KC State Newsletter Now the Journey Begins October 2021
As we close the 1
quarter of our Fraternal Year and start October, we are
entering one of the busiest months of our Fraternal Year.
Many councils will be conducting various programs and Church Drives this month
which should lead to a prosperous growth month. We also have the opportunity
to advance our 3
degree members to the 4
degree of our order, with
Exemplifications being conducted on Saturday October 9
(Eastern) and Saturday
October 23
(Western). Our Order continues to need men to advance onto the
Degree—and like our council’s needing growth, we desperately need this in
the 4
degree of our Order as well. I encourage all of our 3
Degree Members to consider attending 1
of these 2 upcoming Exemplifications and advance in our order.
October is important for us as Knights as not only do we continue to celebrate the landing day for our
namesake of our order, Christopher Columbus, but we also have the opportunity to recognize and
celebrate the Anniversary of our Founder’s Beatification, which occurred on October 31
, 2020.
STATE DEPUTY CHALLENGE: I would like to see EVERY DISTRICTif not EVERY COUNCIL try to conduct
an Exemplification this month. We have targeted DISTRICT WIDE EXEMPLIFICATIONS on the Weekend
of October 30-31
as we celebrate the 1 year Anniversary Celebration of the Beatification of our
Founder Blessed Michael J. McGivney.
WISCONSIN would be a leader in the Order in bringing in NEW MEMBERS this month as a way to
Celebrate our Founderwhat better reason than to honor him and OFFER continual prayers of
intention for our Founder during these Exemplifications! 300 + new members in 1 month would be
the largest month EVER FOR INTAKE OF NEW MEMBERS and is something that I think we all would like
to achieve!
Finally, we have many great programs that occur throughout the course of the month of October in the
Life, Family, Faith and Community aspects.
We encourage councils to conduct a Holy Hour program this month, as a follow up from our Pilgrimage
that occurred leading into this month with our State Chaplain Father Kurz. As a State Council we are
continuing to look at ‘unique’ opportunities to grow our Faith programs for councils in conversations
that are occurring ongoing with our Bishops throughout the State.
Throughout the month we have councils marching throughout the State in support of ‘Life’ at various
locations. We have our State Punt Pass and Kick competition that will occur as well as the local Diocesan
One thing that our State leadership Team wants to continue to focus on is some of our ‘Featured’
Programs. These are different from the Supreme featured programsas we want to make a greater
impact in these specific areas in our Communities.
Wisconsin Knights of Columbus Notes
October 2021
Wisconsin State Website
Editor: SK John Huttenhoff
KC State Newsletter Now the Journey Begins October 2021
Our State Leadership Team would like to specifically highlight some great programs that we can make a
direct community impact with. We highlighted these programs in our COVID Recovery Program
surveyand it was great to see some councils looking to conduct some of these programs or willing to
learn more of how to do this.
These featured programs are:
Red Cross Blood Driveswhether this is council hosted or a council partnering with their
Parishwe would love to see every council in our State conduct at least 1 in a year! Council
members volunteering their time throughout the year or donating blood via a local Blood Center
also is something that can be tracked and reported on this program.
Habitat for Humanity—although not every area may have a ‘build’ coming up to help with—the
Habitat for Humanity program is always in need of help with various programs and projects
throughout the course of the year. Please inquire with your local Habitat for Humanity location
if wanting more details.
Coats for Kids—whether it’s hosted by your Parish, your council, or a local organization—we
would love for every council to become involved with this program to help distribute as well as if
able to donate to this program via purchasing Coats to distribute.
We are hopeful to more accurately report our impact on these 3 programs in the futureand encourage
councils to submit the necessary reporting when conducting these programs and ‘tracking’ on a yearly
basis. Our Disaster Relief Coordinator Paul Shepherd works closely with the American Red Crossand
he is willing to help where needed to make connections on local drives or hosting a drive.
Corey Christopher Coonen
State Deputy
Pilgrimage as True Recreation & Vacation as the Ape
of Pilgrimage
To understand pilgrimage as true recreation we need to look at the word
recreation. Simply parsing out this word we see its true definition, the action or
process of creating something again. True recreation is really only done by the
grace of God that we receive through the salvation provided us by Jesus Christ,
but in our world today we do not seem to equate anything having to do with God
as recreation. When the world presents us with the word recreation it provides
us with the idea of idle and passive pursuits that can lead us to a stagnation in life. Sitting on a beach or
making a trip to the “Magic Kingdom” really have no end or purpose that provides us with a sense of
being re-created unless selfish pleasures or fairy tales give us deep meaning in life.
The idea of vacation in our world today has become the Ape of pilgrimage, or a cheap imitation of
pilgrimage. The world, the flesh, and the devil have convinced us that our need for fulfillment is to be
pursued in entertainment. This is not to say that an entertaining vacation is evil or cannot be a good
thing in moderation, but it is to say that it has blinded us to the true path to recreation. We need more
KC State Newsletter Now the Journey Begins October 2021
than an entertaining vacation to be fulfilled. Fulfillment is to re-create our life with Christ through
sacramental experiences which should include pilgrimages as an activity that we use to spend some of
our “vacation time”. Entertainment has been replacing the sacraments and vacation has replaced
So, what exactly happened in history to make us blind to the path toward true fulfillment? Until about
one hundred and fifty years ago the idea of vacations were really not a big part of people’s lives and if
anyone had a desire to go somewhere it was probably to go on pilgrimage. The Church has encouraged
the activity of pilgrimage over the years but today that seems to be overshadowed by the
encouragement we get form the entertainment and tourist industries to go on a vacation.
Before the “Ape of Pilgrimage” or vacation could come to rise in popularity, the popularity of pilgrimage
first needed to be brought down. This tearing down of the idea of pilgrimage seems to have started
with the “reformation”, a revolution against finding fulfillment in the Catholic Church. Pilgrimage was
identified with the Catholic Church as it is so sacramental and Martin Luther seems to have looked with
great distain upon pilgrimage. He writes the following in judgement of those involved in Pilgrimage.
“The one runs to Rome, the other to St. James; one builds a chapel, another donates this, still
another one that. However, they refuse to face the true issue, that is, they will not give their
inmost self to God and thus become his kingdom. They perform many outward works which
glitter very nicely, but inwardly they remain full of malice, anger, hatred, pride, impatience,
unchastity, etc ... No bishop forbids and no preacher rebukes such a perverse practice. In fact, in
the interests of their own covetousness the clergy endorse such practices. Every day they think
up more and more pilgrimages, canonizations of saints, and indulgence fairs. May God have
mercy on such blindness!” (Luther's Works Volume 44.86, 1520)
It would seem that he could really be talking about vacation in today’s world and the industry that
supports it. What is funny about all this is that pilgrimage began to lose its popularity because it was
being condemned as what we would call a good self-indulging vacation.
The cultural change of preferring vacation to pilgrimage would still take some time because the idea of
vacation was still foreign one to a population that worked daily to survive. Due to a lack of time and not
having easy of travel, for many people a pilgrimage was something someone may only do rarely in their
life and may even have to wait until the end of one’s life.
With the coming of the industrial revolution,
about three hundred years after Luther’s
comments, came a work schedule that
provided some time for leisure. This is
typified in the famous work of pointillism
artwork, Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La
Grande Jatte, by Georges Seurat.
This image shows people out getting some
rest and relaxation in God’s creation which is
a good thing but this desire is something that
would come to be exploited by the tourism
KC State Newsletter Now the Journey Begins October 2021
and entertainment industries. Vacation as we know it was born and would be guided by the world, the
flesh, and the devil, so that we can hardly imagine life without vacation.
As I have said before, vacation is not evil, Luther may have depicted pilgrimage as evil but we do not
need to do the same to the idea of taking a vacation. We just need to apply a sense of moderation to
our vacations and make more room in our lives for pilgrimage, or integrate pilgrimage into your
vacation. If a vacation is during a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation one should always search out Mass
times and make a pilgrimage to a nearby Catholic church. This would be the least we could do but in
recognizing the least we need to ask ourselves, “What more can we do?” Well, we have an instrument
of cultural change in pilgrimage, and the first place we need to apply this instrument is within our own
families. If we are to be a part in winning the battle for the culture of life over the culture of death we
need to use the powerful weapon of pilgrimage. So let’s see what we can do to make pilgrimage great
Pray with Mary, walk with Jesus!
Fr. Andrew J. Kurz
Knights of Columbus, Wisconsin State Chaplain
Brother Knights,
October Per Capita assessments were sent out on October 1
. As we indicated
before, we have sent those notices out electronically. The email address that
the per capita assessment is sent from is quickbooks@notification.intuit.com.
This is NOT spam. It is from our QuickBooks account.
If you are a Financial Secretary, please watch for this email, as it was sent to
you. Grand Knights, follow up with your Financial Secretaries to ensure they
know and received the notice. Reminder, per council bylaws, this does not need
to be approved through the council.
Those councils qualifying for membership incentive, you will be notified soon after the deadline and let
you know about your credit.
If your council did not receive your per capita assessment, please reach out to State Treasurer Miles
Casey so we can look into further.
With regards to distribution of ID checks. They will be handed out at your diocesan meeting in
Vivat Jesus!
Miles Casey
State Treasurer
KC State Newsletter Now the Journey Begins October 2021
District Deputies Needed
We still have a few Districts in Need of a District Deputy. This truly is one of the most rewarding
positions within the Knights of Columbus. District Deputies visit each of the Councils within their
District Quarterly, Attend District Deputy Meetings in June and December, attend the State
Convention, and Diocesan Huddle, and host District Meetings in July and December. Training and
support are provided. If you are interested in being a District Deputy, please reach out to State
Deputy Corey Coonen or any of the State Officers for more information.
Districts currently in need of a District Deputy are: 1, 6, 13, 15, 20, 22, 29, 31, 40, 42, 44, 51, 85.
Winter District Meetings/Diocesan Meetings
In December, we will be holding Diocesan Meetings in place of the traditional Winter District Meetings.
These meetings are being scheduled early in December to avoid Holiday conflicts. All Councils should
make plans now to have their Grand Knight, Membership Director, Program Director, and Financial
Secretary attend the meeting for their Diocese. More details will follow at a later date, but for now,
please put these dates on your Calendar. Meetings are scheduled as follows:
La Crosse/Madison Sunday, December 5, 2021, 1:00-5:00 PM Chula Vista Resort Wisconsin Dells
Milwaukee/Green Bay Saturday, December 11, 2021 Fond du Lac
9:30-10:30: Adoration and confessions with State Chaplain
10:30-11:30: registration and cold brunch( ish)
11:30- 3:30 Diocesan/District Meeting-Membership, Programs, Training
4:00: Optional Parish Mass with Archbishop presiding
Superior Sunday, December 12, 2021 10:00 Rice Lake
KC State Newsletter Now the Journey Begins October 2021
KC State Newsletter Now the Journey Begins October 2021
KC State Newsletter Now the Journey Begins October 2021
Degree Eastern District Exemplification
Worthy Brother Knights
A most cordial invitation is extended to every third-degree member of our order to advance to the
Fourth Degree in the Knights of Columbus. The Fourth Degree is very proud of it’s many
accomplishments since it’s founding in 1900. The ceremonials of the Fourth Degree were orchestrated
on the theme of Patriotism and Catholic Citizenship and remain so today. The Honor Guard, the most
visible part of our Order, is extremely proud of it’s contribution to Patriotism and support of the Church.
To qualify; a candidate must be a Third-Degree member of the Knights of Columbus in good standing.
Finally, we will be conducting an in-person 4
Degree Exemplification on October 9, 2021 at St Dominic’s
Catholic Church in Sheboygan. If you are an 3
Degree member wanting to advance to the 4
contact me immediately. If you are a 4
Degree member, please come and join us in support of our new
Brother Knights at 2133 N. 22
Street in Sheboygan as they join the Patriotic Degree of our Order. The
Exemplification begins and 1:30 PM and there is also a Ladies Program that begins at 1:00 PM and Mass
will follow for all at 5:00 PM at St. Dominic’s. If you have not already registered with me, please contact
me at (920) 207-6007 or jamestenpas5[email protected].
It has been 2 years since our last in-person Exemplification, but with a lot of work from our Councils and
Assemblies, the Eastern District was able to Exemplify 225 new 4
Degree Knights virtually last Fraternal
year. Our next Exemplification of the Eastern District will be May 14th at St Mary Catholic Faith
Community in Hales Corners. More information will be sent out at a later date.
The District Masters of the Marquette Province will be attending a Provincial Meeting the weekend of
October 16
in Minnesota. This meeting is lead by our Vice Supreme Master, Craig Larson and is
attended by all District Masters from Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois. After this meeting the Eastern
District will schedule a District Meeting for all Navigators, Comptrollers and any 4
Degree member that
may be interested in attending the Eastern District meeting. At that time information from the Provincial
meeting will be passed along to you. I will also need at least 3 names of 4
Degree members who would
be interested in becoming the next Eastern District Master starting September 1, 2022. The Master
position is appointed by the Supreme Council and is required by Supreme every 2 years.
God Bless and let’s continue to have a great year.
James TenPas
Wisconsin Eastern District Master
Degree Western District Exemplification
The next Wisconsin Western District Exemplification will be on October 23, 2021 in Wisconsin Rapids.
This will be an in-person Exemplification.
St. Vincent DePaul Church 820 13
Street South, Wisconsin Rapids
Registration 10:00 AM
Banquet 11:15 AM
Men’s Exemplification 1:15PM
Ladies Program 1:15 PM
Holy Mass 5:00 PM
Candidates $70 (Includes Baldric, 1 Banquet Ticket, Lapel Pin)
Priests $35
Banquet Only $20
Packets with additional information were sent to Western District Assemblies.
Thank you and God Bless.
If you have any question, please contact me.
Dan Hull, PSD
Western District Master
Safe Environment Home Corporations
Brother Knights,
More form 365’s have been trickling in which helps us to determine who needs
Safe Environment training. I hope all of you that have received the link from
Supreme have had the opportunity to complete this training. Remember it is for
the protection of those we serve as well as for us.
Please be sure to mark your calendars for the December Diocesan Meetings,
there will be much information shared at this meeting as well as your Tootsie
Roll checks.
We are beginning an analysis of councils who have their own club house. There are regulations from
Supreme that must be followed. You will be receiving a query from your DD requesting a photo of your
club house signage if you have one. This is something that was first brought up about a decade ago.
Vivat Jesus!
Don Schoenherr
Worthy State Advocate
Online Membership
I am repeating myself as I have seen improper usage of the Online membership tool. Grand Knights,
Financial Secretaries and Membership Chairs should go online and check their Prospect tab regularly. If
you have any Prospects listed, contact them as soon as possible to arrange a degree and transfer into
the council.
Online membership is just one more tool you may use to process new members into your council and
grow membership in your council and the Order. Promote it at your events, in church bulletins and from
the pulpit. Supreme has extended the promotional code MCGIVNEY2020 for free 1-year membership
when signing up online.
When joining online, the requirement is that each new member must sign up himself. Online
membership is a way for men interested in joining the Knights of Columbus to do so online, it is not to
be used as a data entry system to enter new members from form 100s, prospect cards or parish lists,
use the Candidate tab for that. Online membership requires a member to join with full knowledge,
consent, and active participation in the process. As a reminder, if an individual does not truthfully
answer all application declarations, his membership in the Knights of Columbus is void.
Every man who joins online needs to access kofc.org/joinus from a compatible device,
personally complete the online application testifying to all the attestations, and submit the
online application himself.
When possible, the member should use his own compatible device.
The member must use their own valid email address when completing the online
Completing the online application for a member even if they have asked you to do it for
Collecting information from a proposed member on a form 100 or prospect card and using
the information to sign the member up for online membership.
Creating an email account for a member so they can complete the online membership
Please watch the short videos on the Supreme website Membership Training. Click on Membership in
the left menu and you will see the available videos. Here are direct links to each.
An Introduction to Online Membership 5:36
Online Join Process 6:22
Prospect Tab 3:55
Candidate tab 4:00
Follow the standard procedures for a new e-member as with all new members:
Completed form 100 or assigned e-member status in Prospect tab of Officers Online (OO).
Admission committee vetting
Council action (voting) see Guidelines for Online Voting - Motions if holding virtual meetings
Degree Member must take the degree prior to being transferred into a council.
Process new 3
degree member into your council
o Form 100 submission or
o Online form 100 (Candidate tab) entry and transfer or
o e-member transfer (Prospect tab).
For degrees, Supreme has an On Demand degree for viewing at the candidate’s convenience. It is
encouraged that his family watch it with him (25-30 minutes).
Once the new member has successfully completed an online degree, he may be able to print a
certificate and provide that to you, but Supreme or the state Ceremonials director should notify you of
any members who have completed the degree. That notification may take a day or two for processing,
but will include the date of the degree. The FS or GK then processes the member into the council. Once
added to the council roster, the FS enters the 2
& 3
degree dates (the combined ceremonial includes
all three degrees) in Member Management (MM) of (OO), and any other pertinent information on the
MM pages. The FS also issues a membership card in the council and invites the member to the next
Please utilize these tools made available for you. They are there to assist you and make your tasks
Here are some numbers of our online member progress as of the Supreme report of 8-22-2021:
All time intake 756
All time conversions to council 501 66% - 4th highest in Order
FY 2021-2022 Target 422
FY 2021-2022 intake 68 16% of target
Previous FY Intake 2018-19 134 2019-20 137 2020-21 383
Aug 24 thru Sep 25 intake 34
Aug 24 thru Sep 25 transfers 12 (8 additional but unconfirmed)
Current WI e-members 310 110 are Affiliate members
Current Assigned e-members 121
FY Conversions into a council 28 41% effectiveness
We seem to be off to a slow start regarding e-membership conversions, but that could change quickly if
the Councils will act upon (PROCESS) their assigned e-members. Don’t forget that e-member
conversions count toward your quota and might earn your council a per-capita waiver (WISCAPITA) if
you achieve your quota by September 30, 2021 or by December 31, 2021.
State Online Membership Coordinator
William G. Hitt
October brings us to the 1/3 point of the Fraternal Year. You should
be at least that far in reaching your recruiting ad program goals for
the year. If so, great. If not, it’s time to get going NOW. Those
Church Drives, knighthood Exemps and other membership programs
are by far your #1 priority for the month. Work with your pastor and
parish, combine forces with neighboring Councils or work as a
District. Get your parishioners, parents, community members
involved in your programs fo the month. Emphasize the e-
membership, McGivney 2020 and State incentives. Work with your
General Agent and Field Agent on your Fraternal Benefits Night. By all means, do all you can to increase
your intake this month!
That said, a few reminders for the month. The information packets for PPK, Soccer, and the 2 essay
contests have been updated on the website. Diocesan contests will be held this month if numbers
warrant. Check with your Diocesan Program Coordinator for details. Council winners should have
complete green travel cards for this competition. The State Finals for PPK and fall Soccer will be held at
Regis High School in Eau Claire on Saturday, October 30 (registration 10-11 AM, competition starts at
11:15 AM). Contestants for the State meet need to have completed orange travel cards.
The Culture of Life Essay Contest is to be done in October and November at the Council level. Essays are
due to Councils between December 1-15. Council winners are due to DPCs between January 1-15. The
theme is the same as last year: Bullying and Social Marginalization Often Lead to Depression, Substance
Abuse and an Ever-Increasing Suicide Rate Among Teens and Young Adults. What Can You Do or Are
Doing to Counteract and Reverse These Trends Among Your Friends and in Your School, Parish and
Community? How Can This Help to Promote the Culture of Life in Our Society?
The Supreme Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest follows the same timeline except that the 1
, 2
winners at the Council level are due to me by January 15. The theme this year is: “Describe some
everyday obstacles to living a life of authentic faith and how to overcome them, while providing
examples from your own life.”
Both of these contests should be strongly promoted in parochial schools, private schools, among
homeschoolers and in Religious Education and Confirmation prep classes.
You should be continuing with the featured Faith in Action and other programs we outlined last month
(eg. RSVP, Holy Hour and Rosary programs, Family of the Month, Family Prayer Night, Pregnancy Center
Support, LifeSavers for Life or Baby Bottle Drives, Special Olympics, blood drives, COVID Recovery
programs, etc.)
With the Afghan refugees and the continuing needs of those affected by storms, floods, fires, etc.,
there’s still strong need to support the efforts of Catholic and KC Charities, Red Cross, etc. Coats for Kids
and Food for Families are especially appropriate at this time.
Again, as I indicated last month, it’s time to be planning your November-January programming, ordering
supplies, securing dates and sites for Sentiments for Seminarians (same format as last year), Keep Christ
in Christmas yard signs (contact Council in Lake Mills), Christmas Poster Contests (see State and
Supreme websites), Consecration to the Holy Family (Dec. 26, order prayer cards from Supplies Online),
Marches for Life, Knowledge and Free Throw Contests (check State and Supreme websites). Hopefully,
the Icons will get here in October and we can re-start that program.
Let’s get moving again – have a great October. Vivat Jesus!
Bill Frayer
State Program Director
Charity Raffle Committee
It is with great regret that I have to announce the resignation of one of our long and outstanding
committee member family. Dennis & Doris have decided to step down from serving the charity
committee. If you know them, please thank them for all their dedicated years of service to making the
charity raffle what it is today. I personally have only worked with them a couple years, but they have
been invaluable to me and will be greatly missed.
This does present an opportunity for a knight looking to help out Wisconsin families through stressful
periods. If you live in the La Crosse diocese looking for ways to share your time and talents, please
consider volunteering for the Charity Raffle Committee. This is an out of the lime light position that
brings great gratification knowing you are making a difference. If you would like to be considered for this
position or would like more information, contact me.
From the Superior Diocese - Dennis & Doris Berends
From the La Crosse Diocese - Open
From the Green Bay Diocese - Jeff & Lily Janssen
From the Madison Diocese - Robert & Colleen Pizur
From the Milwaukee Diocese - Jim & Beth Ten Pas
God Bless
Bernie Heit
Charity Director
General Agent
Worthy State Family and
Members of the Knights of
Columbus, Wisconsin, and
Upper Michigan,
As we look to the next three months, our hope would be to bring in more families
to our Knights of Columbus fraternal Benefits nights. How can we do this? Well, it’s all about getting
creative by curating live social events as well as finding ways to have events that take place following
Mass services. We want to invite everyone to participate and unlike the way we used to have council
meetings and degree ceremonies, we now have opened our doors wide to all these events to help
people understand why the Knights exist and why they should be apart of your council.
Not too long ago, I had a State Officer speak with me about how the Knights are perceived at local
events. His comment was that other insurance companies make a point to give a check to the event
saying $100 dollars or $200 dollars. He commented that the Knights’ never do that. He said he knew why
but asked me to explain it so anyone would be able to understand. I explained that it can be very
confusing to most of the non-knights of Columbus families because they are unable to see that we are
the ones that the Local Councils rely on to do most of the work for an event. We are the ones who
purchase, cook, and serve the food. However, without the visual cue of seeing a check being presented
before the event we are seen as being less supportive. Without seeing the hard work and heavy lifting as
well as the behind-the-scenes financial support we provide we are not allowing parishioners to see our
full contributions. For example, often, the Knights may contribute after an event is concluded and the
attention to contributions aren’t as celebrated and the contribution feels less important. We as the
Knights must do a better job, reporting the true impact we had on those events, both in the bulletin and
to those receiving the funds.
A great and LOCAL example of that happening right now is that the Knights of Columbus of Wisconsin
are giving $117 thousand dollars to local communities across Wisconsin for the Culture for Life. The 32
clinics and groups are all receiving checks in October. We will be posting pictures of these different
Culture of life groups on the state’s Facebook page along with posts about who submitted grants to help
them with their missions that truly align with the Knights of Columbus mission as well. As we look to
share what we do and how we do it, we need more people understanding that we are very active in all
our churches. One last thought on that, I had heard a quote that only 8% of the local parish do 100% of
the work in that parish. I challenge you to look closer, of the 8%, 70% of those families are Knights of
Columbus families, doing Charity, Unity and Fraternity at a high level. So, invite all those you can to
come and discover the Knights of Columbus and we will grow to a whole new level.’
Our Next Live Event will be November 9
State Wide, ask you field agent for more details.
Vivat Jesus,
Tim Nowak
State Newsletter Announcement
The Nowak Agency invites you and your council to a Fraternal Benefit Night featuring Van Mueller.
Van Mueller is an industry expert in retirement and financial planning. He will be speaking about
“Financial Success Under any Circumstances.” Please join us as Van discusses wealth building and
retirement planning strategies that can benefit you and your family.
This event is a great opportunity to get leading industry insights and fulfill part of your council’s
insurance fraternal benefit night requirement. This is an open event, and all are welcome. You can
attend virtually by registering at https://vanmueller.com/kofc-registration-11-9/ or your council can
sponsor a watch party which can also double as a recruiting event.
We encourage you to promote this event to your whole parish. If you have any questions, please
contact Tim Nowak, general agent, at 1-920-462-4100.
Tim J. Nowak, FICF
General Agent
429 S. Commercial Street
Neenah, WI 54956
Mobile: 1-920-810-6188
http://www.kofc.org/careers www.kofcwi.org
Culture of Life Happenings
March for Life Wisconsin!
o Saturday, October 2, 2021
o State Capitol State Street steps
o Noon start. End at Planned Parenthood by 3pm
o KofC signs available at State Office
o https://www.prolifewi.org/marchforlife
Sunday, October 3 LIFE CHAIN! https://www.milwaukeelifechain.org/about -
https://www.lifechain.net/ - don’t see one near you? Do your own in YOUR community!
40 Days for Life - started September 22 October 31. Pray. Fast. Witness. Save babies!! Register at a
campaign near you at https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/
Saints Peter & Paul Council #10552’s ultrasound is going to St. Gianna Clinic in Green Bay. Council
#10552 has asked that you write the check out to Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc. in Madison BUT
Saints Peter & Paul Council #10552
FS Michael Bors
c/o Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc.
42697 W Beltline Hwy
Madison, WI 53711-3859
920-639-2636 (C)
If you have an INDIVIDUAL DONOR who wants a tax deduction, they can send their donation through
the WI KofC 501(C)(3). To ensure it goes to a specific ultrasound project, they MUST include the council
number in the memo portion of the check (eg: #15665 ultrasound), otherwise it will go into the general
ultrasound fund.
Wisconsin Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc
Memo: (#10552 ultrasound)
4297 W Beltline Highway
Madison, WI 53711-3859
Through Christ,
Dan Miller
State Director
Culture of Life Committee
State Council Knights of Columbus
Oconomowoc Council #2487
Degree Assembly #1304
[email protected] 262-993-6262
A THANK YOU to ALL Councils, that have donated to this drive over the last 3 ½ years. Without your
help many athletes have and continue to have the opportunity to compete in a National event and to
travel beyond Wisconsin. Since this program started in 2009, The Wisconsin K of C have donated over
$325,000.00. Great job.
As we are going into our final 7 months of our drive to fund the travel expenses of Team Wisconsin
athletes to the National games in Orlando, Fl in June 2022. I ask that all Councils make an effort to help
financially. The goal of this drive is $125,000.00 which needs to be collected before the Wis K of C
Convention in 2022. At the time of this writing, we have received $100,529.20, leaving us to raise
another $24470.80.
I hope that many Councils have remembered this drive in their Tootsie Roll Drive. When you receive
your check, PLEASE send any checks made out to Wis K of C Charities, Wis state council, or Special
Olympics to me for recording. I will process and get to the appropriate places for deposit.
John Benisch
Wis KC Special Olympics Coordinator
4645 State Hwy 80
Pittsville, Wi 54466
Please keep our Special Olympics athletes in your prayers.
John Benisch
Special Olympics Coordinator
Here are a few ideas for helping Special Olympics. There are a number of events where they are
in need of volunteers to help run the programs. Council members can help out at these events.
Oct 23
, Unified Bowling, Bowl-A-Vard Madison, Contact Nicole 608-442-5670
Nov 6
, State Volleyball, Menomonee Falls, Contact Amber 262-518-2314
Dec 5
, Northern State Bowling, Weston Dales Lanes, Contact Michaela 715-207-9696
Dec 5
Southern State Bowling, Wauwatosa, Contact Hailey hfischer@specialolympicswisconsin.org
God Bless
John Benisch
Wis KC Special Olympics Coordinator
Supreme Training Update
Below are the trainings being offered in October along with the Registration links.
Delta Drive
Come learn how to do the Delta Church drive method. this highly effective process of growth through
communication will help you go from prospects to members and answer the why of growth. We talk
about the difference between online membership and the online prospect form. How we can better
communicate to the prospects and how to effectively offer positive attraction to them will be discussed.
10/25/21 at 6PM CDT (7EDT)
Enhancing Member Experience
We will cover in this training
Understand what’s meant by the terms membership experience
and membership engagement and how the two terms are
Complete the Council Engagement Assessment to assess their
council’s strengths and weaknesses with regards to member
Understand that member engagement is the council’s
responsibility. Successful council engagement leads to members having positive opinions about
their membership.
Learn the five steps in the engagement cycle and how they relate to one another, ultimately
leading a member to go through them again.
Discover tools that will help address deficiencies in your council’s current member engagement
as based on your councils engagement score.
Understand that retention issues result when a council has failed to engage a member and show
the value of his membership. These issues can be overcome by discovering where this
breakdown occurred.
10/27/21 at 6PM CDT (7EDT)
Council Recovery Project
We all know that this past year has been very different and also very challenging. As Catholics, many of
us have had our churches shut down for a prolonged period of time with limited opportunities to receive
the sacraments. And as Knights, it’s been tough to keep up the fraternity and friendships. Also, our
fundraisers and events have been affected in great ways too. Some of our councils have found ways to
adapt and adjust but that hasn’t always been the case everywhere. This training will help organize and
direct councils on what steps can help be more effective in you parish and community as we continue to
have restrictions eased in our areas
Tuesday 10/26/21 at 8PM CDT (9PM EDT)
You are Your Programs
We will cover in this training
Understand the council’s perception by fellow parishioners, particularly that of inactive
members and future potential members.
Construct a council mission statement that reflects the council’s vision and goals. u Understand
the Faith in Action program model and its four categories Faith, Family, Community and Life.
Identify the council’s flagship program(s).
Access the council’s current program regimen and identify the current strengths and
weaknesses among its program calendar.
Develop a calendar for the next 6-12 months that responds to the council’s mission statement
and addresses some of the council’s strengths and weaknesses identified above.
Understand the Program Director’s role in leading the council’s programming efforts.
10/25/21 at 8PM
10/26/21 at 6PM
10/27/21 at 8PM
Faith in Action Family Programs
Hello Brother Knights!
June continues the great progress for the Family of the Month program. A quick
summary is below but click on the Flocknote link below for all the details.
Family of the Month
Thank you again for an amazing month! All the details can be found in the Family
Director Flocknote post https://knightswisc.flocknote.com/FamilyDirector/note/13656795. Check it
Wisconsin is in 2
place in the order and have submitted 10.5% of all FOMs received by Supreme. The
Supreme family of the month is the Adam and Jaime Pouilee Family (Solomon Juneau Council 2770,
District 20, Green Bay Diocese).
Green Bay Diocese led with 73% district participation with Green Bay Diocese having the most FOMs by
submitting 15 families.
Here are the Diocesan Families of the Month.
Green Bay
Jerry and Meg Post
La Crosse
Adam and Jaime Pouilee
Vicki Kersten
Thomas and Luci Ullrich
Darron and Deb Carlson
58% of the districts submitted at least one family. Districts on Fire: Four districts submitted three or
more families and eight districts submitted two families.
There was one new council submitting a family of the Month.
Bishop Fox Council 2836, District 3, Green Bay Diocese
September Family of the Month deadline is October 15.
Golden Family Councils
Golden Family Councils are those that submit a family of the month each month of the fraternal year
starting in July and ending in the following June. There are 43 Golden Family Councils that submitted
families for the fraternal year so far. Thank you, councils, as you are demonstrating true leadership in
this program.
Supreme News
There is a problem with the online 10784 where the family summary is restricted to 250 characters.
Supreme is aware of the problem and are in the process of fixing it but it may take until the end of the
fraternal year.
Here is a link to the video on how to fill out the new online version of the 10784 form.
After you fill out the online 10784, you will receive a PDF file that you can include in your council history
books. Please forward this PDF to for[email protected]m so that your family can be considered for the
Diocesan Family of the Month award.
Gentlemen, it is a privilege and honor to serve you and your councils! Please let me know if there is
anything I can do to help.
Vivat Jesus!
SK Joe Uchytil
State Family Coordinator
Begin this awesome, 33-Day Consecration October 12, traditional Columbus Day, and make our
consecration with Bishop Hying and Father Don Calloway at the Conference!! Purchase your
book here: Home Page | Consecration to St. Joseph (consecrationtostjoseph.org)
BONUS!! This conference represents an excellent way to fulfill one of the 4 required programs of
our Faith in Action program model: namely, “Spiritual Reflection”.
Respectfully Submitted by PSD Ron Faust
Email: [email protected] Phone: 608-225-7281
2022 State Bowling Tournament
Entry Forms on State Website under State Forms