Sig-1 Preferred Acrobat .pdf settings
1. Create a new pdf setting via Distiller, InDesign, Illustrator, etc.
2. Click on the General tab
3. Set Compatability to Acrobat 6 or higher
4. Set Object Level Compression to “Off”
5. Auto-Rotate Pages to “Off”
6. Binding “Left”
7. Resolution to 600 dpi
8. Select All Pages
9. Width and Height do not matter - they are set by
the application and encoded to the .ps file
10. Click on the Images tab
11. Set all to “Off” or “None”
12. Click on the Fonts tab
13. Check the box to embed all fonts
14. Check the box to subset all fonts less than 100%
15. Click on the Color tab
16. Turn Color Management “Off,”
“Leave Unchanged,” or “None”
17. Other options should be “grayed out”
but if any are available set to “Off,”
or “None”
18. Select Advanced tab
19. Check the box for “Allow PostScript to override
Adobe PDF settings”
20. Allow PostScript XObjects
21. Convert gradients to smooth objects
22. Preserve Level 2 (3) copypage semantics
23. Preserve Overprint settings / Overprinting default is nonzero
24. Save original JPEG images inside PDF if possible
25. Click “Save As” and save as ‘Sig-1’ to use for pdf creation
26. When creating .ps or .pdf from original document, select ‘Sig-1’ from default settings
How to Use ‘Sig-1 Production.joboptions’
1. Download the “Sig-1 Production.joboptions’ file from your email
2. For Windows users, see below - for Mac users, skip to step 9
3. Quit Acrobat and/or Distiller and all open Adobe, Freehand, Quark or MS Office applications
4. Copy or move the file from its downloaded location to this directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Adobe PDF\Settings
5. Restart your application
6. When possible, “print to file” using Acrobat PDF or Acrobat Distiller as your printer of choice to make a .ps file
7. If #6 is not an option or is confusing, when making pdf through comfortable process, select “Sig-1Production”
for your settings
8. “Sig-1 Production” should be one of your options in Distiller to distill .ps file if made through option #6
9. For Mac users:
10. Quit Acrobat and/or Distiller and all open Adobe, Freehand, Quark or MS Office applications
11. Copy or move the file from its downloaded location to this directory:
Mac HD\Library\Application Support\Adobe PDF\Settings
12. Restart your application
13. When possible, “print to file” using Acrobat PDF or Acrobat Distiller as your printer of choice to make a .ps file
14. If #13 is not an option or is confusing, when making pdf through comfortable process, select “Sig-1Production”
for your settings
15. “Sig-1 Production” should be one of your options in Distiller to distill .ps file if made through option #13