This guide will help you to structure a research brieng. It provides a
set of quesons and prompts to consider before you start wring, a
suggested structure and praccal ps.
Write a research brieng
How to...
Knowledge Exchange 'How to' guides for the College of Arts, Humanies & Social Sciences
1. What is the purpose of a research brieng?
Research Briengs provide a concise summary of your research and its relevance to policy and/
or pracce, in plain English. You can use them to present informaon imparally and map out
opons; or, alternavely, you can advocate a parcular opon based on your ndings. Which is
most appropriate will depend on your project and stakeholders.
Printed copies are useful as a ‘calling card’ at meengs and to share at events, in delegate packs
or on a stand. If you have a website, blog or social media presence, think about how you can use
them to engage your audiences. They may also provide a hook for media coverage or be useful as
the basis for an opinion piece in a relevant publicaon. If you have a Communicaons Ocer, they
will be able to provide advice, as will the Press Oce.
2. Who is your target audience?
You are wring for non-academics: policymakers,
analysts, praconers and others who formulate,
inuence or implement policy. Your reader is not a
specialist in your area, and is likely to be very busy.
S/he is interested in the substanve issue and
how it relates to the current context, rather than
the methodology. You will need to situate your
research within the current policy and pracce
context and make clear links for them.
3. When should I write a research brieng?
Policymakers and praconers are interested
in policy relevant research as it progresses. You
can write a brieng at any stage in a project; in
fact you may want to plan a number of briengs
throughout a project.
Ask yourself how you can generate conversaon
around your Research Brieng(s). Speaking with
research users during a project allows you to hear
what would be most useful to them and usefully
inform the direcon of the research.
Key points, ndings or recommendaons for policy or pracce
The body (the main text)
4. How should I structure my research brieng?
A Research Brieng is generally between 2 and 8 sides of A4. There are many ways to structure the content;
have a look around and see what peers or competors are doing. Here is one suggested structure (see boxes
on page 3 for more detail):
In addion, you should include some of the following: boxes and sidebars, cases, tables, graphics,
photographs, quotaons from a source credible to your audience.
Knowledge Exchange 'How to' guides for the College of Arts, Humanies & Social Sciences
5. How to use boxes, tables, graphics and images eecvely
Boxes are useful for denions, explanaons, lists, and examples to illustrate points in the text. They
should have a clear tle and be understandable on their own. Consider using 1 or 2 boxes of 100-150
words. Remember to reference them in the text.
Tables need to be simple. Would a graph be beer? Make the tle talk, e.g., ‘irrigaon boosts yields’
rather than ‘comparison of yields on irrigated and non-irrigated land’. Give the source of informaon.
If using diagrams/graphs/maps, choose the type of graphic that best suits the informaon you are
presenng e.g., a bar/pie to compare gures and a line graphs for me series. Give it an explanatory
tle. Don’t cluer your graphic. What is most important to show? Remember that most people
prinng in an oce will print in black and white.
Images make your Research Brieng more eye-catching and therefore more likely to be read. Use
them, and the capons, to illustrate your ndings, recommendaons or conclusions.
Look around for examples you like and borrow the elements that work for your brieng:
Evidence Note from
Research ndings from I’DGO
Research brieng from
Keep it short.
Make it catchy but ensure you use relevant key words. Try using an unusual turn of phrase or a queson.
Keep it to the point - make sure it is relevant to the topic.
What are the main points you want your audience to get, even if they read nothing else?
Put these in larger font or in a box, on the front page.
In academic wring, you work up to reveal your conclusions at the end. A Research Brieng is
the opposite! You need to keep conclusions short (5 or 6 is enough) and make them easy to nd.
Put them on the front page, as part of the summary or immediately aer it, or in a separate box or
Key points, ndings or recommendaons for policy or pracce
The aim here is to grab the reader’s aenon, introduce the topic and say why it is important.
Aim for 100 words.
You could introduce the topic, say why it is important, give basic background and context, outline
why your research is relevant to the topic.
Or you could introduce a problem; say why it is important; summarise what happens, to whom
and where; outline the eects of the current situaon.
Trying to edit a long academic paper into a short policy focused one is impossible. Take a step back, think of
the big picture and write from scratch.
Ask yourself (again): What problem does the research address? What were you trying to nd? What did you
nd? How is it relevant to current debate? What will be of interest to your audience? What do you want them
to do as a result of reading your Research Brieng?
Guide the reader. Use sub-headings, short paragraphs, boxes, graphs or images, or quotaons from
policymakers or praconers.
Ask yourself ‘so what?’ aer every paragraph that you write.
Use clear, simple, easy to understand language (e.g., the level of a broadsheet newspaper). Avoid academic,
technical and methodological terms or the jargon of your discipline. Keep headings short and clear, and keep
sentences and paragraphs short.
The body (main text)
If you require this document in an alternative format, e.g., large print,
please contact Emma Giles on [email protected] / 0131 650 9370.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336
This guide was produced by the CAHSS Knowledge Exchange Ofce. We help colleagues to engage with industry, policy
and practice to maximise the impact of their research. Find out more at
Written by Laura Cockram, informed by: ‘Writing Effective Reports: Preparing Policy Briefs’ available at
docrep/014/i2195e/i2195e03.pdf. Contact Laura on [email protected] / 0131 651 4211.
Knowledge Exchange 'How to' guides for the College of Arts, Humanies & Social Sciences