How to Fill out China Visa Application Form V2013
The application needs to be typed in all capital letters.
Section One:
1.1 Please fill in your name exactly as in your passport and separate your
last name, middle name and first name.
1.2 Please fill in your Chinese name, if you were born in China, Hong Kong,
Macau or Taiwan. None is OK for most people. However it must be
provided, if your birth place is China, Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan.
1.3 Please fill in your other name such as maiden, religious, professional,
aliases names if applicable. None is OK for most people.
1.4 Please select your gender.
1.5 Please fill in the your date of birth. Format is: yyyy-mm-dd. For
example: 1974-03-10.
1.6 Please fill in your current nationality as in your passport such as USA.
1.7 Please fill in your former nationality if applicable. None is OK for
most people.
1.8 Please fill in the your birth place including city, province/state and
1.9 Please fill in your driver's license number or student ID number. None
is OK. Do not use social security number.
1.10 Please select the type of your passport with which you are applying
for the visa. Most People should check "Ordinary". Note: if you use other
than ordinary passport such as official passport, please call us first.
1.11 Please fill in the your passport number with which you are applying
for the visa.
1.12 Please fill in the date of issue of your passport.
1.13 Please fill the place of issue of your passport. Note: that is what under
"Authority" in your passport. You may also simply put down " USA". If your
passport was issued overseas, you need to indicate the country where it
was issued. For example: US Embassy, Germany.
1.14 Please fill in the expiration date of your passport.
1.15 Please select your current occupation(s). If your occupation(s) are not
listed above, please check Other and specify the details. If you are self-
employed, please specify the nature of your business next to Other section.
If you are a photographer, writer, government official, parliament member,
military personnel, religious personnel, staff of media or entertainer,
please call us first.
1.16 Please select your highest education level you have received.
1.17 Please fill in your employer or school information in the US. Try not to
use abbreviations, unless your company is well known such as IBM. We
suggest you to spell out the employer name. If you are currently
unemployed, please provide your previous US employer or school
information and mark it as previous. If you are self-employed, please state
the nature of your business after business name. If you are retired, please
type in "None (Retired)" in employer name. If you are housewife, please
type in "None (Housewife)" in employer name. For infant, please type in
"None (infant)".
1.18 - 1.20 Please fill in your home street address and contact phone in the
US. Do not use address outside of the US. PO Boxes are not acceptable
1.21 Please fill in your contact email address.
1.22 Please select your marital status.
1.23 Please fill in the details of your major family members including your
spouse, parents and children. This section should not be blank. If you
are married, spouse information is mandatory. If you are not married,
parents passed away and have no child, please state so in this section.
Uncles, aunts, friends are not considered as major family member for visa
1.24 Please fill in name, phone and relationship of contact person in case of
1.25 Type USA here
Section 2:
2.1 Please select the purposes of your visit(s) to China. If your purpose(s)
to China are not listed above, please check other and specify the details.
2.2 Please select the number of entries you intended to make with this
visa. There are options such as 1 entry, 2 entries, multiple entry within 6
months or 12 months etc. Some visa type such as Z, X1, S1, Q1 are only
issued with single entry, F visa is usually be given as single or double entry,
while L, M, S2, Q2 are likely to be granted for multiple entry. Multiple entry
visas are usually not given to Non-US passport holders. For 10 year visas
check other and type 10 years.
2.3 Please check one service level. Rush service is rarely granted. A travel
itinerary showing immediate travel to china must be provided in order for
the consulate to grant rush service
2.4 The date of your first entry into China.
2.5 Please fill in the longest possible days you intend to stay in China.
Please note duration of stay granted is decided by Chinese Consulate.
Duration of Stay allowed is normally 30 - 60 days.
2.6 Please provide dates and corresponding addresses to stay while you
are in China. Complete with city and address, not just hotel name.
2.7 Please answer who will pay for your visit(s) to China such as yourself,
employer, inviter or etc. ( Most common answer is Myself”)
2.8 Please fill in the details about your inviter in China. The information
provided here should match your invitation. If you are going for tourism
and there is no inviter, please type "None".
2.9 If you have obtained China visa before, please specify date, place of the
last visa obtained. Otherwise, please type "No".
3.0 If you have visited other countries or territories in the past 12 months,
please provide name of countries or territories visited. Otherwise, please
type "No".
Section 3
3.1 If you have ever overstayed your visa of residence permit in China,
please select YES. Otherwise, please select No.
3.2 If you have ever been refused a visa for China or been refused entry
into China, please select YES. Otherwise, please select No.
3.3 If you have any criminal record in China or other country, please select
YES. Otherwise, please select No.
3.4 If you are suffering from any of the diseases specified, please select
YES. Otherwise, please select No.
3.5 If you have visited any country or territories affected by infectious
diseases in the last 30 days, please select YES. Otherwise, please check
3.6 If you select YES to any questions from 3.1 to 3.5, please give details
and submit relevant official documentation, e.g. punishment decision on
overstay in China issued by Chinese public security bureau, final court
judgment with details on the crime, diagnosis certificate issued by a
hospital, doctor's advice on long distance travel, etc. Note: If your answer
is "YES" to any question from 3.1 to 3.5, your chances of getting the
China visa is significantly decreased.
3.7 If you have more information relevant to your application to declare ,
please specify the details. Or simply type "NONE"
3.8 This question is not appropriate for US passport holder or most US
residents, please type "None"
Section 4
Please note that all applicants should sign the application form even if the
form is completed by another person. For minor applications, parent or
guardian should complete and sign in both section 4 and section 5.
Section 5
If the application form was prepared by someone other than the applicant
such as parent for child, the preparer should complete and sign this