Sample Notice to End Lease Early: Sexual Violence Occurred on the Premises
No Credible Imminent Threat of Future Violence
Key points concerning the Safe Homes Act notice to the landlord/property manager:
It should be in writing;
It should indicate the date you are sending the letter;
It should indicate that sexual violence has occurred on the premises;
It should indicate the date of the sexual violence, which should be within 60 days or as soon as practicable,
if the delay was caused by hospitalization, post-traumatic stress, counseling, etc.,
It should indicate when you are leaving the unit and the date you leave should be within three days of
providing the notice;
It should indicate when you will remove all of your belongings and return the keys to the landlord/property
It should include evidence of the sexual assault (e.g., police report, medical record, court record, or
statement from victim services organization from where the victim is receiving services).
Remember: this part of the act can ONLY be used by sexual assault survivors! Sexual assault survivors can
also avail themselves of the credible imminent threat section of the act.
Dear _____________:
Please be advised that pursuant to the Safe Homes Act I am ending my lease early because I was sexually assaulted
in my apartment last week. I have attached a copy of a letter from a victim service organization that is providing me
with services. I am leaving my unit today and I have removed all of my belongings from the unit. Enclosed please
find my keys to the unit.
Pursuant to the Illinois Security Deposit Return Act (or local ordinance, if applicable), I am entitled to a return of the security
deposit within 45 days of my moving out of the home. You cannot take my security deposit because I have lawfully
exercised my rights under the Safe Homes Act. My security deposit can be forwarded to the following address: (not
your real address…some other safe address).
You should also be advised that you cannot provide this information or the fact I used the Safe Homes Act to any
prospective landlord calling for a reference.
Jane Doe
123 Safe Drive
Chicago, IL 60602