May 2024
Position Statement
on Forestry
At Danske Bank, our purpose is to release the potential in
sustainable progress today and for generations to come. In the
forestry sector, this means assisting our customers’ transition
to more sustainable production and, where needed, setting
clear standards and expectations. In addition, we also want to
offer transparency about our efforts and approach.
For centuries, forests have played an important role in our
economies, offering materials, food, a hub for cultural heritage
and an engine for job creation, as well as rural and industrial
development. At the same time, forests are also rich in
biodiversity and create vital ecosystem services that human
freshwater provisioning, and pollination services. Furthermore,
to safeguard the ability of forests to provide multiple values.
change in the real economy through its ability to mobilise
sector has a responsibility to support the green transformation
and sustainability agenda. As a large Nordic bank, we want to
support the forestry sector in the contribution it can make in
this regard.
Firstly, we want to assist the sector in playing a role in climate
in biomass and soils, provide valuable raw materials capable
in long-lived products (e.g. timber and building materials).
Secondly, the sector is instrumental in maintaining and
improving the biodiversity underpinning valuable ecosystem
services, and we want to promote our customers in managing
impacts. Thirdly, the sector is responsible for ensuring that
forests can function as a resilient green infrastructure capable
of withstanding climate change. Increased risks of drought,
storms and pests create an increased need to improve the
capacity of forests to buffer ecological shocks. With this in
mind, the sector increasingly needs to factor in physical risks of
climate change when making long-term plans.
In addition, downstream pulp and paper operations could be
affected by upstream activities in regard to sustainability. We
also see that it faces its own set of emerging sustainability
challenges. For example, raw material sourcing, supply
are examples of material ESG risks. We want to assist our
customers in strengthening their management of these risks,
and we welcome dialogue around opportunities.
To support our customers and portfolio companies in
addressing these challenges, this position statement
establishes guidelines for comprehensive sustainability
practices and high standards. It is a key commitment for
Danske Bank to be a responsible and predictable partner for all
our stakeholders in the green transition. We welcome dialogue
and want to support customers and portfolio companies who
want to take initiatives to promote sustainable growth and
greater societal responsibility and explore meaningful ways to
further integrate sustainability into their operations.
It is a key commitment for Danske Bank to be a responsible and predictable partner in the green transition. The forestry
sector operates within a natural system that produces multiple economic, social and environmental values - and the sector
has a key role to play regarding climate action and biodiversity preservation. We see multiple points of entry towards
meaningful discussions on sustainability and want to support customers and companies who take initiative to promote
sustainable growth and greater societal responsibility. This position statement covers the forestry sector as well as the pulp
and paper sector, with the aim to establish guidelines for comprehensive sustainability practices.
1. Objective and purpose
Danske Bank’s position statement on forestry aims to create
transparency and predictability regarding our ambitions, efforts
and governance with regard to the sector and provide a view on
how we manage the related impacts, risks and opportunities.
The position statement establishes a shared framework
for a constructive and forward-looking dialogue with our
stakeholders on these topics.
2. Scope
This position statement applies to the Danske Bank Group
and all legal entities under its control.
We take a materiality-based approach, meaning that our
engagement focus will be on larger customers with high
impacts and that we take into consideration relevant risks
and opportunities for the customers. When we assess which
actions are relevant for individual customers, the size of the
customer, exposure towards the customer and geographical
scope of activities of the customer are taken into consideration.
The position statement is global in scope with no exceptions.
Danske Bank’s activities
The position statement applies to lending and investment
services offered by Danske Bank.
Customers and clients
The position statement covers existing as well as potential new
customers and clients of Danske Bank.
Industries and subsectors
This position statement applies to major components of
the forestry value chain. These components include forest
management as well as harvesting and planning. In addition,
the position statement applies to downstream segments,
including pulp and paper companies.
Projects and companies
companies as well as for investment services.
3. Denitions
 
intermediation, trading and activities related thereto
 
as well as life insurance and pension products offered by
Danica Pension
 
provides to society, for example timber, food, clean water,
regulating disease and climate, pollination of crops and
soil formation. These services are typically divided into
provision services, regulating services, cultural services and
supporting services
 
essential to the function of ecosystems and the delivery of
 
heat and electricity production, industrial processes and
biofuel for transportation
 
use of forests and forest lands in a way, and at a rate, that
maintains their biodiversity, productivity, regeneration
future, relevant ecological, economic and social functions,
at local, national, and global levels, and that does not cause
damage to other ecosystems
 
related impact due to climate change
 
impact due to dependencies and impacts on nature
 
and economic shifts toward a low-carbon and more
sustainable future
 
impacts of climate change and changes in nature
4. Rules and standards of the position
For the purposes of this position statement, Danske Bank
separates governance of forestry into expectations and
recommendations. These are covered below respectively.
In general, Danske Bank expects customers it lends to, as well
as portfolio companies it invests in, to operate in accordance
with relevant international norms, regional and national laws,
regulations and permits. We expect the companies we do
business with to systematically manage material sustainability
risks and impacts and to provide transparency on their
Position Statement on Forestry
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations; Ecosystem Services & Biodiversity (ESB) | Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (fao.org)
EU Definition on sustainable forestry adopted in 1993 at the pan-European Ministerial Conference on the Protection of
Forests in Europe (MCPFE). Sustainable forest management (europa.eu) Similar definitions exist in North and South America
companies adhere to the following guidelines, where relevant
and subject to size of company and exposure.
Prevent negative impacts on High Conservation Value
(HCV) areas (lands with high environmental and/or social
value) within their business operations and the areas they
Prevent negative impacts on High Carbon Stock (HCS)
areas (lands rich in stored carbon) within their business
operations and the forests they manage
Prevent negative impact on protected areas, including
UNESCO World Heritage Site, Wetlands covered by
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
 
practices and integrate into governance and strategy (in the
form of relevant policies, objectives and targets) with an
intent to protect and enhance ecosystem services provided
by forestlands and disclose on progress
 
forests and timber plantations according to e.g. the Forest
Stewardship Council (FSC) or Program for Endorsement
Association (CSA), Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)
For large enterprises in supply chains of timber traders
and companies in the wood product chain (including pulp,
in accordance with the FSC or PEFC chain of custody
 
the pollution of soil, water and air by making use of the best
Respect customary land tenure and usage rights of
indigenous peoples by applying free, prior and informed
consent (FPIC) principles; conduct community consultation
early in project life cycles, and respect the rights of local
Have commitments and management processes to
address health and safety risks
Include clauses on the compliance with environmental,
social and governance criteria in their contracts with
from areas with weak enforcement of environmental and
labour laws
 
sustainability report that is preferably set up in accordance
with a widely recognised and global framework such as the
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Integrate environmental, social and governance criteria in
procurement and operational policies
Prevent the use of illegally cut and traded timber throughout
the wood supply chain
As relevant, we also recommend the following to companies
in the forestry sector:
For large companies with large impacts on forests across
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Forests programme, or
similar initiative
Consider the use of a ‘green’ forest management plan, or
similar scheme, to address critical ESG considerations
relevant due to size of operation
 
towards understanding, identifying and assessing ESG risks
in the form of relevant policies, objectives or targets) and
 
Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (RSB) unless otherwise
 
with the Task-force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
(TCFD) recommendations to help frame and structure
ongoing dialogue about transition risks and physical risks of
climate change
 
and nature risks and impacts, adopt policies and
management processes to manage biodiversity impacts
Prevent the introduction of invasive alien species in natural
Apply responsible usage of fertilisers and pesticides and
seek alternatives to pesticides, herbicides, and fertilisers in
forestry management
5. Supporting standards and principles
In general, Danske Bank supports the following set of
international agreements, principles, standards and concepts
UN Global Compact
UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The ILO Declaration of Fundamental Principles of Rights at
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
High conservation value forests (HCVF), including those
depended on by indigenous peoples
The UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the related
Bonn Guidelines or Nagoya Protocol
International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC); Programme for
Sustainable Biofuels (RSB)
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
For the listed companies that Danske Bank invests in, a
screening is performed in collaboration with research partners
to make sure that the companies act in line with the following
UNESCO World Heritage List
Ramsar Convention
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Minimum Age Convention
Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) as covered in ILO
Convention 16920 and the UN Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples
Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
The Kyoto Protocol
6. Implementation, monitoring and disclosure
Implementing expectations and recommendations
This position statement is implemented by integrating it into
Danske Bank’s governing information, including policies
instructions and business processes - and subject to annual
review. Expectations call out particular risk considerations and
recommendations signal understanding of best practices and
will be monitored.
Should this position statement be breached, there are several
escalation paths in Danske Bank’s governance structure where
potential breaches could be addressed. On a Group level,
The Business Integrity Committee (BIC)
The Sustainable Finance Council (SFC)
In addition to Group-level escalation paths, there are also
separate business unit committees tasked with the oversight of
the implementation of this position statement.
Monitoring adherence to endorsed standards and principles
In order to monitor that Danske Bank’s business is conducted
with respect to the international standards that we endorse,
investments separately.
endorses, are integrated in the credit process. All credit cases
are reviewed for potential breaches, and cases with concerns
are escalated for further review by ESG experts and the bank’s
second-line credit teams. Monitoring is carried out by an
independent unit in Group Risk Management.
GuidingPrinciplesBusinessHR_EN.pdf (ohchr.org)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United Nations
ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (DECLARATION)
High Conservation Values | Forest Stewardship Council (fsc.org)
Home | Convention on Biological Diversity (cbd.int)
International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN
Home Page | Forest Stewardship Council (fsc.org); PEFC - Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification; Home |
Sustainable Development and Biomaterials | RSB
For investing, Danske Bank takes a risk-based approach that is
Screening and ESG Risk Analysis
Dialogue and Engagement
In the Screening and ESG Risk Analysis phase, we screen
companies to identify sustainability risks related to portfolio
holdings with reference to current regulations, industry best
practice, international norms and voluntary frameworks for
corporate responsibility.
In the Dialogue and Engagement phase, we address
potential breaches through dialogue, voting or participation in
nomination committees when relevant.