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Manufacturers' and Rectifiers' Permits
Alcohol Beverage Laws
Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides information about Wisconsin alcohol beverage laws relating to manufacturers' and
rectifiers' permits. A manufacturer is a person that ferments, makes, or distills intoxicating liquor. A rectifier
is a person that purifies, refines, or mixes intoxicating liquor, or a person who places intoxicating liquor in
bottles or other containers. Complete definitions of these two terms are in secs. 125.02(10) and (16)
, Wis.
Stats. No person may operate as a manufacturer or rectifier unless they obtain a permit from the
Allowed Activities
A manufacturer's permit authorizes the following activities (see all authorized activities in sec. 125.52(1),
Wis. Stats.):
Manufacturing intoxicating liquor on the manufacturer's premises
Selling intoxicating liquor that was made on the manufacturer's premises to wholesalers
Selling intoxicating liquor, made on the manufacturer's premises, in bulk containers to permitted
Wisconsin wineries, manufacturers, or rectifiers to use for production purposes
Providing free taste samples (not exceeding 1.5 fl. oz. per person) of intoxicating liquor that was made
on the manufacturer's premises for consumption on the premises
Making retail sales of intoxicating liquor that was made on the manufacturer's premises for
consumption on or off the premises
Manufacturing wine without obtaining a winery permit
A rectifier's permit authorizes the following activities (see all authorized activities in sec. 125.52(1)
, Wis.
Rectifying intoxicating liquor on the rectifier's premises
Selling intoxicating liquor that was rectified on the rectifier's premises to wholesalers
Selling intoxicating liquor, rectified on the rectifier's premises, in bulk containers to permitted Wisconsin
wineries, manufacturers, or rectifiers to use for production purposes
Providing free taste samples (not exceeding 1.5 fl. oz. per person) of intoxicating liquor that was
rectified on the rectifier's premises for consumption on the premises
Making retail sales of intoxicating liquor that was rectified on the rectifier's premises for consumption on
or off the premises
Bottling wine without obtaining a winery permit
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The following regulations apply to manufacturers and rectifiers:
A manufacturer's or rectifier's permit cannot be issued to a foreign corporation or foreign limited liability
The holder of a manufacturer's or rectifier's permit cannot provide free taste samples of or sell
intoxicating liquor on the premises unless a licensed operator, or some other person with privilege of an
operator's license, is present on the premises and immediately supervising the sale or service (see
Fact Sheet 3104
Operators' Licenses)
A manufacturer or rectifier cannot hold a direct or indirect interest in any of the following:
"Class A", "Class B", or "Class C" liquor license
Wholesale permit
Find additional manufacturer's and rectifier's permit interest restrictions and exceptions in sec. 125.69(1)
Wis. Stats., and in sec. Tax 8.87, Wis. Adm. Code.
If you are unable to find an answer to your question about manufacturers' or rectifiers' permits on the
department's website, you may email, write, or call the department.
Visit our website:
Email: DORAlcoholTobaccoEnforc[email protected]
Write: Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Alcohol & Tobacco Enforcement
P.O. Box 8933
Madison, WI 53708-8933
Telephone: (608) 264-4573
Created August 16, 2022
Additional Restrictions
Interest Restrictions
Any Questions?
Applicable Laws and Rules
This document provides statements or interpretations of the following laws and regulations enacted as of
August 16, 2022: secs. 125.02, 125.52, 125.68, and 125.69, Wis. Stats., and sec. Tax 8.87, Wis. Adm.
Laws enacted and in effect after this date, new administrative rules, and court decisions may change the
interpretations in this document. Guidance issued prior to this date, that is contrary to the information in
this document is superseded by this document, according to sec. 73.16(2)(a), Wis. Stats.