed into securities purchased under agreements to
resell or other investments depending on market conditions and the opportunity to maximize returns.
Federal Funds Sold and Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell totaled $8,306 million and $13,878 million at
March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. Balances may fluctuate from period to period depending upon our
liquidity position at the time and our strategy for deploying liquidity.
Trading Assets includes securities totaling $17,750 million and $20,493 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023,
respectively. See "Balance Sheet Review" in this MD&A for further analysis and discussion on trends.
Securities includes securities available-for-sale and securities held-to-maturity totaling $40,844 million and $40,772 million at
March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. See "Balance Sheet Review" in this MD&A for further analysis and
discussion on trends.
Short-Term Borrowings totaled $7,033 million and $9,914 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
See "Balance Sheet Review" in this MD&A for further analysis and discussion on short-term borrowing trends.
Deposits totaled $122,053 million and $121,283 million at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. See "Balance
Sheet Review" in this MD&A for further analysis and discussion on deposit trends.
Long-Term Debt increased to $19,439 million at March 31, 2024 from $18,661 million at December 31, 2023. The following
table presents the maturities of long-term debt at March 31, 2024:
(in millions)
2024 .............................................................................................................................................................................
$ 3,633
2025 .............................................................................................................................................................................
2026 .............................................................................................................................................................................
2027 .............................................................................................................................................................................
2028 .............................................................................................................................................................................
Thereafter ....................................................................................................................................................................
Total ............................................................................................................................................................................
$ 19,439
The following table summarizes issuances and retirements of long-term debt during the three months ended March 31, 2024
and 2023:
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
(in millions)
Long-term debt issued .........................................................................................................................
$ 2,335 $ 2,037
Long-term debt repaid .........................................................................................................................
(1,523) (603)
Net long-term debt issued ....................................................................................................................
$ 812 $ 1,434
See "Balance Sheet Review" in this MD&A for further analysis and discussion on long-term debt trends, including additional
information on debt issued and repaid during the three months ended March 31, 2024.
Under our shelf registration statement on file with the SEC, we may issue certain securities including debt securities and
preferred stock. We satisfy the eligibility requirements for designation as a "well-known seasoned issuer," which allows us to
file a registration statement that does not have a limit on issuance capacity. The ability to issue under the registration statement
is limited by the authority granted by the Board of Directors. At March 31, 2024, we were authorized to issue up to $15,000
million, of which $4,935 million was available. HSBC Bank USA has a $40,000 million Global Bank Note Program that
provides for the issuance of subordinated and senior notes, of which $11,968 million was available at March 31, 2024.
As a member of the FHLB and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, we have secured borrowing facilities which are
collateralized by loans and investment securities. At March 31, 2024, long-term debt included $1,000 million of borrowings
from the FHLB facility. Based upon the amounts pledged as collateral under these facilities, we have additional borrowing
capacity of up to $25,654 million.
Preferred Equity See Note 19, "Preferred Stock," in our 2023 Form 10-K for information regarding all outstanding HSBC
USA preferred share issues.
Common Equity During the first quarter of 2024, HSBC USA did not receive any cash capital contributions from its parent,
HSBC North America, and did not make any capital contributions to its subsidiary, HSBC Bank USA.
Capital Ratios In managing capital, we develop targets for common equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets, Tier 1 capital
to risk-weighted assets, total capital to risk-weighted assets and Tier 1 capital to adjusted quarterly average assets (i.e., the "Tier
1 leverage ratio"). Capital targets are reviewed at least semi-annually to ensure they reflect our business mix and risk profile, as
well as real-time conditions and circumstances. The following table summarizes HSBC USA's Basel III capital ratios calculated
as of March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
March 31,
December 31,
Common equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets .......................................................................
13.1 % 13.0 %
Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets ..................................................................................................
13.4 13.3
Total capital to risk-weighted assets ...................................................................................................
15.7 15.7
Tier 1 leverage ratio
8.0 7.7
Adjusted quarterly average assets, the Tier 1 leverage ratio denominator, reflects quarterly average assets adjusted for amounts permitted to be deducted
from Tier 1 capital.
We manage capital in accordance with HSBC Group policy. The HSBC North America Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment
Process ("ICAAP") works in conjunction with the HSBC Group's ICAAP. The HSBC North America ICAAP applies to HSBC
USA and HSBC Bank USA and evaluates regulatory capital adequacy and capital adequacy under various stress scenarios. Our
approach is to meet our capital needs for these stress scenarios locally through activities which reduce risk. To the extent that
local alternatives are insufficient, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of HSBC, we would seek support from our ultimate parent.
Regulatory capital requirements are based on the amount of capital required to be held, plus applicable capital buffers, as
defined by regulations, and the amount of risk-weighted assets and leverage exposure, also calculated based on regulatory
We are subject to regulatory capital rules issued by U.S. banking regulators including Basel III (the "Basel III rule"). The Basel
III rule establishes minimum capital ratios and overall capital adequacy standards for banks and bank holding companies
("BHCs"). HSBC North America, HSBC USA and HSBC Bank USA each calculate their risk-based capital requirements for
credit risk under the Standardized Approach in the Basel III rule. In 2019, the FRB and the other federal banking agencies
jointly finalized rules to implement the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act that tailor the
application of the enhanced prudential standards for large BHC and foreign banking organizations (the "Tailoring Rules"). The
Tailoring Rules assign each BHC and IHC with $50 billion or more in total U.S. assets into one of five classifications
(Categories I through IV, and 'other firms') based on its size and four risk-based indicators. Under the Tailoring Rules, HSBC
North America and HSBC Bank USA are subject to Category IV standards. For additional discussion of the Basel III rule
requirements, including required minimum capital ratios, as well as further discussion of the Tailoring Rules, Category IV
standards and other related regulatory developments and their expected impact see Part I, "Regulation and Competition -
Regulatory Capital and Liquidity Requirements," in our 2023 Form 10-K. We continue to review the composition of our capital
Regulatory Developments In July 2023, U.S. banking regulators proposed changes to the regulatory capital rules applicable to
U.S. banks, BHCs and IHCs with total consolidated assets of $100 billion or more. These changes are intended to be broadly
consistent with revisions to Basel III finalized by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in 2017. The U.S. proposal
would end the use of internal models for credit risk, credit valuation adjustments, and operational risk, eliminate the
accumulated other comprehensive income opt-out for Category IV banking organizations, create an expanded risk-based credit
capital approach in addition to retaining a modified version of the current standardized approach, and make changes to the
modeling requirements for market risk. These proposals would not be effective until July 1, 2025 at the earliest. Certain aspects
of the proposal would be subject to a three-year phase-in period. We are analyzing the proposed changes, including the timing
of implementation, to determine the potential effects on capital requirements. Based on the foregoing, if adopted as proposed,
we expect an increase in the capital requirements of HSBC North America, HSBC USA and HSBC Bank USA during the
phase-in period and thereafter.
Capital Planning and Stress Testing The FRB requires certain U.S. top-tier BHCs and IHCs, including HSBC North America,
to comply with the FRB's capital plan rule and CCAR program, as well as the supervisory stress tests conducted by the FRB.
The stress tests are forward looking exercises to assess the impact of hypothetical macroeconomic baseline and severely adverse
scenarios provided by the FRB on the financial condition and capital adequacy of a CCAR firm over a nine quarter planning
horizon. As a Category IV firm, HSBC North America is subject to supervisory stress testing on a biennial basis, and it may
opt-in to such testing in an "off year" in order to recalibrate its stress capital buffer based on its most recent supervisory stress
test. The FRB continues to supervise Category IV firms on an ongoing basis, including evaluation of the capital adequacy and
capital planning processes during off-cycle years. For further discussion of capital planning and stress testing, including detail
regarding the FRB's supervisory assessment as part of the CCAR process, see Part I, "Regulation and Competition - Regulatory
Capital and Liquidity Requirements," in our 2023 Form 10-K.
HSBC North America submitted its 2024 CCAR capital plan in April 2024. The FRB will publicly disclose its supervisory
stress test results on or before June 30, 2024. Stress testing results are based solely on hypothetical adverse stress scenarios and
should not be viewed or interpreted as forecasts of expected outcomes or capital adequacy or of the actual financial condition of
HSBC North America. Capital planning and stress testing for HSBC North America may impact our future capital and liquidity.
While BHC regulatory capital compliance is generally performed at the HSBC North America level, and also separately for
HSBC Bank USA, as a BHC we are required to meet minimum capital requirements imposed by the FRB. We present our
capital ratios, together with HSBC Bank USA's in Note 14, "Retained Earnings and Regulatory Capital Requirements," in the
accompanying consolidated financial statements.
2024 Funding Strategy Our current estimate for funding needs and sources for 2024 are summarized in the following table:
January 1
March 31,
April 1
December 31,
Full Year
(in billions)
Increase (decrease) in funding needs:
Net change in loans ..................................................................................................
$ 1 $ 4 $ 5
Net change in short-term investments and securities ...............................................
(6) (6)
Net change in trading and other assets .....................................................................
(2) 6 4
Total funding needs .....................................................................................................
$ (1) $ 4 $ 3
Increase (decrease) in funding sources:
Net change in deposits ..............................................................................................
$ 1 $ (1) $
Net change in trading and other short-term liabilities ..............................................
(3) 6 3
Net change in long-term debt ..................................................................................
1 (1)
Total funding sources ..................................................................................................
$ (1) $ 4 $ 3
The above table reflects a long-term funding strategy. Daily balances fluctuate as we accommodate customer needs, while
ensuring that we have liquidity in place to support the balance sheet maturity funding profile. Should market conditions
deteriorate, we have contingency plans to generate additional liquidity through the sales of assets or financing transactions. We
remain confident in our ability to access the market for long-term debt funding needs in the current market environment. We
continue to seek well-priced and stable customer deposits. We also continue to sell new agency-eligible conforming residential
mortgage loans to third parties.
HSBC Bank USA is subject to significant restrictions imposed by federal law on extensions of credit to, and certain other
'covered transactions' with HSBC USA and other affiliates. For further discussion, see Part I, "Regulation and Competition -
Affiliate Transaction Restrictions," in our 2023 Form 10-K.
See "Risk Management" in this MD&A for further discussion relating to our liquidity contingency plans and our approach to
liquidity and funding risk management.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements As part of our normal operations, we enter into credit derivatives and various off-balance
sheet arrangements with affiliates and third parties. These arrangements arise principally in connection with our lending and
client intermediation activities and involve primarily commitments to extend credit and, in certain cases, guarantees.
Commitments to extend credit include arrangements whereby we are contractually obligated to extend credit in the form of
loans, participations in loans or similar transactions. At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had commitments to
extend credit totaling $91.1 billion and $87.4 billion, respectively, comprised primarily of commercial commitments and, to a
lesser extent, consumer commitments. Commercial commitments comprise primarily those related to secured and unsecured
loans and lines of credit. Consumer commitments comprise unused MasterCard/Visa credit card lines, where we have the right
to change terms or conditions upon notification to the customer, and commitments to extend credit secured by residential
properties, where we have the right to change terms or conditions, for cause, upon notification to the customer. For a summary
of guarantees, including standby letters of credit and certain credit derivative transactions, as well as the contractual amounts
outstanding at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, see Note 16, "Guarantee Arrangements, Pledged Asset and Repurchase
Agreements," in the accompanying consolidated financial statements.
The contractual amounts of these financial instruments represent our maximum possible credit exposure in the event that a
counterparty draws down the full commitment amount or we are required to fulfill our maximum obligation under a guarantee.
Many of these commitments and guarantees expire unused or without default. As a result, we believe that the contractual
amount is not representative of the actual future credit exposure or funding requirements.
In addition, we had commitments to purchase securities under agreements to resell on a forward starting basis totaling $0.7
billion and $4.8 billion at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. These contracts typically expire in less than
one month and are secured by collateral primarily from U.S. Treasury securities.
Our off-balance sheet arrangements also include transactions with unconsolidated variable interest entities ("VIEs"). See Note
15, "Variable Interest Entities," in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for a summary of these unconsolidated
Fair Value
Fair Value Hierarchy Fair value measurement accounting principles establish a fair value hierarchy structure that prioritizes
the inputs to determine the fair value of an asset or liability (the "Fair Value Framework"). The Fair Value Framework
distinguishes between inputs that are based on observed market data and unobservable inputs that reflect market participants'
assumptions. It emphasizes the use of valuation methodologies that maximize observable market inputs. For financial
instruments carried at fair value, the best evidence of fair value is a quoted price in an actively traded market (Level 1). Where
the market for a financial instrument is not active, valuation techniques are used. The majority of our valuation techniques use
market inputs that are either observable or indirectly derived from and corroborated by observable market data for substantially
the full term of the financial instrument (Level 2). Because Level 1 and Level 2 instruments are determined by observable
inputs, less judgment is applied in determining their fair values. In the absence of observable market inputs, the financial
instrument is valued based on valuation techniques that feature one or more significant unobservable inputs (Level 3). The
determination of the level of fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement of an asset or a liability is classified
often requires judgment and may change over time as market conditions evolve. We consider the following factors in
developing the fair value hierarchy:
whether the asset or liability is transacted in an active market with a quoted market price;
the level of bid-ask spreads;
a lack of pricing transparency due to, among other things, complexity of the product and market liquidity;
whether only a few transactions are observed over a significant period of time;
whether the pricing quotations differ substantially among independent pricing services;
whether inputs to the valuation techniques can be derived from or corroborated with market data; and
whether significant adjustments are made to the observed pricing information or model output to determine the fair
Level 1 inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets that the reporting entity has the ability to access for identical
assets or liabilities. A financial instrument is classified as a Level 1 measurement if it is listed on an exchange or is an
instrument actively traded in the over-the-counter ("OTC") market where transactions occur with sufficient frequency and
volume. We regard financial instruments such as debt securities, equity securities and derivative contracts listed on the primary
exchanges of a country to be actively traded. Non-exchange-traded instruments classified as Level 1 assets include securities
issued by the U.S. Treasury, to-be-announced securities, non-callable securities issued by U.S. Government sponsored
enterprises and certain foreign government-backed debt.
Level 2 inputs are those that are observable either directly or indirectly but do not qualify as Level 1 inputs. We classify
mortgage pass-through securities, agency and certain non-agency mortgage collateralized obligations, non-exchange-traded
derivative contracts, asset-backed securities, obligations of U.S. states and political subdivisions, corporate debt securities,
certain foreign government-backed debt, preferred securities, securities purchased and sold under resale and repurchase
agreements, precious metals, certain loans held for sale, certain student loans held for investment, residential mortgage loans
whose carrying amount was reduced based on the fair value of the underlying collateral, real estate owned and certain client
share repurchase transactions as Level 2 measurements. Where possible, at least two quotations from independent sources are
obtained based on transactions involving comparable assets and liabilities to validate the fair value of these instruments. We
have established a process to understand the methodologies and inputs used by the third-party pricing services to ensure that
pricing information meets the fair value objective and, where appropriate, this pricing data is back-tested to market trade
executions. Where significant differences arise among the independent pricing quotes and the internally determined fair value,
we investigate and reconcile the differences. If the investigation results in a significant adjustment to the fair value, the
instrument will be classified as Level 3 within the fair value hierarchy. In general, we have observed that there is a correlation
between the credit standing and the market liquidity of a non-derivative instrument.
Level 2 derivative instruments are generally valued based on discounted future cash flows or an option pricing model adjusted
for counterparty credit risk and market liquidity. The fair value of certain derivative products is determined using valuation
techniques based on inputs derived from observable indices traded in the OTC market. Appropriate control processes and
procedures have been applied to ensure that the derived inputs are applied to value only those instruments that share similar
risks to the relevant benchmark indices and therefore demonstrate a similar response to market factors.
Level 3 inputs are unobservable estimates that management expects market participants would use to determine the fair value of
the asset or liability. That is, Level 3 inputs incorporate market participants' assumptions about risk and the risk premium
required by market participants in order to bear that risk. We develop Level 3 inputs based on the best information available in
the circumstances. At March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, our Level 3 assets and liabilities measured at fair value included
the following: certain structured deposits and structured notes for which the embedded derivatives have significant
unobservable inputs (e.g., volatility or default correlations), certain asset-backed securities, individually assessed commercial
loans, mortgage servicing rights, derivatives with certain inputs which are unobservable, certain credit default swaps, certain
loans held for sale and swap agreements entered into in conjunction with the sales of Visa Class B Shares for which the fair
value is dependent upon the final resolution of the related litigation. See Note 17, "Fair Value Measurements," in the
accompanying consolidated financial statements for additional information on Level 3 inputs.
Level 3 Measurements The following table provides information about Level 3 assets/liabilities in relation to total assets/
liabilities measured at fair value at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
March 31,
December 31,
(dollars are in millions)
Level 3 assets
$ 758 $ 729
Total assets measured at fair value
59,598 64,748
Level 3 liabilities
2,486 2,429
Total liabilities measured at fair value
25,116 28,622
Level 3 assets as a percent of total assets measured at fair value ........................................................
1.3 % 1.1 %
Level 3 liabilities as a percent of total liabilities measured at fair value .............................................
9.9 % 8.5 %
Presented without netting which allows the offsetting of amounts relating to certain contracts if certain conditions are met.
Includes $376 million of recurring Level 3 assets and $382 million of non-recurring Level 3 assets at March 31, 2024. Includes $355 million of recurring
Level 3 assets and $374 million of non-recurring Level 3 assets at December 31, 2023.
Includes $59,113 million of assets measured on a recurring basis and $485 million of assets measured on a non-recurring basis at March 31, 2024.
Includes $64,268 million of assets measured on a recurring basis and $480 million of assets measured on a non-recurring basis at December 31, 2023.
Significant Changes in Fair Value for Level 3 Assets and Liabilities See Note 17, "Fair Value Measurements," in the
accompanying consolidated financial statements for information on additions to and transfers into (out of) Level 3
measurements during the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023 as well as for further details including the classification
hierarchy associated with assets and liabilities measured at fair value.
Effect of Changes in Significant Unobservable Inputs The fair value of certain financial instruments is measured using
valuation techniques that incorporate pricing assumptions not supported by, derived from or corroborated by observable market
data. The resultant fair value measurements are dependent on unobservable input parameters which can be selected from a
range of estimates and may be interdependent. Changes in one or more of the significant unobservable input parameters may
change the fair value measurements of these financial instruments. For the purpose of preparing the financial statements, the
final valuation inputs selected are based on management's best judgment that reflect the assumptions market participants would
use in pricing similar assets or liabilities.
The unobservable input parameters selected are subject to the internal valuation control processes and procedures. When we
perform a test of all the significant input parameters to the extreme values within the range at the same time, it could result in an
increase of the overall fair value measurement of approximately $20 million or a decrease of the overall fair value measurement
of approximately $70 million at March 31, 2024. The effect of changes in significant unobservable input parameters are
primarily driven by the uncertainty in determining the fair value of certain credit-linked structured notes and swap agreements
entered into in conjunction with the sales of Visa Class B Shares.
Risk Management
Overview The primary role of risk management is to protect our customers, business, colleagues and the communities that we
serve, while ensuring we are able to support our strategy and provide sustainable growth.
We aim to use a comprehensive risk management approach across the organization and across all risk types underpinned by our
culture and values. This is outlined in our risk management framework, including the key principles and practices that we
employ in managing material risks, both financial and non-financial. This framework fosters continuous monitoring, promotes
risk awareness, and encourages sound operational and strategic decision-making and escalation processes. It also supports a
consistent approach to identifying, assessing, managing, and reporting the risks we accept and incur in our activities, with clear
Our Board of Directors has the ultimate responsibility for the effective oversight of risk management and approves our risk
appetite. It is advised on risk matters by the Risk Committee of the Board of Directors, notably risk appetite and its alignment
with our strategy, risk governance and internal controls, as well as high-level risk related matters. We use a defined executive
risk governance structure to help ensure there is appropriate oversight and accountability embedded throughout our business for
the effective management of risk.
Our material risks The principal risks associated with our operations include the following:
Credit risk is the risk of financial loss if a customer or counterparty fails to meet an obligation under a contract;
Treasury risk is the risk of having insufficient capital, liquidity or funding resources to meet financial obligations and
satisfy regulatory requirements, including the risk of an adverse impact on earnings or capital due to changes in market
interest rates, together with pension risk;
Market risk is the risk of an adverse financial impact on trading activities arising from changes in market parameters
such as interest rates, foreign exchange rates, asset prices, volatilities, correlations and credit spreads;
Climate risk relates to the financial and non-financial impacts that may arise as a consequence of climate change and
the move to a net zero economy;
Resilience risk is the risk of sustained and significant business disruption from execution, delivery, physical security or
safety events, causing the inability to provide critical services to our customers, affiliates and counterparties;
Regulatory compliance risk is the risk associated with breaching our duty to clients and other counterparties,
inappropriate market conduct and breaching related financial services regulatory standards;
Financial crime risk is the risk that our products and services will be exploited for criminal activity, including fraud,
bribery and corruption, tax evasion, sanctions and export control violations, money laundering, terrorist financing and
proliferation financing;
Strategic risk is the risk that the business will fail to identify, execute and react appropriately to opportunities and/or
threats arising from changes in the market, some of which may emerge over a number of years such as changing
economic and political circumstances, customer requirements, demographic trends, regulatory developments or
competitor action; and
Model risk is the risk of inappropriate or incorrect business decisions arising from the use of models that have been
inadequately designed, implemented or used, or from models that do not perform in line with expectations and
In the course of our regular risk management activities, we use models to help quantify the risk we are taking. We believe that
the assumptions used in these models are reasonable within the parameters for which the models have been built and calibrated
to operate, but events may unfold differently than what is assumed in the models. Adjustments to model outputs to reflect
consideration of management judgment are used with stringent governance in place to ensure appropriate results. Models are
also monitored to confirm they are performing as intended.
See "Risk Management" in MD&A in our 2023 Form 10-K for a more complete discussion of the objectives of our risk
management system as well as our risk management policies and practices. Other than the change to treasury risk management
discussed below, there have been no material changes to our approach to risk management since December 31, 2023.
Credit Risk Management Credit risk is managed through a robust risk identification and control framework which outlines
clear and consistent policies, principles and guidance for risk managers. Credit risk is monitored using various internal risk
management measures and within limits approved by individuals within a framework of delegated authorities. Our credit risk
management procedures are designed for all stages of economic and financial cycles, including challenging periods of market
volatility and economic uncertainty. During the first quarter of 2024, economic uncertainty remained due to elevated interest
rates, inflation levels and the expectation for slowing economic growth. We continue to monitor the performance of our
material commercial loans as conditions evolve and take necessary credit actions where warranted. See "Risk Management" in
MD&A in our 2023 Form 10-K for a more complete discussion of our approach to credit risk.
Treasury Risk Management We continuously monitor our capital ratios and the impact of market events on our liquidity
positions and will continue to adapt our frameworks as necessary to reflect market events and the evolving regulatory landscape
and view as to best practices. In the first quarter of 2024, we began managing our non-trading value at risk ("VaR") exposure to
a 10-day holding period as compared with the previous approach which was based on a one-day holding period. As a result, we
have revised prior year amounts in the non-trading VaR table below in order to conform to the current year presentation. There
have been no other material changes to our approach towards treasury risk management since December 31, 2023. See "Risk
Management" in MD&A in our 2023 Form 10-K for a more complete discussion of our approach to treasury risk
Capital risk See "Liquidity and Capital Resources" in this MD&A for a discussion of our approach to capital risk management,
including our capital ratios and regulatory capital requirements.
Liquidity and funding risk As part of our approach towards liquidity and funding risk management, we employ the measures
discussed below to define, monitor and control our liquidity and funding risk in accordance with HSBC policy.
HSBC North America is subject to the U.S. liquidity coverage ratio ("LCR") rule, which is designed to be a short-term liquidity
measure to ensure banks have sufficient High Quality Liquid Assets ("HQLA") to cover net stressed cash outflows over the
next 30 days, and both HSBC North America and HSBC Bank USA calculate and report their LCR to U.S. regulators on a daily
basis. During the three months ended March 31, 2024, HSBC Bank USA's LCR remained above 100 percent. Under the
Tailoring Rules, a 70 percent LCR requirement applies to Category IV firms with weighted short-term wholesale funding that
equals or exceeds $50 billion. As a result, a LCR of 100 percent or higher reflects an unencumbered HQLA balance that is
equal to or exceeds 70 percent of a Category IV firm's liquidity needs for a 30 calendar day liquidity stress scenario. HQLA
consists of cash or assets that can be converted into cash at little or no loss of value in private markets.
HSBC North America is also subject to the U.S. net stable funding ratio ("NSFR") rule, which is a longer term liquidity
measure with a 12-month time horizon to ensure a sustainable maturity structure of assets and liabilities, and both HSBC North
America and HSBC Bank USA calculate and report their NSFR to U.S. regulators. At both March 31, 2024 and December 31,
2023, HSBC Bank USA's NSFR exceeded 100 percent. Under the Tailoring Rules, a 70 percent NSFR requirement applies to
Category IV firms with weighted short-term wholesale funding that equals or exceeds $50 billion. As a result, a NSFR of 100
percent or more reflects an available stable funding balance from liabilities and capital over the next 12 months that is equal to
or exceeds 70 percent of a Category IV firm's required amount of funding for assets and off-balance sheet exposures. In
addition, under the United Kingdom ("U.K.") Prudential Regulatory Authority ("PRA") based NSFR rule, HSBC USA's NSFR
exceeded 100 percent at both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Under the U.K. PRA NSFR rule, a NSFR of 100 percent
or more reflects an available stable funding balance from liabilities and capital over the next 12 months that is equal to or
exceeds the required amount of funding for assets and off-balance sheet exposures.
As a Category IV firm, HSBC North America is subject to liquidity stress testing and related liquidity buffer and liquidity risk
management requirements. HSBC North America and HSBC Bank USA have liquidity profiles to support compliance with
these rules and may need to make changes to their liquidity profiles to support compliance with any future rules.
Our liquidity and funding risk management approach includes deposits, supplemented by wholesale borrowing to fund our
balance sheet, and using security sales or secured borrowings for liquidity stress situations in our liquidity contingency plans. In
addition, regulations require banks to retain a portfolio of HQLA. As such, we are maintaining a large portfolio of high quality
sovereign and sovereign guaranteed securities.
Our ability to regularly attract wholesale funds at a competitive cost is enhanced by strong ratings from the major credit rating
agencies. The following table reflects the short and long-term credit ratings of HSBC USA and HSBC Bank USA at March 31,
Moody's S&P Fitch
Short-term borrowings .......................................................................................
P-1 A-2 F1+
Long-term/senior debt ........................................................................................
A2 A- A+
Short-term borrowings .......................................................................................
P-1 A-1 F1+
Long-term/senior debt ........................................................................................
Aa3 A+ AA-
Rating agencies continue to evaluate economic and geopolitical trends, regulatory developments, future profitability, risk
management practices and legal matters, all of which could lead to adverse ratings actions.
Although we closely monitor and strive to manage factors influencing our credit ratings, there is no assurance that our credit
ratings will not change in the future. At March 31, 2024, none of the ratings on the debt of HSBC USA or HSBC Bank USA
from any of the rating agencies were under review for potential downgrade.
See "Liquidity and Capital Resources" in this MD&A for further discussion of our liquidity position, including additional
information regarding our outstanding borrowings, the remaining availability of our debt issuance programs and our funding
Interest rate risk Various techniques are utilized to quantify and monitor risks associated with the repricing characteristics of
our assets, liabilities and derivative contracts. See "Risk Management" in MD&A in our 2023 Form 10-K for a more complete
discussion of our approach to interest rate risk.
Economic value of equity ("EVE") EVE represents the present value of the banking book cash flows that could be provided to
our equity holder under a managed run-off scenario. An EVE sensitivity represents the change in EVE due to a defined
movement in interest rates. We manage to an immediate parallel upward shock of 200 basis points and an immediate parallel
downward shock of 200 basis points to the market implied interest rates. At both March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, our
EVE remained within risk limits for the up 200 and down 200 basis point interest rate shock scenarios.
Earnings-at-risk Earnings-at-risk is a measure of interest rate risk in the banking book generated by our non-trading assets and
liabilities that primarily includes loans, deposits with banks, investment securities, deposits, long-term debt and any associated
interest rate hedges that are not held for trading intent or in order to hedge positions held with trading intent. Earnings-at-risk
utilizes a number of interest rate scenarios to estimate the impact on projected banking book net interest income over a twelve
month period, such as rate shock scenarios which assume immediate market rate movements by 100 basis points, as well as
scenarios in which rates gradually rise or fall by 100 basis points. In the gradual scenarios, 25 percent of the interest rate
movement occurs at the beginning of each quarter. The following table reflects the estimated impact of the earnings-at-risk
scenarios on projected banking book net interest income:
March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023
Amount % Amount %
(dollars are in millions)
Estimated increase (decrease) in projected banking book net interest income (reflects
projected rate movements on April 1, 2024 and January 1, 2024, respectively):
Resulting from a gradual 100 basis point increase in the yield curve .............................
$ (7) % $ (17) (1) %
Resulting from a gradual 100 basis point decrease in the yield curve .............................
(10) (33) (1)
Other significant scenarios monitored (reflects projected rate movements on April 1,
2024 and January 1, 2024, respectively):
Resulting from an immediate 100 basis point increase in the yield curve ......................
(13) (37) (1)
Resulting from an immediate 100 basis point decrease in the yield curve ......................
12 (16) (1)
The projections do not take into consideration possible complicating factors such as the effect of changes in interest rates on the
credit quality, size and composition of the balance sheet. Therefore, although this provides a reasonable estimate of interest rate
sensitivity, actual results will differ from these estimates, possibly by significant amounts.
Non-trading VaR Non-trading VaR predominantly relates to Markets Treasury and represents the potential negative changes in
the investment portfolio market value (which includes available-for-sale and held-to-maturity assets) and associated hedges.
Our investment portfolio holdings comprise mainly U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government agency mortgage-backed and U.S.
Government sponsored mortgage-backed securities. Our non-trading VaR exposure is driven by interest rates and agency
mortgage-backed security spread volatility. Refer to "Market Risk Management" below for further discussion regarding VaR
and the management of market risk in our non-trading portfolios.
The following table summarizes our non-trading VaR for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and at December 31, 2023:
Credit Spread Interest Rate
(in millions)
At March 31, 2024 ...........................................................................
$ 297 $ 258 $ (188) $ 367
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024
Average .............................................................................................
297 259 (171) 385
Maximum ..........................................................................................
305 290 415
Minimum ...........................................................................................
293 232 354
At December 31, 2023 .....................................................................
$ 326 $ 226 $ (197) $ 355
Refer to the Trading VaR table in "Market Risk Management" below for additional information.
Non-trading VaR also includes the interest rate risk of non-trading financial assets and liabilities held by the global businesses
and transfer priced into Markets Treasury which has the mandate to centrally manage and hedge it.
Market Risk Management Exposure to market risk is separated into two portfolios:
Trading portfolios comprise positions held for client servicing and market-making, with the intention of short-term
resale and/or to hedge risks resulting from such positions.
Non-trading portfolios comprise positions that primarily arise from the interest rate management of our retail and
commercial banking assets and liabilities as well as financial investments classified as available-for-sale and held-to-
We apply similar risk management policies and measurement techniques to both trading and non-trading portfolios. Our
objective is to manage and control market risk exposures to optimize return on risk while maintaining a market profile
consistent with our established risk appetite. See "Risk Management" in MD&A in our 2023 Form 10-K for a more complete
discussion of our approach to market risk.
Value at risk ("VaR") VaR is a technique for estimating potential losses on risk positions as a result of movements in market
rates and prices over a specified time horizon and to a given level of confidence. The use of VaR is integrated into market risk
management and calculated for all trading positions regardless of how we capitalize them. In addition, we calculate VaR for
non-trading portfolios to have a complete picture of risk. VaR measures are calculated to a 99 percent confidence level and use
a one-day holding period for trading VaR and a 10-day holding period for non-trading VaR.
Trading VaR Trading VaR is generated principally from trading activities within the MSS segment of GBM. These primarily
include positions in various products across rates, foreign exchange and credit asset classes.
The following graph summarizes daily VaR for our trading portfolios at a 99 percent confidence level (in millions):
The following table summarizes our trading VaR for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and at December 31, 2023:
Credit Spread
Exchange and
Commodity Interest Rate
(in millions)
At March 31, 2024 .............................................
$ 1 $ 2 $ 4 $ (2) $ 5
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024
Average ...............................................................
1 1 3 (1) 4
Maximum ............................................................
1 4 6 6
Minimum .............................................................
1 2
At December 31, 2023 .......................................
$ $ 1 $ 1 $ $ 2
Portfolio diversification is the market risk dispersion effect of holding a portfolio containing different risk types. It represents the reduction in
unsystematic market risk that occurs when combining a number of different risk types, for example, foreign exchange, interest rate and credit spread,
together in one portfolio. It is measured as the difference between the sum of the VaR by individual risk type and the combined total VaR. A negative
number represents the benefit of portfolio diversification. As the maximum and minimum occur on different days for different risk types, it is not
meaningful to calculate a portfolio diversification benefit for these measures.
The total VaR is non-additive across risk types due to diversification effects. For presentation purposes, portfolio diversification of the VaR for trading
portfolios includes VaR-based risk-not-in-VaR.
Refer to "Treasury Risk Management" above for disclosure of our non-trading VaR.
Back-testing We routinely validate the accuracy of our VaR models by back-testing them against hypothetical profit and loss
that excludes non-modeled items such as fees, commissions and revenues of intra-day transactions from the actual reported
profit and loss. We would expect, under stable market conditions, to experience two or three losses in excess of VaR at the 99
percent confidence level over a one-year period. However, in periods of unstable market conditions, we could see an increase in
the number of back-testing exceptions.
During the first quarter of 2024, we experienced no loss back-testing exception.
The following table summarizes the quarter-to-date average daily balances of the principal components of assets, liabilities and
equity together with their respective interest amounts and rates earned or paid. Net interest margin is calculated by dividing net
interest income by the average interest earning assets from which interest income is earned. Loan interest for the three months
ended March 31, 2024 and 2023 included fees of $6 million and $7 million, respectively.
Three Months Ended March 31, 2024 2023
Balance Interest Rate
Balance Interest Rate
(dollars are in millions)
Interest bearing deposits with banks ............................................................................
$ 30,112 $ 321 4.29 % $ 34,325 $ 269 3.18 %
Federal funds sold and securities purchased under resale agreements
5,502 127 9.28 9,326 141 6.13
Trading securities .........................................................................................................
18,688 85 1.83 12,752 49 1.56
Securities ......................................................................................................................
40,553 445 4.41 35,153 323 3.73
Commercial ...............................................................................................................
40,421 711 7.07 42,494 657 6.27
Residential mortgages ............................................................................................
18,562 174 3.77 16,889 134 3.22
Home equity mortgages .........................................................................................
384 7 7.33 365 6 6.67
Credit cards ............................................................................................................
188 5 10.70 199 4 8.15
Other consumer ......................................................................................................
89 2 9.04 136 2 5.96
Total consumer ..........................................................................................................
19,223 188 3.93 17,589 146 3.37
Total loans ....................................................................................................................
59,644 899 6.06 60,083 803 5.42
Other .............................................................................................................................
1,456 16 4.42 1,968 19 3.92
Total interest earning assets .........................................................................................
$ 155,955 $ 1,893 4.88 % $ 153,607 $ 1,604 4.23 %
Allowance for credit losses ..........................................................................................
(584) (588)
Cash and due from banks .............................................................................................
767 942
Other assets ..................................................................................................................
9,158 12,288
Total assets ...................................................................................................................
$ 165,296 $ 166,249
Liabilities and Equity:
Domestic deposits:
Savings deposits ........................................................................................................
$ 43,889 $ 329 3.01 % $ 49,307 $ 262 2.15 %
Time deposits ............................................................................................................
21,316 311 5.87 16,185 215 5.39
Other interest bearing deposits ..................................................................................
26,275 317 4.85 20,411 233 4.63
Foreign deposits ...........................................................................................................
5,609 55 3.94 6,082 46 3.07
Total interest bearing deposits .....................................................................................
97,089 1,012 4.19 91,985 756 3.33
Short-term borrowings:
Securities sold under repurchase agreements
721 59 32.91 425 38 36.26
Commercial paper .....................................................................................................
5,540 84 6.10 5,304 61 4.66
Other short-term borrowings .....................................................................................
1,009 11 4.38 391 1 1.04
Total short-term borrowings ........................................................................................
7,270 154 8.52 6,120 100 6.63
Long-term debt .............................................................................................................
18,561 285 6.18 18,301 256 5.67
Total interest bearing debt ............................................................................................
122,920 1,451 4.75 116,406 1,112 3.87
Tax liabilities and other ................................................................................................
1,342 16 4.80 930 9 3.92
Total interest bearing liabilities ....................................................................................
$ 124,262 $ 1,467 4.75 % $ 117,336 $ 1,121 3.87 %
Net interest income/Interest rate spread .......................................................................
$ 426 .13 % $ 483 .36 %
Noninterest bearing deposits ........................................................................................
22,956 30,254
Other liabilities .............................................................................................................
6,365 6,303
Total equity ..................................................................................................................
11,713 12,356
Total liabilities and equity ...........................................................................................
$ 165,296 $ 166,249
Net interest margin on average earning assets .............................................................
1.10 % 1.28 %
The denominators used in the calculation of the rates on federal funds sold and securities purchased under resale agreements and securities sold under
repurchase agreements reflect the net amounts presented in the balance sheet.
Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk
Information required by this Item is included within Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations in the Risk Management section under the captions "Treasury Risk Management - Interest Rate Risk" and
"Market Risk Management."
Item 4. Controls and Procedures
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures We maintain a system of disclosure controls and procedures designed to
ensure that information required to be disclosed by HSBC USA in the reports we file or submit under the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), is recorded, processed, summarized and reported on a timely basis. Our Board
of Directors, operating through its Audit Committee, which is composed entirely of independent non-executive directors,
provides oversight to our financial reporting process.
We conducted an evaluation, with the participation of the Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") and Chief Financial Officer
("CFO"), of the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) under the Exchange Act)
as of the end of the period covered by this report. Based upon that evaluation, the CEO and CFO concluded that our disclosure
controls and procedures were effective as of the end of the period covered by this report so as to alert them in a timely fashion
to material information required to be disclosed in reports we file under the Exchange Act.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting There has been no change in HSBC USA's internal control over
financial reporting that occurred during the quarter ended March 31, 2024 that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to
materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.
Item 1. Legal Proceedings
See Note 18, "Litigation and Regulatory Matters," in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for our legal
proceedings disclosure, which is incorporated herein by reference.
Item 5. Other Information
Disclosures pursuant to Section 13(r) of the Securities Exchange Act Section 13(r) of the Securities Exchange Act requires
each issuer registered with the SEC to disclose in its annual or quarterly reports whether it or any of its affiliates have
knowingly engaged in specified activities or transactions with persons or entities targeted by U.S. sanctions programs relating
to Iran, terrorism, or the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, even if those activities are not prohibited by U.S. law and
are conducted outside the U.S. by non-U.S. affiliates in compliance with local laws and regulations.
To comply with this requirement, HSBC has requested relevant information from its affiliates globally. During the period
covered by this Form 10-Q, HUSI did not engage in activities or transactions requiring disclosure pursuant to Section 13(r)
other than those activities related to frozen accounts and transactions permitted under relevant U.S. sanctions programs
described under "Frozen Accounts and Transactions" below. The following activities conducted by our affiliates are disclosed
in response to Section 13(r):
Legacy contractual obligations related to guarantees Between 1996 and 2007, the HSBC Group provided guarantees to a
number of its non-Iranian customers in Europe and the Middle East for various business activities in Iran. In a number of cases,
the HSBC Group issued counter indemnities involving Iranian banks as the Iranian beneficiaries of the guarantees required that
they be backed directly by Iranian banks. The Iranian banks to which the HSBC Group provided counter indemnities included
Bank Tejarat, Bank Melli, and the Bank of Industry and Mine.
There was no measurable gross revenue in the first quarter of 2024 under those guarantees and counter indemnities. The HSBC
Group does not allocate direct costs to fees and commissions and, therefore, has not disclosed a separate net profit measure. The
HSBC Group is seeking to cancel all relevant guarantees and counter indemnities, and does not currently intend to provide any
new guarantees or counter indemnities involving Iran. No guarantees were cancelled in the first quarter of 2024, and
approximately 14 remain outstanding.
Other relationships with Iranian banks Activity related to U.S.-sanctioned Iranian banks not covered elsewhere in this
disclosure includes the following:
The HSBC Group acts as the trustee and administrator for a pension scheme involving employees of a U.S.-sanctioned Iranian
bank in Asia. Under the rules of this scheme, the HSBC Group accepts contributions from the Iranian bank each month and
allocates the funds into the pension accounts of the Iranian bank’s employees. The HSBC Group runs and operates this pension
scheme in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Estimated gross revenue, which includes fees and/or commissions,
generated by this pension scheme during the first quarter of 2024, was approximately $535.
For the Iranian bank-related activity discussed above, the HSBC Group does not allocate direct costs to fees and commissions
and, therefore, has not disclosed a separate net profit measure.
The HSBC Group currently intends to continue to wind down the above activities, to the extent legally permissible, and not
enter into any new such activity.
Activity related to U.S. Executive Order 13224 The HSBC Group has an individual customer in the Middle East that was
designated under Executive Order 13224 in 2023. The customer's accounts were restricted at the time of designation and the
relationship was exited in the first quarter of 2024. As part of the exit process, the HSBC Group returned the customer's funds
to the customer.
For this activity, there was no measurable gross revenue or net profit to the HSBC Group during the first quarter of 2024.
Activity related to U.S. Executive Order 13382 The HSBC Group had an individual customer in Asia that was designated under
Executive Order 13382 in 2023. The customer's accounts were restricted at the time of designation and the relationship was
exited in the first quarter of 2024. As part of the exit process, the HSBC Group returned the customer's funds to the customer.
The HSBC Group administers a pension scheme for a corporate entity in Asia in accordance with applicable laws and
regulations. An individual participant in this pension scheme was designated under Executive Order 13382 in 2023. The HSBC
Group has restricted the individual's pension scheme account. During the first quarter of 2024, prior to the imposition of the
account restriction, the HSBC Group allocated two mandatory contributions into the individual's pension scheme account.
For these activities, there was no measurable gross revenue or net profit to the HSBC Group during the first quarter of 2024.
Other activity The HSBC Group has one non-Iranian insurance company customer in the Middle East that, during the first
quarter of 2024, made local currency domestic payments for the reimbursement of medical treatment to a hospital located
outside Iran that is owned by the Government of Iran. The HSBC Group processed these payments from its customer to the
The HSBC Group has individual and corporate customers in Europe that, during the first quarter of 2024, made small local
currency domestic payments to, or received such payments from, an Iranian embassy. These customers are engaged in activities
that require consular services provided by the embassies or provide goods and services that support the conduct of the official
business of the embassies. The HSBC Group processed these payments from its customers to and from the Iranian embassy.
The HSBC Group has individual customers in Europe that are employed by a bank located outside Iran that is owned by the
Government of Iran. During the first quarter of 2024, the HSBC Group processed local currency salary payments received via
banks that are not owned by the Government of Iran to its customers.
For these activities, there was no measurable gross revenue or net profit to the HSBC Group during the first quarter of 2024.
Frozen accounts and transactions The HSBC Group and HSBC Bank USA (a subsidiary of HUSI) maintain several accounts
that are frozen as a result of relevant sanctions programs, and safekeeping boxes and other similar custodial relationships, for
which no activity, except as licensed or authorized, or otherwise related to the maintenance of such accounts as consistent with
applicable law, took place during the first quarter of 2024. There was no measurable gross revenue or net profit to the HSBC
Group during the first quarter of 2024 relating to these frozen accounts.
Item 6. Exhibits
3(i) Articles of Incorporation and amendments and supplements thereto (incorporated by reference to
Exhibit 3(a) to HSBC USA Inc.'s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999,
Exhibit 3 to HSBC USA Inc.'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2000,
Exhibit 3.2 to HSBC USA Inc.'s Current Report on Form 8-K filed April 4, 2005, Exhibit 3.3 to HSBC USA
Inc.'s Current Report on Form 8-K filed April 4, 2005, Exhibit 3.2 to HSBC USA Inc.'s Current Report on
Form 8-K filed October 14, 2005, Exhibit 3.2 to HSBC USA Inc.'s Current Report on Form 8-K filed
May 22, 2006 and Exhibit 3.2 to HSBC USA Inc.'s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on May 31, 2016).
3(ii) Bylaws of HSBC USA Inc., as Amended and Restated effective July 20, 2022 (incorporated by reference to
Exhibit 3.2 to HSBC USA Inc.'s Current Report on Form 8-K filed July 21, 2022).
31 Certification of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Section 302 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
32 Certification of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Section 906 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
101.INS The instance document does not appear in the interactive data file because its XBRL tags are embedded
within the Inline XBRL document
101.SCH Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document
101.CAL Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document
101.DEF Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document
101.LAB Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document
101.PRE Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document
104 Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101)
Pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T, includes the following financial information included in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter
ended March 31, 2024, formatted in Inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language ("Inline XBRL"): (i) the Consolidated Statement of Income for the
three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, (ii) the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and
2023, (iii) the Consolidated Balance Sheet at March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, (iv) the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the three
months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, (v) the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, and (vi) the
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, HSBC USA Inc. has duly caused
this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: April 30, 2024
Andrew Fullam
Chief Financial Officer
Certification of Chief Executive Officer
I, Michael Roberts, certify that:
1. I have reviewed this report on Form 10-Q of HSBC USA Inc.;
2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a
material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were
made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly
present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and
for, the periods presented in this report;
4. The registrant’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and
procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting
(as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:
a. designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be
designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its
consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period
in which this report is being prepared;
b. designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial
reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of
financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles;
c. evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report
our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period
covered by this report based on such evaluation; and
d. disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred
during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual
report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control
over financial reporting; and
5. The registrant’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control
over financial reporting, to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or
persons performing the equivalent functions):
a. all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over
financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process,
summarize and report financial information; and
b. any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role
in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.
Date: April 30, 2024
Michael Roberts
Chairman of the Board, President
and Chief Executive Officer
Certification of Chief Financial Officer
I, Andrew Fullam, certify that:
1. I have reviewed this report on Form 10-Q of HSBC USA Inc.;
2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a
material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were
made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly
present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and
for, the periods presented in this report;
4. The registrant’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and
procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting
(as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:
a. designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be
designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its
consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period
in which this report is being prepared;
b. designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial
reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of
financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles;
c. evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report
our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period
covered by this report based on such evaluation; and
d. disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred
during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual
report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control
over financial reporting; and
5. The registrant’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control
over financial reporting, to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or
persons performing the equivalent functions):
a. all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over
financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process,
summarize and report financial information; and
b. any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role
in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.
Date: April 30, 2024
Andrew Fullam
Chief Financial Officer
Certification Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to
Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
The certification set forth below is being submitted in connection with the HSBC USA Inc. (the “Company”) Quarterly Report
on Form 10-Q for the period ending March 31, 2024 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof
(the “Report”) for the purpose of complying with Rule 13a-14(b) or Rule 15d-14(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the
“Exchange Act”) and Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
I, Michael Roberts, certify that:
1. the Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act; and
2. the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of
operations of HSBC USA Inc.
Date: April 30, 2024
Michael Roberts
Chairman of the Board, President
and Chief Executive Officer
This certification accompanies each Report pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and shall not, except to
the extent required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, be deemed filed by HSBC USA Inc. for purposes of Section 18 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
The signed original of this written statement required by Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has been provided to
HSBC USA Inc. and will be retained by HSBC USA Inc. and furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff
upon request.
Certification pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to
Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
The certification set forth below is being submitted in connection with the HSBC USA Inc. (the “Company”) Quarterly Report
on Form 10-Q for the period ending March 31, 2024 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof
(the “Report”) for the purpose of complying with Rule 13a-14(b) or Rule 15d-14(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the
“Exchange Act”) and Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
I, Andrew Fullam, certify that:
1. the Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act; and
2. the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of
operations of HSBC USA Inc.
Date: April 30, 2024
Andrew Fullam
Chief Financial Officer
This certification accompanies each Report pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and shall not, except to
the extent required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, be deemed filed by HSBC USA Inc. for purposes of Section 18 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
The signed original of this written statement required by Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has been provided to
HSBC USA Inc. and will be retained by HSBC USA Inc. and furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff
upon request.