The Clickbait Challenge 2017:
Towards a Regression Model for Clickbait Strength
Martin Potthast
Leipzig University
Tim Gollub
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Matthias Hagen
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Benno Stein
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Clickbait has grown to become a nuisance to social media users and
social media operators alike. Malicious content publishers misuse
social media to manipulate as many users as possible to visit their
websites using clickbait messages. Machine learning technology
may help to handle this problem, giving rise to automatic clickbait
detection. To accelerate progress in this direction, we organized
the Clickbait Challenge 2017, a shared task inviting the submission
of clickbait detectors for a comparative evaluation. A total of 13 de-
tectors have been submitted, achieving signicant improvements
over the previous state of the art in terms of detection performance.
Also, many of the submitted approaches have been published open
source, rendering them reproducible, and a good starting point for
newcomers. While the 2017 challenge has passed, we maintain the
evaluation system and answer to new registrations in support of
the ongoing research on better clickbait detectors.
This paper reports on the results of the Clickbait Challenge 2017.
The main goal of the challenge was to kickstart research and de-
velopment on the novel task of clickbait detection in social me-
dia [Potthast et al
2016]. The term “clickbait” refers to social me-
dia messages that are foremost designed to entice their readers
into clicking an accompanying link to the posters’ website, at the
expense of informativeness and objectiveness. Typical examples
include exaggerated statements, such as “You won’t believe . . .,
“. .. will change your life”, or “. .. will blow your mind”, as well as
unnecessary omissions of informative details as in “This actor fell
. .., “This city started . . . , “This fact about . . . .
Spreading content through clickbait has meanwhile become an
established practice on social media, even among reputed news
publishers [Potthast et al
2016]. Clickbait works: it has a mea-
surable eect on page impressions, which explains its widespread
usage. But clickbait also works to the detriment of all stakeholders:
(1) news publishers succumbing to economic pressure undermine
their established reputations and journalistic codes of ethics; (2) so-
cial media platform operators increase user engagement on their
networks at the expense of user experience; (3) users of social media
platforms unconsciously have their curiosity “tickled”, often not
realizing they are being manipulated. When they nally do realize,
clickbait is rather perceived as a nuisance, much like spam.
To step out of this vicious circle, an automatic detection of click-
bait, e.g., as part of ad-blockers within browsers, would enable
users to opt out. The more users choose to opt out, the less eective
clickbait becomes, thus forcing publishers and social networks to
nd other means of reaching their respective audience. Deployed at
the social network itself, clickbait detection technology may unfold
its impact much more rapidly. A necessary prerequisite, however,
is machine learning technology capable to reliably detect clickbait.
To raise awareness and to build a community of researchers
interested in this new task, we decided to organize the Clickbait
Challenge 2017. In what follows, after a review of related work in
Section 2, we outline the challenge design and the evaluation results
obtained from its rst edition. Regarding its design, in Section 3
we argue for our decision to cast clickbait detection as a regression
task to measure clickbait strength; in Section 4, the Webis Clickbait
Corpus 2017 [Potthast et al
2018] is reviewed, which was used as
evaluation dataset for the challenge; and in Section 5, organizational
details of the challenge are discussed. Section 6 presents the sub-
mitted approaches and reports on their achieved performance. We
conclude with a description of how, even after the 2017 challenge
has passed, researchers can still use our evaluation-as-a-service
platform TIRA to evaluate clickbait detection algorithms against
the ones submitted before.
To the best of our knowledge, Table 1 lists all clickbait-related
datasets that have been published to date. In the last row, our Webis
Clickbait Corpus 2017 [Potthast et al
2018] is listed, which has been
compiled and used for the Clickbait Challenge 2017. In the columns
of Table 1, apart from the respective publication, the datasets are
classied with respect to the annotation scale at which clickbait is
assessed, the type of teaser message used in the dataset, whether
the articles referred to in the teasers are included in the dataset,
as well as the datasets’ size. Comparing our clickbait challenge
dataset with the others along these attributes, it becomes apparent
that our dataset is the rst one that measures clickbait on a graded
scale, a decision further motivated in Section 3. Other than this,
the clickbait challenge dataset adopts the construction principles
of our previous Webis Clickbait Corpus 2016 [Potthast et al
while providing for an order of magnitude more training examples.
Its construction is summarized in Section 4.
Martin Pohast, Tim Gollub, Mahias Hagen, and Benno Stein
Table 1: Overview of existing clickbait corpora. All are in English.
Publication Annotation Scale Teaser Type Article Archival Size
Agrawal [2016] Binary Headline No 2,388
Potthast et al. [2016] Binary Tweet Yes 2,992
Biyani et al. [2016] Binary Headline No 4,073
Chakraborty et al. [2016] Binary Headline No 15,000
Rony et al. [2017] Binary Headline No 32,000
Potthast et al. [2018] Graded Tweet Yes 38,517
All except the last publication listed in Table 1 also propose an
approach for the automated detection of clickbait alongside their
dataset. An additional clickbait detection approach is presented by
Anand et al
[2017], who use the dataset of Chakraborty et al
for evaluation. In what follows, we highlight the dierences of the
published approaches concerning the features used for clickbait
detection, as well as the (best-performing) classication technol-
ogy applied. The same analysis is repeated in Section 6 for the
approaches submitted to the clickbait challenge.
Since rather dierent datasets have been used in the literature
for evaluation, the respective approaches can hardly be compared
performance-wise—a strong incentive for the organization of the
clickbait challenge. In terms of the F1-measure, clickbait detection
performance scores around 0.75 ([Agrawal 2016; Biyani et al
Potthast et al
2016]) and 0.95 ([Anand et al
2017; Chakraborty et al
2016; Rony et al
2017]) have been reported. Given the deciencies
of the used datasets [Potthast et al
2018], these scores must be
taken with a grain of salt, though.
Features for clickbait detection can be derived from three sources:
the teaser message, the linked article, and metadata for both. While
all reviewed approaches derive features from the teaser message, the
linked article and the metadata are considered only by Potthast et al
[2016] and Biyani et al
[2016], who use variants of decision trees
(random forest and gradient boosted decision tree, respectively) as
their classiers. Examples of features derived from the linked article
are text readability scores and the semantic similarity of the teaser
with (parts of) the article. Examples of metadata-based features
are the publisher name, whether the teaser contains multimedia
content, and the frequency of specic characters in the article URL.
As for features derived from the teaser message itself, the above
two approaches, as well as that of Chakraborty et al
[2016] (their
best performance comes from an SVM classier), use a multitude of
structural, word-level, n-gram, and linguistically motivated features.
The remaining approaches are based on embeddings as feature
representation of the teaser message. Agrawal [2016] takes pre-
trained word embeddings as input for a CNN, which are further
updated during the training of the classier. Anand et al
use both character and word embeddings to train an RNN. Lastly,
Rony et al
[2017] average the sub-word embeddings of a teaser
message to obtain a feature representation which is then used to
train a linear classier (not further specied).
Previous work considered clickbait as a binary phenomenon: either
a teaser message is clickbait or it is not. Though there are messages
that are obviously clickbait (“You won’t believe what happened!”),
we noticed that making a decision is often not as straightforward.
The reason for this is that, since the very purpose of teaser messages
is to attract the attention of readers, every message containing a link
baits user clicks to some extent. The question is whether this baiting
is perceived as immoderate or deceptive by the reader—a subjective
notion. To work around this subjectivity we asked how heavily a
teaser message makes use of clickbaiting techniques, leaving open
the question whether it is clickbait.
The teaser messages depicted in Figure 1 serve as an illustration
of the varying degrees of clickbait strength. The messages are ar-
ranged by increasing clickbait strength from left to right as judged
by many assessors. The rst teaser message on the left makes a
clear statement about the information conveyed in the linked article
(links have been omitted), and likely only very few readers would
consider this message clickbait. In the second teaser message, the
text of the message is comparably more clickbaiting, but the image
below provides valuable additional clues (the image “spoils” the
information absent from the text message). The same is true for the
third teaser message; however, the image only conveys a very vague
idea about the information missing from the teaser text. Whether
these two tweets should be classied as being clickbait is dicult to
decide, but they are obviously more clickbaiting than the rst one.
The fourth teaser message on the right nally makes heavy use
of clickbaiting techniques, and the vast majority of readers would
classify this teaser message as a paragon of clickbait.
What this sequence of teaser messages exemplies, and what
our large-scale crowdsourcing study corroborates, is that there is
a whole continuum of teaser messages between the extremes of
clickbait and non-clickbait. Although it is apparent that teaser mes-
sages that fall in-between could have been formulated in a more
informative way to render them less clickbaiting, it is questionable
whether they are clickbaiting enough to be perceived as clickbait in
general. Because of this, to account for dierent degrees of clickbait
strength, we opted for casting clickbait detection as a regression
problem in the clickbait challenge, and used a graded scale to anno-
tate the teaser messages in our dataset. The graded scale has four
values (Likert scale with forced choice) and ranges from “not” via
“slightly” and “considerably” to “heavily” clickbaiting.
The Clickbait Challenge 2017: Towards a Regression Model for Clickbait Strength
Figure 1: Examples of teaser messages from news publishers on Twitter (the more to the right, the more clickbaiting). The
tweets have been redacted, removing information identifying the publishers in order not to pillory them.
To provide a high-quality, representative evaluation dataset for the
clickbait challenge, we compiled the Webis Clickbait Corpus 2017.
The corpus is authentic, representative, rich in terms of potential
features, unbiased, and large-scale. Since the dataset has been de-
scribed at length by Potthast et al
[2018], we only summarize the
most important points here.
Table 2 gives an overview of the main characteristics of our
acquisition and annotation process. We build on and extend the ap-
proach taken to construct the smaller Webis Clickbait Corpus 2016
[Potthast et al. 2016], rendering both corpora comparable.
As teaser type for our corpus, we chose Twitter tweets since
(1) the platform has a large user base, and (2) virtually all major
US news publishers disseminate their articles through Twitter. Our
sample of news publishers is governed by publisher importance
in terms of retweets. Restricting ourselves to English-language
publishers, we obtain a ranking of the top-most retweeted news
publishers from the NewsWhip social media analytics service.
Taking the top 27 publishers, we used Twitter’s API to record
every tweet they published in the period from December 1, 2016,
through April 30, 2017. To enable the research community to de-
velop and experiment with a rich set of features, we included the
tweet text, media attachments, and the metadata provided by Twit-
ter.Furthermore, we crawled the news article advertised using the
Webis Web Archiver [Kiesel et al
2018], which records the whole
communication that takes place between a client (browser) request-
ing the web page of a news article and the publisher’s web server
hosting it, storing it in web archive (WARC) les (including, e.g.,
HTML, CSS, Javascript, and images). This way, every article page
that forms part of our corpus can be reviewed as it was on the day
we crawled it, allowing for corpus reviews even after years, hence
maximizing its reproducibility. Nevertheless, users of our corpus
will not have to handle the raw WARC les. For convenience, we ap-
plied publisher-specic wrappers extracting a set of content-related
elds (cf. elds prexed with “target” in Table 2).
To obtain a sample of tweets that has a high topic diversity, we
crawled news as described above for ve months in a row, yielding
almost half a million tweets that t our criteria and that were suc-
cessfully archived. From this population, we drew a random sample
for annotation where, for budgetary reasons, the goal was to draw
at least 30,000 tweets and at most 40,000. Since the distribution of
tweets per publisher is highly skewed, we apply stratied sampling
to avoid a corresponding publisher bias. Similarly, we ensure that
tweets are sampled from each day of the ve months worth of
tweets to cover the whole time period. Selecting a maximum of
ten tweets per day and publisher yielded a set of 38,517 tweets and
archived articles, which were then subjected to manual annotation.
The annotation of the tweets regarding clickbait strength was
implemented with the crowdsourcing platform Amazon Mechani-
cal Turk (AMT). For each tweet, we requested annotations from ve
dierent workers. To guarantee a high-quality dataset, all crowd-
sourced assessments were reviewed and, if necessary, discarded,
resubmitting the respective assignment to AMT.
The histogram in Table 2 shows the distribution of tweets across
the four classes of our graded scale as stacked bars. To classify a
tweet into one of the four classes, the mode of its annotations is
used, where, in case of multiple modes, the fth annotation is used
as a tie breaker. The dierent colors in the bars encode dierent
levels of agreement. With a value of 0
21 in terms of Fleiss’
, the
annotator agreement is between slight and fair. However, when
binarizing the classes by joining the rst and last two classes into
becomes 0
36, which corresponds to the respective value
of 0
35 reported for our previous clickbait corpus [Potthast et al
2016]. Furthermore, also the distribution of tweets across the bina-
rized classes matches that of our previous corpus. Recalling that our
previous corpus has been assessed by trained experts, we conclude
that our crowdsourcing strategy lives up to the state of the art
and that it can be considered as successful: the two independently
designed and operationalized annotation studies still achieve the
same result, hence our annotation experiment can be understood
as a reproduction of our previous eorts, only at a larger scale.
To organize and manage the clickbait challenge, we use the eval-
uation-as-a-service platform TIRA [Gollub et al
2012; Potthast
et al
which provides the means to host competitions that
invite software submissions. In contrast to run submissions, chal-
lenge participants get access to a virtual machine on which they
deploy (=submit) their clickbait detection approach. The deployed
approach is evaluated on a test dataset hosted at TIRA, so that
participants cannot gain direct access to it, giving rise to blind eval-
uation. For task organizers, this procedure has the advantage that
it allows, given the consent of the authors, to reevaluate the sub-
mitted clickbait detection approaches also on new datasets (since
the approaches are maintained in executable form in the virtual
machines), and to evaluate future clickbait detection approaches in
a meaningful way (since the test data are kept private).
Martin Pohast, Tim Gollub, Mahias Hagen, and Benno Stein
Table 2: Webis Clickbait Corpus 2017: Corpus acquisition overview (left), corpus annotation overview (right).
Corpus Acquisition
Platform: Twitter
Crawling period: Dec 1 2016 – Apr 30 2017
Crawled tweets: 459,541
Publishers: 27 (abc, bbcworld, billboard,
bleacherreport, breitbartnews,
business, businessinsider, buzzfeed,
cbsnews, cnn, complex, espn,
forbes, foxnews, guardian,
hupost, independent, indiatimes,
mailonline, mashable, nbcnews,
nytimes, telegraph, usatoday,
washingtonpost, wsj, yahoo)
Filters: - No videos in tweets.
- Exactly one hyperlink in tweet.
- Article archiving succeeded.
- Main content extraction succeeded.
Recorded elds: 12 (postId, postTimestamp,
postText, postMedia, postPublisher,
targetUrl, targetTitle,
targetDescription, targetKeywords,
targetParagraphs, targetCaptions,
Sampling strategy: Maximally 10 tweets per day and publisher
Sampled tweets: 38,517
Corpus Annotation
Crowdsourcing Platform: Amazon Mechanical Turk
Annotations per tweet: 5
Annotation Scheme: 4-point Likert scale.
Values: Not clickbaiting (0.0),
Slightly clickbaiting (0.33),
Considerably clickbaiting (0.66),
Heavily clickbaiting (1.0)
Mode distribution of the annotations incl. agreement levels:
percentage of tweets
To participate in the clickbait challenge, teams had to develop re-
gression technology that rates the “clickbaitiness” of a social media
post on a [0
1] range (a value of 1 denoting heavy clickbaiting). For
each post, the content of the post itself as well as the main content
of the linked target web page are provided as JSON-Objects in our
datasets. As primary evaluation metric, mean squared error (MSE)
with respect to the mean judgment of the annotators is used. For
informational purposes, we also compute the F1 score with respect
to a binarized clickbait class (from the mode of the judgments), and
we measure the runtime of the classication software.
We published 19,538 tweets from our dataset as a training dataset
for the challenge participants, and kept the remaining 18,979 tweets
for the private test dataset. As a strong baseline for the challenge,
we used a modied version of our own seminal classier [Potthast
et al
2016]. To account for the recast of clickbait detection as a
regression task, we used the same feature set but replaced the
random forest classier with a ridge regression algorithm. A rather
weaker baseline just predicts the average true clickbait score of the
test data for every tweet.
From the 100 teams that registered for the Clickbait Challenge 2017,
33 nally requested a virtual machine when asked. From these
33 teams, 13 teams followed through, made a successful submission,
and evaluated their approach on the test dataset. Their perfor-
mance results are shown in Table 3.
As can be observed in the
second column of Table 3, 6 of the 13 submitted approaches out-
performed our strong baseline in terms of minimizing the mean
squared error (MSE), the best performance being achieved by zin-
gel [Zhou 2017] with a mean squared error of 0.033. The runner-ups
are emperor (no notebook submitted, approach uses a CNN on the
teaser text) and carpetshark [Grigorev 2017], both achieving a mean
squared error of 0.036. Furthermore, eight teams, as well as our
strong baseline, outperform the weak baseline. This can be seen
from the normalized mean squared error (NMSE) scores in the third
column of Table 3, where the mean squared error achieved by a
clickbait detection approach is divided by the weak baseline’s per-
formance (MSE=0.0735). Hence, an NMSE score less than 1 means
that the approach outperforms the weak baseline.
To render talking about the respective approaches more consistent (and more fun),
we adopted a naming scheme for this task: each team chose a “code name” for their
approach from a list of sh names, loosely alluding to the “bait” part of clickbait.
The Clickbait Challenge 2017: Towards a Regression Model for Clickbait Strength
Table 3: Performance results achieved by the approaches submitted to the Clickbait Challenge 2017.
Team MSE NMSE F1 Prec Rec Acc Runtime Publication
zingel 0.033 0.452 0.683 0.719 0.650 0.856 00:03:27 Zhou [2017]
emperor 0.036 0.488 0.641 0.714 0.581 0.845 00:04:03
carpetshark 0.036 0.492 0.638 0.728 0.568 0.847 00:08:05 Grigorev [2017]
arowana 0.039 0.531 0.656 0.659 0.654 0.837 00:35:24
pineapplesh 0.041 0.562 0.631 0.642 0.621 0.827 00:54:28 Glenski et al. [2017]
whitebait 0.043 0.583 0.565 0.699 0.474 0.826 00:04:31 Thomas [2017]
clickbait17-baseline 0.044 0.592 0.552 0.758 0.434 0.832 00:37:34 Potthast et al. [2016]
pike 0.045 0.606 0.604 0.711 0.524 0.836 01:04:42 Cao et al. [2017]
tuna 0.046 0.621 0.654 0.654 0.653 0.835 06:14:10 Gairola et al. [2017]
torpedo 0.079 1.076 0.650 0.530 0.841 0.785 00:04:55 Indurthi and Oota [2017]
houndshark 0.099 1.464 0.023 0.779 0.012 0.764 00:26:38
dory 0.118 1.608 0.467 0.380 0.605 0.671 00:05:00
salmon 0.174 2.389 0.261 0.167 0.593 0.209 114:04:50 Elyashar et al. [2017]
snapper 0.252 3.432 0.434 0.287 0.893 0.446 19:05:31 Papadopoulou et al. [2017]
In terms of the F1 measure (fourth column), the six top ap-
proaches and three others outperform the strong baseline; a re-
sult at least partly rooted in the fact that some of the approaches
have been optimized with respect to F1 instead of MSE. In terms
of F1, the top-performing approach is again zingel. Together with
the observation that this approach is also the fastest one (eighth
column), this underlines its high quality. Regarding precision and
recall individually (columns six and seven), one can observe that
the approaches outperforming the baseline in terms of F1 succeed
by trading small losses in precision with signicant gains in recall.
Of the 13 teams that made a successful submission, 9 also sub-
mitted a notebook paper, referenced in the last column of Table 3.
In what follows, we briey summarize each approach.
Zingel by Zhou [2017] is the best-performing approach of the
Clickbait Challenge 2017. It employs a neural network architecture
with bidirectional gated recurrent units (biGRU) and a self-attention
mechanism to assess clickbait strength (namely, the mean of the
clickbait annotations for a tweet). As input to the network, only
the teaser text is considered, which is represented as a sequence of
word embeddings that have been pre-trained on Wikipedia using
Glove (but then updated during training).
Carpetshark by Grigorev [2017] employs an ensemble of SVM re-
gression models (so-called extremely randomized forests), one each
trained separately for the text elds provided in the training data.
Besides the teaser text, these elds are the keywords, descriptions,
image captions, paragraphs, and the title of the linked article. In
addition to the objective of predicting clickbait strength, predicting
the standard deviation of the annotations is considered, improving
the performance of the ensemble. An attempt at augmenting our
challenge dataset with own data failed to improve the approach’s
performance and was hence omitted from the nal submission.
Pineapplesh by Glenski et al
[2017] relies on a “linguistically
infused” neural network with two sub-networks. An LSTM sub-
network that takes as input a sequence of 100 word embeddings (pre-
trained on a Twitter dataset and then updated during training). The
sequence consists of the rst 100 content words of the teaser text,
and, in case the teaser text is shorter than 100 content words, text
from the linked article’s elds. The second sub-network consists of
two dense layers which take as input a vector of linguistic features
extracted from the teaser message and the linked article text. The
authors also experimented with object detection technology to
obtain features from teaser images, however, these features were
not included in their nal model due to a lack of performance gain.
Whitebait by Thomas [2017] analyzes all text elds available for
each training example (=tweet), as well as the publication time of
the tweet. For each of the text elds, an LSTM is trained that takes
as input a sequence of word embeddings (initialized randomly).
For the publication date, a neural network with one hidden layer
is trained. As input, the publication time is binned into one-hour
ranges and then converted into one-hot encodings. In a second step,
the individually trained networks are fused by concatenating the
last dense layer of the individual networks. The authors state that
this two-step procedure performs better than training a complete
model from scratch. Attempts at exploiting the teaser images have
not made it into the nal version of this model.
Pike by Cao et al
[2017] computes a set of 175 linguistic features
from the teaser message, two features related to the linked article,
as well as three features that capture semantic relations between
the teaser message and the linked article. This feature set is then
fed into a random forest regression algorithm, which achieved the
best performance compared to other alternatives tested in a 10-fold
cross validation on the training dataset.
Tuna by Gairola et al
[2017] consists of a deep neural network
with three sub-networks. The rst sub-network is a bidirectional
LSTM with attention which gets as input a sequence of word embed-
dings (pre-trained on a Google News dataset and updated during
training) representing the teaser text. The other two sub-networks
are Siamese neural networks, the rst of them producing a similarity
score between the teaser text and the description eld of the linked
article, the second one producing a similarity score between the
Martin Pohast, Tim Gollub, Mahias Hagen, and Benno Stein
teaser image and the target description. As representations for the
teaser text and the target description, doc2vec embeddings of the
elds are employed. To represent the teaser image, a pre-trained ob-
ject detection network was applied to the image, and the activation
on a convolutional layer was taken as image representation.
Torpedo by Indurthi and Oota [2017] uses pre-trained Glove
word embeddings (on Wikipedia and a further dataset) to represent
the teaser message of a tweet. For this, the word embeddings for the
dierent words in the teaser text are averaged. In addition, seven
handcrafted linguistic features are added to the representation.
With this feature set, a linear regression model is trained to predict
the clickbait strength of tweets.
Salmon by Elyashar et al
[2017] applies gradient boosting (XG-
Boost) to a tweet representation that consists of three feature types:
(1) teaser image-related features encoding whether there is a teaser
image, and, using OCR on the image, whether there is text in the
image, (2) linguistic features extracted from the teaser text and the
linked article elds, and (3) features dedicated to detect so-called
abusers that are supposed to capture user behavior patterns.
Snapper by Papadopoulou et al
[2017] trains separate logistic
regression classiers on dierent feature sets extracted from the
teaser text, the linked article title, and the teaser images (features
extracted rst using the Cae library).
In a second step, the predic-
tions of the individual classiers are taken as input to train a nal
logistic regression classier.
The Clickbait Challenge 2017 stimulated research and development
towards clickbait detection: 13 approaches have been submitted to
the challenge. Many of these approaches have been released open
source by their authors.
Together with the working prototype
deployed within virtual machines at TIRA, this renders the pro-
ceedings of the clickbait challenge reproducible, and newcomers
have an easier time following up on previous work.
Several more approaches have been proposed and submitted to
TIRA after the challenge had ended. Together with zingel, these
four additional approaches are the top ve best-performing click-
bait detectors on the leaderboard at the time of publishing the
current challenge overview.
The leading approach, albacore by
Omidvar et al
[2018], like zingel, employs a biGRU network, ini-
tialized by Glove word embeddings. The runner-up anchovy is also
an adaptation of zingel, whereas icarsh by Wiegmann et al
demonstrates that our baseline [Potthast et al
2016] is still com-
petitive: when optimizing the selection of features using a newly
proposed feature selection approach, the baseline approach im-
proves substantially. For the two approaches anchovy and ray, at
the time of writing, no written reports have surfaced. More teams
have registered after the rst challenge has passed, now working
on new approaches to solve the task. We will keep the evaluation
system running for as long as possible to allow for a continued and
fair evaluation of these new approaches.
We collected them here:
A. Agrawal. 2016. Clickbait detection using deep learning. In 2016 2nd International
Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT). 268–272.
Ankesh Anand, Tanmoy Chakraborty, and Noseong Park. 2017. We Used Neural
Networks to Detect Clickbaits: You Won’t Believe What Happened Next!. In
Advances in Information Retrieval - 39th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR
2017, Aberdeen, UK, April 8-13, 2017, Proc.. 541–547.
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