©2022 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2022 Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank").All rights reserved.Member FDIC.Equal Housing Lender.
(0622-1KMY) APP25065-14 (05/22)
Power of Attorney
Page 1 of 6
Investment Advisor ("IA") Information (This portion to be completed by IA.)
IA Firm Name (Please print.)
IA Master Account Number Service Team
IA Contact Name (if follow-up is required) IA Telephone Number IA Email Address
• Use this form to authorize a third party (referred to as your "Agent" or "Attorney-in-Fact") to act on your behalf in connection with your Individual
Retirement Account (IRA), your Schwab One
brokerage account and, if applicable, your linked Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking
account and/or your Schwab One International
• If you are seeking to add a Trading Authority Agent or Ful
l Authority Agent, please complete the Trading Authorization form. If you are seeking to
add an Agent to a Trust account or a business account, Schwab may require additional documentation.
• If you are seeking to add an employee of an Investment Advisor as an Agent on your account, Schwab may require additional documentation.
• Depending on the authority designation chosen in Section 2, this form may
authorize an Agent to withdraw money and securities from an account
and/or write checks against an account.
• If options trading is enabled on the account(s), the Agent must also complete an Options Trading and Margin Application.
• To grant authority to an investment advisory firm to place trade orders, make disbursements or pay fees from your account(s), use the Limited
Power of Attorney (Investmen
t Advisor) form.
• Power of Attorney (POA) is not permitted on fiduciary accounts (including guardianships, conservatorships and estates). Please consult legal
• Please note: If a POA is receiving compensation for providing investment advice, that person may need to be registered as an Investment Advisor
with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the applicable state securities regu
lator. Registration laws, and exemptions from
registration, vary by state. Many states require registration if a POA is receiving compensation for investment advice from just one client. The POA
should consult with legal counsel and/or publicly available resources (www.nasaa.org,and www.sec.gov) to understand the Investment Advisor
registration requirements. It is the legal responsibility of the POA
to ensure he or she is complying with the Investment Advisor registration laws
that apply to him or her.
1. Account Holder Information and Authorization
To: Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.—Authorization. The terms "I," "me" and "my," as used throughout this form, refer to the Schwab Account Holder(s).
I hereby authorize the Agent ("Attorney-in-Fact") named in Section 3 to be my Agent and Attorney-in-Fact and in such capacity to give instructions to
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab") in connection with my Schwab account(s) (the "Account"), including my
linked Schwab Bank High Yield
Investor Checking account, and to take other actions necessary or incidental to the execution of such instructions. I authorize Schwab, and other
persons to whom Schwab has given instructions in order to implement the Attorney-in-Fact's instructions, to rely on the Attorney-in-Fact's
instructions without obtaining my approval, countersignature or cosignature. I understa
nd that this is not a durable Power of Attorney and that all
authority granted to my Attorney-in-Fact shall cease automatically upon Schwab receiving written notification from a licensed physician of my
mental disability, incompetence, incapacity or upon notification of my death. I understand that if an Account has a linked Schwab Bank High Yield
Investor Checking account, the Power of Attorney appli
es to my accounts at two separate but affiliated companies: Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. and
Charles Schwab Bank, SSB.
Schwab Account Number(s) *Authorities granted to your Schwab Account will apply to the associated High Yield Investor Checking Account.
(Multiple accounts may be listed only if they have identical tax ID# and named account holder(s). Agent to be added on all Accounts must be the
same individual.)
Account Holder's Name First Middle Last
Additional Account Holder's Name First Middle Last
©2022 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2022 Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank").All rights reserved.Member FDIC.Equal Housing Lender.
(0622-1KMY) APP25065-14 (05/22)
Page 2 of 6
Power of Attorney
Trust/Organization's Name*
*May require additional documentation; please contact your service team for details.
2. Authority Designation
Appoint your Agent(s) to act in one of the following capacities (select only one):
Limited Power of Attorney
Full Power of Attorney (includes Authorized Check User)
Authorized Schwab One
Check User (designation not available for Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking
Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA)—or Trading Authorization Only
Grants the authority to trade in your Account, in the same manner and to the same extent as you are permitted to do, and to update certain account
information, but not to make withdrawals, transfer funds, or change the account mailing address.
Note: If your Agent ("Attorney-in-Fact") is an Authorized Check User on your Account, you cannot
designate him or her as an LPOA, but he or she
may be designated as an FPOA.
Full Power of Attorney (FPOA)
Grants the authority to trade in your Account and to journal transfer or withdraw money and securities in your Account, including into the name of
the Attorney-in-Fact. Agents with FPOA cannot transfer securities into or out of your Schwab Account to or from another brokerage firm, close your
ount, or change the account mailing address. An Agent can change his or her own password to access your Account but cannot change your
password. Also grants the authority of the Authorized Check User described immediately below.
Authorized Schwab One Check User Power of Attorney ("Authorized Check User")
Grants the unlimited authority to write checks against your Account. (Note: You may only authoriz
e two additional check users on your Account. The
names of the Authorized Check Users will not be printed on the checks.)
Note: Full Power of Attorney and/or Authorized Check User Power of Attorney do not provide the authority to endorse checks on the client's behalf.
For IRA, QRP, Keogh, and 403(b)(7) account types, Full Power of Attorney may execute or change beneficiary designations on your eligib
le Schwab
Account(s) on your behalf (your Agent may not execute a beneficiary designation in favor of himself or herself).
Power of Attorney includes online Account viewing access. Contact Schwab if you still want your Agent to receive duplicate paper statements and/or
trade confirmations.
3. Agent ("Attorney-in-Fact") and/or Authorized Check User Information
If appointing two Agents, both Agents will have identical powers as indicated in Section 2. Each Acting Agent with or without linked Schwab One and
Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking accounts must be a U.S. resident or U.S. resident alien, reside in the U.S. or one of its territories, and
have a U.S. mailing address. For each non-U.S. resident acting as Agent, provide a clear photocopy of the
inside pages of a current passport,
including photo, signature, and personal information.
Order additional Schwab One checks.
As required by federal law, Schwab will use the information provided to verify your identity.
Name First Middle Last
Social Security/Tax ID Number Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Are you known by another name? (Please specify.)
Regulations require that you provide us with your legal address.
Home/Legal Street Address (no P.O. boxes)
City State or Province Zip or Postal Code Country
Mailing Address (Include mailing address if different from home/legal address. P.O. boxes may be used.)
City State or Province Zip or Postal Code Country
Telephone Number Mobile Number Work Number Extension
©2022 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2022 Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank").All rights reserved.Member FDIC.Equal Housing Lender.
(0622-1KMY) APP25065-14 (05/22)
Page 3 of 6
Power of Attorney
Email Address* Mother's Maiden Name
*By providing your email address, you consent to receiving email from Schwab. Information about opting out of certain email communications is
provided at www.schwab.com/privacy.
Country(ies) of Citizenship (Must list each separated by a comma.)
USA Other:
Country of Legal Residence (Select only one.)
USA Other:
ID Number and Type (Please select only one box and provide the relevant information below.)
Passport Driver's License Gov't-Issued ID
Identification Number Country or State of Issuance Issue Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Expiration Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Securities industry regulations require that we collect the following information.
Employment Information (Please select only one box.)
Employed Self-Employed Retired Homemaker Student Not Employed
Occupation (If you selected "Employed" or "Self-Employed," please select one option that best describes your occupation.)
Business Owner/Self-Employed Financial Services/Banking Professional Military Consultant
Executive/Senior Management Information Technology Professional Educator Other (specify):
Medical Professional Other Professional Sales/Marketing
Legal Professional Clerical/Administrative Services U.S. Government Employee (Federal/State/Local)
Accounting Professional Foreign Government Employee (Non-U.S.) Trade/Service (Labor/Manufacturing/Production)
Employer Name/Business Name Business Street Address (no P.O. boxes)
City State Zip Code
The Next Two Questions Are Required by Industry Regulations:
Are you or an immediate family member associated with or employed by a stock exchange or member firm of an exchange or FINRA, or a municipal
securities broker-dealer?
No Yes
(If "Yes," you must attach a letter from your or your immediate family member's employer or affiliated broker-dealer approving
the establishment of your account when submitting this application.
List the company name
Are you a director, 10% shareholder or policy-making officer of a publicly held company?
No Yes
(If "Yes," enter company name and trading symbol
Additional Attorney-in-Fact
As required by federal law, Schwab will use the information provided to verify your identity.
Name First Middle Last
Social Security/Tax ID Number Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Are you known by another name? (Please specify.)
Regulations require that you provide us with your legal address.
Home/Legal Street Address (no P.O. boxes)
City State or Province Zip or Postal Code Country
Mailing Address (Include mailing address if different from home/legal address. P.O. boxes may be used.)
City State or Province Zip or Postal Code Country
Telephone Number Mobile Number Work Number Extension
©2022 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2022 Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank").All rights reserved.Member FDIC.Equal Housing Lender.
(0622-1KMY) APP25065-14 (05/22)
Page 4 of 6
Power of Attorney
Email Address* Mother's Maiden Name
*By providing your email address, you consent to receiving email from Schwab. Information about opting out of certain email communications is
provided at www.schwab.com/privacy.
Country(ies) of Citizenship (Must list each separated by a comma.)
USA Other:
Country of Legal Residence (Select only one.)
USA Other:
ID Number and Type (Please select only one box and provide the relevant information below.)
Passport Driver's License Gov't-Issued ID
Identification Number Country or State of Issuance Issue Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Expiration Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Securities industry regulations require that we collect the following information.
Employment Information (Please select only one box.)
Employed Self-Employed Retired Homemaker Student Not Employed
Occupation (If you selected "Employed" or "Self-Employed," please select one option that best describes your occupation.)
Business Owner/Self-Employed Financial Services/Banking Professional Military Consultant
Executive/Senior Management Information Technology Professional Educator Other (specify):
Medical Professional Other Professional Sales/Marketing
Legal Professional Clerical/Administrative Services U.S. Government Employee (Federal/State/Local)
Accounting Professional Foreign Government Employee (Non-U.S.) Trade/Service (Labor/Manufacturing/Production)
Employer Name/Business Name Business Street Address (no P.O. boxes)
City State Zip Code
The Next Two Questions Are Required by Industry Regulations:
Are you or an immediate family member associated with or employed by a stock exchange or member firm of an exchange or FINRA, or a municipal
securities broker-dealer?
No Yes
(If "Yes," you must attach a letter from your or your immediate family member's employer or affiliated broker-dealer approving
the establishment of your account when submitting this application.
List the company name
Are you a director, 10% shareholder or policy-making officer of a publicly held company?
No Yes
(If "Yes," enter company name and trading symbol
4. Agent ("Attorney-in-Fact") and/or Authorized Signatures
By signing below, the Agent certifies that he/she has carefully read and understands the provisions of this Power of Attorney, including the Power of
Attorney Authorization and Agreement ("Agreement"), and agrees to the terms therein. The Agent understands that he/she has the right to resign as
Agent at any time by providing written notice to Schwab or Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank"). The A
gent agrees to indemnify and hold
Schwab and its predecessors, successors, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, parent companies, affiliates, assigns, and
attorneys harmless from and against any and all claims, judgments, taxes, fines, penalties, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including but
not limited to attorneys' and expert witness fees) incurred by Schwab as a resu
lt of any claim, judgment, or proceeding arising out of or connected in
any manner whatsoever to Schwab's reliance on this Power of Attorney Authorization and Agreement and the representations and warranties
contained herein.
Signature: Attorney-in-Fact
Today's Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Print Name
Signature: Additional Attorney-in-Fact
Print Name
Today's Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
5. Certification of Organization—Organizational Accounts Only
By signing this Power of Attorney form on behalf of your Organization, each Authorized Person signing in Section 7 certifies that the Organization
authorizes this delegation of authority.
©2022 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2022 Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank").All rights reserved.Member FDIC.Equal Housing Lender.
(0622-1KMY) APP25065-14 (05/22)
Page 5 of 6
Power of Attorney
6. Certification of Trust—Trust Accounts Only
By signing this Power of Attorney form on behalf of a Trust, each Trustee signing below (the "Trustee") certifies that the Trust instrument authorizes
the delegation of authorities as indicated within this Power of Attorney form and such delegation is not prohibited by the laws that govern the Trust.
7. All Account Holders Must Sign, Date, and Provide Notaries for Each Signature
I have read carefully the provisions of this Power of Attorney, including the Power of Attorney Authorization and Agreement ("Agreement"), and I
agree to the terms therein. I understand that it authorizes my Agent and Attorney-in-Fact, herein named, to exercise all rights and powers set forth
above with respect to my Schwab Account(s), and I understand that anything my Agent may do in the exercise of such rights and powers is fully
binding upon me.
I acknowledge and agree that, depending on the authority designation I choose in Section 2, I may be authorizing my Agent to withdraw money and
securities from my Account(s) and/or write checks against my Account(s). I also acknowledge and agree that Schwab is not responsible for
unauthorized actions, including money movements, my Agent may take with respect to my Account(s). If I have questions about actions taken by my
Agent, I will discuss my concerns with my Agent.
I authorize Schwab (and Schwab Bank, if applicable), and other persons to whom Schwab (or Schwab Bank) has given instructions in order to
implement my Agent's instructions, to rely on my Agent's instructions without obtaining my approval, countersignature or co-signature and to take
other actions necessary or incidental to the execution of such instructions. If I have named more than one Agent, I agree that each Agent may act
independently and without the consent of any other Agent. I understand that this is not a durable Power of Attorney and that all authority granted to
my Agent shall cease automatically upon Schwab (or Schwab Bank, if applicable) receiving written notification from a licensed physician of my
mental disability, incompetence, incapacity or death.
I agree to indemnify and hold Schwab and its predecessors, successors, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, parent companies,
affiliates, assigns, and attorneys harmless from and against any and all claims, judgments, taxes, fines, penalties, damages, liabilities, costs, and
expenses (including but not limited to attorneys' and expert witness fees) incurred by Schwab as a result of any claim, judgment, or proceeding
arising out of or connected in any manner whatsoever to Schwab's reliance on this Agreement and the representations and warranties contained
If this Power of Attorney relates to a Trust account, each Trustee certifies that the Trust instrument authorizes the delegation of authorities as
indicated within this Power of Attorney form and such delegation is not prohibited by the laws that govern the Trust.
I understand that I am responsible for providing my Agent(s) with all agreements, disclosures and notices regarding my Account(s) and this Power of
Attorney. I understand that I have the right to revoke or terminate this Power of Attorney at any time by providing written notice to Schwab or
Schwab Bank. I understand that if I have a Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking account, I may contact or be contacted by Schwab or Schwab
Bank regarding this Power of Attorney.
The Agreement with Schwab includes a predispute arbitration clause. I acknowledge receipt of the predispute arbitration clause contained in the
Required Arbitration Disclosures and Arbitration Agreement sections, page 4, of the Power of Attorney Authorization and Agreement.
Signature: Account Holder or Trustee/Authorized Person
Today's Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Print Name
Signature: Additional Account Holder or Co-Trustee/Authorized Person
Print Name
Today's Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Signature: Additional Account Holder or Co-Trustee/Authorized Person
Print Name
Today's Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Brokerage Products: Not FDIC-Insured • No Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab") and Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank") are separate but affiliated companies and subsidiaries of The
Charles Schwab Corporation. Brokerage products offered by Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Member SIPC, are not insured by the FDIC, are not deposits
or obligations of Charles Schwab Bank, SSB, and are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of principal invested. Deposit and lending
products and services are offered by Charles Schwab Bank, SSB, Member FDIC and an Equal Housing Lender.
©2022 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2022 Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank").All rights reserved.Member FDIC.Equal Housing Lender.
(0622-1KMY) APP25065-14 (05/22)
Page 6 of 6
Power of Attorney
Account Holder signature(s) must be notarized, and the original form must be returned.
Notice to CA Residents: A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual(s) who signed the
document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.
Certificate of Acknowledgment of Notary Public*
State of
in the County of
On (mm/dd/yyyy)
the above-named individual(s) personally appeared before me and proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose
name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized
capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted,
executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
Signature: Notary Today's Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Print Notary Name
My Commission Expires (mm/dd/yyyy)
*If your state law permits, notaries may attach the appropriate notarizing declaration in lieu of this notarization.
Notice to CA Residents: A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual(s) who signed the
document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.
Certificate of Acknowledgment of Notary Public*
State of
in the County of
On (mm/dd/yyyy)
the above-named individual(s) personally appeared before me and proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose
name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized
capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted,
executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
Signature: Notary Today's Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Print Notary Name
My Commission Expires (mm/dd/yyyy)
*If your state law permits, notaries may attach the appropriate notarizing declaration in lieu of this notarization.
Notice to CA Residents: A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual(s) who signed the
document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.
Certificate of Acknowledgment of Notary Public*
State of
in the County of
On (mm/dd/yyyy)
the above-named individual(s) personally appeared before me and proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose
name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized
capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted,
executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
Signature: Notary Today's Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Print Notary Name
My Commission Expires (mm/dd/yyyy)
*If your state law permits, notaries may attach the appropriate notarizing declaration in lieu of this notarization.
©2022 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2022 Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank").All rights reserved.Member FDIC.Equal Housing Lender.
(0622-1KMY) APP25065-14 (05/22)
Power of Attorney Authorization and Agreement
Page 1 of 7
Please read and retain for your files.
Sections 1–4 relate to your brokerage account and are part of the Account Agreement between each Account Holder and Schwab.
Sections 5–7 relate to your Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking
account and are part of the Account Agreement between each Account
Holder and Schwab Bank, if applicable. The terms "I," "me" and "my" refer to each Schwab or Schwab Bank Account Holder.
Please note that for the purposes of this Power of Attorney (POA), the term "brokerage account" refers to your account with Charles Schwab &
Co., Inc. ("Schwab"), a registered broker-dealer, and the term "Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking account" ("High Yield Investor
Checking account") refers to your account with Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank"), an Equal Housing Lender and Member FDIC.
Section 1. Account Holder's Authorization of Agent's Powers
I authorize Schwab to take such actions as
Schwab deems necessary to carry out
instructions Schwab receives from me and/or
Agent. I further authorize Schwab, in its sole
discretion and for whatever reason, to request
additional documentation from me prior to
executing any transaction requested by my
Agent. If I have appointed two or more Agents,
both Agents will have identical powers as
indicated in Section 2 of the Power of Attorney
form, and I hereby authorize them to act alone
and without the consent of the other Agent or
Agents, with respect to the powers granted. In
addition, I hereby authorize Schwab, in its sole
discretion, to restrict my Account from further
activity in the event the Agents enter conflicting
or inconsistent instructions.
I authorize Schwab to mail duplicate copies of
account statements and/or trade confirmations
to the Agent(s). If Agent is associated with a
securities firm of the Financial Industry
Regulatory Authority ("FINRA"), Schwab is
authorized to deliver information concerning my
Account, including duplicate confirmations and
account statements, to such firm upon written
For both FPOA and LPOA, the Agent's authority
will include, without limitation, the authority in
the same manner and to the same extent as any
Account Holder:
• to give instructions for transactions in
securities and financial instruments, including
the buying and selling of stocks, bonds,
debentures, notes, subscription warrants,
stock purchase warrants, options, mutual fund
shares, evidences of indebtedness, and any
other securities, instruments or contracts
relating to securities; and
• (where necessary to complete any transaction)
to transfer, convert, endorse, sell, assign, set
over and deliver any assets held in the Account
(the "Account Assets") and to make, execute
and deliver any and all written instruments of
assignment and transfer; and
• to update certain account information, but not
to change the account mailing address or the
Account Holder's account password.
Notwithstanding the above, agents with FPOA
cannot transfer securities into or out of the
Account Holder's account to or from another
brokerage firm or close the Account Holder's
At its discretion, Schwab may, but is not
obligated to, decline to accept certain updated
account information from the Agent. The Agent
under an LPOA is not authorized to withdraw or
direct the disbursement of Account Assets from
the Account. If my Account has a Margin and
Short Account feature approved by Schwab,
Agent is authorized to trade on margin, to sell
short, to borrow securities, to otherwise cause
credit to be extended through the Account, and
to secure the performance of obligations in the
Account with Account Assets. If my Account is
authorized for options trading, after an options
trading application is completed by the Agent
and approved by Schwab, Agent is authorized to
place options orders. Whenever this Power of
Attorney is attached to any instrument of
assignment or transfer, all persons shall be
entitled, without further inquiry or investigation
and regardless of the date of such Power of
Attorney, to act in reliance upon the assumption
that the Account Assets named in such
instrument were duly and properly transferred,
endorsed, sold, assigned, set over and delivered,
and that with respect to such Account Assets
the authority conferred herein is still in full force
and effect. And, for FPOA only, the authority in
the same manner and to the same extent as any
Account Holder:
• to withdraw or direct the disbursement of
money held in the Account in or into the name
of any person or entity, including the Account
Holder, the Agent or upon Agent's instructions
(but not to change or create joint or
multiple-party accounts); and
• on my behalf, to enter into further agreements
with Schwab regarding my Account, and
generally take all actions necessary in
connection with the Account, or which are
considered desirable by the Agent.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned, if this
trading authorization applies to an IRA, QRP,
403(b)(7) or Keogh account ("Retirement
Account") for which Schwab or its affiliate
and/or any successor acts as trustee or
custodian, this authorization shall allow the
Agent to provide trading instructions to Schwab.
However, such instructions shall be limited to
purchase, exchange and sell orders in any
investment permitted by the terms of the
Retirement Account and pursuant to Schwab
policy, and other incidental transactions subject
to the limitations described herein.
And, for FPOA on a Retirement Account only, the
authority in the same manner and to the same
extent as any Account Holder:
• to direct distributions from the Retirement
Account (other than to the Agent) and to make
any elections in connection therewith
(including, without limitation, elections relating
to tax withholding); and
• (if authorized) to execute any beneficiary
designation for any Retirement Account held
for my benefit at Schwab in favor of any party
other than the Agent himself or herself. And, for
Authorized Check User only, the Agent's
authority will include, without limitation, the
authority in the same manner and to the same
extent as any Account Holder to write checks
to any person or entity. I agree that until this
Power of Attorney is revoked by written notice
to Schwab and all checks delivered to the
Agent are returned, Schwab may continue to
honor all checks written against the Account by
the Agent.
Section 2. Account Holder's Terms and Conditions
All orders and transactions will be governed by
the terms and conditions of all account
agreements as applicable to my Account.
Role of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
I acknowledge and agree that:
• Schwab will merely effect trades as directed by
Agent (LPOA and FPOA only);
• Schwab will not give legal or tax advice;
• Agent and I are responsible for determining the
nature, potential value and suitability for me of
any particular investment strategy, transaction
(including futures transactions) or security
©2022 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2022 Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank").All rights reserved.Member FDIC.Equal Housing Lender.
(0622-1KMY) APP25065-14 (05/22)
Page 2 of 7
Power of Attorney Authorization and Agreement
(including equities and options); I will not rely
on Schwab for this purpose and, unless (1)
required by applicable law, or (2) a Schwab
representative gives advice directly to me or
Agent that is clearly identified as a Schwab
recommendation for me to enter into a
particular transaction or to buy or sell a
particular security, Schwab has no
responsibility for any such determination;
• Schwab is not acting as a fiduciary;
• I (and not Schwab) am responsible for
investigating and selecting Agent;
• Agent is not affiliated with or controlled or
employed by Schwab, and Schwab has not
approved, recommended or endorsed Agent;
• Agent, and not Schwab, is solely responsible
for determining if Agent is required to be
registered as an Investment Advisor with a
state agency or the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC). Registration rules vary by
state. I agree that it is Agent's responsibility,
and not Schwab's, to check his/her state's
applicable rules;
• Unless required by applicable law, Schwab has
no duty to review, supervise or monitor any
investment decision, trading activity or
transaction by Agent in my Account; and
• Schwab reserves the right, in its sole
discretion, to no longer honor instructions for
Agent and will notify me if it chooses to do so.
In addition, I have investigated the business
experience, qualifications and reputation of my
Agent and am satisfied with the experience,
qualifications and reputation of my Agent.
I understand that Schwab has not provided any
advice to me regarding this Power of Attorney,
and if there is anything about this Power of
Attorney that I do not understand, I should
consult with my attorney for an explanation.
Indemnification. I hereby ratify and confirm any
and all transactions, trades or dealings effected
in and for my Schwab account by my Agent, and
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Schwab,
its affiliates, and their directors, officers,
employees and agents from and against all
claims, actions, judgments, settlement amounts,
costs and liabilities, including attorneys' fees,
arising out of or relating to:
• their reliance on this Power of Attorney;
• Schwab's execution of Agent's instructions; and
• Schwab's execution of disbursement
instructions received from Agent (FPOA and
Authorized Check User only).
Furthermore, I agree to indemnify and hold
Schwab harmless from, and to pay Schwab
promptly upon demand for, any and all losses or
financial obligations which may arise from the
acts or omissions of the Agent with respect to
my Account. I also agree that since Schwab will
not review, supervise or monitor trading by the
Agent in my Account, Schwab will not be liable
and I will not attempt to hold Schwab liable for
any trade or decision made by the Agent whom I
have selected, regardless of whether or not any
such trade or decision was specifically
authorized by me.
Termination of Authority. This Power of Attorney,
authorization and indemnification will remain in
effect until Schwab is notified in writing of my
death, mental disability, incompetence or
incapacity; until I have revoked it by written
notification; or until my agent has resigned by
written notification and such notification is
received by Schwab. Such revocation will not
affect my obligations resulting from transactions
initiated prior to Schwab's receipt of notice of
Transfer Agent (LPOA and FPOA only). To induce
any transfer agent or other third party to act
hereunder, I hereby agree that any transfer agent
or other third party receiving a duly executed
copy or facsimile of this Power of Attorney may
act upon it, and that revocation or termination
hereof shall be ineffective as to such transfer
agent or other third party unless and until actual
notice or knowledge of such revocation or
termination shall have been received by such
transfer agent or other third party, and I, for
myself and for my heirs, executors, legal
representatives and assigns, hereby agree to
indemnify and hold harmless any such transfer
agent or third party from and against any and all
claims that may arise against such transfer
agent or other third party by reason of such
transfer agent or third party having relied on this
Assignment. This Power of Attorney
supplements and in no way limits or restricts
rights which Schwab may have under existing
law or any other agreement with me. This Power
of Attorney will bind my heirs, executors,
administrators, successors and assigns, and will
benefit Schwab's successors, affiliates and
Governing Law. The laws of the state of
California (but not the choice of law doctrines),
as applied to agreements signed and performed
in California, shall apply and bind the parties in
any and all questions arising under this Power of
Attorney, including questions of validity,
interpretation and performance, except that the
arbitration agreement in Section 4 shall be
governed by the Federal Arbitration Act.
Arbitration. I agree to the arbitration provisions
in Section 4, which also includes required
arbitration disclosures.
Section 3. Agent's Terms and Conditions
The undersigned Agent and Charles Schwab &
Co., Inc. ("Schwab") agree that the authority
conferred on the Agent by the Power of Attorney
executed by the Account Holder ("Customer")
shall be exercised in accordance with the
following terms and conditions ("Agreement"):
Authorization to Make Transactions in the
Customer's Account. Agent may give instructions
and take actions with respect to the Account
pursuant to the Power of Attorney. Customer may
revoke the Power of Attorney at any time by giving
written notice to Schwab. Customer will have
concurrent full authority at all times to take
actions and place orders for the Account. Agent
agrees not to take any actions that exceed the
authority under the Power of Attorney or any other
agreement between the Agent and the Customer.
Role of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Unless
required by applicable law, Schwab will not
make or review trading or investment decisions
or offer legal or tax advice and is not in any way
responsible for reviewing, supervising or
monitoring any investment decision or trading
activity in a Customer's account. Customer and
Agent are responsible for determining the
nature, potential value and suitability for
Customer of any particular investment strategy,
transaction (including futures transactions) or
security (including equities and options); Agent
will not rely on Schwab for this purpose and,
unless (1) required by applicable law, or (2) a
Schwab representative gives advice directly to
Agent that is clearly identified as a Schwab
recommendation for Agent to enter into a
particular transaction or to buy or sell a
particular security, Schwab has no responsibility
for any such determination.
Trade Confirmations and Account Statements.
Unless the Customer directs otherwise, Schwab
will not automatically send duplicate trade
confirmations and account statements to the
Agent's Relationship to Schwab. If appointed
FPOA or LPOA, Agent hereby represents that
he/she is familiar with and has reviewed the
investment goals, guidelines and objectives of
the Customer and will invest in a way that is
consistent with the Customer's stated goals and
objectives. Such Agent will not represent to
Customer that Schwab and Agent are affiliated
or have any relationship other than that
described in this Agreement; that Schwab
endorses or recommends the Agent; that
Schwab provides any advice other than that
described in this Agreement; that Schwab
participates in or reviews Agent's trading
decisions; or that Schwab manages, supervises
or monitors trading in the Account.
Any Agent agrees to immediately notify Schwab
of the Customer's death or any termination or
revocation of the Power of Attorney and/or
modification of the Power of Attorney; Agent also
agrees to notify Schwab of any incapacity,
©2022 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
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(0622-1KMY) APP25065-14 (05/22)
Page 3 of 7Power of Attorney Authorization and Agreement
incompetence or mental disability of the
Customer that would render the Power of
Attorney void.
Compliance with Applicable Law. Agent will
comply with all applicable state and federal laws
(including the Investment Advisers Act of 1940
and comparable state laws), rules and
regulations as they may be amended from time
to time, including, without limitation, making
such disclosure as may be required by
applicable law, rule or regulation.
Agent further agrees that Agent, and not
Schwab, is solely responsible for determining if
Agent is required to be registered as an
Investment Advisor with a state agency or the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Registration rules vary by state. Agent agrees to
check his/her state's applicable rules.
Compliance with FINRA Rules of Fair Practice.
Agent represents and warrants that, unless the
Agent has given Schwab written notice to the
contrary, Agent is not "associated" with a
member of the Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority, within the meaning of Article I(Q) of
the FINRA bylaws. Agent agrees to give Schwab
prompt and written notice if Agent later
becomes so associated in accordance with
FINRA's Conduct Rule 3050 (formerly Section 28
of the Rules of Fair Practice).
Information. Agent will provide promptly any
information reasonably requested by Schwab
concerning the management of the Account or
compliance with this Agreement. If questions
arise concerning compliance with any law,
whether federal or state, Agent will take any
action believed by Schwab to be necessary to
ensure compliance with applicable law. This
provision shall not be read to imply that Schwab
has any duty to supervise or monitor Agent's
management of Customer's accounts or
compliance with applicable law. Agent
represents and warrants that all information
Agent provides to Schwab in this Agreement, or
otherwise at any time, is true, accurate and
complete. If any information Agent furnishes to
Schwab becomes materially inaccurate, false, or
otherwise misleading, Agent agrees to notify
Schwab promptly and take such action as is
necessary to revise such information.
Verification. Agent authorizes Schwab to inquire
from any source, including a consumer reporting
agency, as to Customer's identity (as required by
federal law), creditworthiness and ongoing
eligibility for the Account (and that of Customer's
spouse, if Customer lives in a community
property state) at account opening, at any time
throughout the life of the Account, and
thereafter for debt collection or investigative
Monitoring of Conversations. Agent agrees that
Schwab may, but is not obligated to, record
telephone calls to monitor the quality of service
Agent or Customer receives, to verify securities
transaction information or for any other valid
purpose. Agent acknowledges that Schwab may
not be able to locate a tape recording unless
Schwab is provided the date and time of the
conversation and the full name of the Schwab
representative involved in the conversation.
Agent agrees that Schwab has the sole right to
determine how long tape recordings will be
Sale and Control of Restricted Securities (LPOA
and FPOA only).
Before instructing Schwab to sell securities that
• "restricted securities" or securities of an issuer
of which Agent or the Customer is an
"affiliate" (as those terms are defined in Rule
144 under the Securities Act of 1933), or
• securities that are being sold in reliance on
Rule 701 or Rule 145 under such Act, or
• securities of which the Customer or the Agent
and the issuer or its underwriter have entered
into an agreement restricting the transferability
of such securities,
Agent agrees to tell Schwab the status of such
securities and promptly furnish whatever
information and documents (including opinions
of legal counsel, if requested) that Schwab
requests in order to comply with its regulatory
Agent agrees not to hold Schwab liable for
delays in the sale or settlement of such
securities, or the release of proceeds from such
sale resulting from the failure of the issuer's
counsel to issue in a timely manner or to
approve any necessary legal opinion, or any
other action or failure to act of any person or
entity other than Schwab.
Agent agrees not to tender any such securities
as collateral for an obligation the Customer
owes Schwab, unless Agent first obtains
Schwab's prior written consent.
Indemnification. Agent agrees to indemnify and
hold harmless Schwab, its affiliates and their
directors, officers, employees and Agents from
and against all claims, actions, judgments,
settlement amounts, cost and liabilities,
including attorneys' fees, arising out of or
relating to:
• any breach by Agent of any provision of this
• the performance or non-performance of the
Agent's services; and
• any dispute involving Agent and Customer.
Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains all
of the agreements, representations and
understandings made between Agent and
Schwab. All modifications and amendments
must be in writing and signed by Schwab.
Schwab may amend the Agreement with
advance notice to Agent.
Assignment. Schwab may assign its rights and
obligations under this Agreement to any
subsidiary, affiliate or successor by merger or
consolidation without notice to the Agent, or to
any other entity after 30 days' written notice to
Agent. Agent may not assign this Agreement
without Schwab's prior written consent. This
Agreement is binding upon and will inure to the
benefit of each party's successors, heirs, legal
representative and permitted assigns.
Waivers. The failure of either party at any time to
require performance by the other party of any
provision of this Agreement will not affect in any
way the right to require such performance at any
time thereafter. The waiver by either party of a
breach of any provision hereof will not be taken
or held to be a waiver of the provision itself.
Governing Law. The laws of the state of
California (but not the choice of law doctrines),
as applied to agreements signed and performed
in California, shall apply and bind the parties in
any and all questions arising under this Power of
Attorney, including questions of validity,
interpretation and performance, except that the
arbitration agreement in Section 4 below shall
be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act.
Arbitration. Agent agrees to the arbitration
provisions in Section 4, which also includes
required arbitration disclosures.
©2022 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2022 Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank").All rights reserved.Member FDIC.Equal Housing Lender.
(0622-1KMY) APP25065-14 (05/22)
Page 4 of 7
Power of Attorney Authorization and Agreement
Section 4. Account Holder and Agent Agree to Arbitration
Required Arbitration Disclosures. Regulatory
authorities require that any brokerage
agreement containing a predispute arbitration
agreement must disclose that this agreement
contains a predispute arbitration clause. This
Agreement contains a predispute arbitration
clause. By signing an arbitration agreement, the
parties agree as follows:
• All parties to this Agreement are giving up the
right to sue each other in court, including the
right to a trial by jury, except as provided by
the rules of the arbitration forum in which a
claim is filed.
• Arbitration awards are generally final and
binding; a party's ability to have a court
reverse or modify an arbitration award is very
• The ability of the parties to obtain
documents, witness statements and other
discovery is generally more limited in
arbitration than in court proceedings.
• The arbitrators do not have to explain the
reason(s) for their award unless, in an eligible
case, a joint request for an explained decision
has been submitted by all parties to the panel
at least 20 days prior to the first scheduled
hearing date.
• The panel of arbitrators will typically include a
minority of arbitrators who were or are
affiliated with the securities industry.
• The rules of some arbitration forums may
impose time limits for bringing a claim in
arbitration. In some cases, a claim that is
ineligible for arbitration may be brought in
• The rules of the arbitration forum in which the
claim is filed, and any amendments thereto,
shall be incorporated into this Agreement.
No person shall bring a putative or certified
class action to arbitration, nor seek to enforce
any predispute arbitration agreement against
any person who has initiated in court a putative
class action; or who is a member of a putative
class who has not opted out of the class with
respect to any claims encompassed by the
putative class action until:
1. the class certification is denied;
2. the class is decertified; or
3. the customer is excluded from the class by
the court.
Such forbearance to enforce an agreement to
arbitrate shall not constitute a waiver of any
rights under this Agreement except to the
extent stated herein.
Arbitration Agreement. Any controversy or
claim arising out of or relating to (i) this
Agreement, any other agreement with Schwab,
an instruction or authorization provided to
Schwab or the breach of any such agreements,
instructions, or authorizations; (ii) the Account,
any other Schwab account or Services; (iii)
transactions in the Account or any other
Schwab account; (iv) or in any way arising from
the relationship with Schwab, its parent,
subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors,
employees, agents or service providers
("Related Third Parties"), including any
controversy over the arbitrability of a dispute,
will be settled by arbitration.
This arbitration agreement will be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto
and their respective representatives, attorneys-
in-fact, heirs, successors, assigns and any
other persons having or claiming to have a legal
or beneficial interest in the Account, including
court-appointed trustees and receivers. This
arbitration agreement will also inure to the
benefit of third-party service providers that
assist Schwab in providing Services ("Third-
Party Service Providers") and such Third-Party
Service Providers are deemed to be third-party
beneficiaries of this arbitration agreement.
The parties agree that this arbitration
agreement will apply even if the application to
open the Account is denied and will survive the
closure of your Account and/or the termination
of services rendered under this Agreement.
Such arbitration will be conducted by, and
according to the securities arbitration rules and
regulations then in effect of, the Financial
Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any
national securities exchange that provides a
forum for the arbitration of disputes, provided
that Schwab is a member of such national
securities exchange at the time the arbitration
is initiated. Any party may initiate arbitration by
filing a written claim with FINRA or such eligible
national securities exchange. If arbitration
before FINRA or an eligible national securities
exchange is unavailable or impossible for any
reason, then such arbitration will be conducted
by, and according to the rules and regulations
then in effect of, the American Arbitration
Association (AAA). If arbitration before the AAA
is unavailable or impossible for any reason, the
parties agree to have a court of competent
jurisdiction appoint three (3) arbitrators to
resolve any and all disputes or controversies
between or among the parties. Each party shall
bear its own initial arbitration costs, which are
determined by the rules and regulations of the
arbitration forum. In the event of financial
hardship, the arbitration forum may waive
certain costs in accordance with such rules. At
the conclusion of the hearing, the arbitrators
will decide how to assess the costs of the
arbitration among the parties.
Any award the arbitrator makes shall be final
and binding, and judgment on it may be
entered in any court having jurisdiction. This
arbitration agreement shall be enforced and
interpreted exclusively in accordance with
applicable federal laws of the United States,
including the Federal Arbitration Act. Any costs,
fees or taxes involved in enforcing the award
shall be fully assessed against and paid by the
party resisting enforcement of said award.
For FINRA arbitrations, FINRA will appoint a
single public arbitrator in customer cases
decided by one arbitrator. In customer cases
decided by three arbitrators, investors have the
option of choosing an arbitration panel with
two public arbitrators and one non-public
arbitrator (Majority-Public Panel Rule) or a
panel of all public arbitrators (Optional All-
Public Panel Rule). If the customer declines to
elect a panel selection method in writing by the
applicable deadline, the Majority-Public Panel
Rule for selecting arbitrators will apply.
All notices from one party to the other involving
arbitration shall be considered to have been
fully given when so served, mailed by first-
class, certified or registered mail, or otherwise
given by other commercially accepted medium
of written notification.
In addition to the above provisions, if a party to
this Agreement is or becomes a non-U.S.
resident at the time of any controversy subject
to this arbitration agreement, such party
acknowledges and agrees to the following
additional provisions:
(1) The rules of the organization administering
the arbitration specifically provide for the
formal designation of the place at which the
arbitration is to be held.
(2) Entering into this Agreement constitutes
consent to submit to the personal
jurisdiction of the courts of the state of
California, U.S.A., to interpret or enforce any
or all of these arbitration provisions.
Judgment on any arbitration award may be
entered in any court having jurisdiction, or
application may be made to such court for
judicial acceptance of the award and an
order of enforcement, as the case may be.
(3) The exclusive language to be used by the
parties and the arbitrators in the arbitration
proceedings shall be English. Any party
wishing an interpreter shall make all
arrangements directly with the interpreter
and shall assume all costs of the service.
(4) If a party is a foreign government or state,
state-owned or state-operated enterprise or
other instrumentality of a foreign
government or state, such party waives all
rights of sovereign immunity and neither the
Federal Act of State doctrine nor the
doctrine of sovereign immunity shall apply
insofar as any enforcement in courts located
in the U.S.A. is concerned.
©2022 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2022 Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank").All rights reserved.Member FDIC.Equal Housing Lender.
(0622-1KMY) APP25065-14 (05/22)
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Power of Attorney Authorization and Agreement
Section 5. Schwab Bank Account Holder's Authorization of Agent's Powers
I authorize Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab
Bank") to take such actions as Schwab Bank
deems necessary to carry out instructions
Schwab Bank receives from me and/or Agent. I
further authorize Schwab Bank, in its sole
discretion and for whatever reason, to request
additional documentation from me prior to
executing any transaction requested by my
Agent. If I have appointed two or more Agents,
both Agents will have identical powers as
indicated in Section 2 of the Power of Attorney
form, and I hereby authorize them to act alone
and without the consent of the other Agent or
Agents with respect to the powers granted. In
addition, I hereby authorize Schwab Bank, in its
sole discretion, to restrict my Schwab Bank High
Yield Investor Checking
account from further
activity in the event the Agents enter conflicting
or inconsistent instructions.
For LPOA, my Agent's authority consists of the
authority to view account information, balances
and transactions, but not to make withdrawals
or transfer funds. My Agent may also request
copies of specific account statements upon my
For FPOA, my Agent's authority consists of
unlimited authority to view account information,
balances and transactions, transfer or withdraw
money from my Account, including into the name
of the Agent, to write checks against my
Account, obtain stop payments and generally
take any other actions with respect to my
Account in the same manner and to the same
extent as I am permitted to do. My Agent may
also request copies of specific account
statements upon my request. I understand that
certain access devices may not be made
available to my Agent. My Agent is authorized to
update certain account information, but not to
change the High Yield Investor Checking account
mailing address nor to change or create joint
accounts. At its discretion, Schwab Bank may,
but is not obligated to, decline to accept certain
updated account information from the Agent. My
Agent is authorized on my behalf to enter into
further agreements with Schwab Bank regarding
my High Yield Investor Checking account and
generally to take all actions necessary in
connection with the Account, or which are
considered desirable by the Agent.
Whenever this Power of Attorney is attached to
any instrument of assignment or transfer, all
persons shall be entitled, without further inquiry
or investigation and regardless of the date of
such Power of Attorney, to act in reliance upon
the assumption that the Account Assets named
in such instrument were duly and properly
transferred, endorsed, sold, assigned, set over
and delivered, and that with respect to such
Account Assets the authority conferred herein is
still in full force and effect.
Section 6. Schwab Bank Account Holder's Terms and Conditions
All transactions will be governed by the terms
and conditions of all account agreements as
applicable to my High Yield Investor Checking
Role of Schwab Bank. I acknowledge and agree
• Schwab Bank will merely effect transactions as
directed by Agent (LPOA and FPOA);
• Schwab Bank will not give legal or tax advice;
• Schwab Bank is not acting as a fiduciary;
• I (and not Schwab Bank) am responsible for
investigating and selecting Agent;
• Agent is not affiliated with or controlled or
employed by Schwab Bank, and Schwab Bank
has not approved, recommended or endorsed
• Unless required by applicable law, Schwab
Bank has no duty to review, supervise or
monitor any transaction by Agent in my High
Yield Investor Checking account; and
• Schwab Bank reserves the right, in its sole
discretion, to no longer honor instructions for
Agent and will notify me if it chooses to do so.
I understand that Schwab Bank has not provided
any advice to me regarding this Power of
Attorney, and if there is anything about this
Power of Attorney that I do not understand, I
should consult with my personal attorney for an
Indemnification. I hereby ratify and confirm any
and all transactions or dealings effected in and
for my High Yield Investor Checking account by
my Agent, and I agree to indemnify and hold
harmless Schwab Bank, its affiliates, and their
directors, officers, employees and agents from
and against all claims, actions, judgments,
settlement amounts, costs and liabilities,
including attorneys' fees, arising out of or
relating to:
• their reliance on this Power of Attorney;
• Schwab Bank's execution of Agent's
instructions; and
• Schwab Bank's execution of disbursement
instructions received from Agent (FPOA only).
Furthermore, I agree to indemnify and hold
Schwab Bank harmless from, and to pay
Schwab Bank promptly upon demand for, any
and all losses or financial obligations which may
arise from the acts or omissions of the Agent
with respect to my High Yield Investor Checking
account. I also agree that Schwab Bank will not
be liable and I will not attempt to hold Schwab
Bank liable for any transaction or decision made
by the Agent whom I have selected, regardless
of whether or not any such transaction or
decision was specifically authorized by me.
Termination of Authority. This Power of Attorney,
authorization and indemnification will remain in
effect until Schwab Bank or Schwab is notified
in writing of my death, mental disability,
incompetence or incapacity or until I have
revoked it by written notification, and such
notification is received by Schwab Bank or
Schwab. Such revocation will not affect my
obligations resulting from transactions initiated
prior to Schwab Bank's or Schwab's receipt of
notice of revocation.
Assignment. This Power of Attorney
supplements and in no way limits or restricts
rights which Schwab Bank may have under
existing law or any other agreement with me.
This Power of Attorney will bind my heirs,
executors, administrators, successors and
assigns, and will benefit Schwab Bank's
successors, affiliates and assigns.
Governing Law. The laws of the state of Nevada
(but not the choice of law doctrines), as applied
to Schwab Bank agreements signed and/or
performed by Schwab Bank, shall apply and
bind the Account Holder(s) and Agent(s) in any
and all questions arising under Sections 5
through 7 of this Power of Attorney Authorization
and Agreement, including questions of validity,
interpretation and performance. All other
questions arising out of any other section of this
Power of Attorney Application and Agreement
shall be governed by California law.
Arbitration. The arbitration provision in the
Schwab Bank Deposit Account Agreement
applies to this Power of Attorney with respect to
the Account Holder's agreement with Schwab
©2022 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2022 Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank").All rights reserved.Member FDIC.Equal Housing Lender.
(0622-1KMY) APP25065-14 (05/22)
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Power of Attorney Authorization and Agreement
Section 7. Schwab Bank Agent's Terms and Conditions
The Agent signing in Section 4 of the Power of
Attorney form and Charles Schwab Bank, SSB
("Schwab Bank") agree that the authority
conferred on the Agent by the Power of Attorney
executed by the Schwab Bank High Yield
Investor Checking
Account Holder ("Customer")
shall be exercised in accordance with the
following terms and conditions:
Authorization to Make Transactions in the
Customer's Account. Agent may give
instructions and take actions with respect to the
Account pursuant to the Power of Attorney.
Customer may revoke the Power of Attorney at
any time by giving written notice to Schwab
Bank or Schwab.
Customer will have concurrent full authority at
all times to take actions for the Account. Agent
agrees not to take any actions that exceed the
authority under the Power of Attorney or any
other agreement between the Agent and the
Role of Schwab Bank. Unless required by
applicable law, Schwab Bank will not make or
review transactions or investment decisions or
offer legal or tax advice and is not in any way
responsible for reviewing, supervising or
monitoring any transactions in a Customer's
Account Statements. Unless the Customer
makes a specific request, Schwab Bank will not
send duplicate account statements to the Agent.
Agent's Relationship to Schwab Bank. Such
Agent will not represent to Customer that
Schwab Bank and Agent are affiliated or have
any relationship other than that described in this
Power of Attorney; that Schwab Bank endorses
or recommends the Agent; that Schwab Bank
provides any advice other than that described in
this Power of Attorney; that Schwab Bank
participates in or reviews Agent's decisions; or
that Schwab Bank manages, supervises or
monitors transactions in the Account.
Any Agent agrees to immediately notify Schwab
Bank of the Customer's death or any termination
or revocation of the Power of Attorney and/or
modification of the Power of Attorney; Agent also
agrees to notify Schwab Bank of any incapacity,
incompetence or mental disability of the
Customer that would render the Power of
Attorney void.
Compliance with Applicable Laws. Agent will
comply with all applicable state and federal
laws, rules and regulations as they may be
amended from time to time, including, without
limitation, making such disclosure as may be
required by applicable law, rule or regulation.
Information. Agent will provide promptly any
information reasonably requested by Schwab
Bank concerning the management of the
Account or compliance with this Power of
Attorney. If questions arise concerning
compliance with any law, whether federal or
state, Agent will take any action believed by
Schwab Bank to be necessary to ensure
compliance with applicable law. This provision
shall not be read to imply that Schwab Bank has
any duty to supervise or monitor Agent's
management of Customer's accounts or
compliance with applicable law.
Agent represents and warrants that all
information Agent provides to Schwab Bank in
this Power of Attorney, or otherwise at any time,
is true, accurate and complete. If any
information Agent furnishes to Schwab Bank
becomes materially inaccurate, false, or
otherwise misleading, Agent agrees to notify
Schwab Bank promptly and take such action as
is necessary to revise such information.
Verification. Agent authorizes Schwab Bank to
inquire from any source, including a consumer
reporting agency, as to Agent's identity (as
required by federal law), creditworthiness and
ongoing eligibility for the High Yield Investor
Checking account at account opening, at any
time throughout the life of the Account, and
thereafter for debt collection or investigative
Recording and Monitoring Telephone Calls.
Schwab Bank may record or monitor telephone
calls between Agent and Schwab Bank. Schwab
Bank need not remind Agent of such recording
or monitoring before each call unless required to
do so by law.
Indemnification. Agent agrees to indemnify and
hold harmless Schwab Bank, its affiliates and
their directors, officers, employees and Agent
from and against all claims, actions, judgments,
settlement amounts, cost and liabilities,
including attorneys' fees, arising out of or
relating to:
• any breach by Agent of any provision of this
Power of Attorney;
• the performance or non-performance of the
Agent's services; and
• any dispute involving Agent and Customer.
Entire Agreement. This Power of Attorney and
the Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking
Account Agreement contain all of the
agreements, representations and
understandings made between Agent and
Schwab Bank. All modifications and
amendments must be in writing and signed by
Schwab Bank. Schwab Bank may amend this
Power of Attorney with advance notice to Agent.
Assignment. Schwab Bank may assign its rights
and obligations under this Power of Attorney to
any subsidiary, affiliate or successor by merger
or consolidation without notice to the Agent, or
to any other entity after 30 days' written notice
to Agent.
Agent may not assign this Power of Attorney
without Schwab Bank's prior written consent.
This Power of Attorney is binding upon and will
inure to the benefit of each party's successors,
heirs, legal representative and permitted
Waivers. The failure of either party at any time to
require performance by the other party of any
provision of this Power of Attorney will not affect
in any way the right to require such performance
at any time thereafter. The waiver by either party
of a breach of any provision hereof will not be
taken or held to be a waiver of the provision
Governing Law. The laws of the state of Nevada
(but not the choice of law doctrines), as applied
to Schwab Bank agreements signed and/or
performed by Schwab Bank, shall apply and
bind the Customer(s) and Agent(s) in any and all
questions arising under Sections 5 through 7 of
this Power of Attorney Authorization and
Agreement, including questions of validity,
interpretation and performance. All other
questions arising out of any other section of this
Power of Attorney Authorization and Agreement
shall be governed by California law.
Arbitration. With respect to its relationship with
Schwab Bank, Agent agrees to the arbitration
provision located in the Schwab Bank Deposit
Account Agreement.
Brokerage Products: Not FDIC-Insured • No Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. and Charles Schwab Bank, SSB are separate but affiliated companies and subsidiaries of The Charles Schwab
Corporation. Brokerage products are offered by Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Member SIPC. Deposit and lending products and services are offered by
Charles Schwab Bank, SSB, Member FDIC and an Equal Housing Lender.
©2022 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
©2022 Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank").All rights reserved.Member FDIC.Equal Housing Lender.
(0622-1KMY) APP25065-14 (05/22)
Page 7 of 7
Power of Attorney Authorization and Agreement
Certification of Trust—Trust Accounts Only
Certification, Trust Indemnity and Agreement
In consideration of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
("Schwab") opening and/or maintaining
Account(s) for the Trust named above (the
"Trust"), the undersigned Trustee(s) of the Trust
represent, warrant and certify the following:
• The representations made herein are true,
complete and accurate.
• The undersigned Trustees are all of the
Trustees of the Trust.
• The Trust is in full force and effect.
• The Trust Agreement (as defined above) has
not been revoked, modified or amended in any
manner that would cause the representations
contained in this Certification to be inaccurate
or incorrect.
• It is the responsibility of the Trustee(s) to
consult with all other Trustees before giving
Schwab any instructions regarding the
Account(s). Any notice sent to one Trustee shall
constitute notice to all Trustees.
• If there is more than one Trustee, Schwab is
authorized to follow the instructions of any
Trustee and to deliver funds, securities or any
other assets in the Account(s) to any Trustee or
on any Trustee's instructions on the
presumption that the Trustee so acting is so
authorized because either (1) the Trust
Agreement expressly provides that each
Trustee is authorized to act individually,
independently and without the consent of the
other Trustee(s) for all purposes related to the
Account(s), or (2) if the Trust does not contain
such an express provision, the Trustee so
acting has obtained the requisite consent of
the other Trustee(s) in accordance with the
requirements of the Trust Agreement.
• Schwab is not responsible for determining the
purpose or propriety of any instructions
received from any Trustee or for the disposition
of payments or deliveries among Trustees.
• Either the Trust Agreement or applicable law
grants the Trustee(s) the power to (1) delegate
to others (such as Advisor or Managers, as
each are defined in the Trust's Account
Application ["Application"]) the authority to give
trading instructions (and, if applicable, other
instructions) with respect to the Account(s),
including, without limitation, the Investment
Advisor and Manager authorizations that are
described and/or indicated in the Application
relating to the Trust's Account(s), and (2) pay
advisory and related fees to Advisor and, if
applicable, Managers, from the Account(s).
• The Trustee(s) have the power under the Trust
Agreement to enter into transactions for the
purchase and sale of securities and other
investments, including, without limitation,
stocks (preferred or common), bonds, mutual
funds and certificates of deposit.
• If the Margin Borrowing feature is not or has
not been declined with respect to any of the
Account(s), the Trust Agreement specifically
authorizes the Trustee(s) to maintain a Margin
and Short Account and through such Account
to purchase securities on margin, to sell
securities that the Trust does not own (i.e.,
short sales) and to borrow securities in
connection therewith, to borrow money, to
secure the performance of the Trust's
obligations to the Account(s) and to grant
authority to the brokerage firm, acting as
principal or otherwise, to pledge, repledge,
hypothecate or rehypothecate assets of the
• If options are traded with respect to any of the
Account(s), the Trust Agreement specifically
authorizes the Trustee(s) to trade in all types of
options, including, without limitation, the
purchase of puts and calls and the writing
(sale) of covered and uncovered puts and calls.
• If the Trustee(s) pledge Trust assets (including
securities owned by the Trust) to secure
obligations owed to Schwab, the Trust
Agreement expressly authorizes the Trustee(s)
to enter into such pledges.
• If the Trustee(s) pledge assets of the Trust to
secure obligations owing from the Trust to third
parties, the Trust Agreement specifically
authorizes the Trustee(s) to enter into such
• The Trust Agreement authorizes the Trustee(s)
to grant a lien and right of setoff in favor of
Schwab to secure the repayment of all present
or future indebtedness.
• The Trustee(s) agree to decline the Margin
Borrowing feature if such authorizations for
borrowing are not contained in the Trust.
Note: Additional documents are required to
add someone with Power of Attorney. In order
to trade options in a Trust Account through
Schwab, the Trust must meet certain financial
requirements, and the Trustee(s) must meet
certain investment experience requirements
and complete a separate Schwab Options
Trading and Margin Application.
The Trustee(s) acknowledge and agree that all
prior designations, consents and authorizations
which may have previously been agreed to by
any prior Trustee(s) acting on behalf of the
Account(s) shall continue to apply both with
respect to the Trust and to the Trustee(s). The
Trustee(s) further acknowledge and agree that
the Account will remain subject to any prior
agreements (including any addenda and/or
amendments thereto) as may currently be
applicable to the Account(s), including but not
limited to the terms and conditions of any
Account Agreement(s) and Disclosures relating
to the Trust, as each may be amended from time
to time. The Trustee(s) agree to assume by way
of assignment from any prior Trustee(s) all
trustee obligations and liabilities set forth in any
of the applicable Trust Agreement(s), whether or
not each Trustee personally executed such
applications or agreement(s) on behalf of the
Schwab will rely on this Certification and upon
the representations made herein unless and
until it receives written notice of changed
Trustee(s) or written notice of any events
affecting the representations of the Trustees'
powers made in this Certification. The
undersigned Trustee(s) agree to send written
notice promptly to Schwab of any change in
Trustee(s), of any amendment or modification to
the Trust Agreement that would cause the
representations contained in this Certification to
be or become inaccurate or incorrect, or of the
occurrence of any event that would affect the
Trust's revocability, the Trustees' powers or any
representations made in this Certification.
The undersigned Trustee(s) hereby jointly and
severally indemnify Schwab and each of its
officers, directors, employees and agents from,
and hold such persons harmless against, any
claims, judgments, surcharges, settlement
amounts or other liabilities or costs of defense
or settlement (including attorneys' fees) arising
out of, or related to, any actual or alleged
improper or unsuitable actions taken at such
Trustee's instructions in connection with the
Account(s). This indemnification is made by the
undersigned Trustee(s) both in their capacities
as Trustee(s) and in their individual capacities,
and shall not be limited by the Trustees'
provision to Schwab of independent
documentation concerning the representations
made herein.
All names and terms that are not specifically
defined in this form (including this Certification)
have the same meanings as in the Application
(as defined above). In addition, all terms and
conditions specified in the Application apply to
this form. When completed, signed and
accepted by Schwab, this form (including this
Certification) will be part of the Application.
The representations and obligations stated
herein shall survive termination of the Trust
Agreement and the Account Agreement relating
to the Account(s).