Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation
Volume 26 Article 19
Action Research as Teacher Inquiry: A Viable Strategy for Action Research as Teacher Inquiry: A Viable Strategy for
Resolving Problems of Practice Resolving Problems of Practice
Craig A. Mertler
Arizona State University
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Action Research as Teacher Inquiry: A Viable Strategy for Resolving Problems of Action Research as Teacher Inquiry: A Viable Strategy for Resolving Problems of
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Volume 26 Number 19, August 2021 ISSN 1531-7714
Action Research as Teacher Inquiry:
A Viable Strategy for Resolving Problems of Practice
Craig A. Mertler, Arizona State University
Teacher inquiry is the process of applying action research to educational problems of practice, carried
out by educational practitioners. The value of teacher inquiryand all applications of action
researchis that the research is being conducted by insiders, those who work directly with the
problem being studied. It is based upon critical reflection and investigation into one’s own
professional practice. This paper presents discussion of teacher inquiry as a viable approach to
resolving practitioner-based problems of practice in a process that also affords teachers the operation
to generate their own knowledge about classroom practices. The process of conducting action
research, along with its applications and benefits, are reviewed and contextualized within the work of
classroom teachers. Perspectives held by educators regarding teacher inquiry are also discussed. The
paper closes with a discussion of ways in which teacher inquiry can be highly beneficial as a means of
professional growth during and following the COVID-19 global pandemic and includes a concrete
example of teacher inquiry during the pandemic.
Action research has been a respected and widely
used approach for conducting applied research in
educational settings for decades but continues to suffer
from general misunderstandings among researchers and
practitioners alike (Mertler, 2020a). While there are
numerous similarities between action research and more
traditional forms of educational research, the important
distinguishing characteristics of action research (Mertler,
2020a)it is a process that improves education by
incorporating change and involving educators working
together to improve their own practices; it is
collaborative and participative, since educators are
integral members of the research process; it is practical
and relevant, allowing educators direct access to research
findings; and, it focuses on critical reflection about
professional practiceare what make it an ideal
approach to systematic inquiry for the educational
practitioner, specifically in the form of teacher inquiry. The
main goal of action research is to address local-level
problems in practice with the anticipation of finding
immediate answers to questions or solutions to those
problems (Mertler, 2018). The purpose of this paper is
to shed light on the process of conducting teacher
inquiry in the form of action researchincluding its
benefits and applicationsto facilitate applied research
in contextualized and practical settings, conducted by
practitioners who are focused on solving their own, self-
identified problems of practice.
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Teacher Inquiry as Applied
Educational Research for Practitioners
Dana and Yendol-Hoppey (2019) define teacher
inquiry as “systematic, intentional study of one’s own
professional practice” (p. 6). There exists a great deal of
overlap between the concepts of action research and
teacher inquiry. In fact, the literature contains numerous
terms used synonymously with “teacher inquiry,”
including “teacher research,” “classroom research,”
“classroom inquiry,” and “practitioner inquiry.” In
essence, teacher inquiry consists of the application of
action research to classroom problems, conducted by
professional educators (e.g., classroom teachers,
counselors, special educators, and administrators).
Regardless of the term that we might use to describe
this practice, all the above refer to the act of professional
educators not only being involved in the research
process, but actually leading that process. They are
responsible for identifying the problem, specifying its
scope and breadth, making informed decisions about
appropriate data to collect and analyze, and then actually
collecting and analyzing those data, for purposes of
drawing conclusions and addressing their initially-stated
problem under investigation.
When we talk about teacher inquiry, we are referring
to a type of applied research in education that is entirely
about the practitioner and her desire and need to study
her own practice. We are not talking about university
professors and researchers or staff from a national
research firm going into schools and conducting
research on topics that they are interested in studying.
Applied research is educational research that is focused
on solving a specific problem. Teacher inquiry could be
considered the epitome of applied educational research
(Mertler, 2013, 2020a).
The Nature of ‘Problems of Practice’ and the
Appropriateness of Teacher Inquiry
When we talk about topics appropriate for teacher
inquiry, we often refer to them as problems of practice. A
problem of practice is just thata problem faced by a
practitioner in her professional practice. Further, it is a
problem that she wants to try to resolve through the
application of a strategic, systematic, and scientific
approach. Oftentimes, educators mistakenly equate
educational problems with problems of practice (Mertler,
2020a). As we all know, problems are extremely
abundant in educational settings. However, the difficulty
here is that problemsin and of themselvesare not
directly “solvable.” For example, in speaking with a
classroom teacher, you might become aware of the
following problem in a school or district: “there is clearly
an achievement gap in our district.” By definition, this
would not be considered a problem of practice because
it is simply too large and too complex to be investigated
and solved. Henriksen, Richardson, and Mehta (2017)
have described a “problem of practice” as follows:
The term ‘problem of practice’ is common in
education, but it has no single, common scholarly
definition… We suggest that a problem of practice
is: a complex and sizeable, yet still actionable,
problem which exists within a professional’s sphere
of work. Such problems connect with broad or
common educational issues but are also personal
and uniquely tied to an educational context and its
variables; thus, they must be navigated by
knowledgeable practitioners. (p. 142)
Note several important features of their definition.
First, the problem of practice must be complex and
sizable, but must still be actionable. In other words, it
must be solvable, to some degree. Second, they clearly
note that the problem of practice should exist within a
professional’s sphere of work and must be specific to a
particular context, setting, group of students, etc. Simply
put, this means that the practitioner must have control
over the entity under investigation. She must be able to
change her practice, to try something new, to assess how
well it works, and then to make changes in an effort to
move her practice forward.
There may literally be no better or more appropriate
way to investigate specific problems of practice than to
do so through the process of teacher inquiry (Mertler,
2020a). The application of action research by
practitioners in their own settings investigating their own
problems of practice is the most appropriate way to
address those problems (Mertler, 2013). It could be
argued that literally no one else has the insight and levels
of experience necessary to understand and to solve a
particular context-specific problem of practice than the
practitioners who are involved in that setting and with
that problem on a daily basis (Mertler, 2013). Mertler
continues by stating that problems of practice are so
inextricably context-specific that outsiders would have a
difficult time fully understanding and grasping the
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impact of the problem and any potential solution. The
specificity may center around a specific teacher’s style of
instruction, a mix of student personalities in a classroom,
a particular curriculum that is used only in that district,
or perhaps even the cultural makeup of the local
community. The types of experiential knowledge
requisite to study a particular problem of practice should
not be overlooked or diminished when we talk about
teacher inquiry as an applied approach to conducting
research in educational settings.
In turn, this helps to establish one of the most
critical ways in which teacher inquiry and action research
are important to the broader field of educational
research. Specifically, teacher inquiry gives voice to the
professional educator, allowing that educator to identify
and investigate problems with which she has first-hand
knowledge. In essence, the broader result of this process
is that teachers have the capacity to become what Dana
and Yendol-Hoppey (2019) refer to as “knowledge
generators.” Teachers have been historically seen as
“dispensers of knowledge,” as opposed to “generators
of knowledge.” Teacher inquiry is the systematic process
that allows educators to create original knowledge about
educational practice. It could be argued that, from an
historical perspective, educational research has relied on
outsiders who are studying PK-12 classrooms to
generate that knowledge. The collective voice,
experiences, and knowledge of the professionals “on the
ground”—immersed in that particular setting each and
every daywere typically not considered. The
knowledge that can be generated by considering and
valuing the perspectives of educational practitioners
through the application of teacher inquiry has the
potential to alter that landscape.
Overview of Action Research
Since it has been alluded to earlier, an overview of
action research is warranted. Action research is any sort
of systematic inquiry conducted by those with a direct,
vested interest in the teaching and learning process in a
particular setting; by definition, it is truly systematic
inquiry into one’s own practice (Johnson, 2008). In
educational settings, it is a process that “allows teachers
to study their own classrooms…in order to better
understand them and to be able to improve their quality
or effectiveness” (Mertler, 2020a, p. 6). Action research
provides a structured process for customizing research
findings, enabling educators to address specific
questions, concerns, or problems within their own
classrooms, schools, or districts. The best way to know
if something will work with your students or in your
classroom is to try it out, collect and analyze data to
assess its effectiveness, and then make a decision about
your next steps based on your direct experience. It is
arguably the most effective and practical approach to
solving contextualized organizational problems and
answering related questions (Mertler, 2020b).
Action research is conducted by practitioners for
themselves; their problems and unanswered questions
provide the impetus for situated and contextualized
action research. Action research occurs in a manner
completely opposite to more traditional forms of
educational research, where it is typical to have the focus
of some sort of research imposed upon educators by
another individual or a team of researchers. Of course,
this also means that the onus for developing those ideas
for action research rest with the practitioners, as well.
It is important to note that action research is not a
haphazard trial-and-error exercise or “stabs in the dark.”
Like any other approach to conducting research, action
research is a scientific and systematic process consisting
of a set of procedures designed to help professionals and
other practitionersor groups of practitioners
identify a problem, design and implement an
intervention or other innovative approach to the
problem, assess the effectiveness of the proposed
solution, and then develop a plan for where to proceed
Applications and Benefits of Action Research
Mertler (2020a) cited six ways in which action
research and teacher inquiry are critical to the teaching
profession. Key among these are (1) the improvement
of educational practice, (2) professional growth, and (3)
teacher empowerment (Vaughan & Mertler, 2020). First,
professional inquiry of this type can directly lead to the
improvement of educational practice. During this
process, educators are studying their own practice by
reflectively and critically examining their own problems
of practice, as they are situated within their specific
context. This includes the identification of specific
problems (i.e., the aforementioned “problems of
practice”) to which they seek answers, the collection of
observational and other key data, and finally,
engagement in a process that facilitates meaningful, data-
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informed, and practical decision making. Action
research and teacher inquiry provide a process that
affords professional educators opportunities to seek out
and actually find those answers that they know will work
in their schools and classrooms and with their students.
Second, action research and teacher inquiry have
been shown to lead to highly effective professional
growth (Vaughan et al., 2019; Mertler, 2013). For
decades, the approach to professional development in
education has been a “one-size-fits-all” model. The basic
logic behind this approach is that every professional
educator can somehow benefit from professional
development on the same topic. This simply is not the
case. Since the early 1980s (Oliver, 1980), action research
has been promoted as a meaningful alternative to more
“typical” professional development opportunities for
educators. Oliver (1980) argued that the major benefit of
action research as inservice training for educators is that
it promotes a continuing process of professional
development in a climate where professional educators
not only pose the research questions, but also test their
own solutions, as well. More “enlightened” forms of
professional learning (McNiff, 2002) operate on the
assumption that educators already possess a good deal
of professional knowledge, and are highly capable of
furthering their own learning by focusing on specific
aspects of their practice that they want to improve.
These types of professional learning capitalize on a more
appropriate form of support to help educators celebrate
what they already know, but also encourage them to
develop new knowledge. Action research and teacher
inquiry lend themselves very nicely to this process, in
that they require educators to evaluate what they are
doing and further to assess how effectively they are
doing so.
Third, teacher inquiry serves as an extremely
effective and efficient means for teachers to experience
professional empowerment. In an educational climate
that is growing more and more data-driven all the time,
and when teachers assume responsibility for collecting
their own dataand making subsequent decisions from
those datathey tend to experience a higher level of
professional empowerment. This allows educators to
bring their own expertise, talents, creativity, and
innovations into their schools and classrooms. They
then can design and implement instructional programs,
lessons, and activities that will best meet the needs of
their students (Mertler, 2020a). In addition, this type of
empowerment allowsand, in fact, promotesa sense of
professional risk-taking, provided the goal is based in the
improvement of educational practice.
The true benefit of action research and teacher
inquiry is that educators can focus and direct their own
professional growth and development in specific areas
that they want to target, as opposed to having
professional development topics thrust upon them. This
allows for the emergence of professional development
activities that are customizable in order to fit the needs of
an individual educator, or perhaps even collaborative
teams of educators (e.g., teachers of the students in the
same grade, or teachers of the same content area).
Specific areas identified and targeted for improvement
can serve as the focus of the personalized and
customized professional growth and development
through action research (Mertler, 2013).
To extrapolate this notion a bit, if we accept the
premise that action research can serve as a basis for
meaningful professional development, then it would
make sense that it could be part of a system of annual
teacher evaluation (Mertler, 2013). For example,
educators could begin an academic year by developing
specific professional development goals for themselves
that they would pursue through a systematic teacher
inquiry approach. If educators were permitted
perhaps, even encouragedto develop their own
professional development goals, and to systematically
collect data and investigate their own practice, and
provided they were held accountable for the degree of
their successes (or at least for what they learn because of
reflection on the engagement in such a process), systems
of teacher evaluation could see the addition of this
critical piece of teaching effectiveness and its impact on
student learningfrom the perspective of the educator,
herself. Incorporating teacher inquiry into teacher
evaluation processes would add to teachers’ sense of
empowerment, and to a general sense of ownership over
their own teacher evaluation processes (Mertler, 2013).
The Process of Action Research
Action research is typically described as a cyclical
process, whereby a complete cycle of research (i.e., one
actual research study) builds on and extends any cycles
of action research into the same or closely-related
problem that preceded it. A single cycle, then, consist of
four stages of research activities. Those stages are:
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The planning stage,
The acting stage,
The developing stage, and
The reflecting stage.
The four stages of the action research cyclealong
with specific research activities to be carried out in each
stageare depicted in Figure 1.
The first of these stagesthe planning stage
consists of preliminary activities related to the
development and implementation of an action research
study. During this stage, the educational practitioner
begins by initially identifying a topic. Oftentimes, the
topic must be limited or expanded, depending on the
initial scope of the potential problem under
investigation. The practitioner also gathers information
related to the topic. This related information would
obviously include a small-scale review of related
literature to discover what existing research work may
have already been done on the problem of interest.
However, the search for this related information
should not be limited to just published research. Since
action research is practitioner-focused, related
information that is both practical and experiential can
also be extremely important in guiding the development
of an action research study. This means that educators
can look to colleaguesboth internal and external to
their own organizationsfor guidance and practical
suggestions for approaches, interventions, or innovative
approaches to solving the problem that they may have
tried and with which they may have experienced some
degree of success. Both formal and informal sources of
information related to the identified problem can be
important in terms of helping to guide the development
and structure of an action research study.
Figure 1. The Four Stages and Specific Activities of a Single Cycle of Action Research
Note. From “Overview of the Action Research Process,” in Action Research: Improving Schools and Empowering Educators (6
by C. A. Mertler, 2020, p. 37, SAGE Publications.
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Also important during this stage of the action
research cycle is the statement of formal research
questions that will serve to guide the conduct of the
action research, as well as the development of a specific
research plan for the study. Action research can use any
design or approach to implementing an innovative
approach, collecting data, and analyzing those data that
may be used in more formal qualitative, quantitative, or
mixed-methods research studies. Therefore, it is
common to see approaches for data collection
including, but not limited to, interviews, observations,
focus groups, surveys, questionnaires, assessments,
pretest-posttest measures, as well as any combination
of the preceding.
The second stagethe acting stageis where the
actual conduct of the study occurs. This is the point in
the action research process where the practitioner
physically collects and analyzes all data to be used in
attempts to provide answers to the guiding research
questions. Once again, all strategies or approaches to
data collection and analysis are appropriate at this stage
of the action research process. That being said,
however, it is probably most typical that practitioners
rely on the use of thematic analysis and coding for the
analysis of any qualitative data and descriptive
statisticsand, possibly, t-tests or analysis of
variancefor the analysis of quantitative data.
As mentioned above, virtually any strategy or
approach to data collection and analysis are
appropriate in an action research study. The key is
alignment between the data (and subsequent analyses)
and the guiding research questions. The practitioner-
researcher must ensure that the data and associated
analyses will provide answers to those questions. In
cases where the research questions call for open-ended,
non-structured narrative datain the form of
perceptions, beliefs, or feelingsthen qualitative data
would be the most appropriate form of data for
answering the research questions. Alternatively, in
situations where the research questions might require
participants to rate their perceptions on a
predetermined response scale, quantitative data and
analyses would be the appropriate strategy. However,
many researchers tend to see the best alignment with
the process and goals of action research to be a mixed-
methods approach to inquiry (Creswell, 2005; Mertler,
2020b). The belief here is that the combination
qualitative and quantitative data will enable the
practitioner-researcher to answer the guiding research
questions in the most comprehensive and thorough
The third stage of the processthe developing
stageis comprised of the development of an action
plan for moving forward in the process of conducting
action research. The action plan is the ultimate goal of
any action research studyit is the action part of action
research (Mertler, 2020a). This typically consists of two
different aspects: an action plan for practice and an
action plan for future cycles of action research. Since this
action research is being conducted by practitioners, it
is of utmost importance that the practitioner-
researcher use the results and conclusions from a cycle
of action research to impact and change current and
future practice. After all, this is the main reason that a
practicing educator makes a conscious and
professional decision to use action research as a means
of solving various educational problems. Secondly, it is
important to develop plans for the continuation and
exploration of the problem using an action research
approach. The logic here is that seldom is a problem
solved after a single cycle of action research. Aspects of
the problem may experience improvement, but in all
likelihood, there is still more improvement and change
that could and should occur.
The final stage of the action research process
the reflecting stageprovides the opportunity to reflect
not only on the context and results of the action
research study at hand, but also on the action research
process as a whole. Since, at its core, action research is
about critical examination of one’s own professional
practice, reflection on the process of conducting action
research is a critical step in the process. It is important
to note that the act of professional reflection often
leads directly into the next cycle of action research, by
providing the foundation for the nature of the next
stages of investigating the same problem or, perhaps,
the next problem to be investigated. This is the basis
for the way in which one cycle of action research
logically and practically leads into the next cycle.
It is also crucial to note that, although this final
stage of the process is labeled the “reflecting” stage and
the expectation is that a teacher would use this
opportunity to reflect on the overall process, reflection
is an integral part of the action research process.
Critical, professional reflection must span the entire
action research process. In other words, professional
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educators who engage in the action research process in
the form of teacher inquiry are engaging in critical
reflection during each of the four stages of the process
shown in Figure 1. For example, to accurately frame
the problem of practice during the planning stage,
teachers would need to reflect on their past experiences
and struggles that they may have had with that specific
problem. They would also reflect on approaches that
they may have tried in the past, to identify aspects of
them which may have been beneficial and that they
would want to continue. During the acting stage, they
might reflect on previous data that they have collected,
or strategies for analysis with which they are most
comfortable. During the developing stage, they would
want to reflect on the knowledge that they had gained
up to this point in the cyclical process, since that
knowledge would be used to develop a plan for their
next steps in trying to resolve their identified problem
with practice.
Research of any kind involves systematic and
scientific investigation, and quality research must meet
standards of sound practice (Mertler, 2022). Action
research is no exception to this rule of thumb. The
basis for establishing the quality of traditional research
lies in the concepts of validity and reliability. Action
research typically relies on a different set of standards
for determining quality and credibility (Stringer, 2013).
Because action research adheres to the standards of
quality and credibility rather than validity and
reliability, it has sometimes been criticized for being an
inferior approach to research as well as for being of
lesser quality. Rather than being considered lesser or
inferior, action research should be viewed as being
different from traditional research. Nevertheless, it is
critical for action researchers to ensure that their
research is sound (Mertler, 2022).
The extent to which action research reaches an
acceptable standard of quality is directly related to the
usefulness of the research findings for the intended
audience (Mertler, 2022). This general level of quality
in action research is referred to as rigorthe quality,
validity, accuracy, and credibility of action research and
its findings. Rigor is typically associated with the terms
validity and reliability in quantitative studiesreferring
to the accuracy of instruments, data, and research
findingsand with accuracy, credibility, and dependability
in qualitative studies (Melrose, 2001). Melrose (2001)
has suggested that the term rigor be used in a broader
sense, encompassing the entire research process, and
not just aspects of data collection, analysis, and
Rigor in action research is typically based on
procedures used to ensure that the procedures and
analyses of the action research project are not biased,
or reflective of only a very limited view from the
researcher’s perspective (Stringer, 2013). There are
numerous techniques that can be used to help provide
evidence of rigor within the parameters of practitioner-
led action research studies (Melrose, 2001; Stringer,
2013). Among these techniques are:
Repeating the cycle. Most action researchers tend
to believe that one cycle of action research is
simply not enough. Rigor can be enhanced by
engaging in a number of cycles of action
research into the same problem or question,
where the earlier cycles help to inform how to
conduct later cycles, as well as specific sources
of data that should be considered. In theory,
with each subsequent cycle of action research,
more is learned, and greater credibility is
added to the findings.
Prolonged engagement and persistent observation. For
participants to fully understand the outcomes
of an action research inquiry and process, the
researcher should provide them with extended
opportunities to explore and express their
experiences within the study (Stringer, 2013)
as it relates specifically to the problem under
investigation. However, it is important to note
that simply spending more time in the setting
is not enough. It is not about the quantity of
time spent in the setting, but rather it is about
the quality of the time spent.
Experience with the action research process. As with
virtually any type of research, experience with
the process is invaluable. Rigor, itself, can be
highly dependent on the experiences of the
action researcher. If a professional educator
had conducted previous action research
studiesor even previous cycles within the
same studyhe or she can perform more
confidently and have greater credibility with
respective audiences (Melrose, 2001).
Triangulating the data. Rigor can also be
enhanced during the action research process
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by including multiple sources of data and
other information. Using multiple sources of
data allow the action researcher to verify the
accuracy of the overall data and clarify
meanings or misconceptions held by those
participating in the study (Stringer, 2013).
Accuracy of data and credibility of findings go
hand in hand (Mertler, 2022). In addition, this
is another good reason for using a mixed-
methods approach to data collection an
analysis in action research.
Member checking. Depending on the purposes of
the study, participants should be provided
with the opportunity to review raw data,
analyses, and final reports resulting from the
action research process (Stringer, 2013). This
process can be very influential in terms of
validating the findings resulting from any
action research study (although, it is important
to note that this procedure may not be
appropriate in all action research projects).
Rigor is enhanced by allowing participants to
verify that various aspects of the research
process have adequately and accurately
represent their beliefs and perspectives. It also
gives them the opportunity to further explain
or expand on information previously
Participant debriefing. Similar to member
checking, debriefing provides another
opportunity to participants to provide insight
into the conduct of the action research study.
In contrast to member checking, the focus of
debriefing is on their emotions and feelings, as
opposed to factual information they may have
Educator Perspectives on Teacher
Admittedly, it is one thing to promote the idea of
teacher inquiry in schools and classrooms, but
professional educators who have been involved in the
process of conducting their own teacher inquiry have
experienced a sense of professionalism that they might
not have realized other word otherwise, had they not
participated in teacher inquiry and action research in
their own settings (Vaughan & Mertler, 2020).
Vaughan and Mertler provided a summary of the
perceptions held by many educators who have
participated in the teacher inquiry process. Included in
their summary was the fact that, for many practitioner-
researchers, gaining an understanding of research
afforded them opportunities to make connections with
and to name their practice as research. This, in turn,
bolstered their self-perceptions as professional
educators, as well as researchers. Educators often
discussed the fact that involvement in the teacher
inquiry process helped them to redefine their own
practice in new ways. It gave them fresh perspectives
on what it meant to teach, and it also demystified the
research process.
Once they had been exposed to the action
research process, many teachers felt that they had been
doing action research all along as part of their daily
work; respectfully, this was likely not the case
(Vaughan & Mertler, 2020). While teachers routinely
use data to help guide decisions that they make in their
classrooms, many do not engage in a systematic, step-
by-step process such as action research to reflect on
their practice, consider alternative approaches to
address problems they face, develop and implement
some sort of an innovative approach, collect and
analyze data, develop a plan for next steps, all the while
engaging in critical professional reflection. However, it
does serve to reinforce the idea that the work that
teachers often engage in daily can be a wonderful
“launching-off point” to get them started in the formal
conduct of teacher inquiry in their classrooms. This
will lead them to a systematic process, whereby the
decisions that they make in their daily practice will truly
become researched-based decisions, thus helping to
foster the develop of educational “knowledge
Oftentimes in educational settings, research has
power in decision making and those who have access
to research typically have more power than those who
do not (Vaughan & Mertler, 2020). Being involved in
and having some sense of ownership over the research
process into their own problems of practice provided
teachers with the language necessary to discuss
research and to become integral players in the decision-
making processes in their schools. This, then, often
lead teachers to experience greater confidence when
trying to be innovative in their classrooms, and also
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fostered their enthusiasm to share their research
practices with colleagues in meaningful and influential
ways. Teachers have often commented that engaging
in teacher inquiry on a regular basis each academic year
has helped them to learn and grow as professional
educators (Mertler & Hartley, 2017).
Teacher Inquiry During a Global
If becoming immersed in the global COVID-19
pandemic has taught us nothing elseat least from an
educational perspectivewe have learned just how
professional teachers can be (Vaughan & Mertler, 2020).
Through professional as well as personal experiences,
we have seen teachers who never received training in
how to deliver instruction virtually, let alone offer
emotional and social support to students and families
in their charge. Across our country, as well as around
the world, we saw professional educators rise to an
occasion that they had no way of anticipating.
Certainly, there were naysayers, but most teachers
around the world stepped up when they knew they
needed to do so (Vaughan & Mertler, 2020). Virtually
all of them were trying new things, experimenting with
activities, implementing new ways of trying to keep
first graders, teenagers, and young adults engaged in
the teaching and learning process. Although many of
them were likely unaware of it at the time, it could be
argued that a vast majority of them were engaging in
the process of teacher inquiry without realizing it. They
were trying to solve problems that were being thrown
at them. They were constantly assessing how well those
strategies worked and then how to proceed moving
forward. It is very likely that many of them created
strategies that they might very well continue to use
once schooling returns to normal and students are
once again in their classroom seats.
My sincere hope for the educational community is
that this process created meaning and value for
professional educators everywhere. Exposure to and
involvement in the process of conducting
contextualized teacher inquiry is something that will
likely have a lasting impact on their collective
professional practice. While it is incredibly unfortunate
that it took a global pandemic for many professional
educators to realize their potential when it comes to
teacher inquiry and the process of solving their own
problems of practice, there is a silver lining associated
with it. Professional educators now could continue to
move their practice forward in incredibly meaningful
and insightful ways by engaging in the process of
teacher inquiry, either individually or collaboratively in
teams. Doing so will undoubtedly help them grow as
professional educators, provide opportunities to
experience levels of professional empowerment that
they may not have experienced up to this point in their
careers, and provide for themselves a data-informed
“voice at the table” when it comes to research-based
educational decision making.
A Brief Example of Teacher Inquiry during the
COVID-19 Global Pandemic
Ashlene is a sixth-grade teacher who was in the
middle of her eighth year of teaching when the
COVID-19 pandemic hit. During the 2019-2020
school year, she had 24 students in her class. In the
spring of 2020, when all instruction moved to an online
format, things started out okay, but Ashlene soon
found herself struggling to keep all her students
actively engaged in their virtual classroom
environment. Trying to manage 24 participants in a
virtual video meeting proved to be quite challenging.
She tried a couple of large-group activities with her
entire class, but they still were not working. As she
reflected on her own teaching practices, she decided to
do a little searching online and came across a handful
of journal articles that talked about small group
learning and peer feedback in a virtual environment.
Initially, she liked the idea, so she asked a couple of her
colleagues if they had ever tried anything like that. Only
one had ever tried it and was currently doing it with her
students. She shared with Ashlene that it was fairly
successful in terms of helping with the issue of a lack
of student engagement.
Even though Ashlene knew that she would have
to hold many more virtual class sessions that she had
been since she wasn’t working with her entire class at
a given time, she wanted to try this approach to see if
it helped, not only with student engagement but also
with student learning. She divided her class of 24 into
four groups of six students each. She knew this meant
that she would now have four times as many virtual
class meetings as she had been doing previously, but
she felt it was something that she needed to try.
Additionally, she decided to pose the following
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questions that she would attempt to answer with her
inquiry approach to her classroom problem:
To what extent are my students more engaged in the
virtual learning process when I use small-group
instruction and peer feedback?
To what degree do small-group instruction and peer
feedback impact my students’ academic performance?
She tried this approach in her virtual classroom for
three weeks and she began to notice a difference in
how students were behaving and interacting with each
other online. However, she knew that this was purely
anecdotal information, and she needed some
additional, formal data to guide where she would go
next. She decided to create a small survey for students
consisting of eight questions, asking their opinions of
the smaller groups and peer feedback process, what
they liked and didn’t like about it, and if they would
want to keep doing it. She also took a close look at the
student work that had been submitted to her over the
last three weeks.
To Ashlene’s surprise, the student survey data
were overwhelmingly positive. The students seemed to
like the smaller groups, felt that they had more of an
opportunity to speak during class sessions, and liked
the fact that they got to work closer with a smaller
number of their classmates. They did suggest, however,
that in the future, they be allowed to pick the members
of their small groups. Ashlene was very happy with her
data, but also knew that she would have to take the
responsibility for placing students into their smaller
groups. She was also very pleased with student work.
They had been doing a unit on plants and the
environment and had been required to prepare a short
research paper, for which Ashlene used an analytic
rubric to evaluate their work. Over the last few years,
she had noticed that students struggled on a couple of
the criteria addressed by the rubric. However, student
performance in those areas over the last three weeks
had improved quite a bit. She attributed this, at least in
part, to the peer feedback aspect that she had
incorporated into her virtual instruction, along with the
fact that students were preparing drafts of their papers
using Google Docs and could share them with the
other members of their small groups. Ashlene decided
that she would continue to use this approach for the
remainder of the school year and then spend some time
during the summer break re-evaluating what she had
done and deciding what changes she would want to
make for next year.
When the 2020-2021 school year arrived and
instruction was continuing to take place virtually,
Ashlene was very excited because she knew that she
would have an opportunity to implement her new
teaching strategies with a different set of students to
continue to assess how well they were working. She
decided to make a few minor changes to her peer
feedback model, including a more thorough
introduction to it for her students, which she believed
she had not taken the time to do during the previous
school year. Toward the end of the first half of the
school year, she collected data like those she had
collected the previous year. She was not surprised to
find that the results were quite similar. After two cycles
of implementing her innovative strategy, she was quite
happy with the results and planned to continue with
these strategies moving forward.
In fact, when late winter of 2021 arrived, and her
school’s instruction returned to an in-person format,
she felt so confident in her new strategies that she
continued to use small groups and peer feedback
within her physical classroom space and face-to-face
instruction. Students had been informally letting her
know that they really liked working with their small
groups and they liked being able to use the technology
to help them with their work and the feedback they
were providing to their classmates.
Ashlene was so pleased with the results of her
three cycles of teacher inquiry that she decided to share
what she had done with her building principal. Her
principal was equally impressed and asked her if she
would be willing to share her inquiry process with the
other teachers in their school at an upcoming faculty
meeting. The principal felt that there was a great deal
of potential for other teachers in the school to grow
and develop professionally by implementing
continuing cycles of teacher inquiry.
Action research is admittedly not a new approach
to applied research and solving context-specific
problems. However, many professional educators lack
familiarity with action research and teacher inquiry as a
process. The concept of research is often so foreign to
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them that they feel believe that it is not something that
they are capable of doing (Mertler, 2013). In contrast
to those opinions, many teachers are well versed in
processes that involve trial and error. The difference
between trial-and-error efforts and the systematic
process of teacher inquiry is the fact that action
research and teacher inquiry are more structured, more
systematic, and more sequential. The four-step process
to conducting applied inquiry studies as presented in
this paper can provide a great deal of guidance and
structure to these efforts undertaken by professional
educators in their settings. In addition, the idea that
one cycle feeds into and informs subsequent cycles
all of which are built upon continual and critical
professional reflectionstrongly supports the idea of
career-long learning and professional growth for
educators everywhere.
It is important to note that undertaking these kind
of initiatives in school settingswhile straightforward
and systematicare not necessarily nor inherently
easy. One requisite criterion that should be in place is
some sort of collegial or supervisory support in school
settings (Mertler 2013). Whether it be a mentorship
relationship or a collegially-supportive relationship,
professional educators need to know that their efforts
in implementing teacher inquiry do not go unnoticed.
In addition, it is sometimes reasonable to expect that
the process of teacher inquiry may oftentimes lead
those who conduct it to come up against hurdles or
unanticipated consequences of their work. Mentoring
and supportive relationships can go a long way to help
professional educators brainstorm, problem solve, and
continue their forward momentum in efforts to
improve their practice. Action research in the form of
teacher inquiry is a process that can facilitate the
realization of those types of professional goals by
giving teachers voice and by helping to create
“knowledge generators.”
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Stringer, E. (2013). Action research (4th ed.). Thousand
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Advance online publication.
Mertler, C.A. (2021). Action Research as Teacher Inquiry: A Viable Strategy for Resolving Problems of
Practice. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 26(19). Available online:
Corresponding Author
Craig A. Mertler
Division of Educational Leadership & Innovation
Arizona State University
PO Box 37100
Mail Code 3151
Phoenix, AZ 85069
email: craig.mertler [at]
Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, Vol. 26 [2021], Art. 19