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Understanding the Differences Between Auditory Processing,
Speech and Language Disorders, and Reading Disorders
October 2014
This document has been prepared to provide
an overview of the differences among
auditory processing disorders,
communication disorders, and reading
disorders to clarify the need for
accommodations for students with
communication and processing disorders.
The document is organized by definition of
the disorder, treatment options, and
accommodations, followed by results of a
study that differentiates between reading and
language disorders.
A 2011 Government Accountability Office
(GAO) study recommended that the
Department of Justice develop a systematic
approach to ensuring that all eligible students
receive accommodations. GAO further
recommended that the decision to allow for
accommodations be based on the individual’s
history and the recommendations of teachers
and service providers and not on a single
measure of performance.
This document includes study highlights, a
link to the full study, and specific examples
of the impact that lack of accommodations
has on individual student performance.
Students are sometimes determined to be
eligible for services based solely on their
communication disorders. Once identified as
eligible, these students have access to all
necessary services and supports. Because
they receive such supports and services,
additional testing may not be performed and
a subsequent reading disorder may not be
revealed. Although not all students diagnosed
with a communication disorder will develop
a reading disorder, some may require
accommodations to enable them to benefit
from their education.
Based on the results of the GAO study, the
impact on student performance for those
students denied accommodations, and the
differentiation between the needs of students
with communication disorders and those with
reading disorders, ASHA recommends that
decisions about the need for accommodations
be made by reviewing the student’s history,
the accommodations that have been provided
to the student throughout his or her school
years, and the recommendations of the
student’s educational team. As noted above,
no single criterion should be used to
determine eligibility for testing
accommodations, and rules for
accommodations should be applied
consistently across disability categories.
Auditory Processing Disorder
Auditory processing disorders (ADP) are
deficits in the information processing of
audible signals not attributed to impaired
peripheral hearing sensitivity or intellectual
impairment. This information processing
involves perceptual, cognitive, and linguistic
functions that, with appropriate interaction,
result in effective receptive communication
of auditorily presented stimuli. Specifically,
APD refers to limitations in the ongoing
transmission, analysis, organization,
transformation, elaboration, storage, retrieval,
and use of information contained in audible
Key Points:
APD is an auditory disorder that is not
the result of higher-order, more global
deficit, such as autism, mental
retardation, attention deficits, or similar
Not all learning, language, and
communication deficits are due to
No matter how many symptoms of
APD a child has, only careful and
accurate diagnosis can determine if
APD is, indeed, present.
Although a multidisciplinary team
approach is important in fully
understanding the cluster of problems
associated with APD, the diagnosis of
APD can only be made by an
Treatment of APD is highly
individualized. There is no one
treatment approach that is appropriate
for all children with APD.
signals. APD may involve the listener's active
and passive (e.g., conscious and unconscious,
mediated and unmediated, controlled and
automatic) ability to do the following: attend,
discriminate, and identify acoustic signals;
transform and continuously transmit
information through both the peripheral and
central nervous systems; filter, sort, and
combine information at appropriate
perceptual and conceptual levels; store and
retrieve information efficiently; restore,
organize, and use retrieved information;
segment and decode acoustic stimuli using
phonological, semantic, syntactic, and
pragmatic knowledge; and attach meaning to
a stream of acoustic signals through use of
linguistic and nonlinguistic contexts.
Children with APD may exhibit a variety of
listening and related complaints. They may
have difficulty understanding speech in noisy
environments, following directions, and
discriminating (or telling the difference
between) similar-sounding speech sounds.
Sometimes they may behave as if a hearing
loss is present, often asking for repetition or
clarification. In school, children with APD
may have difficulty with spelling, reading,
and understanding information presented
verbally in the classroom. Often their
performance in classes that don't rely heavily
on listening is much better, and they typically
are able to complete a task independently
once they know what is expected of them.
APD may co-exist with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or other
A multidisciplinary team approach is critical
to fully assess and understand the cluster of
problems exhibited by children with APD,
but the actual diagnosis of APD is made by
an audiologist, who administers a series of
tests in a sound-treated room. These tests
require listeners to attend to a variety of
signals and to respond to them via repetition,
pushing a button, or in some other way.
Other tests that measure the auditory system's
physiologic responses to sound may also be
administered. Most of the tests for APD
require that a child be at least 7 or 8 years of
age, because the variability in brain function
is so marked in younger children that test
interpretation may not be possible.
Treatment of APD generally focuses on three
primary areas: changing the learning or
communication environment, recruiting
higher-order skills to help compensate for the
disorder, and remediation of the auditory
deficit itself. The primary purpose of
environmental modifications is to improve
access to auditorily presented information.
Suggestions may include use of electronic
devices that assist listening, teacher-oriented
suggestions to improve delivery of
information, and other methods of altering
the learning environment so that the child
with APD can focus his or her attention on
the message.
Environmental modifications include both
bottom-up (e.g., enhancement of the signal
and listening environment) and top-down
(e.g., classroom, instructional, workplace,
recreational, and home accommodations)
management approaches designed to improve
access to information presented in the
classroom, at work, or in other
communicative settings. Environmental
accommodations to enhance the listening
environment may include but are not limited
to preferential seating for the individual with
APD to improve access to the acoustic (and
the visual) signal; use of visual aids;
reduction of competing signals and
reverberation time; use of assistive listening
systems; and advising speakers to speak more
slowly, pause more often, and emphasize key
words. Specific suggestions may include
support for focused listening (e.g., use of
note takers, preview questions, organizers),
redundancy (e.g., multisensory instruction,
computer mediation), and use of written
output (e.g., e-mail, mind maps)
There is no one treatment approach that is
appropriate for all children with APD. The
type, frequency, and intensity of therapy, like
all aspects of APD intervention, should be
highly individualized and programmed for
the specific type of auditory disorder that is
For more information see:
and www.asha.org/policy/TR2005-
Receptive/Expressive Language Disorder
A communication disorder is an impairment
in the ability to receive, send, process, and
comprehend concepts or verbal, nonverbal,
and graphic symbol systems. A
communication disorder may be evident in
the processes of hearing, language, and/or
speech. A communication disorder may
range in severity from mild to profound. It
may be developmental or acquired.
Individuals may demonstrate one or any
combination of communication disorders. A
communication disorder may result in a
primary disability, or it may be secondary to
other disabilities.
A speech disorder is an impairment
of the articulation of speech sounds,
fluency, and/or voice.
An articulation disorder is the
atypical production of speech sounds,
characterized by substitutions,
omissions, additions, or distortions
that may interfere with intelligibility.
A fluency disorder is an interruption
in the flow of speaking characterized
by atypical rate, rhythm, and
repetitions in sounds, syllables,
words, and phrases. This may be
accompanied by excessive tension,
struggle behavior, and secondary
A voice disorder is characterized by
the abnormal production and/or
absences of vocal quality, pitch,
loudness, resonance, and/or duration,
which is inappropriate for an
individual's age and/or sex.
A language disorder is impaired
comprehension and/or use of spoken,
written, and/or other symbol systems.
The disorder may involve (1) the
form of language (phonology,
morphology, syntax), (2) the content
of language (semantics), and/or (3)
the function of language in
communication (pragmatics) in any
Form of Language
Phonology is the sound system of a
language and the rules that govern the
sound combinations.
Morphology is the system that
governs the structure of words and the
construction of word forms.
Syntax is the system governing the
order and combination of words to
form sentences and the relationships
among the elements within a
Content of Language
Semantics is the system that governs
the meanings of words and sentences.
Function of Language
Pragmatics is the system that
combines the above language
components in functional and socially
appropriate communication.
Communication Variations
Communication difference/dialect is a
variation of a symbol system used by
a group of individuals that reflects
and is determined by shared regional,
social, or cultural/ethnic factors. A
regional, social, or cultural/ethnic
variation of a symbol system should
not be considered a disorder of speech
or language.
Speech Sound Disorders
Treatment for speech sound disorders may
focus on articulation production or
phonological/language-based intervention.
Most treatment approaches focus on three
phases: establishing target behaviors,
generalization or carryover of sound
production, and maintenance that involves
stabilization of target behaviors and self-
correction of errors. Further information on
treatment for sound production disorders can
be found on ASHA’s Practice Portal at
Language Disorders
The objective of language treatment is to
increase the frequency and quality of
language to age-appropriate levels. Speech-
language pathologists play a critical and
direct role in helping children with language
disorders learn to speak, listen, read and
Treatment for young children may involve
improving intelligibility, increasing
phonological awareness, increasing
vocabulary and social communication skills,
and building emergent literacy skills.
The focus of language intervention for
elementary school children with language
difficulties is to help the child acquire the
language skills needed to learn and succeed
in a classroom environment. Interventions are
curriculum based, so that goals address
language needs within the context of the
Interventions may also address literacy skills
(e.g., improving decoding, reading
comprehension, and narrative and expository
writing), as well as metacognitive and
metalinguistic skills (e.g., increasing
awareness of rules and principles for use of
various language forms, improving the ability
to self-monitor and self-regulate) that are
critical for the development of higher-level
language skills.
Interventions for older students (adolescents)
tend to focus on teaching ways to compensate
for language deficits. Student involvement is
important at this age to foster a feeling of
collaboration and responsibility for
developing and achieving intervention goals
and to enable the student to learn self-
advocacy skills for the classroom.
Instructional strategies focus on teaching
rules, techniques, and principles to facilitate
acquisition and use of information across a
broad range of situations and settings.
Classroom assignments are often used to
teach strategies for learning academic
Difficulties experienced by children and
adolescents with language impairment can
continue to impact functioning in post-
secondary education and vocational settings.
When compared with typically developing
peers, fewer individuals with language
impairment complete high school or receive
an undergraduate degree (Johnson,
Beitchman, & Brownlie, 2010). The data on
educational and vocational outcomes for
individuals with speech and language
disorders highlight the need for continued
support to facilitate a successful transition to
young adulthood. A formal transition plan
should be developed in high school and
include career goals and educational needs,
academic counseling (including discussion of
requirements for admission to post-secondary
schools), career counseling, opportunities to
gain work experience, and community
Goals for successful transitioning to post-
secondary school or employment may
include preparing a resume, completing a job
or college application, effectively presenting
skills and limitations during an interview,
expressing concerns to authority figures
about academic or job performance, and
stating or restating a position to effectively
self-advocate in academic and employment
Secondary school personnel can assist
students with language disorders through the
transition process by providing current
documentation needed to access services
(e.g., testing and academic accommodations
in a post-secondary setting) and helping
students identify and advocate for supports,
accommodations, and assistive technologies
as needed.
Individualized support for college-level
students may include accommodations, such
as extended time for tests and the use of
assistive technology (e.g., to help with
reading and writing tasks). Further
information on treatment for expressive
(spoken) language disorders can be found on
ASHA’s Practice Portal at
Additional definitions of communication
disorders can be accessed at
A reading disorder is a learning disorder that
involves significant impairment of reading
accuracy, speed, or comprehension to the
extent that the impairment interferes with
academic achievement or activities of daily
life. People with reading disorders perform
reading tasks well below the levels one
would expect on the basis of their general
intelligence, educational opportunities, and
physical health. Reading disorders are most
commonly called dyslexia. Dyslexia usually
includes deficits in spelling and writing as
well as reading.
A reading disorder is a learning disorder
characterized by a significant disparity
between an individual's general intelligence
and his or her reading skills. Learning
disorders, formerly called academic skills
disorders, are disorders that account for
difficulty learning and poor academic
performance when low performance cannot
be attributed to mental retardation, low
intelligence, lack of learning opportunities, or
such specific physical problems as vision or
hearing deficits. Common learning
disabilities include reading disorder (often
called dyslexia), mathematics disorder,
disorder of written expression, and some
language processing disorders.
A reading disorder can cause severe
problems in reading, and consequently in
academic work, even in people with normal
intelligence, educational opportunities,
motivation to learn to read, and emotional
self-control. Reading disorder is different
from slowness in learning or mental
retardation. In a reading disorder, there is a
significant gap between the expected level of
performance and actual achievement.
Difficulties in reading can occur on many
levels and a reading disorder may have
several causes that manifest in different
90% of children diagnosed with a reading
disorder have other language deficits
In a study by Hugh Catts, University of
Kansas, published in the Journal of Speech
and Hearing Research (1993), kindergarten
students with speech-language impairments
were given a battery of speech-language tests
and measures of phonological awareness and
rapid naming. In second grade they were
given a test to measure written word
recognition and reading comprehension.
Researchers found that children with
semantic (language) impairments were at a
higher risk for a reading disability than were
those with articulation and phonological
disorders. Not all children with speech-
language impairments requiring speech-
language pathology services developed a
reading disorder. Standardized testing and
other reliable measures of semantic language
and phonological awareness can help predict
which students with speech-language
impairments will develop a reading disorder.
The GAO study
(www.gao.gov/products/GAO-12-40 )
requested by Representatives George Miller
(D-CA), Pete Stark (D-CA), and Cathy
McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), examined the
process that testing companies use to render
decisions regarding testing accommodations
for students with disabilities, and how federal
agencies (including the Department of
Justice) enforce compliance with relevant
federal disability laws and regulations,
including the ADA. In its report, GAO
recommended that the Department of Justice
Common problems in people with a
reading disorder include:
slow reading speed,
poor comprehension when reading
material either aloud or silently,
omission of words while reading,
reversal of words or letters while
difficulty decoding syllables or
single words and associating them
with specific sounds (phonics),
limited sight word vocabulary.
develop a systematic approach to ensuring
that all eligible students receive appropriate
accommodations. The agency further
recommended that the decision to allow
accommodation requests should be based on
individual disability history rather than
diagnostic testing or other single criterion.
In other words, testing companies should rely
on the unique experiences of the individual
and the recommendations of teachers,
clinicians, and other providers. In the case of
individuals with speech-language
impairments, accommodation decisions
should be based on the history of
accommodations for test taking and other
activities and recommendations of the
individual’s IEP team and not on the arbitrary
criterion of whether or not the individual also
presents with a reading disorder.
We urge the Department of Justice to require
testing companies to be ADA compliant
when assessing the accommodation needs of
all students who require accommodations,
including students with speech and language
disorders absent a reading disorder.
Below are specific scenarios, written by
speech-language pathologists whose clients
with APD and language disorders needed
continued accommodations.
Student AB had been denied ACT
accommodations (twice), the first time 3
years prior. Following the denials, I had to
submit the attached letters to request
additional time, because ACT would not
recognize the diagnosis of Speech Language
Impairment as grounds for accommodations.
For students with a diagnosis of Specific
Learning Disabilities (SLD), I did not need to
send additional information; the SLD
diagnosis alone was sufficient justification.
Following graduation, AB attended Hesston
College, a 2-year college of the Mennonite
Church in Kansas. He ran cross country for
the college and studied youth ministry. He
graduated with his associate degree in May
2014 with a 2.27 GPA. While in college, he
received test accommodations of a separate
location and extended time for testing. AB
will be attending Greenville College in
Illinois this fall in order to obtain his
bachelor’s degree.
His areas of deficit are in expressive and
receptive language. His language deficits
cause him to process written and verbal
information much more slowly than does a
typically functioning student.
Receptively, AB has to reread information
multiple times in order to comprehend what
is being expressed or what a question is
asking. He will take longer to understand a
story, a question stem, or answer choices. He
will then take longer to make a decision and
choose the best answer, because he has to
reason through the information and the
related words in order to make that choice.
AB will take longer to complete the writing
portion of the ACT. He will need to process
the directions and the writing prompt. He will
then need time to formulate and organize his
written response. AB is slow and inaccurate
due to his word-finding deficit and will take
longer to select the appropriate words to
include in his written responses.
AB requires extended time on each test and
give authorization over multiple days. He
needs these accommodations due to his
receptive and expressive language deficits.
Student A had to take the ACT without
accommodations. She did not have a reading
disorder but had a language disorder. Her
disorder caused her to need additional time to
gather meaning from the text, although she
was a fluent reader. She had receptive
language and language memory deficits but
was competent in analyzing word (prefixes,
suffixes, root words) and context clues,
including sentence structure and related
words, to improve her comprehension. She
needed to read and reread passages for
understanding. The reading comprehension
portion of standardized academic
assessments, such as the Woodcock-Johnson,
is not timed. A student may take the time to
think through the passage, questions, and
answer choices. Student A used her skills and
time to formulate or choose correct answers.
All of this analysis took extra time, which
student A was not given on the ACT. She
graduated in May 2014 from Northern
Illinois University (NIU), where she was
admitted through a special program called
Chances. She had been denied regular
admission due to her ACT scores (14 and
15); she took the test twice with no
accommodations. Student A did extremely
well at NIU academically and with her
involvement on campus activities. She
graduated from the university in 4 years with
a 3.14 GPA.
Students with communication disorders may
be good readers and processors of
information, given sufficient time. These are
individuals who must work hard to process
and comprehend information.
For more information on practice related
issues, contact Deborah Dixon, ASHA's
director of school services, at 301 296-5690
or by e-mail at [email protected], or Janet
Deppe, ASHA's director of state advocacy, at
301-296-5668 or by e-mail at
For advocacy related issues contact Catherine
D. Clarke, ASHA's director of education and
regulatory advocacy, at 202- 624-5953 or by
e-mail at [email protected].