10 Keyboard use
10.1 Description
10.2 F-keys
10.3 Editing keys in Stata
10.4 Editing keys in Stata for Unix(console)
10.5 Editing previous lines in Stata
10.6 Tab expansion of variable names
10.1 Description
The keyboard should operate much the way you would expect, with a few additions:
There are some unexpected keys you can press to obtain previous commands you have typed.
Also, you can click once on a command in the Review window to reload it, or click on it twice
to reload and execute; this feature is discussed in the Getting Started manuals.
There are a host of command-editing features for Stata for Unix(console) users because their
user interface does not offer such features.
Regardless of operating system or user interface, if there are F-keys on your keyboard, they
have special meaning and you can change the definitions of the keys.
10.2 F-keys
Windows users: F10 is reserved internally by Windows; you cannot program this key.
By default, Stata defines the F-keys to mean
F-key Definition
F1 help advice;
F2 describe;
F7 save
F8 use
The semicolons at the end of some entries indicate an implied Enter.
Stata provides several methods for obtaining help. To learn about these methods, select Help >
Advice. Or you can just press F1.
describe is the Stata command to report the contents of data loaded into memory. It is explained
in [D] describe. Normally, you type describe and press Enter. You can also press F2.
save is the command to save the data in memory into a file, and use is the command to load
data; see [D] use and [D] save. The syntax of each is the same: save or use followed by a filename.
You can type the commands or you can press F7 or F8 followed by the filename.
You can change the definitions of the F-keys. For instance, the command to list data is list; you
can read about it in [D] list. The syntax is list to list all the data, or list followed by the names
of some variables to list just those variables (there are other possibilities).
2 [ U ] 10 Keyboard use
If you wanted F3 to mean list, you could type
. global F3 "list "
In the above, F3 refers to the letter F followed by 3, not the F3 key. Note the capitalization and
spacing of the command.
You type global in lowercase, type F3, and then type "list ". The space at the end of list is
important. In the future, rather than typing list mpg weight, you want to be able to press the F3
key and then type only mpg weight. You put a space in the definition of F3 so that you would not
have to type a space in front of the first variable name after pressing F3.
Now say you wanted F5 to mean list all the datalist followed by Enter. You could define
. global F5 "list;"
Now you would have two ways of listing all the data: press F3, and then press Enter, or press F5.
The semicolon at the end of the definition of F5 will press Enter for you.
If you really want to change the definitions of F3 and F5, you will probably want to change the
definition every time you invoke Stata. One way would be to type the two global commands every
time you invoke Stata. Another way would be to type the two commands into a text file named
profile.do. Stata executes the commands in profile.do every time it is launched if profile.do
is placed in the appropriate directory:
Windows: see [GSW] B.3 Executing commands every time Stata is started
Mac: see [GSM] B.1 Executing commands every time Stata is started
Unix: see [GSU] B.1 Executing commands every time Stata is started
You can use the F-keys any way you desire: they contain a string of characters, and pressing the
F-key is equivalent to typing those characters.
Technical note
[Stata for Unix(console) users.] Sometimes Unix assigns a special meaning to the F-keys, and if
it does, those meanings supersede our meanings. Stata provides a second way to get to the F-keys.
Press Ctrl+F, release the keys, and then press a number from 0 through 9. Stata interprets Ctrl+F
plus 1 as equivalent to the F1 key, Ctrl+F plus 2 as F2, and so on. Ctrl+F plus 0 means F10. These
keys will work only if they are properly mapped in your termcap or terminfo entry.
Technical note
On some international keyboards, the left single quote is used as an accent character. In this
case, we recommend mapping this character to one of your function keys. In fact, you might find it
convenient to map both the left single quote () and right single quote () characters so that they are
next to each other.
Within Stata, open the Do-file Editor. Type the following two lines in the Do-file Editor:
global F4
global F5
Save the file as profile.do into your Stata directory. If you already have a profile.do file,
append the two lines to your existing profile.do file.
[ U ] 10 Keyboard use 3
Exit Stata and restart it. You should see the startup message
running C:\Program Files\Stata13\profile.do . . .
or some variant of it depending on where your Stata is installed. Press F4 and F5 to verify that they
If you did not see the startup message, you did not save the profile.do in your home folder.
You can, of course, map to any other function keys, but F1, F2, F7, and F8 are already used.
10.3 Editing keys in Stata
Users have available to them the standard editing keys for their operating system. So, Stata should
just edit what you type in the natural waythe Stata Command window is a standard edit window.
Also, you can fetch commands from the Review window into the Command window. Click on a
command in the Review window, and it is loaded into the Command window, where you can edit it.
Alternatively, if you double-click on a line in the Review window, it is loaded and executed.
Another way to get lines from the Review window into the Command window is with the PgUp
and PgDn keys. Press PgUp and Stata loads the last command you typed into the Command window.
Press it again and Stata loads the line before that, and so on. PgDn goes in the opposite direction.
Another editing key that interests users is Esc. This key clears the Command window.
In summary,
Press Result
PgUp Steps back through commands and moves command
from Review window to Command window
PgDn Steps forward through commands and moves command
from Review window to Command window
Esc Clears Command window
10.4 Editing keys in Stata for Unix(console)
Certain keys allow you to edit the line that you are typing. Because Stata supports a variety of
computers and keyboards, the location and the names of the editing keys are not the same for all
Stata users.
Every keyboard has the standard alphabet keys (QWERTY and so on), and every keyboard has a
Ctrl key. Some keyboards have extra keys located to the right, above, or left, with names like PgUp
and PgDn.
Throughout this manual we will refer to Stata’s editing keys using names that appear on nobody’s
keyboard. For instance, PrevLine is one of the Stata editing keysit retrieves a previous line. Hunt
all you want, but you will not find it on your keyboard. So, where is PrevLine? We have tried to put
it where you would naturally expect it. On keyboards with a key labeled PgUp, PgUp is the PrevLine
key, but on everybody’s keyboard, no matter which version of Unix, brand of keyboard, or anything
else, Ctrl+R also means PrevLine.
4 [ U ] 10 Keyboard use
When we say press PrevLine, now you know what we mean: press PgUp or Ctrl+R. The editing
keys are the following:
Name for
editing key Editing key Function
Kill Esc on PCs and Ctrl+U Deletes the line and lets you start over.
Dbs Backspace on PCs and Backspace Backs up and deletes one character.
or Delete on other computers
Lft , 4 on the numeric keypad Moves the cursor left one character
for PCs, and Ctrl+H without deleting any characters.
Rgt , 6 on the numeric keypad Moves the cursor forward one character.
for PCs, and Ctrl+L
Up , 8 on the numeric keypad Moves the cursor up one physical line on a
for PCs, and Ctrl+O line that takes more than one physical line.
Also see PrevLine.
Dn , 2 on the numeric keypad Moves the cursor down one physical line on a
for PCs, and Ctrl+N line that takes more than one physical line.
Also see NextLine.
PrevLine PgUp and Ctrl+R Retrieves a previously typed line. You may
press PrevLine multiple times to step back
through previous commands.
NextLine PgDn and Ctrl+B The inverse of PrevLine.
Seek Ctrl+Home on PCs and Ctrl+W Goes to the line number specified. Before
pressing Seek, type the line number. For
instance, typing 3 and then pressing Seek is
the same as pressing PrevLine three times.
Ins Ins and Ctrl+E Toggles insert mode. In insert mode, characters
typed are inserted at the position
of the cursor.
Del Del and Ctrl+D Deletes the character at the position of
the cursor.
Home Home and Ctrl+K Moves the cursor to the start of the line.
End End and Ctrl+P Moves the cursor to the end of the line.
Hack Ctrl+End on PCs, and Ctrl+X Hacks off the line at the cursor.
Tab | on PCs, Tab, and Ctrl+I Expand variable name.
Btab | on PCs, and Ctrl+G The inverse of Tab.
Example 1
It is difficult to demonstrate the use of editing keys on paper. You should try each of them.
Nevertheless, here is an example:
. summarize price waht
You typed summarize price waht and then pressed the Lft key ( key or Ctrl+H) three times
to maneuver the cursor back to the a of waht. If you were to press Enter right now, Stata would see
the command summarize price waht, so where the cursor is does not matter when you press Enter.
If you wanted to execute the command summarize price, you could back up one more character
and then press the Hack key. We will assume, however, that you meant to type weight.
If you were now to press the letter e on the keyboard, an e would appear on the screen to replace
the a, and the cursor would move under the character h. We now have weht. You press Ins, putting
Stata into insert mode, and press i and g. The line now says summarize price weight, which is
[ U ] 10 Keyboard use 5
correct, so you press Enter. We did not have to press Ins before every character we wanted to insert.
The Ins key is a toggle: If we press it again, Stata turns off insert mode, and what we type replaces
what was there. When we press Enter, Stata forgets all about insert mode, so we do not have to
remember from one command to the next whether we are in insert mode.
Technical note
Stata performs its editing magic from the information about your terminal recorded in
/etc/termcap(5) or, under System V, /usr/lib/terminfo(4). If some feature does not appear to
work, the entry for your terminal in the termcap file or terminfo directory is probably incorrect.
Contact your system administrator.
10.5 Editing previous lines in Stata
In addition to what is said below, remember that the Review window also shows the contents of
the review buffer.
One way to retrieve lines is with the PrevLine and NextLine keys. Remember, PrevLine and
NextLine are the names we attach to these keysthere are no such keys on your keyboard. You have
to look back at the previous section to find out which keys correspond to PrevLine and NextLine
on your computer. To save you the effort this time, PrevLine probably corresponds to PgUp and
NextLine probably corresponds to PgDn.
Suppose you wanted to reissue the third line back. You could press PrevLine three times and then
press Enter. If you made a mistake and pressed PrevLine four times, you could press NextLine to
go forward in the buffer. You do not have to count lines because, each time you press PrevLine or
NextLine, the current line is displayed on your monitor. Simply press the key until you find the line
you want.
Another method for reviewing previous lines, #review, is convenient for Unix(console) users.
Example 2
Typing #review by itself causes Stata to list the last five commands you typed. For instance,
. #review
5 list make mpg weight if abs(res)>6
4 list make mpg weight if abs(res)>5
3 tabulate foreign if abs(res)>5
2 regress mpg weight weight2
1 test weight2=0
We can see from the listing that the last command typed by the user was test weight2=0. Or, you
may just look at the Review window to see the history of commands you typed.
6 [ U ] 10 Keyboard use
Example 3
Perhaps the command you are looking for is not among the last five commands you typed. You
can tell Stata to go back any number of lines. For instance, typing #review 15 tells Stata to show
you the last 15 lines you typed:
. #review 15
15 replace resmpg=mpg-pred
14 summarize resmpg, detail
13 drop predmpg
12 describe
11 sort foreign
10 by foreign: summarize mpg weight
9 * lines that start with a * are comments.
8 * they go into the review buffer too.
7 summarize resmpg, detail
6 list make mpg weight
5 list make mpg weight if abs(res)>6
4 list make mpg weight if abs(res)>5
3 tabulate foreign if abs(res)>5
2 regress mpg weight weight2
1 test weight2=0
If you wanted to resubmit the 10th previous line, you could type 10 and press Seek, or you could
press PrevLine 10 times. No matter which of the above methods you prefer for retrieving lines, you
may edit previous lines by using the editing keys.
10.6 Tab expansion of variable names
Another way to quickly enter a variable name is to take advantage of Stata’s variable name
completion feature. Simply type the first few letters of the variable name in the Command window
and press the Tab key. Stata will automatically type the rest of the variable name for you. If more
than one variable name matches the letters you have typed, Stata will complete as much as it can
and beep at you to let you know that you have typed a nonunique variable abbreviation.