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Texas Success
Congratulations on Taking
the TSI Assessment!
The TSI Assessment (TSIA) measures your strengths and weaknesses in
mathematics and statistics, as well as reading and writing, and is an indicator of
how ready you are to handle college-level courses. The results of the assessment,
in conjunction with your academic background, goals, and interests, are used
by academic advisers and counselors to place you in the appropriate course that
matches your skill level. The goals are to help demonstrate your readiness and
help you become ready for college-level coursework. NOTE: Any references in
this brochure to developmental courses, interventions, and corequisite models
are not applicable to high school students seeking to enroll in college-level
coursework via dual credit.
TSI Assessment (TSIA)
Once you complete the TSIA, you have immediate access
to your individual score report, which gives you details
on your test results. Use the score report to understand
your academic strengths and areas for improvement. Your
adviser, counselor, or faculty member will also use this score
report to help make the best recommendations for the
courses or interventions that meet your individual needs.
The individual score report indicates your score in the
mathematics, reading, and writing portions of the TSIA and
the appropriate course in which you will be placed.
Your scores on the TSIA determine if you are ready to take
college-level courses. If you are college ready, you may
enroll in any related entry-level college course without
having to take developmental courses or interventions. You
are considered college ready (i.e., “TSI met/complete”) if
at the very least you receive the following scores:
Mathematics: a score in the range of 350–390 in the
multiple-choice section.
of 310–339 in the multiple-choice section, and a score of
4, 5, or 6 on the ABE Diagnostic section, and an essay score
of 5 (you must meet all three).
For more information on assessment topics and scores,
refer to:
Page 6 for Mathematics and Statistics
Page 6 for Reading
Page 7 for Writing
If your TSIA mathematics, reading, or writing test score is
lower than the college readiness cut score for that subject,
you may be placed in either a developmental course or an
intervention to improve your skills and prepare for success
in college-level courses. In addition to other factors, your
placement is determined through the results you get in
the DE or ABE Diagnostic Tests, which measure how well
you know the subjects. Your institution may use additional
factors such as your high school grade point average/
class ranking, other test scores, and courses from your
high school or college transcripts. The institution will also
consider your selected major or program.
Reading: a score in the range of 351–390 in the multiple-
choice section.
Writing: two ways(1) a score of 340–390 in the multiple-
If you are not satisfied with your score, you may retake the
choice section and a score of 4 on the essay, OR (2) a score
TSIA at any time. However, before you attempt to retest, it
© 2018 The College Board. 1
is strongly recommended that you set aside time for
additional study. It is very unlikely that your score will
improve greatly without additional review and study. Check
with the testing center at your college or university for
information concerning retesting.
Diagnostic Test
If your score in the TSIA is lower than the college readiness
benchmark, you will be directed to take the DE or ABE
Diagnostic Test, which determines your areas of strength
and areas that need improvement in mathematics, reading,
and/or writing. Many students who are not college ready
may be provided the DE Diagnostic Test as described
below, while others may be directed to a different version
of a diagnostic test (the ABE Diagnostic) to ensure accurate
information related to their skill set. The results in the
diagnostic test help the adviser place you in the appropriate
developmental course or intervention.
Diagnostic Score Report
Once you complete the DE or ABE Diagnostic Test, you will
receive a diagnostic score report. This report outlines the
topics on which you were tested, along with the score and
the criteria used to determine that score.
Proficiency Level What This Means
and Score to You
Needs Improvement
Indicates that your
performance needs to
improve significantly
in this area.
Limited Proficiency
Indicates that while you
have some skill in this area,
there is room for
Indicates that you have
well-developed skills in
this area.
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Sample of DE Reading Diagnostic Test
Needs Limited
Improvement Proficiency
Proficient Score
Main Idea and Supporting Details
Your performance in the Main Idea and Supporting Details area suggests that you need to improve significantly in this area. This
area tests your ability to understand text. You need to work extensively on identifying stated and implied main ideas, supporting
details, and author’s purpose and tone.
Author’s Use of Language
Your performance in the Author’s Use of Language area suggests that you need to improve significantly in this area. You need to
work on identifying the author’s purpose, tone, organization, and rhetorical strategies; determining the meaning of words using
context; and analyzing the use of evidence in a passage when the information is implied or the answer choices require simple
Inferences in a Text or Texts
Your performance in the Inferences in a Text or Texts area suggests that while you have some skill in this area, there is room for
improvement. This area tests your ability to make and understand inferences about informational texts. You need to work on
supporting inferences with specific evidence, as well as drawing conclusions and making generalizations about paired texts
based on details and ideas.
Literary Analysis
Your performance in the Literary Analysis area suggests you have well-developed skills. This area tests your ability to apply your
knowledge of universal themes and literary devices to the development of plot and characters and to analyze how author’s
use of diction and figurative language supports the meaning in fiction or literary nonfiction.
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Sample of DE Mathematics Diagnostic Test
Needs Limited
Improvement Proficiency
Proficient Score
Elementary Algebra
The results suggest that you have the ability to perform operations with real numbers and algebraic expressions using correct
order of operations; solve linear equations, inequalities, systems, and variation problems; graph linear functions; solve
word problems.
Intermediate Algebra
The results suggest that you have the ability to factor polynomial expressions by GCF, grouping, difference of squares, trinomials;
solve quadratic equations by factoring and using quadratic formula; simplify square roots with numerical values; solve simple
equations with radicals and fractions; apply unit conversion in word problems; formulate algebraic expressions and equations
to solve word problems; apply rules of exponents.
Measurement and Geometry
The results suggest that you have the ability to identify and analyze geometric shapes to calculate perimeter, area, and volume;
analyze multistep geometric problems using factoring quadratics, use properties of transformations to solve problems, and
apply the Pythagorean theorem; analyze and apply ratios and proportions to solve geometric problems such as similar figures;
recognize and apply concepts of measurement conversions.
Data Analysis, Statistics,
and Probability
The results suggest that you have the ability to calculate and interpret the mean, median, mode, and range for a set of real number
values; calculate the probability of events; make predictions using probabilities and statistics; analyze charts and graphs; apply
counting principles; calculate percentages.
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Sample of DE Writing Diagnostic Test
Needs Limited
Improvement Proficiency
Proficient Score
Sentence Structure
Your performance on Sentence Structure suggests that you have well-developed skills in this area. You consistently recognize
correct grammar and punctuation. You understand how subordinate clauses and coordinating strategies are used to write
more complex sentences. You can identify run-on sentences and sentence fragments. You understand how relationships
of ideas are constructed in sentences and how parallelism is used.
Your performance on Agreement suggests that you need to improve significantly in this area. You can match the subject and
verb in a simple sentence, but you have difficulty if the word order changes or the sentence has a clause. You can rarely match
pronouns to nouns (i.e., both singular or plural). You must learn how to use correct verb tense (i.e., past, present, or future); you
must learn how to use helping verbs (e.g., be or have). You need to learn what parallelism is and how to use it.
Sentence Logic
Your performance on Sentence Logic suggests that you need to improve significantly in this area. You can pick out the main
subject and verb in a simple sentence, but you may have difficulty with complex sentences that use subordinate clauses. You can
recognize simple modifiers, but you often fail to use them correctly. You need to learn what parallel structures are. You also need
to learn transitions and how to use them. You need to learn how to show logical relationships among ideas.
Essay Revision
Your performance on Essay Revision suggests that you need to improve significantly in this area. You have trouble recognizing how
paragraph organization supports the communication of ideas. You can identify a main point in a paragraph, but sometimes you
do not recognize when some information is unimportant. You must learn how to identify supporting evidence in each paragraph.
You must learn about transitions and how to use them. You must work on identifying the best words to convey your ideas.
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Understanding Your
Mathematics Score
The TSIA in Mathematics and Statistics is a multiple-
choice test that covers the four content areas listed below.
There are 20 items on the multiple-choice portion and
10–12 items in each section of the DE or ABE Diagnostic Test,
for a total of 30–40 additional multiple-choice questions.
Elementary Algebra and Functions measures your
knowledge in linear equations, inequalities, and systems;
algebraic expressions and equations; word problems and
Intermediate Algebra and Functions measures your
knowledge in quadratic and other polynomial expressions,
equations, and functions; expressions, equations, and
functions involving powers, roots, and radicals; rational and
exponential expressions, equations, and functions.
Geometry and Measurement measures your knowledge in
plane geometry; transformations and symmetry; linear, area,
and three-dimensional measurements.
Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability measures your
knowledge in interpreting categorical and quantitative data,
statistical measures, probabilistic reasoning.
You are considered college ready if your score falls within
the range of 350–390. If your score is 349 or lower, you
may be placed in a developmental course or intervention.
If you score in the range of 336–349 or ABE Diagnostic
level 5/6, you may be placed in a college-level course while
taking a developmental education course/intervention at
the same time. This is called a corequisite model and allows
you to enter college-credit coursework while receiving
additional support to help ensure your success in the
college-level course.
Contact the adviser at your college or university for
more information.
Understanding Your Reading Score
The TSIA in Reading is a multiple-choice test that covers
the four content areas listed below. There are 20 items on
the multiple-choice portion and 10–12 items in each section
of the DE or ABE Diagnostic Test, for a total of 30–40
additional multiple-choice questions.
Literary Analysis measures your skill in identifying and
analyzing ideas in and elements of literary texts.
Main Idea and Supporting Details measures your skill in
identifying the main idea of a passage; comprehending
explicit textual information in a passage.
Inferences in a Text or Texts measures your skill in
synthesizing ideas by making a connection or comparison
between two passages; making an appropriate inference
about single passages.
Author’s Use of Language measures your skill in identifying
an author’s purpose, tone, organization or rhetorical
strategies, and use of evidence; determining the meaning of
words in context.
You are considered college ready if your score falls within
the range of 351–390. If your score is 350 or lower, you
may be placed in a developmental course or intervention.
If you score in the range of 342–350 or ABE Diagnostic
level 5/6, you may be placed in a college course while
taking a developmental education course/intervention
at the same time. This is called a corequisite model and
allows you to enter college-credit coursework while
receiving additional support to help ensure your success in
the college-level course.
Contact the adviser at your college or university for
more information.
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Understanding Your Writing Score
The TSIA in Writing is a test that contains a multiple-choice
section and an essay section.
The multiple-choice section of the TSIA in Writing measures
your skills in the four content areas listed below. There are
20 items on the multiple-choice portion and 10–12 items in
each section of the DE or ABE Diagnostic Test, for a total of
30–40 additional multiple-choice questions.
Essay Revision measures your ability to provide coherence,
organization, and good word choice; to achieve rhetorical
effectiveness and use evidence.
Agreement measures your ability to perform subject–verb
agreement, pronoun agreement, and determination of
verb tenses.
Sentence Structure measures your knowledge on topics
like comma splices and run-on sentences; improper
punctuation; fragments and parallelism; subordination
and coordination.
Sentence Logic measures your ability to correctly place
modifying phrases and clauses, and to use logical transitions.
The essay section of the TSIA in Writing requires you to
demonstrate clear focus, to logically develop ideas in well-
organized paragraphs, and to use appropriate language
that indicates your purpose. You will be asked to provide
a 350–500 word essay in response to one randomly
selected prompt out of the many prompts within the system.
You will be scored based on your performance in the
following areas:
§ Purpose and Focus: The extent to which you present
information in a unified and coherent manner, clearly
addressing the issue.
§ Organization and Structure: The extent to which you
order and connect ideas.
§ Development and Support: The extent to which you
develop and support ideas.
§ Sentence Variety and Style: The extent to which you
craft sentences and paragraphs demonstrating control
of vocabulary, voice, and structure.
§ Mechanical Conventions: The extent to which you
express ideas using Standard English.
§ Critical Thinking: The extent to which you communicate
a point of view and demonstrate reasoned relationships
among ideas.
The essays are electronically scored by a unique
automated system that is specifically designed to score
assessments. This system evaluates the meaning of text,
not just grammatical correctness or spelling. Your essay
is compared for similarities to a set of at least 500 other
student essays that have been graded by two expert human
readers. It is then placed in the same scoring category with
the essays to which it is most similar.
Once you enter your essay into an on-screen textbox and
submit it for scoring, the system automatically evaluates the
essay and returns a score from 1 to 8, as well as a statement
that Indicates the criteria used to give you that score.
Score Holistic Score Description
The essay demonstrates clear and consistent
mastery of on-demand essay writing.
The essay demonstrates consistent mastery
of on-demand essay writing.
The essay demonstrates reasonably consistent
mastery of on-demand essay writing.
The essay demonstrates adequate mastery of
on-demand essay writing.
The essay demonstrates developing mastery
of on-demand essay writing.
The essay demonstrates little mastery of
on-demand essay writing.
The essay demonstrates very little mastery of
on-demand essay writing.
The essay demonstrates no mastery of on-
demand essay writing.
Results of the 2017 TSIA Predictive Placement Validity Study were used to
adjust the Writing college-ready threshold to a score of 4 on the WritePlacer®
to meet Texas standards based on evidence of student performance in Texas
insitutions of higher education.
Essays not written in the essay section will receive a score
of zero.
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You are considered college ready in two ways: (1) if you
score a 4 on the essay and a score in the range of 340–390
on the multiple-choice section. (2) You are also considered
college ready if you score below 340 on the multiple-choice
section, score a 4, 5, or 6 on the ABE Writing Diagnostic
test, and score a 5 on the essay. If your score does not meet
these requirements, you will be placed in a developmental
course or intervention. If you are near college ready, you
may be placed in a corequisite model, where you enroll in a
college-level course while taking a developmental education
course/intervention to provide additional support to help
ensure your success in the college-level course.
Contact the adviser at your college or university for
more information.
An essay in this category demonstrates clear and
consistent mastery of on-demand essay writing with a few
minor errors. A typical essay:
§ Effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on
the issue;
§ Addresses an appropriate audience and demonstrates
a clear purpose for writing in the thesis statement;
§ Demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using
effective examples, reasons, and other evidence to
support its position;
§ Is well organized and clearly focused, demonstrating
clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas;
§ Exhibits skillful use of language, using a varied,
accurate, and apt vocabulary;
§ Demonstrates varied and effective sentence structure;
§ Is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and
An essay in this category demonstrates consistent mastery
of on-demand essay writing although it may have occasional
minor errors. A typical essay:
§ Effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on
the issue;
§ Addresses an appropriate audience and demonstrates
a clear purpose for writing in the thesis statement;
§ Demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using
appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to
support its position;
§ Is well organized and focused, demonstrating clear
coherence and smooth progression of ideas;
§ Exhibits appropriate language, using a varied and
accurate vocabulary;
§ Demonstrates varied sentence structure; and
§ Is practically free of errors in sentence structure,
grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
An essay in this category demonstrates reasonably
consistent mastery of on-demand essay writing, although it
may have occasional lapses in quality. A typical essay:
§ Effectively develops a point of view on the issue;
§ Addresses an appropriate audience and demonstrates
a clear purpose for writing;
§ Demonstrates strong critical thinking, generally using
appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to
support its position;
§ Is well organized and focused, demonstrating coherence
and a logical progression of ideas;
§ Exhibits consistent control in the use of language;
§ Demonstrates adequate variety in sentence structure; and
§ Is generally free of errors in sentence structure,
grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation.
An essay in this category demonstrates adequate mastery
of on-demand essay writing, although it will have lapses in
quality. A typical essay:
§ Develops a viable point of view on the issue;
§ May stray from the audience and purpose but is able
to refocus;
§ Demonstrates competent critical thinking, using
adequate examples, reasons, and other evidence to
support its position;
§ Is generally organized and focused but could lack
coherence and logical progression of ideas;
§ Exhibits adequate but inconsistent control of language;
§ Demonstrates some variety in sentence structure; and
§ Contains some minor errors in sentence structure,
grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
© 2018 The College Board. 8
An essay in this category demonstrates developing
mastery of on-demand essay writing. A typical essay:
§ Develops a viable point of view on the issue;
§ May stray from audience and purpose;
§ Demonstrates some critical thinking but may do so
inconsistently or use inadequate examples, reasons,
or other evidence to support its position;
§ May lack control of organization or focus,
demonstrating some lapses in coherence or
progression of ideas; and
§ Contains some errors in sentence structure and use of
grammatical conventions, such as word choice, usage,
spelling, and punctuation.
A response in this category demonstrates little mastery of
on-demand essay writing; the response is flawed by one or
more of the following weaknesses:
§ Presents a vague or limited point of view on the issue;
§ Demonstrates little awareness of audience;
§ Attempts to develop the main idea though that attempt
is inadequate;
§ Demonstrates weak critical thinking, with little
complexity of thought or with flawed reasoning;
§ Provides inappropriate or insufficient examples,
reasons, or other evidence to support its position;
§ Is poorly organized and/or focused or demonstrates
serious problems with coherence or progression
of ideas;
§ Displays limited word choice and little sentence variety;
§ Contains many errors in mechanical conventions of
usage, sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and
A response in this category demonstrates very little
mastery of on-demand essay writing; the response is
flawed by many or most of the following weaknesses:
§ Presents a vague or limited point of view on the issue;
§ Demonstrates little awareness of audience;
§ Presents an unclear main idea;
§ Demonstrates weak critical thinking with little
complexity of thought or with flawed reasoning;
§ Organizes ideas ineffectively, demonstrating
a problematic progression of ideas;
§ Displays numerous errors in word choice, usage,
and sentence structure; and
§ Contains significant spelling, grammar, punctuation,
and mechanical errors.
A response in this category demonstrates no mastery of
on-demand essay writing; the response is severely flawed
by many or most of the following weaknesses:
§ Lacks a viable point of view on the issue;
§ Demonstrates no awareness of audience;
§ Fails to present a main idea;
§ Demonstrates flawed reasoning;
§ Demonstrates no complexity of thought;
§ Is disorganized and/or disjointed;
§ Displays fundamental errors in word choice, usage,
and sentence structure; and
§ Contains pervasive spelling, grammar, punctuation,
and mechanical errors.
For additional information on the TSIAssessment,
please contact an adviser/counselor at
your institution. NOTE: Any references in this
brochure to developmental courses, interventions,
and corequisite models are not applicable to high
school students seeking to enroll in college-level
coursework via dual credit.
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