Process Essay
What is a Process Essay?
The process essay is writing that explains how to do something or how something
works by giving a step-by-step explanation. The explanation may be about a concrete
process (how to skin a muskrat or how to plant begonias) or an abstract process (how
to build self-esteem or how to overcome a loved one’s death).
Three Keys To Effective Process:
1. Present the essential steps in the process.
2. Explain the steps in detail.
3. Present the steps in logical order (usually chronological).
Explaining Steps:
This is a key step in writing a process essay. You must present the essential steps in
enough detail and logical order that your readers could perform the steps themselves or
at least understand how something works.
Thesis Statement of a Process Essay:
The thesis statement usually includes the process being analyzed and the point the
writer wants to make about it.
Applying for a driver's license
(point about the process)
is both exciting and nerve wracking.
How to Write an Effective Process Essay:
1. Present your stages and steps in chronological order. The correct order of your
steps is vital. They must follow the actual order in which they would be performed,
from beginning to end.
2. Divide your process into at least three major stages. Each major stage of a
process paper must correspond to a paragraph that elaborates and details the steps
included in that particular stage.
3. Create a paragraph on materials, if needed. Often the materials necessary to
perform a certain process must be listed. A paragraph, usually located directly after
the introduction, can be designated to address essential materials.
4. Use time-specific transitional words. Words like after, as, at last, before, during,
eventually, finally, first, last, later, meanwhile, next, now, second, since, soon, then,
when, and while can be used to indicate when you are moving from one step to the
next, i.e., establishing sequence.
5. Do not use imperative sentences. Sometimes an instructor will allow you to use
imperative second person point of view, such as "Mix the flour and eggs, then beat
for two minutes." However, the writing can end up sounding like an instruction
manual rather than a well-developed process essay. Therefore, use either first or
third person point of view.
A process paper should be more than a mere set of instructions. It should be smooth,
not choppy. Therefore, keep in mind the following points.
Anticipate possible misunderstandings on the reader’s part and, if necessary, tell
the reader what not to do.
Provide reasons why certain steps are performed if these steps seem extreme or
Define unfamiliar terms or materials that may not be clear to the reader.
The process essay is writing that explains how to do something or how something
works by giving a step-by-step explanation. There are three keys to a process essay:
present the essential steps in the process, explain the steps in detail, and present the
steps in logical order (usually chronological).