Threat Insights Report
Q3 - 2022
Threat Insights Report - Q3-2022 2
delivered in
Threat Landscape
Welcome to the Q3 2022 edition of
the HP Wolf Security Threat
Insights Report
Notable Threats
Malware distributors rely on HTML
smuggling to infect systems
Each quarter our security experts highlight notable
malware campaigns, trends and techniques identified by
HP Wolf Security. By isolating threats that have evaded
detection tools and made it to endpoints, HP Wolf
Security gives an insight into the latest techniques
cybercriminals use, equipping security teams with the
knowledge to combat emerging threats and improve
their security postures.
After a hiatus in August 2022, HP Wolf Security detected
an uptick in QakBot malware campaign activity in early
September. QakBot is a highly capable malware family
that has been used by threat actors to steal data and
deploy ransomware. Notably, most of these new
campaigns rely on HTML smuggling to infect systems,
marking a move away from malicious Office documents
as the preferred delivery mechanism for this malware
Executive Summary
• Archives are now the most popular file type for
delivering malware, seeing a 11% growth in samples
isolated compared to Q2, overtaking Office formats for
the first time
• Attackers are bypassing perimeter network security
controls, such as email gateway scanners, by encrypting
malicious payloads inside archives and HTML files
• Threat actors are increasingly using script-based
malware formats to run malicious code on PCs and are
relying heavily on built-in operating system utilities to
evade endpoint defenses
• Attackers are spending more effort creating effective
social engineering templates, often by copying well-
known brands and online services, to deliver malware
through HTML smuggling
Threat Insights Report - Q3-2022 3
Figure 2 - Fake document viewer used to trick victims into infecting systems with QakBot
Threat Insights Report - Q3-2022 3
In these campaigns, malicious HTML files masquerading
as PDF documents were sent to victims by email.
Opening the HTML file causes the target’s web browser
to show a fake online document viewer. The web page
decodes a ZIP archive, which is offered for download by
the user.
The archive is encrypted, requiring the user to enter the
password shown on the web page. Encrypting malware
inside archives benefits attackers because perimeter
network security controls, such as email gateway
scanners, cannot inspect encrypted files without the
password. The result is that encrypted archives
containing malware are far more likely to reach the
users’ inboxes without being blocked, increasing the risk
of a successful infection.
Inside the archive is a malicious shortcut file (LNK). If
opened, the shortcut runs malicious commands that
download and execute the QakBot payload in the form of
a dynamic link library (DLL). The malware is launched
using regsvr32.exe (T1218.010), a tool built into Windows
for registering DLLs within the operating system but also
commonly abused by attackers to run malicious code.
Unlike the HTML smuggling seen earlier this year, the
samples in this campaign used templates that abuse
well-known brands and services to trick users into
running the malware. We expect HTML smuggling design
variations and brand abuse to accelerate as attackers
experiment to find the most effective lures.
Fake online document viewers are proving to be a
popular lure template among threat actors. The
distributors of IcedID, another malware family known to
lead to human-operated ransomware attacks, adopted a
template almost identical to QakBot’s to deliver the
Figure 1 - IcedID HTML smuggling templates
Threat Insights Report - Q3-2022 4
In late June, HP Wolf Security isolated an unusually
stealthy malware campaign that used OpenDocument
text (.odt) files to spread AsyncRAT, an open-source
remote access Trojan (RAT) written in C#. The campaign
targeted the hotel industry in Latin America through
emails that purported to be booking requests.
OpenDocument is an open, vendor-neutral file format
compatible with several popular office productivity
suites, including Microsoft Office, LibreOffice and
Apache OpenOffice. The malicious document was sent
as an email attachment. If the user opens the document,
they are shown a prompt asking whether fields with
references to other files should be updated. An Excel file
opens if they click “Yes” to this prompt.
Figure 3 - Lure document asking user to update fields in the document
Stealthy OpenDocument malware
deployed against Latin American
Afterwards, the user is shown another prompt asking
whether macros should be enabled or disabled. If the
user allows macros, this triggers the infection chain. The
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro inside the
Excel documents is lean, running a command using the
mshta.exe (T1218.005) tool built into Windows that
downloads and executes additional code from the web.
At this point, a complex chain of PowerShell, VBScript
and batch scripts are started, finally decoding and
executing AsyncRAT. A scheduled task is created to
make the malware persistent on the infected PC. The
task re-launches the malware every two hours.
Unlike many malicious documents, analyzing the
OpenDocument file reveals no hidden macros. However,
the document references Object Linking and Embedding
(OLE) objects hosted remotely. In total, the document
references 20 documents hosted on a domain, webnar[.]
The use of OpenDocument files to distribute malware
was notable because threat actors seldom use this
format in campaigns. Strikingly, the malicious document
was poorly detected by anti-virus scanners, with a 0%
detection rate for more than a week after the sample
was uploaded to VirusTotal.
Attackers are always hunting for stealthy ways of
evading endpoint security to deploy malware. This
campaign illustrates how OpenDocument text files can
be abused to deliver malware through external OLE
references with extremely low detection rates.
Threat Insights Report - Q3-2022 5
In recent years, “Big Game Hunting” ransomware attacks
against enterprises have dominated media headlines
because of their high-profile victims and substantial
ransom demands. Yet single-client ransomware – a type
of ransomware that infects individual computers, rather
than fleets of devices – can still cause significant
damage to individuals and organizations.
In September, HP Wolf Security isolated a ransomware
campaign masquerading as software updates that
targeted home users. The campaign spread Magniber, a
single-client ransomware family known to demand
$2,500 from victims. Notably, the attackers used clever
techniques to evade detection, such as running the
ransomware in memory, bypassing User Account
Control (UAC) and avoiding detection by using syscalls
instead of standard Windows API libraries.
Figure 4 - Magniber infection chain
Magniber and threat of single-
client ransomware
The infection chain starts with a web download from an
attacker-controlled website. The user is asked to
download a ZIP archive containing a JavaScript file
purporting to be an important anti-virus or Windows 10
software update. Previously Magniber was spread
through MSI and EXE files, but in September distribution
of the ransomware switched to JavaScript.
The attackers used a variation of the DotNetToJScript
technique, allowing a .NET executable to be loaded in
memory, meaning the ransomware is not saved to disk.
This technique bypasses security tools that monitor files
written to disk and reduces artifacts left on an infected
The .NET code decodes shellcode and injects it into
another process. The ransomware code runs from this
process – first deleting shadow copy files and disabling
Windows’ backup and recovery features, before
encrypting the victim’s files.
Magniber requires administrator privileges to disable
the victim’s ability to recover their data, so the malware
uses a User Account Control (UAC) bypass using
fodhelper.exe to run commands without alerting the
user. For this to work, the logged-in user must be part of
the Administrators group.
Interestingly, the Magniber build in this campaign
campaign supports recent versions of Windows,
including Windows 11 and pre-release versions. This
suggests home users rather than enterprises were the
intended targets of the campaign, since enterprises
tend to use older operating systems.
For the encryption task, the malware enumerates files
and checks its file extension against a list. If the
extension is in the list, the file is encrypted. Finally, the
malware places a ransom note in each directory with an
encrypted file and shows it to the victim by opening the
demand in a web browser.
Threat Insights Report - Q3-2022 6
Figure 5 - Infection chain leading to different payloads
Threat Insights Report - Q3-2022 6
In mid-September, we detected a malware campaign
that relied on an unusually complex infection chain to
infect systems with malware. The campaign started
typically enough - with an email and a Microsoft Word
attachment sent to a target. The sender address was
spoofed to increase its credibility and the attachment
successfully evaded spam filters, reaching the user’s
When opened, the document asks to user to allow an
embedded Excel spreadsheet to be loaded. If allowed,
the spreadsheet uses mshta.exe to download and run
malicious encoded files hosted on file sharing websites.
Depending on the sequence, these files contain
encoded PowerShell and batch scripts or executable
In one of the more interesting sequences, a PowerShell
script saves a setup information file (INF) file and
another PowerShell script to the infected system. The
malware then launches the built-in Microsoft Connection
Manager Profile Installer (cmstp.exe) utility to install the
INF file and run the PowerShell script linked in it.
Modular infection chain infects
PCs with RATs and cryptocurrency
This results in another PowerShell script that bypasses
the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) in Windows and
runs a batch script. The script defines file and process
exceptions for Microsoft Defender, creates a local admin
user, disables the intrusion prevention system and the
local firewall. Lastly, the script attempts to stop
Microsoft Defender and delete its service.
Other sequences in the infection chain are used to
deploy Agent Tesla, AsyncRAT and a cryptocurrency
miner. The attackers hosted different components of
the malware campaign on remote web servers and used
a variety of techniques to execute the payload malware.
This modular approach benefits attackers because it
enables payloads to be swapped out easily and for the
exection flow to be modified mid-campaign.
Threat Insights Report - Q3-2022 7
Notable Techniques
Magniber bypasses signature
File formats used to deliver malware
Within the Windows ecosystem, downloaded files are
marked based on their origin using an indicator called
the Mark-of-the-Web (MOTW). This feature enables
Windows to determine if a file originated from a risky
location, such as the Internet. Tracking the origin of files
is useful because it enables the operating system to
warn users if they open a file from an untrusted location.
One exception to a warning being shown is when the
downloaded file has been digitally signed. During our
analysis of the Magniber ransomware campaign seen in
September 2022, we noticed the JavaScript files did not
trigger such a warning, despite being downloaded from
a website.
Analyzing the JavaScript malware found that the
attackers had signed the files with a corrupt signature,
mostly likely with the intention of bypassing the risky
origin warning dialogue. Specifically, the signature
contained several corrupt fields, including invalid
certificate dates and an object length that was
inconsistent with the segment length definition.
As a result of the corrupted signature, the Magniber
samples did not trigger a security warning, thereby
removing a barrier to infection.
Malware delivered in Office formats
Figure 6 - Corrupted Magniber signature
Rise in archive malware over Q2
Threat Insights Report - Q3-2022 8
Archives overtake malicious
documents as most popular
malware file type
In Q3, 44% of malware was delivered in archive file
formats, such as ZIP and RAR, overtaking Office formats
(down 13% from Q2 at 32%) as the most popular
malware file type. The popularity of the archive formats
has surged in 2022, rising 25% since Q1, as threat actors
increasingly move to script-based malware. Archives are
attractive to threat actors because they are easily
encrypted, making them difficult for web proxies,
sandboxes and email scanners to detect malware.
Moreover, many organizations use encrypted archives
for legitimate reasons, making it challenging to reject
encrypted archive email attachments by policy. As a
result, archives are increasing the ability of attackers to
reach users’ inboxes and bypass security controls that
rely on scanning to detect malicious content.
Notable Trends
Top malware file
Email remains most dangerous
delivery vector
Email remained the top malware delivery vector in Q3,
accounting for 69% of all threats detected by HP Wolf
Security. In fact, excluding potentially unwanted
applications, 88% of threats were sent by email,
emphasizing how dangerous this vector is for most
users. Q3 saw a 1% rise in threats delivered by web
browser downloads and a 1% fall in other vectors
compared to Q2.
Threat Insights Report - Q3-2022 9
Stay current
The HP Wolf Security Threat Insights Report is made
possible by most of our customers who opt to share
threat telemetry with HP. Our security experts analyze
threat trends and significant malware campaigns,
annotating alerts with insights and sharing them back
with customers.
We recommend that customers take the following steps
to ensure that you get the most out of your HP Wolf
Security deployments:
• Enable Threat Intelligence Services and Threat
Forwarding in your HP Wolf Security Controller to benefit
from MITRE ATT&CK annotations, triaging and analysis
from our experts.
To learn more, read our Knowledge
Base articles. 
• Keep your HP Wolf Security Controller up to date to
receive new dashboards and report templates. See the
latest release notes and software downloads on the
Customer Portal.
• Update your HP Wolf Security endpoint software to stay
current with threat annotation rules added by our
research team.
The HP Threat Research team regularly publishes
Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) and tools to help
security teams defend against threats. You can access
these resources from the HP Threat Research GitHub
repository. For the latest threat research, head over to
the HP Wolf Security blog.
Top malware
Top threat
Web browser downloads
Threat Insights Report - Q3-2022 10
About the HP Wolf Security Threat
Insights Report
Enterprises are most vulnerable from users opening email attachments, clicking on hyperlinks in emails, and
downloading files from the web. HP Wolf Security protects the enterprise by isolating risky activity in micro-VMs,
ensuring that malware cannot infect the host computer or spread onto the corporate network. HP Wolf Security uses
introspection to collect rich forensic data to help our customers understand threats facing their networks and harden
their infrastructure. The HP Wolf Security Threat Insights Report highlights notable malware campaigns analyzed by
our threat research team so that our customers are aware of emerging threats and can take action to protect their
About HP Wolf Security
HP Wolf Security is a new breed
of endpoint security. HP’s portfolio of hardware-enforced security and endpoint-
focused security services are designed to help organizations safeguard PCs, printers, and people from circling cyber
predators. HP Wolf Security provides comprehensive endpoint protection and resiliency that starts at the hardware
level and extends across software and services.
Figure 6 - MITRE ATT&CK heatmap of adversary techniques isolated by HP Wolf Security in Q3 2022
[1] https://hp.com/wolf
[2] https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.qakbot
[3] https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1218/010/
[4] https://threatresearch.ext.hp.com/stealthy-opendocument-malware-targets-latin-american-hotels/
[5] https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1218/005/
[6] https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.asyncrat
[7] https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.magniber
[8] https://github.com/tyranid/DotNetToJScript
[9] https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.agent_tesla
[10] https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1553/005/
[11] https://enterprisesecurity.hp.com/s/article/Threat-Forwarding
[12] https://enterprisesecurity.hp.com/s/article/HP-Threat-Intelligence
[13] https://enterprisesecurity.hp.com/s/
[14] https://github.com/hpthreatresearch/
[15] https://threatresearch.ext.hp.com/blog
[16] https://attack.mitre.org/
a. HP Wolf Enterprise Security is an optional service and may include offerings such as HP Sure Click Enterprise and HP Sure Access Enterprise. HP Sure Click
Enterprise requires Windows 8 or 10 and Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Chromium or Firefox are supported. Supported attachments include
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and PDF files, when Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat are installed. HP Sure Access Enterprise requires Windows 10 Pro
or Enterprise. HP services are governed by the applicable HP terms and conditions of service provided or indicated to Customer at the time of purchase. Customer
may have additional statutory rights according to applicable local laws, and such rights are not in any way affected by the HP terms and conditions of service or the
HP Limited Warranty provided with your HP Product. For full system requirements, please visit www.hpdaas.com/requirements.
b. HP Wolf Security Controller requires HP Sure Click Enterprise or HP Sure Access Enterprise. HP Wolf Security Controller is a management and analytics platform
that provides critical data around devices and applications and is not sold as a standalone service. HP Wolf Security Controller follows stringent GDPR privacy
regulations and is ISO27001, ISO27017 and SOC2 Type 2 certified for Information Security. Internet access with connection to the HP Cloud is required. For full
system requirements, please visit http://www.hpdaas.com/requirements.
c. HP Security is now HP Wolf Security. Security features vary by platform, please see product data sheet for details.
HP Services are governed by the applicable HP terms and conditions of service provided or indicated to Customer at the time of purchase. Customer may have
additional statutory rights according to applicable local laws, and such rights are not in any way affected by the HP terms and conditions of service or the HP
Limited Warranty provided with your HP Product.
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